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NBC/WSJ poll: Gingrich leads Romney, but badly trails Obama

NBC/WSJ poll: Gingrich leads Romney, but badly trails Obama -
By NBC's Domenico Montanaro Newt Gingrich leads Mitt Romney among Republicans, but he is the weakest of the Republican candidates tested against President Obama, according to an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday evening.
Gingrich Easily Leads Romney in Poll of GOP
Which Newt Gingrich will show up for the final Florida GOP debate?
GOP debate: Five things to watch for
Jacksonville, Fla. Debate Live Blog

EXTREMELY HEART WARMING: Rescued American's dad "proud" of the U.S.

Obama Wins in Global Poll of Investors - Bloomberg

Obama Wins in Global Poll Showing Investors Resist Newt Gingrich

Bloomberg -
Enlarge image Barack Obama Barack Obama Doug Mills/The New York Times/Redux President Obama at the Intel Ocotillo Campus in Phoenix on Jan. 25, 2012.
Obama Wins in Global Poll Showing Investors Resist Gingrich
Obama Wins in Global Poll

ISRAELI GESTAPO: Palestinian leader Barghouti 'punished for remarks' in Israel court Al-Masry Al-Youm

Palestinian leader Barghouti 'punished for remarks' in Israel court

Al-Masry Al-Youm -
Israel has placed jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti in solitary confinement over remarks he made to the press during a rare court appearance, officials said on Thursday.

HOPEFUL GLIMMER: U.S. Government Downgrades Projections for Coal. Again.

'I must figure out how to massively accelerate my growth, output, service.' SL (no detail)

'I must figure out how to massively accelerate my growth, output, service.' SL

Atmospheric geoengineering could make climate worse TG Daily

Atmospheric geoengineering could make climate worse

TG Daily -
One suggested method of countering man-made climate change, injecting sulfate particles into the stratosphere, could carry serious consequences, say scientists.

Obama's Global Warming Plan: Band-Aids for Wildlife

'Pr. Obama, stand firm. I believe that the majority of the american people will stand with you...”

I'm sorry friend, what planet are you from? The one central miscalcula­tion Pr. Obama has made is that the US people would stand with him, ON ANYTHING. Wanna know what 'standing' looks like?

* Egypt a year ago;

* Civil Rights workers.


Are you really blind to this, or do you simply lack the courage to face and write the truth? True 'Standing' is WHETHER OR NOT ANYONE ELSE DOES, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT. Can you imagine Gandhi, King, those at their side appealing to the 'Leader,' President, whatever, in the way you are?

Pr. Obama is doing EVERYTHING possible given that it is clear that the US people, except the insane right-wing­-nuts, WON'T STAND FOR ANYTHING.

YOU get us to stand. Pr. Obama already is. His mark of stupidity is to not finally face how spineless we Lefties are, to throw the upcoming election, we're dead of our own cowardly denial already, and go off and enjoy the next 4 years with his magnificen­t family. He deserves it, and we deserve the implosion of everything worthwhile in the US, in Creation. ... We've earned that.

But our, eternity's children haven't earned that, so STOP POINTING AT OBAMA, AND POINT THE ONLY PLACE SALVATION CAN COME FROM, US, GET US TO STAND, OR at least risk everything in your attempt, as you ask Pr. Obama to do. sl
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama's America: More Warren Buffett's Secretary Than Warren Buffett

Mr. Roy, 'culture editor,' ok. But if a 'culture editor' is going to write of something like 'leadershi­p' shouldn't they know what they are talking about? James Bond, a Leader? M, a Leader?

This is entertaini­ng friend, but profoundly ignorant on a topic of historic proportion­s. Gandhi was a Leader. FDR was a Leader. MLK Jr. was a Leader. Aung San Suu Kyi is a Leader. Wael Ghonim is a Leader. They, unlike you, would all agree, that Pr. Obama is the greatest Leader the world yet has seen.

Change your focus from 'Leader' to 'Thug,' 'Bully,' or the like, and your article works.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

SOTU: How the Vets Scored It TIME

State of the Union: How the Vets Scored It

TIME (blog) -
By Nate Rawlings | @naterawlings | January 26, 2012 | + The Joint Chiefs look on as President Obama delivers the State of the Union address on Jan. 24. When President Obama took to the podium to deliver the State of the Union address, Paul Reickhoff, ...

'And YOU say it's coincidence extinction of mass-Christlikes and church emergence were near-simultaneious?' SL

'And YOU say it's coincidence extinction of mass-Christlikes and church emergence were near-simultaneous?' SL

'capitalist christianity - the Deadliest plague, addiction. Saints - the few developing immunity.' SL

'capitalist christianity - the Deadliest plague, addiction. Saints - the few developing immunity.' SL


Egyptian protesters plan sit-in until army leaves Reuters

Egyptian protesters plan sit-in until army leaves

Reuters -
By Tamim Elyan | CAIRO (Reuters) - Scores of Egyptian youth protesters marking the one-year anniversary of the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak bedded down in Tahrir Square and pledged to stay put until the ruling military council hands power to ...
Islamists, Liberals Square off in Egypt's Tahrir
Egypt marks anniversary of 'Arab Spring' revolution

ISRAELI GESTAPO: Child prisoners in Israel's jailsThe Guardian

HE'S BREATHTAKING. WE SUCK: Obama saw window of opportunity to free hostages Reuters

Obama saw window of opportunity to free hostages

Reuters -
By Phil Stewart and David Alexander | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When President Barack Obama mysteriously congratulated his defense chief while making his way through the crowd awaiting the State of the Union address Tuesday night, the secret hostage ...

'From my church-step bed I generated 15,000 views of my youtube last night..' SL (more)



The sum total of donations I've received this last month is $10, that I recall.  I've not done the math, but I'll guess I received $10 per minute when I worked for over-privilege.

I do a lot with what I'm given.  Sitting on my granite bed in the 40 degree cold, as folks benign and threatening walked past, I watched, downloaded, parsed, and uploaded Pr. Obama's SOTU last night in 7 segments, and as of now about 15,000 viewings across all 7 segments.

I wonder how many, with infinitely more material resources than I, used them to similar impact during the same time.

We are really in trouble.  Affloholic Zombie Addicts.  

'Assisi understood his call to be 'rebuilding' the Church. That's what I, and All are called to. But NOT the Abortion - christianity' SL

'Assisi understood his call to be 'rebuilding' the Church.  That's what I, and All are called to. But NOT the Abortion - christianity' SL

SL here. This will seem harsh, but I'm sure it is not -

I continue to fail those brought the closest to me.  I'm sorry.  What I'm referring to is my so-far,  uncontrolled tendency to 'broadcast,' to SHOUT those revelations that are Given to me (emails, email, emails....) Over and over through the last decade I've struggled with this failing, made a little progress, but I continue to revert, too much.  I'm sorry. 

My point is, I'll continue to try, and probably make some progress.

The way YOU may experience that progress is by the withdrawal of my responsiveness to you.  If this occurs, it will be as an intended Service to you, as your Brother, my Duty, the Duty of Love. 

Here's the bottom line - What I'm CERTAIN I'm called to do is to share all that I'm Given at the blog below.  Any of you that choose to not subscribe, or to not follow, consume the Daily Summary:
A. Will always be my brother or sister, that is, I will be yours!
B.  But I promise to reduce my tendency to enable your Neglect, by withdrawing my responsiveness to you.

As Good (God) is my witness there is zero veiled in this note to you. NO, I do  not Judge that you Should follow along.  But I must Respect that if you do not, that is a significant indication I have little to offer You, and respect that, and if it is a poor decision on your part, to not enable you by my over-compensation, that has been my failing too, too, too, too... often.

But no, neither can I promise you that I'll not continue to fail you in this too often. But I know I'll try harder.

xx sl

~ SL Blog - INSane HumanE - INSHE Warriors

Donations to enable the work SL does to continue, information here

Climate Scientists Under Attack: Here’s What You Can Do.

'Start, in the 90 days I've know you, my entire world view has changed for the better.' Late 30's friend at Occupy

'Start, in the 90 days I've know you, my entire world view has changed for the better.' Late 30's friend at Occupy

'How's Devotion to Good (God) not what all healthy tissue does? It's the Same, I think.' SL

'How's Devotion to Good (God) not what all healthy tissue does?  It is Not, I think.' SL

'It's Never my business what another man does, and Always my Business that I Do for another man.' SL

'It's Never my business what another man does, and Always my Business that I Do for another man.' SL

'I suspect the genuine Saint is virtually 100% Intrinsically Motivated, Rewarded.' SL

'I suspect the genuine Saint is virtually 100% Intrinsically Motivated, Rewarded.'  SL

'Sanity, oddly, I suspect is Worshiping the Highest, Least Graspable part of ourselves - Good (God).' SL

'Sanity, oddly, I suspect is Worshiping the Highest, Least Graspable part of ourselves - Good (God).' SL

G.reedy O.ld P.igs Upton: House GOP Using ‘Every Opportunity To Push Keystone’

G.reedy O.ld P.ig Vitter Kills NOAA Chief Scientist Nomination

''Start, you lead from the front lines, like a good Private, It's a complement,' my Army friend said. Gandhi did that.' SL

''Start, you lead from the front lines, like a good Private, It's a complement,' my Army friend said. Gandhi did that.' SL

OIL WHORE: Mitch Daniels: Coal Regulations Have No Effect On ‘Human Health Or World Temperature’

OBAMA CLASS ACT: SEAL's rescue: Obama's State of the Union secret Politico

SEAL's rescue: Obama's State of the Union secret

Politico -
A little more than two hours before delivering his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama learned that Navy SEALs had conducted a successful helicopter rescue mission in Somalia to free a US citizen and her Danish colleague, ...
'Daring' rescue in Somalia played out amid State of the Union
Obama praises special ops forces in hostage rescue

NASA'S HANSEN: We'd have to reduce CO2 emissions at six percent a year if we began next year. sci am

The Scientist: Jim Hansen Risks Handcuffs to Make His Research Clear

Scientific American -
Hansen, who has directed NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies for 31 years, earned the sobriquet "father of global warming" after testifying before Congress in 1988 on the dangers of global warming. He appeared again in 1989.
Why Does NASA's Chief Climate Scientist Keep Getting Arrested?
Hansen on Climate: “We need to make clear to the public what's really going on”