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Friends - please help. VERY important.

I'm hopeful, but about very few, right?  Yes, I'm a real grouch.  But there are a
few, a VERY few that really give me hope. 


Please help if you can.  NOW.  Please forward this to others:

Red Alert: BuzzFlash has a dream: a true progressive community promoting progressive commerce and ideas that pay for progressive journalism and activism. Can you keep that Dream Alive and help us close our $14,980 budget gap for October? Buy a progressive premium, become a monthly donor, buy a holiday or birthday gift certificate, custom order a book or DVD, or just donate (the best option, because then we are not paying for the premium.) Click here right now. Progressives need to financially support sites like BuzzFlash, because with the ads on corporate journalism comes the bias of corporate journalism.

Keep the unique dream of an economic progressive commerce that financially underwrites progressive journalism and activism (like our campaign) alive with your dollars. We know the nudging is annoying. If our donor base becomes large enough, we can become less pesty.

But think of the good you are doing, just think about the change that the Internet made possible -- and BuzzFlash was here in 2000, the first progressive pugilist on the web. (No lavish salaries at BuzzFlash; the editor receives $22,500 a year for a 7 day work week.) Please, Please, Please donate or buy a progressive premium today to make up a $15,400 gap. Heck, only one person on our staff even owns a car.

History, if we have on, will never again see the likes of this Leader: Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency U.S. News & World Report

History, if we have on, will never again see the likes of this Leader: 

Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency

U.S. News & World Report

An enormous gift I received this week: "Start, you are that bastard of a drill sergeant in 'An Officer and a Gentleman!'"

An enormous gift I received this week: "Start, you are that bastard of a drill sergeant in 'An Officer and a Gentleman!'", ok, I'm ready for your death blow now.

My dear, dear friend at , ok, I'm ready for your death blow now.  It's ok.


Your last 6 hr page right now is so powerful, so stunningly energizing,
so totally appropriate, so hugely CONSTRUCTIVE, so
appropriately leading, so mature and responsible... that I KNOW
that you are taking me to the heights of ecstasy so you can
dash me on the rocks for the final time tomorrow with a flurry of, well,
you know... negative, destructive, cowardly, childish, whining,
myopic, scapegoating, hypocritical, sadistic... articles tomorrow. 


But I'm ok with that, cuz today you made it clear to me what
you are capable of.  I was right all along about your potential!!!
I knew it!!!
  "I have seen the Mountain Top," said MLK Jr.

"Tomorrow is a good day to die," to paraphrase that Klingon
on Star Trek, Next Generation.  What's his name?


ps: Warf!  I thought I'd remember!

pps:  Except, you should have published this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DN! (1) Holds International Climate Action Day in 170 Nations

We westerners ARE Tom and Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby), "Thoughtlessly wreck everything."

I thought I'd seen every movie ever made!  But over several nights at the Vigil
(it was too painful to watch all the way through at one time)  I watched it,
hadn't seen it before - AND IT WAS US. 

We are Tom and Daisy Buchanan -
We "thoughtlessly wreck everything."

It, is a real Terror movie.

We, are the real Terror.

Fitzgerald tried to
show us, in

Peace Activists,

"Church:" Where we go to maintain the illusion we've not become degenerate inHumans, including the "Churches" of Progressivism, Activism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Academia....

"Church:"  Where we go to maintain the illusion we've not become degenerate inHumans, including the "Churches" of Progressivism, Activism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Academia....


Zionists are WORSE than Nazis. Why? The Nazies delivered the mercy of DEATH, The Zionists? Lifelong Family Torture.

Zionists are WORSE than Nazis.  Why? The Nazies delivered the mercy of DEATH. The Zionists?  Lifelong Family Torture.

The whole world is SPECTATING, AGAIN.


The difference tween the "least of these," and the lesser of these: Life vs Death.

The difference tween the "least of these," and the lesser of these:  Life vs Death.

"Do unto the LEAST of these Our Family,  ALL that you would have them
do unto you."  JC

LEAST, not lesser - difference between LIFE and death.

Jesus, King, Gandhi were DYING to make
the distinction for you.



The Truth: The Best that Conscience Can Know at the time.

The Truth:  The Best that Conscience Can Know at the time

Nor were the orcs smart enough to join Aragorn. Several Forces Threaten Democrats in 2010 Washington Post - ‎20 minutes ago‎

Nor were the orcs  smart enough to join Aragorn.

Washington Post -
 ‎20 minutes ago‎

And rather than join Jesus the Jews were slaughtered by the Romans.

This is our last chance folks.


EACH and EVERY was a rung keeping me above, Divorced from Our Poor Family: The clothes, the degree, the house, the cars, the healthcare, the income, the church, the Career, the suburbs, the restaurants, the vacations, the childcare....

EACH and EVERY was a rung keeping me above, Divorced from Our Poor Family: 

The clothes,

the degree,

the house,

the cars,

the healthcare,

the income,

the church,

the Career,

the suburbs,

the restaurants,

the vacations,

the childcare....

Don't "see" Change? Then CAN'T see "Change. "You will kill me and think that you do Our Father's will."

Don't "see" Change?  Then CAN'T see "Change." 
"You will kill me and think that you do Our Father's will."

2 min:  HUGE: 

President Obama's Diwali Message

[Hint:  He's our Brother, ALL of us, not our would be master.]


Re Climate Change: 1. Decide what's needed. 2. Do it. 3. Research whether it is possible. Plan 4.0 Intro.

"The thinking that got us into this mess is not likely to get us
out. We need a new mindset. Let me paraphrase a comment by
environmentalist Paul Hawken in a 2009 college commencement
address. In recognizing the enormity of the challenge facing
us, he said: First we need to decide what needs to be done.
Then we do it. And then we ask if it is possible.
Lester R. Brown
July 2009"


Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

Sacred Heart: We're not to admire it, we're to Reincarnate it in ourself. Now.

Sacred Heart:  We're not to admire it, we're to Reincarnate it in ourself.  Now.

MUST READ: Rewarding Hope: Why Barack Obama Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize Huffington Post (blog) - Menachem Z. Rosensaft - ‎1 hour ago‎


He destroys YOUR personal wealth, house, privilege, safety, family, relationships... is why we hate Him - Good (uh, I mean God / Conscience / Universal Love / Our Humanity)

He destroys YOUR personal wealth, house, privilege, safety, family, relationships... is why we hate Him - Good (uh, I mean God / Conscience / Universal Love / Our Humanity)

And all we get in return is our Life, Humanity, UNIVERSAL Love, Joy, HEAVEN-in-this-life, SALVATION OF THE PLANET, of ALL HUMANITY!!!!
Which is ALL so wonderful that King, Eleanor, Teresa, Gandhi, Jesus...
happily gave their lives to return our Souls to Good (God).

They died to Save us.  A few
seconds remain on
the game clock.

Care to play?


ps:  Now.


America's Booming White Enclaves TIME

"The ends are pre-existent in the means." MLK Jr. Why Peace Work must be Love in Action.

"The ends are pre-existent in the means." MLK Jr.  Why Peace Work must be Love in Action.

"I'll not work with any cowards." Gahdhi

"Give me a military man to work with any day.
I'll not work with any cowards."  Gandhi

Will we stand up with these brave souls, or just keep whining and dining?

>>>> <<<<<

Love does Courage, Commitment, Discipline, Sacrifice... or it's not Love.

Love does Courage, Commitment, Discipline, Sacrifice... or it's not Love.

With Love "self sacrifice" is actually self-Transcendence, or it is not Love.

With Love "self sacrifice" is actually self-Transcendence, or it is not Love.

Peace Work is Love Heroically Cultivataing Love, or it is Not Peace Work.

Peace Work is Love Heroically Cultivataing Love, or it is Not Peace Work.


Climate demo on Parliament roof BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎ More than 40 climate protesters have climbed onto a roof at Parliament in the latest breach of security there. The demonstrators, from Greenpeace, ...

Climate demo on Parliament roof

BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
More than 40 climate protesters have climbed onto a roof at Parliament in the latest breach of security there. The demonstrators, from Greenpeace, ...

The needy who should be Desperately grateful for your True Life now are? The unerring compass toward Life and Joy.

The needy who should be Desperately grateful for your True Life now are?

This question is the unerring compass toward Life and Joy;
YOURS Certainly, and maybe theirs.

Works for me!  Worked for Gandhi!  Worked for Eleanor!

Worked for Jesus!

You?  Certainly!
If you Live
by it.


Courage (Commitment, Dedication) are External Manifestation of Love; or it is NOT Love.

Courage (Commitment, Dedication) are External Manifestation of Love; or it is NOT Love.

GIVE 0BAMA COVER! NOW! Regardless of your Cause or Country, the Universal Sane Activist Strategy.

GIVE 0BAMA COVER! NOW! Regardless of your Cause or Country, the Universal Sane Activist Strategy.

"Hypocrisy: Not Living One's Beliefs. I give you christians, progressives, activists.... The exception proves the rule. We're Dead unless this changes" SL

"Hypocrisy: Not Living One's Beliefs. 
I give you Christians, Progressives, Activists.... 
The exception proves the rule.
We're Dead unless this changes." SL