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D85 40H 'SL's Internet Crushed in 2 weeks.' SL

Occupy Wall Street: Niall Ferguson and Jeffrey Sachs in heated debate on CNN over 1% wealthiest Amer

The two economic heavyweights face off in a heated debate over the 1% of wealthiest Americans.

Netanyahu's ongoing acquisition of lands by force Ha'aretz

a link.
Since 1991 Madrid international peace conference, tens of thousands of dunams of land belonging to Palestinian farmers have been 'acquired by force.'

US Firms Barely Rank in Global Climate Change Disclosure Lists
Just 8 percent of North American companies fully disclose carbon emissions data, compared to more than 53 percent of European firms, according to the latest carbon rankings from the Environmental Investment Organisation.


D85 40H 'YOUR LIFE'S MEANING - Ask Eternity's Children.' SL

D85 40H 'Without Prayer I'm No hope.' Gandh, Teresa, SL

Solar Ear Co-Founder Named Social Entrepreneur of the Year – CSRwire's Our Pick

a link.
CSRwire’s Our Pick Archive has important Corporate Social Responsibility information and news from a wide range of global media outlets.

Updated SL Blog - Tabs


Solar Ear Co-Founder Named Social Entrepreneur of the Year – CSRwire's Our Pick

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CSRwire’s Our Pick Archive has important Corporate Social Responsibility information and news from a wide range of global media outlets.

BRAIN STUDY - YOUR 'BEING,' YOUR CHOICE - a link. The New Science Behind Your Spending Addiction New science unveils how your brain is hard-wired when it comes to spending-and how you can reboot it.

a link.
New science unveils how your brain is hard-wired when it comes to spending-and how you can reboot it.

Jordanian Farmers to Sue Netanyahu over fires set in endless succession

a link.

Sharon's right-hand man attacks Netanyahu

a link.
The former top aide in Ariel Sharon's administration has blasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for squandering an opportunity to make peace with the Palestinians, slamming a policy to marginalise the Palestinian Authority as both "dangerous and stupid".

Moshe Dayan's Widow Ruth: Zionist Dream Has Run Its Course
These startling words were uttered last week in Tel Aviv by 95-year-old Ruth Dayan, widow of one of Israel's founding fathers

Israel's blindness causing its decline Netanyahu can call the prisoners he frees

a link.
Netanyahu can call the prisoners he frees


by Sean Pool and Lauren Simenauer, in a Science Progress cross-post Too often, when talking about research and innovation on clean energy technologies, policymakers, pundits, and the media tend to assume that the biggest breakthrough will come from a completely novel technology. The discovery of som...

D85 40H 'SL's Planning, Plans, Goals, Expectations....' SL txt, vid

D85 40H 'SL's Planning, Plans, Goals, Expectations....' SL

In the largely despicable, foolish, cultish, non-integrity field of psychology there are a few gems from time to time in this potentially most important of areas, given as the only universe you or I will ever know is the inside of our own nervous system. 

Maybe you know of the methodology for typing people by four classifications - amiable,expressive, analytical, I'm not remembering what the third [driver],  what the fourth is.  Well, Gen. Eisenhower was typed as an analytical, and I've been typed, correctly, the same way.  We're extremely slow learners because every new thing we learn we work to fit in with everything else that we know, changing what we already know or enhancing it.  Very labor-intensive, time intensive process.  But it's what, the way, I want to be.  I believe there is truth to be known, and it's very complex.  Although much less so than one might think.  There are essential truths to be known, they must,they are wholes, they must be understood as a whole.  This is how I work, and in my measurement of attempting to be accountable to eternity's children, including today's, what they need from me, and need for us to ‘get it,’ to understand how things work, and to fix the things that are crippling their future based on truth based on how things work, and can work. 

Well. Eisenhower said 'plans are worthless but planning is everything.'  'Plans are worthless.  Planning is everything.'  Now he was a general.  I guess he was, certainly the highest Allied Cmdr. I don't know the rank system.  So not that it was a luxury afforded him, but was in fact afforded to him that his job ultimately was integral with planning.  So he was freed from on-field command.  He was freed from living in the actual trenches so to speak.

And reflecting on myself after a dozen years of devoting myself, donating myself, no longer prostituting myself, devoting myself to our global neediest, I'm only now getting into serious planning.  I've been in serious study, serious reflection, and serious attempts to help do my job which is to work for these children, and it's your job too.  But it's only now, in recent days, the last several weeks that I'm moving into serious planning; it's tremendously helpful.  I don't look askance on the fact that it's taken me so long to get here, there have been street fights I’ve had to fight, there've been things I've had to learn before I had the ingredients for planning. But I, but I'm into it now and oh boy is it having the chance of accelerating who I am, what I need to bring the world very significantly, it is,  Not that this chart would necessarily show it.

 Toward the middle of the chart  maybe you can make out there are some  places that have a bluer, clear blue area, and elsewhere, well the way I coded this chart, it's that those sure blue would be a five on a scale of  5 to -5 .  This chart is about, black areas are -5, indicating a total void, total void in my hopefulness of life, of providing life, cultivating life.  Sure blue would be wow,  I've really arrived.  So this chart from right to left,  these are multitime per day  readings I take on myself, this dashboard.  There's been a general movement from being useless, or toxic. There aren't any black areas on the left, all-black areas, there aren't any dark red areas, both of which are in the negative to neutral//worthless; no bright blue on the far left, I got a long way to go, but it's trending in the right direction. 

You plan in your life, whether it's how get to the airport on time, or have enough money for your child's education, or your retirement, and on and on and on. You plan the things that are important to you.    Well, what's important to me is the future of eternity's children, and how I can best be the miracle they need me to be toward that end, and well, I thank God that I'm in that planning stage finally.  So the far right is, I don't know, in some respects where I've been these last dozen years, slightly helpful zeros, ones, on a scale of -5 and +5. Now, I'm in kind of solid plus 2, 3 territory.

And the yellow areas on the left here, on this dashboard of mine, are my best articulation of my daily and monthly goals now, and the other items relate to those goals, and if I'm highly focused, and dedicated to all these items, then the likelihood of the yellow areas becoming reality by the end of the year, and staying significant reality in the meantime, increase dramatically.  So, the first yellow area being Dashboarding, being prayerful in The Lord's Prayer which properly prayed, which no one does, but I do now,  thanks to Tolstoy, it's almost another vehicle for planning, for being on plan, being on task, for optimally spending what I am, which is my time, as you are your time, by the way, nothing else.  Dasboarding, and the Lord’s Prayer help me target where I want to spend every second, every breath. 

The second being a second yellow area, talks about a book, video blogging, broadcasting.  God damn this twisted notion that Jesus Was the Way. Jesus didn't say was ‘the’ way, not in his words not in his deeds. He said there was a way, He was the only one living it, in that sense He was The way, He is the way.  As Gandhi said, 'be the change you wish to see in the world;' meaning, you must be the way, you must be the solution.  So others can see it, live it. So this second yellow area has to do with me being and being visible, as this Way.

Video blogging, the book, are both ways of driving me toward clarity, and of being that Way, actualization, what  Jesus talked, and walked.  It's not true because He said it, it's true because it's True.  Jesus spoke of burning brightly.  Putting the lampstand were it will be seen well.  Washington DC is pretty visible place so I drive myself toward spending as much time as possible in front of the White House, so that I more become that that lampstand, provided that these other pieces can take place.

And my fast, the hunger strike. is a way of burning brightly, and as a brother and sister to eternity's children, and to you, of putting myself in the way of the harm, to shield eternity's children.  

And clinically obsessed, that being a healthy thing, in this case, with Derrick Jensen and his book, Deep Green Resistance, and I'm determined to do a rewrite, edit, of that book, for the benefit of the authors and for the benefit of those who otherwise will head off in a deadly, unintended direction. 

Next goal in yellow is to achieve and manitain a fast, relentless onslaught; being the change we must see in the world is being the producing at a frenetic pace, not for the sake of being frenetic, the producing to be contributing at a frenetic pace.  Apple Corporation is a convenient example, they produce extraordinary output at a frenetic pace.  I wish they'd stop, it distracts us from the world's issues.  Objectively their value is because they produce what's valued at a frenetic pace.  That's what I must be and you must be.

An additional element is to work into a schedule these next two months as much time left, as much on a daily basis as I think I can, a massive amount of learning.  I've ammassed many valuable audio books when on vigil, not doing these other things, hopefully in front of the White House  I can be studying history's greatest minds, history's greatest souls,  weaving those fibers into my own; becoming what we need to see in the world – all of us.

D85 40H 'You're handing a wasteland to Eternity's Kids. U r OK with that?' SL txt

D85 40H 'You're handing a wasteland to Eternity's Kids. U r OK with that?' SL

It's really not my purpose to harangue.  If I believed you are really okay with handing eternity's children a wasteland,  including today's young people, I suspect that except an say no more.  I think you just haven't to looked, I think he haven't thought; maybe deliberately but nonetheless.

 I didn't read the article but a headline in USA Today, that I saw in this coffee shop, in 20 years the Bengal tiger will be extinct.   The science is clear that between 50 and 250 species go extinct today.  Today. 50 to 250 went extinct yesterday.  And at our current pace this will increase,  is increasing by little bit every day, instead of decreasing and stopping, which we could do this. 

I can't believe that you won't do everything in your power, devote everything you have everything you are to stopping this.  Think of the movies they tried to show us where we're headed from the tragically real scenes in The Matrix, Total Recall, remember that scene on Mars, Avatar, Silent Running,  Soylent Green...  These weren't idle entertainments.  The authors were seeing where we were going and desperately trying to show us, think about them. This is what were we are now, it's not a movie.  We are handing this off to eternity's children.  Eternity's children won't know   what dolphins swimming in the sea are, what reefs are, what it is not to be going to war over food, what it is not to deluged with wars over what land is left that hasn't disappeared under 6, 18, 30, 38 foot sea level rise.  Eternity's children will never know what Earth was like with 2 million species, roughly what we have today.   At our current pace by 2050,  half of them will be gone. 

I can't believe you're okay with this.  I can't believe.  I believe you want to devote everything you are and everything you have to stopping this.   And I'll keep sharing such thoughts, and doing everything I can to awaken you from the affloholism that's enabling you  to allow this to happen, until I believe it's really, really want you in your heart, what your character wants. 

D85 40H 'Godsend - Poverty to the Affloholic.' SL


‘Everything Israel does is unilateral’ — RT
Tensions are running high between Israel and Palestine as both sides continue cross-border attacks which broke two months of quiet. Meanwhile, Israeli politician Yael Dayan has said direct peace talks between the two sides are doomed to fail.

How climate change will hit home -
My 6-year old daughter Chiara is a member of what I call Generation Hot. That's the 2 billion people worldwide who were born after June 23, 1988, the day NASA scientist James Hansen's testimony to the U.S. Senate put the world on notice that man-made global warming had begun and threatened to make E...


HUGE: Blood on the Tracks- Brian Willson (1) 102011 DemocracyNow Amy Goodman


HUGE D85 40H 'I feel like a Deadly Disease, when 'Normal' I feel.' SL

HUGE D85 40H 'I feel like a Deadly Disease, when 'Normal' I feel.' SL

[embed dashboard graphics]  I feel like a pathenogen,  a virus , a disease, something deadly, when I'm feeling normal like our culture would have us feel normal.  Relaxe Start; don't be in such a rush; don't live like there's such an emergency going,  on act like others,  kickback man, think of yourself now. 

I didn't say that I feel guilty when I have those feelings. I feel dirty in the way that dirty  makes people sick.  I feel like something sickening, to eternity's children children; and I am.   'Western normal' is the most deadly substance that the earth is yet seen probably will ever see.  This isn't being mean.  This is a clinical observation.  It can be refuted based on the facts.

Western normal exterminated 12 million Native Americans and we haven't changed folks.  We've just become better at hiding it from ourselves, wrapping it in the flag, wrapping it in democracy.   Oh by we want democracy, unless it would require some work for we citizens of the most powerful country in the world, to get off our butts, and to keep the wealthy in this country from using the most powerful nation to exploit, not meaning to hurt, they just get in the way, the majority folks on this planet, the poor,  the disenfranchised.  It's their planet folks, we're the visitors, were the minority. 

But don't we, like me my entire life, think that somehow we are the center of the universe, we're the right way to be, and therefore we have the right to be the way we are.  No, we don't, we don't, we're the minority.  We have the right to minority resources.  Oh go your legal route if you want, but it's wrong.   If there are 10 kids in ahousehold it's wrong for one to use whatever power they have to take the resources needed by seven.  It's wrong.  We know that when were young, we know that in a household. It's just as wrong when it's 7 billion people instead of seven in a household. 

I was brought up with a lot of pressure to feel Western culture normal - relax, think about yourself.  I don't have guilt feelings about that; I feel dirty, and I have some level of awareness, thank goodness, of that feeling much of the last couple of days haven't been easy in the sense that I've really had to fight those inclinations, not like I wanted to go with them,  I don't, I just don't know how to overcome them; any more than earlier in my skiing career  I knew have or how to overcome the forces associated with certain double black diamond slopes, and through diligent practice over time I learned. 

I've shown you before this device and maybe I'll have time to show it again in this video.  If you have any money at all, you probably use something like a spreadsheet, some sort of program to look at where you're spending the money and where you want to invest it.  Well we're our time friends, we're not our money, we're our time, and this is a tool  I'm using now to great effect to try and improve how I spend my time during the day, that I'm spending it using the parts of my nervous system that I want to be in control, that I have the focus on the issues, on the constituencies that I'm keeping eternity's young first, that I'm keeping my desire to disrupt the status quo of the do-nothing left, the inhumanity of the vile right.  The apathy of the center.  The insanity of the super-rich. 

I want to be a psychological threat to that, I want to be a threat that status quo, I'm trying to keep my attention there, and these many other issues, over time, I'll probably winnow them down,  but some I'll add, and you'll see how it goes from black, meaning - oh my gosh, I was clueless,  I just wasn't thinking about this, to red, where well, I'm warming up and, blue, which you see none of because that would be a scale of -5 to +5, that would be a four  or five, and I'm not there yet.  Don't know that I will be, but I'm moving away from black, away from red, toward blue,  a roller kind of a roller coaster, like we are when learning anything complex.  We have advances, we have setbacks, and if we stay at it, overall the trend line is positive, but this instrumental folks; you don't want to be normal any more than I do.  This is the most un-normal of times, it is not normal for, in the in the scope of humanity, for it to be on the verge of extinguishing it's ability of its space-ship to support its life, and that's exactly where we are.   So if you're lliving normal in the face of that, you're a pathenogen just like I am, the more normal that I am.   Don't be, this is not a time to live normal, this is not a time when you want to live normal; it sure as hell isn't a time when I want to live normal. I don't want to be a pathogen, I want to be health producing.  It's what I'm designed to do, so are you.  Our only purpose for being here is to advance the well-being of eternity's children.  Tragically we have a culture that totally belies that.  Throw off that culture.  Don't be normal to the culture, be normal to your DNA, and what would have you do.  That's where the joy is, that's where the life is, that's where the hope is. 

We Can Clean the Air, Create Jobs and Power the Economy at the Same Time
By Ralph Izzo, Public Service Enterprise Group As one of the largest electricity generators in the U.S., we, at Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), believe that EPA’s air pollutant regulations should be viewed as an opportunity to modernize the nation’s electric power infrastructure. PSEG has be...

STAY PASSIVE. SCREW ETERNITY'S KIDS FOREVER. Up to 5 Feet of Rain in 10 Days Spurred by Warming Wate
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Would Jesus Occupy? Fountain Street Church says yes and backs movement heartily
The church has allowed the Occupy Grand Rapids protesters to camp in its parking lot.

Israeli government policy is 'both stupid and dangerous', says top negotiator - Telegraph

Herman Cain Denies That Palestinian People Exist
Former pizza company CEO and GOP candidate Herman Cain started his presidential campaign — quite by accident, it seems — as an advocate for a cherished Palestinian ideal to return to their homelands throughout historic Palestine by endorsing the “right of return.” But he’s come a long way since then...

Class Warfare: The Middle Class Is Losing | Swampland |
Peggy Noon today picks up a theme, recently invoked by David Brooks, which has become a relentless Republican talking point on the presidential stump: Barack Obama is a divider or, as Newt Gingrich inimitably put it to a crowd in Davenport, Iowa, which I report in my print column this week: "The Pre...

AWSOME! WE SCREW AROUND, THEY GET SCREWED!One third of humanity faces biggest risks from climate ch