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101. All I want is a clear view of the battlefield so I know how to best fight

101. All I want is a clear view of the battlefield so I know how to best fight

A healthy mother sees her son surrounded by an angry mob about to attack him.  What does that healthy mom want to know - how to escape, herself, to avoid being hurt herself?  She wants to know the battlefield, including what resources are available, how many attackers are around her son, what avenues of attack she has, what avenues of escape he might have.  She wants to know the battlefield.  It's not about her.  It's about him - what help she might call - that's part of the battlefield.  To protect herself?  To protect her son.

If you want to know whether you're an unviolent warrior of hope to the world, or just hope to your own gratification, my brothers and sisters all, if you want to know, then look at yourself.  Are you looking for the way that's safe for you?  Are you looking for the way that your buddies will want to go along with?  Is there anything that is rivaling your interest in simply knowing all aspects, all salient critical aspects of the battlefield - what's the best chance of winning; what's the best chance of winning now; what resources are available; what strategy seems the most promising...?
If you're like 99.9999% of the activists, then those are not your key questions.   What can we raise funds for?  What do I like to do?  What would be fun?  Who will go along with it? Will enough people go along with it?  What messaging is popular these days?  What messaging is in vogue?  What will the press think? 

As secondary topics these are not inappropriate questions.   But in the 'activism' of the last 40 years these are never secondary.   They are the central, the only questions. 

And what the unviolent warrior throughout history that has been of any hope has wanted to know - tell me about battlefield, I'll figure everything else from there.  I want to know about the battlefield. I want appropriate intelligence on what's going on - who's on our side; who is the opposition;  who's committed;  who's just 'talking;' what resources might we acquire;  how much time do we have left; and on, and on, and....

Comments? 100. No unviolent army, no hope

100.  No unviolent army, no hope
Friends I don't think I'm to be faulted for citing titles, and essays that as you hear them, may seem so obvious, because our behavior as activists indicate that they are totally nonobvious.  The exception being the one in 1 million potent activists, they intuitively or deliberately operate out of the family emergency response, out of the heart.  They don't make the kind of mistakes I'm talking about because the heart doesn't make those kind of mistakes.  
The Head and the flesh always make these kind of mistakes. Like this one -
A brutal invader attacks part of the world that you care about.  Is there an army in response? Yes. Your son needs a complex operation.  Is there a qualified team committed to your son's operation and recovery? Yes. Your daughter plays soccer, or you did; there is a tremendously important match coming up.  Is the whole team going to be there on your side? Yes.
These are natural questions when we're in complete personal solidarity with the issue.  And implicit in all these situations are teams of people in complete solidarity with what they're trying to do.  Deep emotional solidarity.  But when was the last time you asked that question about environmental Armageddon?  Where's the deeply committed, at the cellular level, failure is not an option Army, to go against the army of lobbyists that are totally committed at the cellular level, as hideous as their motivations of greed are?  When was the last time you asked that question? I haven't asked it nearly, nearly as frequently as I've needed to; it's escaped me, too often.  
There's no hope of winning a war without an army.  There's no hope of that operation succeeding without a committed team.  There's no hope of that game being won without a totally committed, totally in solidarity from the heart team. 
And yet in the most important issues of all time - ending citizens United, averting environmental Armageddon, ending homelessness, ending poverty... we never ask:  "Where is the totally committed, failure is not an option, my life is on the line, I will willingly die for this – army? 
We never ask that question.  And never will you or we be a hope until that question becomes something that we ask centrally, every day; and learn to answer, in the affirmative, with our lives.


[Note - addressed, blindly, only to you 6, but 'bcc' in consideration of your due privacy.  Also, it is posted.]


From the truly kind Sunday-morning-food-for-the-homeless lady that got out of her car and handed me a bag (pb&j, hard boiled egg, banana (oh, potassium!), and cup of bad coffee), insert with the sugar and non-dairy creamer -  "Do you not know that you are a temple of God (the Force of Creation) and that the Spirit of God is in you?"  I Corinthians 3.16 [True.  True because it is in the Bible?  :-)  True, because it is True.]

Churchill was speaking of the US, and Britain's existential need for US to enter the war, but this applies exactly to you, now - "[You] can always be counted on to do the right thing; after [you've] exhausted every other option."  In WWII, there was enough time, and enough clarity, that we exhausted all the other options besides the True one, in time to finally select the True one. For you personally, and in terms of the, The, THE existential threat, environmental Armageddon, it will never be .000001% as clear, immediate, or easily 'personal' as Pearl Harbor, WWII were; but if you rapidly enough, relentlessly enough, courageously enough, lovingly enough take, and keep taking daily, the Red Pill (below), YOU will become the currently invisible Pearl Harbor for others - 'the word made flesh;'  the totally, 100% today absent 'facts on the ground' of impending Armageddon.

  1. No one will ever bear responsibility for one nanosecond of my life, nor I for 1 nanosecond of theirs. Their life is given to them.  My life is given to me, and only I sit in the driver's seat of mine, and they of theirs.  Nothing else is physically, psychologically, neurologically, existentially possible.  Nothing else is desirable.  Everything else would be infinitely less - joyful, meaningful, human, humane.
  2. My love for you is unconditional.  Nothing can increase it. Nothing can decrease it. Nothing. Ever.
  3. Read the 9 or so new essays deeply (first ones, below).  If you have comments for improvement, send them to me. Today if possible; but surely by Monday.  5 or so have been sent, 5 or so are coming today, Creator willing.
  4. There are three steps to finding the path, illustrated well in that top 5 movie the Matrix. 
    A.  Realize that there must be a path (Neo is frantic), and it is exactly the opposite direction of the status quo, including, ESPECIALLY the status quo of the left, the progressives, the liberals, the various 'activist' club(s) - in their deadly embrace of personal impotence, personal cowardice-as-a-virtue, personal - irresponsibility, blamelessness, helplessness, meaninglessness;
    B.  Find the path. Neo finds the path - Morpheus and partners make it manifest, material, 'fact,' graspable;
    C. Decide whether to walk the path or return to the Matrix.  You six are at or near 'C,' and have been since I've known you. I know of no others that are so close to being of the Path.  I thought Obama was 1; but if he ever was, we've destroyed that Obama with our cowardly abandonment of him since day 1.
  5. The Personal Trainer is the Red Pill (current rev here, the 10 new essays tomorrow SL ). There is no other. Oh God, how I wish there were; why?  Because if there were many, there would be infinitely greater likelihood of any one of them being taken.  More 'red pills,' must be created; but the PT is all there is, now; and those who take it, can then create more red pills, varieties.  But, Hear me, there is no other Red Pill - the Personal Trainer is it, for all true and practical purposes, the Personal Trainer is it.  God help me.  Your choice is to use it, daily, as I do and have, and become an INSHE Warrior, or to live out your years in the Matrix.  "If you love me, you will do greater works than these," Jesus, [Because my time is up, and you have more time to work on it, refine it, bring it current....]  Oh yes, I Love Jesus, as did King, Gandhi....  An updated PT (the spread sheet will be to you today, tomorrow at latest, Creator willing].  Oh, yes, I've just, with this '#5' made it infinitely easier still to dismiss me - 'Egotist!' 'Manipulator!' 'Delusions of Grandeur...!'... The Path is being Of the Force, the Force of Creation.  The PT is your only sure and fast enough Guide, Coach, Personal Trainer to find it, master it, merge with it, become it.
  6. Don't ever say I wasn't clear to you on these issues. Don't say it. Remember.
  7. #1-#6 are not .00001% between me and you. Ever. EVER.  They are 100% between you and You, you and the Creator in you, forever.  I Corinthians 3.16 - will you make it Flesh? In time?
There are only 2 choices in life - to live for ourselves, for this one cell, our physical body, in the body of Creation; or to live out each second for the entire body of Creation.  Pleasure, Intoxications, existential/experiential meaninglessness; vs Joy, Being OF the Creator, truly 1 with all creation/Heaven NOW, existential meaningfulness.  This notion of 'me and mine,' 'nuclear family,' 'my loved ones,' is the royal road to Hell.  Love is Unconditional, or it is Lust, not Love - neurologically. So in our society promoted poison of 'nuclear family' you are poisoning those closest to you with Lust, when all along, as I did, you thought you were feeding them Love.  MLK Jr, keeping his bio-fam on death threat with him, is the best I know of icon of the choice of Love, of Life, of Truth, of Salvation - the Path.

The Path is being Of the Force, the Force of Creation.  The PT is your only sure and fast enough Guide, Coach, Personal Trainer.

Loving all.  Loving u 6.




BBC: Climate activists scale gates of Buckingham Palace


Comments? 099. I refuse to not be a True threat to the status quo of needless suffering and death

099.  I refuse to not be a True threat to the status quo of needless suffering and death

Am I a true threat to the status quo?  Presumably the status quo, that anyone listening to this, would bring to their own mind - the status quo of citizens united and saving democracy; the status quo of environmental Armageddon, the status quo of an ever widening gap between the Uber rich and the rest, trying to barely eke out their middle-class overprivilege.  
Do we ever ask ourselves the question; do we frequently ask our self the question, am I an existential threat to the status quo?
We don't, do we? We don't.  Not deeply, not seriously.  Not even superficially!  We don't ask that question.   Then, what are we doing friends?
I see smoke coming out of my bedroom window. Uh, I guess I'll do something. Huh?  That's not what we do, that's not what we say.  I guess I'll do something?!?!   What might be an existential threat to the smoke and presumed fire coming out of my bedroom window?!?! What might be an existential threat to the hundred and 6 degree temperature that my daughter has had for six days now?  What might be an existential threat to my looming unemployment that terrifies me, gives me night sweats? This is what the heart asks.   This is what the nervous system asks, when it feels in complete, atomic level, neurological, solidarity with that which is at risk.  It automatically, subconsciously asks the question - what do I have to do to become an existential threat to the problem which is the status quo?
And without that solidarity we're murder friends.  You don't want to be that.  Use this information.  Hold yourself to a higher standard.  That's what you want.  
Our society is so devoid of potent activist models.  We're so distracted from studying those who have been the great models in history.  It's not your fault that you didn't know.
But it will be going forward, if you don't heed.

Comments? 098. If I fight battles, but am not possessed by a campaign, I'm ranting, not helping. No vision of winning, no hope

098. If I fight battles, but am not possessed by a campaign, I'm ranting, not helping. No vision of winning, no hope

So the end of this year there'll be on hunger strike.   Tomorrow there will be a demonstration at BP.  Six months from now there will be attempts of legislation in the halls of Congress.... 

To look at this from a different angle - so my daughter's had a temperature of 106 for five days; so tonight I'll try some different medicine; tomorrow I'll call the doctor; the next they'll call a nurse, the following day, oh, maybe I'll drive my daughter to the emergency room, except she probably won't still be alive.  In this second case maybe some of the absurdity is apparent. 

In situations that we understand are personal to us, of emergency, we don't do tactics.  We don't do things.  We do a plan.  We do a vision.  Yes, it might be a situation we've never been in before, but we still hold ourselves to the best possible plan, the best comprehensive vision, as inadequate as it might be, and then we select our tactics within that plan, within that vision, and we adjust, adjust, but always within a plan, a failure is not an option plan. 

So, we are going to have the Rio conference to avert environmental Armageddon.   I mean that's what we did.  That's what we had.  An attempt.  An action.  An event.  Earlier, we had an attempt at Graham Lieberman legislation a couple of years ago.  

If we treated our sick children this way they wouldn't survive.  That would be so obvious to us.
But when we are being 'nice people,' being activists and failure is an option, well, failure IS an option! Pressure is off!  I mean, it isn't like anyone is going to die if we f*ck up!  Oh.  Never mind.

But when failure is not an option, when we are living out of the family emergency response, what we do as activists is the height of absurdity, and we see it instantly, in ourselves, in others.  Right?  I don't want to do tactics, actions like - take my daughter the hospital, give her a different medicine, get her a nurse.... I want to get her well!!!!!  And by God, I will!

Well everything backs up to that, and when that part of the nervous system is involved,  it doesn't let us make this deadly mistake of, oh, let's do tactics.  Huh?  The 'family emergency response circuits' catches such let's-do-tactics insanity, automatically.  And when we're not operating out of the family emergency response, our nervous system will let us go on forever killing the time of the clients that we are purporting to want to serve and save. 

The non-family emergency response doesn't differentiate between isolated tactics that go on and fail for decades, and tactics that are part of a vision.  Different circuits friends.  Everything depends upon operating out of the heart, the family emergency response.  It automatically catches this stuff.  And with the head and the flesh in charge it never gets caught.  We feel good about ourselves, we overprivileged people, we collect our paychecks, we collect your kudos, and the Grim Reaper collects our clients. 
How much longer will you live, and kill by, failure-is-an-option?