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01.30.13 Cancer Update

[Note: at great peril to my 'stuff' for the vigil, I am away in a library writing this note, leaving it unattended at a time of heightened police, city concern with another homeless guy in the area who made a nasty scene yesterday.  So more than usual, please try to bear with the limitations of my writing, unreading of emails, etc.  Hopefully by Friday or Monday I'll have a replacement power brick for my laptop and be more regular in my communication. ARGH.  Also, spell check is not working on this machine.]

To those who might feel hurt, wounded by the video below:

*  If you are reading this you may be among those that have done great kindnesses for me and my work.  Nothing in this video discounts any such kindnesses even .00000000001%.

*  It deeply astounds me that I don't understand the following, but I don't.  But I DO know it exists, and that at least among one, who has been extraordinarily kind to me over the last 8 months, that it usually the source of major unintended distress, hurt, pain as a result of me.

Objectively, I think it is true, that more than anyone you know, or have ever known, that I appreciate, am grateful for, and passionately acknowledge each and every kindness by anyone, to anyone, in my field of view.  I Live for Kindnesses, to spawn them, increase them, give them.  It is Life, in my view - Giving Life - and not a nicety, but Life itself.  It is entirely what I am about - my Purpose - my reason for being.  When I do so, it is quite rare that anyone takes offense, criticizes me, objects, takes exception.  And if they seem to take anything I say in this vein personally - I pretty religiously hasten to be clear - I am not complementing you.  I am simply making an honest observation.  None of us are to take credit for those positive things we may do, or the negative.  We are all products of Creation, doing the best we know,' or something to that effect, because I understand this to be True, at my core.

What astounds me, and I feel like a fool for saying it, what astounds me is that when I make observations, also with passion, that one, or others, take as not positive, or rather, negative, they feel unreceptive!  That maybe I shouldn't have said it, that I'm being 'judgemental,' unfair, mean, destructive....  Oh, I can cite chapter and verse the common 'wisdom' against saying that which can be construed as negative.  But it still mystifies me how folks react.  My oncologist told me I had cancer.  I didn't take it personally.  Now, she did NOT say it with great passion to me; though, if she really cared about me, and felt I was not 'hearing' what she was saying, there could have come a time when she might do so!  Some of the most intellectually advanced folks I've encountered in the life I lead of advocacy, totally react in the way I've described, ending what had seemed like life-giving-to-society relationships with "Obviously you didn't mean the positive things you were saying;' or 'I can't understand how you can be so positive one moment, and negative the next.' Huh?  I don't get it.

* If anything I am appallingly thorough in my regular communication, taking enormous care to know what I mean, and state it clearly.  Including changes.  So, if in one communication I say something positive, and in another something negative, IF THEY CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT, I'M GOING TO POINT THAT OUT, AND BE CLEAR ABOUT IT.  I'm never lax in such crucial things.  And to the distress of the few that haven't yet tuned me out, on issues I feel are crucial to humanity, most of which don't relate to my person, but some that are, such as the vid below, I share my mind, as clearly as I am able.

*  The video IS, despite my other comments here to the contrary, in part (an unimportant part; I'm a big boy, I'll survive) an honest outcry of personal pain.  Process wise, when someone who generally does not, cries out in pain, thereby potentially empowering others to help, it is VERY Dangerous, and NOT an act of kindness, or Friendship, Caring, to react in a way that punishes, or warns against, or discourages future acts being so personally honest. 

*  If of the few that have been kind to me, that have not yet tuned me out, of those, if some or all end things now, over the following video, I'm ok with that.  Will it be agony for me?  Yes.  Will it hurt or cripple my work?  Probably, to a degree.  But what I share in this vid below, yes, what I express seems personal to me.  But it isn't.  It is an immediate example of why we are not averting Ecocide.  I don't matter.  Averting Ecocide, does. 

Keeping in mind that of course I could be wrong in everything I've expressed here, and in  the video, tho I'm not -
The reason we are not averting Ecocide for our kids and the next 200 billion kids, is NOT that we are without Hearts!  It IS because we have set boundaries that WE TOTALLY DEEM 'REASONABLE' BOUNDARIES AROUND THOSE HEARTS!  We convince ourselves, for all but those very few that are most dear to us, are most "Family,' to us, that it is it OK that we not treat others the same.  That 'inconvieniences' that we would RUSH to suffer for our very dearest ones, it is OK to not do so for others!  And who to say this is 'wrong,' or more to the point, DEADLY, ECOCIDAL??? Well, Jesus, for one.  "Love the stranger, the foreigner, the Enemy - AS YOUR SELF."  Does that make it correct, that Jesus said so!?!?!?  No.  But my Heart says it is, and in the quietest of moments, yours probably does too; at least, that is my guess.  And, if it does not - don't walk, RUN from any engagement with me!  It can only lead to pain for you.  My oncologist is willing to offer me pain, sickness, discomfort, maybe agony even, but not as the end point, but as the gateway to Life!  Me too.

If you have NOT viewed the following video, I highly recommend it to those who care more about where humanity is headed, than their own lives.  To those who have seen it, or who are more squeamish, you may wish to skip to the final text below it.

vlog Relief! Death by Cancer it is! DEPRESSION GONE! AMEN!

01.30.13 Cancer Update:  In the video above I mentioned that there was one last option I could see as maybe offering a prayer of 'housing' that would satisfy the hospitals liability requirements and, through massive contortions of my work needs, suffice to meet enough of my 200 billion kids needs, to allow the chemo to proceed.  Well, barring what could be two show stoppers, but probably will be surmounted (Internet access, PHYSICALLY, my signal not reaching this room;  and the prohibition of 2-3 'mental health' days for me to go to the library each week when not in treatment or recovering therefrom), it looks like this is a 'go.'  To my credit, I explored it despite indications that it was a dead end - and, it may be a doorway, instead.  Howard U Hosp and my oncologist have kindly re-established forward momentum for me to receive the tests and treatment.  I will be firing off an email before returning to my stuff to A.  Ascertain the 2 points I just mentioned as possible show-stoppers; and B. as my oncologist to please, take the most aggressive possible course of treatment.  If  I'm going to drain the resources  away from our kids for this treatment, my time, and our money, I want to get this stuff, this cancer, NOW.

Sakihiwew.  Loving.


Cancer update. I may be getting chemo beginning Mid Feb. Batt low. More tomorrow or Fri.

A local homeless shelter infirmary may allow me to work on computer during the day, and a few days a week at the library.  My work could live with that.  I lost my computer power cord, argh, so offline till replacement comes by weeks end?

vlog Relief! Death by Cancer it is! DEPRESSION GONE! AMEN!

***** Have Lost my Laptop Power Supply - Will be off line Till a Replacement arrives.

***** Have Lost my Laptop Power Supply - Will be off line Till a Replacement arrives.

Not sure how or why, but can't find the power supply.  I'll probably have a replacement by week's end.  Hopefully.  Argh.


MLK Jr. "Lust says - What will happen to me if I help? Love says - What will happen to Her, if I don't?' Loving paraphrase of MLK Jr. "Drum Major Instinct," I think. With liberties taken.

MLK Jr. "Lust says - What will happen to me if I help?  Love says - What will happen to Her, if I don't?'  Loving paraphrase of MLK Jr. "Drum Major Instinct," I think. With liberties taken.

One of his last.  One of his greatest.  He was speaking of the parable of, and of the people within, the Good Samaritan.

AVERTING ECOCIDE blog 01.27.13 Tracking Plan B - WAR ROOM

Tracking Plan B - WAR ROOM 01.27.13

  •     San Francisco on track to become zero-waste city. pbs
  •     HUGE: V3Solar Spin Cell = 8 Cents/kWh (CleanTechnica Exclusive)
  •     33% Of All Global PV Shipments Ended Up In China In The 4th Quarter. CleanTechnica
  •     Due to Criminal US Apathy: China and Australia top list of 'carbon bomb' projects. Guardian
  •     Australian coal mining #2 Threat of Ecocide.
  •     How high could the tide go? NYT
  •     Ecocide: Former Met Office chief says 2°C climate target missed.
  •     vids - Clean Energy Revolution Is Critical, Do-Able, & Good For Jobs & The Economy
  •     Mountaintop Removal Mining Proves Hard to Stop. EP Magazine
  •     Smart Grid - $2 trillion or so in Efficiency Gains
  •     Obama advisers call for halt to Arctic oil exploration. Guardian
  •     China going Nuclear Power - Big. Economist
  •     Sandy, is the Future. SF Chronicle
  •     Soot, Carbon 1/3 of Warming's Cause [Diesel, Cooking Fuels]? Economist
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 03:28 PM PST
San Francisco on track to become zero-waste city. San Francisco is trying to become the first city with zero waste. By requiring residents and businesses to separate compostable items such as food scraps, as well as recyclable items, the city has already reduced a huge amount of garbage from ending up in landfills, NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels reports.
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 03:14 PM PST
HUGE: V3Solar Spin Cell = 8 Cents/kWh (CleanTechnica Exclusive) Posted: 24 Jan 2013 02:04 PM PST Quite frankly, if the company’s numbers are correct, this could be the biggest solar news of the decade, or even a greater timespan. (And CleanTechnica got the inside scoop — due to our sincere passion for helping the world, and probably also our status as the top cleantech or clean
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 02:52 PM PST
33% Of All Global PV Shipments Ended Up In China In The 4th Quarter Posted: 23 Jan 2013 07:00 AM PST According to new research from the NPD Solarbuzz Quarterly report, the Chinese end-market received 33% of global solar photovoltaic (PV) shipments in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 02:23 PM PST
China and Australia top list of 'carbon bomb' projects. China and Australia top a global list of planned oil, gas and coal projects that will act as "carbon bombs" and push the planet towards catastrophic climate change, a Greenpeace report warned on Tuesday. The Guardian
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 02:21 PM PST
Australian coal mining threatens CO2 target. The forecast expansion of Australian coal mining and exports would be the world's second-largest contributor of new carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels if fully realised, research by Greenpeace International has found. Melbourne Age
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 02:19 PM PST
How high could the tide go? The question of just how high the oceans might rise in a warmer world has taken on new urgency in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which caused coastal flooding that scientists say was almost certainly worsened by the modest rise of sea level over the past century. New York Times
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 01:56 PM PST
Former Met Office chief says 2°C climate target missedResponding to Climate ChangeA former head of the UK's Met Office has dismissed any possibility of the world limiting global warming to 2°C. Speaking at the GLOBE International summit ...
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 12:56 PM PST
Connie Hedegaard: Clean Energy Revolution Is Critical, Do-Able, & Good For Jobs & The Economy (VIDEOS) Posted: 20 Jan 2013 06:45 AM PST Connie Hedegaard, the European Commissioner for Climate Action in the European Commission since February 2010, gave a great keynote speech at the World Future Energy Summit (part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week) a few days ago. Below are two videos
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 12:45 PM PST
Mountaintop Removal Mining Proves Hard to StopEP MagazineMountaintop removal is a form of surface mining used extensively throughout Appalachia that uses explosives to remove the summits of mountains to expose coal seams. Excess rock and soil laden with toxic mining byproducts are often dumped into nearby ...See all stories on this topic »
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 12:39 PM PST
Is smart grid worth it? How does a $2 trillion efficiency benefit sound?Smart Grid NewsEvenly spread across the various grids? Or do the improvements help just ERCOT and PJM? $1 Trillion is a lot of savings, $2 Trillion is enough to buy more than a few StarBuck coffees -- it would really be interesting to here more and how the estimated ...See all stories on this topic »
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 07:07 AM PST
Obama advisers call for halt to oil exploration. The entire future of Shell's drilling plans in the Arctic was put in doubt on Friday after two of Barack Obama's most trusted advisers called for a permanent halt to oil exploration. The Guardian
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 07:03 AM PST
Nuclear power: Back on the front burner. China wants more nuclear plants than anyone else. Will it build them safely? There are now more nuclear projects underway in China than in any other country. The sheer number raises worries about safety. Economist
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 07:01 AM PST
Is rebuilding in hurricane zones wise? Sandy is the future. As carbon dioxide emissions blast past worst-case scenarios, rising sea levels and storm surges will reshape every U.S. coastline. But it is only beginning to dawn on Americans, half of whom live on the coasts, that their future is a battle against the sea.
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 06:59 AM PST
The new black. For years the institutions that focus on climate policy have played down the role of pollutants such as black carbon that stay in the atmosphere for a short time, and concentrated on carbon dioxide, which, once generated, tends to remain there. That may soon change. Economist

Pr. Obamacare: millions of uninsured people get a private plan. AP

Health insurance exchanges will transform market

The Associated Press - ‎1 hour ago‎
Health insurance exchanges will change the way people buy coverage and will help millions of uninsured people get a private plan. Nearly 49 million people are uninsured in the United States, but the numbers vary dramatically by state.

***** World Leading Economist Stern: 'I got it wrong on climate change – it's far, far worse' The Guardian

Nicholas Stern: 'I got it wrong on climate change – it's far, far worse'

The Guardian - ‎15 hours ago‎
Lord Stern, author of the government-commissioned review on climate change that became the reference work for politicians and green campaigners, now says he underestimated the risks, and should have been more "blunt" about the threat posed to the ...
World Economic Forum Feels Climate Change Pressure
Stern admits to underestimating climate change in 2006 review


nd 01.26.13 'If my choice turns out to be: A. Chemo and off-line for 6 months, or B. No chemo; B will be my choice, I'm quite sure. MY "Inconvenient Truth." The next 6 months will be more consequential than the next 6 years to averting Ecocide. I should know my choices by week's end.' Loving

nd 01.26.13

'If my choice turns out to be:

A. Chemo and off-line for 6 months, or
B. No chemo;

B will be my choice, I'm quite sure.
MY "Inconvenient Truth."

The next 6 months will be more consequential than
the next 6 years to averting Ecocide.

I should know my choices by week's end.'


Paraguayan Peasants Arrested Begin Hunger Strike Prensa Latina

 Paraguayan Peasants Arrested Begin Hunger Strike
Prensa Latina
25 de enero de 2013, 16:15Asuncion, Jan 25 (Prensa Latina) Ruben Villalba, leader of the Paraguayan peasants imprisoned for their alleged role in a confrontation in June that resulted in the deaths of 17 people, began here today a hunger strike to ...
See all stories on this topic »

Korean union leader on hunger strike. Workers' Liberty

Korean union leader on hunger strike
Workers' Liberty
The LabourStart website has launched a campaign to support Kim Jungam, the president of the Korean Government Employees' Union, who is on hunger strike outside government offices in Seoul. LabourStart write: The President of the Korean Government ...
See all stories on this topic »

You're doing what? 53 senators urge approval of Keystone XL pipeline. AP

53 senators urge approval of Keystone XL pipeline. More than half the Senate on Wednesday urged quick approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, ramping up pressure on President Barack Obama to move ahead with the project just days after he promised in his inaugural address to respond vigorously to the threat of climate change. Associated Press

Pr. Obama's covert plans for climate. Politico

Obama's covert plans for climate. President Barack Obama got green hearts fluttering when he devoted more time to climate change than any other single issue during his inaugural address. But don’t expect a climate crusade. It’s more like covert action. Politico

How Organizing for Action Plans to Keep Obama's Foot Soldiers Enlisted The Atlantic

How Organizing for Action Plans to Keep Obama's Foot Soldiers Enlisted
The Atlantic
So Organizing for Action wants to replicate those tactics now that they're done putting Barack Obama in office. "We will run ads" in districts where the data show Republicans out of step with constituents on gun control, Carson said. "We will be on ...
See all stories on this topic »

White House: Due to Citizen Inaction US will miss 2020 Climate Targets by 80%

Armenian presidential candidate starts hunger strike News.Az

Armenian presidential candidate starts hunger strike
Armenian presidential candidate, “Radio Hay” Company Manager Andreas Ghukasyan, started his announced hunger strike on Monday, that is, on the first day of the campaign season for the presidential election to be held on February 18. With this action ...
See all stories on this topic »

Quebec says 'no' to tar sands pipelines.

Quebec says 'no' to tar sands pipelines
The Trailbreaker would have reversed the east-to-west flow of the existing Line 9 pipeline that links Sarnia, Ontario's chemical valley, and Montreal in order to transport 240,000 barrels-per-day of Alberta tar sands oil to Montreal. The oil that wasn ...
See all stories on this topic »


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Tracking Plan B - WAR ROOM

  •     Coal exporters hit local opposition in the Northwest.
  •     Drought points up critical role of waterways. NYT
  •     Five US Coal Export Facilities to Asia Proposed.
  •     Lest you stop it, Global Warming may wipe out your Pension. Guardian
  •     2012 Grain Consumption Exceeded Production
  •     China Targeting 10 GW of New Solar Capacity In 2013. CleanTechnica
  •     Wind farm nimbyism means we just handed 13000 jobs to Ireland New Statesman
  •     Climate change endangers elephants. Planet Earth
  •     ***** World Bank President Kim On Climate Crisis: ‘If There Is No Action Soon, The Future Will Become Bleak’
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:30 PM PST
Whether by river or rail, coal exporters hit local opposition in the Northwest. Rainier town is one of a score of communities that lie between the Powder River Basin, home to 40 percent of U.S. coal reserves, and five proposed export terminals in Oregon and Washington. Kinder Morgan's Port Westward project would send 12 coal-packed trains per day through here.
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:28 PM PST
Drought points up critical role of waterways. If drought does emerge as a more prominent facet of life on the Mississippi and navigation is impeded, the effect on national and even global commerce will undoubtedly be felt. If the river got so low that navigation had to stop, grain exports and the other commodities could get a lot more expensive very quickly.
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:22 PM PST
Coal's 'lifeline to Asia' emerges as new front in global warming fight. Five proposed export terminals for U.S. coal offer a lifeline to an industry being squeezed by low natural gas prices and tougher environmental rules, a combination that has eaten into domestic demand. ClimateWire
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:20 PM PST
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:08 PM PST
2012 Grain Consumption Exceeded Production
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 03:55 PM PST
China Targeting 10 GW of New Solar Capacity In 2013 Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:12 PM PST We are two weeks into the new year and China continues its march towards clean energy dominance. The Asian giant is aiming to have up to 10 gigawatts (GW) of new solar capacity this year. According to PV Magazine, if successful, will more than double its total capacity currently at 7GW.
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 12:07 PM PST
Wind farm nimbyism means we just handed 13000 jobs to Ireland New Statesman - ‎5 hours ago‎ Yesterday the UK and Irish governments signed an agreement that could see British businesses and consumers funding wind farm developments in Ireland that will export electricity to the UK. Ireland to build 'giant' wind turbines to power UK homesBBC News Ireland and UK sign wind farm
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:41 AM PST
Planet Earth Climate change endangers elephants Planet Earth - ‎8 hours ago‎ Climate change endangers elephants. 25 January 2013, by Harriet Jarlett. By making new use of historical records, scientists have shown that climate change could have a greater impact on Myanmar's elephants' dwindling numbers than previously thought.
Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:32 AM PST
World Bank President Kim On Climate Crisis: ‘If There Is No Action Soon, The Future Will Become Bleak’

vid MSNBC: GOD DAMN TO HELL THE KEYSTONE XL ZEALOTS. WATCH STEVENS, IN "LINCOLN." Joe Romm, McKibben, NRDC, Ellis-Lamkins... YOU are the problem!

vid MSNBC: GOD DAMN TO HELL THE KEYSTONE XL ZEALOTS.  WATCH STEVENS, IN "LINCOLN."  Joe Romm, McKibben, NRDC, Ellis-Lamkins... YOU are the problem!

[Note: comment at bottom, left on Chris Hayes blog]


(Is Keystone deadly?  YES! Should WE CITIZENS fight it?  YES!!!  Is it Moby Dick, to Crucify Obama for?  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And Crucifixion is for millions of we citizens before it is Pr. Obama's turn.)

vid, for example of this criminal political mal-practice by the left.  My God.

But SANITY in this same vid interview, at the end, too:
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Comment to Chris -

Chris, watched your show segments. You are the greatest, man, so only you, and sometimes Rachel, could get me so depressed:  Allowing to stand, un-eviscerated, this insanity that Keystone is the Litmus for Pr. Obama?  Did no one see "Lincoln?"  Was nothing learned from the political necessities shown there - Lincoln, Stevens??? My God, the "Ahabs" for Keystone/Obama as Moby Dick are infinitely more dangerous than the more obviously insane on the right!  YOU, Chris, YOU have to be sharp on such things!  And hand in hand with that, Chris, yes, we the cowardly, stand for nothing, do nothing, blame everyone else left LOVE to harbor the illusion that Dr. King got us civil rights.  BUT YOU KNOW THE HISTORY!  He came on pretty much after it was a done deal - with the sweat, blood, lynchings... by CITIZEN ACTIVST ARMY.  Yet in your segment: 1. No mention, that I caught, of the most hopeful event in the last 20 year - Organizing for Action - by Obama - a Citizen Army!!!  THAT is what, if fully peopled, THAT is what can save posterity; 2. You allowed to stand assertion after gutless assertion that 'it is up to Obama!'  WHAT????  For how many months of success?  So, nothing else happens but Obama uses the EPA and Executive Action, in 2 years we lose the all important House again, cuz we've so inflamed the Right; in 2016 we lose the Presidency and Senate also, and whatever Prez O did gets wiped out! Clock runs out, game over! Pr. Obama can't be the only one thinking more than 2 weeks ahead, Chris!  3.  NOW, after the Inaugural, Pr. Obama is no longer in the cross-hairs of history; it is We the Citizens Chris.  It is WE that will go down in history as the most reviled in history, unless the few sane with a pulpet, in ADDITION to Pr. Obama - you, Rachel, Lawrence... SAVE US FROM OURSELVES, we Leftie-ion's!  Get the finger pointing the only, only, only... place there is a Hope - US, WE THE PEOPLE.  Loving

***** NYT 01.26.13: Withdraw Meaningful work, Drive Yourself, or others, Insane

My interest in this article, at this time, can easily be misunderstood
or misconstrued.   But maybe you will do neither.

NYT 01.26.13:  Withdraw Meaningful work, Drive Yourself, or others, Insane (some liberties taken with title)
Loving, here,

As I've noted for over a year now, in my assessment, the entire deadly sickness gripping near all cultures now, mostly US, almost done in dooming all creation, is the elimination of virtually all meaningful (necessary to the meaningful life of others) work, on Earth.  

This is our Religion, eliminating meaningful work (oh, please don't dismiss this notion easily.  Think!) under the names of 'convenience,' 'entertainment,' 'fun,' 'leisure,' 'ease....'  

Deadly.  DEATHLY.  ECOCIDAL.  INSANE, and the serious writing, theories, research... by Maslow, Csikszentmihaly, Alfred Adler, Viktor Frankl, Erik Erikson, Tolstoy, Jesus... is EXACTLY this. 

Meaningful work has been at the heart of Morality, and
Moral Teachings since well before Jesus, but "The Daily Bread" that Jesus CENTRALLY taught us to Pray for, is EXACTLY and ENTIRELY "Meaningful Work," and with
self-righteous, religious fervor we've been "replacing" it for
all sorts of "reasonable" reasons for 1000's of years, but with a now nearly terminal  vengeance, in my lifetime.   And until this my most recent decade I was an appostle of this false, Deadly religion of leisure, in the computing automation industry.  I didn't know; I couldn't pull it all together, but I have since.

***** WOW. vid BREATHTAKING: Guardian: Anonymous takes down US Sentencing Commission website

Anonymous takes down US Sentencing Commission website

Hackers take over gov't website to avenge Swartz

CBS News - ‎10 minutes ago‎
Last Updated 12:47 p.m. ET. WASHINGTON The hacker-activist group Anonymous says it hijacked the website of the U.S. Sentencing Commission to avenge the death of Aaron Swartz, an Internet activist who committed suicide.

To the kind souls likely willing to house me during Chemo.

Bless your hearts (reply to an email offering housing, this morning) - 
You five, in your households, I hear you, I suspect that
you'd all rather have me in housed, in this area and get the chemo,
than not.  
But that doesn't meet my threshold.  :-)  LOL.
Even in business, (and especially in my personal life),
my soul criteria, that to which I devoted
everything I was, was to DELIGHT!  And that will never change
for me.  If I could, at whatever
extreme personal cost, DELIGHT my clients, or those in 
my personal life, I'd pay that price,
and did, time after time, after time.  If I couldn't see how
to DELIGHT  in a certain circumstance, situation,
industry... I'd do them the service of getting out of the away, letting them
find other options; again, regardless of personal Price which I
Joyfully paid, and pay.

To the credit of you all, I know you'd have me.  But it is impossible
that doing so would be a Delight for you.  I'm not that guy, and my Life
isn't that Life, and I'd rather die than be a burden, downer,
bane to you all, or anyone....  My choice.  I know you all would chose
differently for me.

Loving u all

'I've spoken of my last 4 days Depression. MUCH to be Depressed about.' Loving

"If you seek to hold on to your life, you will Lose it.  If you Lose your life for the sake of Our Neediest Family, you will Gain your Life!"  Jesus.

Jesus, whatever else he was, was the only full Einstein Equivalent of psychology we've had.  The rest of mention, in that field - Alfred Adler and Viktor Frankl, Maslow, Csikszentmihalyi - were/are great, but Jesus was/is the Einstein of how our DNA given circuits work.  And the above quote is the relentlessly overlooked, buried, distorted, discounted... Truth of where Joy, Peace of Heart, Passion and Loving find - and I've been one of the lucky ones to Live that Truth near every breath of my last dozen year's worth.  Heaven.  The Universe, the Spirit, of Universal Loving.

But as I've shared, I went SLAM off the Path these recent days as my external world turned upside down just a little too much, and a little too fast, for me to catch before the, well, SLAM! *****01.25.13 My Personal Agony of late - I'm minding the Creator's Business, not my own. LOL.
I've pretty well regained my footing, which looks like it will be firmly in place within a few more days now.

Central to what I did that caused SLAM was looking outside my own efforts for gratification.  Yes, that is what we do in this culture, but it is not what I've learned to do in many ears now.  Oh, obviously I make it my business to know far more than most, and infinitely more than I did in my earlier decades, BUT I DON'T MAKE IT MY BUSINESS WHAT HAPPENS, just what I DO about it; cept for my footslip of recent days.  Argh!

Anyway, oh my God, how depressing.  Our 'today's Republicans, clinically, they are raving maniac savages, barbarians, sub-humans - my brothers and sisters all.
  • Arming to the teeth to defeat 'invading' US Soldiers?!?!?!??!  
  • Hating the most Christ-like among us, Pr. Obama, and yearning for his bloody death?  
  • Trashing 200 years of Democratic Precedent in the Senate?  
  • Insane with Horror and Rage over the most Loving, CENTRIST, AMERICA INCLUSIVE SPEECH by Pr. Obama Monday?  
  • Trying with all their might to RIG THE NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION by destroying hundreds of years of precedent on the Electoral College?  
OH MY GOD.  Remember how Mr. Coffey in "The Green Mile" asked not to avoid his execution?  'I'M TIRED.  ALL THIS EVIL IS LIKE GLASS CRUNCHING AROUND IN MY BRAIN.'

Well, had Mr. C been on the Path Jesus died to lead us to, he'd not have made that choice.  But he'd still have had the Agony, the broken glass crunching around in his brain, in his Heart, all the time, as do I, as should you; and if you did, it would propel you to levels of Passion, Life, Action, Loving... - that you'd be Ecstatic for; which is where you'll find me soon again, Creator willing.

BTW, Clinically, according to Abe Maslow, head of the American Psychological Association in the late 60's, to NOT be somewhat Depressed at such times of horror, is, well, Insane.

Also today: 01.26.13 Chemo again looking unlikely. Seems on Living arrangements I was way optimistic. My bad.

01.26.13 Chemo again looking unlikely. Seems on Living arrangements I was way optimistic. My bad.

01.26.13 Chemo again looking unlikely. Seems on Living arrangements I was way optimistic.  My bad.

So, you, YOU, learn you need chemo over 6 months.  You do nothing with your life, your days now, of any importance, so of course, you accept arrangements that will make you 100% unproductive in the world for those 6 months, right?  I didn't think so.  And if you like, you can take the picture further, you are in a life and death fight for your next 200 billion kids, and the next 6 months are the most crucial by a large order of magnitude for their future....

NO COMPLAINT!  NO REGRET.  I've made my choices beginning more that a decade ago, and for no amount of money would I change them, or change places with anyone on earth - as frankly, I see no one else, well, maybe Diane, Malala, maybe someone else too, with the level of Joy, Passion, Peace of Heart, Loving... that I have in every breath (cept for the last 4 days or so where I fell HARD off the Path.  Back on now, pretty much.)

But to my naive surprise, it is looking like chemo is not to be, for me.  Looks like the alternative for 'living' arrangements during the 6 month treatment, I was aware of, too, would require that I "rest" for 6 months - no Phone work for 6 months for Organizing for Action; noVigiling (to this I was resigned); no computer / internet work (? - might be tolerated, but would it be welcome?  Would my wifi work from there?)

I was foolishly imagining that on the 10 days out of every 14 that the cancer doc figures I'd be functional, that I could be at least working out of libraries, and maybe vigilling during the day.  Based on info I've just received, doesn't look like that is the case - once in the "infermary," welcome to be 'out,' only for treatments, and then back resting - a 'Death sentence,' Dead, for 6 months - the most pivotal 6 months to avert Ecocide.

I'm hoping to hear that the kind soul keeping my gear for me in DC will be able to meet me Monday afternoon to do a hand-off.  If so, or by Wed at the latest, hat will enable me to resume the Vigil in front of the Canadian Embassy immediately, and to do a little final ascertaining of the specifics of this "infirmary."  If I'm too pessimistic, I should know that by mid week, and would immediately attempt to re-establish the testing and treatment regimen that has been recommended for me.  Otherwise, I'll Joyfully devote what time I have left to the vigilling, on-line activism, and if and when they offer it, devoting every second I can to Organizing for Action; as YOU should, too.

'I've spoken of my last 4 days Depression.  MUCH to be Depressed about.'  Loving
***** NYT 01.26.13: Withdraw Meaningful work, Drive Yourself, or others, Insane

WashPo: Obama's daring liberal agenda is neither daring nor liberal. Discuss.

Obama's daring liberal agenda is neither daring nor liberal. Discuss.

Washington Post - ‎14 hours ago‎
If there was one word that was used most often to describe President Obama's second inaugural address Monday, it was “liberal.

New Pr. Obama Chief of Staff a Climate Hawk

McDonough on Climate Change

MIT Technology Review - ‎15 hours ago‎
President Obama says he intends to address climate change. Who he picks to fill key posts will show how serious he is. In picking Denis McDonough to serve as his new chief of staff, he's picked someone who clearly considers climate change a serious