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The new best rides ever. The cornerstone? Constant velocity roiling in the knees felt.

James carrying self Plus 370 lb, 30 miles, 8 miles an hour.

2 days ago, yesterday was A-day of rest, and again today, best rides ever on top of weeks of really good rides. 

New direction? No, continual evolution affirming the last week or so, 3 weeks or so, and standing on those shoulders. 

 There is a convergence of ideas bringing everything to bear or so. Felt circularity roiling at the knees constant velocity. It is difficult to not have the f

This childhood prayer Maybe profoundly instrumental in those things about myself that I like. Completely forgotten until just this day.

And every night from as early as I can remember on my knees it would end, God bless..... All of the people I knew and I had heard about who were suffering name after name after name....

Patriotism can't be both: Uphold the Constitution even with your life; Support the machine no matter what the atrocities.

Organizations are inherently evil. Why? They are for power, and power corrupts. People organized is different

A final chance for the species? If Trump can set the entire world against America it could be.

Changing the game for me, this is: "Joy asks: Serving the Poorest Souls in Solidarity you are, how?"

James, WTF? It has been written all over you for how long oh, half a year, a year? 20 years? Yes. But only yesterday did it form in a question paralleling dr. King's question which said life's most persistent question is what are you doing to help others? And his wonderful sentence doesn't do it for me but the above Has Lifted every aspect of my game. Time will tell if it persists. But every instance it's puts me where I need to be or at least much closer than anything else was. Every situation I can quickly call that question to mind and it immediately is informing whether it is when I wake up in the morning, when I find my mind wandering, when I feeling head or flesh trying to assert itself, when I have an encounter with a annoying individual, whatever. Game changer.

It is not instead of the 30 or so characteristics that at least once a day James is attempting to knit into his DNA, or rather, bring into prominence from his DNA because they are there already. They are the key aspects of the Soul.

But James has been hoping that he would find one of them in some form that would lift most or all of the others and this is doing that.

Click pic for a higher resolution. At this link is the live ongoing sheet.


Sorokin. Supraconscious / Soul /Mamalian brain... “ What, you ask, is my method in writing and elaborating my large and lumbering things? ” writes Mozart. “ I can, in fact, say nothing more about it than this: I do not know myself and can never find out. When I am in a particularly good condition . . . then the thoughts come to me in a rush, and best of all. Whence and how, I do not know and cannot learn.” Further on he describes how “ the crumbs ” spontaneously combine with one another until they assume a finished form in his head. “ All the finding and making goes on in me as in a vivid dream.” Finally, he starts to write and since it is ready in his mind “ it goes pretty quickly on to paper.”...

“ What, you ask, is my method in writing and elaborating my large and lumbering things? ” writes Mozart. “ I can, in fact, say nothing more about it than this: I do not know myself and can never find out. When I am in a particularly good condition . . . then the thoughts come to me in a rush, and best of all. Whence and how, I do not know and cannot learn.” Further on he describes how “ the crumbs ” spontaneously combine with one another until they assume a finished form in his head. “ All the finding and making goes on in me as in a vivid dream.” Finally, he starts to write and since it is ready in his mind “ it goes pretty quickly on to paper.”...

.... Tchaikovsky... "Perhaps such moments are responsible, in the works of the Great Masters, for those places where the organic coherence fails, and where one can trace artificial coherence, seams and patches. But this is unavoidable. If that spiritual condition of the artist called inspiration . . . should continue uninterrupted, the artist could not survive a single day. . . . The strings would snap and the instrument would fly to pieces. One thing, however, is indispensable: the main idea of the piece, together with a general outline of the separate parts, must not be found through searching, but must simply appear as a result of that supernatural, incomprehensible and never-analyzed power called inspiration.... "

The ways and Power of Love. Sorokin. free download

James recommended readings

To the whites that would have others "go back where you came from...," Europe awaits you. After you.

It may take thousands of years to purify humans of hating, war-making. Will we ever start the work?

Now that we have committed a war crime against Iran of course we need to punish them if they retaliate.

It doesn't make you strategic. It makes you a monster. AOC

Joy's question: What are you doing for the neediest souls?

Thanks, Mel. Why I wake early by Mary Oliver.

Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and crotchety–
best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light–
good morning, good morning, good morning.
Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.

Why I Wake Early
by Mary Oliver


God bless America

A good 20% of the families I see in the South or mixed-race. Every place that I go the employees are mixed black and white. I'm amazed at how interracial things are down here. And they seem very comfortable. I suspect this is what outrages the supremacists.

A good 20% of the families I see in the South are mixed-race. Every place that I go the employees are  black and white seamlessly working together. I'm amazed at how interracial things are down here. And they seem very comfortable. I suspect this is what outrages the supremacists.

Sorokin, Ways Power of Love, the book that could have saved the species, and still might save an individual or group.

Only a notable infusion of the love relationship into this society can save it from its further degeneration into either compulsory totalitarian society or chaotic human flotsam. To sum up.....

Only a notable infusion of the love relationship into this society can save it from its further degeneration into either compulsory totalitarian society or chaotic human flotsam. To sum up.... : the love relationship is not only the supreme form of social relations, but it is an absolute necessity for the harmonious existence and survival of any social group. Without it no good social life is possible. Plato and Aristotle were quite right in their statement that the true friendship or love is the most vital stuff of all true social relationships. Often overlooked, this function of love shows its unique power in social life and in man’s historical process. 8

Sorokin. Ways and Power of Love. Free download

2020, 3020, 4020..? Fact: More loving unites, heals, around truth. More hating wounds, divides, elevates propaganda.

True, pure, selfless, willing to die unconditional loving. Any other type is gasoline on the Fire.

You will be known by your fruits: Loving or Hating

Update - The Ultimately Joyful: Being Loving Propagating Loving


Another uneventful night at the coast hoped for, Slidell to pick up a package tomorrow expecting two days in Slidell and then the return here to begin slow slow travel back towards Pensacola.

That I'm treating the entire community of my would be torturer, killer, is likely the hugest gift to me these weeks of epiphanies.

Emperor Ashoka. Sorokin, ways and Power of Love.

After his accession to the throne POWER OF CREATIVE LOVE 67 in 273 B . C . Asoka, like his predecessors, spent the first twelve years of his reign in wars of consolidation of his Indian empire. The conquest of the province of Kalinga in 261 B . C . was his last war. From Asoka’s own inscriptions we learn that the horrors and miseries of wars aroused in him a deep remorse, a sense of profoundest shame, and an understanding of the utter futility of war as a means of pacification and of social improvement. As a result, in 261-260 B . C . he was converted into Buddhism, as a lay disciple, and in 259 he entered a Buddhist order as a monk. This date marks the complete transformation of Asoka and of his policies. The successful emperor-warrior changed into a zealous apostle of peace, compassion, love, and good works. He began now to preach, to practice, and to carry on “ the policies of goodness, mercy, liberality, truthfulness, purity, and gentleness,” — especially towards the conquered peoples — and the policies of liberation from “ depravity, violence, cruelty, anger, conceit, and envy.” Specific duties required from his followers and officials were: nonslaughter of animate beings, noninjury to “existing creatures hearkening to father and mother; reverence to teachers; liberality and seemly behavior towards friends, acquaintances, fellow men, and ascetics; compassionate and seemly conduct towards slaves and servants; and “ small expense and small accumulation.” His works of charity consisted in planting the roads with shade trees and orchards, building rest houses and watering sheds, and digging wells; in construction of hospitals and dispensaries (for men and animals), in distribution of medical drugs, in planting medicinal herbs and fruit trees; in outright grants of money and organized relief to the poor, the aged, the helpless, prisoners, the infirm, and needy people generally. His political administration was marked by the complete cessation of wars and establishment of undisturbed peace — internal and external — and by the organization of a special class of high officials (Dharma-Mahamatras) whose duties were concerned solely with the temporal and spiritual welfare of the people. All political officers were to follow Asoka’s example in their personal behavior. They were exhorted to carry on the policy of good will, sympathy, and love to their own people, as well as to the peoples of the bordering territories. The officials thus were missionaries and moral leaders. One of their main functions was to be “ peacemakers ” between all sects, races, parties, and peoples, building their mutual good will and decreasing their enmities. Asoka revised the existing law and judicial administration, making these more just, human, and uniform. He made himself available for the business of the people at any and all times, and so on..... 

Several years ago, in dark despair, I asked future survivors, what do you want of me? Send us LSGIA Beings... become one, inspire others, channel all to us. . This amazed me. I just got the same answer.

If you don't download to protect this great moral library, then who?

It has taken me much of my adulthood to build. It's worth my life to protect. But I am only one. It would be the height of irresponsibility to rule out the possibility that such things will soon be found and destroyed. It's up to you.

For man mutual aid has been the condition of survival of the species. Sorokin, Harvard. Ways and Power of Love

Sorokin: Since the real curative agent in mental disease is love in its various forms, this explains why many eminent apostles of love have been able to cure the mental disorders of iegions of persons, though these altruists did not have any special psychiatric training. Their sublime love and supraconscious wisdom have been an excellent substitute for the “ little or no love ” and the professional training of ordinary psychiatrists. It is true that for a successful cure of especially serious....

The ways in Power of Love. Sorokin. Harvard.

Led by Israel, decades-long war on goodness, morality, has been raging. Make of yourself a Channel of goodness, work hard at it.

The war, the gaslighting, is being waged on you and yours. Unless you fight it with everything you've got all memory of goodness will be lost.

And it is a war that your head and your flesh want to lose. For them ignorance is bliss. And for your soul, your very life itself, death. 

Nonviolent change efforts have been doomed from the beginning because of their impurity. They seek material political change instead of empowerment of souls in charge of head and flesh.

If you are screaming fire, fire, fire... but rarely grabbing a bucket or helping the wounded is that really helping?

Bless you, Bernie, but James electing the right president once the Titanic had sailed was not going to save it.

James best friend, coach, personal trainer. A work in progress, my entire adulthood now.

Click photograph for higher-resolution image.

Several days ago a friend to ask about a slightly prior evolution of this posted last week. These are some thoughts I shared with this friend....

Friend wrote: also, regarding the scoring system, I do identify with a lot of your personal goals - several are things I'm starting to be more aware of myself. I like this. do you score yourself daily?

James:  It is fluid, at times more fluid than it should be, and at times too rigid. It is a tool not my master and I try to keep that in balance. And it is fluid as to the contents. It is an invaluable invaluable invaluable invaluable for me tool for clarifying what I need to be focused on and to increase that Focus. As to the frequency that also is fluid as I learn What I need to prioritize and whether I'm making sufficient progress and whether something has become gladly habitual. This is a new juncture and a new collection of tools for me so there's a lot of fluidity right now. I'm learning to use the tool at this juncture to help me learn and become useful more quickly.

About everyday go through the list ask myself the question and how I'm doing, 1 is not working James, 10 is a you got it nailed man. I'm really drowning now as you can see by the low numbers but I'll survive because I now have the benefit of looking at the direction that I need to be swimming. And I do feel progress happening and I think soon there will be a fairly rapid rise as Things become muscle memory. At least it has always worked that way in the past and I'm quite sure it will this time.
The yellow is added emphasis so when I scan through this it catches my eye where I'm really flailing.

throughout my adulthood I have time after time hurled myself into new situations and eventually I begin to learn how I need to grow myself, shape myself, to be the solution that I need to be. And a tool of this form with different concepts and verbage emerges and is invaluable. It works to help make the intangible tangible, workable, and improvable. And it is rightly said that what gets attention tends to improve. The numbers is a simple rating one, low, 10, hi. But no previous life juncture have I found my rating so consistently low. But I take great encouragement that I feel I have zeroed in on the things where I need to improve and I'm doing the best I can.

The terminal failure of the great moral Sages was Blindness to what they lived: Loving for Joy is always the ultimate experience.

It has been said that fish are the last ones to discover water...

But even in the material hell unfolding for all it is not too late for the self to have that Joy and thereby to show others that it is possible. This is the work that is needed. It is the only work that could have saved us all, but it can still save the one, or the two. Let's get on with it.

I answered my own question post the other day. What might have prevented fascism? The rise of loving, our mammalian brain, in charge of head and Flesh. All prophets told this.

What might have prevented fascism? The rise of loving, our mammalian brain, in charge of head and Flesh. All prophets told this.

A friend cannot be lost. Close, pleasurable, acquaintances, yes, they are lost. Sadly we can separate ourselves from Friends.


Thinking to spend the night on eventually on a paved pull out by the beach. No signs say otherwise and a local said should be no problem.

James here. How might Nazism have been stopped in time? Do you know of any research? Asking for a species. All species.

The only salvation left, teach children how to love loving, for Joy.

Fascism simplified. The thugs take over, the rest are exploited until used up and then exterminated. That's it.

Correction: Loving is not the ultimately rewarding experience. Loving to make the world more loving is.

At the top, it is NOT climate denial. It is gaslighting, and you go with it, you fund, you reward it.

No, Boomers, love was not the answer. Lusting is what you meant, lusting is what you do. Your lusting did this. Loving is the answer.

I don't fight for more loving in the world because I have hope, but because it is the Joyful Way of being.

Gandhi's vow of poverty, cultish, I thought. It is a vow of sustainability, solidarity, I just saw. Oh. Yes.

A vote for Biden is a decision to sink Titanic.


Just a little to add to recent cycling posts. Dec 31

 item. it all continues to work beautifully. 

item constant velocity friction disk engagement. Yesterday it was thought that this was not operational where the knees are the point of engagement. But it seems that is not so, it is. It speaks to the nature of engagement. Although  velocity within the cycle must be constant and can br and mostly is now, the force within the cycle is not constant. In that roiling point the brief segment

Really good ride today, all prior posts affirmed. And yet the learning continues.

Refinements, subtleties, deeper understanding over and over and over. 

Item. The roiling. Where no pressure between thrust and Retract Is quite wonderful when rolling is achieved. Rolling into the areas of force where the

My gift to you for the new year. And unless you do some work to unwrap it including downloading the book and reading this chapter It will do you no good. Chapter four I believe. Though you will hopefully want to read the entire boo....

My  gift to you for the new year. And unless you do some work to unwrap it including downloading the book and reading this chapter It will do you no good. Chapter four I believe. Though you will hopefully want to read the entire book. And I believe something else. When first I read this book many years ago of course I was deeply impressed. But it seemed too incredible to me that I or anyone could consistently make this Choice which seemed so risky, for a better world? And that is still my feeling. But prior to rereading this chapter several weeks ago a different perspective came to me. What if loving is always the superior Human Experience even in the face of suffering, torture, death? And I have since come to the conclusion that in all likelihood this was what Jesus knew and tried to teach us and the people in these stories here although we are not told that.
Urgent note from James. He, James, find zeze stories deeply moving but without the
following thought really really somewhat interesting, cliche, unimportant. But if one

These stories of heroic Redemptive love. Earth-shattering. How 15 years ago did I not grasp that? The ways and Power of Love. Sorokin.

Urgent note from James. He, James, find zeze stories deeply moving but without the following thought really really somewhat interesting, cliche, unimportant. But if one can entertain the theory of as James is nearly certain now, and preparing himself in every situation to execute, if one can entertain the notion that the Supreme Human Experience is always loving no matter what, then these take on a far more important perspective. And although sadly not in these stories are the actors ask nor in any similar situation has the research been done, the question, would you have done this even if you knew it would materially fail and cost your life? I think it is quite clear that in nearly all cases the answer would be yes. Enter James it is also clear but if they had been asked, well, what if acting this way in no way was a function of your religious Faith would you still do it? It seems to me those in these stories the answer again would be, yes. I like feeling that way. Regardless of the cost.

LOVE STOPS AGGRESSION AND ENMITY “ A friend of mine, an elderly Quaker lady, entered her Paris hotel room to find a burglar rifling her bureau drawers where she had considerable jewelry and money. He had a gun which he brandished. She talked to him quietly, told him to go right ahead and help himself to anything she had, as obviously he needed it more than she did if he had to be stealing it. She even told him some places to look where there were valuables he had overlooked. Suddenly the man let out a low cry . . . and ran from the room taking nothing. The next day she received a letter from him in which he said, ‘ I’m not afraid of....

The ways and Power of Love chapter 4 I believe, Sorokin, Harvard, free download.

In the atmosphere of our Sensate 1 culture we are prone to believe in the power of the struggle for existence, selfish interests, egoistic competition, hate, the fighting instinct, sex drives, the instinct of death and destruction, all-powerful economic factors, rude coercion and other negativistic forces. Yet we are highly skeptical in regard to the power of creative love, disinterested service, unprofitable sacrifice, mutual aid, the call of pure duty and other positive forces. The prevalent theories of evolution and progress, of the dynamic forces of history, of the...

In the atmosphere of our Sensate 1 culture we are prone to believe in the power of the struggle for existence, selfish interests, egoistic competition, hate, the fighting instinct, sex drives, the instinct of death and destruction, all-powerful economic factors, rude coercion and other negativistic forces. Yet we are highly skeptical in regard to the power of creative love, disinterested service, unprofitable sacrifice, mutual aid, the call of pure duty and other positive forces. The prevalent theories of evolution and progress, of the dynamic forces of history, of the...   the ways and Power of Love, free download, Sorokin, Harvard

".. These outlined aspects of love, its properties, its empirical dimensions, the relationships between its dimensional variables, and, finally, the problems of the efficient production, accumulation, and distribution of love energy —all these open a vast, little... Written decades ago, the ways and Power of Love, Harvard, Sorokin.

Free download what are you waiting for?   ... These outlined aspects of love, its properties, its empirical dimensions, the relationships between its dimensional variables, and, finally, the problems of the efficient production, accumulation, and distribution of love energy —all these open a vast, little.... known, and desperately important field of exploration. At the present time mankind perhaps needs to explore this field more than any other. A greatly increased knowledge of love is essential if there is to be a greater production, accumulation, and circulation of love energy in the human world. Both a better knowledge and a greater production of love are desperately needed for the very survival of mankind and for the continuation of its creative mission. Subsequent chapters of this work give a

BTW, the white male supremacist guy that hijacked my name 1700 years ago, is everything I died to save you from.