Hey. Well, it wouldn't matter if they were attacking me physically,
in large numbers, already. Maybe it is massively
important that I be attacked, but it is not my plan do draw
attack - physical or other on myself. And it IS my intent to
place you all in a position to protect yourselves. Yes, maybe
NOTHING will happen, to me, OR any of you. Maybe the Deep
Water Horizon well wouldn't blow up, BP said, but it did.
Did the poster I had at the Museum today come thru in my email to you?
AOL sucks as far as passing links and photos. Here's the link
just in case.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTxBVYfAwUULMPmA7-C9QedfJfu0wvRhU6ufCp5gngXHtjURGYPE1ew0zNlTC-WX_honUYe3J6qnafMUJQZ_FDS4Edmje_o2s4_qmpOC6IDkfby6L3SWs5Cfu1rD-_tcGv26prmg/s400/Blind+in+their+Land+Lust,+ISRAEL.jpgHalf a dozen wealthy, over educated Jews
found it massively offensive. It is nothing, NOTHING compared
to the one I am designing now. You'll see, tonight or tomorrow.
I've known for many months that I was to be at the Holocaust
Museum doing something like this. Now, it is clearly the time - tween
my morning and evening shifts - noon till 5pm, unless Connie
crosses the line to far in her abuse and violence toward me,
her "nigger," in which case it may be time to make the holocaust
museum full time. BTW, I understand Col. Ann was on the
flotilla. Any word? In a letter that MAY have been hand-carried
to Pr. Obama, I think I shared it with you at Christ-mas time,
I told him that if need be, he needed to put his very life on the
line to stop the genocide of our Palestinian family - that it was
putting EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in the world at risk. Funny,
every time I think that someone ELSE should do something, sooner
or later the finger comes pointing at me. :-)
They may ignore me. They may make an example of me - hurting
me and everything I attempt to do for the rest of my days -
making me poison (even more than I am already) to every one
and every thing that could ever imagine connecting with me.
That they could care to do this to me, could be delusion and
aggrandizement on my part, but it is not. But realizing that
they DO this - is utter reality. I've felt bits of it earlier in my work
with Darfur when naively I used Rachel Corrie as an example of
the level of self-risk, paying the price we needed to all display.
Oh my God, Zionists, heavily involved with Darfur, using it as
cover for their Genocide of the Palestinians I see, now, just
as they use the Holocaust as cover; well, out of the blue,
at light speed they incinerated me. I had no idea what hit me.
But in naive shock I backed off like mad, and they relented.
I'll not back off this time.
Hey beloved sis, I'll be writing and maybe even shooting some
self-interview to be transparent on all this for anyone that
is interested. You'll see more the next few hours and days,
but I don't have much time, so pls be patient with me.
sl ps: I know you care, I think, maybe I'm getting too
weird even for you, and your caring means a lot to me.
pps: Email below had some pretty clear thoughts about what
I'm up to here. Pls read carefully too.