From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


EACH and EVERY was a rung keeping me above, Divorced from Our Poor Family: The clothes, the degree, the house, the cars, the healthcare, the income, the church, the Career, the suburbs, the restaurants, the vacations, the childcare....

EACH and EVERY was a rung keeping me above, Divorced from Our Poor Family: 

The clothes,

the degree,

the house,

the cars,

the healthcare,

the income,

the church,

the Career,

the suburbs,

the restaurants,

the vacations,

the childcare....

Don't "see" Change? Then CAN'T see "Change. "You will kill me and think that you do Our Father's will."

Don't "see" Change?  Then CAN'T see "Change." 
"You will kill me and think that you do Our Father's will."

2 min:  HUGE: 

President Obama's Diwali Message

[Hint:  He's our Brother, ALL of us, not our would be master.]


Re Climate Change: 1. Decide what's needed. 2. Do it. 3. Research whether it is possible. Plan 4.0 Intro.

"The thinking that got us into this mess is not likely to get us
out. We need a new mindset. Let me paraphrase a comment by
environmentalist Paul Hawken in a 2009 college commencement
address. In recognizing the enormity of the challenge facing
us, he said: First we need to decide what needs to be done.
Then we do it. And then we ask if it is possible.
Lester R. Brown
July 2009"


Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

Sacred Heart: We're not to admire it, we're to Reincarnate it in ourself. Now.

Sacred Heart:  We're not to admire it, we're to Reincarnate it in ourself.  Now.

MUST READ: Rewarding Hope: Why Barack Obama Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize Huffington Post (blog) - Menachem Z. Rosensaft - ‎1 hour ago‎


He destroys YOUR personal wealth, house, privilege, safety, family, relationships... is why we hate Him - Good (uh, I mean God / Conscience / Universal Love / Our Humanity)

He destroys YOUR personal wealth, house, privilege, safety, family, relationships... is why we hate Him - Good (uh, I mean God / Conscience / Universal Love / Our Humanity)

And all we get in return is our Life, Humanity, UNIVERSAL Love, Joy, HEAVEN-in-this-life, SALVATION OF THE PLANET, of ALL HUMANITY!!!!
Which is ALL so wonderful that King, Eleanor, Teresa, Gandhi, Jesus...
happily gave their lives to return our Souls to Good (God).

They died to Save us.  A few
seconds remain on
the game clock.

Care to play?


ps:  Now.


America's Booming White Enclaves TIME

"The ends are pre-existent in the means." MLK Jr. Why Peace Work must be Love in Action.

"The ends are pre-existent in the means." MLK Jr.  Why Peace Work must be Love in Action.

"I'll not work with any cowards." Gahdhi

"Give me a military man to work with any day.
I'll not work with any cowards."  Gandhi

Will we stand up with these brave souls, or just keep whining and dining?

>>>> <<<<<

Love does Courage, Commitment, Discipline, Sacrifice... or it's not Love.

Love does Courage, Commitment, Discipline, Sacrifice... or it's not Love.

With Love "self sacrifice" is actually self-Transcendence, or it is not Love.

With Love "self sacrifice" is actually self-Transcendence, or it is not Love.

Peace Work is Love Heroically Cultivataing Love, or it is Not Peace Work.

Peace Work is Love Heroically Cultivataing Love, or it is Not Peace Work.


Climate demo on Parliament roof BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎ More than 40 climate protesters have climbed onto a roof at Parliament in the latest breach of security there. The demonstrators, from Greenpeace, ...

Climate demo on Parliament roof

BBC News - ‎2 hours ago‎
More than 40 climate protesters have climbed onto a roof at Parliament in the latest breach of security there. The demonstrators, from Greenpeace, ...

The needy who should be Desperately grateful for your True Life now are? The unerring compass toward Life and Joy.

The needy who should be Desperately grateful for your True Life now are?

This question is the unerring compass toward Life and Joy;
YOURS Certainly, and maybe theirs.

Works for me!  Worked for Gandhi!  Worked for Eleanor!

Worked for Jesus!

You?  Certainly!
If you Live
by it.


Courage (Commitment, Dedication) are External Manifestation of Love; or it is NOT Love.

Courage (Commitment, Dedication) are External Manifestation of Love; or it is NOT Love.

GIVE 0BAMA COVER! NOW! Regardless of your Cause or Country, the Universal Sane Activist Strategy.

GIVE 0BAMA COVER! NOW! Regardless of your Cause or Country, the Universal Sane Activist Strategy.

"Hypocrisy: Not Living One's Beliefs. I give you christians, progressives, activists.... The exception proves the rule. We're Dead unless this changes" SL

"Hypocrisy: Not Living One's Beliefs. 
I give you Christians, Progressives, Activists.... 
The exception proves the rule.
We're Dead unless this changes." SL



"Love is what you do for others in need, or it is not Love." SL

"Love is what you do for others in need, or it is not Love."  SL

"Secret of Life: For the Joy of it, keep your life on the line for the least of these our Family." SL

"Secret of Life:  For the Joy of it, keep your life on the line for the least of these our Family."  SL

Through my tears (thanks Get Off Obama's Back ...second thoughts from Michael Moore

[SL addition at end.]

Get Off Obama's Back ...second thoughts from Michael Moore

Saturday, October 10th, 2009


Last night my wife asked me if I thought I was a little too hard on Obama in my letter yesterday congratulating him on his Nobel Prize. "No, I don't think so," I replied. I thought it was important to remind him he's now conducting the two wars he's inherited. "Yeah," she said, "but to tell him, 'Now earn it!'? Give the guy a break -- this is a great day for him and for all of us."

I went back and re-read what I had written. And I listened for far too long yesterday to the right wing hate machine who did what they could to crap all over Barack's big day. Did I -- and others on the left -- do the same?

We are weary, weary of war. The trillions that will have gone to these two wars have helped to bankrupt us as a nation -- financially and morally. To think of all the good we could have done with all that money! Two months of the War in Iraq would pay for all the wells that need to be dug in the Third World for drinking water! Obama is moving too slow for most of us -- but he needs to know we are with him and we stand beside him as he attempts to turn eight years of sheer madness around. Who could do that in nine months? Superman? Thor? Mitch McConnell?

Instead of waiting to see what the president is going to do, we all need to be pro-active and push the agenda that we want to see enacted. What keeps us from forming the same local groups we put together to get out the vote last November? C'mon! We're the majority now -- the majority by a significant margin! We call the shots -- and we need to tell this wimpy Congress to get busy and do what we say -- or else.

All I ask of those who voted for Obama is to not pile on him too quickly. Yes, make your voice heard (his phone number is 202-456-1414). But don't abandon the best hope we've had in our lifetime for change. And for God's sake, don't head to bummerville if he says or does something we don't like. Do you ever see Republicans behave that way? I mean, the Right had 20 years of Republican presidents and they still couldn't get prayer in the public schools, or outlaw abortion, or initiate a flat tax or put our Social Security into the stock market. They did a lot of damage, no doubt about that, but on the key issues that the Christian Right fought for, they came up nearly empty handed. No wonder they've been driven crazy lately. They'll never have it as good again as they've had it since Reagan took office.

But -- do you ever see them looking all gloomy and defeated? No! They keep on fighting! Every day. Our side? At the first sign of wavering, we just pack up our toys and go home.

So, at least for this weekend, let us celebrate what people elsewhere are celebrating -- that America now has a sane and smart man in the White House, a man who truly wants a world at peace for his two daughters.

Many, for the past couple days (yes, myself included), have grumbled, "What has he done to earn this prize?" How 'bout this:

The simple fact that he was elected was reason enough for him to be the recipient of this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

Because on that day the murderous actions of the Bush/Cheney years were totally and thoroughly rebuked. One man -- a man who opposed the War in Iraq from the beginning -- offered to end the insanity. The world has stood by in utter horror for the past eight years as they watched the descendants of Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson light the fuse of our own self-destruction. We flipped off the nations on this planet by abandoning Kyoto and then proceeded to melt eight more years worth of the polar ice caps. We invaded two nations that didn't attack us, failed to find the real terrorists and, in effect, ignited our own wave of terror. People all over the world wondered if we had gone mad.

And if all that wasn't enough, the outgoing Joker presided over the worst global financial collapse since the Great Depression.

So, yeah, at precisely 11:00pm ET on November 4, 2008, Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. And the 66 million people who voted for him won it, too. By the time he took the stage at midnight ET in the Grant Park Historic Hippie Battlefield in downtown Chicago, billions of people around the globe were already breathing a huge sigh of relief. It was as if, in that instant, one man did bring the promise of peace to the world -- and most were ready to go wherever he wanted to go to achieve that end. Never before had the election of one man made every other nation feel like they had won, too. When you've got billions of people ready, willing and able to join a cause like this, well, a prize in Oslo is the least that you deserve.

One other thought. The Peace Prize historically has been given to those who have worked to throw off the yoke of racial discrimination and segregation (Martin Luther King, Jr., Desmond Tutu). I think the Nobel committee, in awarding Obama the prize, was also rewarding the fact that something profound had happened in a nation that was founded on racial genocide, built on racist slavery, and held back for a hundred-plus years by vestiges of hateful bigotry (which can still be found on display at teabagger rallies and daily talk radio). The fact that this one man could cause this seismic historical event to occur -- and to do so with such grace and humility, never succumbing to the bait, but still not backing down (yes, he asked to be sworn in as "Barack Hussein Obama"!) -- is more than reason enough he should be in Oslo to meet the King on December 10. Maybe he could take us along with him. 'Cause I also suspect the Nobel committee was tipping its hat to all of us -- we, the American people, had conquered some of our racism and did the truly unexpected. After seeing searing images of our black fellow citizens left to drown in New Orleans -- and poor whites seeing their own treated no better than the black man they had been raised to hate -- we had all seen enough. It was time for change.

Thank you, Barack Obama, for giving us the opportunity to redeem ourselves. Now for the tasks ahead. We need you to do all that you promised to do. [AND WE NEED TO DO ALL WE, WE, WE THE PEOPLE PROMISED TO DO TO HELP YOU.] We need it. The world needs it. [AND WE'LL NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE..]

My prediction for the future? You become the first *two-time* winner of the Nobel Peace Prize! Yeah!

Fred (that's Norwegian for "Peace"),

Michael Moore

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Net Atlantic

Mark Karlin
Editor and Publisher


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Constructive Leadership ENCOURAGES Potential. Destructive Leadership Punishes Disappointments. And you?

Constructive Leadership ENCOURAGES Potential.
Destructive Leadership Punishes Disappointments.

And you?


"Put your life on the line for others, for the Joy of it. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat...." SL

"Put your life on the line for others, for the Joy of it.  Repeat.  Repeat. Repeat...." SL

ps:  NOW would be a good time.

pps: And for those of you already doing so?  Thanks for giving us LIGHT.

pps:  That reminds me:

"Whoever would give light, must endure burning."  Eleanor Roosevelt.

UNLESS WE PROTECT HIM, PRES. OBAMA IS CRUCIFIED: Gold Futures Advance to Record in New York on Inflation, Dollar ... Bloomberg - Nicholas Larkin, Kim Kyoungwha - ‎53 minutes ago‎



"Sweeping positive changes have only come to America when there's been a progressive President,

pushed to do the right thing by large numbers of rowdy citizens. (Think FDR and the New Deal;

think LBJ and the Civil Rights movement.)  Today, we've got the progressive President. Now all we

need is to vote with our feet, and enable him to do what we elected him for." 

Yes Men

>>>>>>>>>>>  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE <<<<<<<<<<<<<

[I wish I'd thought of it.]

Evey in V FOR VENDETTA BEFORE she found Life:

Evey in V for Vendetta BEFORE she found Life:

MLK Jr. Paraphrase:

'A person is lifeless, worthless,
until they are laying down their life for others.'

["A man is not fit to live until
he knows what he would die for." Martin Luther King Jr.]

(Evey in V for Vendetta Before she found Life.)