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Rachel Carson: "Man's war against nature is inevitably a war against himself."

pic Thomas Jefferson: "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history. Whether man shall be allowed to govern himself of be ruled by a small elite."

Gen Knoxx added a new photo.  Thomas Jefferson: "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history.  Whether man shall be allowed to govern himself of be ruled by a small elite."

vid Inequality for All - Robert Reich

pic Dr. Jonas Salk chose to no patent his 1955 polio vaccine, making it more affordable for the million of people who needed it. As a result, he missed out on earning an estimated $7 billion.

pic TRUE Friends 'SHARE' your most powerful posts. Fake Friends 'LIKE' them. Life-service vs Lip-service.

TRUE Friends 'SHARE' your most
powerful posts.
Fake Friends 'LIKE' them.

Life-service vs

Admiral Samuel Locklear, commander of Pacific forces, warns that climate change is top threat -...

vid Ethan, a 6-year-old with autism, plays Piano Man by, Billy Joel!

Joshua JG Greenwalt shared Most Amazing and Funniest Videos's video: Ethan, a 6-year-old with autism, plays Piano Man by, Billy Joel!
Ethan, a 6-year-old with autism, plays Piano Man by, Billy Joel!
Ethan, a 6-year-old with autism, plays Piano Man by, Billy Joel!

Please Share
Length: 4:54

7 yr. old girl human-shield's mom, shot 6 times, saves mom. Link

Such bravery from someone so young.

Read the full story here

MAYBE GOD'S GOT A PRAYER! Pope Francis: Catholic Church must focus beyond "small-minded rules"

Maybe God's got a Prayer!

BOMB IRAN FOR TELLING THE TRUTH: Iran president blames Israel for 'instability,' calls for peace

***** WOW: Francis seeks less focus on abortion, gays, contraception. USAToday

Pope seeks less focus on abortion, gays, contraception

STOP THE NAZI GENOCIDE: Negotiator urges halt of Israel's 'Judaization' of Jerusalem.

Negotiator urges halt of Israel's 'Judaization' of Jerusalem

Cancer Update: The Races are On

Tomorrow they attempt stage two of increasing my chances of surviving for more than two more years, to 45%.

The cancer is spreading - a 3rd tumor now, on the border, or invading, the 'healthy' liver half.

Tomorrow begins the 2nd line of attack; two mos. chemo having been the first. If I don't bleed to death, by tomorrow night, they will have successfully attacked the artery feeding the cancerous half of my liver (tho, tumor #3 is bordering, at least, invading, at worse, the healthy liver half  :-(    ).

Tomorrow's procedure sets up a game of chicken - my cancerous liver half is raced toward dying by starvation of blood supply while simultaneously forcing growth, hopefully, of the healthier half; and the tumors will continue trying to grow and spread before the healthier half is large enough to support me without totally failing if and when the more cancerous half is removed.

When to operate and remove the cancerous liver half?  If they do it too soon, the healthier half will not have grown enough and I die of organ failure.  If they do it too late, the cancer has spread, and the end game clock starts ticking unstoppably.  3-6 weeks is all I've heard so far. 

Chemo is terminated, for now, because surgery cannot take place until chemo is suspended at least 3 weeks, and it is not clear to me the continued expense justifies the marginal increase in my survival time, and the nerve damage in my extremities, well, if it goes to far, and chemo brain becomes permanent, what is the point of surviving?

Tomorrow I go in at 7am.  My Intervention Radiologist, nice guy, grad of Georgetown and Stanford.  He reserved the 'best' theater for this, but if higher priority surgery emergency comes up, we'll be delayed some hours.  After the procedure they watch me for 6 hours, for internal bleeding.

Then, 3-6 weeks back as an Inmate, leaving my Human Rights at the door, in the dreary, dreary, filthy, massive Homeless Shelter Infirmary, where, at least, so far, I'm permitted to work online, without being evicted.  :-(

Interesting.  Let the games begin.  :-)

Ahead of IPCC Climate Report, Skeptic Groups Launch Global Anti-Science Campaign.

Deniers Launch Hilariously Fact-Free Anti - IPCC PR Blitz

Colorado 1000 year flooding: Yes, it's climate change. Salon

Colorado flooding: Yes, it's climate change

Israel's History of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use. Sabbah Report

Israel's History of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use

Sabbah Report

HEY LEFTIES, SLANDER OBAMA, ANYWAY! Syria groundwork began months ago. Washington Post

Syria groundwork began months ago

IRAN TELLING TRUTH. BOMB THEM! Exclusive: Iran president blames Israel for 'instability,' calls for peace.


nd "Living is easy, when you're half alive." L. Bernstein

nd "Living is easy, when you're half alive." L. Bernstein

Marliese Roth: Here is a little snippet for you: it is said that as a child Maria Montessori experienced a bout of a serious illness, and at the time, comforted her worried mother, saying, "Don't worry, mama, I won't die now. I have too many important things to do in the world."

Marliese Roth:  Here is a little snippet for you: it is said that as a child Maria Montessori experienced a bout of a serious illness, and at the time, comforted her worried mother, saying, "Don't worry, mama, I won't die now. I have too many important things to do in the world."

'Creator be with you.' I always marvel when that is said. The Creator is ALWAYS with us. The question is, ARE WE WITH THE CREATOR?!?!? Uh, 'NO,' is near always the answer.

'Creator be with you.' I always marvel
when that is said.  The Creator is
ALWAYS with us. The
question is, ARE
Uh, 'NO,' is near
always the answer.

pic The near unbearable pain and sorrow in my world, my life, are the Mother and Father of everything I value in myself; of EVERYTHING worthy I have to offer. [Unless you pick up your Cross, you cannot Live.]

The near unbearable
pain and sorrow in my
world, my life, are the
Mother and Father of
everything I value in
myself; of
I have to offer.

pic Plato: "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses."

John Pope shared Truth Theory's photo.

‘Israel should be forced to destroy WMD.’

‘Israel should be forced to destroy WMD’
Syria calls on the international community to put pressure on Israel to destroy its WMD.

From a childhood sweetheart, and impossibly bright Star: "[I think your dad] might even have gleaned that you make [the choices you do] on behalf of the rest of us who can't go the distance."

From a childhood sweetheart, and impossibly bright Star: "[I think your dad] might even have gleaned that you make [the choices you do] on behalf of the rest of us who can't go the distance."

***** 4 min. It we're going to avert ecocide, this is the most likely way - waging solar. They can't stop it, if we wage it. Look at the 2nd vid, here -

Start Loving's photo. It we're going to avert ecocide, this is the most likely way - waging solar. They can't stop it, if we wage it. Look at the 2nd vid, here -

***** Unviolent Warfare is: I'm going to change you with my Loving, and Willingness to Suffer for it; and not letting you change me with your Hate, Violence, or Brutality

Unviolent Warfare is:
I'm going to change
you with my Loving,
and Willingness to
Suffer for it; and not
letting you change
me with your Hate,
Violence, or Brutality

***** The Left is EXACTLY what they Hate on the Right. They think this is about sides, one side beating the other. Revolution is seeing THERE ARE NO SIDES - THERE'S ONLY US - UNIVERSAL FAMILY.

The Left is EXACTLY what they Hate
on the Right.  They think this is
about sides, one side beating
the other. Revolution is
seeing THERE ARE

Oh God. Oh God. Driving Palestinians to Israeli Hospitals a Path to Peace. The Epoch Times

Driving Palestinians to Israeli Hospitals a Path to Peace

The Epoch Times