From Mercedes: You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy. (Dr. Eric Hoffer)
(Dr. Eric Hoffer)
"Vigil: Most distressing by far is wave upon wave of Nazi Youth - Jews they call themselves." SL
Jews they call themselves." SL
WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT? WSJ: Spill may exceed Exxon Valdez within days -- not weeks
Oilpocalypse Now: WSJ reports BP oil disaster may be leaking at rate of 1 million gallons a day
Spill may exceed Exxon Valdez within days -- not weeks
Behold YOUR brother -
Obama Breaks Down in Tears at Dorothy Height's Funeral
Posted on 30 April 2010
WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama broke down in tears at the funeral of 'Godmother' of American civil rights movement Dr. Dorothy Height in Washington today.
Obama was weeping openly as he watched the service for Dr. Height who changed the course of history by standing up for the rights of the Blacks in America along with her comrade-at-arms Rosa Parks.
Mr Obama watched as Dr Height's coffin was carried into the cathedral, and said he was here because of her as he took the podium to deliver the eulogy for Dr Height today.
The US president was joined by his wife Michelle, and Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the service.
Dr Height died last week at 98 after a long illness. She was a pioneering voice of the civil rights movement who remained active and outspoken well into her 90s.
Dr Height led the National Council of Negro Women for decades and marched with the Rev Martin Luther King Jr.
"You're NO whackjob" the male TX Teacher angrily rebuked me in front of his students.
for 12 minutes or so all the whats, whys, wherefores about the Vigil I got the usual
question - "Has President Obama ever come out to talk to you?" My standard
reply - "I think the Pr. Obama is FAR to smart to come out to see me.
Have you heard of Fox News? How much do you think Fox News would
love to have a photo of Pr. Obama here talking to some whackjob with
tattoos on his face, SO THEY COULD HURT PR. OBAMA?"
"YOU ARE NO WHACKJOB," the male TX Teacher angrily rebuked me in
front of his students.
Have I ever received a stronger affirmation?
Fw: If you think you are unhappy....
If you think, you are unhappy. . ..
If you think your salary is low. . .
If you think you don't have many friends. . .
When you feel like giving up . . . .
If you think you suffer in life,
Do you suffer as much as he does?
If you complain about your transport system . . .
If your society is unfair . . . .
Enjoy life, how it is, and as it comes, there are always those who are worse off than we are.
This e-mail needs to circulate forever...
Daniel from Ind: "how many 10s of thousands of people you've touched deeply...."
maybe 10 months ago, and who remains a friend on Facebook:
"I was walking around downtown Indianapolis the other day, and I
saw this group of artists doing a street installation. We started chatting,
and it turns out they're from DC. I asked them if they knew about
you, and they lit up and said yes. Out of 300 million people in this
country! We had fun speculating on how many 10s of thousands
people you've touched deeply. :)"
"Just wanted to let you know you're on my list of "heroes." Of the ten
I listed, you, Dean Kamen and Bill Moyers are the only ones alive. :)
My Heroes
http://www.facebook.com/l/d27ea;danielscottpoynter.com/about.html#heroes "
I replied:
"Daniel, your kind words of encouragement mean an enormous amount to me.
I've been given sooooo much that I so desperately wish the share. Thanks.
Your brother, Start
"The squirrel erased my email. No, REALLY!" SL
Of course, to them I'm just another type of tree, or bush,
uh, make that tree; one that at times dispenses peanuts,
but it is pretty magical none the less. Most are pretty
skittish, but some are kind, gentle, nice. Just now
one lightly leaped onto my lap as I was typing, sat there
for a moment, as I typed, and then as I moved my hand down
to the bag by my side where the peanuts were, he casually
strolled across the keyboard to see what I was getting
him, erasing my work.
Hmmmmm. Secret Service? Nah.
Plop, he lands on my arm, he just came for another.
"SL you have made a huge difference to most of the kids in my class"
Note on facebook today from a student that visited the Vigil some weeks back.
"'Truth IS God,' Gandhi. When is the Truth (God) OK to avoid, obscure, ignore, deny?" SL
When is the Truth (God) OK to avoid, obscure, ignore, deny?" SL
"Checkmate them!" 3 hrs later Pr. O Checkmates. "If he'd listend to us earlier!," Progressives whine, mindlessly.
"If he'd listened to us earlier!," Progressives whine, mindlessly.
Luke 14:7 "27 Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple."
Teresa: "Love does not remain passive..." Mom Dies Saving Kids From Tornado
Miss. Mom Dies Saving Kids From Tornado
Massive Tornadoes Tore Through 17 Counties; Mother Dies Protecting Her Young Sons
"I thought 'my money' was mine. It NEVER was!!!!!" SL
NYPost: Homeless man rescues woman, takes her knife wounds, left to die by passersby.
Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax, a Guatemalan immigrant, was the kind of person people in New York ignored. He was dirty and homeless, but it didn't mean Tale-Yax wasn't human. It seems, actually, he was a pretty good guy. When a woman was attacked by a knife-weilding man in a short-sleeved green shirt and green hat, Tale-Yax, 31, leapt into action. He paid dearly for his heroic effort after he was stabbed. After falling the ground at 144th Street and 88th Road in Jamaica, Queens, around 5:40 a.m. on April 18, many people walked by him without doing anything to help. He laid there, first bleeding in pain and then motionless, for more than an hour, as dozens of people walked by, nobody stopping to help, according to a surveillance video obtained by the New York Post. One person even took what appears to be a photo with his cell phone before leaving Tale-Yax,... |
"The world couldn't have a better brother than Barack. And we to him?" SL
The 6 weeks for SL's neck is 1/3 up!!!!
understand. There are hours that are relatively pain free,
and many hours of almost totally frozen neck, and extreme
headache. My focus remains good, but my time, energy
and hours are being significantly shortened. Again, please
try to be patient with me.
I see no indication that there is any long-term damage.
I see now that my resting computer postures for the last
15 months have been destroying my neck (duh). I've slipped
a disk in my neck, or something like that, and almost
always such problems heal themselves in about 6 weeks. I'm
1/3 of the way there!
Your Loving brother,
"[Tough] LovING IS Heaven. None other exists, nor is desirable." SL
None other exists, nor is desirable." SL
PLS SHARE: TREASON: Israel Support by US Government
TREASON: Israel Support by US Government
Fw: Shame on Arizona - Time to take action
Breaking News
Arizona's governor just signed SB 1070 into law, effectively making it legal to racially profile in the state. The bill requires local law enforcement to question anyone they have "reasonable suspicion" of being undocumented. Translation: you could be pulled over for no other reason than that you are brown-skinned or speak Spanish.
That Gov. Jan Brewer could sign such a discriminatory law — one of the worst in the nation — is a moral outrage. We need to send a clear message that Arizona does not deserve economic support from the rest of the country. Tourism is a huge industry in the state — bringing in $18 billion last year. With the passage of SB 1070, it's time to say shame on Arizona and pledge not spend our dollars in a place where racial profiling is legal. Will you join us?
The bill that Gov. Brewer just signed makes it a misdemeanor to lack proper paperwork in Arizona. It also requires police officers to attempt to determine a person's immigration status if they form a "reasonable suspicion" that someone is undocumented.
Leading police chiefs and sheriffs have even expressed outrage at the bill's signing, saying that it will cause immigrants to avoid reporting crimes, and divert officers' attention from going after violent offenders.
The conservatives who passed SB 1070 may not care about Latino communities feeling safe, but they definitely care about the tourism industry that brings in billions of dollars to the state. We need to show them that their decisions have consequences. Will you join us? It only takes a moment:
Thank you and ¡Adelante!
Favianna, Laurie, Roberto and the rest of the Presente.org team