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Teen nun latest to self-immolate in Tibet CNN

Teen nun latest to self-immolate in Tibet

By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- An 18-year-old nun set herself afire Saturday, the latest in a string of self-immolations by Tibetans amid anger and despair over Chinese rule, Tibetan rights groups reported.

Obama Mortgage Refi Plan Makes a Dent in Foreclosure Crisis ABC News

Obama Mortgage Refi Plan Makes a Dent in Foreclosure Crisis

ABC News -
Unfortunately, there are those "nabobs of negativism" who would promote the "end of days" when it comes to our economy and the Obama Administration's efforts to continue to pull us out of the fiscal bonfire that has consumed this nation for the past ...

Coach Obama Mentors Daughter's Team ABC News

Coach Obama Mentors Daughter's Team

ABC News (blog) -
Between his many duties as Commander in Chief, President Obama seems to have added a new responsibility to his plate: Coaching his daughter Sasha's basketball team.

'Whiny Leftie post at and SL's comment.' SL (details)

Police raid on Occupy DC

Boing Boing - 17 hours ago

By Cory Doctorow at 10:29 pm Friday, Feb 10 Quinn Norton's first-person account of the police raid on Occupy DC for Wired is riveting and scary.


SL's comment......................................

I'm a leftie by leaning, but I act on my beliefs so I'm sure you'll remove this comment.  Oh well.

What a bunch of sappy, self-centered, whiny bs this article is.  I almost got trampled in another escalation Saturday.  So what?

Guess what happens when a police force, for 3-4 months, breaks the law so that an Occupation can continue in DC, receives a constant, constant, every day, constant stream, for 3 months, of whiny, snot nosed bratty taunts, disrespects, challenges (gut less), basically an uniterrupted stream of verbal urine and feces, the absolute threat of physical feces from the anarchist hate-mob (the stockpiles were on-site), attacks from the Republican Trash Issa with of course zero, zero, zero protection from the  do nothing, risk nothing, blame everyone but themselves left... and finally, comes Saturday, when these little campers (Occupy my a**, just these guys' Woodstock - free food, skate boarding, bikes, sleep ins, cowardly bigotry toward innocent decent kind respectful cops (this generations free to whack 'niggers')....  Guess what happens?

Well, their orders were - if there is no violence, if the crowd is cooperative, continue to work with them as you have.  If there is violence, resistance, clear the park, remove everything.  And you know what?  AGAIN, IN SUPPORT OF THE 'OCCUPIERS' THEY BROKE THEIR ORDERS - 20% OF THE TENTS REMAINED, AND THE REST, REMOVED AT THE DIRECTION, EACH ONE, BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT, ARE BEING ALLOWED TO RETURN, AND, EVERYONE WAS NOT REMOVED - THEY WERE ALLOWED BACK IMN THE PARK THAT NIGHT.

Among the most vile, hateful, taunting, disrespectful anarchist is the near-skinhead that you can see all over the media leading the pushing by the crowd (that's illegal, violence, resistance if not assualt of a police officer, ARRESTIBLE, IMMEDIATELY) ON THE SHIELDS.  Tell me doing-doing, for how many seconds, minutes, days, months are the police required to break the law, including ignoring the physical disobeying of an order, of a protocol (not pushing on the shields)?  Oh, I forgot, these are just children these 'Occupier' brats.  In which case, they should go home to mommy and learn how to behave as adults.  But if they are adults, then the answer to the question just posed, is zero, zero seconds... months are required of the police to ignore the law or protocol. But they did, with nothing but unprotected, unshielded verbal urine and feces for four months.

The police didn't remove any tents!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, sorry, you probably aren't interested in facts here, just rotten meat for the left.  Well, anyway, the police didn't remove any tents.  Period.  Every tent that was removed was done after the inspection by a medical doctor on the basis of health hard (usually feces - human or rodent, tho with this batch of 2 legged juvenile whiners and police-abusers it is difficult to tell them apart.

These are the facts.  Stop you 'nigger' hatting, police bashing bogotry.  There are serous issues that need serous people and serious answers.

DC Police Threaten And Detain Reporters At CPAC Occupy Protest ‎ Mediaite

DC Police Threaten And Detain Reporters At CPAC Occupy Protest

Mediaite - 52 minutes ago
by Tommy Christopher | 2:27 pm, February 11th, 2012 At Washington DC's Marriott Wardman Park Hotel last night, one of several Occupy DC protests escalated ...

'TV - Toxic Vortex.' SL (no detail)

Global warming is hurting chocolate production LA Times

Smoking pot a few hours before driving may almost double crash risk LA Times

'Our national religion's Taking, Selfishness, Affloholsm. We're Blind to all but variations of this. Totally, Physically.' SL (no detail)


'For years I've actively opposed attacking 'Religion.' I can no longer oppose it, Probably. Too Deadly.' SL (no detail)

'In 2012 US I find 2 fundamental choices: 1. Be with Good (God), 2. Be with fellow Citizens, 3. ZERO #3.' SL (no detail)

'I'm reeling from a titanic shift from obsession with physical, to the Spiritual well-being of Humanity.' SL (no detail)

'Slowing the Suicide of Humanity: I'm no longer sure that's more merciful.' SL (no detail)

Driver whisks 6 students off NC bus before it bursts into flames CNN

Driver whisks 6 students off NC bus before it bursts into flames

After noticing smoke seeping inside, a North Carolina bus driver rushed six elementary school children off her vehicle moments before it burst into flames.
Lindora Richardson, North Carolina bus driver, saves children from burning bus
Bus driver of flaming bus: 'I'm no hero'

'Got some Cancer? Fight it with everything, right? ANY Selfishness is MORE Deadly.' SL (no detial)

Obama's 'Muslim prayer': Rumor-mongers' sin of omission? Salt Lake Tribune

Obama's 'Muslim prayer': Rumor-mongers' sin of omission?

Salt Lake Tribune -
By CARYN SHINSKE The people behind a popular chain e-mail about President Obama and the National Day of Prayer might want to think about the sin of omission.

'Right wing c'ristian deniers: An Account of the Catholic Church's Persecution of Galileo

'2012 US Citizenry: The Fundmentally Depraved who Mass-Fornicated in Creation's Last Moments.' SL (no detail)


'My God, why have we forsaken thee? Newt At CPAC: ‘Eliminate The Environmental Protection Agency’

'Life 100% Devoted to Serving Our Neediest: The Fillet Mignon on the menu of Life.' SL (no detail)

'To be less than a Saint is to be clinicallly Insane, Mentally Ill: My Clinical Understanding of True Psychology.' SL (no detail)

'Obama in History: The Literal Godsend that lacked the Heart to Fight Environmental Armageddon and Genocide of Palestine to the Death.' SL (no detail)

Access To Birth Control Is A Fundamental Component Of Climate Survival

The Pedophile Guys: Timothy Dolan: Birth control tweak a "first step" CBS News

Timothy Dolan: Birth control tweak a "first step"

CBS News -
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which has been harshly critical of a federal requirement that church-linked organizations provide contraceptive coverage to their employees, said Friday that it was reserving judgment on the ...

'Extreme: Health, Life, Love: Extremely free of cancer, failure, conditional love.' SL (no detail)

'Extreme: Health, Life, Love:  Extremely free of cancer, failure, conditional love.' SL (no detail)

'Extending Teresa: We're all born to be Saints. If you're not, you're harming everyone present and forever.' SL (no detial)

Humorous Video Shows Coal and Nuclear Towers Fighting for Their Lives

Conservative Evangelical Group Says Pro-Life Does ‘Not Denote Quality of Life’