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nd My life has been filled with wayyyyyy too much pain, wayyyyyy too little Loving, and wayyyyy more than my share of Joy and Loving for this sickest of all cultures. I'd not trade my life for that of anyone in history. But if I were to be reborn, I want to be reborn in America 100 years before Columbus landed.

nd My life has been filled with wayyyyyy too much pain, wayyyyyy too little Loving, and wayyyyy more than my share of Joy and Loving for this sickest of all cultures.  I'd not trade my life for that of anyone in history.  But if I were to be reborn, I want to be reborn in America 100 years before Columbus landed.

***** vid Beyond Heartbreaking - Ecocide: Who Killed The Honey Bee? (BBC Documentary)

The Overwhelming Excuse on the Left for Cowardly Inaction to Stop Ecocide: Oh, I have to convince the Denialists on the Right, first. [Whew! Otherwise I'd have to Stand, Risk, Pay the Price!]

The Overwhelming Excuse on the Left for Cowardly Inaction to Stop Ecocide: Oh, I have to convince the Denialists on the Right, first. [Whew! Otherwise I'd have to Stand, Risk, Pay the Price!]

Very distrubing: Cancer the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary

"There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, Say nothing, Be nothing." Aristotle

vid Maddow: Reaganomics does NOT TRICKLE. It DROWNS IN DEBT

Rachel Maddow looks back at the consequences of Ronald Reagan's trickle-down voodoo economic policy that left the rich richer, the poor poorer and the national debt exploded.

documentary Back To Eden - Sustainablity

Back To Eden OFFICIAL FILM from Dana & Sarah Films on Vimeo.

BACK TO EDEN shares the story of one man’s lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden. The organic growing system that has resulted from Paul Gautschi’s incredible experiences has garnered the interest of visitors from around the world. However, never until now have Paul’s methods been documented and shared like this!

Watch The Film Here:


Man apparently seeking help killed by police. CNN


How do you spell Apartheid? Israeli officials Forcing Israeli textbooks in East Jerusalem's Palestinians ... Washington Post

How do you spell Apartheid? Israeli officials Forcing Israeli textbooks in East Jerusalem's Palestinians ...

Washington Post

Guardian: Oslo peace accords were wrecked by Netanyahu's bad faith. The Guardian

Oslo peace accords were wrecked by Netanyahu's bad faith

Israel starving off Palestine's economy. Arab News

Israel starving off Palestine's economy

Arab News 

pic They don't exist. They just don't exist, today. We're the first group born and raised in The Matrix, and we'll destroy everything, rather than leave it.

They don't exist. They just don't exist, today. We're the first group born and raised in The Matrix, and we'll destroy everything, rather than leave it.


TIME: Birmingham Mayor: The movement and its martyrs changed everything. "Their sacrifice made my life possible, made my being the mayor of Birmingham possible," Bell says. Out of terror came hope. Read more:,9171,2151804,00.html#ixzz2exPljt3G

The movement and its martyrs changed everything. "Their sacrifice made my life possible, made my being the mayor of Birmingham possible," Bell says. Out of terror came hope.

PIpeline baby Pipeline! Colorado floods: More than 500 still unaccounted for as 'devastating' rain looms. CNN

Colorado floods: More than 500 still unaccounted for as 'devastating' rain looms

CNN International - ‎6 hours ago‎
Death Toll in Colorado Flood Increases
Sunday, September 15 2013 06:22 AM

pic Why can't I figure this out? Denial of facts on the Right, I get. They aren't thinkiers. But denial of Duty to Act on the Left? They are Thinkers. How...?!?!?!

pic Just so you know, if you ever want to instantly destroy our relationship, just disrespect, dismiss, anything I say, just once. I've ZERO time for cut communication lines. ZERO. :-)


'George Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook waiting to happen', says police chief

EXCEPTIONAL US: Fighting dogs now being trained to love

Truly Frightening: Young Israeli Jews want an attack on Syria, but older ones say Obama missed his chance

ABSURD HEADLINE: In Russia, politics and nationalist pride are basis of Putin’s anti-American turn. In Russia, politics and nationalist pride are basis of Putin’s anti-American turn. WashPo.

I really HATE deceit and denial (article below). I am NO fan of Putin. YES, WE ARE EXCEPTIONAL! Largest Genocide in human history (50-100M savages); only country to use nucs, twice, exterminating 2 cities AFTER Japan wanted to surrender; only country to have napalmed Vietnam; only country killing 500,000 folks in Iraq for their oil; only country mutilating their children, FOREVER, in Iraq, with our Depleted Uranium weapons; only country defying THE REST OF THE WORLD TO BRING ISRAEL IN LINE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAW AND STOP THEIR GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS; only country using 20x more global warming petrol than the rest of the world combined; only country consuming 10-40 times more than our per capita share of the world's resources; only country spending more than the rest of the world combined on Military; only country among the developed to give such a low % of GDP in international aid.... Oh, the list is LONG OF OUR EXCEPTIONALISM. Yes, so WHAT IS PUTIN TALKING ABOUT???

In Russia, politics and nationalist pride are basis of Putin’s anti-American turn

Cancer Update: Houston, we've got a problem. Mediport totally blocked internally. I'm getting tired of being sick. Whine.

Cancer update (1 of 2): the Mediport totally blocked.  Major leakage for 6 hours.  Infusion stopped with 42 CC's to go.

Even on the bus back from the hospital I'm not sure the port felt right after the pump was attached.  I'm surely not saying anyone did anything incorrectly. Not at all.  It just felt uncomfortable from the start. I think.  Chemo-brain.  :-(

The pump was attached by 5:30 PM Thursday.

At about noon on Friday the pump started beeping.  I checked the tubing, found nothing problematic, but the beeping stopped.  Within the hour there were two similar incidents.  Once it seemed to stop when I stretched my arm back, and I wondered if there was a problem in the port.  I called Medstar, and was given another number to call, but in the meantime the beepings stopped, so I did not bother.

At about 3:00 AM I awoke to find that my pelvic area was wet.  The fluid had no odor, and the consistency AM, much wetter now, that I saw it was the pump leaking at the flat plastic filter.

I called Georgetown Hosp and Medstar.  By 2:00 PM the replacement plastic tubing had arrived from the pharmacy, and the Medstar home infusion nurse arrived.

The nurse replaced the tubing, and attempted to flush my port.  The saline solutions syringe for the flushing is quite large, the male nurse quite strong, and no matter how hard he pushed no fluid would go in.

Twice he replaced the needle going into the port.  Ouch.  OUCH.  By the second time he was able to push some fluid in but unable to draw any blood back out.  He, and everyone in this is performed very well in my view.

But I told him that unless so ordered by Georgetown Medical I thought we should not try again.  He called the Georgetown Dr. on call who concurred.

So, of the 46 hour infusion, it seems that no more than 34 hours' worth entered me.

I'm getting tired of being sick.  Whine.

I'm immensely grateful for, and impressed with, the performance of all the medical team that is helping me.

Thank you all so much.

nd Cancer Update: I thought I had a huge nocternal emission of WATER. Turns out, my chemo pump was leaking much of the night. Argh.

nd Cancer Update: I thought I had a huge nocternal emission of WATER.  Turns out, my chemo pump was leaking much of the night.  Argh. 

nd Reminder to the Left: It's not your opinion that can give a future to our kids. Standing, Unviolently Fighting, is all that can do that.

pic The only accountability among citizens on the left is to hold Pr. Obama accoutable for everything they should be holding themselves accountable for.