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video log March 7th combined

Wow, and wow. Cycling level today has not been seen in probably a year and a half. And it is sustainable I'm quite sure.
The lessons of the last log or so are proven now and nuggets of wisdom from recent years are all found in the principles that resulted in the high performance sustainable low mental tasking technique of today.
In a nutshell, the out stroke of the knee to maximum extension and rolling through that maximum extension, achieved at a constant velocity from the beginning to the end of the stroke, stroke after stroke, until the Cadence changes is the formula. This became attainable once it was remembered, for the first time it seems, that this is a bicycle. Unlike a conventional upright bicycle which unmistakably provides gravity and body orientation as the communicators of what the body is to do, to extend all the way down to the bottom of the stroke, till the full completion, the full extension, of the stroke, the recumbent doesn't do that. Gravity still speaks but contrary to where full extension actually is which is roughly a hundred and ten or a hundred and twenty degrees from perpendicular. It is out, not down.
An important secret teased out somewhat concerning the Optimal Performance usually achieved in the last 10% of any journey and the last 10% of this climb almost every time. fatigue and maybe practice, of the prior several hours each trip, the body achieves what was described above but now it has been captured in conscious competence greatly increasing the odds that it can be held onto and repeated now. And to a large degree, really, for all intents and purposes throughout this 1500 calorie, 3 hour Journey, this high-performance found in the last 10% of the journey was maintained throughout.
Another nugget which has appeared in the past with great appreciation but then lost, is that it seems that in lower Cadence higher power situations that the length of this downward stroke increases, or can be increased, Canby, needs to be, begun earlier, higher, or should be increased to be able to establish that constant velocity forward thrust to full extension.

And all this was accomplished with much less attention to cycling and much more to ongoing study, saving Paradise, Parker and Brock.
This is the second or third listening, and as of this morning with a solid technical copy annotation has resumed. all of the disclaimers of Prior posts still stand, as do the a clamation of the gold mine this is if the land minds are understood and avoided. I see many days ahead of mining the gold here for the purposes of my work. It is a broad pallet from those that have extrordinarily perverted distorted destroyed the goodness of the human soul to the other extreme almost, those that have  stumbled well in the right direction. I am envisioning among other things one graph that tries to capture the various names and place them in relation to the ultimate goal of the establishment of the human soul in charge of the head and flesh which none of them except for the man Jesus, barely referred to directly in this book, that the man Jesus examplified in word, actual historical word, and deed.. But they're were other attempts and somewhere certainly worthy of a study for the various element stuff they got right.


March 5th. Ransoming souls log. So disappointing, Paul, Parker and Brock, even Armstrong.

Technical difficulties with annotating the saving paradise copy from archive. Org. It is not an excellent scan and unfortunately hours worth of annotatinh have been lost. Not a tragedy but a new copy will have to be downloaded and work resumed on that.

Parker and Brock have an agenda. There's nothing sinister about that. They have a right, and maybe a Duty. But it is extremely problematic in their book  saving paradise, which has the pre tents of being extremely scholarly and therefore focused on the truth, and it is not that. Unclear to me is whether they realize that. But the problem remains that it will entrap even the best truth seaker into thinking that they are reading scholarly truth when at the bottom line they are reading the world that Parker and Brock would like to see. Be warned. There is still much of value to be mined here but it is more of a mine field then earlier I thought.

Oh Karen Armstrong, such excellence, not perfection, but still  excellence you demonstrate in the great transformation. But in your much earlier book Paul, where in heavens name does your enthusiasm for this individual come? A nice guy I'm sure, but extremely delusional, and not a fraction of the faith or understanding that Jesus had in Jesus teaching, do unto others all things whatsoever… . And Paul does not begin to come to the caliber of the great leaders to the soul that you write of in great transformation, Hillel, Mohammad, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and a few others. Now you wrote this book on Paul, the Apostle we love to hate, much earlier than the great transformation. But have you disclaimed it? I'm not challenging you, I'm concerned either that your integrity will be diminished, or that your scholarship and judgment are not of the caliber that I have thought up until now. I suspect it is the former.


Ransoming Souls log March 4th. The centuries of saving paradise everyone but Jesus has a say.

Benedict, Anselm avalor, Eloise the list of authors decade by decade century by century, untold. Almost never the slightest evidence that anyone thinks to look at the words teachings and example of Jesus. It doesn't happen. It doesn't occur to them.

This is certainly the right of each individual. But that it is never seemingly explicit. That it is never seemingly recognized or deliberate. And they even Brock and Parker reporting on it seem not to understand the implications is mind exploding. The fish are the last to discover water.

Rock and Parker, excellent cerebral scholars, excellent, appear to like the idea that right headed Christianity has been searching to establish material paradise on earth and that has a spiritual component, but in that order of priority. Occasionally their words suggest that logically spirit, psychology, the lymbic system, soul in charge itself is paradise but never do these words seem to be a stopping point for them, rather, a casual mention from which they immediately move on to their pree conceived notion, an notion desired by their overly developed head and flash, it's the answer they want. How much more useful and satisfying if they recognized the choice and made it deliberately and explained to us their choice. If ever I could access them I would hope to respectfully try and bring this to their attention because based on their scholarship their processing of this choice could be very very valuable to me. And for some probably to others. Wishful thinking.

The mission to which I am called is a refined  version of my entire adulthood call. This refined in call is for joy, serve those poor souls in solidarity. To live that for the joy of it, to communicate it for the potential joy of others. To make it more able to be grasped and held onto in the world and a historical culture that says no, that's not the way. That's not paradise. Ignore Jesus. Ignore Tolstoy.. Buddha didn't mean it, listen to his 20th century, 21st century teachers. And on and on and on. As reported last week a surprise evolution of this is to understand in this imagination I try and use that prospective client, what they demand of James, what they need of James, what they need of us all, more than anything, is become transformational Souls yourself. Powerful Portals to the soul in charge if you will. The equivalent of the sought after wormhole. As reported several days ago initially to me what this seems to mean is be the  Limbic system, the soul in charge in your life. It will be amazing to me if this does not intensify in clarity and implication overtime tho it may change, extremely unlikely that it will. This increases my being a tune to those few souls that are or could move toward being transformational with an interest for helping and certainly protecting those. One of the few that I sense maybe approaching physical unsustainability, death. This is moving me for the joy of it, for the call of it, to see if maybe protection for this soul can be arranged. It is far from clear that that's possible. Today's response to this by me was to develop some thinking on this and to share it with a few promising souls I know. And the response of one absolutely astonished me. Immediate generosity. Immediate commitment. Instinctual. Reflexive. Devine. It is no disrespect to this individual being referred to, that it is off, amaze meant, shock, that wells up in me. World class, Olympic  caliber performances do that to us, don't they? The person of concern maybe in the final stages of saving themselves. It may be that it is far too late to save them. We have been neglected far too long. It is completely unclear to me how this will work out. But at least two of us, two souls, are now in solidarity to meaningful attempt to provide aid if that proves to beof promise. This is paradise. Agony yes, but the ecstasy also. Such a privilege for me to know such a fellow soul. And such a privilege for us to maybe have the opportunity to help another. Such a gift. This is the gospel. Jesus had none other.

Cycling log. March 4th. Yes, this is a bicycle!

All major lessons of yesterday are proving themselves important sustainable repeatable.

Yes, as with a traditional bicycle the purpose of each stroke is to thrust down and through the bottom of the stroke. But the recumbent bottom is some angle between 90° to perpendicular and probably 140 degrees.

Insight tonight on what impact where the bottom is. In a conventional bicycle gravity is key to sensing that full extension is down. In a recumbent gravity is somewhat a Miss Q. In zero gravity bottom would be probably 100 or 110 degrees from perpendicular. But gravity acts as a downward vector and somewhat increases that angle. Speed of rotation also effects where that natural terminating bottom is. Aggressiveness of the thrust also is a determinent. If necessity for high power and or freshness of the legs allows for a time the legs can comfortably set the angle hire more toward zero gravity 110 degrees. But where endurance or fatigue or both are factors then there is virtue in finding the center somewhat lower, 120 degrees at cetera.

In case it is necessary to repeat, the bottom is for the knees an end of the thighs including the bottom under part of the thighs under the knee. Bottom is not for the feet on the crank. So far, maybe a blessing that will not continue, so far it has been quite natural to implement somewhat automatically that the bottom being reached is with the knees as just described and not the feet. It is not assumed that this happy clarity will be maintained by the body but it  Might, as it is quite natural on a conventional bike.

Yesterday and new electronic hergear was mentioned. This under 30 dollar handlebar mounted plug in component, A+ button and a - button works with the vehicle brain allowing preset to be established within a range. So for the second day now the benefit of effectively 10 gears, really 30 gears because three different ranges can also be selected with a 3 position switch, this is now instead of being a cumbersome 6 gear vehicle on this arduous climb, now is between s10 and 30-gear vehicle. Unlike traditional gears which this vehicle has, these gears are not used to change the effort required for different vehicle speed, but rather to change effort required at the same speed but for difference in climbs. This because of certain mechanical limits, not hinderences, but limits, that limit  minimal vehicle speed to two and a half or 3 miles an hour at a reasonable cadence of 60 or 70 or 80 RPM. So although we have been doing this arduous climb every other day for almost 4 months, these last two days are the first time we have a effective gearing system that is at all normal for a cyclist. Quite a nice thing.

Probably for most cyclists even some very high performance cyclists on conventional bicycles the instant of arrival of the leg at bottom is a miniscule but significant rest  each cycle. And instant point of neutrality. The benefits of the mental imagery describe yesterday and today include that now this recumbent cyclist James is also having the benefit of that instant  relaxed neutral point at the bottom of each cycle. Possibly little more than psychological relief but that it is. At least. Probably more.

And the ongoing Miracle of the particularly strong last 15% of the journey became less mysterious tonight. The central issue is the necessity and effectiveness of knowing where the full extension is, the full thigh extension as discussed above and yesterday. This is a function of a number of things. What happens in the last 10% which is the steepest and the body is the most fatigued, the body by this point figures out, okay, searching subtly for exactly where the full out stroke is, nice idea body, but we don't have that energy or luxury right now. So you can ascertain, you can establish where that end point is, that. Stroke is, by making certain that your stroke, downstroke speed,  is constant velocity every stroke. That will establish the same reliable spot stroke after stroke after stroke after stroke. This probably can be implemented throughout the journey but that remains to be seen.

Without Guardian Angels, Miracles, James is in prison for five years. Life and death need for some, now.

( if needed, scroll way down to the part, life-and-death now.)

Instead of being in my first year of five in prison, last night my lawyer guardian angel responded with this photo to my inquiry as to whether my record was now expunged as per the miracle she worked, negligible cost  plea bargain, it was supposed to be expunged in October. The online record was one of the reasons Canada would not let me into the country back in August.

Not the blue eyed white male supremacist that billions look too, but a small colored guy by the name of Jesus 2000 years ago, said basically, if you do what I say, give your life for the joy of it to the neediest, it will cost you, but you will get a hundred fold in this lifetime. Encountering guardian angels and occasional Miracles is what he was talking about, I am certain. And it continues to happen in my life.

Almost two decades of radical activism offering my life in hunger strikes and jail in Washington DC taught me that I was completely alone. The Liberals detested me far more than they lunatics on the right, largely because I stood with my body, didn't just stand flapping my or taking token cheap safe actions. So when I was told two weeks before they swept the Standing Rock camp that if I stayed it was five years in prison that was a done deal as far as I was concerned.

But many months later it became clear that some Guardian Angels had other plans it turns out.

Though we were shipped six extremely painful hours across the state for jail that night, oh, maybe malice, maybe scarce resources, the next day we were bailed out with sandwiches and coffee and hotel room and kindness and transportation back to Bismarck. Water Protectors Legal Collective. Sorry, choked with emotion here for the moment.

And still it occurred to me not the slightest that prison would be avoided. Neither was I going to seek legal assistance other than one or two online mentions, nor was it going to be forthcoming. And the insane brothers and sisters, passionately destroying their children's future for a few Pennies from fossil fuels now, wanted us suffering as much as absolutely possible.

But some angels had plans I didn't foresee. Guardian angels that I will never know provided the legal funding to us. I haven't a clue who they are.

And not just legal funds but a genuine Guardian Angel, Amanda Harris, Harris law.

For example, last night, probably 8 p.m. her time, I simply sent a message via messenger hoping that some day I get a reply maybe, and Within moments had the photo above from her. What lawyer does that? Instantaneous response in the middle of the night? Amanda does. Incredibly generous, incredibly driven, impossibly productive, incredibly clever and good and competent and expert and relentless.

It is a hidden feature of the human nervous system in one out of a million, exactly like that colored man in Palestine said two thousand years ago, if you give your life for the joy of it for the sake of the neediest souls, it will cost you, but you will come in contact with some of the other Angels, which is the Supreme Human Experience.

Life and death now. Speaking of which, near certainly we are going to lose one of the greatest Souls I know personally living within the next two months unless a miracle is Stirred Up, and that requires guardian angels swooping in to provide wind under the wings of this parent, or desperately trying.

It is impossible that this individual can go on without Miracles and angels. This parent, early forties, two teenage autistic son's, in a godforsaken red-state of Michigan, is being crushed to death by the heartlessness and non-support of her state. A sister of mine in Upstate New York in a similar situation responded the other day in horror at the non-support that this drowning parent is being left in Michigan.

And this parent is not without fault. What Fault? Asks nothing, except 5 or 10 times, literally, 5 or 10 times too much of them self. Now working four part-time jobs substitute teaching, caring for delinquent children, waitress, part-time Creative Marketing) this high-level marketing executive who left their job a year ago to give the basic care to their children that this criminally negligent state will not provide.

This parent is trained among other things as as a social services Advocate and has used brilliant skills to advocate for their children in this criminally inhumane state of Michigan. So far to no avail. This parent has written me at my request that there is some slight slight slight glimmer that a Year's worth of work may come to fruition in terms of a modicum of support for the children within the next month. If this doesn't happen this individual cannot keep going and will be crushed to death literally. Personally I am really really really bad at giving up on important situations, but I'd have gone to sleep in an exhaust filled garage long ago hair dye  you've been carrying what this individual carries. It can't be otherwise. It is impossible to survive what this individual has survived. Without some Guardian Angels kicking up a miracle. This individual gives and gives and gives their life for the neediest. Isn't it time?

I am racking my brain about how I can help. I have gladly pledged here, unbeknownst to this individual who asks nothing, ever, I have gladly pledged here whatever scarce resources I have, 100%, Beyond food, the vehicle, bedding, and clothing, all the meager savings scraped together, if that will help get this individual on a sustainable path. I know few Souls whose goodness demands this, but this is one.

I am racking my brain and soul as to how else to help.

A month or two must not be lost. If the state again fails as is likely it is too late to start Alternatives from a standing start. New York, California, and Texas are Nirvana compared to this hellhole Michigan. But how to say near drowned to death Soul get there? And or how do so far unavailable resources get shamed up, dug up, brought to bear in Michigan?

Many hours now have been spent buy me brainstorming what organizations can be contacted, that might help, that might have networks nationally and or in Michigan and help either bring pressure on the state or access to people that can help. Hours have been spent now crafting a communication campaign, though minuscule, to try and lift the odds from zero of this individual being able to survive.

Aren't you called to do similarly? Aren't you called to help this individual survive? Several of you know who I'm speaking of. If you do not you must not try and guess. This individual's privacy is their own. They know and Express gratitude I am advocating on their behalf. But they are the pilot, I am simply ground support. Bring to me your serious ideas, your contributions, your work on this individual's behalf and I will share it and this pilot I'm referring to will then decide what if anything to do from there.

If not you, who? If not now, when?


James, said my friend, climb up in Creator's lap.


March 3rd. Solar RV cycling log. Oh, this is first and foremost a bicycle. never have looked at it that way before.

March 3rd. Solar RV cycling log. Oh, this is first and foremost a bicycle. never have looked at it that way before.

How is that possible? Yes the lead thought is that I'm an idiot. I wonder however if a recumbent bicycle, a primary liability is that there are many many ways not to think about this as a bicycle?

Thinking about it as a bicycle from the beginning of today's Journey, now 400 calories into the journey, has been huge. Tremendously organizing. Tremendously sane and logical. Tremendously encouraging and seemingly sustainable. Quite powerful, more powerful it seems so far than any time in weeks or months.

Upon reflection there are times that the body has treated it somewhat like a bicycle without realizing it was doing so. How promising to be able to bring to mind that it is a bicycle so that there are not such long week or month or multi-month long gaps between high performance.

A bicycle, what does that mean? Well, in a traditional bicycle I'm not sure my body ever made the mistake of not understanding that maximum power was maximum downward thrust completed at the bottom of the thigh, the full extension of the knee. But anyone that has agonized looking at summer all of my logs knows that many months have gone by without me grasping what I just wrote in the prior sentence.

Yes, except such optimism seems to be an every two-day event for me. Will be interesting to see if this is a new Milestone. That would not surprise me.

And in the event that it is difficult to master a recumbent because where gravity leaves no doubt as to where the thigh  should end each thrust, straight down, it may be that not only I find that a recumbent does not make this singularly important fact obvious. Rather it disguises it under so many tempting alternatives. Whatever.

The metrics here where the horses should be, first third of the journey, the metrics are better than any time in many months quite possibly 136 human watts, average of 128 watts per hour human, and average RPM of 57.

The next two thirds of the journey, the next two hours, the next 240 calories, confirmed the positive outlook of the first third. With some additional lessons.

A Holy Grail, the Holy Grail Maybe, is constantly discovering and moving for the bottom of the pedal stroke, which is not determined by the pedal itself, it is influenced by that, but it is the effective full extension to the Bottom by the knee which must roll through that bottom but quickly smoothly and sharply. Years now it has been observed that by some miracle in the last 20% of any arduous Journey the power and smoothness and Effectiveness and efficiency and sustainability of the stroke is often Optimum. Several other things are true in the last 20%, obviously the body has expended a lot of energy by then, it is supposed to pleated but maybe finding a final second wind. Something else that is often if not usually true and always true in these months of travel uphill, the last 10% is the steepest. And tonight it was discovered that this Holy Grail just mentioned is what is accidentally, and tonight purposefully, found. The body quits crapping around and sharply and smoothly targets the optimal downward point of the knee crank Time After Time After Time wasting no energy time secondary muscles it goes right to the point. Can this be done at the beginning and throughout a journey? Tune in next log.

The metrics tonight were quite favorable. 1350 calories. As the new digital gear, to be explained later, a wonderful addition, was implemented the instrumentation was somewhat interrupted but it appears that the Cadence was a more reasonable 62 RPM or so vs more recently 40 or so, and the human watts per hour were probably closer to 130 then what they have been, about 118. This is very positive movement.

March 3rd. Ransoming Souls log. A chronology of Jesus crucifixion, 2000 years and Counting , by the Christians.

March 3rd. Ransoming Souls log. A chronology of Jesus crucifixion, 2000 years and Counting , by the Christians.

What a mean title, yes? No, unless the truth is mean. Maybe many books, but this one by Brock and Parker, saving Paradise, is a 2000 year history including their addition, their personal additions, 2000 years of crucifying the teachings of the man Jesus. He was never more than anything but a brand? An excuse? A prop? Those could all be malicious things but not necessarily intentional or intentionally malicious. Nobody ever practiced his religion. No one ever wanted his religion. At Best One in a Million. Over coming weeks it may be necessary for me to provide some graphical Renditions of these incontrovertible facts. Why necessary? It is said that the last one to discover water is the fish. I don't assume anyone wants to see the truth. But I suspect I need to provide the simple graphical representation that this book by Parker and Brock is.

James, everyone here and Lone Pine likes you. This during the periodic conversation I have with a local Forest official, an extremely nice guy as our are interchange has been enjoyable by both of us for quite a few months now. I like this community so much, everything from the natural magnificence to so many of the folks in town. Jeff who runs the local post office and Dylan one of his lieutenants. Doug and Doug who own the local hostel and Mountain portal stores, Mara and their staff, Kelly at the pizza bar, Christie at the Mount Whitney restaurant, John and cord at the local climbing store, Don Jeff Josh at the hardware store…. And according to this local official Everyone likes me. Well, for sure not everyone, there are several that may well kill me literally for the fun of it, for their self-medicating malicious fun, passing me on the high-speed Road up the hill. But a lot of people like me. This is a first in my life. Maybe it will change. But it's quite Pleasant.

I know few strong mature honest Souls, one of the best I ever knew ended its physical Life by drinking to death not too many years ago. I did my best to try and stop that, investing many months of my life directly toward that end. I did not succeed. Now another of the few alive good strong Souls I know may be being crushed to death by the life circumstances they have. If by some miracle they choose to fight on I may find that there are no personal lengths of my meager means that I will not go to in order to help them stay Among Us. We need more strong Souls not fewer.

Hey Parker and Brock, well intended people no question, what part of Jesus saying, the kingdom of God is within you, it will never be look low there, low there, it is within you, what part of that don't you understand? Facetious question but not malicious, obviously it does not concern you what Jesus had to say or teach. And that is the two thousand year history of Christianity in a nutshell. Jesus was nothing more than a Rorschach inkblot picture for you to project whatever you feel like f****** projecting.

It is excruciating, and so eye-opening, to see decade after decade, Century after Century, for 2,000 years, Christianity was created. Which is to say it was not created by Jesus. It was created Brick by Brick, turd by terd, cancer cell by cancer cell, disease, disease, for two thousand years. That's a lot of work. That's a lot of manure on top of, burying, crucifying, killing, destroying, the man Jesus and his teaching. It need not be malicious. Little of it was done for that purpose. The result is the same. Christianity is not the religion of Jesus.


Joint log. March 1st. The clients realize that the best attempts possible or being made.

  1. 48 hour flu hopefully over now? It seemed like it was over yesterday morning but last night proved that not to be the case. Yuck.
  2. Work completed on the vehicle yesterday that should be a medium-term solution for the wiring that occasionally melts during difficult climbs.
  3.  Currently the weather looks dangerous in the region but possibly not right where we are. Will have to check again for sing in the morning.
  4. Study of Armstrong's book on Paul was resumed. For scholarship is wonderful. All these people are interested in Christianity. Why would anyone be interested in Christianity? Jesus offered us the solution which Christianity never understood, never bought, never tried. However it might be that Paul regardless of Scituate Christianity may have had some important soul. It will be interesting to see of the few writings that he actually put pen to what he had to say.
  5. Yesterday while working on the vehicle by the sidewalk in Lone Pine a young man turned his car around and we spoke for probably 30 minutes. It did not damage his soul that we spoke, maybe it helped.
  6. By comparison in terms of the amount of exercise today's climb was laughable, only about a thousand calories. It's lightly discouraging but this on the tail end of two days of flu.
  7. Cycling insight was that much of recent days success has been pointing to the rotation over and through full extension of the knee as being a critical success factor and this supported by as small a circumference of object being rotated as is necessitated by steep climbs and substantial Force required.
  8. Some study of saving Paradise, which probably would better be labeled, saving creation, or saving Christianity, but certainly not trying to save what Jesus tried to start, some of that study was resumed and possibly the emphasis in the next 24 hours will be on mining the actual texts for some of the Nuggets of gold, soul sister got it or got really close, that these two excellent Scholars provide for us.
  9. Rain and snow forecast for this location for the next 36 hours.
  10. Trying to go easy on the stomach today, unlike the full Buffet yesterday, I didn't know, with Heavenly leaning on Saltines, peanut butter, jelly, hot chocolate and soon probably some broth and noodles.


Feb 26. Joint blog. Surprisingly glad with the images flooding into me tonight

At the beginning of this four hour climb up onethousand five hundred calorie climb surprisingly glad and some new images here.

1. Continuing at the idea of the last several Journeys that the primary power is 120 degrees down into the road, New Image today feels very promising, lifting of the weight of a up traveling leg is best done such that the weight of that leg is aiding the hundred and twenty degree downward thrust. This is a matter of coordination and timing. I think so.

Two. The recently forgotten lesson that the purpose of peddling is to inject energy into the travel, not to turn the crank, not to move the vehicle at a certain speed, is in mind today and feeling very sustainable and promising.

Three. It is in mind today, unlike recent Journeys, that the energy transfer needs to more or less take care of itself so that the soul and mind are free for study. This too is feeling very promising.

Four. Have begun study of the Karen Armstrong book, Paul, a figure that never has had my positive regard although some of his verse is among my favorite, but she may well be changing my mind, and I'm glad of that. Although annotation of the Brock Porter book, saving Paradise, is the priority for time with written text, a perspective of Paul through Armstrong  was deemed desirable while evaluating how little Porter and Brock are concerned with the man Jesus, and preoccupied with so-called Christianity. This is not a slam on Parker and Brock.

Five. Such truly truly truly important, difficult, painful reminders of the agonized souls in this culture. Referring I am to the several drivers so far that entirely to attempt, failing, to self medicate their writhing Dead souls Laid their horns continuously as they slowly attempted to terrorize this vehicle way on the side of the road in no way hinduring their travel. To my dis credit, this is not pleasant for me, but it is the slow important instruction that ultimately these are the needy souls if in some way a glimmer of life can return to them.

Six. Wow, at the horse Paddock, it's just been a really nice ride, all of the above concerning itself nicely. The purpose of peddling is to inject energy forward with the knee along 125 degree shaft, moving slightly up or down depending upon the Cadence and force of thrust. The purpose of the up thrust is to move energy toward that down thrusting leg. Thrust is a difficult word, problematic, because this is done in a fluid motion at the speed of travel so as not to fight innertia. However sometimes it is done at the comfort of the vehicle and sometimes it is done to push the vehicle a bit hard which with practice is a doable thing though maybe not sustainable.

7. My Euphoria with Armstrong Paul has already worn off a bit. Like everyone he is doing his best but he has much Jewish Pharisee mystical garbage. It's amazing how people can confuse secondary science with primary. The Buddhist notion.

8. Regarding cycling, nothing more promising is remembered by me, ever. The imagery of constantly rolling power expressions straight into 140 degrees shaft, hole, with the other thigh and knee cycling in slightly positive support that is providing a rotational force and weight that is slightly helpful to that downward knee which is ending in a relaxed full extension each stroke. And much of the time this can have a slight horsforce beyond what the inertia of the vehicle wants at any point in time, but that does not mean forcing the vehicle. Acknowledgement of the inertia of the vehicle is now ever present but acknowledging does not mean pushing beyond is unacceptable. It is. Acceptable.

9. If pursuit of the wormhole is a reasonable pursuit for the serious physicist, then the same is true, pursuit of being that is a transformational soul, is a moral necessity for the individual serious about human health. A moral necessity. Unless and until this can be ruled out scientifically as a possibility. If there have been individuals throughout history, and that's a big if, that have been in such a way that they have substantially moved another toward human health, rule of the soul, lymbic system, over the tyranny of head and flesh in charge, if there have been individuals exiting in that direction, then whatever they knew must be perfected and taken forward. This above all is the call I hear from my clients, the one in a million lymbic systems not yet totally murdered by today's culture or hundreds of years in the future. The butterfly larvae, that says no, I am NOT supposed to want to be a larva for all of my days. Help me understand and become what I was supposed to be.

10. The cycling log 2 days ago mentioned how maybe, there will never be a set of mental imagery that will prove helpful and sustainable for more than hours a day a week or a month. But maybe there will be. And more to the point. The extremely helpful imagery of today, not unlike use the Force Luke, to get that missile of energy down the shaft, it's clear to me this is conscious competence to times of the past several years where powerful mastry sustainability elegance and automaticness have been at play. That is, those efforts were not a waist, Pryor recent days were not a waist, nor these recent logs. In some way they are coming to fruition.

11. As mentioned in recent logs, keeping the middle and lower torso quietly firmly seated in this lower recumbent seat is a necessary platform for this forward rolling force down the 140 degree shaft. The body wants to, help, by nudging and jerking and other clever tricks. They don't help. This forward rolling to full thigh extension needs a reliable dependable consistent Nano second to nano solid base from  to operate, and the head, as spoken of the other day, the head the stationary perpendicular to the vehicle also is necessary to that firm predictable base of operation for the lower body.

12. In case remembering to be clear on this has not happened yet, so extremely helpful on so many levels is remembering that the purpose of peddling is to gently and firmly and smoothly deliver the full completed cylinder, energy extrusion, energy package, all the way to the end of the hundred and thirty degree shaft as defined by the relaxed full extension of the thigh. Very counter intuitive to the body. Very powerful. Especially when the rotating other leg is gently providing momentum into this full extension of the lower thigh and this second part is not yet automatic but when the mind attends to it it falls into place quite nicely.

13. Particularly on steeper grades the body wants to believe that the target is no longer a hundred thirty degrees but maybe a hundred and twenty or 110 oe… . This is successfully and happily resisted when thought of and all rotation and body position slightly adjusted to resume the hundred and thirty degree or more angle. Quite literally it's thinking to the body, come on guys, all hands on deck, Let's help that thigh to Natural relaxed full extension every rotation.

14. Maybe it is entirely when the crown of the road begin slipping more sharply to the right, but whatever, there are times that the left side wants to behave differently then is desired. Correcting this requires noticing it and adjusting the torso back to being perpendicular with the vehicle and the road not with gravity.

15. In the steep climbs something parallel to what a traditional cyclist might do on a steep climb, pulling and bending forward a bit more to help the thigh find full extension. Pulling forward now on the handlebars slightly and firmly is helping the direction of thrust find full extension at 130 degrees instead of something lesser which the body would be pleased with.

16. there's also this very positive thing that happens occasionally when the notion of, come on buddy, everybody, don't leave it primarily to the downward thigh, everybody let's make a hundred and forty degrees the natural home for the thigh every stroke. It is not automatic, it is not a sure thing, but it always seems like the right thing when it falls into place. Maybe it could become automatic.

17. Exercise has been a positive place of meditation, creativity, inspiration, mystikal Union, for me throughout my adulthood. And it is proving that now.

18. Probably 50% of this journey is being spent on aspects of ransoming soul, reading  Armstrong on Paul, listening and pondering the only 20% of New Testament versus that scholarship says the man Jesus actually spoke, and now pondering the notion of transformation also. Transformational soul being what I and everyone that values the universe above themselves, should be pondering and striving to move toward.

In this pondering of transformational soul, and looking within my own 67 years for wear it has been most encountered, answer the comes up the most is my biological father, and then somewhat to my surprise, the soul of creation as seen in nature is what initially strikes me as being the soul that has been most evocative of the soul within me.

Many many people knew my biological dad and he had more than several offspring. With one exception his impact on others does not seem to be the impact he has had on me, the single greatest evoker of my soul, Lymbic system. And so many millions, Emersion in nature really over privileged as I have been, not one in a million has it placed their soul in charge of their head and flesh. Point being, it continues to be of no hope that a transformational soul can transform creation. But there is a hope that it could transform the one or two as my dad and his soul have done. And if that's the best we can do than that's what we should devote our lives too.

20. Interesting, the crown is level in this final mile of the trip. More level than the earlier trip. It has been noted that performance improves in this final stretch. Maybe this is a factor.

21. It cannot be over stated how helpful, organizing, rescuing is the clarity that the purpose of cycling is to inject energy down that hundred and forty degrees shaft. It doesn't solve everything but it helps a whole shitload. And the notion of completely injecting, completing the injection every stroke is giganticly helpful to organizing every other aspect of the body. Helping every other aspect of the body find what it is supposed to do.

22. Much time and effort invested in the vehicle this past week inputting fixing and optimizing the settings of the electronic brain. Doing so has removed some distracting artifacts and has theirby proven to be very helpful, very nice.

23. Hard to believe, but if the thermometer can be trusted, here at 6:58 p.m., almost at the normal location at the base of Mount Whitney, the temperature is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Only 4 nights ago at this location and time it was 28 degrees. Much less stressful. Much less dangerous.

24. As to the comment just made about nature being the soul that next to my dad has been the most evocative of mine I think, this is not to say that paradise is nature, or soul is nature. It's seems to me this is the horrible error made by the greatest Souls and authors in history. Buddhists say the the secondary science is the finger pointing to the moon, and the primary science is the moon itself. Lymbic system being in charge is paradise, but for many that have no credit to themselves achieved lymbic system in charge, so in charge, for many the presence of nature has been evocative of that.

25. 1 mile to go. Almost there, correct? LOL. We are traveling, to the embarrassment of sol, the vehicle, we are traveling at slightly under 1.5 miles per hour so that we go slow enough that James can be doing slightly more than 25% of the work of moving this 900 lb payload up two thousand feet and just under 8 miles.

26. Average rent in this country for those who are the really poor is what, $700 a month or a thousand? At that rate, two months rent were spent on this motor home, on the low end, in terms of batteries that should serve it for a lifetime. Being 5 or 10 or 15 years. A bare necessity? No. But in the context just mentioned maybe a justifiable expense. This vehicle is now So much more solid, at home, comfortable, within its range and means, on this arduous 4hr trip half of which in darkness. And at probably the 95 percent confidence level it has extended the life of the very expensive battery system of factor of 2 or three or four or more. A very satisfying investment that is proving itself wise.

27. Speaking of investments, whether or not to purchase $10 thinsulate insoles for cycling in sub-zero weather is a somewhat agonizing decision for this mission. As is every expenditure. It's possible that these are luxuries. But it's possible they are extremely reasonable long-term investments. Winter was here with a vengeance only several days ago and it may be back. It will be here next year and the following year. It has taken all winter learn to be strong and Able and minimize distraction in this very difficult arriving wet in the dark at night and wind cycling campaign. But the judicious investments that have been made slowly and are judiciously and carefully are all proving themselves. Distractions are greatly reduced. Tremendous lessons have been learn. And creator willing the investments will pay off years into the future. And relative to a month's rent as noted above, the investments being spoken of wood total one half or  a month's rent. And incidentally they save a month's rent, all winter long. We live in magnificent nature with no money required for either real estate or dwelling on a monthly basis. Reasonably sustainable and responsible I think.

28. Periodically shifting the buttocks firmly back into the seat is important to overall body effectiveness and leverage.

29. Really really really really satisfying evening. The notes throughout this journey regarding cycling tonight have been quite consistent. And they have proven very sustainable all evening. Most significantly maybe that the purpose of each stroke is to complete the injection of energy to full by relax extension a 140 degrees into the travel.

30. True to form,  the metrics on this final 20 minutes were the strongest. Roughly 142 sustained, as high as 190, versus 120 watts for the prior 3 hours. Go figure.

31. As reported Elsewhere on Facebook, within half an hour of arrival the body was extremely ill. The extreme weakness lasted for another 14 hours or so, indicating that it was probably some sort of bug that was picked up. Fortunately the body seems to be recovering.

32. In the middle of a very physically unpleasant night due to this bug, a wonderful Insight occurred regarding transformational soul. This is an initial thought but I suspect it will persist. The transformational soul is one that is near perfectly and continually in charge of the head and flesh. Does it use the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus, head and flesh respectively? To the absolute Max. But the transformational soul, I'm thinking of my dad, and I'm thinking of nature, seemingly never makes the mistake of allowing the head or flesh to take charge.


Profoundly Rich few sentences. Must read. The Paradise in this life of loving community, worth even dying for.

Early Christians did not regard martyrs as victims, but as people who
manifested the power of God. When faced with Rome's coercive threats, the martyrs held fast to their freedom and their relationships within their Christian community. They would not surrender these to an oppressive power. Rome chose to kill them, but they chose to preserve life in paradise. They had already experienced paradise in their earthly life,
and they knew death would not take that from them. Their
witness encouraged others to trust that violence in the worst forms imaginable could not separate them from their beloved community or cut them off from their source of life
and power. A martyr's death was a
paradox; in refusing to submit to unjust power, the martyr witnessed to the true power that generated paradise on earth.


Ransoming Souls log. February 25th. I replied, no, the destination is the rare Soul, not geography.

Yesterday, while work was being done on the vehicle parked next to the sidewalk and the hostel down in Lone Pine, a slim nice mid-60s silver-haired woman approached, asked a few questions, including, where is your destination, implying Geographic place. No I said, the destination is not geography, but the one in a million Soul, limbic system I told her, that can no longer stand the tyranny of the head in the flesh. As I could not stand it. And no credit to me over the decade so I've learned to liberate the soul, and if there's anyone else that would like that help, I would like to provide it. God bless you, she honestly but quietly muttered.
I don't remember why but I mentioned to her that the day before two years ago being led away in handcuffs I was at Standing Rock. Oh yes, we in Canada do the same, Kinder Morgan pipeline. It sounds like she personally has done such work. But she indicated she was headed over to get something to eat.
Extremely tired from yesterday's Journey but not sure why particularly tired because of yesterday. Much of the day was consumed with work on SOL, the vehicle. An attempt to solidify wiring that at times melts under heavy load failed, though quite a bit was learned and probably will be completed tomorrow if the hardware store has the 10 or 12 gauge wire needed. Also, soldering can be done using solar power and the inverter, but this particular wiring is the live wiring and apparently it's very dangerous to solder a wire that is also delivering power. The kind Folks at the hostel are likely to allow me to run an extension cord
Drilling Into The Marvelous heavily-fortified rear axle slider brackets was completed and a grade 8 bolt inserted in each side into the grin Technologies ebike torque arm which keeps the axle from turning when it is delivering power or delivering regenerative braking.
 the new battery did not come in a secure heavy plastic housing, and that's okay, I knew that in advance. But the work to place it in a waterproof bag and a secure part of the vehicle was completed.
Although the wiring for the 4th battery was completed several days ago, it had not been fortified or color-coded and that was done today. The color coding is so that the potentially battery destroying error of mixing the backup 52 volt batteries with the primary 48 volt batteries, making it much less likely that that will be done in some high-stress emergency situation.
 we are so clever we Americans, heavy sarcasm, heavy sigh, we avoid paying a decent wage to our Park workers by farming it out to third party mercenary organizations that can hire workers on the cheap and pay for the 3rd or 4th or 5th house for the one or two executives. The winter crew at the national Forest Campground I sometimes use are public employees, decently paid. the transition to the subcontract mercenary organization takes place sometime in the next month and those Personnel who I know and one of them seems to like me and I like him, I saw him today and am trying to work toward a happy transition between the teams such that this Lone Pine Campground which is particularly helpful in high wind remains available to me. The time is approaching when some amount of fee will be paid by me and that's fine.
It remains a bit frustrating and sad that time continues to be invested in Sol, my partner, this vehicle, but no regrets. It's necessary. It's a miraculous vehicle. These are long-term Investments. The vehicle continues to be fundamentally stable, thank goodness, thanks those who have helped get us here.


Solar RV cycling log. February 24th. Oh well. 1600 calories, this certainly is a lean-and-mean 67 year old machine.

Stream of Consciousness notes to self during this almost four hour, 1700 my calorie, very satisfying journey tonight. A difficult read for anyone that tries, but I needed to process and possibly reflect in the future.

Wow, the axis and dynamic of the wagging appears to have the entire purpose of allowing the fight to naturally achieve full downward extension slightly pulled there by the traveling opposite side and knee. This seems to be shockingly easy, fluid, natural, and powerful. Producing 110 up to 140 watts per hour human. Throughout this very decent performance trip keeping the lower back firmly recumbent to the seat but the upper body forward to put pressure downword on that thigh. Also, keeping the body perpendicular to the vehicle is seemingly crucial.
and now, for a brief moment at least that time of months ago, so euphoric when the upward thrust of the knee seemed to deliver all power, is returning. When the purpose of the upper thrust is to help that full extension of the lower thigh it is almost like magic. Important notes. An hour later this was not sustainable. Instead the purpose of the uprising thigh is to roll in to support the down thrusting thigh, the down extending thigh, to that hundred and thirty degrees thrust, although thrust is not what it feels like, natural extension is what it feels like.

Well, remember how two nights ago everything was mastered? Everything was set? Well, it wasn't. This has been a good journey tonight, much less automatic but some good lessons learned. Tonight the lesson seems to be that the purpose of the up stroke of the thigh is to support the full natural relaxed downward hundred twenty degree extension of the lower thigh. Rowling into that position. Not forced not pressured but rolling to natural extension. It seems to be a good discovery.  Notes. At the end of the trip it was not rolling down but rather felt like it was extending down and that felt more natural. It was not extremely powerful although we were very fatigued, but it seemed very sustainable and effective.
And then, on this last, steepest, part of the travel, last quarter mile, what seemed quite wonderful, where survival is about all I can hope for, exhausted, it was as though the upward moment of the thigh was entirely to allow the downward thigh to inject energy down at about 130 or 140 degrees. Don't know what this means. But was grateful to have found it.

LOL, I don't know that I will ever settle in on one set of metal imagery, technique, physical process for cycling. It seems to be an ongoing process of the most useful way of thinking of it of the day. I do think there is some cumulative stuff going on, and there is some strengthening of the body. Oh well. 1600 calories, this certainly is a lean-and-mean 67 year old machine.

Ransoming Souls log. February 24th. Clients more satisfied than not. Sort of an autopilot day.

Most recent days have had the benefit of conscious competence, a fairly sharp ongoing sense of accountability to the clients. Today lacks that edge but unconscious competence kept us pretty much on track. Not many distractions. Fairly decent study of saving Paradise although the focus in the 4-Hour, 1600 calorie climb tonight was not as good as it has been recently. But some decent study took place. And some necessary distraction for keeping the human motor and Battery  strong took place. The repairs of recent days were proven very solid today and very satisfying. Much investment of time but indications are it was a good investment of time. And the new and final, 4th battery, to run in parallel with the other three, it really feels like a much more complete safe longtime vehicle now. This was an important investment in the future I'm quite sure. Wear on the current battery should be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred or two hundred percent. These might last a lifetime now.
Weather is 10 or 15 degrees warmer it appears now and for the next two or three days which reduces stress on everything. It may well be the quite a bit of study will take place tomorrow, detailed annotation of the Brock Porter book, saving Paradise.
Love Hate is not the right way to describe my feelings of that book, but they'll suffice for now. Within that book is just extraordinary resource, examples of people that whether they knew it or not throughout history have substantially grasped and lived Jesus religion of unconditional Brotherhood. What a gift to my work to be able to mine that resource.
It was determined today that in fact a folder can be created in the cloud, has been created in the cloud and at some point will be made generally available where the few books that I deem extremely important, George vaillant, spiritual Evolution and Parker and Brock, saving Paradise, being immediate examples, those highly annotated PDF can be placed and accessed and the detailed annotation and comments read by anyone that is dying to do so. and whether or not anyone takes advantage of that I believe it is a tremendous way, a tremendous gift to my work, their books, that I can annotate, in a way rewrite, into what I think they would have intended and desired and most importantly what the world needs. Very glad to discover that this can be done. Although I am not using Adobe PDF for The annotation I found that the product I am using can be read in the free available Adobe PDF reader, with the various color highlights, and comments I hope, seeing as well.

Anti-Christ = Anti-Brotherhood = Anti- LSGIA Being

To give you heaven, the every breath Joy Of My Religion, Universal Brotherhood, I gave my life. Telling you otherwise, it was hell to pay. Instead you invent Christianity. And now it is hell to pay, and you stick your children with the bill. Jesus

To give you heaven, the every breath Joy Of My Religion, Universal Brotherhood, I gave my life. Telling you otherwise, it was hell to pay. Instead you invent Christianity. And now it is hell to pay, and you stick your children with the bill. Jesus