Part of a rant I shared with my beloved sister:
'I detest the word "peace." Huh?????
In my experience, 99.999999999999% of the time, behind it is some deadly,
magical thinking that saying "peace," giving the "peace sign," wearing
beads, singing songs is somehow going to make people put down their
weapons. Not me! As they do it in front of a world with 28 million children starving
to death, these over-privileged "peace" sayers, which invariably they are,
make me want to doubly want to pick up a gun - first to shoot them, and
then to go take by force the food that the children need; that rightfully
BELONGS to those children!!!!! (NO, I would NEVER pick up the gun, and
I would take a bullet FOR any of these, my brothers and sisters.)
At the vigil, to the knee-jerk (what's the opposite of salutation?) word "peace," I
reply- "PeaceMAKING!"
I don't know if anyone "gets it" when I say this.
"I came not to bring peace, but to divide with a sword." Christ Jesus
"Blessed are the PeaceMAKERS." Christ Jesus
someone so important to this country."