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Look for power in the turban spin, hi RPM.

 This morning was a really good start in terms of the issues discussed yesterday. Finding the weight of the premium for the body as the basis of a sucking up action. 

Unexpectedly what may be a really useful tool

Establishing the perennial is the beginning of everything else. It is the point of....

Oddly this is a bit of a new understanding. Establishing the perennial is the beginning of everything else. It is the point of effort done properly and that is the legs somehow sucking up to it. The


Cycling continued. A 4th leg of the stool? Hey partner to the Perineum in the top 3? Not sure. Short thin horizontal axle through perineum.

The following has shown up several times. Several weeks ago during wonderful performance it was central for one or several days. And then it disappeared from James understanding and only hours into today's journey did it show up again . It showed up hours after James remembered the central ality of establishing reprint eum as the 100% weight bearing center of the operation. 

What showed up? 

That the objects to which James hopes to contribute energy 360゚ is a shaft the goes through that perineum Horizontally of no more than an inch in diameter. And that what he hopes to be able to do is to contribute  to be able to contribute energy 360゚ exactly on that shaft nowhere else.

And the point is not James be obsessed with not delivering energy any place else. At least that's not how it has been so far. But focus on contributing all of your energy to that 1" diameter shaft.

***** Wow. Oh. Seek ye 1st the Kingdom of God. So that's what he means.

James will have to look it up now to see who actually said this period seche 1st the Kingdom of God and all things shall follow. Or something like that period (Matt 6:33)

It is so hard to see what these original good souls

Number 3 on a 3 legged stool. With many rungs but only 3 legs. surrender 2 participation, contribution.

Surrender to 1 & 2, rotary engine, 100% wt 100% time perinium, above. 

3. Surrender to participation, contribution. 

This one is maybe the kindest gift of all. Maybe. not

Seek ye 1st rotary engine. Seek ye 1st 100% of energy wt on the perinium 100% of the time. Coreprinciples.

 Item. Rotary engined you are. Never for an instant anything else 

 item. .... 100% of weight on the narrow  perineum 100% of the time. such that the rest of the body Accept that fact and works around it. Check in and


WTF? Constant intake at the perinium??? WTF?

Game changing. will this be Sustainable? Will James remember it or be able to repeat tomorrow and the next day? Stay tuned james. But quite possibly. (no) 

This is an evolution of the last several days, the last


***** James, rotary engine you are, turbine, not to cycle piston. Huge

This crystallization just came today but all top performance efficient and sustainable power that James can recall is best understood this way now. Rotary engine.

The entire experience of that engine is at the perinium in a very small 2 in area. Probably necessary is using the thighs near the crotch to suck energy into that turbine.

Rest, calories, and planning likely tomorrow in Oklahoma City.


Posture, an elephant in the Room so easy to forget. Hugy impactful.

Wind noise rendered this long important post unintelligible.
Seems to be the first order important elephant in the room. Important, but second-order are things like egg beater perineum, and staying Seated on the narrow hard saddle.


Seconds before passing out got down on the floor of the Subway restaurant tonight at the truck stop.

Massive calorie burn yesterday, 4500 calories, 4200 calorie burn today. Extremely difficult day with high winds and bone chilling cold. Yes wedding gallons with all of the exertion. No logical stopping places short of these extreme expenditures. And quality calories are pretty much unavailable made difficult by the terrible cold and lack of quality food. Why pass out? Unclear. Could be  dehydration, 8500 calories burned in 2 days and fewer than 2000 calories taken in. 2 hours later feeling a bit stabilized. The next 3 days can be more moderate a still allowing arrival in Oklahoma City on Thursday it is hoped. Temperature dropping and precipitation on Wednesday. Snow and rain.
Two Clif bars and two bottles of Gatorade for dinner. Feeling a little bit better.

Courage, it has been said, he is doing what you need to do even when frightened and overwhelmed. I hope that's true.

Video log. Dramatic increase in danger and difficulty these critical next four weeks.

Those that through savagery would dispose of you and yours, the world, are winning, without opposition.


Oklahoma City back on track or Wednesday. Machine shop work.

This was a gigantic day energy-wise, maybe too big. That was not the plan but there was no logical place to stop earlier. It was a very good ride, slightly or substantially favorable Tailwind. Very good son. Very good cycling but that's pretty normal now.
Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday the weather turns much colder and cloudier and rainy or snow. The prospect of being indoors on Wednesday in the Machine Shop may be impossible but it would be a good way to spend a problematic travel day.

Calling all Engineers. Details to follow.

Calling all Engineers. Details to follow. Passive solar water heating for this vehicle? The sun is low on the horizon today and getting lower every day., this is not Peak Sun hitting the solar panels perpendicularly.
And yet 400 watts per hour has been our reading for the last hour or so. In the summertime with the sun right overhead 380 watts is a good day.

What's going on? Temperature.
Warmer months there is plenty of solar and son for hot coffee in the morning. That is not an issue. However, solar thermal require sitting for several hours stationary pedals.
But obviously heat is a problem for the panels. And if there was a way of dissipating that  heat with water tubing and there are obvious advantages.
And in the coldest month the availability of warm or hot water to circulate around the batteries would be a nice and obvious advantage.
There are three panels that can be popped towards the Sun they are on roughly one in square aluminum tubing. They would be the easiest Prospect for running tubing behind. And maybe that would be a phase one. There are three more panels laying flat on quarter inch poly carbonate and very thin tubing circulating underneath them might be a good Phase 2.

it's not something that's going to happen unless it catches the fancy of some engineer that thinks it through.

Video logs. Their souls touched, and mine.


Thursday the new ETA for machine shop in Oklahoma City. If all goes well.

Daily exercise regimen. Additions. Horrible recent performance.

So many distractions do with travel difficulties.

I will have mercy, and not sacrifice....

Very cold weather and hand. This presents a danger to the batteries.

My Traveling companion, Michael, did some timely research and tells me that charging while below zero the batteries can be destroyed. This was just in the nick of time, I think. With additional planning that should become manageable including hot water bottles and thermal bags when needed.

And at times bringing indoors the batteries where it is warm. During meals. Etc.

For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

"Human Scum."

Trump is weaponizing the government against his American opponents.

We're not getting out of Amarillo today. Doesn't break freezing till noon.

Got some replanting and rethinking to do. May or may not change overall intention to pick up another eight states. Turning on seasonably cold really fast.
fc CC v b v. :        


It seems we are to fight on tomorrow, Friday.

Safe and sound was Saul when we return tonight  to the Walmart parking lot. Very uncertain how far we can get tomorrow. Maybe only a few miles. It was a good six inches of snow and very cold tonight and tomorrow. Much of it was slushy. Unclear how clear the roads will be by even midday tomorrow.

Saul has been in creator's hands all day.

What an odd conception for someone that does not believe in a sentient creator.
There is low grade anxiety all day. James determined that the best plan was to leave

For today's pleasures they destroyed their children's tomorrow's.

Ice and snow on ground likely to slow Us by another day.

Qualified advice needed.

The information that I see suggest that prolong winter should not hit this quadrant of states in the photo until mid-December. No guarantees. Is this a correct view? Maybe you know some people that has good information on this? My desire is not to linger, just to set foot and then head south. What is the latest that I should plan on sitting this small area? A day or so of snow that will melt is not a problem. Prolonged winter, snow, is.

Current exercise regimen for James soul

All's fair in Love and War.

No child of our father has a home... Jesus

Departure tomorrow morning expected.


Library and Buffet waiting out the storm during the day tomorrow. Oklahoma City expected about Tuesday next week.

Some snow proofing, rain proofing, and electrical work done today.

So bathed in corruption is my life, every day. What do I do?

This is a horrible question that faces me and one that I am so grateful for. Not alive would I be if I did not let it grip me. 

Sitting at the moment in a McDonald's drinking a 75 cent senior coffee. Using Google News, google drenched in blood and evil. Picking up products

Expecting to remain in Amarillo until after the storm.

Local Walmart is quiet and amenable it seems. There is a nice nearby library where much of the next two days will be spent. Snowproof and wind proofing today at the hardware store. Adding calories at 2 all you can eat buffets. But this is difficult. James nervous system is somewhat addicted it seems to the Daily travel routine. It will be good to give us the experience of having to deal with its absence.


Slow day tomorrow expected. Rest, some maintenance and upgrades. Buffet. Then 10 miles east.

Video log stirring Souls.

Yesterday long anticipated study and analysis's of all 1000 phrases and versus from Jesus was begun.

This on a spreadsheet that James created a long time ago of the so called red letter versus from the gospel, the words allegedly spoken by Jesus. 

Now, per earlier writing of many many months ago James aasertion that the scholars are correct that no more than a 3rd and closer to 25% of those 1000

Completely relaxed torso. Sack of potatoes. Big extra points.

This seems to be the new number 1. 1. Completely relaxed torso. To. Egg beater perinium. That's sort of it today and this is been a excellent cycling day. Sustainable, enjoyable, very