[The new Forward to "Resurrecting Your Insanely Humane Warrior - a Personal Trainer"]
Friends it is 99.99999% a problem of being, a problem of philosophy. Everything else is the symptoms of that.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ," said Gandhi. "Be the change you wish to see in the world," he also said. "They will know you by how you love," Jesus said.
Except for their stupid philosophies, we adore Jesus, King, Gandhi, Rachel Corrie.... Don't we? We do. Clinically, that's hypocrisy. Clinically, linguistically, academically, radically, meaning, at the root, that's hypocrisy, lip service.
Winston Churchill, clearly one of the most effective leaders in human history, said of Americans prior to Americans coming in on the side of Britain in WWII, "Americans can always be depended upon to do the right thing; after they've exhausted every other option."
What Churchill did not need to consider, and did not need to address, because the reality of his time was different, what he didn't need to address was that which will be our fatal exception. Churchill didn't need to consider a killer that is physically unseen, and a killer that is physically us, our way of being, our way of being.
We ADORE what Jesus taught, except for the core portions of it - laying down our life for our brother, selling all we have and giving it to the poor – the philosophy stuff; the 'being' stuff. We adore Dr. King's teachings and example; everything except for placing and keeping our bodies, including those of our dearest loved ones, those most immediate to us, in harm's way, for the course of our entire lives. We adore Gandhi's teachings. It's the doing it; it's the 'being' the change that the world needs to be. It's the 'doing' it that we find utterly absurd and ridiculous, stupid foolishness.
Loving, this isn't time for philosophy!
Gandhi's strategy was to 'be.' Jesus strategy was for us to 'be' a certain way. MLK Jr's strategy was for us to 'be' a certain way. All else, for them, was meaningless details, because their faith (well founded, mature Vision) was such, that by being a certain way the fundamental state of being which is what the Creator would have us be - creatures that were purely and simply universal Love, creatures that were purely and simply living out of the part of their nervous system that was the option for love, the heart, as opposed to the head and the flesh; it was so clear to them that if that happened they would get everything else that was required – courage, strategy, action, Loving, brilliance, perseverance, vision, unity…. If I turn on the PC, I get Word and Excel, I get video processing; that's trivial. It's not trivial if there's not a power source; it's is not trivial if the computer hadn't been created. But if it was, so the fundamental task is to turn it on. And by way of furthering the analogy, we want to use it as a paperweight. We want to use it as a doorstop, as a club… everything but as a computer. We want to use our bodies, our nervous systems as a drug store; as is an entertainment center; as a bludgeon; as a point of physical force; everything but what our being was designed for - to be the Creator, through us. To be a molecule, an organism, the local piece P I E C E of the Creator, everything but that is what we use ourselves for.
This is why humanity is doomed, friends. We are in the exception that Churchill didn't have concern with. It wasn't the issue of his time. He knew that the Nazi threat, the Japanese threat, eventually would become sufficiently and concretely manifest that the human species of his day would respond. It was not the issue of his day, what is now the issue of this day - that the threat would be us, would be our way of being, and that the threat with would be a colorless, odorless gas produced by our way of being.
"Americans can be depended upon to do the right thing, after they've exhausted every other option." And Gaia can no longer give us the luxury of our thick-headedness; our stiff-necked-ness. She's given us all the rope we need to hang ourselves, our children, and we are going to hang ourselves, children first.
So to me it's clear that we are no longer fully human. We've de-evolved, mutated into an un-adaptive, un-viable species.
I've been, and remain profoundly moved by the unspeakable injustice that is the allowing of our sins to crush the next 200 billion children.
But it may be true, and it may be a truth that I can learn to face, that there are no more human children. There will be no more human children; only more sub-species children, our children; the blight that the great Ashley Montague and other great intellects and scientists have spoken of; that as early as the 1950s Montague saw we had become and spoke of with great sorrow and anguish and pain.
There may be no human species to care about, and the one in 1 million that are the exception, that are always crucified, as Jesus was... they're going to be okay. Yes, they're going to suffer more than most physically because they won't indulge the selfishness to put themselves in gated communities. Quite the opposite, they'll run toward the emergency of others. But that's not where they live. They live in the state of being that's Heaven; and that is the heart; their bodies are incidental.
So the human species, this is why it's doomed.
But more to the point, the human species has already ceased to exist. Maybe you can see this, maybe you can't, certainly I can't prove it to you. But when Gandhi said, 'I like your Christ,' the historical record is pretty clear - Jesus, for Gandhi, was the epitome of humanity, the epitome of human health, above all other people that had ever existed. Not a superhuman for Gandhi, Gandhi was explicit about that. He was the icon of human health, Jesus was, for Gandhi. Gandhi also said, 'If Christians would actually practice their creed there would be no more Hindus; and Gandhi is known to be a devout Hindu; an ardent Hindu. So again, Gandhi holds up Jesus as being the epitome of human health, the healthy human being; the least toxified by our environment. 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians,' I like the health of Jesus, I do not like the health, the humanity, the subhumanity of those that call themselves Jesus' followers. They are so unlike him, they are so unhealthy, they are so subspecies.
This is the problem friends, and it is the central problem that we have made a culture of avoiding and burying, and distorting, and camouflaging for thousands of years. And like Jesus, and Gandhi, and King, that tried to turn us away from the cliff like they foretold; no, we're headed off the cliff; passionately pushing our children, first.
Friends it is 99.99999% a problem of being, a problem of philosophy. Everything else is a symptom of that.
The only hope, THE ONLY HOPE is the mass spread of the new way of being, the new philosophy EMBODIED, LIVED as did Gandhi, King, Jesus….
How to BE Human, as they were? Rekindle in ourselves the Characteristics that were so clear in them, and I've counted about 106, and created a Personal Trainer to re-inflame them within myself; and so others could do the same. There is no other way.
There is NO other way. Why would we not use this personal trainer, and chose another way? Oh, the excuses would be infinite in their variety, but at the root, for the same reason we've not followed Jesus' teachings for 2000 years. We don't want to, and we are willing for our children to bear the consequences.
And those that don't use the Personal Trainer, well, they are not seeing what the true problem is, and they are not on the Path to becoming the Cure. Period.
"Americans can always be depended upon to do the right thing; after they've exhausted every other option." Uh, not this time. Not unless you become the Cure. Fast.