About 135 people were arrested yesterday in an anti-war protest outside the White House. This came as President Obama was revealing a new report that touted pro
Congress approved the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade late Thursday, overcoming liberal resistance to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh boost of federal support to the tepid economic recovery.
In sit-down with Andrea Mitchell, VP scoffs at AZ Sen.'s timing concerns for treaty ratification, fumes, "Don't tell me about Christmas. I understand Christmas.
Despite the anger expressed by House Democrats over Obama's tax-cut deal with Republicans, polls show his support among liberals is still very high and has dipped only slightly.
The Pew Research Center comes through with the number of the day: 65, as in the percentage of self-identified liberals who support the tax deal Barack Obama made with Republican Mitch McConnell over the objections of House Democrats.
Conservatives, liberals and political independents are markedly in sync when it comes to the deal President Barack Obama forged with Republicans on extension of the Bush-era tax cuts and unemployment benefits.