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Michelle Bachman: Psychotic, Sociopathic or Both?

Guardian: Gulf Spill may be 1 Exxon Valdez EVERY 4 DAYS

Opinion polls underestimate Americans’ concern about the environment and global warming

Kudos to BuzzFlash: Shows some SPINE Backing Kagan Nomination!

"The visible Right (GOP, Rethugs) are at ALL OUT WAR against Americans, Decency, Humanity.... True Republicans like Laura Bush, John McCain's mom... are distancing themselves from these traitors." SL

"The visible Right (GOP, Rethugs) are at ALL OUT WAR against Americans, Decency, Humanity....
True Republicans like Laura Bush, John McCain's mom... are distancing themselves from these traitors."  SL

"Your most powerful asset - your Attention: PAY IT WISELY. Where you pay it, GROWS." SL

"Your most powerful asset - your Attention:
PAY IT WISELY.  Where you pay it, GROWS.
Where you deny it, WITHERS.
Over time."  SL

"We need to 'deep sea drill' for Universal [Tough] Love' like Civilization Itself Depends on it, cuz it does." SL

"We need to 'deep sea drill' for Universal [Tough] Love
like Civilization Itself Depends on it, cuz it does."  SL

"The only thing to be sad about is not, death, but not being a Saint." Teresa paraphrase

"The only thing to be sad about is not death,
but not being a Saint." Teresa paraphrase
[Look past the mistaken idea that it is an ego thing,
or a get-into-Heaven-after-you-die thing, which
is NOT what she meant.]


"95% of Jesus Teachings are non-doctrinal. Why is the 'Church' doctrinal?" SL

"95%+ of Jesus Teachings are non-doctrinal. 
Why is the 'Church' doctrinal?"  SL

"Life not on the line for the needy? Probably not Christian." SL

"Life not on the line for the needy?  Probably not Christian."  SL

"Whoever claims to abide in Jesus aught to live just like Jesus Lived."  II John Ch 2

"Germans became Nazis became Abomination. Israelis became Zionists became, uh, persecuted???" SL

"Germans became Nazis became Abomination.  
Jews became Zionists became, uh, persecuted?????"  SL


"I'm a commando on mission to liberate the Christ Spirit black-sited in us..." SL

"I'm a Commando on mission to liberate the Christ Spirit black-sited in us,
by any means available, or to die trying."

"Ships in harbor are safe, but that is not what ships were built for." Julie Thomopson

"Ships in harbor are safe, but that is not what ships were built for." 
Julie Thomopson

"Rosanne" Barr - "I want to do a full segment on [Start]." " SL

She was in the park with a video crew as I came off shift at the
Vigil .  Something about my appearance
caught her attention :-)  and she interviewed me.  She seemed
quite taken.  It was cool.  Her work has always been important.  SL

"I detest the word "peace." " SL

Part of a rant I shared with my beloved sister:

'I detest the word "peace."  Huh?????
In my experience, 99.999999999999% of the time, behind it is some deadly,
magical thinking that saying "peace," giving the "peace sign,"  wearing
beads, singing songs is somehow going to make people put down their
weapons.  Not me!  As they do it in front of a world with 28 million children starving
to death, these over-privileged "peace" sayers, which invariably they are,
make me want to doubly want to pick up a gun - first to shoot them, and
then to go take by force the food that the children need; that rightfully
BELONGS to those children!!!!!  (NO, I would NEVER pick up the gun, and
I would take a bullet FOR any of these, my brothers and sisters.)

At the vigil, to the knee-jerk (what's the opposite of salutation?) word "peace," I
reply- "PeaceMAKING!"

I don't know if anyone "gets it" when I say this.

"I came not to bring peace, but to divide with a sword."  Christ Jesus

"Blessed are the PeaceMAKERS."  Christ Jesus



"Society's sooo lost, the inward compass is the only option." SL

"Society's sooo lost, the inward compass is the only option." SL

Barack Obama: Beyond OMG - Mid-East indirect peace talks 'under way'


:-) "...someone so important to this country [as Start is.]" SL

About a week ago I spent 10 min at the vigil with a high
school group from Michigan.  As many do, they end by taking
photos with me, and one of the MI students who did so generated
quite a dialog, including one guy, the only one negative - hey,
I bet that Hippie was high, they all are....  Wow, did the rest
of the folks pile on him in my defense!  This is the last comment,
so far:

"xxxxx needs to keep those opinions to himself,
that makes me so mad that he could talk to someone like that...
someone so important to this country."


2010 Ellections Decide This: Obama hopes Senate will ratify START by November

BP Insider: Massive Dead Zone Could Be Produced by Gulf BP-Congress Catastrophe

"Most mind the business of others, to avoid responsibility for minding their own." SL

"Most mind the business of others,
to avoid responsibility for minding their own.
I do the opposite."

"We ARE one body. I am but one cell in my body of 6 billion fellow cells born, 50 billon to be born." SL

"We ARE one body.  I am but one cell in my body of 6 billion born, 50 billion to be born.
That is how I experience my fellow humans - cells in my body, and
I a cell in theirs; yours; ALL OF THE SAME BODY, EXACTLY. PERIOD.