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There is enormous possibility when one comes to realize that they don't understand. For example, for four years I've known I didn't know how to move my vehicle. I think now I do. 4 years of agony, but it opens an important possibility. More importantly, for most of my life I realized I didn't understand the man Jesus. Now I think I do. Lifelong frustration, but it created the possibility of understanding.

 There is enormous possibility when one comes to realize that they don't understand. For example, for four years I've known I didn't know how to move my vehicle. I think now I do. 4 years of agony, but it opens an important possibility. More importantly, for most of my life I realized I didn't understand the man Jesus. Now I think I do. Lifelong frustration, but it created the possibility of understanding.

In his book "Ideas and Opinions," Einstein wrote, "There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century. What has been preserved of their work belongs among the most precious possessions of mankind."

 In his book "Ideas and Opinions," Einstein wrote, "There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century. What has been preserved of their work belongs among the most precious possessions of mankind."

Which seems more likely? That the life and teachings of Jesus we're not sufficiently revolutionary to save humankind, or that not one in a million starting with his so-called disciples understood his example and teachings? To me the answer is obvious, the latter. But James, he started a religion! Had Einstein's similarly find a religion there would be no nuclear power and no nuclear weapons.

 Which seems more likely? That the life and teachings of Jesus we're not sufficiently revolutionary to save humankind, or that not one in a million starting with his so-called disciples understood his example and teachings? To me the answer is obvious, the latter. But James, he started a religion! Had Einstein's similarly find a religion there would be no nuclear power and no nuclear weapons.

Those that infuriate and endanger James the most need the most good treatment.


Khanh's Sol is a Marvel.

 Solid as a rock after 2500 miles, including the legendarily horrible Michigan Roads. And even a rear-end collision several days ago. Mercifully it was near Rex in Lansing who was home briefly, and so graciously and with such expertise he  effectef the repairs. But the basic structure held firm. We're rolling again. Michigan roads destroyed the solar panel on the roof , that needs to be replaced. Heat it seems is destroying the panel productivity on the trailer down maybe 30%. It may be that a controller needs to be replaced, a solar controller, tho that's not yet certain. Creator willing will re-enter Ohio tomorrow. Heading toward the coast of Maine.


Some of the natural Treasures this last week. Upstate Michigan is breathtakingly wonderful.



The clerk rudely said, I'm holding it for you! James....

 In Mackinaw, in what was once a very upscale Outdoor Store, now a $10 per item outlet for tourist stuff, there was an expensive pair of pants 50% off that were one last piece of important gear that James had not replaced since the fire in Mississippi. He gladly grab the item, but Nature Called very insistantly and none of the stores in Mackinaw seem to have restrooms, relying on a few public ones. James needed to go, and approached a clerk and asked if she would hold the item while he went to the restroom. She took the item and looked at him blankly. Very pleasantly James said, is it okay if you hold it? I'm holding it! Gratuitous rudeness.

No one's favorite response, including James. But he was so glad with his inclination. How sad that she's been treated so badly in her life, was his reflexive internal reply. He was so glad, very glad, Upon returning, to try and show a little bit of the kindness that the individual so badly needed. Maybe it didn't make any difference to anyone, except James.

Someone's got to take care of you James, it might as well be me.

 This from Vinny who several hours prior I had called when I learned that the bridge Authority could not and would not provide an escort for me over the bridge. That was quite an unpleasant surprise but there it is. At the point he contacted Vinnie, but tow truck company, there was still some possibility that the bridge Authority would provide an escort as they did two weeks ago, but it looks efficiently unlikely based on the phone conversation with the authority, that James began to explore options. The first place he called was Vinnie's tow truck place was only a mile and a half from where he was sitting at a gas station eating a microwaved breakfast sandwich and sipping some coffee. It'll be a hundred bucks with my large truck which looks like it what it will take for your rig, Vinny said, and that seems like a fair price to James, but a horrible amount of money. Within 20 minutes James decided to take the pressure off the bridge Authority and called me back and said let's do it. Two weeks ago when they did ask or James, two events happened that had nothing to do with that ex escort, but may have clamp things down. There was a motorcycle rally and two different drivers were killed on the bridge. May have had nothing to do with them tightening things up, but may have. They also mentioned the fog today and construction that had all but one lane each way closed down.

After dealing with another Bridge customer after a phone call, he met me at his place and within 20 minutes we had the vehicle up on the back of his flatbed, and I was pleased to find that with Khanh's wonderful cyclone motor system we could easily climb up without even needing to be pulled.

We were together in the cab for probably 20 minutes crossing the bridge. The toll folks knew him and they saw saw on the back of his rig and remembered that, gave a big smiling thumbs up.

I shared with him as much about the mission as he seem to want to hear. He mentioned how lots of folks are moving from the cities up to this area after I said what a beautiful area I thought it was. People have had it. The world is really imploding he said, because we've taken God out of our culture. I told him I desperately wished I could agree but I cannot. The problem is we've taken God out of our churches and replaced it with them being Social Clubs, clubs to beat up on other cultures, clubs to beat up on people, economic clubs. He immediately agreed though I'm not sure he had thought about it before. And I shared with him other similar things and he did not respond much but again my reading was he didn't mind hearing it and I thought I owed it to him to share. 

Upon arriving at our destination I offered my the credit card, let's get it off the truck first he said. We did, uneventfully. Then I offered him the card asking him, please remind me what did we agree on? It'll be $50 he said, no no no no no no no I said. It'll be 65 or 70 okay? Someone's got to take care of you James, it might as well be me he smiled. I don't know why he said that. But it was definitely said out of respect, warmth, support, maybe even appreciation for what he had heard this mission was about.

Cycling. Yes, today, cycling saw was as easy as, well, riding a bike.

 From facebook: Today, moving Sol, was as easy as, well, riding a bike. And more enjoyable. And it's only taken me three years, about a thousand days of attempts, hundreds of log entries, to recreate three years ago when I happened to be participating in the one-week Ragbrai bicycle event across Iowa and the 1 week sprint of 100-mile days to get there in time. I think I can hold on to it this time. Time will tell. It was a real Joy. To increase the odds that James won't lose this again, he'll be beginning to write this up in some detail he expects, but today's video logs outline it quite well.. He's quite certain there are some pre conditions that were met only in recent days that opened up this possibility of rediscovery for him. Moving the seat so close that his knees are within a third of an inch of the crossbar, but that's fine, the key was first dropping his heels instead of pointing his feet, which in effect increases the clearance otherwise to that crossbar. Silly, but it changed the game, it opened up this rediscovery. Also within the last couple of days, deciding to provide the body the feedback loop that a conventional bicycle provides by avoiding use of the throttle rather using the cycle analyst and torque sensor on a setting of 1x, 1 watt from electrical for every one watt human and just letting that be regardless of climbing or descent so that the body would get a reliable feedback mechanism for how it's doing. Not as crucial as moving the seat forward by dropping the heels, but very helpful. And using a ratio of only one to one fixed, getting the body closer face-to-face grappling with the mass of this 600 lb machine, 750 with James, which again increases the tactile real-world feedback that the body could intuitively grapple with, and learn from, and it has. And all of this enabled by a gigantic lesson that experience taught James climbing through the Appalachians and elsewhere, James, you think that your power is in your legs, ankles, calves, feet. It feels that way. But none of it is there. It's in your torso front and back, and the first half of your thighs. That was nice to know, but without today's Discovery James didn't have a way to harness it without driving himself crazy. And today, for the first time in three years, it was as easy as, riding a bike.

Three years so close, three years so far away, but now maybe....


Call in-charge. Never automatic, never the default position it seems.



Populations massively treated with vaccine remain healthy. What if our lives were massive treatments of kindness to the neediest rich and poor? Now we will never know. But the joy is in trying it even for the one.

 Populations massively treated with vaccine remain healthy. What if our lives were massive treatments of kindness to the neediest rich and poor? Now we will never know. But the joy is in trying it even for the one.


If there is a people on Earth that follows Jesus Joyful Way, it is his sisters and brothers the Palestinians. I've just realized that and it is as plain as day. So of course we're crucifying them.


My night nurse: James, you are 69 years old, what if you become infirm. You have no home? No family? You need a plan!

 She was not chastising me. She was concerned, we did not discuss the situation further. But I'm not called to make that my business. I'm called to serve as long as I'm able, and then whatever happens, happens. How do I divert resources to the time when I become disabled, when there are so many able people that have no resources no fault of their own but a consequence of our selfishness?

Without Medicare, they might save my physical life but they destroy my life of service. What are those that don't have universal healthcare? We allowed is?

Erroneous information from James. The credible sites mention nothing about food consumption as a possible cause of obstruction. Confirming what the doctor here has been telling me. I'm still likely to be at least a little bit careful. In my case, if it happens, it is the adhesions from my cancer surgery, and them causing instruction obstruction is a random event let's just going to happen if it's going to happen. I'm still likely to take slight Care at least in what and when I consume.


Correcting Erroneous information from James. The credible sites mention nothing about food consumption as a possible cause of obstruction. Confirming what the doctor here has been telling me. I'm still likely to be at least a little bit careful. In my case, if it happens, it is the scar tissue from my cancer surgery, and them causing obstruction is a random event that is just going to happen if it's going to happen. I'm still likely to take slight Care at least in what and when I consume.

If your family is your nuclear family, you are not a member of mine, my Father is the father of everyone. I could not have been more clear.

 As with everything from me, the flip side to this is the important part. It is where the joy is. Because in escaping the Trap of thinking that your biological unit is your family, you are reunited with the universal family, creator's family, and thereby become a possible stepping-stone for others to find the same joyful path.

General update, medical Etc


So currently I expect the next two months to look something like this. There is nothing cast in stone and if anyone thinks that James meeting with some along the way would be a very good thing then he would be more than joyful to consider altering.