If we could get the Pentagon to embrace language like ours it would be the end of war:
- Non?!??!!? -violence
- Resistance?!?!?!?!?
- Peace??!?!??! If there were peace, there would be no babies... GIVING BIRTH IS NOT PEACE-FUL!!!!!
The fact is that this language is used for a reason - TO KEEP THINGS SAFE AND COMFORTABLE - FOR THOSE IN THE "MOVEMENT."
Well, things are not Safe and Comfortable for folks in:
- Iraq
- Iran
- Congo
- Darfur
- 9th Ward New Orleans
- Palestine
- Sierra Leone
- South America
- Africa
- Inner Cities
- Etc...
- Etc...
- Etc....
What language is more hopeful and helpful?
- War of construction
- Waging Love
- Waging Brotherhood / Familiness
- Waging World Family
- Massive Militant Direct Action
- Radical Familyness
- Familiness to the Death
- Total Deflation of Empire
- Total Counteraction of Empire
- Total Replacement of Empire with Kindom
- Etc...
- Etc...
- Etc....