From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


Just under 30 Watts electric per miles seems to be our maximum efficiency, 50 watts per mile total. Wonderful.

 If I Target eight or eight and a half miles an hour when I'm peddling as opposed to coasting downhill, that seems to be the Sweet Spot, slower than that seems to get into motor efficiency issues, faster apparently wind drag starts becoming significant. And eight or eight and a half miles an hour works perfectly well for me. That's about 40 miles per day, recently half of the electricity or no more than two-thirds that the sun is giving me, and about as long as my but can stand, and about three or four thousand calories per day beyond base metabolism which is an additional 1500 calories per day. This is absolutely the most wonderful machine that Khanh created, and Rex inspired. It is such an ethical way for James to exist, such an incredibly light footprint on the children's future, and it is very powerful at stirring the occasional soul. Below is a rough estimate of how the next 30 days will be spent.

And then in a Flash I was driving through Detroit....

 Oh what Jesus would do to these rich white mcmansion blue-eyed West Michigan Folk. The money changers in the temple in his day were just a warm-up.

Achingly beautiful this western shore of Michigan. I had no idea.

 [ except for the disgusting, wretched, evil entitled White hoarding.]

Dozens of photos of this beauty added every day at my blog by clicking here when on the blog.

Einstein's condemnation of Nazi Israel

MUST READ ARTICLE... if you are still human.


In case you haven't noticed democracy is in the final stages of being killed with the Democrats as bystanders. Anyone young or in risky categories Now's the Time to get out.

Michigan has been treated as the toilet of the United States, and it does not feel safe here.


Are those slogans? The elite legal Notre Dame Catholic scholar asked, oh Jesus writings?

 You are one of a kind, the man mentioned several times during our 25-minute interchange. But he seemed to be saying it more to himself than to me. I think he's never encountered anyone that was one of a kind, as opposed to one in a cult. I'm sorry that that sounds cliche but I think it's pretty much to the point. Jesus was one of a kind. We were all born to be. Jesus is inconceivable, and uninteresting, to this person.

This little friend was so photogenic, stayed right in the area, I finally saw why.

If it were me I would watch the first video in the sequence, last. All of my daily posting is at this blog, no longer on Facebook.

and oh

 my goodness, do you have any idea what kind of bird this is? I never would have guessed!

Cycling : providing energy to solve with the fully elongated torso roiling the pelvis.

 * shoulders slightly upright or more is crucial to enabling the front and back long muscles to have equal access to roiling the buttocks.

* sitting up extremely tall, lengthening the Torso, essential for the long muscles front and back to be empowered and to disempower the impetuous top of the thighs.

* crucially important to understand that roiling the buttocks is the task, not contacting Saul, so I will take care of himself.

* correction, 50% under-inflated tires when corrected me of the only a 10% increase in efficiency to move salt. But that's a lot. But not 30%.


Recent cycling metrics

 This file was shared by me but for unknown reasons it creates conflict where I can't update the files so the sharing has been defeated but periodically a screenshot like this will be posted on my blog.

Cycling. Not as close to the Pinnacle as I thought, but progressing I'm quite sure.

Note: it has been a frustration in recent days that the whole body wasn't involved, and it was very difficult to get the back involved. The last hour or so of today's Journey was very helpful in that regard. Hopefully it can be repeated. Recreated. That the job of James is to place his entire torso from upper-mid all the way through the first 2 in of the femurs in joyful equilibrium with the weight that is he and Sol. I mean what makes sense does it make to have a tour so if it's not going to be used in moving this payload?

Jesus was speaking about the joy of transcending self I think.


If you would lose your life for the sake of the good news that we're here for the joy of serving, you will gain it.....

 37000mi at 10/hr is 3700 hrs, or 300+ waking days 

W Edwards Deming, possibly a saint, certainly the father of the International Quality movement. The purpose of an organization is to help people have lives.


Question answered.

 Months ago an extremely expensive camera was purchased to replace the one that went up in flames with Sol. There's been no need for it up until now and James was wondering if it would ever justify itself. Question answered.

Important update. Did my mystery friend in cycling finally take off the mask? I think so.

Sol just lifted her right off the pavement.


Wet, rainy, no sun.

In Northern Ohio approaching Michigan. No complaints, but not much travel tomorrow, but probably some, maybe fifteen or Twenty miles to the next Walmart or to a nature preserve I see. If internet is available as it is likely to be maybe some time to work on various websites. This and... is there a site that contains the most enviable lives, the most important live, throughout history that I know of. All real life characters is I recall.

Tomorrow 2 fictional characters are likely to be added at the head of the sequence, Luigi, the father, life is beautiful, that magnificent movie. And Don Quixote at least as portrayed in the musical. Even th ahead of Jesus who I consider the premiere historical figure that shows us the type of human we need to be for others, for joy. Also I'll consider adding the likes of the parents of the Sandy Hook children, and the parents of Rachel Corrie, the likes of whom transformed unbearable sorrow into meaning and hope for us all, ennobling the tragedy of their most loved ones.

Regarding both sites, but particularly this one, just yesterday the clarity occurred to me, James, what you need to be spending your time on now, as your mastering the movement of Sol sufficiently is to think about the most hopeful lives you've ever encountered and how you failed to give them the help that they needed to cross the threshold that the great Souls have shown us we all could cross for the benefit of our loved ones. I hope to be having time to begin that long long work ahead.

Cycling breakthroughs. After weeks of them this may be the biggest distillation.

Quite a few logs today, audio and also video. These last few are the capstones, some of the earlier ones of today may be quite Fringe.

The approach to Jesus.

 Now I want to become a really serious mountain climber but never being on a mountain or facing the risk or being on a rock face or all required. Four, I want to be a world-class ocean swimmer but never getting in the water oh, never the exhaustion, never the hours of swimming. So this is totally absurd correct but this is exactly what we have when we spoke called follow Jesus. Following Jesus means having some association with the name and some of the words and mostly followers with ideas that we like, totally on our terms, our way of thinking and acting and behaving and preferring. I want to speak French without a word of French French French ever being understood by me or spoken by me okay? Voice typing while traveling in the Wind. Corrections later maybe.

Most liberals know that democracy is going down. And they hate it with every fiber of their being. And they ain't going to do a f****** thing.


New mode for Sol, new mantra for James.

 Mountain mode, now plains mode.

1. All 4 cylinders engaged, back primary. No feet! Cylinders are full back digging, and lectures two inches above and 2 in into the thighs.

2. Joyful Joyful joyful perineum spinning nuvinci in joyful equilibrium. Perineum the only point of contact.


The Workman is worthy of his meat, and presumably a place to sleep. Jesus. I am such a Workman. It will be interesting when one of the places that I respectfully select to sleep decides otherwise. It hasn't happened yet. And I think it is a gift to offer each place the opportunity to make that decision.


To me, this that Khanh Dam made, is the Loveliest thing.


Two or four Sheriff's passed me today.

 If I could capture a photo I probably would not, out of respect. I think it's the sacred encounter. Each time they're given opportunity to think, what the f*** should I do? In each time, so far, they decide, he's not hurting anybody, it's about Jesus it seems, I suppose I should just keep on driving past.

A marathon, I run the calorie equivalent of 1 1/2 every day, the joy and that is what?

 Four years my mission has caused me to try and learn how to move myself and a heavy object 40 miles a day everyday. And dutifully I've stayed at the task. Many times I have thought I had learned a lot, and every time I was correct, but that's different than saying I was at the Pinnacle. I Experience being at the Pinnacle now, or very close there to. Logs of the last days speak of this.

NNo question I have been growing tremendously in my cycling ability, and the suffering to do so has been enormous. So what?

SSoul and I are doing about 40 miles a day, in Fairly good solar conditions but the wind is beginning to get a bit adverse. A routine right now is to try and hit Krogers between 11 and 8 in the evening then they have their $5 meals and the ladies that serve them tend to be extremely generous. Chicken sadly, and potatoes and corn. In much better solar conditions this wouldn't be necessary, Crock-Pot would be sufficient, but energy for cooking is a little on the scare side.

II think what I'm doing is absolutely crazy, crawling across the country at 40 miles a day, killing myself, it just seems more sane than anything else I can think to do, sharing about eight pieces of the scripture that the man Jesus probably actually said, about how to find joy in this life. Which works for me.

Team effort, not you feet, cycle the nuvinci directly under the perineum.

Ohio has the nicest State Park system I've ever seen.


That large bottle of Gatorade was real money to this fella with his very old beating up truck and very raggedy clothes.



What explains the misery on the faces of these people in Ohio?


Cycling: and then it was near disaster....




Our cowardly savagery with the word homeless

Something that my brother wrote helped me come to grips a little bit more with the language that we use, I don't mean yours, you would know this is an issue that I think about a fair amount. The passive of homeless. And to me it is not passive. Thank you for giving me this springboard in my thought. Something more like housing deprived, de housed, housing deficient, housing starved, robbed of housing.... It is not passive. It is the choice that we with houses make. Your loving brother. James


Bullfighting is an atrocity. Whatever Laurels may have been laid on it by the greatest writers. But by way of analogy, if James is not flirting with the bull of evil, he's cowering away from his work.

Truly at the risk of being gored.


My guess is that the aptara is being ruinously oversold. Someone should wake them up.


750 watts an hour? Full of s***. Unless they either have some sort of supercooling on their panels, or much higher efficiency panels than are available on the market. Much more efficient than mine, 24%.

Granted that they probably have the extremely low drag they claim, they're still 1800 f****** pounds.

Unless someone wakes them the f**** up, they're going to have plenty of initial sales, 50% of the users will say they were lied to, it will poison the product, then going to the tank. Jeffrey Moore, crossing the chasm. 

The death of another great potential product. Totally needless.