----- Forwarded Message ---- From: "Mitch Stewart, BarackObama.com" <info@barackobama.com> To: Start_Loving@yahoo.com Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 5:34:02 PM Subject: One more way to support Elena Kagan
Thanks for adding your name in support of Elena Kagan. I'm grateful that you're helping this movement to make history again.
As the debate over her nomination takes shape, it's crucial that we show overwhelming support from every corner of this country.
Can you ask five friends to stand with us?
Just send them the email below.
President Obama has named Elena Kagan, the current Solicitor General, as his nominee for U.S. Supreme Court.
I just added my name to the growing list of Americans in support of her nomination. Will you join me?
I'm deeply worried for Pr. Obama, the US, the World.... ... how much catastrophe can one man take on? We've got to stand ALONGSIDE him, like our Loved Ones Lives depend on him, CUZ THEY DO. Now, whatever it takes. BarackObama.com MoveOn.org He's a Godsend - our last chance to clean up the Republican wreckage of the last 40 years. He's our last hope, as are you, and me. sl
The similarities between the former Bush Administration and those of a fascist government were overwhelming. And when a recent billboard popped up with a photo of W and the caption Miss Me Yet? it has to make you wonder whether or not Americans actually prefer a fascist form of government. ...