From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


'nd' means No Detail. Don't bother clicking post title for detail.

nd 'Christlike: 'Health' as described in Adler's "Individual Psychology." ' Loving

nd 'Christlike: 'Health' as described in Adler's "Individual Psychology." ' Loving

nd 'Christlike: Pervades Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," "Kingdom of God...," "Law of Love, Law of Violence," "What I Believe." Loving

nd 'Christlike: Pervades Tolstoy's "Gospel in Brief," "Kingdom of God...," "Law of Love, Law of Violence," "What I Believe."  Loving

nd 'Christlike: Erik Erikson's 'Generativity" stage of psychological development.' Loving

nd 'Christlike: Erik Erikson's 'Generativity" stage of psychological development.' Loving

nd 'Christlike: Abe Maslow's 'Self Actualized' person - "Being Love." ' Loving

nd 'Christlike:  Abe Maslow's 'Self Actualized' person - "Being Love." ' Loving

nd 'Christlike: Lawrence Kohlberg's highest level of moral development.' Loving

'Christlike: Lawrence Kohlberg's highest level of moral development.' Loving

***** nd ' "SECOND COMING OF CHRIST:" YOU, ME, SHE, HE... when they individually, totally regenerate into the Christ (Spirit of Loving) we're each Created to Be. How the WORDS OF JESUS in the Gospels, on how we are to be, and live, can be understood different than this by a Truth Seeker, is, well, just not possible.' Loving. Jesus.

***** nd ' "SECOND COMING OF CHRIST:" YOU, ME, SHE, HE... when they individually, totally regenerate into the Christ (Spirit of Loving) we're each Created to Be. How the WORDS OF JESUS in the Gospels, on how we are to be, and live, can be understood different than this by a Truth Seeker, is, well, just not possible.'  Loving. Jesus.


***** nd 'Trivia Fact: S. Loving's described to a T in These Books: Tolstoy's Jesus Gospel base series; All Gandhi's; Kohlberg's Moral Devel top stage; Erikson's Generativity; Maslow's Self-actualization books; MLK Jr.'s writings; Adler's Indiv. Psych; Frankl's Meaningful man. S. Loving's nothing more, less or else. Fact.' Loving

***** nd 'Fun Fact: S. Loving's described to a T in These Books: Tolstoy's Jesus Gospel base series; All Gandhi's; Kohlberg's Moral Devel top stage; Erikson's Generativity; Maslow's Self-actualization books; MLK Jr.'s writings; Adler's Indiv. Psych; Frankl's Meaningful man.  S. Loving's nothing more, less or else.  Fact.' Loving 

***** nd 'ALL MY HOPE IS IN THE INDIGENOUS NATIONS. Every day is an unwanted lesson for me of the RELIGIOUSLY PURSUED, hopeless moral degeneration, Heartlessness, of we white folks, excepting Diane Wilson, and a few others just like her. If there are not Indigenous Heroic Spirits left to save humanity, NOW, it is over.' Loving

nd 'ALL MY HOPE IS IN THE INDIGENOUS NATIONS.  Every day is an unwanted lesson for me of the RELIGIOUSLY PURSUED, hopeless moral degeneration, Heartlessness, of we white folks, excepting Diane Wilson, and a few others exactly like her. If there are not Indigenous Heroic Spirits left to save humanity, NOW, it is over.'  Loving

OH MY GOODNESS. LOL. "In the individual life and in the social life there is only one law: if you wish to better your life, be ready to sacrifice it." Tolstoy's "Law of Love, Law of Violence."

In the individual life and in the social life there
is only one law: if you wish to better your life, be
ready to sacrifice it.

nd From a Primmer of MLK Jr., "One's own moral regeneration alone can contribute to the regeneration of the world in general." Tolstoy's "Law of Love, Law of Violence," King read in Seminary.

 nd From a Primmer of MLK Jr., "One's own moral regeneration alone can contribute to the regeneration of the world in general." Tolstoy's "Law of Love, Law of Violence," King read in Seminary

From Tolstoy's "Law..," Emanuel Kant - "We are living in a period of discipline, of culture and of civilization... (more)

We are living in a period of discipline, of culture
and of civilization, but it is still far off from
being a moral period. One can say that, in the
present condition of humanity, the prosperity increases
with the misery of its inhabitants.

And one might ask if we would not be happier living
in a primitive state, deprived of all our culture of
the present day. For how can one make men happy
without making them moral and good?

nd 'Affloholic Addictions - this is what I was missing. The $ multi-trillion increase in US economy since the 1970's especially, is Affloholic Addictions, Pleasures, Lusts - not 'products' contributing to meaningful life, but robbing it.' Loving

nd 'Affloholic Addictions - this is what I was missing.  The $ multi-trillion increase in US economy since the 1970's especially, is Affloholic Addictions, Pleasures, Lusts - not 'products' contributing to meaningful life, but robbing it.' Loving

nd See Library Tab for "Law of Love, Law of Violence," Tolstoy

See Library Tab for "Law of Love, Law of Violence," Tolstoy

nd 'If, as no one would disagree, God is Good, then God is the Good inclinations within us; and Satan, Evil, EVERYTHING else. No?' Loving

nd 'If, as no one would disagree, God is Good, then God is the Good inclinations within us; and Satan, Evil, EVERYTHING else.  No?'  Loving

nd "The idea of having to submit to man’s law is enslaving; the idea of submitting to God’s law sets one free." MLK Jr.'s Unviolence primmer - Tolstoy's "Law of Love...." p.82

nd "The idea of having to submit to man’s law is enslaving; the idea of submitting to God’s law sets one free." MLK Jr.'s Unviolence primmer - Tolstoy's "Law of Love...." p.82

nd "The evolution of conscience determines the changes in the modes of life," MLK Jr.'s Unviolence primmer - Tolstoy's "Law of Love...." p.82

"The evolution of conscience determines the changes in the modes of life," MLK Jr.'s Unviolence primmer - Tolstoy's "Law of Love...." p.82

nd 01.12.13 D10: Wow. Mentally and physically hitting a wall, bigtime.

nd 01.12.13 D10:  Wow.  Mentally and physically hitting a wall, bigtime.

***** Specialists warn of potential consequences of Hunger Strike diet. Windsor Star

Specialists warn of potential consequences of Hunger Strike diet. Windsor Star

nd 01.12.13 D10: Seems I've lost about 15degrees of body heat. Clothing, bedding warm for 35 degrees now covers just 50 degrees.

nd 01.12.13 D10: Seems I've lost about 15degrees of body heat.  Clothing, bedding warm for 35 degrees now covers just 50 degrees.

Man, 24, defends grandparents who abducted him from his homeless ... New York Daily News

Minnesota man, 24, defends grandparents who abducted him from his homeless ...

New York Daily News - ‎1 hour ago‎
A 24-year-old Minnesota man who was abducted by his paternal grandparents nearly two decades ago has come to their defense, saying he was “right where I needed to be.

***** nd 'Epitaph of Ecocided Earth: "Criminally, everyone chose Lip-service, when Clearly Life-Service, BEING THE CHANGE, was required. Pathologically insisting on Read my LIPS, not READ MY LIFE." ' Loving

***** nd 'Epitaph of Ecocided Earth: "Criminally, everyone chose Lip-service, when Clearly Life-Service, BEING THE CHANGE, was required.  Pathologically insisting on Read my LIPS, not READ MY LIFE." ' Loving

reminder - 'nd' = No Detail. Don't bother clicking the link. Just a 1-liner post.

reminder - 'nd' = No Detail.  Don't bother clicking the link. Just a 1-liner post.

nd 01.12.13 D10. Loving replies, 'Of course, even on day 10 I'm Joyful, Vigorous, Intense...! I'm devoting every breath to our children! How else could I be?' Loving to those that remark

nd 01.12.13 D10.  Loving replies, 'Of course, even on day 10 I'm Joyful, Vigorous, Intense...! I'm devoting every breath to our children!  How else could I be?' Loving to those that remark


It is Day10 of my Fast.

[Note, Diane was not consulted by me in this, and may well be furious with me.  Oh well. We've got 204 billion kids to save, and Diane, and Bob.]

3:30am this morning I awoke, and can't sleep.  How can any of us sleep?


[Recent:  Specialists warn of potential consequences of Hunger Strike diet. Windsor Star]

The proof is in.  There is no life on earth.  There couldn't be.  Diane Wilson, arguably the most Human, alive, compassionate, devoted... person / sister / activist on earth (SEE BELOW) is Dying for you, for your children, for your grand-children, for the bays, the oceans, the sea-life, the plants, the forests....

And not a sound.  No tears.  No clamoring of brothers and sisters to her side.  No Unviolent Warriors working to leverage, to get full impact, full advantage from her efforts.

So you see, it is certain.  There is no life on earth.

WILL YOU THEN NOT BE THE GENESIS DEVICE?????  My Creator, I wish I were kidding.



1. WE NEED A PRESS RELEASE, TODAY.  Below, I've pulled together some bio material on Diane.  But do your own searching for more.
* Idle no More Indigenous Uprising is gaining press, as it should.  Diane is Fasting in Solidarity with Chief Spence.  Surely there is a tie in there.  Whoever is working press for Chief Spence, will they not help?  Contact them.
*  Write one.  Share it.  Work like crazy to get it placed.  Think.  Think. Think.
*  Check with Diane.  (wilsonalamobay at aol dot com)  Don't I recall from her book, "An Unreasonable Woman," that she has Native American ancestry, and grandfather?

2.  Write a press release. Or write a story.  Diane's life, and the life of our 200 billion kids is at stake.  Get thinking.  Local press, main-stream press,

3.  Get those you trust, in whom you see life, involved.  Get them to help.  Get them to try to generate press.

4.  Mention me in none of this - I'm toxic pretty well anywhere in the press or activist community.

5.  I'm guessing, but once you have a story,  or Press Release, exhaust your thinking, exhaust whatever contacts you can generate, but in addition, it may be that the so called Washington Peace Center has a, possibly extensive, press contact listing for DC.  TRY.  Please.  And where's Code Pink in all of this!?!?!  They have writers, press folks!  Diane is a founder, for God's sake.  Here's another press list I just came across .

6.  Let me know: A. will you help?  B. of any progress.

Who can say that they really care about our children, grand children, nieces, nephews... their future, earth, all species... who can say that they are alive... while not lifting a finger to HELP DIANE HELP US!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?  No one can say that.  HELP DIANE HELP US.  NOW.

Diane Wilson (wilsonalamobay at aol dot com) - quick resources: An Unreasonable Woman: A True Story of Shrimpers ...

Current Houston Hunger Strike 

What shamefully little press there's been

Hunger Strike, Activism at the request of victims of Union Carbide/Dow in Bhopal, India

Numerous Arrests Opposing BP's Oil Spills 

Requested in Germany (?) to deliver Black Planet Award

Requested in Japan to deliver Black Planet Award to Formosa Chemical

Her Publisher Chesea Green



"The most important acts, both for the one who accomplishes them and for his fellow creatures, are those that have remote consequences." Tolstoy from, "Law of Love...."

"The most important acts, both for the one who accomplishes them and for his fellow creatures, are those that have remote consequences." Tolstoy from, "Law of Love...."

nd "Like fire, truth little by little consumes all the veils that hide it," Leo Tolstoy

nd "Like fire, truth little by little consumes all the veils that hide it," Leo Tolstoy. "And ... [it will spring up with] even increasing brightness by attracting attention in spite of everything."

***** 'Uh, NRA? You of course have each family member concealed carry, always, while in your home, right? And an armed police man in your home, right, to police among you? Hypocrites.' Loving

***** 'Uh, NRA?  You of course have each family member concealed carry, always, while in your home, right? And an armed police man in your home, right, to police among you?Hypocrites.' Loving

nd 'No Olympic Athlete seeks to be limited by their Idol's feats. But they voraciously pursue those Idols. My primary Idol, as it was for Gandhi and MLK Jr, is Jesus as singularly Resurrected in Tolstoy's later writings.' Loving

nd 'No Olympic Athlete seeks to be limited by their Idol's feats.  But they voraciously pursue those Idols.  My primary Idol, as it was for Gandhi and MLK Jr, is Jesus as singularly Resurrected in Tolstoy's later writings.'  Loving

***** nd 'TRUTH, not cynicism or mean: Today's Right MUST, they feel, DEFEAT SCIENCE, FACT, TRUTH... because they've concluded that they are incapable of defeating those with a mastery thereof. And yes, the intellectuals ABUSE their abilities.' Loving

***** nd 'TRUTH, not cynicism or mean:  Today's Right MUST, they feel, DEFEAT SCIENCE, FACT, TRUTH... because they've concluded that they are incapable of defeating those with a mastery thereof. And yes, the intellectuals ABUSE their abilities.' Loving