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I think we are afraid of a life of Universal Love. We think we can't do it, we'd fail, couldn't stand the pain....

I think we are afraid of a life of Universal Love.  We think we can't do it,
we'd fail, couldn't stand the pain....

Hmmmmm.  That is incorrect.  Why do we make this error?  How to avoid it?


GOD DAMN AMERICANS: Congress to Condemn Goldstone Report on Gaza? Institute for Public Accuracy (press release) - ‎22 minutes ago‎


Congress to Condemn Goldstone Report on Gaza?

Institute for Public Accuracy (press release) - ‎22 minutes ago‎

Knowledge and the Right, the Left...

Right Perverts Knowledge to Pervert or prevent Action

Left purveys Knowledge as a Substitute for Responsible Action

Humanity Pursues Knowledge so it can Responsibly ACT.


'Staying alive is not what matters. It is staying Human that matters.' Geo. Orwell, 1984

'Staying alive is not what matters. It is staying Human that matters.'  Geo. Orwell, 1984

'If you love your life you will lose it.  If you hate your life you will gain it.'  JC

We're again failing our duty as citizens - public option, climate change... and we blame Obama for it.

We're again failing our duty as citizens - public option, climate change... and we blame Obama for it!

The end of civilization, the end of America will be our children's reward.

It isn't too late for us.  Yet.

We have weeks,
months left.


ENJOY: Life has replaced Death at the White House. Indeed.


It's OK! They're poor and don't work on Wall Street! DN! 17,000 Children Die from Lack of Insurance

"Start, what if you knew that your efforts were of absolutely no hope?"

[[[The paragraphs below were stimulated by my dialog with the
Angel Nancy over this article I shared this morning:  Afghan girls burn themselves to
Afghan girls burn themselves to escape marriage


I'm almost always very upbeat, really.  Yesterday, for a fleeting
moment, the thought entered my mind, "Start, what if you knew
that there was absolutely no hope, that your efforts are of
absolutely zero hope, impact or positive value. What then?
[because at the moment, I correctly realized that this may be true]"

My answer came immediately - "I'd keep doing what I'm doing. 
I don't want the existence of a parasite; I don't want what that feels like. 
I don't want to be evil.  I don't want to live separated from the
Love within me as a brother for all of Humanity born and to be born.
Been there, done that.

I don't want a life of pleasure when I can have the Life of Joy
that comes from Dying for a better world, one with with less
suffering, and more Joy."


Afghan girls burn themselves to escape marriage MSNBC


The Church taught me to be "Catholic." Jesus taught me to be a Brother to EVERYONE. How totally UnChristLike the "Church" is.

The Church taught me to be "Catholic." 
Jesus taught us to be a Brother to EVERYONE. 
How totally UnChristLike the "Church" is. 

"I LIKE your Christ. 
I do NOT like your Christians. 
They are soooo unlike your Christ." 


"Today is a good day to die [battling for Humanty]," Worf. Truer words never have been spoken.

"Today is a good day to die [battling for Humanty]," the Klingon, Worf, Star Trek, Next Generation. 
Truer words never have been spoken.

"There is no greater Love than to lay down your life for your brother."  JC

This is how I feel.  Enormously Joyful.  Now, if Our Father said to me,
"Start, how many years do you want me to give you?"  "Well, up to infinity
if I can do any Good," I'd answer.  But being in the Fight for Humanity is such
profound Joy, that if He wants me, whenever, next week, whatever, that's perfectly
fine too.  Such concerns as avoiding death are simply transcended; relatively
unimportant.  Amazing. 

"Just keep giving me my 'Daily Bread' father - your Work, our
Family's Work to do; that's all I ask.  Let me HELP! Please, let me Help."  SL

You understand.

Friends - please help. VERY important.

I'm hopeful, but about very few, right?  Yes, I'm a real grouch.  But there are a
few, a VERY few that really give me hope. 


Please help if you can.  NOW.  Please forward this to others:

Red Alert: BuzzFlash has a dream: a true progressive community promoting progressive commerce and ideas that pay for progressive journalism and activism. Can you keep that Dream Alive and help us close our $14,980 budget gap for October? Buy a progressive premium, become a monthly donor, buy a holiday or birthday gift certificate, custom order a book or DVD, or just donate (the best option, because then we are not paying for the premium.) Click here right now. Progressives need to financially support sites like BuzzFlash, because with the ads on corporate journalism comes the bias of corporate journalism.

Keep the unique dream of an economic progressive commerce that financially underwrites progressive journalism and activism (like our campaign) alive with your dollars. We know the nudging is annoying. If our donor base becomes large enough, we can become less pesty.

But think of the good you are doing, just think about the change that the Internet made possible -- and BuzzFlash was here in 2000, the first progressive pugilist on the web. (No lavish salaries at BuzzFlash; the editor receives $22,500 a year for a 7 day work week.) Please, Please, Please donate or buy a progressive premium today to make up a $15,400 gap. Heck, only one person on our staff even owns a car.

History, if we have on, will never again see the likes of this Leader: Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency U.S. News & World Report

History, if we have on, will never again see the likes of this Leader: 

Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency

U.S. News & World Report

An enormous gift I received this week: "Start, you are that bastard of a drill sergeant in 'An Officer and a Gentleman!'"

An enormous gift I received this week: "Start, you are that bastard of a drill sergeant in 'An Officer and a Gentleman!'", ok, I'm ready for your death blow now.

My dear, dear friend at , ok, I'm ready for your death blow now.  It's ok.


Your last 6 hr page right now is so powerful, so stunningly energizing,
so totally appropriate, so hugely CONSTRUCTIVE, so
appropriately leading, so mature and responsible... that I KNOW
that you are taking me to the heights of ecstasy so you can
dash me on the rocks for the final time tomorrow with a flurry of, well,
you know... negative, destructive, cowardly, childish, whining,
myopic, scapegoating, hypocritical, sadistic... articles tomorrow. 


But I'm ok with that, cuz today you made it clear to me what
you are capable of.  I was right all along about your potential!!!
I knew it!!!
  "I have seen the Mountain Top," said MLK Jr.

"Tomorrow is a good day to die," to paraphrase that Klingon
on Star Trek, Next Generation.  What's his name?


ps: Warf!  I thought I'd remember!

pps:  Except, you should have published this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DN! (1) Holds International Climate Action Day in 170 Nations

We westerners ARE Tom and Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby), "Thoughtlessly wreck everything."

I thought I'd seen every movie ever made!  But over several nights at the Vigil
(it was too painful to watch all the way through at one time)  I watched it,
hadn't seen it before - AND IT WAS US. 

We are Tom and Daisy Buchanan -
We "thoughtlessly wreck everything."

It, is a real Terror movie.

We, are the real Terror.

Fitzgerald tried to
show us, in

Peace Activists,

"Church:" Where we go to maintain the illusion we've not become degenerate inHumans, including the "Churches" of Progressivism, Activism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Academia....

"Church:"  Where we go to maintain the illusion we've not become degenerate inHumans, including the "Churches" of Progressivism, Activism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Academia....


Zionists are WORSE than Nazis. Why? The Nazies delivered the mercy of DEATH, The Zionists? Lifelong Family Torture.

Zionists are WORSE than Nazis.  Why? The Nazies delivered the mercy of DEATH. The Zionists?  Lifelong Family Torture.

The whole world is SPECTATING, AGAIN.


The difference tween the "least of these," and the lesser of these: Life vs Death.

The difference tween the "least of these," and the lesser of these:  Life vs Death.

"Do unto the LEAST of these Our Family,  ALL that you would have them
do unto you."  JC

LEAST, not lesser - difference between LIFE and death.

Jesus, King, Gandhi were DYING to make
the distinction for you.



The Truth: The Best that Conscience Can Know at the time.

The Truth:  The Best that Conscience Can Know at the time

Nor were the orcs smart enough to join Aragorn. Several Forces Threaten Democrats in 2010 Washington Post - ‎20 minutes ago‎

Nor were the orcs  smart enough to join Aragorn.

Washington Post -
 ‎20 minutes ago‎

And rather than join Jesus the Jews were slaughtered by the Romans.

This is our last chance folks.
