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Trump country. No one yet has rebuked me. What?

  rural California, rutql Oregon, rural Washington, rural Idaho, rural Montana, rural Wyoming, no one has yet rebuked me. Right right left or center. No one has yet rebukrd me. Same story from James, over and over and over because there is only one.  Instead of first self immolating in front of a concentration vamp where we are we are destroying children because their Skins are dark like Jesus, not white like mine, to express my grief and rage, my soul said first try and take this vehicle through all 48 states and see if you can stir a soul here or there. What? 

No, I don't know what this means. Except, it means this mission is worthwhile. An electric vehicle, a solar vehicle, would be offensive to these folks. But the messages on this vehicle, soul, loving, soul, loving, soul, loving, reigniting soul… These are encouraging one or a 100 souls per day, maybe a 1000 as they drive by. 

Is James certain of this? Yes. Is he correct? May be.

Smitten. Smitten I am by the people of Wyoming. Huh?

And I am smitten most by my experience here in Midwest Wyoming. This is one of the most desolate places I've ever been. Abandoned oil pad after abandoned oil pad. Dust and Rock. Mostly males but some females in the store. Driving trucks. Working out in the oil fields. Yes, I have almost nothing to go on. But my gut experience is, what decent folks. All I see is tough nice folks. And my experience in Wyoming has been like that. It is much like my beloved Lone Pine in that regard. Although Lone Pine is excruciating Lee Beautiful by comparison. This is so unexpected by me. And it is not that I've had a lot of conversations here, very few. I've been occupied with other things. But what I see in these people, no bulshit, no pretense, a Simplicity, an honesty, decency....

Protect, reignite, resurrect soul log, 9/17. Spent time with Jesus and others today.

Crucial to my prayer, medi tation, deep pondering life in recent years, more than a decade, has been in my imagination to check in with the most enviable, admirable throughout history. Centrally Jesus, but many of the L beings. Many weeks and months of gone by without James doing so. The challenges of starting up this 48 state mission have crowded such things out. 

 this is not a confession, but an observation. 

 Today James found time during the race to beat the high winds to do a little bit of this period checking in primarily which Jesus , also with the The children decades and centuries down stream that may still have a chance at a life of soul. 

 James was not much chastised in these imaginings. They were not deep. They were not long. They need to continue. But the initial feedback was favorable. James, over all you're doing everything you know to do. We certainly can't be upset with your efforts and they are strategically pretty smart. Yes, pitiful, tiny, but over all good work. Spend some more time checking in with us. 

James was surprised that they were not more critical and harsh. And he does wish quickly to spend more time with them. But overall he also did not disagree. 

 intuitively he sensed that he had a accumulated level of competence that could let him slide on this checking in for a while. Today's initial feedback seems to suggest James was correct. But he needs to get back into this practice. And the mission is off and some of the rough edges have been smoothed so that may well be achievable.

***** Solar RV cycling blog September 17. Recumbent recline or shoot yourself, James. Circularity at the knees, no corners or edges. This is profound.

Have these prior important days been Building blocks? Setting the stage? Gateways? Not sure. 

Yes physically James reclined the seat substantially weeks ago. But for other reasons had a pad down the spine and today that was removed allowing the torso to recline another inch? Revolutionary. Profound for the

They get pretty good wind here. Fifties mile-an-hour gusts in the next 2 hours. Spending the evening in Midwest.


Plan for the next 4 days. Tomorrow is dangerous, and Ricky.

50 mile per hour gusts forecast for tomorrow. But not until about noon according to the current forecast. So the plan is to travel 35 miles south to a little town with a gas station wear James can sequester for the rest of the day, leaving early and arriving by 11 am. This should allow retrieval of packages in Casper Wyoming the following day and then two days through extremely remote, near zero internet access train down toward Colorado.

Do you know anyone that would find joy in protecting and supporting this mission?

A place to safely rest for about a week at various parts of the journey over the coming year. It is anticipated that it will take another year. That would

Solar RV cycling log September 16. Profoundly promising. Participating at the knees With the momentum.

No. The last several paragraphs of this require considerable editing but there is not the time or energy to do so right now. This was an important day. It's not the end, beginning of what happened the next day.

 Yesterday afternoon James was really desperate. Please, sol, please just show me some way to participate meaningfully. Whatever small way. Some thoughts on that occurred

Silent Spring? Silent Planet Earth. That's the reality. That's the future.

Although James has not made a study of this nor researched it it continues to be talking to him how rare it is to see animal insect incipiens life of any kind. Several birds were seen earlier today. It was shocking. It was surprising. Seeing some deer and furry dogs, shocking, surprising. There are quite a lot of grasshoppers these last several days at least it seems so to James. Not Silent Spring. Silent Earth, now, and forever.

High winds tomorrow. Travel questionable. Must study whether There Are Places to shelter or not.

Every prayer, except to be an embodiment of creators will, every single one, is a prayer to Satan, head and flesh, Mammonthe evil one.

We white folks are actually a genocidal mutation to folks the color of Jesus.


Protect , reignite soul log. And general update.

There are days and weeks, there have been, where James experiences being in the groove. His soul in charge, his body cooperating beautifully, and his cerebral cortex a beautiful servant. The last week has not been among those times. 

If it doesn't kill you you grow. And

Solar RV cycling blog September 15th . Turns out, saul is open to 1 of 2 relationships. Excruciatingly sensitive relationship at the knees, or, letting James beat the living fucks out of himself.

Solar RV cycling blog September 15th . Turns out, saul is open to 1 of 2 relationships. Excruciatingly sensitive relationship at the knees, or, letting James beat the living fucks out of himself. 

 yesterday's posts were probably very significant. Yesterday's experience probably very

Wind will be fighting us hard for the next week. That is roughly a 1/3 energy disadvantage. Like climbing a 2 or 3% grade.

Mid to late October


Slowing down, bleeding financially, Tires & More tires and stuff becoming a cyclist again. Three or four days to Casper.

Also, water destroyed a $300 inverter. And the speed of travel as the weather gets cloudier and the days shorter does not allow energy and time for cooking so costly junk food day after day .  And junk food in consideration of the wall socket time to top off the batteries many days as well.  Anyone wanting to contribute can message me. 

***** Solar RV cycling log September 14. Delicately James and saul are together the 5" wide 7" diameter fly wheel Between James knees and thighs.

Solar RV cycling log September 14. Delicately James and saul are together the 5" wide 7" diameter fly wheel Between James knees and thighs. 

 Progress each day. The missing piece yesterday which is huge was a Cycling role for James. 

 And this is huge. Never to be completely solved probably.

Protect reignite soul log September 13. We couldn't care less about our children and grandchildren's world. Virtually no 1 disagrees when James says this period

 About the most they'll say in defense is, well, not everyone. When James persists Virtually all back down. 

they don't show signs of guilt. Nor of surprise really. Although maybe they haven't said it this way to themselves. But when shown the truth they simply find themselves recognizing it. Young and old. Liberal and conservative.

 James says that this is because we have Killed our souls, worshipping head and flesh instead. Again, Pretty much no one disagrees although not all grasp what James is saying nor do they discount it or object.

All that is not truth, is not love.


General thoughts for tomorrow

Solar RV cycling log September 13 period of important new friend. Thighs rapid fire falling forward and down.

 Much progress recent days including today. Still a search for something that seemed relaxed . And this friend is what showed up. A cadence 90

Protect reignite Soul log. September 13th. James has been so lost.

But if you're not getting lost you're not traveling hard enough. In life.
James has gotten swept away from his mission of attempting to bring back to life a dead Soul here and there. He has become obsessed with cycling. Without realizing it's he became obsessed with achieving All 48 states within 12 months.  Yes there would be huge logistical advantages to that but at least for now it is too hard to Pace  for James and Saul.  Maybe we can accelerate again later from 30 and 40 miles a day up to the 65 that we've been doing. But not now. If you do not fail, you lose the opportunity to grow. No denigration to James in any of this. Medic knowledge might of the process.
Now he'll get to see if he can grow from this. And, he may have the help of Having learned a lot about how to comfortably without too much distraction partner with Saul.
And a refocusing on the mission which is not to move the vehicle, is not even to survive, is to use whatever breaths are given, and whatever resources, to try and Resurrect The Rare Soul where that's possible.
And he realized several days ago that the Blog has gotten taken over by cycling posts. And This is distracting to the one in a million that ever looks at this blog. So it is anticipated that was in the next week or so he will find the time to extract those posts to a different blog.

This is the plan for the next two days. In the middle of nowhere tonight, but should be internet.


Current thoughts next 12 days. Pick up three additional States not in the initial plan.

This still allows for getting down to New Mexico in early November. Anyone knowing this to be a foolish plan please advise.


Stuck in Billings waiting for package deliveries.

The wonderful new trailer tires are cushioning the solar panels from rumble strips and reducing or eliminating breakage hopefully. It seems. But they wear very quickly, 600 miles Maybe. Got caught short. Hopefully two Replacements arrive tomorrow. And another package forwarded to me from my post office in Lone Pine. Hopefully tomorrow. The lady at a Walmart said, no problem with a couple of nights here. Body is very tired and taking a ridiculous amount of rest and sleep. A kindly and capable machine shop did some work on several sprockets that was needed. Then beginning with a long trip South through Wyoming Colorado Utah Arizona New Mexico.

Solar RV cycling blog September 10. Updated attempt at technique very for James.

Item. Lower legs 100% relaxed. No energy. 0. 

Item the mission is to establish maintain and protect momentum averaging 10 miles per hour. 

Item current The technique must be