From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


I am but one of 50 billion cells in my body.

Now it would simply be a lie if I said anything else. When I feel my body I feel the cell called Start and you, and Darfuries, and the walking dead of the military industrial complex, and the suffering in Congo, my family in Palestine, my Hitleresque Israelis....

This is how it is for Jesus. This is how it is for your Heart. You will know if you start dwelling in your Heart. It is simply all that the Heart knows. The "Head" finds this notion absurd and will never experience it.

The body of Christ.

"We are all cells in the same body," Peace Pilgrim.

I Love Life too much not to risk dying for it.

I'm dying to save the world. I've dying to save Darfur.

Redeeming the world's heart: our movies are full of it


Captain's Courageous

Les Mis: Jean Val Jean twice gives his life for Javer. Javer's selfishness is murdered.

Les Mis: The Bishop of Dis (?) lays down his life (gives his entire wealth out of love) to the thief Jean. Jean selfishness is murdered and a Divine Heart rules Jean for all his days - leading the Salvation and Redemption of many.

The Green Mile

Cry Freedom

Dry White Season

Sunday in the Park with George

Don Quixote

John Q




The only hope? Dying for brotherly love to prevail on earth

If you saw as I do, as Jesus did that Heaven on Earth absolutely was within our grasp, do you think you or anyone could resist giving your life for it, dying for it? Of course not.

Life is what is worth dying for.

Success Measures: Brotherhood - Cross Count. Violence - Body Count.

Purity not Duration is the objective measure of Life

Who had more life, more of a life, and better life, a more desirable life:

Adolf Hitler? Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

Jesus? The Scribes and Pharisees?

The Zionists? Rachel Corrie?

Jay McGinley drinking beer and watching women? The students at Kent State fighting to end the genocide waged by the US on Vietnam?

Did we deify Jesus just to avoid following Him?

Oh there is so much I want to write about this but the following will have to suffice:

What do you get when you take the "God" out of Jesus? Gandhi is the answer.

Jesus died to be followed. He would die again if he knew he instead was being worshiped.

In fact, by belief is that what has happended is by plan, one well intended but deathly wrong, the other evil:

1. The Appostles didn't get it, or rather they didn't really get it. They thought success was in numbers of bodies rather than number of people going to the Cross. So they made up all the crap about miracles, resurection, ties to prophacy in the Old Testament to be able to better "sell" new converts. In the pricess they fatally diluted the saving psychology and social engineering that was Jesus saving gift of Life to us.

2. At Nicea the "Church" (today's anti-Christ) explicitly promised Constantine that in return for not being exterminated but instead bankrolled they would extinguish the actual "practice" of what Jesus taught. That they would turn the "way" into ritual and dogma that enslaved people as loyal subjects of not the Kingdom but the state.

There has not been a "Church" for 1800 years.

If we had done the same to Eistein there would be no bomb; Lister, there would be regular death from infection after operations....

Jesus died for to be FOLLOWED, not worshiped


Who asks, "Are you saved?" is not. Beware.

A full elementary school just suffered a roof collapse crushing the children inside. A "Christian" outside is asking you, "Are you saved?" Jesus of course would be hauling boulders off of "His" children. Well the world today is one big caved-in-Elementary School. In the time it took you to read this short post more than 10 children starved to death. Anyone with the time to ask such hideous questions as "Are you Saved?" is divorced from Jesus family, and that is the state of Sin; and that is Hell. You don't want to go there. Beware.


The Peace is so complete it is almost impossible to breathe. Ecstasy. Oh my beloved, I have done my best for you all. I believe I will continue to do so until my last breath. I hope some day, if not already, you feel the peace that I do. Do you remember in the movie "Contact" when Jody Foster becomes the AWE of the Cosmos toward the end? That is exactly what I am experiencing.

Oh my God.

Define: Atom. Gravity. God.

The point?

We can all define Atom.

Only psychotics, snake oil salesmen, sharks, and wolves can define Gravity or God. They are both forces, we know that. We couldn't live without those forces. But no one in their right mind yet knows what either of them is.

As to God, we probably never will know for sure. I'm satisfied that God is essentially Love / Heart - the royal road to both our inate neorological goodness AND th 90% of our brain that we can't consciously access OR CONTROL!

Our only choice is to ignore God, or to be controled by him / her.

Amusing: My dying on the cross may spare the next Start Loving

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Truly I find it amusing. Finally, when enough Steven Beko's had died, the next one was not allowed to by his/her friends, associates, society... even the "enemy" (sick brother).

But a lot of Steve Beko's had to die before those remaining woke up.

Ah, the luck of the draw!

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Aside from amused I am extremely excited that our Father chose me to help us come Alive; and I can see beyond all question that I am doing a lot of good. I am humbled, honored and deeply rejoicing for the opportunity. Oh, thank you Father. Some others will have to die on the Cross after me. I'll not be enough.

But I am praying that we wake up soon after I'm gone. Why? Because we are way out of time. A few seconds of overtime is all the human race has to turn this game around. I hope we have a few seconds left.

Please articulate to our Father who is NOT your "immediate family."

For God's sake, for your "immediate family's" sake, do it. Now.

Denomination or religion crucial to you? Not Christian.

They will know you by how you love one another[, how you show your love to everyone.]

Anyone focused with any significance on any other issue be it religion, denomination, sexual orientation - IS NOT FOLLOWING JESUS.

IS THAT CLEAR? Can you imagine any of the folks that Jesus will certainly recognize - King, Gandhi, Mandella, Teresa... being concerned significantly except for the suffering of her/his brothers and sisters worldwide?


OH MY BELOVED - FEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What would you do on what you thought probably was the last day you could normally lay down and sleep, or do anything else normal for that matter? If you had had the exposure I have had to Guinan's "Peace and Nonvolence," a colletion of world-saving essays you too would have worked all day and night to place major excerpts on the internet.

FEAST AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [on the links below].

With love and prayers for you to be heroes, Start Loving.

NEW BLOG: Peace and Nonviolence (Quotations from) .........

* Introduction, Napoleon
* Christian Nonresisstance, Adin Ballou
* Paul IV, from Intro
* Reflections on War, Simone Weil
* Leo Tolstoy
* An Indian Prayer: A Proposal to Man. Ron Skenand...
* I Believe, Perry Muckerheidi
* Is There Anything the Individual Can Still Do? Fr...
* Address to the Congres de la Paix, Victor Hugo
* Letter to a Minister of State, Hermann Hesse
* LOVE IN ACTION, Thich Nhat Hanh
* Active Nonviolence, Hildegaard Goss-Mayr
* Religious Satyagraha, M.K. Gandhi
* The Time of My Commitment, George Fox
* Our Father, Desiderius Erasmus
* Nonviolence VS the Mafia, Danilo Dolci
* Dorothy Day
* Not the Smallest Grain of Incense, Tom Cornell
* Militant Non-Violence, William Sloane Coffin
* Cesar Chavez
* Fetters of Injustice, Dom Helder Camara
* Stations on the Road to Freedom, Dietrich Bonhoeff...
* Christ's Teachings, Vinoba Bhave
* An Open Letter to a Bishop, Philip Berrigan
* A Meditation from Catonsville, Dan Berrigan
* If we Listen Well, Ed Guinan


Pete, manager of the Washington Peace Center kindly shared with me an email about a Darfur activity in VA to raise awereness, a concert or something. "Too little too late," was my gently delivered response.

"Gosh Start, you seem really pessamistic about Darfur," Pete commented out of concern.

Pete's view was really helpful to me. It helped me to realize that I may be the only one that has seen all along that we can stop this Genocide. Every one else I see with maybe no exceptions is going through the motions as though it is ludicrous to go all out, but shameful to not do something.

Yes, in fact, my radical behavior is born of clarity of vision that this has always been a Genocide we can stop, immediately that we make up our hearts to do so.

Truly I am the most optimistic of the Darfur Activists.

Similarly, I am the only person professing to follow Jesus that I know of that believes he showed us how to create Heaven on Earth, and that He expected us to make it happen - full victory.

Kill myself!?!? What?????? I'm trying to save myself!!!!!!!!!!

No sh--!

Darfur is part of my body, a larger part than what you see when you look at me. NO I AM NOT TALKING METAPHORICALLY!!!! LOOK IN YOUR HEART!!!! YOU KNOW ME!!!! :-) FINALLY I KNOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE!!!!!

You and my other global brothers and sisters also are part of my body. the biggest part. I see us, with too few exceptions to speak of, as more dead than alive, and suffering, gasping for lack of Joy, Life, Peace, Love.

And everyone yet unborn is my body. I say this as absolute Truth before God. YOU KNOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of Humanity is my body, I swear to God. By my Hunger Strike I am trying to save the larger part of my body. And I will help in what I am doing more than anything else I could do. It is Emergency Room Procedures and Triage. More gang rapes tonight. More breasts cut off. More eyes gouged out. More children burned alive in fires in front of their families today. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!!??!!??! And maybe my life will be one of the sparks that some time down the line supports the chain reaction that will save your planet. God, I hope so.

"Live as though the entire fate of the universe depended upon what you do; and realize that what you do will probably make no difference at all," say some of the Buddhists.

"Never think that one person cannot change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has," Start Loving.

And Dr. King imagined that "the Priest and the Levite said to themselves, 'If I stop what will happen to me?' But of the wounded man lying by the side of the road the Good Samaritan said, 'If I don't stop what will happen to him?' "

Share in my Joy!

Dearly Beloved,

This entire site will help you through the next weeks. This post in addition should help. It is taken from one of the essays in the 1972 - Peace and Nonviolence, by Ed Guinan (a Divine collection - a must read):

LOVE IN ACTION, by Thich Nhat Hanh. Some quotations:

"The nature of the struggle is not a doctrine to be materialized by a program of action; it is communication and love. Thus, its leaders must create and inspire love for the masses in the hearts of their people. They touch the people by altruistic acts born from their own love. When Nhat Chi Mai burned herself because she wanted to be a "torch in the dark night," she moved millions of Vietnamese. The force she engendered was the force of love for non-violent action." [Side note from Start Loving: I always felt more horror than anything at the self immolation of Buddhist monks in Vietnam. Last month in reading Dellinger, and close advisor of King, I learned that such an immolation by a Buddhist Monk was largely responsible for Dr. King coming out against the Vietnam war. It touched Dr. King's heart as nothing else had.]

"We have witnessed tragic and heroic scenes of love: a monk seated calmly before advancing tanks; women and children raising bare hands against clubs and grenades; hunger strikes held in patience and silence. Only love and sacrifice can engender love and sacrifice. This chain reaction is essential to the non-violent struggle. Thich Tri Quang did not make strategy; he fasted 100 days. And everyone who passed by the Duy Tan clinic at that time had to hold his breath.

"The usual way to generate force is to create anger, desire,and fear. But these are dangerous sources of energy because they are blind, whereas the force of love springs from awareness, and does not destroy its own aims. Out of love and the willingness to act, strategies and tactics will be created naturally from the circumstances of the struggle. Thus, the problems of strategy and tactics are of secondary importance. They should be posed, but not at the beginning."

"...Our struggle's purpose... the destruction of fanaticism and inhumanity, which are the real enemies of man."

"At a joint press conference with a Buddhist monk, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King declared, "both the colored people struggling for civil rights in the US and the Buddhist struggling for peace in Vietnam are bound to the cause of peace and social justice, and are determined to sacrifice themselves to achieve their goal."

"Westerners often misunderstand and see self-immolation as and act of violence. To the Vietnamese it is quite the opposite. By accepting extreme suffering, one lights the fires of compassion and awakens the hearts of the people, as Christ did. Among a number of Vietnamese who immolated themselves for peace were Thich Quand Duc, a monk, and Nhat Chi Mai, a yound girl student."

"Another means - the one most often used by Gandhi to communicate with the people - has been fasting. Thousends of Vietnamese, both as individuals and in groups, have fasted to try to end the war. One fasts to pray, to purify one's heart and strengthen the will - or to arouse the silent awareness and compassion of the population. In 1966, Venerable Thich Tri Quang fasted for 100 days, deeply affecting the people of Vietnam.

"There have been other painful sacrifice. In 1963, a girl student named mai Tuuyet An cut off her hand as a warning to the Diem regime, unleashing tremendous emotion among young people. In 1966, ten university students, Nhat Chi Mai among them, pleedged to kill themselves to try to end the war, but the church forbade them. A year later, Nhat Chi Mai burned herself.

"There have been strikes, business licenses returned, resignations of university presidents, deans and professors (40 professors at Hue University), boycotts of classes and refusals to participate in the war. One typically Vietnamese act mentioned earlier has been the carrying of family altars into the streets to oppose tanks, a demonstration of the people's determination to pit the most precious symbols of their traditional values against the instruments of inhumanity and violence.

"Humanist efforts in Vietnam are suppressed by secret police, tear gas, suffocating gas, TNT, grenades, prisons and torture. False nuns and monks infiltrate the Buddhist movement, damaging its prestige and sowing seeds of fear. Extremists are thus encouraged to pervert and destroy the leaders and cadres of non-violent moments. Uncounted numbers of Buddhists and non-Buddhist leaders from all walks of life have been liquidated or sent to prison. In the School of Youth for Social Service, whose only aim is to help the peasants, eight young people have been kidnapped, six killed, eleven seriously wounded. Why? Because they refused to accept American aid or to participate in the war."

"The non-violent struggle in Vietnam goes on - amid vast pain and hardship. The world is just beginning to understand that peace everywhere, as well as the future of Vietnam, is linked to this movement. Its success and its contribution to the humanist revolution throughout the world depends upon your understanding and your help."


When Hell on earth is complete within the next few years, our Father / Mother will be shaking their head at us -

"We warned you. We did everything possible to warn you. We told you where the Path to Heaven on Earth was. You were determined not to listen. Oh what a waste:

1. "Our Father in Heaven."
2. "Hallowed be your name."
3. "Your Kingdom come[s]." (variation: "Thy Kingom [IS FUNDED] as thy will is done...")
4. "[As] Your will [is] done on earth as it is in Heaven.
5. "Give us [all] this day our daily bread."
6. "Forgive us our [errors]," 7. "As we forgive [the errors of others.]
8. "Lead us [all] not into temptation," 9. "But deliver us [all] from evil.

"You dicided instead that patholocial self-delusion was the way you wanted to live. So you decided to live a culture of "make believe:"
A. Jesus and the Appostles were only speaking in metaphore.
B. The above are not literal and specific instructions EXACTLY like the instruction to a child - "Honny, do not grab that hot skillet by the handle! Do not put your hand on that burner." What we told you so clearly were the natural consequences of Selfishness / Death and Otherishness / Life based on your psychology, your physiology, and the dynamics of the physical universe.
C. Everyone is NOT your brother or sister. The 13 children that starved to death within the last minute were not really, Truly, exactly YOUR IMMEDIATE CHILDREN; YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY.
D. Capitalism, not God and "Love your neighbor as yourself" would be the "god" in which you would place your trust.
E. Christianity is a "social club with a thin veneer of religiosity" which you join for a few bucks and that uses Jesus to comfort and amuse you; Not the church of Jesus - a radically, totally universal-family culture to replace all empires like Jesus and the Appostles died to show you.
F. Etc....

YOU BLASPHAMOUSLY SELF-PROCLAIMED "CHRISTIANS" OF THE YEAR 2007 DELIBERATELY AND WILLFULLY REJECTED OUR SON JESUS, YOUR BROTHER WHO SUFFERED AND DIED TO SAVE YOU. We will always love you, but we accept your decision that you are no longer our children. Your Hell is now your responsibility, not ours.

Your loving Father and Mother, God"

Darfur Hunger Strike Day 22: Final Farewell

My dear brothers and sisters around the world. As noted below I've been away from the 24 h/day Sudan Embassy Darfur Hunger strike for more than a day now to deal with a wrongful arrest that seems to be dropped. This has given me access to computer that I'll not have on the sidewalk of the Embassy. I expect this is my final goodbye to you as I'll spend what is left of my body trying to thaw el-Bashir's heart on his Embassy sidewalk.

You still don't see it. Saving Darfur is about saving your world. Darfur is a mortal wound on the humanity of your Soul, and the Soul of your global brothers and sisters. Leaving it un-Rescued and un-Restored is bleeding away from you whatever bit of Heart / Humanity / Sanity you've had left in this cesspool / toxic dump of a selfish world.

Your Heart will not survive much more of this. You need to get off of your death-bed now. Draw on your Heart. Through exercise it will regain strength - quickly.

Otherwise, you have once and for all lost planet earth to the end times. You will give Living Hell to your children.

May God help you.

Your loving brother forever, Start Loving


Have you seen this at Right? What do you see?

When one first sees this picture they quickly see EITHER an old woman or a young girl.

Without prompting they may never, never, never see the picture any other way!!!!!!!!!

With help, and sometimes a tremendous amount of mental work, they will see what they did not see the first time.

Switching back and forth takes a tremendous amount of time for the brain.

This site is about the central, INNATE, organic, God given, Nature Given, NEUROLOGICALLY ROOTED paradigm:
A. Humanity is my "FAMILY" brothers / friend / means of survival / my "body" OR
B. Humanity is my competitor / enemy / rival / the other / NOT-family.

Most of us unconsciously live both:
* "Friends" / "Family" within the household. We'll call this "Otherishness," "Brotherliness," "Love...."
* "Other" / "Competitor" outside of the household / immediate biological unit. We'll call this "Competitor," "Foreigner," "Potential Enemy," "Stranger...."
Just as how we see the picture can be our choice if we take the time to learn, so it is with how we see the other - "family" or "enemy." The fate of planet earth depends on learning to choose "family," doing so Religiously, and thereby teaching and saving the world.

This is the purpose of this site - to teach you of this central paradigm of life and to provide basic training in living accordingly.

Alfred Adler, psychologist (contemporary of the pathologically sick Freud) and Jesus are our guides on this site. Adler considered his work to be a scientific development of Jesus central teachings. "If you love me you will do greater works than these," Jesus. Einstein might have said the same to his disciples.

Due to our ignorance of this paradigm we have developed a culture that stupidly and wrongly develops us to see ENEMY 99.99999% of the time. This is the entirety of EVIL. It is literally destroying the planet.

Let's get on with becoming the master of this paradigm - masters of Brotherly Love. Currently the paradigm is the slave master of us.

I pray that we are in time. I fear we are not.


The opposite of Violence is Sacrificial Loving (by whatever name)
Def: Loving - Brotherly, Loving, Otherish, as-you-would-have-them do behavior
Def: Violence - "Enemy," Non-Brotherly, Selfish, Not-as-you-would-have-them-do behavior

There is changing the heart of the other, the group... the world through brotherly / sisterly Love; OR there is Hell / Doomsday. People have been telling you this for 60 years - ever since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I wonder if God is not giving us two fianal signs for us to see. Iraq and Darfur. In the case of Iraq, the US Military Industrial complex, more terrible in its ability to inflict violence than anything Satan could imagine - is powerless to do other than create an increase in violence. In the case of Darfur the shamefully self-named "Darfur activists" (masturbationists actually with few exceptions) are powerless to mobilize the internatinal community with the benign violence of money and politics.

We sacrifice our bodies through being heroic brothers and sisters in the attempt to wake up a clinically heart-dead other ... or the world, or Have a Nice Doomsday. As God is my witness.

Start LovingN



How you decide this question will determine whether you lead your children to a Life of Flesh, or Brotherhood.

If you do not explicitly choose you will be carried by the flow of western culture to the answer Pulse / Flesh. And in protecting and "saving" their life you will kill your children, feeding them to Mammon - Selfishness - Death.

If you choose the answer - Life is Heart - you may, you will put their bodies at risk but you will give them Life, Vitality, 6 billion brothers and sisters, Joy, Love, Courage, IMMORTALITY (no, this does NOT require there to actually be an afterlife)....

Think Rachel Corrie.


By far these are the engines of selfishness - the life of the beast.

The New Testament could not be more explicit regarding this - do not practice recreational sex either mentally or physically. Sex is not provided for our entertainment. Sex is a gift of procreation. Go beyond that? Pure, utter, destrucitive, murderous, infections, cancerous sin - error.

Our economy is driven by sex. Men spend their entire lives exploiting others for money, power and prestige so as to maximize getting sex. Women spend their whole lives maximizing what material comforts and assets they can extract for giving sex. John's and Whores is what the western adult aspires to their entire lives. This is what we sacrifice our chilren to Meanwhile 13 children per minute starve to death; and women tonignt are having their breasts cut of by the Janjaweed because we are too preocupied to stop the Genocide.... [none of you can outdo my sins on this one I'll bet. God forgive me.]

"Immediate family." Is there anythng, ANYTHING that was more central to Jesus suffering and death than his determination to Live as brother to us all? Did he not die exactly to show us that there is to be zero, ZERO double standard? THERE IS NO ROOM FOR INTERPRETATION ON THIS. "Who is my mother...?" "Love your enemy as yourself." "Love your neighbor as yourself." "Good Samaritan." "Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep...." "No man has greater love than to lay down his life for his brother." ONE FAMILY. ONE FATHER [and you are not it], NO DOUBLE STANDARDS. ALL PEOPLE ARE YOUR BROTHER OR SISTER. ALL CHILDREN ARE YOUR CHILDREN. GET ON WITH IT.

Think Gandhi, King, Teresa, Corrie, Beko, Assisi, Jesus, God-Father, good soldiers....


Will we learn it, deploy it, give our lives for it in time. That is the question, for you, and for me.

Before God I believe this is Divinely Inspired code - like, yet more important than the 10 commandments.

If we do not master, deploy and implement with our lives we will not be forgiven. Our punnishment, our natural consequence will be Living Hell on Earth for us all; irreversable; inescapable.

Your choice.

Your loving brother forever, Start Loving


Wow. I'm really, really glad to have faced this question today. I can't answer it at a detail level now but I see the heart of the answer.

At the heart of our tragic errors regarding Jesus is the mistaken, wishful belief that he was creating a club, or some ritual by which to be saved.

In the way you can join a country club, the Elks, or Chamber of Commerce, or a local Church:
Can you join the neurosurgeons?
Can you join the corporate lawyers?
Can you join the F14 pilots?
Can you join the Everest assent team?
Can you join the Navy Seals?
Can you join the Olympic Gold Medalists?
Can you join the Harvard Graduates?
Can you join the Nobel Peace Prize Winners?
Can you join the Christians?

You can only become these things. It takes:
* Heroic effort
* Enormous discipline
* Enormous sacrifice
* Enormous training
* Enormous will
* Enormous self development
* Enormous risk

Jesus was not playing. Jesus saw the one and only way to lead us from world-as-hell to Heaven on Earth - ALL OUT NONVIOLENT, GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR BATTLE TO MELT THE ICE OF SELFISHNESS SMOTHERING THE HUMAN HEART. He saw this as the prize worth dying for, the Prize that many would have to die for. Why? Partly because the pursuit itself is "Heaven on Earth;" Partly because Hell is no place you can tolerate for your family - all of us, God's children. Jesus saw that the all out, give-your-entire-life-for-it war of Sacrificial Love for Heaven on Earth is Life Itself, that everything else is death.

We want to think that Christianity is like the Health Club - pay your fee and you are "Saved."

God forgive the "Church." Jesus and the apostles warned us over, and over and over about this. God forgive us. May it not be too late for us, the world, our children.

If you are destined to find the cure for cancer but...

... your spouse does not want the lifestyle associated with that, what do you do?

I Testify: Jesus was true in promising Hell in this life

Having just read the New Testament letters for the first time in many years (New American Bible, St. Joseph's Edition!) I offer my life as Testimony to the absolute Truth of the Spiritual / Psychological reality it explicitly teaches. [Perfection in all words? Come on, these were men writing as and two people of 2000 years ago. Imagine the limitations! Let's grow up.]

* Living in the Suburbs
* Expensive educations
* Practicing capitalism
* Sex for power or recreation at any time
* Holding "Church" in other than a basement or warehouse
* Restaurants
* Daily casual time
* Time wasting
* Pandering, catering to the wealthy
* Tempting anyone toward anything other than going to the Cross for The Least Of These.
* Skiing and other $ and time intensive sports
* etc.
* etc.

All of this is sin punished by Hell in this world of unimaginable suffering by the masses. There is not a second, $, neuron, or muscle fiber to waste. The world is one big Elementary School and the roof just collapsed. And you are going to worry about your career, dinner tonight, appearance, preoccupation with "your" child/husband/wife, flowers, garden, house, safety....???????????

These (above and their like) are guaranteed Hell - separation from: God, Our Father, Eternity, your Body, Your Soul, Solidarity, Service... LIFE.

Wow. The clarity I found regarding this in the New Testament is so extraordinary. God forgive me for not seeing it before. Timothy 1 and James are breathtaking.

I Testify with my life, for all who I Love, for all Humanity that with trivial exceptions these writings are the Truth, as Einsteins writings are the Truth.

Please do not lead a life (death) of sin as I have. It is Hell. Please LIVE. It is Heaven on Earth.

Read the New Testament in this version of the Bible and BELIEVE.


* Dramatically discount emphasis on getting to heaven; HEAVEN AFTER DEATH IS NOT WHAT JESUS WAS CONCERNED ABOUT.
* Subservience of women to men: RUBBISH.
* Continuity with the Old Testament: RUBBISH. Maybe this was a constructive emphasis 2000 years ago in attempts to bring along some of the Jews into Christianity. If it was of use, it is no longer. Forget the Old Testament. Making it through the next 20 years alive beginning now depends on Jesus' prime directives: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Get Distracted and you and we die.
* A few others but I'm out of time. Anything that is not about waging a Navy Seal calibre War of Brotherly Love to bring about Brotherly Love FOR THE JOY/LIFE/LOVE/PEACE OF IT - IGNORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!