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Major update. Could be the most important book of this Century, Library Journal wrote of this 1967 volume. Read by James 14 years ago it's time to read it again. Number one on James list of 140 + books. Joshua tree has been......

Major update. Could be the most important book of this Century, Library Journal wrote of this 1967 volume. Read by James 14 years ago it's time to read it again. Number one on James list of 140 + books.

Joshua tree has been.... the place where this Mission has been for longer than I can recall, maybe several months now for the most part. It was never the destination but it turned out to be the right place with the right attributes at the right time. Affordable, a young auto mechanic that has been willing to dig into the problems, catastrophes and opportunities of this revolutionary solar RV vehicle. Magical natural magnificence that feeds the soul. will likely receive my work and upgrades for as long as I can work but it is now sufficient for the one in a million that is bursting to come to life. It is what James here needed to come to life. The elements are what brought him to life in the early 2000 timeframe and has been advancing him ever since.

And in this unbearably desperate time spiritually and materially, 2018 United States, the community that it represents is what is keeping James somewhat together and focused and the offering of it to the one in a million souls desperate to come to life, is his work for which he is grateful.

It is approaching time where Joshua Tree can be departed, in the next days or several weeks. And just at the time when departure is possible the weather is getting quite cold in this entire region. That provides the particular challenge of keeping batteries warm overnight because at freezing half of their storage energy is gone. The unifying elements of James mission have to do with channeling the LSGIA being, poorly known as God, creator, channeling that to Earth and to do so having it channeled more deeply in him.

James needs to live as close to the LSGIA being as possible and the LSGIA being exists most in undisturbed nature and in the few great Souls at the LSGIA being site throughout history.

He expects despite the cold weather to be heading north towards Sequoia National Forest and then to other points of natural magnificence.

All the while having read to him the hundred and forty or so books of the LSGIA beings at the site that have been compiled and assembled by him over the years and recently.

For many weeks now the view has persisted within James that the essential disease that is destroying humanity and will destroy Humanity is that we have decided to allow our spirit of head and flesh to rule rather than the LSGIA being, known as God to the likes of Jesus and Martin Luther King jr. And Gandhi. So this is a very very old diagnosis but it is basically lost and unheard of in 2018 Earth.

James wishes that the diagnosis was other than that, the absence of the right laws, the absence of the right demonstrations, the absence of the right nonviolent tactics. But it is none of those. It is the fundamental sickness of the human spirit. And it is too late to cure to save Humanity but it is not too late possibly to save the life, that is the spirit, of one in a million now or in the future. And James expects that that will be his work for as long as he is given.

Other than what was just described by him he feels profoundly clueless as to what to do. But just as presumably Harriet Tubman learned as she went along how to free people enslaved to other people, James believes that it can be learned how to make it more likely to free people from control by the spirit of head and flesh within them and outside of them.


Potential children in America. Look at the facts. Your parents will not fight for you. Don't be born.

Potential children in America.
Look at the facts.
Your parents will not fight for you.
Don't be born.

The policies of the right Slaughter the children. The left just b****** on FB. I wonder how this is going to turn out?

The policies of the right Slaughter the children. The left just b****** on FB.

I wonder how this is going to turn out?

On display, the universally zombie liberals, simply watching as their children are slaughtered.

On display, the universally zombie liberals, simply watching as their children are slaughtered.

Does anyone not see that any decent life in America is over? The forces of evil have massed and there's nothing to stop them.

Does anyone not see that any decent life in America is over?
The forces of evil have massed and there's nothing to stop them.

How Trump Plans to Use Fossil Fuels in fight for Global dominance. Michael Clare.

How Trump Plans to Use Fossil Fuels in the Fight ( ) Shared from @Voice Aloud Reader Android app -


In the future, any parent that is not devoted with their life for gun control, when your kids get shot I have no sympathy for you.

In the future, any parent that is not devoted with their life for gun control, when your kids get shot I have no sympathy for you.

Hey liberals, which if you gladly offers what you demand of people in uniform? Which of you risks your life, limb, and treasurer to do the right thing? Good officers gladly get killed by their fellows.

Hey liberals, which if you gladly offers what you demand of people in uniform? Which of you risks your life, limb, and treasurer to do the right thing? Good officers gladly get killed by their fellows.


I fight for life. I do not equate pulse with life. I equate loving Spirit of goodness in action being with life. Which means I fight for a very small segment of the population, tiny, and all of non-humanoid species.

I fight for life. I do not equate pulse with life. I equate loving Spirit of goodness in action being with life. Which means I fight for a very small segment of the population, tiny, and all of non-humanoid species.


What if LSGIA beings were our Cultural, Family, Heroes?

What if LSGIA  beings were our Cultural, Family, Heroes? 

Major Update. Pervasive toxicity of our culture, dealing with it...... .

Update. Pervasive toxicity of our culture, learning how to with it...... .

Neither the ability nor inclination is in me to try and avoid the toxicity for myself. Except the little bit that seems to be necessary for me to plod on with my next step in trying to help. But recent weeks have been instructing me that some of my life now may need to be spent on the experiment of attempting to live with as little of the toxicity as possible by displacing it primarily and secondarily by avoiding it. I don't know how to do that. But I think I need to learn for What Little hope I might have in helping to instruct others. I suspect it will take the form of deliberately targeting locations where Creator is to be found which with very rare exception is in nature. For months the plan has been to sweep across the Southern United States with the vehicle sol. Now it seems that the right thing to do is to seek additional natural beauty in this part of the country Sequoia National Park in particular. And in this process to learn how to exist further and further and further away from the beast in terms of products purchased, food consumed Etc.

Sol, the vehicle, May be for the first time ever fully ready for this part of the quest. A byproduct of recent efforts to stabilize safe braking seems to have yielded an increase of as much as 50% in terms of speed and also efficiency. Further testing is required. But for the first time ever the vehicle may be ready to support dealing with the kinds of mountains associated with the parks out here, comfortably Maybe. And with sufficient power to do so without too much extreme stress.

Two other aspects of my call make sense of all this and good use of the time. And they are tightly related. Within the last month it became clear to me and I began to pursue what I suspect is my central call for the rest of my days, fishing for LSGIA Beings. The first aspect of this is almost complete, establishing a portal, or website, that could be a relatively rapid entry Wormhole for the one in a million the city of being ready to be reborn. My expectation is that in my lifetime it will not do so for anyone. We are the humanoids in The Matrix and what not to leave that living death cocoon. But that I can't control. What I can control is doing my best to provide an entryway into life for the one in a million that might defy the odds. And that task is almost done.  Should be done  to the level needed by  a being  voracious to be born  within the next 3 or 4 days. 

One, this requires that I deepen that Within Myself which is done by studying the great such beings throughout history and trying to weave them more deeply into my DNA. It is not possible to offer what one does not have one self.

Two, the process of effectively fishing for velocity of being within and the one in a million ready to be born, Reborn, is a process that I am aware of having no fuel for. Time must be spent by me to try and close this Gap Within Myself.

By the way, as mentioned in a post yesterday, for the first time in my life I am free of the illusion that anyone wants me in their life. I didn't realize I was harboring that delusion but I was. There's an accute sadness associated with this but it's not new. More than that there is a liberation of Energies. As has been written by me over the years I have been aware that my brilliant educator father was rigorous in teaching only those who badly wanted to learn. Maybe at age 66 now I am, I'm beginning to understand the Brilliance of that in him. A doctor can't cure someone that wants to be ill. Someone can't give water to a person who thinks they're already full. To attempt to do so is some mixture of harassment and waste. I think with this wisdom I can be a better friend to my friends and do a much better job of neither harassing them or enabling them in their delusion that they are not really parched. I will not stop working for them or all of creation but I will do so while much less frequency feeding the delusion.

To a young friend I know from Standing Rock: I don't know your exact situation and I'm not asking to know. But.....

To a young friend I know from Standing Rock: I don't know your exact situation and I'm not asking to know. But..... it seems that you are right in close proximity to that fracking. I hope that you're in the fight for a long long time, many many decades. Many times I've been willing to offer my whole life to death or prison. In an attempt to try and Spark a fire. There is no fire that's going to be sparked right now. Using our lives over the Long Haul to try and at least dry out some kindling for this or future Generations is our best hope. James


An odd New Freedom, Liberation, has come to me. LOL, so weird. For the first time I realize that no one wants me in their life. Yes I can only imagine how strange that sounds. But it is true, no one wants me in their life, and I've just seen it. I'm free. This has been almost perfectly true all of my years but I didn't see it this way. Freedom. Oh pretty much I've always felt the truth of this. I just haven't understood the truth of it. Freedom.

An odd New Freedom, Liberation, has come to me. LOL, so weird. For the first time I realize that no one wants me in their life. Yes I can only imagine how strange that sounds. But it is true, no one wants me in their life, and I've just seen it. I'm free. This has been almost perfectly true all of my years but I didn't see it this way. Freedom. Oh pretty much I've always felt the truth of this. I just haven't understood the truth of it. Freedom.


A profoundly High correlation between those Israel has sought to destroy and history's most moral, Rachel Corrie, Jimmy Carter....

A profoundly High correlation between those Israel has sought to destroy and history's most moral, Rachel Corrie, Jimmy Carter....

I suspected love objectively can be measured in terms of how much we do not keep for ourselves.

I suspected love objectively can be measured in terms of how much we do not keep for ourselves.

Let's pretend that world citizens don't deeply love one another. Let's just pretend for a moment. How is global warming, the drowning of the coastal cities where the sophistication and wealth is, how is that not an incredible blessing as viewed by the hillbillies, Middle America, that those in the coastal cities hold in such contempt? God's flood, to them, right?

Let's pretend that world citizens don't deeply love one another. Let's just pretend for a moment. How is global warming, the drowning of the coastal cities where the sophistication and wealth is, how is that not an incredible blessing as viewed by the hillbillies, Middle America, that those in the coastal cities hold in such contempt? God's flood, to them, right?


I'm feeling substantial regret at having wasted so much of the last 18 years on attempting to correct the symptoms rather than to address the disease. Yes, I have done the best I knew at every moment. But so much time wasted. The disease is our self enslavement to our spirit of head and flesh. The Cure is returning to our Natural Healthy nature, our LSGIA being, our loving Spirit of goodness in action being.

I'm feeling substantial regret at having wasted so much of the last 18 years on attempting to correct the symptoms rather than to address the disease. Yes, I have done the best I knew at every moment. But so much time wasted. The disease is our self enslavement to our spirit of head and flesh. The Cure is returning to our Natural Healthy nature, our LSGIA being, our loving Spirit of goodness in action being.

Conservatives view their savagery as a virtue, truly. Necessary toughness they consider it.

Conservatives view their savagery as a virtue, truly. Necessary toughness they consider it.

Good, kind, Israeli supporters: 'James, I have been to Palestine it is not that bad.' Don't say this to me, just unfriend me. I won't hear it from you any more than I would hear it from the white South Africans, or the southern slaveholders, or the nice Germans about the Warsaw Ghetto. And they meant it and believed it just as much as you do. Just unfriend me.

Good, kind, Israeli supporters: 'James, I have been to Palestine it is not that bad.' Don't say this to me, just unfriend me. I won't hear it from you any more than I would hear it from the white South Africans, or the southern slaveholders, or the nice Germans about the Warsaw Ghetto. And they meant it and believed it just as much as you do. Just unfriend me.

Liberals, it is more than tiresome when you complain about problems without personally paying the price.

Liberals, it is more than tiresome when you complain about problems without personally paying the price.


It is normal to take work you do not like to put food on the table. For decades I did that. It is cancer pure and simple. Prostitution pure and simple. There is no greater reason why everything is being destroyed than this.

It is normal to take work you do not like to put food on the table. For decades I did that. It is cancer pure and simple. Prostitution pure and simple. There is no greater reason why everything is being destroyed than this.

Update. It is a miraculous vehicle and I am really very privileged to have it. It is also crushing me financially but I have no complaints. Maybe it.....

It is a miraculous vehicle and I'm really very privileged to have it. It is also crushing me financially but I have no complaints. Maybe it will crush me every month or maybe this is the last month. It could be the last month barring any being hit by a semi. I don't know how many years it took the Wright brothers to get the formula right on their plane and have it stabilized. Creator has really shown kindness here I think to the mission. Joshua tree is a tiny little town that has some pretty decent folks, a grungy little auto repair place with skills and abilities that isn't too expensive. Same regarding the bike shop. Same regarding a thrift store. The place I stay every night is very centrally located, a large Sandlot by some fairly nice volunteers I think who are community-minded. It has a bathroom and shower and security cameras . Several weeks ago we agreed on $13 a night. Probably this afternoon I will contact them and see if they're ever going to come and collect? Really. It has been a bit extravagant except I've tried to justify it by cooking all my meals for myself from the grocery store and also because I could set up a pup tent and leave Surplus things there during the day while I work on the vehicle. Like any new market the ebike market is plagued by an incredible lack of available knowledgeable consultation and that is a reason that I've probably spent two or three times as much money as a pioneer as the next guy after me would have to spend. But it goes with the territory and I am helping to Pioneer an important Marketplace. Fortunately I know as much about this now as most people in the world by far and unfortunately I have few to share it with. I'm hoping that this afternoon the final piece Falls in place. There is a controller which they are concerned with overheat given the thousand-pound weight of my payload but I think now that I have two Motors it will be really the perfect solution. And if so this vehicle is now a bit faster, probably 16 miles an hour instead of 13 miles an hour which is a lot, and probably can climb comfortably anything that gets in my way.

In a Home Depot Parking Lot 2 days ago as I was working on the vehicle a couple of fellas in their mid-fifties stopped and asked, how are you doing? Not well, was my reply. We.....

In a Home Depot Parking Lot 2 days ago as I was working on the vehicle a couple of fellas in their mid-fifties stopped and asked, how are you doing? Not well, was my reply. We sit here and live normal lives while the last seconds to go by to save any sort of livable future for the children. Yes, not well, I replied. I did not plan that answer but I found that was the answer in me. They seemed to understand that I meant what I was saying and they seemed to reflect for a moment that maybe I was correct although they were surprised with my answer.

If you are dealt the sinking Titanic's deck, then you make brief joy for a few your business.

If you are dealt the sinking Titanic's deck, then you make brief joy for a few your business.

Privilege justifies its savagery as necessary toughness. And yes, savagery is necessary to privilege.

Privilege justifies its savagery as necessary toughness. And yes, savagery is necessary to privilege.


Totally squandered, totally wasted, the first 70% of my life on sexual excitement. What a horrible waste. So infeior.

Totally squandered, totally wasted, the first 70% of my life on sexual excitement. What a horrible waste. So infeior.

Reverence for life Schweitzer said is the Hallmark of human health. Hence I find little interest anymore in all but the one in a million humanoids in 2018. No life. Metabolism. No life. No life. My own life continues to move more and more in the direction of living for the one in a million alive now or who may be born in the future. So odd. But I'm grateful for the increasing clarity.

Reverence for life Schweitzer said is the Hallmark of human health. Hence I find little interest anymore in all but the one in a million humanoids in 2018. No life. Metabolism. No life. No life. My own life continues to move more and more in the direction of living for the one in a million alive now or who may be born in the future. So odd. But I'm grateful for the increasing clarity.

Fascinating. What for me is literally to die for, for others holds absolutely not the slightest interest.

Fascinating. What for me is literally to die for, for others holds absolutely not the slightest interest.


James, how are you doing? My reply:  Staying on this side of suicide, well on this side of suicide. My friend replied, what's that mean?  I find.... N

James, how are you doing? My reply:  Staying on this side of suicide, well on this side of suicide. My friend replied, what's that mean?  I find.... this world twice is unbearable today as yesterday and each day is the same progression. The evil is mind-boggling. Living on the Titanic as it goes down. It's hard. But I find meaning and joy in doing my best to help others. Hugs

Honest question. Do I personally know anyone that values goodness, Loving in action, above everything else? Only four? Three others borderline?

Honest question. Do I personally know anyone that values goodness, Loving in action, above everything else? Only four? Three others borderline?


My sense is that the most Godly on Earth are the Jews, the least Godly the zionists. Next most Godly the Muslims. Least Godly the Christians. Satan's Army, the Christians. Yes I stand by this. Are you blind?

My sense is that the most Godly on Earth are the Jews, the least Godly the zionists. Next most Godly the Muslims. Least Godly the Christians. Satan's Army, the Christians. Yes I stand by this. Are you blind?

Have I yet to meet a person dying to be the revolution? Actually, maybe yes. Maybe among some Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe among some LDS. Among liberals? Probably not.

Have I yet to meet a person dying to be the revolution? Actually, maybe yes. Maybe among some Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe among some LDS. Among liberals? Probably not.


Update. I have so much to learn. Over a month now in Joshua Tree area. Totally unexpected. Between launching what I expect to be the rest of.....

Update. I have so much to learn. Over a month now in Joshua Tree area. Totally unexpected. Between launching what I expect to be the rest of..... my life's work, the, fishing for it, and learning how to stabilize and maintain my trusted steed Sol, the vehicle, I remain here for probably yet another month. LSGIA Being, my new and highly improved Northstar, how to follow it, so much. It is possible that at horrible expense the vehicle is within days of being stabilized as a reliable vehicle. But such costly days, spent on a machine instead of on Humanity. The distraction from creating the website is very painful, but pain that is appropriate to endure. Today a new wheel is installed in the vehicle.  Much creation and Engineering is now required to make it durable  and sufficiently Powerful. But progress is being made.  So painful, but I think unavoidable. James

PS. Within recent weeks or even months I have sought the assistance of alcohol. Often in the evening I will consume the equivalent of 3 beers to shut down my system. I do not know if this is good or bad. I'm concerned that it is bad. But it gives me rest that I feel is beneficial so I continue the practice. But I am watching it and I'm not sure that it is a good idea.


It is hard, for me anyway, to love someone in action for most of one's life and have it not reciprocated. It happens....

It is hard, for me anyway, to love someone in action for most of one's life and have it not reciprocated. It happens.... all the time I'm sure. But it is something my mind can't wrap around. But what has finally after 66 years wrapped around on my mind is that, James, this person accepts you in their life but does not want you in their life. 66 years. Half of that in this relationship. But only in the last day or so have I understood this. Of course I want to give that person their space. I just didn't understand it clearly enough until now, my fault, or no one's fault, but I understand it clearly enough now. And there are others, but to a lesser degree. I did not understand. Oh well, turns out you can't teach an old dog new tricks.


Billionaires? Every dollar kept except for basic need is the measure of torture and murder. Same goes for us all.

Billionaires? Every dollar kept except for basic need is the measure of torture and murder. Same goes for us all.

Henry siegman, equal rights for Palestinians will cause Israelis to leave. Very important article.....

Stop global warming? We are not even Landing a punch. New York Times article......


I have gone from Compass to GPS. Transformative. After 50 years lost......

After 50 years lost in the wilderness Wasteland of our Loveless culture worshipping lust of stuff as it does I embraced putting my heart in charge of head and flesh with every breath. For all of my life I had done that to some degree but made it absolute in roughly the 2000 2001 time frame. That Compass of my heart in charge has been a Monumental blessing of joy and peace end some slight effectiveness. The notion that came to me weeks ago of LSGIA Being, loving Spirit of goodness in action being, I am experiencing as like moving from a compass to GPS, GPS being what so miraculously enables this vehicle to Traverse the country. It may be that my nervous system is quite unique and it is only either that can enjoy the benefits for this. My suspicion is that my nervous system is the same as yours and that this device, this moral ethical spiritual psychological GPS has the potential to transform every life in the direction of joy peace and Effectiveness toward revolutionising life on Earth at least maybe for one other individual.

James prior blogger profile information

Occupation. Your brother .

Interests. Making Loving Our Supreme Religion.  Making "Thy Kingdom come....," Miracles - trying to be a catalyst for a Miracle - Salvation.

Introduction. MY RELIGION (same as Jesus, King, Gandhi, Teresa, Romero, Eleanor, Obamas...): Universal Loving, Universal Family, Christ-ianity by whatever name, or none at all.  PEACE: is the presence of Universal Love.  WAR: HOSTILITY is the presence of Conditional Love.   MY FAMILY (same as Jesus, King, Gandhi, Teresa, Romero, Eleanor...): All people born and unborn. "The greatest madness of all is to see things as they are, and not as they should be."  Cervates, Man of La Mancha.  BELIEF:
"He does not believe who does not live according to his belief." Thomas Fuller

GOLDEN RULE: "If you WOULD do it to or for your son or daughter, do it now TO "THE LEAST OF THESE," STRANGERS AND ENEMIES. If you WOULDN'T do it, DON'T, TO ANYONE, EVER." SL


Computer Industry Executive, Psychological Counselor, Retail Executive turned would-be Brother / Disciple of Jesus;late in life Humanitarian activist / human being.    "WHOEVER CLAIMS TO ABIDE IN [JESUS] OUGHT TO LIVE JUST LIKE [JESUS] LIVED," 1 John Ch 2.  Start Loving - WAGE LOVE or DIE (no 3rd option exists).

On forgiveness. I have seen it written that the reason to forgive is to be kind to one's own life. That is my experience of it. I am.....

I've seen it written that the reason to forgive is to be kind to one's own life. That is my experience of it. I am not trying to interfere with your behavior or thoughts, ever. Just offering. And dr. King said and seemed to believe that the inclination he had to hate his persecutors was too great a burden for him to bear and I think he was correct. In my historical Faith tradition Christianity there is a prayer that I still pray in a modified form, and it includes the words forgive us our trespasses as we forgive the trespasses of others. But I don't say it or understand it that way. The way I understand it and say it to myself is, forgive us our errors as we forgive the errors of others. Because my deepest understanding of the human being is that from breath to breath we are unable to do other than our best. Our life may be riddled with errors but each moment we are doing the best we know. I have done some horrible things in my life and there is not one instance where in that instant I was not doing the best I know. I was in terrible error.

James, I am so inspired by you. My reply. I am so inspired by others, what a tragedy if I can't be a conduit for that.

James, I am so inspired by you. My reply. I am so inspired by others, what a tragedy if I can't be a conduit for that.


Sisters, if you would only understand your power. You have these things that we males sell or very souls for.

Sisters, if you would only understand your power. You have these things that we males sell or very souls for.

My apologies. No, well, at least I confess, today I did not much glorify the loving Spirit of goodness....

My apologies. No, well, at least I confess, today I did not much glorify the loving Spirit of goodness in action being we are all born to be. I did my best but my spirit of head and flesh are asserting themselves and I am not finding the full strength to fend them off. I can't apologize because I'm doing my best but I can acknowledge that today was not a full victory in the struggle. Nor a full defeat.

Sadly this will come across as cliche. There is only one revolution that......

Sadly this will come across as cliche. There is only one revolution that fulfills the name, that is revolutionising life on Earth. Life on Earth has been warring Clans and tribes and Nations fighting to dominate each other for seven thousand years. The only true Revolution is the replacement of that status quo with universal family by any name as lived from the heart of the vast majority of human beings. And therein lies the problem. The only true Revolution is not out in the world, it is inside each one of us totally revolutionising our value system from one of placing our self and the few around us above others to embracing all as our immediate family and probably all creatures as our immediate family. Revolutionising ourselves, the one thing we will not even consider doing.

I think courage is what loving looks like on the outside.

I think courage is what loving looks like on the outside.

Creator is showing great Mercy on my work. This Joshua Tree area is a godsend. It will take another four or six weeks to....

Creator is showing great Mercy on my work. This Joshua Tree area is a godsend. It will take another four or six weeks to..... properly give birth to the reason I was born, this Joshua Tree area I expect is where it will be brought to at least the age of the terrible twos by way of analogy. And the building of it will bring me to the spiritual and mental age of a terrible two. I expect to be here another 4 weeks. Currently I am in a $12 a night Campground close to what few facilities I need and with a bathroom available which my cancer mutilated body very much needs. With a wonderful owl hooting me to sleep tonight. In another 12 days my Exile from the inexpressiblly magical Joshua Tree National Park will expire and allow me to return there for 2 weeks. At $7 a night as a senior. All of this time I will be working my ass off for Humanity. But what a tremendous Mercy this area is to the work that I'm called to do at this moment, distilling a lifetime of learning at


My very few friends like all of my posts except for those that would require them to change themselves.

My very few friends like all of my posts except for those that would require them to change themselves.

My friends, to know and not to act with all of one's being is worse, a greater crime, than not knowing.

My friends, to know and not to act with all of one's being is worse, a greater crime, than not knowing.

I am Mario, from Tesla, and this vehicle of yours is the greatest thing I have ever seen. May I take a picture? His enthusiasm appeared.....

I am Mario, from Tesla, and this vehicle of yours is the greatest thing I have ever seen. May I take a picture? His enthusiasm appeared to be genuine. We spoke for a brief while. I have no idea is level in the organization. But at least it's someone. The Tesla car is not remotely revolutionary. It is still four thousand pounds worth of consumption. Now, a 1000-pound carbon fiber vehicle? That begins to matter.

Vlog update. In Joshua Tree writing for more weeks now.

Qur'an: "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

Qur'an:  "All those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, in fact any one who believes in God and the Last Day, and performs good deeds, will have nothing to fear or regret."

Money is the razor blades that cut each human being away from The Others.

Money is the razor blades that cut each human being away from The Others.


Understanding myself as an LSGIA being, a loving Spirit of goodness in action being, a peace of God that I now understand by those words, is.....

Understanding myself as an LSGIA being, a loving Spirit of goodness in action being, a peace of God that I now understand by those words, is feeling like a big step forward for me. The spiritual understandings and practices of my last 17 years have stood me well and moved me to a way of being of great peace and joy and goodness I think stop but this is a big step forward. Keeping front-and-center to my awareness the notion of goodness and the notion of being a loving Spirit of goodness in action is very clarifying and empowering for me stop toward being whatever little service I can be to the suffering billions on this planet. These weeks in the desert have been a metamorphosis for me. A rebirth. I am glad of it, better for it, and I think better for the world because of it. Yesterday after $600 the vehicle proved that it had a chance of getting down into the valley of Joshua tree and Yucca Valley without destroying it and me. Currently we are halfway down the mountain and no disaster yet. It is necessary to stay in this area at least until Wednesday or Thursday when the $1,000 permanent replacement for the drivetrain on this vehicle arrives. Donations welcome in case you haven't heard. The last two weeks have been a wonderful painful overwhelming birthing process of this infant only just now part way through the birth canal.

The ranger said be gone in the morning...... For goodness sake, the only thing strong enough last evening, after verifying that the vehicle might.....

For goodness sake, the only thing strong enough last evening, after verifying that the vehicle might..... make it all the way down into the valley, with a heavy heart the magnificent campsite of the last 2 1/2 weeks was vacated stop it was too late by that time to completely load the vehicle and two couples came by in a car and after learning that the campsite now was theirs were happy with the idea of me having my tent in a remote part of this large site as I had done with others stop going to sleep early as always about 9:30 or 10 there was a flashlight maybe not in my face but near that stop I'm officer so and so of the park police or Ranger so on so stop what are your plans he asked stop depending upon what you say I replied, after I vacated the site these young folks said they would be glad to have me stay in a remote part of the site and I would like to do that stop you are well over the 14 day limit and tomorrow morning you need to be on your way to wherever else you can arrange to go stop half asleep was I but his demeanor seemed pleasant and not disrespectful stop by morning it had  become clear to me that although I know some folks stay there for months their vehicle is not a stand out and he probably had no choice because otherwise he was advertising to others that the two week limit was not real stop two things come to my mind about this stop being way up in the desert has shown me something I didn't realize, how very much I dis like being in what calls itself civilization in this country stop  and it seems clear to me that this nice young Ranger felt a Fear and Loathing at the idea of me stop at the idea of someone living in an unconventional way stop and not because of any intention on my part the spirit of head and flesh in charge of this young man would rightly fear the LSGIA being controlling my life stop when the LSGIA being is in charge they no longer are stop and when it happens it is wonderful for them but they have no way of knowing this even while it is going on stop


We're thinking you're great said the couple that pulled alongside me on the road up in the park. I think taking care of the kids future is great. I'm doing my best, I replied.

We're thinking you're great said the couple that pulled alongside me on the road up in the park. I think taking care of the kids future is great. I'm doing my best, I replied


Research, salon, creative brains are different period article


A godsend again, as this Mission struggles to keep its head above water. A guardian angel of.....

A godsend again, as this Mission struggles to keep its head above water. A guardian angel of this mission for over a year now every month provide substantial material support. A godsend. And this angel did it again this morning. Within this last month it looked like the mission would still finally climb out of an ocean of credit card debt. Through Herculean efforts it is definitely inching toward being a stable proposition and I thought it was finally there. And then the Rube Goldberg fix regarding regenerative braking announced disaster. So far it has cost over $300 in transportation of one motor to a repair facility transportation of another motor on loan and now it has been determined that the primary motor is not repairable and needs to be replaced. Between replacing the motor and the Machining and labor associated with finally making regenerative stable in the rear wheel assembly this month will cost the mission unexpected thousand dollars approximately. This godsend donation today makes a dent. If anyone else wants to help make a dent that would make a big difference.


LSGIABeing: Jesus Isaiah Heschel...are f****** fundamentalist God crazed lunatics, right?

LSGIABeing: Jesus Isaiah Heschel...are f****** fundamentalist God crazed lunatics, right?

I'm mean listen to Isaiah, he says God is going to destroy everything because he's not worshiped, right. f****** b*******!?

And take this idiot extremist Jesus, if you don't hate husband wife son daughter your own life you cannot follow me! what the f***??!!

And much more recently Abraham Heschel, the meaning of this hour, we have ceased having God in our lives so everything is going to come to an end. what the f***?!?!


Unless God is understood as something like the loving spirit of goodness in action Being, one of the spirits within us, the central spirit born within us? What if that is what they mean by God? Hint. It is buy whatever words or none.

If this is understood as the Being, the way of being, the spirit  deep in each individual and in the cosmos itself, meant by the word God, then history is proving this exactly f****** correct.

We treat the discovery of a cancer sell in the loved ones body as an all out emergency, every single sell of this type must be eliminated immediately whatever the cost every single solitary one now!. That is sanity, correct? But Isaiah Jesus heschel seeing that moral imPurity in society will certainly cause the death of everything, is Insanity, right?

History is proving them absa f****** lutely correct. It is not there insanity for personafying this destructive force, the absence of totally glorifying God,  good, it is our insanity for not seeing the structural truth of what they had to say!!! We don't want to see it! We want the pleasures of worshiping the head of the Flesh! F*** our children. Let them all f****** die!

They are absolutely correct proven by history if we don't worship with every breath, if our lives don't glorify, with every breath, the loving spirit of goodness in action being born within each and everyone of us.

Or Everything is coming to an end. This can't be argued by any sane person and the truth innately understood of this has driven every revolutionary in history, has driven them to the brink of actual insanity to appear as mad  in front of every population.

Until, like Jesus, he is brought under control by adulterating, bastardizing, sanitizing,  totally destroying the value of, and corrupting his message.

And finally after 66 years James is now fully in the possession of this idiocy too. He didn't see it. He didn't understand it. He does now. Plain as the nose on his face.


LSGIAB: Loving Spirit of Goodness In Action Being (les-jia-b) acronym subject name adjustment

LSGIAB: Loving Spirit of Goodness In Action Being (les-jia-b) acronym subject name adjustment

Two changes. Related. Inspired and caused by an attempt to have an accessible dot-com URL which now has been purchased at $12 a year so therefore it can be discarded or used, LSGIABEING.COM  LSGIA by itself was not available although a quick check did not show any problems. The prior words were including in action ism. Qualified by another phrase the being we were born as.

With The Changes indicated in the title of the post above this seems to be an improved consolidation. Loving Spirit of goodness in action being. Without the requirement of further explanation this describes the being that this site and group and movement asserts and understands we were born as and are seeking to rebirth, reinflame, within ourselves and others.

LESGIAB: website design objectives

LESGIAB: website design objectives

1  From initial of concept throughout the long relationship with a user it should come as close to being the experience of existing in and among a community of History's great beings as can be achieved in terms of emotional intellectual spiritual action and effect on the being of the consumer.

2. It has three primary and one secondary target audience. Those who are dying to become like the great spirits of History we were born to be. The other three targets are exactly this. Point being, this is the only Target.

3. All business for those who want nothing other than that. How much time do those folks want us spending on being cute, attractive, fun, enjoyable, easy…. This site is for people that are literally dying to save themselves and literally dying to save the world. They are dying for us to help them achieve results within themselves so they can get on with saving the world ASAP.

4. Conceptual integration of some or all parties when and where appropriate. What are the common themes, attributes, practices, backgrounds, Genesis among summer all of these people. Makes no sense to have each new consumer have to figure all of that out by themselves

5. Traditional website stuff as applicable, contact, authors, purpose, target audience, etc etc

6. Special emphasis on strategic opportunities. Spiritual boot camps. Intentional communities. Are two examples.



LSGIA: important notice. Until clearly announced otherwise everything being published on this site right now is prototype...

LSGIA: important notice. Until clearly announced otherwise everything being published on this site right now is prototype and subject to minor or even radical total change.

everything that we’re doing right now we consider prototyping, model building, to provide a foundation for change including total redirection on any or all pieces by by anyone I'm working with. They do not have language that speaks tentatively that way. We will do this, we do do that, Etc. A model house is not built out of wet spaghetti but actual boards and siding and piping Etc. But the good contractor absolutely knows that it may be that no one will ever live in that model house, they will want something very very different.

LSGIA: this site is designed explicitly for the one in a million past and future Saints

LSGIA: this site is designed explicitly for the one in a million past and future Saints

We wilk do all of our work in front of a panel that we keep in our imagination, a panel consisting of the prior revolutionaries who in our view we have provided the name of Elsewhere on this site.

We’ll be asking ourselves the question I hope, what would they have wanted to see in their formative stages? What would they have wanted it to look like. What would they have wanted us to not waste my time or concern on? What would have been most useful for them to have his content?

LSGIA: in our work here God is essentially synonymous with loving spirit of goodness in action ism….

LSGIA: in our work here God is essentially synonymous with loving spirit of goodness in action ism….

LSGIA: in our work here God is essentially synonymous with loving spirit of goodness in action ism….

LSGIA: in our work here God is essentially synonymous with loving spirit of goodness in actionism, a phenomenon, a miraculous and divine mechanism, of the human nervous system.

At least in western culture through even the healthiest part of that prison it is hard to think of a LSGIA revolutionary who has not spoken of God and lived as though there was a God in the sense of a force, a creature of compassion and truth and allknowingNess. It is at least as hard, it seems impossible, to think of a true revolutionary like king or Gandhi or Jesus himself that lived as though there was a magician. Their so-called followers made up stories to the contrary but no historical record in the slightest indicates that they lived as though there was a magician.

Nor do we.

We work for miracles as do all of the true Revolutionary so out history but we look to know sentient being in the sky to make them happen. We look to ourselves and to a rebirth from living death among our fellow human beings.

LSGIA: a very sobering thought. Revolutionaries have very few equivalent colleagues

LSGIA: a very sobering thought. Revolutionaries have very few equivalent colleagues

At the end of his life Gandhi considered that he had profoundly failed. He based this on the assessment that although Millions had followed his technique and achieved political ends that what he valued which was a revolution of human values occurred almost not at all. The millions did not come to a new way of being, the way of being they were born for, but reverted to the vile creatures of head and flesh the equivalent of what they had overthrown with the British. Gandhi considered himself virtually a total failure.

It is the view of James that there were a few followers of Jesus in the decades after Jesus was killed. This was a pleasant Discovery for him, James. But it does not appear that there were thousands or tens of thousands and they quickly whatever number there were we're replaced never to be seen again by all but one in a million who happily enslaved themselves to the spirit of head and flesh in Jesus name.

It is very hard to think of any exceptions.

So shall we give up and go fishing?

James will do what he can to be a better catcher of The Souls of people with every breath that he is given. The above consideration will only humble him and further intensify his attempt to succeed as well as possible.

LSGIA: what “truth” means to us here

LSGIA: what “truth” means to us here

Although we hold true scholarship in the highest esteem, and things like objective quantitative measures of impact in extremely high esteem, we are bound ultimately in every respect to increasing the amount of goodness in the world. We are not bound to wasting time in idle arguments with cynics or with armchair Observers which in each case represent massive swats of the u.s. community including among those that consider themselves open-minded and progressives. This is not meant to be mean or harsh but it is meant to be clear.

With few exceptions the measure we use for what is true is what has worked, what has been employed, what has had impact by the great revolutionaries that have come before and secondarily as documented by the great Scholars, the very few great Scholars that have tried to give us insight to these processes.

And also what we have proven in our own lives. If we are not relatively healthy and relatively advanced in this area where we are creating this resource then why are you even reading this? But if we are then of course we will draw on what we have learned personally and what works personally while at the same time being transparent as to when we and our experience is the source.

We are absolutely not bound by what the sick professions in this culture hold to be truth. Their measure is what they can get funds for which tends to be safe minutiae regardless of the field. This including most academics that should be sources of serious information on the subjects we are concerned with at this site but rarely so. We are a culture without Vision, those who provide funding to today's researchers are without Vision or Compassion or humanity and therefore the should be thought leaders in Academia do Visionless meaningless work so they can get money for what they consider to be lives.

One of the big implications of this is that people like Sorokin, Maslow, Frankel, Adler, and others steamed in this site and by we that contribute here are not highly esteemed within their fields and often have been disparaged. Jesus was disparaged. Churchill detested Gandhi. United States loves Martin Luther King Jr, just not the real Martin Luther King jr. that was so threatening to the state that they killed him.

LSGIA: empathic listening, the one thing and all psychology proven to be highly Health producing.....

LSGIA: empathic listening, the one thing and all psychology proven to be highly Health producing

It has been 17 years since I completed my masters of counseling work at the a level of course. Except for the sea I gave myself for dissenting on the corrupt politics of the American Psychological Association. I have not followed the field intimately since then but it's quite unlikely that much has changed I would have seen that in headlines.

The one thing highly significant in causing Health to occur in other human beings is empathic listening whether delivered by a mother, a janitor, a friend, a colleague, a teacher, or even a psychologist although probably least they're there objectively a pretty sick bunch.

This has substantial implications for the reconstruction of this new site and movement and for the practitioners Within.

Carl Rogers is the psychologist most responsible for developing and popularizing the concept although he got pretty goofy mid and end of career.

With respect to the site resource and the people committed to developing it short medium and long-term particular attention might go toward how this can facilitate access and listening buy whatever closest approximation we have of modern-day revolutionaries, Modern Day Saints, as possible. James does not consider the above violation of the most important idea he knows, example is the most important thing in influencing people. But it is a substantial fact none the less.

LSGIA: James deeply concerned by how forward he needs to be initially

Dave, in line with some other comments I've shared with you, it continues to nag at me and will continue to nag at me the degree to which I feel pushed initially to put forth for us so many thoughts that seem to have crystallized in my mind and are less clearly suggested in the Saints and Scholars. Who is James to do this? F*** if I know. But they are there and I'm obliged to put them forth. We are not obliged to carry them forward after that but I must put them forth initially so that they can be evaluated. I wish it weren't so but it is.

LSGIA: James has so much to learn, so far to go.

Loving Spirit of goodness in action ism, cultivating it, spreading it, increasing it in myself is my life's work now until the end I expect. I think it should be the life's work of us all. I think it is the life's work we were born for.

It is a new and much brighter and more useful Northstar for me now.

And it also regularly shames me. It is a new way for me to understand the behavior that Wells up in me sometimes particularly with respect to things in the world that I tend to detest or find importantly evil. Such things provoke in me spirit that is anything but LSGIA. I have so far to go.

LSGIA : NOTE, pursued directly delays Justice in fact and LSGIA

LSGIA : NOTE, pursued directly delays Justice in fact and LSGIA

The pursuit of justice typically delays the pursuit of goodness. this is odd and unfortunate. in truth pursuit of justice delays the development of goodness. the very highest echelon Revolutionaries of goodness which are the only true Revolutionaries , this can be seen in their lives probably without exception, unless and until they lose their way as did King and even Gandhi late in their work. they certainly never divert their attention to pursuing justice for themselves and even immediate justice for those populations they devote their lives to.

it is not immediate justice that they pursue. they pursue the development of goodness within the heart of those being abused and within the abusers and within the larger society to create the condition we're j Justice can prevail.
injustice is the symptom necessary certain and absolute of the head and flash strangling LSGIA within each individual. only the freeing of LSGIA can cause justice to prevail.

Correction there are some who lose footting on this che Quivira Martin Luther King late in his life….

LSGIA - LSGIA, mental health, clinically identical

LSGIA : LSGIA, mental health, clinically identical.

It is the understanding and assertion of this movement that LSGIA  itself is clinically human mental emotional and spiritual health Clinically . The work of Abraham maslow one of the few sane and brilliant psychologist does a lot to flesh this out and a few other psychologists also.  Also probably the greatest, Alfred Adler.

Any serious consideration of the most revered individuals throughout history indicates that this is the case as was the explicit work of Maslow, he alone has undertaken this task.

LSGIA: James forehead, stop talking, stop thinking, start loving

This is not what his forehead reads. It reads stop starving, Stop Killing, start loving. But the original conception that hit him totally out of nowhere to use his forehead as a billboard it was stop talking, stop thinking, start loving. I don't remember why the switch took place I think it may have had to do with my sense of accessibility to the reader.

But the more important concept is the first one. In a sensare or ideational culture {Sorokin} and the US pathological culture is a combination of the two now it is a culture that uses talking and thinking to keep LS Gia in the dungeon. None of us collaborating on this site most ever allow this mistake to be tolerated in our cells or in our fellow collaborators although we need to be respectful and gently firm with each other. This is not yet another site for mental masturbation instead of action.

LSGIA. For the moment thi blog under total and complete construction is a workspace for James primarily.

LSGIA. For the moment thi blog under total and complete construction is a workspace for James primarily.

Contrary to my earlier thoughts, as things are evolving I expect to rip into the current blog spot and make it a sketch of the direction that I see. I also see taking license to continue to publish posts there including elements or all contents of our dialogue and to  Republish those on Facebook to the small group of people that sometimes look at what I post there, and unlike the Google Drive where immediately I feel a wonderful responsibility to have that completely transparent between us regarding creation and revisions, for the near foreseeable future I do not see taking the same care with what I do on that blog spots site.

It is wonderful if people watch respond comme contribute collaborate….

LSGIA: how the Saints and Scholars become raging fires of revolution

5:55 a.m. Churning. Some combination of winds reach and blow on the ember of the loving spirit of goodness in actionism within most or all of the Saints and scholars such city becomes a raging fire that consumes their entire life and which they wish to spread to others because the experience as life itself and all that can protect and your true the fire in others is an army attempting to do so. With Jesus it seems to have involved the teachings of Isaiah and Amos that least and the unbearable suffering that he saw cause by the cruel roman Empire on the already destitute Palestinians. Well to do che guevera seeing the misery brought on the poor of South America. Same for Oscar Romero. Well to do David dellinger seeing the misery of the depression. Rachel Corey the misery of the Palestinians Sophie schol seeing the moral and physical miassery brought about morally and physically by the Nazis. Buddha from his privilege seeing the spirit of the Poor crushed. Montague sorokin Einstein seeing the horror of World War 2 and the Spektor of destruction of all of goodness by nuclear weapons and a culture gone insane. Jane Goodall Charles Dickens Victor Hugo Leonard Bernstein my father……..

LSGIA: speed yes. Bury fellow collaborators no

Never ever do I mean to impose on your time or priorities. I try and be responsible in sensing the boundaries of others but at such a passionate creative time I may do a very very very very poor job of that. I need your help to be certain that your boundaries for comfort or not violated by me

LSGIA. target audience

James here. Important clarity coming to me as to the target audience in my mind. What the site needs to be, who it is for. It is for the next potential Gandhi, no? the next post tolstoy the next David dillinger, the next Alice Paul the next Mulholland the next Martin Luther King Jr the next Jesus no?  Or those who are in the process of becoming. Where did they come from, what caused them? And if a fisherman caught them to use Jesus idea who was that fisherman and what was the bait? This thought is a new way for me to understanding the materials that left to my own devices will go on the site, in large Part. I had not been understanding it this way but there is. F.y.i voice typing does weird capitalization sometimes and I don't always take the time to correct it, especially when offline.

LSGIA: Important Genesis of James list of Saints and Scholars

The materials you have seen me advancing so far if only under the name of the Saints and the scholars has very substantially come to me because my own search has been guided these last 18 years by trying to understand pretty much at the molecular level the great change agents that have  come before and what caused them. Martin Luther King Jr was caused by Walter Roush en bushes book in large part and secondary tolstoy’s book the law of love and the law of violence and by gundies life work. Tolstoy was caused largely by the original Greek texts of the gospel and apparently heavily influenced at least by John Ruskin  unto to this last and Ruskin essays by this name along with tolstoy's the kingdom of God is within you created Gandhi.

Mulholland it seems was created by Alice Paul and Alice Paul by Mulholland. Although he can be very very distracting pitirim sorokin’s book the ways and power of love is an exhausted examination of where people that he categorizes as people of the supra conscience came from. Aside from the Greek gospel toast or was also inspired by the lives that these saw being lived by and tie violent communities particularly Quaker in Russia under threat of incredible brutality from Russians which he saw them trans mute time after time as described in PDF detail in the first ten chapters of the Kingdom of God is within you. Dave derringer yeah to jail jail came from it least in  large part the experience of leaving yale  mid degree and going and living with the poor during the depression in hobo camps around the country. I don't quite remember what caused him to do that but that would be interesting. Kahn the frontier Gundy was caused in substantial part by watching the Life of Gandhi.

So the above is kind of circular to be sure. Just to state again the central thought, this site, the target audience and its construction should in humility look very very hard at who the prior Revolutionaries are, what caused them, and in particular the extent to which they were cause by written word that we can read, highlight on the site, no?

Unless forced away James will be at this Joshua Tree campsite for another 5 days. many advantages. among the limitations is no internet access without walking a mile. being offline obviously I can create notes like this but things like voice typing are crippled in their accuracy fluency effectiveness spellcheck at cetera when not online. these days it's hard for me to quiet my mind which is churning and that's good but its also bad, I need my rest and the fact that I can't get online is probably a useful discipline right now at night.

Unless forced away James will be at this Joshua Tree campsite for another 5 days. many advantages. among the limitations is no internet access without walking a mile. being offline obviously I can create notes like this but things like voice typing are  crippled in their accuracy fluency effectiveness spellcheck at cetera when not online.  these days it's hard for me to quiet my mind which is churning and that's good but its also bad, I need my rest and the fact that I can't get online is probably a useful discipline right now at night.


James personal posting. As mentioned elsewhere virtually all of James personal posting is now being done on Facebook.

LSGIA: A friend, James, why is this so hard to read? Why refer to yourself in the third person?.

I hope this message finds you well. I read your blog and the 11 posts. I need more time to do the other reading. I’m having difficulty comprehending (so sorry🙁) Need to re-read. This question may sound ridiculous, but I am inquiring with all due respect:  Why are you referring to yourself in the 3rd person? You make many references to James. Aren’t you James? Thanks and forgive my stupidity. 🌝

My reply: Oh please! ROFL! If I am not a fool or a Madman or an idiot and I am not of those then something I am aware of is that the greatest Spirits throughout history no one reads them. Why? Because it's foreign to us and therefore it requires a tremendous amount of work. It is foreign to us because they are of what I'm referring to by whatever words but I'll say the loving spirit of goodness in action. By whatever words or none. We have been taught by our culture to be spirits of the head and flesh. This is a foreign land. It has taken me many many years and would take me hundreds of years to fully understand this land because I wasn't taught of it. So if what I'm sharing is worthwhile like the works of Tolstoy and the actual words of Jesus and the actual words of Gandhi and the actual words of Martin Luther King jr... . which no one reads because it's hard work, that's why it's hard work. It's not you, a little bit it's me, but it's hard work. And it is a lot that this is early in the total reconstruction, the total Construction, of this movement so any attempt at more detailed word processing are not even being made yet. It'll be another two months before the work has gone into making it more easily accessible to even the few pioneers. But we can't wait. Help is needed now so we have to Wade through now we are early ones. I am so deeply glad that you're giving it a try.

I'm quite aware that I'm referring to myself in the third person. And I don't know exactly why. I find it more interesting. I find it more appropriate. It is an attempted movement at least psychologically by me in the direction that this site needs to be which is not the site of I, not the site of James, but our site, the sight of We. And a site which is transparent. It will have words from King, Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rachel Corrie, Sophie Scholl.... Alice Paul, Diane Wilson.... Dave Schwenk hopefully and others. In every case including we direct contributors to the site, transparency requires that we be named. It will be a tragedy if it continues to be that we would know who I is, currently James, that must change quickly.

LSGIA: Help needed ASAP. Word processor where an Android can work on a document and track changes offline. This for collaborative document site and Mission creation. All I've found so far is Microsoft Office 365 which cost $100 a year. Do you know of anything free or less expensive?

Help needed ASAP. Word processor where an Android can work on a document and track changes offline. This for collaborative document site and Mission creation. All I've found so far is Microsoft Office 365 which cost $100 a year. Do you know of anything free or less expensive?

5.1 LSGIA: The centrality of Jesus on this site, in this movement

James is really struggling against sacrificing truth on the altar of inclusiveness. this is the altar on which prior attempts at this movement have died. Specifically the struggle is between honoring the truth that Jesus is probably the greatest Revolutionary that history has yet seen and on the other hand trying to not discourage those of other faith traditions from including themselves in this work. James is quite sure he quite sure can find the courage to not sacrifice the truth on this alter which would be an act of cowardice and stupidity on his part. In truth what should work is that overtime if by some miracle some  great LSGIA soul from a different faith tradition sees the truth in this work as it evolves, could and maybe would announced themselves to the effort that they wanted to create a version better reflective of their faith tradition, and or show how the current work could be protected in aadhearing to the truth while at the same time becoming more inclusive. In James mind it something like the button at the top of some International sites that lets one select English or French or Spanish or Arabic or whatever. Part of his assessment that Jesus is the greatest revolutionary is certainly the limits of his faith and cultural background but Gandhi wasn't limited by James cultural background and he assed that Jesus was the greatest example of a human being that history ever seen and said as much in his correspondence with Tolstoy. Revolutionary movements around the world hold Martin Luther King Jr in extremely high esteem I believe and King absolutely was a continuation of Jesus work.

If you have any strong reactions James would certainly like to know them. He also want to be transparent to you as to why he is proceeding as you will see his initial modeling effort proceed for a while.


Update. Donations welcome. Roughly $800 will be required for the vehicle this month. I had thought such expenditures where at the end and the end of such expenditures is approaching but not yet. The motor was destroyed......

Update. Donations welcome. Roughly $800 will be required for the vehicle this month. I had thought such expenditures where at the end and the end of such expenditures is approaching but not yet. The motor was destroyed due to an inadequate fix for regenerative braking. I'll be going into credit card debt of between 800 and $1,000 by the end of this month which will rectify the situation if current plans hold. The mission, the movement, of helping to re-establish the being we were born to as humans, the loving spirit of goodness in action ISM, has begun. That requires not only access for this Android a smartphone but also laptop which is not available here in the desert. So the current plan is to install the older week motor into the vehicle which should be able to get down into Yucca Valley. The attempt to install that motor will occur now this afternoon and if successful with regret this magnificent State Park will be left at least for now 4 WiFi access for the laptop down in Yucca Valley for some number of days.

12. LSGIA: beliefs, practices, Creed's, techniques, processes, ethics, contact [ this section is out of order and was overlooked. Please note.]

This is a placeholder at the moment. The title above suggests the sections that will be within. This will be among the most fluid of all the sections particularly early on as James takes the liberty of putting forth what he understands so that rapidly others might help make it infinitely more inclusive and adequate.

0. LSGIA: Our Mission, Our Prayer

General site notice: ( acknowledgement in advance of some redundancy and much wordiness here elsewhere in these documents. Even when the miracle of a process of collaboration like this possibly emerging the risks early on of misunderstanding are enormous. This is what you are reading from me. A silver lining, if you struggle through this post 0 you will find that you can skim through redundancy quite quickly in other posts and I encourage you to do so.) If it is ever found that James with the initiate moments of this reconstruction, if it is ever found that he truly values his ideas over the truth from wherever sources can best be understood, then at that moment it will be known that he is not of the Spirit in any way shape or form and a detriment to this effort and should be abandoned and or or stopped.

Having said that, James received the vision for this particular attempt at the reconstruction of the ancient movement.

More importantly, as best he understands it, in the fall of 2001 James explicitly turned control of his life, put in charge of the head and flash he has been given, which he highly values, he put in charge of those the loving spirit of goodness in action-ism as best he understood it at the time, by different words, heart, Loving. Under the crazy control of that spirit he gave all material wealth he had accumulated as a successful hi tech executive, to the woman he been married to for decades and to their biological children, and waged his first anti violent loving onslaught on the murderous apathy that was destroying the lives of thousands of resource starved children in Chester Pennsylvania (Philadelphia Enquirer December 31st 2001) . This largely in the form of his first near death Hunger strike.

Throughout his life and adulthood LSGIA had impact on his life more than it has on most people in this culture but since that time in 2001 it has been virtually 100 percent in charge of his head and flash. He has experienced this as an amazing crazy worthy frightening joyful ride on which he is still being taken.

As a consequence of all this and in the absence of what he has yearned for, others of the same spirit in charge, in collaboration, in the absence of this he is now compelled to do what is risky and undesirable to him, to be a very heavy hand in the initial days of the restart of this movement. It seems he has been given by the spirit to be the initial chief architect and he has been giving vision of what the original construction should look like at least in general, model, form. (A housing construction contractor is likely to build a model in a new development such that those who are drawn to the idea have something specific as a basis for putting forth the changes and improvements they want to see..This is necessary in the creative process as a basis for true and efficient and effective collaboration). And he must push forward forcefully and faithfully at least until the point that that form is clear enough and manifest enough that in the event that what he yearns for, collaborators, emerge that they can go to work on helping him improve the model that he is Duty bound to set forth for them. This is not the position he wishes to be in but its the position he finds himself in and he will bear the burden.

He will passionately hope that those that begin to enter into collaboration will understand that this is what he's trying to do to be certain that they see the model that he is seeing so that the real collaboration of implementing and or modifying that model can begin effectively.

His primary teacher due to history, culture, and circumstance, his primary teacher, a long now with the Saints and scholars mentioned in this document in lesser form, his primary teacher Jesus seems to have said, if you believe in me, if you believe in what I have done, if you understand what I have embodied and embrace it, you will do greater work than mine because I go on to the father now, I rejoin with the spirit now, my physical form comes to an end on earth here now.  And you coming after me have more time to learn and 2 develop and build.

James experiences that he has been given enough of a spark of this earlier movement that he is to forcefully advance it in what hopefully is initially collaborative work to the point that it can become truly and deeply a collaborative work. but it may be rough going for a few days or weeks before that point is achieved, with his hand much much heavier than he quickly wishes it to be.

It is unlikely but possible that by the time true collaboration takes place little that is recognizable of the initial model will remain.)

Our mission, is to carry forward with and in our very lives, and there by complete, the movement to revolutionize, to free, to unleash, the loving spirit of goodness in action and there by to save the world, or that which can still be saved, in ourselves, and maybe a few others, this the work begun by those founders of the movement who have come before us, the Saints*  of the loving spirit of goodness in action ism, and the scholars that inform our work.

Our prayer in whatever way we personally fashion it is like that of the early Christians as understood by brother James:

Loving spirit of goodness in action ism

Glorious are you.

Your rule of earth will come

As your will is done

On earth exactly as we would do in a heaven.

Give us all this day clear vision of what you would have us do.

Lead us not into distraction,

But deliver us from enslavemeant to the spirit of our flash and head.

For thine is the Empire and the power and the glory forever.

*Jesus Buddha Confucius Krishna Muhammad Sophie show Teresa Calcutta Ellen Roosevelt Alice Paul Rosa Parks Harriet Tubman

1. LSGIA: Start, WAGE... Loving Spirit of Goodness in ACTION-ISM... the Being you were born as


1. LSGIA: Start, WAGE... Loving Spirit of Goodness in ACTION-ISM... the Being you were born as

Introduction. I know what is worse my life now and I think maybe it is worth some of yours too. I sure this document with you because.:

It tells you how I'll be spending my life now
It tells you what I think the world needs from all of us most of all now, but really it always has
It gives you some idea of what I will be producing that maybe of interest to you in the future
Most important, and least likely, it gives you an opportunity to see if you want to try and help give birth and life and flesh and Prolifferation to all this. let me know if you do.


PS. I know myself pretty well. when I get a call such as is outlined here its pretty likely to stick. but the ultimate loyalty I have is using every breath that I'm givien to be as much hope for at least one other being on this planet as a possibly can be. that loyalty will always take precedence over everything else.

2. LSGIA: Cornerstone documents

2. LSGIA: Cornerstone documents

Tolstoy’s letter to a Hindu

Gandhi Tolstoy correspondence

The words and life of the man Jesus as informed by the 20 year historical Jesus seminar efforts that ended in 1999.

The McGinley Schwenk dialogs of January 8, 2018.

Dave Schwenk Facebook dialog....

Put 2. Dave Schwenk  messenger dialogue today

Important McGinley development early January in the desert at Joshua Tree

Very important ramblings notes to self

Extraordinarily insightful, Tolstoy Gandhi correspondence. Begin with the introduction. Link here

My life's discovery, and contribution just now.

(As with every aspect of this concept document there will be large medium and or small modifications, re-development, reconceptualization at a rapid pace now hopefully settling down within a month. I yearn for that to be with the thoughtful input and collaboration with as many of you as possible The site will remain living as long as it is of any hope) 

Main page index click here

3. LSGIA: Essential vision opportunity need

Don't we all know that all of the core faith traditions seem to state at their heart some version of the Golden rule? Many many many of us know that. And yet so few in any religion  emBody that.

This makes patently obvious that what's needed is something that is explicitly that of the Golden rule in a way that is very very difficult to misunderstand miss represent adulterat etcetera.

But not another religion although that's tempting. the scholarship is clear that Jesus did not set out to establish a religion. he sent out to establish a way of being. we need to do the same.

Were this effort to begin to have any impact yes it would be viewed as a threat by some in so-called religion, but a potentially useful threat, a goad that they begin to purify themselves down to what they were originally intended to be, and a tool to help them do so.

On a more personal note, about 34 hours ago I awoke after weeks of study and reflection here in the desert, I woke at midnight or maybe 2 a.m. out of a deep sleep, and realized that I hadn't a clue, not the vaguest hint, of what I was to do with my life to try and help this desperately dying world or anyone in it. this was very frustrating, discouraging, depressing and  frightening. an hour later I had what I can only described as a call, I've received some not rarely before, no words nothing like that, a gift from my Supra conscious, a call to use my life to build in the direction that is now crudely outlined 34 hours later in this document. Lol not much sleep in the meantime.

Again on a personal note as this 34 hours reached approximately its midpoint I begin to sense that my life up until now and in particular the deep study and the scholarship and practice that begin 20 years ago has all been in preparation for my role in this effort. And my professional life of leading small medium and fairly large impossible missions was also in preparation for this mission. And my life especially this last twenty years and especially this last 20 months leads me to know that the likelihood that I or this effort will make any difference is between slim and none but this is the best I can see to do to try and help anyone and I will gratefully embrace it and pursue it and work to facilitate it with every breath that I am given.

Main page index click here

4. LSGIA: Purpose of the resources site

The purpose is to help the individual or individuals finding a call within themselves to become a more full and healthy and joyful useful human being in these desperate times, to do so in as reliable and speedy a fashion as possible.

This site will never forget what Switzer said, example is not the major thing in influencing people, it's the only thing. But there is a place for the right words at the right time and this site will seek to fill that void.

The purpose is to be an invaluable tool to increase the likelihood of and the speed with which the loving spirit of goodness in action can prolifferate within an individual yearning for that and among groups of individuals susceptible to that.

This site will remain Mindful, and therefore pressed on with painful urgency, that at least among a few around the globe there is an urgency to get on with the task and work of being fully human, the change that the world needs to see, the change that the world needs to be, the first and last true Revolution or the final fruition of the few true attempts prior, and to be as great an assistance, as great a resources, as great a tool to such individuals as possible as soon as possible as fully as possible.

5. LSGIA: Conceptual description of the resource site

It is to be a repository of the souls and the work done by them, the spirits, and the work done by them, by the prior Saints of loving spirit of goodness in action, and or the scholars that have written Authoritativly of such spirits directly or indirectly.

Secondary but promanently it will include the key techniques beliefs, values, attributes, practices of such beings.

It can and will be enormously inclusive of the large majority of major faith traditions, the Saints there in, the scholarship there in, inclusive of gender, race, but always subordinate to the primary goal of having a seed crystal, a repository, of the extremely pure loving spirits of goodness in action that have existed, there will be no inclusiveness for inclusiveness sake. there will be no adulterating the cure to make it plallatable and at the same time ineffective. there's no time for that, there never was and there certainly is not now.

6. LSGIA: Saints and scholars preliminary list

Saints: Jesus, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther KingJr, Diane Wilson, Buddha, Gandhi, tollstoy, Malalla, Muhammad, Teresa Calcutta, Krishna, Harriet Turman, Francis of Assisting, Rosa Parks, pope Francis, the frontier Gandhi, David Dellinger, sufferejet Mulholland, Alice Paul, Steve Bico, Albert Schweitzer, Sophie Schol, Bonhoeffer, Albert Einstein. Probably half a dozen of these will receive prominent treatment on the site and the rest secondary. this is certainly not put forth as an exhausted list and we'll grow in inclusive miss overtime.

Scholars. Abraham maslow Alfred Adler Sorokin Tolstoy Frankel King Gandhi csikszentmihalye einstein

7. LSGIA: Reading list

This list will adhere strongly to the Saints and scholars section identifying titles, were they can be accessed, for free when possible and downloaded, with free explanatory text (positioning, providing context, guidance and warning where needed.)

8. LSGIA: Header, title, site

Start, Wage, Loving Spirit of Goodness in Action-ism… The Being we were born as.
Terribly long cumbersome name. My professional career was centrally marketing. I know it is a long cumbersome name. This is not attempting to be a religion although that notion is tempting. But whether religion or way of being we can see clearly through history that non descriptive names are immediately corrupted by those of the fleshly and or intellectual spirit. Always and nearly immediately. This must never be put forth as in ism other than with the words describing what it is.

Practical matters also influences the name and masthead. If one Google's the two words start loving or the three words start wage loving what comes up is this particular website. Sure if someone gave us a lot of money or we raised a lot of money we could  create a similar mechanism. money can never be the answer to preoliferating the loving spirit of goodness in action. Spirt is organic and cultivatting and proliferating, re ignite ting. it must be organic. this is an organic advantage technically and needs to be exploited.

The site has been a repository for James activities for 10 or 15 years. that is unfortunate but not in instrumental problem. Hence forward his personal blogging will be done at his Facebook page. Most access to James will be removed from the site labels, access mechanisms, except for in his profile

9. LSGIA: Implementation plan [ updated at the end]

The vision of this has been provided to James, a pitiful weak instrument but none the less it was given to him. Therefore he must attempt to get it born but he desperately needs help in that process.

But the degree to which he does not receive help he will press on regardless.

Regarding the site resource and James he in visions that the resource and prolifferation of the contents of the resource, the loving spirit of goodness in actionism, will be his life's work for whatever time he is givin. He understands this no differently than he thinks others have heard the call essentially the identical call Gandhi Buddha Mohammad Jesus Gandhi Martin Luther King Jr Krishna Assisting…. . Yes as James understands himself he identifies with these, he feels related to these, in type, if falling inexpressibly short in quality.

James finds in the study of the best historical scholarship on the man Jesus, for example, the clear notion that Jesus never identified himself as the one and only son of God. Rather Jesus identified that everyone of us was born as the child of God, the loving spirit of goodness in action, the son or daughter and that all hope for joy in life and for all life on Earth depended upon returning to loyalty to and glorification of that parent. He said quite clearly that we were all born to be God's reincarnation within ourselves, the loving spirit of goodness in action, and there by and only in this way, children of the universal one, the unavoidable defacto alternative being child of the evil one, the fleshly and or intellectual spirit.

Technically the goal is to totally revamp the current website although the layout will remain similar. Posts in the center area and photos leading to major sections on either side.

It is the general sense of James that this totally revamped site will be sufficiently adequate to be implemented in about 30 days time.

Step 1 toward that goal is this text outline provided in this document.

in large part 2, starting now, attempts to cast as wide a net among promising contributors as possible that they get a sense of the direction and a sense of whether their spirit is called to participate.

It would be easier for James to begin modifying the site now but that would be too risky that some of the most promising users or contributors would see early versions too early and miss judge where it was headed lose interest and disengage.

So although more cumbersome and more time consuming for James and potential contributors the development will take place within a shared Google Drive working on individual pieces that will come together on the revamped website. For most or all participants it will be shared in terms of viewing and I hope commenting. James will retain the responsibility for modifying materials unless or until if becomes clear that a spirit or spirits emerge with tremendously similar vision such that joint modifications can take place.

James has played this role throughout his adulthood but in other venues. He has had impact and results would say extremely positive if not miraculous impact in other venues when he has played this catalytic roll, this role of facilitator.  It isn't fun for anyone, it's very hard work, often quite painful like giving birth I suspect, but for those who participate from their heart it is an expressibly joyful.

What anyone who attempts to participate should expect and will encounter is that James will listen extremely deeply and respectfully to what is said, will gladly and aggressively and Greeley and very gratefully incorporate the ideas of others over his own when they are of at least similar value, and after attempts at synchronization when necessary will kindly but firmly and regretfully end collaboration with those where it is discovered that the similarity of vision is not sufficient for time to be spent productively at this time. this will always be regretful and will never be personal.

it is his view that this effort and or those like it is exactly that which has a prayer of saving at least some souls while this Titanic is going down and that if anything could reverse the sinking of the Titanic it would be an effort such as this prolifferating. this is the seriousness with which he will contribute every breath of his life and with which he will administer this particular attempt.

Update. having now had a chance to reflect on this for an hour or so experience is clear that no one will care about this effort in all likelihood and that therefore I probably need not be so careful about how it is implemented. In all likelihood the various sections and components will be published by me as posts on the blog and then brought together when I feel therw is enough in place to implement on a revamped site, and even the revamping at the blog may happen in stages. No one will notice or care either way. Yes this is a sad realization for me but I'll proceed with passion anyway. One in a million, if that's the best I have the hope of then full steam ahead. And I count is one and I need to much more deeply build all this into the cells of my body to be the tiny hope that I newd to be to the world and particularly to future creation.

10. LSGIA: custodianship of the Site, resource [ note, important paragraph just added second to last]

It is almost true to say that until there are multiple custodians, hosts, facilitators, guides, contributors, keepers of this resource it is still born. That would be almost true except there is already one, James. It may reinight or intensify, equip, no one ever beside James but its contents did reignight him bringing him back to life.

James will be the chief custodian until another emerges as an associate custodian. And then another…..?

James yearns for colleagues in this. It will be, or not, time will tell. There is no personal price he won't pay to make that happen but the price of the starting the seed crystal from less than the most perfect form possible, now, will not be paid. This is Central to the downfall of all prior efforts. The universal cure was conceived envisioned created and then adulterated so that it was pallatable to the masses and there by rendered useless at best and terribly destructive more likely.

I'm going to Sprint ahead. I have to to inform my own walk. I have spent years positioning myself in many ways to be able to devote this way. I think others need to get to the same place but it takes time. I know this territory. I will keep it in place. I will not get frustrated with those who can't move as quickly as I might like or as I need to move. And they must try not to get frustrated with me for not waiting. It can work. I've done it over and over and over over the decades.

Fortunately anyone called to attempt to collaborate in the sacred work has a relatively short reading can ask to become qualified to enter in. Please see the section regarding Cornerstone documents. When those documents are red and deeply understood then one, and only then, one is equipped to begin to enter the process. Please hurry.

Oh, did I mention that there is zero room for ego in this? there is zero room for personal selfish interesting this? if I didn't mention it let me do so now. There is 0 0 0 room for personal interest in this effort. there is also zero room for lack of consideration, respect, kindness, but there is room for personal ego interest. this is 100% about future generations. there is 0 room for anything else. zero.

11. LSGIA: Emblem graphic

James needs, this resource needs, and the world needs some emblem that will graphically  encapsulate, inspire, inform, communicate and guide the loving spirit of goodness in action-ism.
Hoping for help and an even a better idea.
In the absence of a better idea James will immediately and quickly press ahead in the following directions with or without assistance. Please provide your help or your better idea. Please. Try.
In my long and deep study of the historical Jesus I frequently see the notion and the fairly clear scripture attributed to him that not one jot and tittle of the law is to be violated but that what he embodied was the initial fulfillment of the Law, loving spirit of goodness in Action-ism, in another words. My understanding of this is my understanding of the caterpillar turning into the butterfly. If the butterfly were able it would have no desire that the caterpillar stop doing what the caterpillar does but it certainly would understand itself as the fulfillment of the work that the caterpillar did and not attempt to hold itself to the rules and laws and being of the caterpillar.
Jesus was that butterfly and tried to lead the rest of us to be that butterfly. Judaism of his day and the culture of his day was the caterpillar and more particularly the Jewish law and practice prior was the caterpillar. This effort must pick up his work and that of the other Saints that have tried to do the same.
1.Hence I see an outline, a large black and white outline of a butterfly, as Central to this Emblem.
Before I go on let me restate what I have stated elsewhere in this document. I will always with the most extreme gratitude when faced with the opportunity to implement my own idea or that of someone else I implement the idea of another when the ideas are of roughly equivalent promise. life taught me early on that our baby will receive infinitely more passionate and competent care than will my baby alone. but ultimately I will protect the baby with my life if there are no other parents committed to the task with me.
2. The primary dominant words to be: loving spirit of goodness in action-ism.
3. The lead in words to be: Start, Wage…. why? as mentioned elsewhere it is currently a fact that if the words start loving or start wage loving are searched in Google the first thing that comes up is this website’s Url. If we stop using those lead-in words in combination I presume that that advantage will be quickly lost.
4. Not bold but the ending words to be:.... the being we were born as. As tempting as it would be this is not a religion or an attempt to replace other religions or to start a new one. It is in attempt to rekindle, to reignite the spirit born into every infant. It is an attempt to reestablish our natural normal way of being and in the attempt to avoid misunderstanding, and to prevent corruption, and misunderstanding…. it is important to end with these words. I say this not to prove that this is the correct way but to provide the reason that I think it is.
My 1977 masters degree from Syracuse University was in business marketing and that was Central to my practice most of my adulthood. I don't say this to discourage alternative ideas, badly I want them.  I am very mindful of the downsides of cumbersome long complex emblems or labels or phrases or names. But I am more mindful of what has happened in every prior attempt when a non descriptive easily corrupted easily misunderstood easily misrepresented name has been affixed to such efforts, Christianity Buddhism Islam atheism…. . it's a recipe for disaster which we must attempt to avoid.

5. It is way beyond my graphic ability but if one is aware of the bumper sticker from a group advocating coexist where the emblems of various faith traditions are integrated into the design it seems to me that there could be a clever and effective way of implementing those symbols, and possibly others such as the gender symbols, into the design of the butterfly probably in size of each roughly approximating the size of the global population currently participating in that religion. there for with the cross being the largest and most Central which I think would be helpful graphicly as well.
Quickly within weeks I anticipate the Emblem will be finalized enough that it can become my new uniform every waking moment, replacing my current one and will become the dominant and almost only emblem on all facings of Sol, the solar cycle that carries me around. Please help, now. And more importantly it will be an emblem that others could choose to employ themselves.
No I don't like this. I want something much better. but this is my current place holder mockup of concept except white on black although others could do it white on black or whatever.
Almost always including in this case it will be a trap we should recognize beforehand to try and be conventional, to try and be modern, to try and fit in, to try and do it the way that is in vogue…. No, it is not the intention to go in the opposite direction but to a degree Gandhi was correct, truth is God, we must sacrifice at the altar of doing our best to represent the truth of our souls and take whatever consequences are the result.
And it is way beyond my ability to even try and incorporate the concept in number 5 above but I hope someone else tries.
Totally and again and not in defense of the crude mockup above I would love something that is much simpler much less cumbersome than thiss. please show me. but this effort cannot be and will never be about the impossible job of starting with the masses.  Our best hope is one in a million and maybe one in a billion at the beginning. A fire is started with little bit of tinder and twigs and it is deadly folly to try and start with a large pile of logs. But James even the one in a billion who's soul calls them even slightly to this Emblem despite the confusion and complexity will have to ask, will have to stop and ponder! yes! and the problem with that is what?
That which would give light burns, those who would give light must endure burning.Paraphrase of Eleanor Roosevelt.


Warning, alert, to friends. Too often I have failed you, though I am learning, I have failed you by enabling Tendencies to not focus on important work that no credit to me I'm involved with by incessant reminders to you and by posting on all too easily available entertaining Facebook. I have been moving.....

Warning, alert, to friends.

For all blog posts click HERE

Too often I have failed you, though I am learning, I have failed you by enabling Tendencies to not focus on important work that no credit to me I'm involved with by incessant reminders to you and by posting on all too easily available entertaining Facebook. I have been moving in the right direction and I anticipate that will continue, that is, more and more my posts will be only on my blog. On the right hand side there is a small window where one's email address can be placed for an Anonymous daily summary of posts to that site. If there is anything about this you don't understand and you care to ask please let me know. By the way, within days or even hours of having access to wifi, in about a week, if not before, this blog will be transformed into a repository for the restart of Jesus Quest, establishing his religion of loving Spirit of goodness in action ism, if Creator intends to grant me the time and Life to be a catalyst for this.

P. Sorokin, from, Reconstructing Humanity, "If democracy is contaminated by poisonous elements its therapeutic power largely evaporates. Most of the democracies, in fact, have.....

If democracy is contaminated by poisonous elements its therapeutic power largely evaporates. Most of the democracies, in fact, have..... been of this low-grade, contaminated variety. Beginning with the Athenian democracy and ending with the Dutch, the English, the French, the Belgian, and even the United States democracy before the abolition of slavery, each of these systems was actually a small oligarchy built upon a vast stratum of slaves, serfs, and exploited, disfranchised, and autocratically ruled colonial Helots. Some twenty thousand Athenians constituted an oligarchic minority superimposed on several hundreds of thousands of unfree or semi-free persons deprived of practically all political and most civil rights. Some thirty to forty millions of English citizens formed a small oligarchy superimposed upon approximately three hundred million disfranchised colonials. The same is true of some six millions of Dutch citizens compared with approximately sixty million colonial semi-serfs; and so on. Similarly, virtually all the democracies of history have been vitiated by many other elements incompatible with the essence of genuine democracy.

Outlook. Tonight and tomorrow morning are expected to be rain. Today was occasional drops of rain. To the gladness of some, this will slow down.....

Outlook. Tonight and tomorrow morning are expected to be rain. Today was occasional drops of rain. To the gladness of some, this will slow down work heavily outlined in posts today. Confession. The 14 days that I am allotted here in this National Park expired several days ago although this current stretch, 14 days tomorrow on the face of it seems to be admissible. With great effort I could extricate myself tomorrow with the help of friends and possibly a spare motor will arrive tonight. But I am going to use as an excuse, may be valid, that the motor is insufficient power to move this heavy vehicle safely around this area and hence I will try and stay here for quite a few more days until the repaired motor arrives from Canada. Unlike many, unfortunately, very unfortunately, unlike many who stay in this Hidden Valley Campground I pay my way everyday. Some and maybe most take advantage of the fact of a delay in transfer of envelopes and do not pay. This is really evil abuse. Extremely immoral and sad. But again, confession time, I am certainly violating the rules by staying here. But I deem the work I am doing of sacred potential value to maybe some other human being and maybe more than one, and now that I have found where I can reliably get internet, this is a sacred Place, uniquely suited in many aspects, for this work to continue for some number of days now. So I will attempt to do so with the help of friends who may be bringing me food. And water. Kyle Gaulke and if this works out, in my ignorance, I wait in Glad anticipation of what the desert may do in responding to tomorrow morning's rain. In fact the tiny sprinkling of today and maybe early yesterday morning I believe I am seeing Green in the desert that I did not see before.