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The deadly flaw of religion practiced as truth. It therefor mandates division between people that believe and do not believe. Whereas Unity depends upon the objective truth. Satanic.

Actual footage of James 68-year effort to make the world more loving place

[The Kingdom of God] in the sense in which Jesus and his audiences understood it almost completely passed out of Christian thought as soon as Christianity passed from the Jewish people and.....

From Walter rauschenbusch, Christianity in an age of Crisis, the theology that was Martin Luther King Jr's fuel.

[The Kingdom of God] in the sense in which Jesus and his audiences understood it almost completely passed out of Christian thought as soon as Christianity passed from the Jewish people and...... found its spiritual home within the great Greco-Roman world. The historical basis for the idea was wanting there. The phrase was taken along, just as an emigrant will carry a water-jar with him; but the water from the well of Bethlehem evaporated and it was now used to dip water from the wells of Ephesus or from the Nile and Tiber. The Greek world cherished no such national religious hope as the prophets had ingrained in Jewish thought; on the other hand it was intensely interested in the future life for the individual, and in the ascetic triumph over flesh and matter. Thus the idea which had been the center of Christ’s thought was not at all the center of the Church’s thought, and even the comprehension of his meaning was lost and overlaid. Only some remnants of it persisted in the millennial hope and in the organic conception of the Church. The historical study of our own day has ma

The second crucifixion of Jesus, Walter rauschenbusch, Etc. Chris Hedges, death of the liberal class.

And Epiphany last night. The kingdom comes, of universal Brotherhood, as our actions build that. Only that in action makes the possibility of the Kingdom of universal Brotherhood on Earth concrete. Jesus understood this. World of hate has the material advantage of being concrete. by any name is the only way to compete.

And Epiphany last night. The kingdom comes, of universal Brotherhood, as our actions build that. Only that in action makes the possibility of the Kingdom of universal Brotherhood on Earth concrete. Jesus understood this. World of hate has the material advantage of being concrete. by any name is the only way to compete.

Want to know why the church sanitizers, at best, and more realistically hates, Martin Luther King jr.? Because this was his gospel, Jesus' gospel, not the church abortion.. The attempted resurrection of Jesus.

I figure I have maybe until November 3rd, 2020, before the eternal rule of the Christian fascists begin destroying folks like me. So much to do, so little time. You? James

American parents, aunts, uncles... how many last chances do you expect to get to save democracy and earth for your children?

The Christian fascists are going to crucify me, us, US.... Might as well be for the right reason.


To the global Elite climate incineration is a godsend. A global extermination agent on which they make trillions. A cleansed land on which they can build their billion-dollar robotic fortifications.

" If the Church is to have saving power, it must embody Christ. He is the revolutionary force within it. The saving qualities of the Church depend on the question whether it has translated the personal life of Jesus Christ into the social life of its group and thus brings it to....

Theology for the Social Gospel. Walter rauschenbusch's. Archive. Org free download.
" If the Church is to have saving power, it must embody Christ. He is the revolutionary force within it. The saving qualities of the Church depend on the question whether it has translated the personal life of Jesus Christ into the social life of its group and thus brings it to..... bear on the individual. If Christ is not in the Church, how does it differ from " the world " ? It will still assimilate its members, but it will not make them persons bearing the family likeness of the first-born son of God. Wherever the Church has lost the saving influence of Christ, it has lost its saltness and is a tasteless historical survival. Therewith all theological doctrines about it become untrue. Antiquity and continuity are no substitute for the vitality of the Christ-spirit. Age, instead of being a presumption in fa... 

"The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God. Its members do not commit evil for evil's sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time all those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand, utopian visions, those who seek...

"The radical Christian Right calls for exclusion, cruelty and intolerance in the name of God. Its members do not commit evil for evil's sake. They commit evil to make a better world. To attain this better world, they believe, some must suffer and be silenced, and at the end of time all those who oppose them must be destroyed. The worst suffering in human history has been carried out by those who preach such grand, utopian visions, those who seek to... implant by force their narrow, particular version of goodness. This is true for all doctrines of personal salvation, from Christianity to

The law and the prophets were until John. Now the kingdom of God, Universal Brotherhood, is preached. But that's just me. Who the heck cares what I have to say, right Christians? Jesus


"I have seen that it is not man who is impotent in the struggle against evil. but the power of evil that is impotent in the struggle against man. The powerlessness of kindness, of senseless kindness,....

I have seen that it is not man who is impotent in the struggle against evil. but the power of evil that is impotent in the struggle against man. The powerlessness of kindness, of senseless kindness,.... 206 AMERICAN FASCISTS is the secret of its immortality. It can never be conquered. The more stupid. the more senseless, the more helpless it may seem. the vaster it is. Evil is impotent before it. The prophets, religious teachers. reformers, social and political leaders are impotent before it. This dumb. blind love is man's meaning.

"In this version of the Christian Gospel, the exploitation and abuse of other human beings is a good. Homosexuality is an evil. And this global, heartless system of economic rationalism has morphed in the rhetoric of the Christian Right into a test of faith. The ideology it espouses is a radical evil, an ideology of death. It calls....

"In this version of the Christian Gospel, the exploitation and abuse of other human beings is a good. Homosexuality is an evil. And this global, heartless system of economic rationalism has morphed in the rhetoric of the Christian Right into a test of faith. The ideology it espouses is a radical evil, an ideology of death. It calls... for wanton destruction, destruction of human beings, of the environment, of communities and neighborhoods, oflabar unions, of a free press, of Iraqis, Palestinians or others in the Middle East who would deny us oil fields and hegemony, of federal regulatory agencies, social welfare programs, public education-in shon, the destruction of all people and programs that stand in the way of a Christian America and its God-given right to dominate the rest of the planet. The movement offers, in return, the absurd but seduc~ tive promise that those who are right with God will rise to become spiritual and material oligarchs. They will become the new class. Those who are not right with God, be they poor or Muslim or un~ saved, deserve what they get. In the rational world none of this makes sense. But believers have been removed from a rea1ity~based world. They believe that through Jesus all is possible. It has become a Christian duty to embrace the exploitation of others, to build a Christian America where freedom means the freedom of the powerful to dominate the weak. Since believers see themselves as becoming empowered through faith, the gross injustices and re~ pression that could well boomera

"Corporations, rapidly turning America into an oligarchy, have little interest in Christian ethics, or anybody's ethics. They know what they have to do. as the titans of the industry remind us, for their stockholders. They are content to increase profit at the expense of those who demand fair wages, health....

Corporations, rapidly turning America into an oligarchy, have little interest in Christian ethics, or anybody's ethics. They know what they have to do. as the titans of the industry remind us, for their stockholders. They are

"Totalitarian systems usually start as propagandistic movements that ostensibly teach people to "believe what they want," but that opening gambit is a ruse. This insistence on the primacy of personal opinion regardless of facts destabilizes and destroys the primacy of all fact. This process.....

"talitarian systems usually start as propagandistic movements that ostensibly teach people to "believe what they want," but that opening gambit is a ruse. This insistence on the primacy of personal opinion regardless of facts destabilizes and destroys the primacy of all fact. This process.... leads inevitably to the big lie. Facts are useful only if they bolster the message. The


Android Google voice typing. Major improvements speed, accuracy, punctuation.

Did only I not understand this? The Republicans are waging a Christian holy war, holy Crusade, against the rest of us. Think about it.

Radical evil of the right finds no threat from the tepid good of the left. Sanders represents the only slim threat.

If you support Trump then you are at War on everyone but your preferred group. Everyone on Earth. Jesus died for the opposite.

[ starting with religious institutions] every institution is inherently demonic. Paul Tillich. Theologian

We're in much deeper trouble than I realized. "As the process gains momentum-with some justices on the Supreme Court such as Antonin Scalia steeped in this ideology- America starts to speak a new language. There is a slow and

Free download

We're in much deeper trouble than I realized. "As the process gains momentum-with some justices on the Supreme Court such as Antonin Scalia steeped in this ideology- America starts to speak a new language. There is a slow and.... inexorable hijacking of religious and political tenninology. Terms such as "liberty" and "freedom" no longer mean what they meant in the past. Those in the movement speak of "liberty," but they do not speak about the traditional concepts of American liberty-the liberty to express divergent opinions, to respect other ways of believing and being, the liberty of individuals to seek and pursue their own goals and fonns of happiness. When used by the Christian Right, the term "liberty" means the liberty that comes with accepting a very narrowly conceived Christ and the binary world· view that acceptance promotes. America's Providential Hi.... 

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Jesus gospel was buried dead within years 2000 years ago. Rauschenbusch brought it to us again and within decades it too was buried. But here it is.

Brief update regarding mom and the boys.

She and I have been engaged in major work every day. She while totally consumed by earning an income and taking care of her boys. While remaining substantially unhealthy unable to find an affordable medical regimen so far. Can we get Beyond this? Time will tell.

Last you heard from James on this subject Mom and he had been conducting a flurry of documenting the situation so that others could become engaged which so far has not materialized much. Sadly. 

But also, James was pushing for too fast an implementation of detailed work. The first stage is to see if we can get Mom back up toward full function with a health regimen. And if it is possible it may take some weeks.

Only then should any of us look for substantial detailed work to take place.

I was sent to make you one human family, cured of vile selfishness. You have chosen to worship Mammon. Now meet your maker. Jesus


You have to be prepared to die before you can begin to live.. Fred Shuttlesworth.

My place last night. And they would be glad to have me stay for a while.

In this upscale town on the bay She commented to me as I drove by a week ago. And we had a nice brief chat. Towards the end she pointed to her house across the road. , we have a guest Cottage come stay in it. Turns out, She's slightly crazy that way. . The soul in us is crazy.
Yesterday afternoon I arrived for the night. She and her husband and I, well, I found it a absolutely wonderful exhilarating evening over a pasta dinner.
Stay longer. They reiterated it.
I recounted how I finally understand why Mother Teresa would never eat. Any place but at one of her orders. Even if she had been talking at a banquet, for example.
It is a largely fun, stimulating struggle, to keep the soul in charge. But the head and the flesh are relentless. Given the slightest opening, the slightest encouragement, they begin stealing attention. And I do not prefer it when they have attention.

As I departed our dinner, she said, now I hope you don't do a Mother Teresa and sleep on the floor. I had already mention that was likely. It is so odd, but the thought of spoiling all those sheets and creating all that work. Is so distasteful to me. It was a very pleasant vacation on the floor to have plenty of room to sprawl. , a solid floor, a safe quiet space, in such a beautiful area. With such nice friends..


Seriously, what more could Trump and his mob do to wake up Americans and the world? You cannot awaken the Dead.

REVEALED HERE. HEAR ME. Jesus, the most important figure in human history, Thousands and thousands of research hours, and finally emerges in this book. Theology for the Social Gospel, Walter rauschenbusch.

I cannot overstate what a revolution, Revelation, is This book. not possible.

Inarguably most consequential figure in human history, be he fact as is nearly certain, or fiction.

Lifelong the central figure in James life. The Rosetta Stone that could only be seen vaguely and distorted through the church and Christianity. Some have brought shame is much closer, Leo Tolstoy, in particular. As he did with Gandhi and Martin Luther King jr.

But after all that This book is an utter revelation. And it is this author, Walter rauschenbusch, That was the spark that ignited Martin Luther King jr. That certainly says something, correct?


Rauschenbusch, theology, the fall.

"It is important to realize that the story of the fall is incomparably more fundamental in later theology than it was in biblical thought. The conspicuous place given to Genesis in the arrangement of the Hebrew canon, itself concentrated the attention of later times on it. The story now embodied in Genesis iii was part of the Jahvist narrative, a document of Ephraimitic origin dating back to the ninth century B.C. The original purpose of the story was not to explain the origin of sin, but the origin of 40 A THEOLOGY FOR THE SOCIAL GOSPEL death and evil. There are scarcely any allusions to the story in the Old Testament. The prophets were deeply conscious of the sins of men, but they did not base their teachings on the doctrine of the fall. Not till we reach post-biblical Jewish theology is there any general interest in the story of Adam's fall. Even then the story of the fall of the angels in Genesis vi attracted more interest. In the synoptic sayings of Jesus there is not even a reference to the fall of Adam. In the fourth gospel there is one allusion, (John viii, 44). Jesus, of course, had the clearest consciousness of the chasm between the will of God and the actual condition of mankind. The universality of sin was a matter of course with him ; it was presupposed in all his teaching. But he was concerned only with those sources of sin which he saw in active work about him: first, the evil heart of man from which all evil words and actions proceed ; second, the social stumbling blocks of temptation which make the weak to fall ;.... 

Social Gospel, rauschenbusch, on the Supreme Joy.

"Our duty to the Kingdom of God [Creating it on Earth] is on a higher level than all other duties. To aid it is the supreme joy. To have failed it by our weakness, to have hampered it by our ignorance, to have resisted its prophets, to have contradicted its truths, to have denied it in time of danger, to have betrayed it for thirty pieces of silver, — this is the most poignant con- sciousness of sin. The social gospel opens our eyes to the ways in which religious men do all these things. It plunges us in a new baptism of repentance..... 

I expect that soon I will be blocking all who are not my friends in deed and or withdrawing from Facebook entirely. Wakeup time .

If you consider yourself a friend, of James, And you respect him, then you need to consider this....

Note: James intention regarding all this is to help a great Soul get their head above water and likely to keep it above. That way. It is not an attempt to provide material Nirvana.

James finds it very difficult to understand himself. Let alone anyone else. And it is probably the same with you, No?

It is at crisis points that we have the chance to learn such things more deeply.

James, and any that think they are his friend, are at such a crisis point. Crisis meaning, opportunity on a dangerous wind.

James life, as it should be with all of us, is devoted to the unleashing of the human soul, the mammalian brain, the seat of all goodness in we the most powerful creatures in the universe that we know of, and the source of all joy.

He has found the Pearl worth any price personally, a soul of great goodness that is going to be snuffed out if help does not arrive. And he has devoted much of his time, near all of it in recent weeks, to trying to determine if this Soul can be saved.

This Soul being an absolutely heroic, brilliant, strong, good... Tenacious parent with two special-needs sons that is in the final stages of drowning, Where James would have drowned long long ago.

James sees tremendous hope but not unless he really does have friends in More Than Words, in deed that will give some time and possibly Financial Resources, For a detailed quantified plan that is being developed.
In very high level overview. It is shaping up something like this.

It is game time. You need to search your soul. Do you have a lot of respect and confidence for James? Are you his friend? Indeed? If there is anyone for whom the answer is yes, yes, and yes, Then you need to contact James on messenger or email. Tell him, James, when you have the plans, James, I want to see it. At that point, James, I will decide if there is anything else that I can do. Email. Start underscore loving at

PS. If James and this heroic parent finalize a plan in which James has some confidence He will be investing everything he has in time and treasure up to and even including the liquidation of his current mission, If that is needed, as it is likely to be if no other help arrives.


If you do not make it Bernie by a landslide there is no chance of this nightmare ever ending now.

There is an escape from this unfolding hell of evil globally. And it is our duty to go there to show the way. It is the infinite Joy and infinite suffering of, by whatever name, or none. Hurry.

Chris Hedges: Stringfellow repeatedly warned Christians, as well as Christian institutions, not to allow the fear of death to diminish the power of Christian witness. Faith becomes real o....

Stringfellow repeatedly warned Christians, as well as Christian institutions, not to allow the fear of death to diminish the power of... Christian witness. Faith becomes real on the edge of the abyss. “In the face of death,” he wrote, “live humanly. In the middle of chaos, celebrate the Word. Amidst Babel, speak the truth. Confront the noise and verbiage and falsehood of death with the truth and potency and efficacy of the Word of God.”

Video log update

We need to keep our expectations and needs in check. Nearly everyone is suffering and it is only getting worse. We must be experts in finding our joy in serving not having.

I can't stand life on earth anymore. But I can every breath in the will of loving creation No matter what for joy.


I know an individual worthy of all of the help that I can muster. And that won't be enough. Please thoroughly read this and see what if anything your soul prompts you to do. If we can't help in such a situation We are really really lost.

If you have any technical difficulties accessing this or the various links please let me know?
Email or message me if you would like the link to the documentation. Start underscore loving at

Trump is some sort of Manchurian Candidate. Who is orchestrating it, Russia, Koch brothers, what?

Not because he can win and create change, too unlikely, but because he is an extraordinary teacher of goodness, I back Sanders.

Oh, that Pearl worth any price? Your soul, and any other, that you can redeem from the tyranny of head and flesh.

Jesus: I died to lead you to build our father's Kingdom on Earth of universal loving. Church has been embezzling all that resource for itself two thousand years now, to fatten itself on some snake oil real estate in the sky deal.


Hedges is our greatest living Prophet, as many times James has said. Tragically....

Hedges is our greatest living Prophet, as many times James has said. Tragically.... he is a little bit too addicted to his depression tho that is completely understandable. He is 1% wrong in this article, and that 1% is important. It is not without material hope. The Senate could be overturned. A general strike could force him out of office when Sanders wins. Greta could lead the world's children to hunger strike to death unless the world wakes up. No, seriously. Young children willing to die in the Civil Rights Movement were a decisive factor. And more importantly he is 100% wrong in concluding

James, you've been quiet. Where Have You Been these last few days? Your help is needed.

My friend, the heroic by every measure, mom two autistic boys with medical complications, herself with medical complications, and I are three or four days into fairly intense collaboration, mostly, she responded to my question so that I can get up to speed regarding the following.  No offense to anyone, there are few people I personally know  set the world is much better for having, and this incredible soul is one. I have invested and will invest as much of my life limb and treasure and keeping her Among Us, serving us, as I can but it is not enough. I am hoping that a network of six or seven or eight people including several from her family Network it seems quite able and a good heart to begin working on this each finding small pieces they can work on. This is the note I shared with her this morning and you now she's located in Michigan currently by the way: What I am working toward is trying to provide a way of understanding the situation for you and the boys that can enable us to, us being, maybe a small group of us networking online, to see individual pieces that we can begin to work on to understand and maybe to improve. Structurally and functionally it is being formed as a folder with subfolders and items in Google Drive that can easily be shared and collaborated on, findings noted, updates made, Etc. Although, side note, I am finding Google Drive a primitive collaborative tool compared to the word environment I used to be in. And most certainly to research to the point that we know that Improvement is just not going to happen or how it might. It might not be too early to cut and paste this into an email and send it to people that you think might be interested?

The church hates Jesus. Every time he pops up they crucify him again. No s***. As excited I am about rauschenbusch and the Social Gospel, as I am about Tolstoy in giving me the Clarity and confidence to believe in the man Jesus, his teachings and example, that I have always known. And rauschenbusch, the unvarnished truth that he shared, and the Social Gospel, has been culturally destroyed just as Jesus has been by the church.