JFK's daughter Caroline was the last to speak at the Memorial for
Ted Friday (?) night. I'm uploading the entire evening in segments.
DON'T MISS IT. As a patriot, as a human, as a seeker - don't miss it.
Caroline ended her talk with her point - 'What Ted did, we all
could do, but because HE did it, we didn't have to. But now
Ted's gone. Now, it is up to us."
And so it is.
This article made me think of Caroline's words:
Ted Friday (?) night. I'm uploading the entire evening in segments.
DON'T MISS IT. As a patriot, as a human, as a seeker - don't miss it.
Caroline ended her talk with her point - 'What Ted did, we all
could do, but because HE did it, we didn't have to. But now
Ted's gone. Now, it is up to us."
And so it is.
This article made me think of Caroline's words:
Health-Care Reform, One Stop at a Time
Obama Supporters Organize Bus Tour, Campaign-Style Events Across U.S.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/30/AR2009083002654.html?hpid=moreheadlinesNOW, IT IS UP TO US. NOW.