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. . . And Photos 2007 - 6/16
'Occupy DC: Guide to Accelerated High Stakes Social Change.' SL (txt. vids))
TEXT, VIDEOS AND SLIDES BELOW -Handbook of Fundamental Social Change
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Manual for achieving the high-stakes, high acceleration social change.
This outline is deliberately preliminary to help out some potential collaborators of a prospective teach-in; and it is deliberately off the top of my mind, because having spent a lifetime practicing and studying this, if it's not top of mind then I'm reaching for things that I don't use.
So this outline will cover these items: some introductory notes; change becomes possible when you've found what's so valuable you'd die for it; accurate diagnosis is 99% of the cure and necessitates a theory, an understanding of humanity; focus, clear objective, is a prerequisite of change, that is, any amount of force dissipated is ineffective; sufficient power, that is, creative tension, Dr. King's term, is a prerequisite change - millions of supporters unable to live without the change, unable to accept the status quo, has always correlated with any major progress for human beings; paying the price is the currency of change, now, who pays it is a crucial issue; becoming, being the cure is the entire hope; the only battlefield is the nervous system - external actions, best understood, always and only have the purpose of changing what's going on in enough people's nervous systems, their understandings, their perceptions, their sense of risk, of what they value, and what might make them cave, acquiesce, agree, change Heart…; and finally, the two types of warfare the two options - violent warfare which suicidally guarantees victory of the status quo, it's always the means by which the status quo maintains itself, even if it's clever morphing from one group being in oppressive domination to another group being in oppressive domination; and Unviolent warfare, the only possibility of defeating massive physical force in time, if history is any indication for us, with true, fundamental, sustainable change.
So first, introductory notes. This document and video log is nothing more or less than a documentation of what Start Loving has learned through lifelong study and practice of high-stakes change, highly accelerated change, specializing in turning around failing organizations in the computer industry for decades, and for the last 13 years, devoting it to high-stakes social change, which is an infinitely more difficult challenge.
Most will quickly and aggressively dismiss what's presented here as unproven, unpopular, unknown. I wish them well. But I'd suggest that there are virtually none, including the masses that will dismiss it, that if they took the time to consider it in the depths of their Heart, what some of his history's wise have considered the eyes of the soul, the highest intelligence, few if any will find it easily dismissed. I have infinite time to explore this information with the Truth seeker and zero time, not a nanosecond, to defend it. People are dying, they have rights my time, and no one else does.
I will not apologize for what will seem like absolutist stances here. I make no absolutist claims but I've found through, well, a 60 year lifetime that there are in fact things that I can depend upon, that I’ve found through study and practice. I'll not communicate to you doubt, or interest in arguing, when I have none. You can make your own conclusions. There's an expression - The exception proves the rule; the fact that there is an exception proves that there is a rule or suggests that there is a rule. If anyone, my brothers and sisters all, finds that they are not interested in, or reject this information, they go on their way with my goodwill.
Yes a valid strategy can be based on defying all history, all precedent, all logic, but the responsible warrior, the responsible fighter, does so only when they have damn good reason to do so. That can happen, but only when they have damn good reason to do so, that they probably can articulate to others, not just themselves. The serious fighter greedily learns all she can from prior successes and failures in any domain that might apply. Gandhi usefully said – ‘learn as though you were going to live forever, but live as though you were going to die tomorrow,’ and more importantly, live as though 26,000 children are going to die tomorrow because we haven't figured out how to overcome our genocidal selfishness to keep them from dying, because they are, 26,000 children will die tomorrow because that, as 26,000 died today.
Specific to Occupy - some introductory notes, there are three fundamentally new elements in Occupy's situation, as I can best understand it: first this is the first ever revolution within a democracy, isn't it? Has there been another? And is this really a democracy? Zinn would argue no. He would further say this democracy's been co-opted, that the United States ‘democracy, is the greatest absorber of energy that otherwise would change the status quo, that has ever been; that US ‘democracy’ is the agent of the status quo. I think he’s wrong, that it is affloholism that is the problem, taken advantage of by the ‘pushers,’ the wolves. Second, the existential threat to humanity, let alone those in Occupy whether they realize it or not, is the clock ticking on the end of reasonable life-support on planet Earth. Please, if someone realizes why this shouldn't be the central, pivotal issue of everyone on earth, let alone Occupy, please take a moment to try to enlighten me, because as I see it, if you lose life-support and in eight years the battle will be lost, too late, if you don't start the efforts now, what else matters if you lose basic life support? And, third, the physical manifestation of your existential threat, it's a colorless, odorless gas, co2. So, should Occupy take on this sane, major thrust of opposition to environmental Armageddon, which oh by the way addresses war, addresses inequalities in income, and on and on, it's a the perfect strategic issue, for hitting many, many issues. It's a colorless, odorless gas. So it's extremely difficult to get people to focus on. And finally, maybe most importantly of all, your major opposition is not the 1%. Your major opposition is the societal-wide affloholism, the societal wide clinical addiction to stuff. The insanity, the denial that comes with addiction, the delusion that comes with addiction. Clinical addiction is not only triggered by external substances, we've triggered it with a culture that worships stuff. You included are of that addiction, and I, tho I’ve devoted more than a decade to getting clean, and have made near-total progress.
Change only becomes possible when you've found what is so valuable you'd die for it. Because I SL want it to be this way? Because that's the way it's been throughout history; and that’s how we are wired. An activist is not equipped to fight until she knows what she would die for, to paraphrase Dr. King. Why is this the case? Because you know for sure that the status quo, those of the status quo, will always kill to defend the status quo - they'll kill careers, they'll kill comfort, they'll kill safety, and they'll kill bodies if those initial efforts don't suffice. What exceptions are there friends to disprove this rule? Not the Arab spring, not women suffragists, not the civil rights movement, not ending the Vietnam War, not ending apartheid; they all were successful efforts of people that had found what they were willing to die for. They found death preferable to accepting the status quo, their own death, incidentally.
Specific to Occupy? Knowing what you're willing to joust against is never enough. And frankly, my brothers and sisters, that's all I've seen among you so far, and you're to be credited for that, no hope is possible when people don't act. But unless they learn along the way there's also no hope, and you should have learned by now that just wanting to act is like way not enough. If you haven't found what you'd die for there's no reason to wait to see who’s going to win. You can know right now, the status quo will win.
1ST RULE OF REPLACING THE STATUS QUO: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER [DID I SAY NEVER?] EVER, HOLD ANYONE ELSE TO A HIGHER STANDARD THAN YOU HOLD YOURSELF. EVER. NEVER DO IT. 'Be the change you want to see in the world,' Gandhi said, not, 'Whine, insult, cajole, litigtate... until OTHERS are the change.' This is school-yard whining, tattletale kind of stuff. BS. STOP IT, NOW. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT. Look in the frickin mirror. You'll be ashamed, and then manybe, you'll start to become the inspiring change you were meant to be. 'Example is NOT the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.' Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize 1952.
It is a widely held platitude isn't it, and more than that - that 99% of the cure is correct, accurate diagnosis, is knowing what's wrong? In the correct diagnosis is the information that one needs to figure out the cure. Occupy's work necessitates an understanding of how humanity works. What our DNA has basically wired us to do, and from what I’ve seen, hey call me blind, I'm unhappy to have to point it out, but I see no indication that you're holding yourselves responsible yet for a reasonable working theory of how people work, and how change is brought about.
1ST RULE OF REPLACING THE STATUS QUO: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER [DID I SAY NEVER?] EVER, HOLD ANYONE ELSE TO A HIGHER STANDARD THAN YOU HOLD YOURSELF. EVER. NEVER DO IT. 'Be the change you want to see in the world,' Gandhi said, not, 'Whine, insult, cajole, litigtate... until OTHERS are the change.' This is school-yard whining, tattletale kind of stuff. BS. STOP IT, NOW. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT. Look in the frickin mirror. You'll be ashamed, and then manybe, you'll start to become the inspiring change you were meant to be. 'Example is NOT the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.' Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize 1952.
It is a widely held platitude isn't it, and more than that - that 99% of the cure is correct, accurate diagnosis, is knowing what's wrong? In the correct diagnosis is the information that one needs to figure out the cure. Occupy's work necessitates an understanding of how humanity works. What our DNA has basically wired us to do, and from what I’ve seen, hey call me blind, I'm unhappy to have to point it out, but I see no indication that you're holding yourselves responsible yet for a reasonable working theory of how people work, and how change is brought about.
The battlefield is the human nervous system; the battlefield of World War II was the human nervous system, acting on the collective nervous systems; on the adversary in such a way that they would finally agree to the desired change. Napoleon said, and I paraphrase – ‘you know what amazes me? That spirit, that spirit always triumphs over the sword in the end.’ Whoever controls the nervous system controls the behavior.
Occupy specific - The problem is true, fundamental, mass insanity within the collective Western nervous system. It is insane for us to be living 'normal lives' while the final weeks tic by on making this year 2012 the moonshot moment for saving habitable life-support on planet Earth for all creation, forever, let alone any other issues you're concerned with. Its clinical insanity. If you think that's silly then it's time for you to stop wasting your time on what I have to say. This is not a 'V' situation. This is not were a few people have manipulated and imposed their will. This is much more, by way of analogy, a part of the city that is addicted to crack; that is, they are willing and in fact demanding participants - they want the crack. Can we hate pushing that's going on? We can, but if you get rid of the pusher and people are addicted to stuff, they're simply going to find another pusher. That's where we are as a society. Unless you can bring about a mass curing of that, you will not win. In 'V' there was an oppressed population, in Arab spring there was an oppressed population. You have an infinitely more difficult situation than that. It's much more like 1930s Germany were a tiny minority of sane people, some sane Germans, saw the hell that Germans were bringing on themselves only a dozen years hence, and they failed in waking up their brothers sisters. That was another addictive situation where society-wide selfishness of people prevailed over heart, over humanity, over solidarity. That's your situation. This is a mass problem of affloholism, addiction to affluence, by whatever name.
Friends, so far Occupy it seems to me has without I think intentionally doing so tried to defy all experience with a tragically mistaken notion of inclusiveness, of issues, of people. Focus is necessary for any measure of force to bring about change. Flatten the head of a nail and it's not going to effectively penetrate. Take away the sharp edge of a knife and it's not going to effectively cut, or the tip of the spear, or the focus of the magnifying glass attempting to burn a leaf. Without focus it doesn't matter how much force you bring to bear. You've got to decide both strategically and in your Heart's what you're willing to die for and it's probably not a dozen things. It's probably one thing, and if you can't discover that, you don't have to wait to see if you're going to win or not. You're not.
sufficient power is a prerequisite for change. If you think of any analogues throughout history that apply to the type of social change you're looking to bring about, it requires, ultimately requires millions of supporters unable to live without change to the status quo. It doesn't start with millions. It probably started with one and then went to several, and then went to dozens and then went to hundreds, then thousands. A school of fish looks like thousands of fish change direction simultaneously. They don't. It starts with one and then two, and then five. It can happen very quickly but doesn't start with the thousands or millions, it starts with the few.
Without deadlines, without a sense that the status quo is intolerable for one more day it's impossible to build the creative energy within someone, let alone within a group, so we're taught to have denial of such things. If you deny, if you don't find within yourself something you can't live with for one more day, you're not going to be able to unleash the energy within yourself, and therefore you're not going to be able to be the catalyst within others.
If you aren't living 'failure is not an option' you will not be able to develop the creative tension in yourself and therefore not in others.
Oddly enough creative tension only builds sufficiently when the warrior is willing to fail but they're unwilling to not try. Think of that final scene in Lord of the Rings, the final battle, when Aragorn, they're surrounded by hundreds of times more people than they can survive, they know they're going to fail, but they realize they are unwilling not to fight. None of the major changes in history have happened with people that knew they were going to succeed. Folks of the Arab spring three days into it last year, said, no we’re not going to win, we just aren't willing to sit on the sidelines anymore. Without that willingness to fail, but unwillingness to not attempt, you can't unleash sufficient tension.
Creative tension - human power happens in the heart. The Hearth’s the highest form of human intelligence. I'm talking about the part of the nervous system associated with wisdom, compassion vision, conscience, empathy, solidarity, compassion, creativity. This is the 80% of the nervous system that Einstein said we didn't use. This is, is what you have to unleash in this society, this is what's been harnessed, ignited, unleashed in all the previous successful change movements. It's the highest form of human motivation. We're talking about the love of the mother for her child. This is what Gandhi put all his confidence in, it's called soul force, he meant, heart force. Humans are the most powerful creatures that we know of the universe. The Heart is the ultimate controller of the human being when it's tapped and unleashed, therefore the heart is the most powerful force in the universe which you need to unleash to achieve your change.
The heart has never been so dead as is the Western, US Heart. That's the core competence of Western civilization, our deadly c’risto capitalism, that has enabled such rape and plunder of our fellow human beings and all creation, to so deaden the heart so as to enable the two other major components of our nervous system, the head and the flesh to dominate, subordinate, virtually crucify the heart in each of us. Your challenge Occupy, is greater than anyone's ever faced because you’ve got less to work with, less heart in you and your countrymen. We can pray there is a shred of Heart left in most of our fellow Westerners but boy it has been tortured and atrophied into a bare shell of itself. That's your only hope is to rekindle that.
Paying the price is the currency of change. I mean there's no, there is no free lunch. Please try to hear this as more than some cliché. This is absolute physical truth; physics ultimately. So the question that you have to ask is - with the 2 options there are, where's the price going to come from- you bludgeoning and torturing and harassing and abusing it out of others? That’s what the 1% does. Or is it paying the price oneself, Unviolent action? The radical root cause of almost everything you're concerned with, probably all of it, is mass insanity, mass selfishness, mass inhumanity - affloholism. That's a disease. No one wishes to be insane. No one really wishes to be an addict, it's an error; they can come to see the error of their ways. Do you hate the addict? Do you hate the drunk? You might, but you're not proud of yourself for it. The drunk is to be pitied, and if we're creatures of love, sane, then our task, for them and for us is to work to bring about a cure. That's your task, to move people en masse, into their right minds, starting with yourself.
Be the change you wish to see in the world - this is what Gandhi meant. Become the antidote, become the healthy human being. Become the human being whose quality of life, although it may look like hell, is actually the quality of life that any sane person would die to have. The alcoholic by and large doesn't envy those who are sober until she comes to her senses, and then she wants it with all her heart. This is your task. The highest motivator, health, morality in the individual or collective nervous system is Love, humanity, solidarity, dignity, by whatever name. This is what the greatest leaders have been willing to die for. Don't take my word for it, find it in your heart or find that this video or writing is no longer worth spending any more of your time on.
The psychological battlefield is the nervous system. I shared with you a quote from Napoleon before, ‘spirit triumphs in the end,’ tho that doesn't prove the point, it illustrates it. But again search your heart you find that that's the case. Everyone's individual and the collective body is controlled by the individual and collective nervous system. So all external efforts are to bring about a change in the nervous system; it's eminently important for you to keep that central in your thinking as you devise strategy and tactics.
I'm a lifelong student of psychology formally and informally and I suggest to you that far and away the most useful model of the nervous system is the it's of two alternative domains, two opposing domains really: the Head and the Flesh which are the domain of entropy, small-mindedness, small heartedness, selfishness, disconnection, alienation, oppression - the 1% as you target them; and the Heart which is the domain of solidarity, humanity, wisdom, compassion, empathy, conscience. I will always suggest to you till someone convinces me otherwise that your entire success depends upon ultimately moving enough Americans from their head and the flesh which is what we worship in this society to the Insane Humanity of the heart.
So this leaves you with two possibilities - violent warfare and Unviolent warfare.
Violent warfare suicidally guarantees victory of the status quo because it empowers the head and the flesh, and they're insane, they don't know the sanity of conscience, compassion, of feeling of human connection. They think they know, they have ideas about it, but can’t actually experience it. Violence for you is kicking the can down the road. It can bring about short-term change, it can't bring about long-term change.
You're out of road. You have eight years to get the job done of reducing coal and oil 80%, by the year 2020. Your out of road. It will be irreversible unless you make 2012 your moon-shot moment, except for the insane Russian roulette fall-back of trying to bring about geo-engineering, which the best scientists are terrified of because it could just as likely bring about global mass destruction.
You don't have any more road, you've gotta get it right now. Violent warfare is immoral, unethical, I don't mean in some abstract sense. I mean in the sense that use of violence is un-adaptive for the well-being of the species. It's the way of cancer. It's the way of diseases, it’s the way of parasites.
That leaves you with Unviolent warfare. If you want more than the gratification of a violent rant that feels good, then your option is Unviolent warfare. It's the only possibility of defeating massive, overwhelming physical force in time. Your task is to sufficiently and rapidly increase the ranks of those ready to die for the change. You need to understand and use force Field analysis. What is it that is causing people to stay on the side of Head and Flesh, the side of status quo? What is it that can cause them to come over out of greed, out of selfishness for the joy of exercising the heart?
Side note: don't get distracted by what people want, oh, people want an end to war, for example. It's irrelevant. What are they willing to pay the price for, what are they willing to stand for? Today, the answer is selfishness, status quo, or, nothing. How do you change that?
The only possible, final victor, is Unviolent warfare; is appealing to, and bring online, the hearts of millions. This is true, clinically, biologically, physically, psychologically, historically.... Unless you want the final victory of total destruction. Unviolent warfare is indisputably history's choice for defeating overwhelming violent powers. Think of the leading social progress movements throughout history. Unviolent warfare is history's choice of the moral giants. That doesn't mean you have to comply. But why would you? If you diverge from history's giants of change, you owe it to yourself that you have a pretty damn good reason. Please share it with me when you come up with it.
Unviolent warfare reestablishes what it means to be a healthy life form, a healthy human being, not insane, not affloholic. I'm not speaking morality here. Is it some hideous morality to pity your drunk uncle, or your friend that you see curled up in a drugged stupor? No, it's wired in our DNA. It's adaptive.
All of this may come down to remembering, finding why we’re here, at Occupy. 'A human being is not equipped to live until they know what they would die for,' to paraphrase MLK Jr. Meaning is what a healthy human being most needs in their life. It's why the mother will run into a burning building almost certainly knowing it's her death, to save her child. Meaning is the ultimate value, meaning to the well-being of others. We are taught the opposite in this society and hence are bringing doom on ourselves.
No, you need to keep the 26,000 children will die tomorrow of easily preventable poverty, and their families, in the room with you; Arm them with AK-47s, like I do, so that you know that if you trigger their rage you know that their rage will blow you away, if they see you squandering the time you have, the limited time to save them, and to save yourselves. Seems crazy until you do it, and then you realize it will bring you alive. Always keep them in the room with you, watching and knowing everything you do. All power, and focus comes from there.
If there were to be a facilitation, a teach-in on this, I expect it would be preceded by a fleshed out text version of this. That would serve the purpose of preparing people for time to be productively spent in the group. It would enable people to decide that they didn't want to be involved. It would enable some fine tuning before they became involved. If that were to happen, I suspect this would've gone through several revisions spearheaded by myself with considerable input by the few that might have an interest and willingness to aid in the facilitation.
'Occupy DC: Blinding How Many Officers Warrants a Crackdown?' SL (text, vid)
So blinding how many police officers on Saturday would warrant a police crackdown? How many hours, days, weeks, months are the police obligated to break the law for folks in Occupy? It would seem from Occupy's standpoint that any enforcement of the law is an inhumane, attackable offense if done by the Park police.
This was an eventful night for me. At 5:30, back at McPherson Park for my evening ration of homeless food, there was a Park Police officer, early 30s, nice-looking fella, African-American man, who I'd never seen before. He seemed to know me or know of me. I approached him nonthreateningly, of course, said I was disturbed about Saturday, wanted to share some observations, was expecting nothing from him in return. Would that be okay? He said yes and in a way that suggested he meant it. I told him, as I've described in posts earlier today, that it appeared to me that what had been a stellar, stunning, display of respect, for free speech and the Constitution by the Park police for three or four months now, stunning, staggering, breathtaking to anyone with eyes, which is almost no one, was thrown out the window, trashed, as near as I can tell, by blatantly bad-faith negotiation by officer Beck, the commanding officer, that by all reasonable appearances, professed to have a good faith, binding discussion with Occupiers, including a young man who I have tremendous respect for, for clearing the statue, getting off of the statue, and the then police agreed to remove only the tents that had bedding, food or were a health hazard. And based on my observations of the end of this negotiation at which point I went to recharge my laptop and upload some video, and my return several hours later, it appeared the police flagrantly, totally lied in that negotiation, and were removing, indiscriminately, all but a few token tents.
And I still don't know that that isn't exactly the case. But I'm mightily impressed with the conversation with the officer and a subsequent conversation I had.
The officer told me, he was an extremely genuine individual, as so many of the officers are, I can hardly think of an exception in years, stunning people. He said, I don't know the exact timing of what you're describing. I wasn't there. I didn't see it, he wasn’t the slightest defensive, but he said - what I do know is that everyone on the force was called to duty in preparation for that morning and we were clearly told that the Park police intended to continue to work with the demonstrators, as they had, unless and until there was any violence, at which point the orders were clear, they would quickly and totally empty the Park of people and then all of the tents and another demonstration material would be taken away; as has been demanded by the law, and I'm adding this part, as is demanded by the law, clear as day, and has not been enforced by the Park police, bending over backward to support free speech, this is categorically clear, against the wishes of the mayor, against the wishes of the vile refuse, that today calls itself the Republican party on Capitol Hill, those inhumane, two-legged rodents, vile creatures. The Park police have been taking all of that pressure. And this fine young officer went on to say - I don't know the exact timing, but I do know that one officer is in the process of losing his eyesight due to a bottle filled with liquid or rocks thrown at his eye, and that another was clubbed with a pole, two acts of violence, either of which was sufficient to trigger my orders, he said.
That's not a definitive answer for me. I am now stepping out of our conversation. I thanked the officer and tried to impress upon him how useful I thought our dialogue was, and that I would, as strongly as I could, voice when he shared back to any sane ears I could find.
Moments later, two African-American men that I've become significantly fond of, that had been associated with Occupy, very clean cut, well spoken, obviously responsible in every respect, appearance, demeanor probably late 30s early 40s, one a vet. I saw them and out of a mutual affection said hi and chose to share the conversation I just had with the police.
They were instantly on the side of the police. I've not spoken with either of them enough to have anticipated that at all. They were incensed by how the police had been berated for hours and hours and hours by a relatively small cadre of the Occupy contingent, the ones that one of the two fellows I'm now mentioning was one of the eighth of us planning to stand with me as human shields protecting the police against the feces and mustard gas bombs from these anarchist trash. They were incensed by a the way the police were treated by this horrifically vocal cadre, some of which I captured on tape and is on my youtube channel, more than a 1000 views on one, 500 on the other.
At this point a third gentleman who I had not observed before, early to mid 30s, extremely fine looking African-American man, extremely professional looking, not a business suit but very well groomed. He was utterly outraged about how one of the individuals was treating the officers. He made it clear that he had been taunting officers, but within boundaries he thought were appropriate to the situation, and how he became aware of a fellow he was next to, who was using language and sexual innuendo, and this guy made a point, for six hours this guy was firing it at police, the most vulgar, the most personal the most sexual, about their mothers, about their wives, and it just spilled out of him, so apparently this offending fellow is the fellow whose elbow was broken, or he has cuts on his head now his lawyer says, and I won't use the exact language, but this extremely well spoken, extremely well-kept man said, the police wound up tearing this guy apart, and one of the other gentleman was expressing concern, and this guy said, they had to do that! Did you hear how he was speaking to them?! He was outraged.
And my point, my major point to them, my major point to the few sane heads I've seen at Occupy over months is, 'you guys don't stand for anything if you don't stand against all abuse, including abusive of the police, and tragically, I saw no one except for me stand against the abuse of the police on Saturday.
My point isn't to condemn anyone, but I was correct then and I'm correct now, his movement is nothing, it's no different, it's no different than the 1%, just has different targets. Brotherhood is universal or it's not brotherhood, standing for justice is universal or it's not standing for justice, standing for what's right is universal or it's not standing for what's right. And then and now my hope is that some people will find the better part of themselves and begin to stand up for what's right.
My guess remains that officer Beck is a throwback, or the equivalent thereof, to the thugs Park police used to be. I don't know that, he may be a very fine man. But if the more police favorable view of this is true, he needs to come forth with that explanation and he needs to come forth with it to the people in Occupy, whether or not they're man or woman enough to hear it and respect it is not his responsibility. But it's his responsibility to justice, it's his responsibility to taxpayers to make a clear rendering of extremely reasonable perceptions of betrayal, and lies, that Occupy has.
And more importantly to the nation, and to the world, is that the better souls in Occupy look at themselves in the mirror and ask what level of standards they're really holding themselves to, because they're holding these officers to infinitely higher standard than they're holding themselves, and that's morally bankrupt, and it's totally hopeless.
So blinding how many police officers on Saturday would warrant a police crackdown? How many hours, days, weeks, months are the police obligated to break the law for folks in Occupy? It would seem from Occupy's standpoint that any enforcement of the law is an inhumane, attackable offense if done by the Park police.
This was an eventful night for me. At 5:30, back at McPherson Park for my evening ration of homeless food, there was a Park Police officer, early 30s, nice-looking fella, African-American man, who I'd never seen before. He seemed to know me or know of me. I approached him nonthreateningly, of course, said I was disturbed about Saturday, wanted to share some observations, was expecting nothing from him in return. Would that be okay? He said yes and in a way that suggested he meant it. I told him, as I've described in posts earlier today, that it appeared to me that what had been a stellar, stunning, display of respect, for free speech and the Constitution by the Park police for three or four months now, stunning, staggering, breathtaking to anyone with eyes, which is almost no one, was thrown out the window, trashed, as near as I can tell, by blatantly bad-faith negotiation by officer Beck, the commanding officer, that by all reasonable appearances, professed to have a good faith, binding discussion with Occupiers, including a young man who I have tremendous respect for, for clearing the statue, getting off of the statue, and the then police agreed to remove only the tents that had bedding, food or were a health hazard. And based on my observations of the end of this negotiation at which point I went to recharge my laptop and upload some video, and my return several hours later, it appeared the police flagrantly, totally lied in that negotiation, and were removing, indiscriminately, all but a few token tents.
And I still don't know that that isn't exactly the case. But I'm mightily impressed with the conversation with the officer and a subsequent conversation I had.
The officer told me, he was an extremely genuine individual, as so many of the officers are, I can hardly think of an exception in years, stunning people. He said, I don't know the exact timing of what you're describing. I wasn't there. I didn't see it, he wasn’t the slightest defensive, but he said - what I do know is that everyone on the force was called to duty in preparation for that morning and we were clearly told that the Park police intended to continue to work with the demonstrators, as they had, unless and until there was any violence, at which point the orders were clear, they would quickly and totally empty the Park of people and then all of the tents and another demonstration material would be taken away; as has been demanded by the law, and I'm adding this part, as is demanded by the law, clear as day, and has not been enforced by the Park police, bending over backward to support free speech, this is categorically clear, against the wishes of the mayor, against the wishes of the vile refuse, that today calls itself the Republican party on Capitol Hill, those inhumane, two-legged rodents, vile creatures. The Park police have been taking all of that pressure. And this fine young officer went on to say - I don't know the exact timing, but I do know that one officer is in the process of losing his eyesight due to a bottle filled with liquid or rocks thrown at his eye, and that another was clubbed with a pole, two acts of violence, either of which was sufficient to trigger my orders, he said.
That's not a definitive answer for me. I am now stepping out of our conversation. I thanked the officer and tried to impress upon him how useful I thought our dialogue was, and that I would, as strongly as I could, voice when he shared back to any sane ears I could find.
Moments later, two African-American men that I've become significantly fond of, that had been associated with Occupy, very clean cut, well spoken, obviously responsible in every respect, appearance, demeanor probably late 30s early 40s, one a vet. I saw them and out of a mutual affection said hi and chose to share the conversation I just had with the police.
They were instantly on the side of the police. I've not spoken with either of them enough to have anticipated that at all. They were incensed by how the police had been berated for hours and hours and hours by a relatively small cadre of the Occupy contingent, the ones that one of the two fellows I'm now mentioning was one of the eighth of us planning to stand with me as human shields protecting the police against the feces and mustard gas bombs from these anarchist trash. They were incensed by a the way the police were treated by this horrifically vocal cadre, some of which I captured on tape and is on my youtube channel, more than a 1000 views on one, 500 on the other.
At this point a third gentleman who I had not observed before, early to mid 30s, extremely fine looking African-American man, extremely professional looking, not a business suit but very well groomed. He was utterly outraged about how one of the individuals was treating the officers. He made it clear that he had been taunting officers, but within boundaries he thought were appropriate to the situation, and how he became aware of a fellow he was next to, who was using language and sexual innuendo, and this guy made a point, for six hours this guy was firing it at police, the most vulgar, the most personal the most sexual, about their mothers, about their wives, and it just spilled out of him, so apparently this offending fellow is the fellow whose elbow was broken, or he has cuts on his head now his lawyer says, and I won't use the exact language, but this extremely well spoken, extremely well-kept man said, the police wound up tearing this guy apart, and one of the other gentleman was expressing concern, and this guy said, they had to do that! Did you hear how he was speaking to them?! He was outraged.
And my point, my major point to them, my major point to the few sane heads I've seen at Occupy over months is, 'you guys don't stand for anything if you don't stand against all abuse, including abusive of the police, and tragically, I saw no one except for me stand against the abuse of the police on Saturday.
My point isn't to condemn anyone, but I was correct then and I'm correct now, his movement is nothing, it's no different, it's no different than the 1%, just has different targets. Brotherhood is universal or it's not brotherhood, standing for justice is universal or it's not standing for justice, standing for what's right is universal or it's not standing for what's right. And then and now my hope is that some people will find the better part of themselves and begin to stand up for what's right.
My guess remains that officer Beck is a throwback, or the equivalent thereof, to the thugs Park police used to be. I don't know that, he may be a very fine man. But if the more police favorable view of this is true, he needs to come forth with that explanation and he needs to come forth with it to the people in Occupy, whether or not they're man or woman enough to hear it and respect it is not his responsibility. But it's his responsibility to justice, it's his responsibility to taxpayers to make a clear rendering of extremely reasonable perceptions of betrayal, and lies, that Occupy has.
And more importantly to the nation, and to the world, is that the better souls in Occupy look at themselves in the mirror and ask what level of standards they're really holding themselves to, because they're holding these officers to infinitely higher standard than they're holding themselves, and that's morally bankrupt, and it's totally hopeless.
The global wind power market rose 6 percent to 41 gigawatts last year, led by China
The global wind power market rose 6 percent to 41 gigawatts last year, led by China, which captured more than two-fifths of the total, the Global Wind Energy Council said today in a report. [Businessweek]
GRANT ISRAEL'S WISH TO GO IT ALONE: Israel Can't Go It Alone on Iran Nuke Threat: SF Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle - 3 minutes ago
It will fall to him to plan and execute the attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, should Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu order him to do so. Senior US officials think that Netanyahu is preparing to launch such an attack in the coming months.
'Park Police owes itself, and the public, an accounting of its actions Saturday.' SL (txt)
Profoundly believing in 'innocent until proven guilty,' as I do, I will not let admiration born of 8 years extensive interaction be erased by my concerns of the last weekend. But I find behaviors of the Park Police this last weekend devastatingly troubling.
- All available evidence suggests that Commanding Officer Beck totally, massively, gratuitously lied to Occupiers early Saturday morning. It is virtually certain he committed, without reservation, that only tents with bedding, food, or health threats would be removed. It is impossible that this was 90% of the tents, but 90% of the tents are gone, removed by the Feds.
- Park Police arrest a journalist because he was known to be supportive of the occupiers? Jerry Nelson, a Photojournalist for the Huffington Post, was arrested as shown on video tape linked from the Washington Post. Just standing there, no melee in progress, Jerry is approached and hand-cuffed by the police. ‘Someone identified you as assaulting them,’ the police said when Jerry asked why. Jerry has been a fixture, an embed, if you will, in the park for 2-4 months under constant view of the police. His behavior is totally and completely inconsistent with assaulting anyone. Most recently a week ago when that retired cop started cutting down the Tent of Dreams, under police eyes, Jerry placed his body between the young demonstrators and the scissors of the retired cop, demonstrating extreme unviolence, never in any way threatening the perpetrator.
- Why the gratuitous, ‘police state’ surges on at least two occasions? One is captured on widely circulated youtube footage – the massive surge, shove, escalation at the library. The other, in which I just barely escaped being trampled by a massive police horse, was the arrest of an individual buried 8 deep in a crowd north of the park, at about 5:30am. 20-30 officers, 6 on horseback, dozens with helmets and shields, 6 with swat team gear, night vision helmets, etc. explode into a 100% passive crowd paying no heed to the park at that moment what so-ever, treating them as though they were an armed, dangerous, violent mob, that never they had been.
My admiration for the Park Police has developed during what seems to have been a radical shift way from thuggery, brutality, about 2 years ago. Is Beck a holdover from that era? What happened?
If the Park Police is the stellar institution I’ve thought these last 2 years, it owes itself a full public accounting of this.
'Park Police Massively, Officer Beck Blatently, Massively Lied Saturday to Occupy, is my best understanding.' SL (txt)
There are as many as 8 and as few as 2 or 3 folks at Occupy DC McPherson I have solid regard for. Young Brian is one fo the two or 3. He is young, and I don't find his judgement impecible (tho far better than mine at his age) but I find his core character, his core Goodness rare, 1 in 100,000.
I saw him toninght as I was getting my supper from the food wagon. Brian was returning from jail after 3 days.
I had not seen Brian arrested, it happened mid morning Saturday I believe between my early am and noon visits. But another of the 3, Jerry Nelson, a HuffPo blogger/photog told me that Brian, who had been accepted as a crisis negotiator by the Occupy crowd, and the police, when he found he was totally and blatantly lied to by the police, demanded to be arrested, jumping a police barrier and announcing his intent to be arrested. Entirely non-violent.
Even when Jerry told me this, among all the confusion, it did not take prominence in my thinking. Now that I've heard from Brian, I'm horrified and deeply sadened. My best guess is that Officer Beck, in total bad faith, said and promised whatever he saw would gain the immediate compliance of the demonstrators, with zero intention of carrying through. I deeply and passionately believe in the dictum - innocent until proven guilty, but not as something to hide behind. A man is responsible for his moment by moment behavior, decisions, views, actions, so I don't have the luxury of suspending all judgment until I have the entirely unlikely opportunity to hear Officer Beck's side.
I now recall hearing, and catching obliquely on tape, the clear expectation Officer Beck, Park Police, set in the early morning, that - only those tents with bedding would be removed, or with food, or dangerous uncleanliness. I'm 99% sure this was not made up, and is what Park Police said would happen. 80-90% of the tents are gone. It is impossible that that many failed the police criterion.
I'm open to hearing my assessment is incorrect. I HOPE I find it to be incorrect, because that would be such a massive moral, professional, constitutional lapse on the part of our Federal Government as to constitute massive destruction of what has been my view of and hope for that institution - the Park Police.
With no expectation of impact, I'll none the less advise Brian to take all promising steps in the media and legal channels to bring this to a head. If there are overriding circumstances that could not be foreseen - they should be brought to light. If it was simply the Federal Government urinating on citizens because the citizens were unarmed - that too should be brought to light.
I saw him toninght as I was getting my supper from the food wagon. Brian was returning from jail after 3 days.
I had not seen Brian arrested, it happened mid morning Saturday I believe between my early am and noon visits. But another of the 3, Jerry Nelson, a HuffPo blogger/photog told me that Brian, who had been accepted as a crisis negotiator by the Occupy crowd, and the police, when he found he was totally and blatantly lied to by the police, demanded to be arrested, jumping a police barrier and announcing his intent to be arrested. Entirely non-violent.
Even when Jerry told me this, among all the confusion, it did not take prominence in my thinking. Now that I've heard from Brian, I'm horrified and deeply sadened. My best guess is that Officer Beck, in total bad faith, said and promised whatever he saw would gain the immediate compliance of the demonstrators, with zero intention of carrying through. I deeply and passionately believe in the dictum - innocent until proven guilty, but not as something to hide behind. A man is responsible for his moment by moment behavior, decisions, views, actions, so I don't have the luxury of suspending all judgment until I have the entirely unlikely opportunity to hear Officer Beck's side.
I now recall hearing, and catching obliquely on tape, the clear expectation Officer Beck, Park Police, set in the early morning, that - only those tents with bedding would be removed, or with food, or dangerous uncleanliness. I'm 99% sure this was not made up, and is what Park Police said would happen. 80-90% of the tents are gone. It is impossible that that many failed the police criterion.
I'm open to hearing my assessment is incorrect. I HOPE I find it to be incorrect, because that would be such a massive moral, professional, constitutional lapse on the part of our Federal Government as to constitute massive destruction of what has been my view of and hope for that institution - the Park Police.
With no expectation of impact, I'll none the less advise Brian to take all promising steps in the media and legal channels to bring this to a head. If there are overriding circumstances that could not be foreseen - they should be brought to light. If it was simply the Federal Government urinating on citizens because the citizens were unarmed - that too should be brought to light.
SLO-MO US FUNDED GENOCIDE: Israel condemns Palestinian reconciliation deal USA TODAY
USA TODAY - 15 minutes ago
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday took a decisive step toward reconciliation with the Islamic militant Hamas, agreeing to head an interim unity government that would prepare for elections in the West Bank and Gaza ...
US Senator: China Cannot Avoid 'Arab Spring' Voice of America
Voice of America - 2 hours ago
Monday, 06 February 2012 US Senator: China Cannot Avoid 'Arab Spring' VOA Tibetan A leading US senator and one-time presidential candidate is warning China, “the Arab Spring is coming.
Black Bloc: The Cancer in Occupy truthout
truthout - 1 hour ago
... demonstrate against the World Bank in Washington DC on April 17, 2011. (Photo: Collin David Anderson) The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement.
Thirty Kentucky Congregations Will Participate in Global Warming “Preach-In” WFPL
WFPL - 4 hours ago
by Erica Peterson on February 6, 2012 Next weekend, thirty church congregations across Kentucky will participate in a nationwide effort to raise awareness about global warming: the third annual National Preach-In on Global Warming.
Obama: US prefers to use diplomacy with IranUSA TODAY
Washington Post (blog) - 7 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said Sunday he does not think Israel has decided whether to attack Iran over its disputed nuclear program, a standoff that has the Middle East on edge. The president sought to assure allies and foes alike that the ...
Subs, silos, UAVs: Rumors cloud Israel's Iran clout Reuters
Reuters - 2 hours ago
Israel, which sees Iran's nuclear drive as a mortal threat, sent F-16 jets to destroy Iraq's atomic reactor in 1981 and launched a similar sneak sortie against Syria in 2007.
'Divine Truth is Demonstrated, Shown, Told of not Argued, Convinced., Proven.' SL (txt)
Jesus, the man, never argued, convinced.... He Demonstrated, Showed, Told of... the Truth of how things are. If someone shows me that a tree is green, and I argue that it is some opposite color, if one argues with me, or tries to convince me, they are at best wasting their time, probably, right? And so it is, that the Divine Truth of Life is Love - relentless waging of activity to advance the well-being of the individual and the species.
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Principles of Nonviolence Martin-Luther-King (txt)
1) Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.
1) Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.
- It is active nonviolent resistance to evil.
- It is assertive spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
- It is always persuading the opponent of the justice of your cause.
- The end result of nonviolence is redemption and reconciliation.
- The purpose of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved Community.
- Nonviolence holds that evildoers are also victims.
- Nonviolence willingly accepts the consequences of its acts.
- Nonviolence accepts suffering without retaliation.
- Nonviolence accepts violence if necessary, but will never inflict it.
- Unearned suffering is redemptive and has tremendous educational and transforming possibilities.
- Suffering can have the power to convert the enemy when reason fails.
- Nonviolence resists violence of the spirit as well as of the body.
- Nonviolent love gives willingly, knowing that the return might be hostility.
- Nonviolent love is active, not passive.
- Nonviolent love does not sink to the level of the hater.
- Love for the enemy is how we demonstrate love for ourselves.
- Love restores community and resists injustice.
- Nonviolence recognizes the fact that all life is interrelated.
- The nonviolent resister has deep faith that justice will eventually win.
'DC Occupy - Police happy to club, trample, shoot citizens.' SL (vid, txt)
'DC Occupy - Police happy to club, trample, shoot citizens.' SL
Today I have uploaded two videos with extremely inflammatory titles talking about police brutality, when in fact the brutality that the early morning and midday videos revealed was the verbal brutality, abuse, violence of the occupiers. Just, just a nasty young mob, vicious, irresponsible, just a nasty young mob. The title of this video is not facetious. Tonight I witnessed something that in eight years in DC I've not witnessed, that I can recall.
So disgusted was I with what I saw this morning at Occupy DC that it was clear to me I'd have nothing more to do with it. I've never enough respected what I saw to identify myself with it, but I'd seen sufficient glimmerings of hope to try and help it become what it should be. And, as of today I see no hope there. McPherson’s on my return trip from the coffee shop I use, to where I am now, where I sleep, and it also is in park where I get food in the evening. My guess was that the police action would have been done by 5:15 when I was going for supper. On my 10 min. walk halfway I encountered one of the few people that I've had a significant regard for, who was running the opposite direction to catch transportation I think, who said, 'Start, don't go that way, there's police violence.' I believed him because I've learned to trust his word pretty much, his judgment, but I go toward trouble, not away from it. When I arrived at the camp, as he had told me I would find, all of the protesters had been driven out of the park, which didn't alarm me, still doesn't alarm me; the police have been breaking the law for three months, the law that says no camping. And it remains my belief that within the Park police is a sense of duty to democracy, to protect the expression of Democratic action, that was self sacrificial on the part of the police, in allowing this three months suspension of the law, on their own volition. So, that the police are now beginning to enforce the law, I can, no responsible citizen can, have an objection. I saw no responsible citizens in Occupy this morning.
I took 15 or 20 minutes to walk around the park to try and see what I could see. Roughly half of the tents are gone. To what degree the police honored their commitment to only remove tents that had bedding in them, and food, I don't know. It surprises me that that many tents would have violated their dictate. But probably half to two thirds of the tents were gone. On my way back around the north side of the park, because the south streets were closed off for the police action, that's where the crowd was, and I went to a far end and was slowly exiting, I'd pretty much come past the crowd, when a phalanx of, oh, 6 to 8 massive police horses, that had been stationary, hence not catch my attention, and yet only 12 feet from me, instantly lurched into motion and almost trapped me, almost trampled me. I wasn't their target, but there's no indication they would've hesitated to trample me. I was able to get out-of-the-way, I was willing to be trampled, but I could conveniently, with a little rushing, get out. These on-horse officers were part of about 30 officers, maybe only 20; some with night vision scopes on their helmets, SWAT team folks mixed in with the Park police, maybe city police as well, but probably mostly Park, and then SWAT team folks. There was someone about eight feet into the crowd that had been really not paying attention to the police as I recall, not threatening in any way, but someone that they wanted to arrest, so quickly, 12 to 15 heavily armed police, including these SWAT team type folks, extremely military, special forces looking, and the horses, drove into the crowd. The fellow they wanted to apprehend, there was no indication of who or why, it was just a guy in the crowd, was instantly on the ground, was apprehended and carried out.
I didn't sense any viciousness in this, and I didn't sense an ounce of compunction as to whether anyone got trampled; those of us in the crowd were bodies; we could've been Taliban, we could've been rat's, four-legged rats, it didn't matter; these officers were given orders and there was no order they weren't going to carry out. I'm not saying I should be shocked, or even find it worthy of comment, but I do, it's quite horrifying. One could say, well gee, how well trained they are. Okay, well trained droids, well-trained robots, Star Wars clones?
The implications of this in my view, I don't know. It's, it's simply a factor, it's certainly a factor I've not witnessed before, I've heard of, but not paid attention to, and it's now squarely on my radar screen.
There was no humanity in evidence. There was no humanity in evidence on the occupiers, among the occupiers, in the morning and the afternoon, and I'd like to think I saw some evidence of humanity among the police. I believe I've seen evidence of humanity among the police for three months now. But not tonight among the police, nor the occupiers. No humanity on either side. I believe in nothing mystical, believe in no higher sentient power, thinking God, Angels, whatever, of the mystical sort; but I think there's wisdom in some of the old tales, and I frequently now think of Pharaoh in Egypt, warning after warning after warning after warning, to which he could not or would not or both, wake up to, or wake up from. That's you, that's me, that's us as a society, police and demonstrators, and the 99.999% who sit on their asses at home. In their addictive stupors; warning after warning after warning - storms, scientific pronouncements, attacks on the Constitution by Bush and Cheney, wars that slaughter Arabs and our own children, and we do nothing. We even don't even contemplate doing anything. Yes I think of I think of Pharaoh, I think of that story more and more. It's virtually certain we're beyond redemption. This is the end.
I don't feel sorry for we western adults, we deserve, we deserve what our children and all of creation are going to get from our behavior, and they don't deserve it. But 7 billion people on a planet going to nine or 10 billion, and all this technology? It's like a child born into a drug-den. We're not designed to be born in drug dens, were not designed to be born into the dens of this massively dense population, technology, this idol worship. Oh what a tragedy that that sounds so arcane, so moralistic; no, we worship idols, we don't worship humanity, we don't worship human beings, we don't worship Love. We worship everything but, all false idols. Humanity is what we should worship; we are built to be kind to one another; we should worship our ability to care for one another which is life itself.
I seem to be at a place of acceptance that I've been moving toward for quite some time, that whereas my secondary job will be to continue to do what I can to stand in the way of this impending, irreversible doom, that's not my primary job. My primary job is to keep Love alive within me, and to be a possible life raft should anyone come along that either wants the Love in them protected, or want's it kindled. Absurd. Absurd. But that's the truth of it.
'DC Occupiers - spoiled, bratty, hateful mob.' SL (vid, txt)
'DC Occupiers - spoiled, bratty, hateful mob.' SL
My brothers and sisters all, but I suspect that today's impression that I hold will not change - those willing to stand among the occupiers, no that's not true - the largest group of those willing to stand among the occupiers are the class brats, whiners, irresponsible me me me me me. Everything that doesn't comply with their wishes is evil and wrong. Absolutely worthless trash.
But eight of us, including two that were young, the rest Vets, except for me and one other, were willing to, were, were determined to risk life and limb to protect the police from an Occupy faction that had amassed mustard gas and feces bombs. And those eight remained through today among the occupiers. But with the exception of myself, this group did not stand up against the hate speech of the brats, which is tragic, but nothing can take away the they were passionately eager to protect anyone and everyone, including the police against abuse, against violence.
But as a movement, it's clear to me that what we've seen so far is at best an indication of what is not a hope. I experience no hope within me that it will be learned from its behavior thus far, in a constructive way, but it could be.
The most hopeless thing is for people to try nothing - entropy wins by default. At least these folks tried something, and they didn't come here out of malice; they didn't come here to hate the police; they didn't come here to rag on the police - there may be a few exceptions. They came here because they feel things are wrong and to that extent they're healthy, they're healthier than 99.9999% of the population, including most of you.
It's rightly said that we can only see ourselves and others clearly in times of crisis, when our very core is called forth by the emergency of the situation. And what showed in the crisis today among DC occupiers is what I would've expected to see, what I think we would've seen in the other occupies - spoiled brats, whining about anything and everything when they don't get their own way, for which they have no right, they haven't worked for a different America; they're not working for a different America now.
My brothers and sisters all, but with very few exceptions, no hope.
'DC Occupy - Fatal Flaw - No Standards' SL (vid, text)
'DC Occupy - Fatal Flaw - No Standards' SL
Shame on me, I never saw this and never voiced it to the few Souls of any promise that I saw in recent weeks and months, at Occupy. Part of it I have voiced strongly and frequently - that a notion they had of inclusiveness was certain doom to any meaningful outcome for their efforts. By way of analogy, I'd say - so you want to put together a surgical, a doctor, to care for your loved one, wants to put together a surgical team, you're going to hope that their criteria is going to feature inclusiveness? There were many occasions on which I put forth such an idea.
But what I'm seeing tonight and what I wish I had thought to say, to point out, to share, was that their approach was an indictment of, or a rejection of explicitly what King and Gandhi insisted upon. King and Gandhi would have no one in actions with them that weren't trained, that from their very soul didn't convincingly swear to uphold extremely high moral standards, extremely high behavioral codes, that flowed from those extremely high moral standards. Now these poor young folks, largely, have had nothing but the most deadly example from my generation that has taken selfishness, brutal, mindless selfishness to the level of religion, as this planet has never seen before. It would be amazing if these young folks figured things out, but they haven't.
And I wish I had the wisdom to share with them then, but I'm sharing it now, that thus far they have explicitly rejected what was a central tenet of the efforts King and Gandhi. No one participated in their efforts with them, except those who swore to uphold moral and behavioral standards that were explicitly laid out, and who had trained sufficiently that there was reason to believe that under pressure those behaviors would be manifest.
I have no illusion that anyone would've paid attention to me had I shared this. But that's not my responsibility, and by way of logical consideration, if they had heard and paid attention, I have no illusion they would have accepted or rejected - probably rejected. I don't know.
Three Tibetans 'in anti-China fire protest' in Seda BBC News
BBC News - 45 minutes ago
Three Tibetans have set fire to themselves in south-west China, reports say, in the latest apparent protest against rule from Beijing.
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