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Play singing saw in storage to go help a friend for some number of weeks it's a possibility of your consideration. First of all by my friend would it be a sufficient help, and then by me. As for today there doesn't seem to be too much question about completing this leg. 25 mile an hour Tailwind is 60 mile Journey play only require the energy of 20 miles. But it will still require games to enjoy her five or six hours of sitting.

Egg beater, James, be it, don't do it, be it.

Very important post yesterday of important new discoveries. Good journey so far today that taught an important subtlety. It is being the egg beater with the legs not the much more obvious to James nervous system of doing the egg beater with

Cycling. Egg beater. Well, this comes as a major advancement, quite possibly.

building on the log earlier today, the lower extremities at the crotch  began to hint a bit at being like an egg beater. 

As suggested in the earlier log, the

Get off my property the store manager snarled at James. James, make of your life, every breath, treatment of creation, treatment for of the health of the soul of creation.

 Several months ago This thought occurred to James, the important meaning of treat, treating, treatment , as apply to people, how did you treat that person. 

The hidden and profoundly correct and ultimately important meaning which has never earlier been obvious or apparent to James Is that we are the most important treatment, thinking medically, we are the most important treatment that the others in our life can receive. We are We can't avoid being exact treatment, it is unavoidable. All we can influence is whether it is toxic or health producing. 

And James in the mission that he for greed embraces, to try and nurture another soul back to life or to greater strength, when this notion of treatment returned yesterday or the day before it was extremely welcome as a means of focusing, informing, and intensifying his work. 

What else would he want to be, what else should he want to be, than every breath the most powerful constructive treatment for the soul of others, after treating his own with the same medicine, that he could possibly be? Such an empowering idea for him. 

 This concept was heightened in James consciousness when About 5 days ago at a lone truck stop gas station, a relatively small, way out on the land, when he was greeted in this crowded store 1st thing in the morning, having spent the night near parked safely on the periphery, get off my property. Said by a middle aged blonde haired female such that everyone in the store would hear. Get off my property. This was pretty shocking and James was not prepared at all. There is a back story but not remotely does it justify her behavior. 

Hey, James has a very definite head and flesh and yes they wanted to lash out In return for this intended pain and humiliation. Immediately the thought came to James cerebral cortex and Soul that his purpose is to be a brain doctor of the specialized part of the brain called the soul. 

 Bringing this immediately to mind within a nano 2nd did not bring to mind what he should do, very sadly. He was not prepared. He is not prepared for such situations curiously. 

but it did bring to mind what he should not do, what he did not want you do, which was to lash out, hate begets hate his doctor  King rightly said.. And he did not lash out. He was pleasant. And after buying coffee which she said he could do, ", if you will pay for it. She was really on a roll. Immediately he let her know that he would be exiti g the property after packing up, which he did. 

But it certainly let James know what he was not prepared for, and what he wanted to be prepared for. 

He has thought about this incident quite a bit. And is still at a loss which he does not expect to be largely filled as to how to be a constructive treatment to such a brain damaged, soul damage, creature. But he can improve. And working on the concept of, James, how can you be optimal treatment in such a situation, is a wonderful starting point. 

10/16. Luke, use the seat! Use the seat!

Maybe 5 days ago is a post That was extremely important speaking of the absolute benefit of taking the seat, planting in the seat, staying in my seat. And yet for the last several days


James, being an easy and obvious temptation to rob, or to kill, you must work to avoid. You owe...

James, being an easy and obvious temptation to rob, or to kill, you must work to avoid. You owe... this to the would be abuser. 

 The most frightening night yet in this voyage was spent 20 miles from any

10/16. You are among the few that seem to have heard it all from me, deeply. This almost said...

10/16.  You are among the few that seem to have heard it all from me, deeply. This almost said... to the man who at the end of the 15 minute exchange on the side of the highway


The drugs of choice, hatred on the right, ridicule on the left, are finally destroying America.

October 16th.You are a Christian, I see, said the well dressed....

You are a Christian, I see, said the well dressed... middle age man approaching the vehicle very respectfully with his 2 children as we sat in the Walmart

The blog has been brought up to date 3 weeks of dictated but only now just transcribed posts. Nearly all were backdated to the date of dictation. And some new posts as well.

September 24th was the earliest back date.

See if one works and lives in an asylum for the criminally insane it would be pretty dangerous to have Illusions otherwise, no?

If you go to be in nature and it does not profoundly impact you, you have gone to use nature for stupid pleasure, not to be with it. Rarely does anyone do the latter. Everything is dying from our stupid pleasures.

If you go to be in nature and it does not profoundly impact you, you have gone to use nature for stupid pleasure, not to be with it. Rarely does anyone do the latter. Everything is dying from our stupid pleasures. 


Their calculation is simple, feed whatever lies and ammunition to the hate mongers, and the less crazed people won't do s***. And they are obviously correct.

***** Perineum ball joint, ball bearing, the center of everything. October 15. Solar RV cycling blog.

 James is a bit worried that he will not capture why he has become a cyclist again. It has been too long since he has created a log and conscious competence may have gone

October 15th period James has neglected his primary vehicle, his soul. protect reignite soul log.

The point is not to beat up on James. The point is to learn and grow and improve. recent months have been extremely productive in terms of becoming a human and aluminum and plastic and copper machine that can do all 48 States effectively. 

This has come at the price of James attention shifting from the strength and ability of his soul. He judged intuitively that his soul was strong enough to carry on fairly well without the true attention that it needs daily. This may have been a correct calculation but it is well past time as he needs to re prioritize and pretty much no matter what re establish as high a level of strength as his soul is possible and try and take it to the next level. 


Practically all Americans are severely brain-damaged. The Trump supporters, the most.

The human species in large numbers disgusts me.

Biggest burn in years today? It was a good ride, difficult, high winds but mostly favorable. Very cold tonight.

Preparations for the cold, mostly making available winter clothing, seems adequate so far. We seem to be prepared and up to the challenge.

Dark chocolate.

Oct. 10. We helped to Stir a soul. More credit to the soul than to James. Protect, reignite Soul log. 

In the hardware store today picking up a bit that had been ordered there were 2 cashiers, both female. The one handling my order was very polite and Happily respectfully dismissive of my answer to her questions, where was a going, to all 48 States which my soul told me to do before self immolating at 1 of the concentration camps where we are destroying children because their skin is the color of Earth, life, not the color of death, bleached bones, like mine. There was another female cashier, late twenties may be, and she seemed to move way. After going to the restroom, James returned to the counter to retrieve his goods, and this other cashier said, I don't know if you like dark chocolates, but here are several. It seems that she almost had tears in her eyes. Of grief and solidarity.

Citizens want the truth, essential to their role in governing. Consumers want what they desire to hear. There are no citizens.

The Press gives Their audience what they need to hear, infotainment gives what they will buy. There is no press.


light day expected for tomorrow

Video logs

Do not watch the low resolution below. Click this link for the original. All five segments most brief.

2 of these photographs are beautiful, one fuckings ugly. Unless like an alcoholic might consider a find bottle of scotch beautiful, in which case they are all lovely. Stop fucken consuming! Stop at. Stop the rape. A rape in a luxury hotel is still a rape. Stopped the rape.

Oh, we are at 7000 feet. So that's why is a little short

***** October 7th. rule number one, plant your Perineum. 2. Repeat. 3. Every moment that is necessary.

Such a simple gigantic evolution and combination. 

So much of the last year has been James' body fighting itself. 

Some of that fighting, maybe much, maybe most, has been the body desperately seeking a place to work from, a place to fight from, a center. And left to its own devices it goes for the pedals. Maybe this is not unlike running where somehow the ground  becomes a center to work from. A platform, a base. 

Be that as it may.  

Beginning a week or so ago the perinium, that 3 or 4" bit of tissue in the crotch became apparent . And attention to it helped a lot. But just yesterday it came to greater clarity. Plant it James 1st thing you do and the 2nd and the 3rd and repeat, plant it. 

This happens automatically peddling a conventional cycle. But for James in this recumbent nothing automatic about it. 

Nor does the body fight it or dislike it. 

Nor does the body do it intuitively or easily remember it without some vigilant reminding. And monitoring. This is a wonderful development. 

It is hugely liberating of the legs in an odd sort of way. It lets them flail, flap, spin. All dangerous words but the best I can think of at the moment. There is no less power or sustainability than anything else James has attempted and probably 30% more available raw power and absolutely sustained. This is not a gimmick anymore than sitting on a hard narrow conventional Leather bike saddle was a gimmick for James in all his developmental years as a kid. But in this recumbent and probably any recumbent achieving the same  biomechanics, the same physical situation requires some imagination and vigilance.


This Magnificent vehicle, we are more than a ton, the parts aren't built for us. But we continue to go on.

New ebike motor, less than three hundred miles, among the strongest maid, five of six bolts totally stripped. 3 hours on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere, the threads are repaired, helicoils, And we seem to be mobile again. Our skills have grown. We don't take failure easily.


Oct-Dec States 10-22 approx

Expected offline most of tomorrow.

***** October 3rd period James, stay in your conventional hard leather bicycle saddle, participate, not control, participate, from there.

important insights. 

By the way, this vehicle does not have a conventional hard leather bicycle saddle. But It is essential to high power high performance efficient sustainable cycling that we live as though we do. And we can. And we do, except when we forget. 

For James at least the apparent fact is that this recumbent and maybe every recumbent, definitely this recumbent, invites James into what turns about to be a horrible fantasy world where there are all sorts of ways to operate other than from this imaginary Hard narrow Leather conventional bicycle seat. And they are all horrible sacrifices of everything that a cyclist would want. 

And when it is remembered which is usual now, when it is brought to mind almost instantly James settles in and it automatically solves a host of sins and automatically brings a host of virtues. For the sins one can look at just about any log from a month ago to a year ago. 

The specific virtues Are basically what any  good conventional cyclist would never even give a thought to. Sitting hard in that seat without ever thinking about it, the lower extremities need to operate around that seat, it is in a way the center of the universe that is just taken for granted. 

Well, who would ever think that anatomically that's a mistake? It is not. But for James in 24000 miles over 4 years in this vehicle it never remotely presented itself clearly until the last week. There were hints all the way. There were approximations all along the way through it but only in the last 2 weeks  the subject line above present itself. 

 And the Notion of participating which came Maybe a month ago as a tremendous advantage, participating as opposed to Iattempting to control the speed and momentum of the vehicle, we are 12000 .... But it is incredibly tempting for James to deny the reality particularly after A-day of really good performance. It is totally not willful but there are reflexes that just say go and control it he did yesterday. We never did! .... But so far the notion of 'participating' near instantly dissolves the horribly destructive delusion that we can control saul. We can't. But goodness can we make a big contribution if we merely sit on that seat and attempt to contribute. Attempt to participate 

These last 5 days have been in a city environment meaning stop and go. Not a dense city but stop and go all the weeks prior with few exceptions were open road. 

City environment, stop and go, it turns out is extremely seductive of all the wrong inclinations, leaning forward instead of shoulders back and chin tucked, and leaning forward as opposed to serious deliberate reclining of the shoulders invokes all the wrong reflexes in all the wrong muscles. See prior posts. The 1st idea brought to mind that helped to put things back in order was James, participate, don't try to control the vehicle, you can't. This moving from a stop at a stop light not wanting to hold up traffic, for example. But then, Stay seated on that saddle, and then everything began to really work well again. 

And the metrics we deliver are almost unbelievable. On everything less than a 4% or greater incline we are Carrying, James is carrying At the least 20% of this 1200 pounds payload. And James weighs 160 pounds. And more typically on flat ground in a no wind situation He is Carrying at least a 3rd and sometimes half of the 1200 pounds. 

October 3rd period Soul in charge is easy for James. Remembering, that's been very difficult. Protect, reignite, resuscitate soul log.

 Probably a month it has been at least since James has had his soul firmly in charge, his reason for being, his definition of humanity and that the sanity, his hope for any and every individual. WTF? 

It is so easy to get distracted and to

Solar RV cycling blog October 3rd. All fryer energy estimates underestimated by 30%.

We just got on the scale. We are not 900 pounds or 850. We are 1,200 pounds. I don't understand it, but that's what we are. Plus or minus 20 lbs. So recently James has not been carrying himself Plus 70 lbs, 225 lbs total, he has been carrying himself + 140 lb, 300 lb total.
We stopped in here to drop off a dead electric motor to be recycled. We saw they had a scale and they were happy to have us get on it.


The main motor, is dead.

The hidden rust was extremely Advanced and separated the crucial magnets and Metal parts. A replacement should arrive Thursday, maybe tomorrow. Financial bleeding.

Emergency doctor for the soul. Should James feel squeamish at the thought? No.

 The soul is a piece of our anatomy, the limbic system, the mammalian brain, we are not the only species that has it. .... Is there anything more important to the individual, the human species, all species, than healthy limbic systems? Healthy souls? Healthy mammalian brains? There is not. 

It is exactly due to the near death of near all limbec systems, souls, that all species are now being destroyed. The head and the flesh lack even the slightest capability to avoid doing this. the soul, the limbic system, the mammalian brain has not one tiny part of the capacity to do it. 

James will get over his squeamishness.  and he will redouble his efforts to become as capable in this regard as he possibly can. 

Bringing this to mind at this particular moment was a truck driver passing on the highway, an extreme rarity a truck driver that showed some hostility. 

James initial reflex was, you asked whole, and then quickly his work to be an effective physician of the soul in emergencies came to mind and the absurdity of his initial reaction came to clarity. James, that's your fucken patient. That's who you're here to serve. The sick of soul.


Protect reignite soul log September 30. Katie had tears in her eyes, then I in mine.

This old body of James is demanding some R and R. It is on slow down. Bless it, it does what needs to be done but when it sees an opportunity to rest it really asserts itself. It appears that the kindly manager of the Lowe's hardware store here understands that we have mechanical issues and is OK with us Resting at night here in this parking lot. of course I have favored them with some purchases. 

And there is an extraordinary all you can eat Asian buffet and we have been burning a lot of calories and the body is demanding that we try and replace some. 

 After several hours there we were resting in the parking lot before returning to Lowe's to do some major work. 

What you got going on there? A blonde mom in a large white truck was smiling and asking. I saw you on the interstate the other day when I was returning from Denver, she said. 

She heard about getting this vehicle as a prop to attempt to shame the Congress creatures in Washington, canceling the apartment in DC and going to standing rock, getting out of jail from standing rock and going down the West Coast to silicon Valley might be inspired by this concept. Being taught in the process that we absolutely couldn't care less about our children and grand kids, the planet is done. About this Spring all I could think of was burning myself alive to express my grief and rage in front of one of the concentration camps. But that 1st my soul said, see if you can go through all 48 States with this vehicle and maybe Stir a soul here or  there. I saw tears in her eyes. And then they came to mine.