I'm sorry friend. We just don't have time to be this stupid, this careless anymore. We can't afford to think that lightening bolts come at the discretion of the Gods; we can't afford to think that spring comes because we sacrificed a calf in the winter;... and we can't afford to shallowly interpret (above headline) Pr. Obama's actions without FIRST, FIRST, FIRST... examining our own criminal lack of performance. GIVEN THE FACT THAT THE GRASS ROOTS HAS TOTALLY FAILED AT GIVING HIM ENOUGH VOTES IN THE SENATE TO BLOCK THE CRIMINAL USE OF FILIBUSTER, NOT ENOUGH RELIABLE SANE VOTES IN THE HOUSE TO GET ANYTHING DONE FOR 4 YEARS, ZERO POLITICAL COVER OR POWER OF ANY STRENGTH - WHAT SHOULD HE DO? WHAT CAN HE DO?
The most telling line about this Washington-FDR-Lincoln-Eisenhower called Obama was his debate answer against McCain. 'Gentlemen, if MLK Jr were still alive, for which of you would be be fighting to get you elected.' 'MLK would not be fighting for either of us. He'd be mobilizing the grass roots because that is the only source of power, then, or now, to achieve what we need to achieve,' Obama paraphrase with liberties.
STOP SUCH CRIMINAL STUPIDITY AS THIS HEADLINE ABOVE. IT IS KILLING US. Stop these Fantasies. We've got a Real World, REALLY going to Hell. Get Real. Hurry.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost