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"SL to Dems: 'If the toilet (GOP) keeps overflowing, KEEP MOPPING!'" SL

"SL to Dems: 'If the toilet (GOP) keeps overflowing, KEEP MOPPING!'" SL

"99.999% of EVERYTHING in this society is drugs for addicts. EVERYTHING." SL

"99.999% of EVERYTHING in this society is drugs for addicts. EVERYTHING." SL

PUT UP, OR SHUT UP: 6 hrs left!!!! to CALL on DADT / DREAM act

135 arrests in DC and that's not news - Madison Independent |
About 135 people were arrested yesterday in an anti-war protest outside the White House. This came as President Obama was revealing a new report that touted pro

WashPo: Obama negotiated with Republicans only after Democratic lawmakers refused for months

‎"Obama negotiated with Republicans only after Democratic lawmakers refused for months"
Congress approved the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade late Thursday, overcoming liberal resistance to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh boost of federal support to the tepid economic recovery.

WashPo: Fairness: Dems - 'for We;' GOP - 'for Me & Thee.'

‎"Fairness: Dems - 'for We;' GOP - 'for Me & Thee.'" SL
One of the great enduring mysteries of American politics is why Republicans attach so much importance to cutting taxes for the rich.


VID - Jan 5 Filabuster Change Day, or not

GET ACTIVE ON THIS. (Those that don't need to Shut Up. Forever.)
Rachel Maddow- Will the Senate be saved with filibuster reform

TIME: Joe Biden Negotiated the Tax Cut Deal:

Joe Biden Negotiated the Tax Cut Deal:
In sit-down with Andrea Mitchell, VP scoffs at AZ Sen.'s timing concerns for treaty ratification, fumes, "Don't tell me about Christmas. I understand Christmas.

AMEN: War Room: Top Dem Conyers sticks up for WikiLeaks
Amid a chorus of calls for prosecution, John Conyers reminds his colleagues that "being unpopular is not a crime"

"Religion's Function: Enable people to avoid Loving as a Religion." SL

"Religion's Function: 
Enable people to avoid Loving as a Religion."  SL


Rare glimmer of Sanity: Tax-cut deal barely dents Obama’s high support among liberals
Despite the anger expressed by House Democrats over Obama's tax-cut deal with Republicans, polls show his support among liberals is still very high and has dipped only slightly.

VID Start Treaty Avoids Filabuster - Kerry Democrats

"My Religion is Loving. The One True Religion." SL

"My Religion is Loving.  The One True Religion."  SL

"America's been de-generating ever since Europeans landed." SL

"America's been de-generating ever since Europeans landed."  SL

"Deadly Error of Right-to-Lifers and me: Equating Metabolism and Life." SL

"Deadly Error of Right-to-Lifers and me:
Equating Metabolism and Life."

"Last 2 days I've had some sort of accute energy drop. Cardio? Interesting." SL

"Last 2 days I've had some sort of accute energy drop. 
Cardio? Interesting." SL


The Liberal Rebellion That Wasn’t: 65 Percent Support McConnell Tax Deal - Swampland -

The Liberals never raise citizen backing, but crucify Obama for their failure.
The Pew Research Center comes through with the number of the day: 65, as in the percentage of self-identified liberals who support the tax deal Barack Obama made with Republican Mitch McConnell over the objections of House Democrats.

Huh. Not all are Lip-service Liberals: Poll: Strong Bipartisan Support for Obama-Republican Tax Cut Deal
Conservatives, liberals and political independents are markedly in sync when it comes to the deal President Barack Obama forged with Republicans on extension of the Bush-era tax cuts and unemployment benefits.

"Not people; 99.99% of us are pigs at the trough." SL

"Not people; 99.99% of us are pigs at the trough."  SL

"Satanic - I wasted most of my life making Rich people Richer." SL

"Satanic - I wasted most of my life making Rich people Richer."  SL

VID - Kindness


NYT: In Tax Details, More Benefits for Middle
A hefty portion of the $858 billion tax package that the Senate is poised to vote on Monday will benefit middle- and upper-middle-income Americans.

"Heaven's never entered by those not Dying for it." SL

"Heaven's never entered by those not Dying for it." SL

VID Nobel Peace Prize - Liu Xiaobo - 2010- Chinese Prisoner
Nobel Peace Prize (5) Liu Xiaobo - 2010- Chinese Prisoner

Jesus' Entire Gospel - "For Joy, Live giving to the Neediest, EVERYTHING you have." SL

Jesus' Entire Gospel -
"For Joy, Live giving to the Neediest, EVERYTHING you have."  SL

"'My name is Start Loving. And who do you say that I am?'" SL

"'My name is Start Loving. And who do you say that I am?'"  SL

"Peace Maker = Christ-like = Godly. Period. Peace Breaker = Anti-Christ = Satanic." SL

"Peace Maker = Christ-like = Godly.  Period.
Peace Breaker = Anti-Christ = Satanic."

"Right-to-Lifers Satanism - equating Flesh to Life." SL

"Right-to-Lifers Satanism - equating Flesh to Life." SL