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The most hateful u.s. group may be we Boomers. Victim-blaming while we slop at the trough our plunder of Earth, collectively fiddling while Rome Burns.

The most hateful u.s. group may be we Boomers. Victim-blaming while we slop at the trough our plunder of Earth, collectively fiddling while Rome Burns.

Am I doing more harm than good? Exceedingly harsh I am in my life and in my communication face-to-face. Marooned in Yucca Valley......

Am I doing more harm than good? Exceedingly harsh I am in my life and in my communication face-to-face. Marooned in Yucca Valley...... diagnosing electrical problems, waiting for parts, for nearly a week, this is an almost festive place. Almost an outpost I would say. Happy people. That's a mark of sickness. Who can be happy in such a suffering world except for a clinically sick individual? But within the sick individual might be the seeds of Health. Constantly out with the vehicle in the open doing repairs person after person drives up and in some form  asks incredibly thoughtless questions, is it electric? Etc. I'm growing. My primary horror is not at the stupidity, the thoughtlessness of the questions so much anymore. I'm growing. More and more I'm instinctively clear that the opportunity in front of me is not to be incensed at the stupidity of the questions. The opportunity in front of me, regardless of how small, is to try and jolt the dead hearts that can be happy and clueless in the face of such horror, to jolt them to life, to resurrect them to life. To resurrect them from the dead. It's possible I'm doing much more harm than good. But that is not my assessment. I believe that my understanding of how to resurrect hearts and my courage to do so despite personal isolation is increasing.

It has been weeks since I have felt well physically. The intestine shortened by 1/3 to remove cancer is less and less manageable and rarely feels healthy. It occurs to me that cancer may be coming back.

It has been weeks since I have felt well physically. The intestine shortened by 1/3 to remove cancer is less and less manageable and rarely feels healthy. It occurs to me that cancer may be coming back.

The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.

The work, the need, is to resurrect Souls, Hearts, from the dead. Jesus died exhorting us to this work. We couldn't, wouldn't, and don't see it even now. Especially now.

What makes the true revolutionary? The refusal to cower or surrender to the evil spirit destroying all creation. Embodying courageous loving, the spirit of creator

What makes the true revolutionary? The refusal to cower or surrender to the evil spirit destroying all creation. Embodying courageous loving, the spirit of creator.

To the gun worshippers: If I were emotionally impotent, if my heart and compassion were castrated as yours obviously are, if I lacked Humanity, decency, if in fact I cared not a fig about the life of others, only about my own pitiful selfish little life, I would feel just like you. I understand.

To the gun worshippers: If I were emotionally impotent, if my heart and compassion were castrated as yours obviously are, if I lacked Humanity, decency, if in fact I cared not a fig about the life of others, only about my own pitiful selfish little life, if I were a coward and lived in fear, I would feel just like you. I understand.


Where are the articles on this? Where are the surveys? Extremely important lesson. My Fury was great at this middle age hippie here in Yucca Valley. His response to the horror of millions.....

Where are the articles on this? Where are the surveys? Extremely important lesson. My Fury was great at this middle age hippie here in Yucca Valley. His response to the horror of millions..... of climate refugees as the coastal cities flood he said, well, they have lots of money, if they want to come here and give me money for my land that's fine. I was horrified. But when he drove away I realized he taught me something. It may be that, it's certainly is, that many millions of middle Americans look with some combination of Glee and greed at what the coastal cities going underwater will mean from them personally materially. Their land value and personal wealth will Skyrocket.


Harsher and harsher is my demeanor and behavior. I'm not certain what it's all about. I think it's a reflection of the ever-increasing impending doom and no one giving a f***. It may be self-indulgent or it may be an ultimate Act of service, to show the harshness in my behavior while there is still time to act.

Harsher and harsher is my demeanor and behavior. I'm not certain what it's all about. I think it's a reflection of the ever-increasing impending doom and no one giving a f***. It may be self-indulgent or it may be an ultimate Act of service, to show the harshness in my behavior while there is still time to act.

This Divine experimental vehicle is pushed to the Limit. The last several days have been spent chasing an electrical short problem. My skills are being tested to the Limit and developed. It may be that the problem has been tamed. Maybe not. If so the journey south and east May begin Saturday morning.

This Divine experimental vehicle is pushed to the Limit. The last several days have been spent chasing an electrical short problem. My skills are being tested to the Limit and developed. It may be that the problem has been tamed. Maybe not. If so the journey south and east May begin Saturday morning.


Life Can't Amount to Working and Paying Bills: Uruguay's Musica. Article


Part of me is totally ready to give up. Another part recognizes that that would be living death. What I value is goodness, all I really value is goodness. And as long as I fight for that, I embody it, and help it stay alive. And maybe help it grow. But there's no chance of saving the world now because amost everybody's already dead. There is not nearly enough people left alive to fight the oligarchs. To bring a new child into this hell is Unforgivable.

Part of me is totally ready to give up. Another part recognizes that that would be living death. What I value is goodness, all I really value is goodness. And as long as I fight for that, I embody it, and help it stay alive. And maybe help it grow. But there's no chance of saving the world now because amost everybody's already dead. There is not nearly enough people left alive to fight the oligarchs. To bring a new child into this hell is Unforgivable.


If I sit by while our mother is being too spoiled I am the lowest of creatures. If to stop it I do not commit all that I am and all that I have I am the lowest of creatures.

If I sit by while our mother is being too spoiled I am the lowest of creatures. If to stop it I do not commit all that I am and all that I have I am the lowest of creatures.

More Than 200,000 Gallons Of Oil Spill Along The Keystone Pipeline About 5,000 barrels worth of oil leaked out of the pipeline in northern South Dakota.

Love is God, the Creator, not some disgusting cowardly comforting comfortable little sentiment. Or it is not love. We are to be used at Love's convenience, never ever the reverse. This is to blaspheme the name of God.

Love is God, the Creator, not some disgusting cowardly comforting comfortable little sentiment. Or it is not love. We are to be used at Love's convenience, never ever the reverse. This is to blaspheme the name of God.

Pope reaffirms conscience as heresy debate divides church. Link


Without a mission I am Paralyzed by the horror in this world. With a mission I cannot sit on the sidelines.

Without a mission I am Paralyzed by the horror in this world. With a mission I cannot sit on the sidelines.

Very important. We have made this vehicle Fun.

This vehicle is fun now. It never dawned on me that this would happen. That could be due to the mission that has me totally absorbed within its grasp. But it could be that it seemed technically unlikely. Whatever the reason this vehicle is fun. Due to inhospitable infrastructure for a bicycle of this size or indeed any bicycle, this vehicle is not for the faint of heart. But how many things are done by people of means that are not for the faint of heart? Cycling, mountain climbing, long distance hiking, long distance cycling, hang gliding, kite sailing, windsurfing, snow skiing..... It now seems impossible to me that self solar energy harvesting Transportation will not become a thing in a variety of forms almost immediately. It's irresistible. To a tiny segment, maybe, but irresistible. And each one that happens becomes a powerful advocate for renewable energy. I suppose these electric cars are nice but they're not a revolution. They are four thousand pounds worth of needless consumption. They are not a revolution. They are more of the same grotesque overconsumption. Ultralight self energy harvesting transportation is a revolution and it shows the revolution that is entirely possible. The final obstacle to this vehicle being remotely fun was substantial downhill travel. It was pretty miserable burning up those brakes. Stopping every half-mile to let them cool down. And of course all that braking was heat and all that heat was the energy invested in climbing. Yesterday in a 30 mile Journey from the coast to the east side of San Diego is steep Rolling Hills one after another after another. 2200 feet on the day. There was only moderate sun to help. It was surreal to watch a battery indicator that should have been plummeting only decreasing as though we were traveling on flat ground. It still seems surreal. But the gauges are accurate. 20% of the energy for this trip came from regenerative braking. I suspect it will be many many many many months before the brake pads on this vehicle need to be replaced, if even then.


Phase 2? A new phase of this Mission emerging? Not important in my view, but interesting. Every day....

What is important is that hundreds of thousands of eyeballs can now not unsee the future that is possible, renewable, ultralight living on our mother earth. Constructive coexistence. Life lived in the service of others not self. The only Revolution. This thanks to the contributions of so many now.  Will it make a difference? It is impossible that will not make a difference. Large enough to nudge the needle? Unlikely, but possible. Many now have helped these seeds be sewn. And the sowing of seeds will continue for as long as I can see with this now so capable vehicle.

Phase 2? A new phase of this Mission emerging? Not important in my view, but interesting. Every day.... of the last 14 months, almost 12,000 miles, has been a race, a Sprint. A Sprint to get to Standing Rock. My Sprint to get to Lansing Michigan for the new Harvester micro RV to be built. A Sprint in northern Wisconsin to show it at the Midwest Energy Fair. Sprint back to Lansing Michigan for the solar Harvester micro RV to be completed. Sprint to Western Iowa for the 7-Day Cross Iowa bicycle event with 10,000 people or so. A Sprint to the West Coast where this vehicle could be seen by those with the means and know how to take the idea and run with it. Well, the sprinting phase seems to be over. Except for the Sprint to save the world which is what this is completely, entirely, all about. That will end with my last breath. But the sprinting phase as it has been seems to be over. With the help and generosity and skill and kindness of so many people this being written from the southwest United States, San Diego, it is completed in Phase 1. And coincidentally this miraculous vehicle is now completed. With regenerative braking it is now absolutely a fun vehicle with many fewer incidents that terrorized me, to travel in. There are few climbs that can stop it. And The Descendants from steep grades which were horrible brake melting, vehicle crushing events are now something that recharge the batteries effortlessly  descend  at 15 miles per hour! Game-changing. And those of you that stepped forward with material Financial contributions when it became apparent that this vehicle was so outmatched by the mountains on the coast you enabled the stored battery power to be doubled and there are now few climbing situations that it can't handle. Maybe none. It has been the entire purpose of this vehicle to be seen to try and awaken people's hearts to the possibility of averting a otherwise certain horrible future for the children. That remains 100% of the mission. But the new phase is a move from a arduous Sprint to something I don't remember how to anymore because it has been so many decades, follow my interests and curiosity in the world. As I have written recently I'm aware that my intimate relationship with nature has cooled dramatically. This may be okay but I'm not sure. After some important work to improve the solar generating capability with wiring and a new controller that may be completed tomorrow, the Palm Springs, Joshua Tree area campgrounds become the new initial destination. If my nervous system responds I will linger and try and have my connection with creation reignite. The vehicle got to be seen these last 14 months by sprinting the various locations. For the months that I see ahead it will also be seen but by Meandering to spiritually significant locations to my nervous system primarily. Interesting. My gratitude to those who have contributed to this Mission will never waver.


The only true protection for the middle class is true protection of the lower class.

The only true protection for the middle class is true protection of the lower class.

Four things this vehicle embodies Each of which may prove irresistible I think. Self-sufficient....

Four things this vehicle embodies Each of which may prove irresistible I think. Self-sufficient.... solar powered travel. Human solar hybrid serious transportation. Human solar hybrid micro RV. extremely light living on the planet. Will these ever be more than niche things? Possible. When carbon fiber becomes a prevalent means of Construction and the equivalent of gallium arsenide is prevalent in solar it will be unlikely that these four things noted above will not at least have serious niches.


Obviously I don't know this part of California, and it seems I have been too harsh. For the second night I am parked on the very wide Venice Boulevard, expecting no negative encounters with the police. There are.....

Obviously I don't know this part of California, and it seems I have been too harsh. For the second night I am parked on the very wide Venice Boulevard, expecting no negative encounters with the police. There are..... many RVs parked along the same Boulevard. Some, obviously, for days. The street is carefully marked, no parking from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. No other restriction beyond that. So clearly the community has decided that recreation vehicles and cars you can park on this long Main Street. And probably some others in the area that I have not yet detected. America is dying. People are economically dying left and right. Multiple times now in Silicon Valley, even Elite Pleasanton, out here in Los Angeles area, I am finding a more than tolerance for people living in their cars. What I know is that this is infinitely less negative and hateful than I expected to encounter.


I am so ultimately lucky, and you could be too. At the moment I'm reflecting on the international cycling support group called warm showers. Cyclist....

I am so ultimately lucky, and you could be too. At the moment I'm reflecting on the international cycling support group called warm showers. Cyclist.... that Supply lodging and support to one another as they travel the world. Lodging is only requested by this Mission when no other options, Walmart parking lots, truck stops, are available. Due to the extreme nature of this traveler, and this vehicle, the acceptance rate is roughly 1 and 20. If I were to non-political and attractive it would be more like 50%. I'm not complaining. Think about it. New one in 20 that opens their arms, I get the extraordinary ones. James

I take no hope or comfort in little bits of hopefulness. Quite the opposite. We will avoid......

I take no hope or comfort in little bits of hopefulness. Quite the opposite. We will avoid...... saving the world precisely because we find little bits of Hope to keep us in our comfort zone and on the sidelines. The Guardian newspaper, which usually I'm grateful for today ran an article on the seven hopeful things, megatrends, that might avert global warming. F*** them. We don't have a problem with people finding reasons to stay on the sidelines. That's not our problem.

She throws up on you for the 8th time today, your beloved 2 year old daughter desperately ill with the flu. Do you yell at her yet? Do you cut off her food......

She throws up on you for the 8th time today, your beloved 2 year old daughter desperately ill with the flu. Do you yell at her yet? Do you cut off her food...... or threaten to end her housing because of her horrible Behavior? Of course not! You ache for her pain, care not how many times she throws up, only that you help her pain subside. And yet my sisters and brothers often draw my Fury and ire. The rich in their disgusting criminally selfish mansions. My sisters and brothers in their pickup trucks with their cursing at this vehicle and their hatred. The homeless, the poor, with their trash all over the place and their wretched appearance. All are terribly sick, victims of this diseased society, and yet too often they draw not my compassion and solidarity but my hatred. But what I've just written is a new Glimpse for me of the problem within me. And I'm glad of that. I'm learning a new way to see these horrible behaviors for what they are, sickness of this Society made manifest, needing my attempts, my best attempts, to be a cure.

Get the F off the road!!! This on a very not busy Route 1. Two lanes. This human solar hybrid micro RV on the road did not slow that young white male in his pickup truck 3 seconds literally.

Get the F off the road!!! This on a very not busy Route 1. Two lanes. This human solar hybrid micro RV on the road did not slow that young white male in his pickup truck 3 seconds literally.

Capitalism, materialism, militarism, the central amazing essential achievement: Nearly every heart dead Beyond toddlerhood. Truly.

Capitalism, materialism, militarism, the central amazing essential achievement: Nearly every heart dead Beyond toddlerhood. Truly.


Career homeless. In Creator's eyes who is the more morally reprehensible, the career homeless for Generations, or trust fund adults, retired folks living off of Decades of looting the planet though their intentions may have been good, corporate capitalist terrorists destroying the planet?

Career homeless. In Creator's eyes who is the more morally reprehensible, the career homeless for Generations, or trust fund adults, retired folks living off of Decades of looting the planet though their intentions may have been good, corporate capitalist terrorists destroying the planet?



Help badly needed for lodging, places to park at night, in the Los Angeles Corridor South. Saturday night I arrive Santa Barbara. and a cyclist 50 miles east-southeast of there Provides a place on Sunday night. Moving south at about 60 miles a day from there working down towards San Diego. It is an absolute desert in terms of Walmarts that allow overnight parking, truck stops.

Help badly needed for lodging, places to park at night, in the Los Angeles Corridor South. Saturday night I arrive Santa Barbara. and a cyclist 50 miles east-southeast of there Provides a place on Sunday night. Moving south at about 60 miles a day from there working down towards San Diego. It is an absolute desert in terms of Walmarts that allow overnight parking, truck stops.

Quite possibly one of the most productive days of this mission. And quite enjoyable. Kettleman Village to Passo....

Quite possibly one of the most productive days of this mission. And quite enjoyable. Kettleman Village to Passo.... Robles? 7 miles left to the trip. 3200 feet of climbing,  about 60 miles of travel. Some harrowing parts of this high-speed Highway but most of it luxurious clean wide shoulders with huge drive by having little else to do but look at and Ponder this tiny little vehicle as they speed by. Flawless performance at the vehicle. Near 0 cooperation from the Sun in weeks on the first day in weeks when it really really would have been helpful. LOL. Extraordinary cooperation LOL, by the powers-that-be. Unless and until this vehicle has regenerative braking it is The Descent on Long climbs that is particularly miserable because it does nothing but waste energy putting it into heated and or melted brakes. The exception to that is a descent grade of 4% or less where when wind drag keeps the vehicle speed at a manageable 28 miles per hour or less without using much brakes. But at that speed vehicle is at least slightly unstable and on a narrow shoulder even if the grade would allow it prudence does not. So brakes are burned up to keep it at 12 miles an hour. And on the climb, a 2000 foot climb, the most significant on the trip they were working on the roads, putting down lines. Sew a flag person was stopping traffic One Direction or the other for maybe 10 minutes or more. Single-lane. So for many miles the traffic that was climbing with me was confined to one lane of this highway. Maybe by law I should have been in that lane as well but that would have been terrible. So I decided to use the other wise beautiful Lanes including the bicycle lane for myself. It was glorious! And it provided quite a slow-moving eyeful to those climbing alongside me. When I reach the top, a bit fatigued and very wet and it was chilly I anticipated stopping for a while and putting on my sweatshirts. But immediately I realized that next to me going my direction was no one and nothing. Silence. There was the possibility that my upcoming Lane was stopped behind me and that I would have a long time  many minutes I would totally open Lane and would not have to burn up my brakes. And that's exactly what happened for maybe 10 minutes. Absolutely fabulous. Now, in the last half-hour of this trip, the sun is out. So low on the horizon that it is doing absolutely no good. Just laughing at me. And per my just Pryor post I feel like I've cracked a major code. Today was a very powerful fluid output of this body. Very satisfying. The code  I cracked by the way is one that I now remember deciphering several months ago and I'm also aware that somehow for the last month I've totally forgotten it. Quite amazing.

Note to self. Remember that Cadence and force determines where the end of the stroke is, the bottom reach. Increased stroke power and decreased Cadence tends to move the bottom of the stroke down toward 4 or 4:30. Faster light or stroke tends to move toward three a clock.

Note to self. Remember that Cadence and force determines where the end of the stroke is, the bottom reach. Increased stroke power and decreased Cadence tends to move the bottom of the stroke down toward 4 or 4:30. Faster light or stroke tends to move toward three a clock. This may be the single most important factor to an effective stroke for me. What I forget everything falls apart. No power, stress on the legs, frustration, spastic action. When I remember then the primary part of the stroke, extending the leg to that optimal bottom point is fluid, balanced, synchronized, and supports efficient direction of all energy into the stroke. When I forget, absolute total disaster.

The fictional white male supremacist blue-eyed Jesus is precisely opposite the brown-skinned Palestinian Jew of 2000 years ago.

The fictional white male supremacist blue-eyed Jesus is precisely opposite the brown-skinned Palestinian Jew of 2000 years ago.

Never ever can we take responsibility for the outcome of our actions, while every breath taking responsibility for our actions. Never in control of any outcome are we. full effort is full success, rightly said Gandhi. We are called to be faithful, not successful, said Teresa of Calcutta.

Never ever can we take responsibility for the outcome of our actions, while every breath taking responsibility for our actions. Never in control of any outcome are we. full effort is full success, rightly said Gandhi. We are called to be faithful, not successful, said Teresa of Calcutta.


Today was the exception. I am never ashamed of myself. On a fairly empty road on the outskirts of Fresno the biggest pickup truck I've ever seen, shiny maroon new, came alongside.....

Today was the exception. I am never ashamed of myself. On a fairly empty road on the outskirts of Fresno the biggest pickup truck I've ever seen, shiny maroon new, came alongside..... me as I'm in the bike lane paddling along. One minute next to me, the next second dropping back a little bit then next to me. The driver looking down trying to get my attention but not saying why. I didn't feel at risk but I was outraged at what a stupid thing to do. This went on for maybe 15 seconds the person saying something every once in awhile to try and get my attention and I finally screamed, what?! I turned and looked at the end of a joule and he said do you accept donations? As the words came out of his mouth shocked at my shouting, he quickly looked hurt and then angry at himself for running the words. I said no. Thank goodness a hundred yards ahead he was stopped at a light waiting for it to turn green so he could turn left. What an Incredible Gift To Me. I was able to stop next to him and to shout across the lane, sir, I am so desperately sorry. He clearly accepted my apology.

I think there is no personal price I would not pay to improve the outlook for creation.

I think there is no personal price I would not pay to improve the outlook for creation.


Without love it is nothing. Corinthians 13. Without money, you are worthless. America, 2017.

Without love it is nothing. Corinthians 13. Without money, you are worthless. America, 2017.

There is still much worth fighting for, Jane Goodall said a year ago. Very poignant I thought then. Quite incorrect I think now. Very very little Worth Fighting For Anymore. so little goodness left in the human soul, and as a consequence so little in nature not already destroyed or doomed. I'll fight on, but with these thoughts.

There is still much worth fighting for, Jane Goodall said a year ago. Very poignant I thought then. Quite incorrect I think now. Very very little Worth Fighting For Anymore. so little goodness left in the human soul, and as a consequence so little in nature not already destroyed or doomed. I'll fight on, but with these thoughts.


A young hispanic man, maybe Thirty, hard hat, work clothes, not new car, may I please donate to your work? He handed.......

A young hispanic man, maybe Thirty, hard hat, work clothes, not new car, may I please donate to your work? He handed...... me $20. At the far end of the Lowe's hardware parking lot where there were few cars his presence in his car was unaware to me. He got out of his car and as he approached they noticed him. Something or some things in the vehicle apparently start his heart. Such a privilege for me.

Major update. Departed Silicon Valley. Stockton tomorrow is planned........

Yesterday and today two fairly short days distance wise. Apparently this mission is not to be destroyed yet. Yesterday afternoon the severe wobbling that was developing in the vehicle revealed itself as spokes in the rear wheel that had all but collapsed as one of them had snapped. Right on the edge of catastrophic failure. The pope is correct, God is no more of a magician than is gravity, the cousin. But that's slightly hard to believe sometimes. How this vehicle was spared catastrophe yesterday is unclear. And, after the first incredibly rude bike shop in Pleasanton, the second one was gracious and expert and had a clinic, a free clinic, at 6 p.m., on rebuilding bicycle wheels. If it doesn't kill you you grow. I grew. hoping to hear from the bike shop in Sacramento that they could machine a new hub for regenerative braking I spent the morning working on the vehicle after displaying it in the middle of a high-tech Office Park at the coffee shop. by midday, still not hearing from the Sacramento bike shop the trip resumed midday. After only 15 miles the spokes in the rear wheel were loose again. it is still missing a Spoke which hopefully will be replaced someplace tomorrow. With my newfound awareness skills and confidence The wheel was made serviceable again. to deal with stress and fatigue I've reported recently travel of only 30 miles was accepted, an affordable meal at a buffet Was a much-needed refueling stop this afternoon. More work on the rear wheel. Hopefully rest in the parking lot undisturbed tonight. departure tomorrow morning plans for a bicycle shop in Stockton to replace that spoke hopefully. then a long and fairly leisurely Meandering Trip South to San Diego and then East along the Southern United States. unlike the last several months where there was great worry about getting caught in snow at altitude the weather is not something that I know of as a driving factor in the schedule. Maybe it should be but if so I am as of yet unaware.


Sadly, importantly, I see I was correct. The right and the left are stupid, ignorant, with few exceptions. This is the problem.

Sadly, importantly, I see I was correct. The right and the left are stupid, ignorant, with few exceptions. This is the problem.

How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your mint, dill, and cummin, but have neglected the more important matters of the Law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Jesus

How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your mint, dill, and cummin, but have neglected the more important matters of the Law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Jesus

I reject the world's Jesus. Antichrist. I embrace the Palestinian Jew whose religion was loving.

I reject the world's Jesus. Antichrist. I embrace the Palestinian Jew whose religion was loving.

By his wounds you are healed. Yes, this is true, with the white jesus that white folks created, this is true. But with the Palestinian Jew we are saved by loving as he loved. Two opposite Jesus.

By his wounds you are healed. Yes, this is true, with the white jesus that white folks created, this is true. But with the Palestinian Jew we are saved by loving as he loved. Two opposite Jesus.

The most deadly malpractice: Liberal activists. Criminally ignorant of the experts that have come before.

The most deadly malpractice:
Liberal activists. Criminally ignorant of the experts that have come before.

Few people chose War. They chose selfishness and the result was war. David Dellinger, From Yale to jail.

Few people chose War.
They chose selfishness and the result was war.
David Dellinger,
From Yale to jail.


Warning of 'ecological Armageddon' after dramatic plunge in insect numbers. Link


Regularly Behavior makes me think, you're stupid, an idiot, ignorant, thoughtless, sick.... Well, yes, few today have retained any Mental Health. That's the problem.

Regularly Behavior makes me think, you're stupid, an idiot, ignorant, thoughtless, sick.... Well, yes, few today have retained any Mental Health. That's the problem.

How are we so stupid to believe that being kind and decent is only good for some reward in return, not joy in itself?

How are we so stupid to believe that being kind and decent is only good for some reward in return, not joy in itself?

Help needed. What if I am robbed and everything is gone? A birthday.....

Help needed. What if I am robbed and everything is gone? A birthday..... gift for me and this Mission, today, is the day, if you will. a major vulnerability for this whole mission is the fact that I have no permanent mailing address although My old DC address is still what is used. No, nothing that goes there can be received. Dead letter. if you know of anyone that would be extremely glad to let me use their address for banking, Social Security, that things can be mailed there then the vulnerability would go down dramatically. Let's say I am robbed and my credit cards and debit card are taken. There is no way other than impossible time and travel back to DC to get anything. I need to open a more National or Western account and to do that I need a mailing address where I can actually get things. my Commerce is extremely low and profoundly responsible. My financial history lifelong and recent is flawless. I can think of no risk that I will be. and because I have almost no Commerce the risk of junk mail should be extremely low. if you know of anyone please let me know. James

Massive emergency repairs required. The trouble began last night and continued for many hours. Not a.....

Massive emergency repairs required. The trouble began last night and continued for many hours. Not a..... problem this time with this miraculous mechanical machine, but with the bio machine operating it. Recently I've mentioned how my meditation and prayer life have gone by the wayside for the demands of this mission for many many weeks or months now. Last night in a paid for $21 spot in a Fairground created a space I've not had for a long time, complete control of my time in the morning. I think that's what my nervous system sensed and said, f*** it man, you're going to give me some attention and some much-needed repair. If showered me with an anxiety storm that lasted for many hours. It took three or four hours of attempted meditation to get back in control of my mind. We attach all sorts of stigma to what I've just written, don't we? That's ridiculous. We are extremely complex organisms and when placed under dire demand we need work to maintain them. By 10:30 this morning, although disappointed that departing at 4:30 for strategic points didn't happen, I felt much stronger for all the work. An alternative explanation for the anxiety storm that raged in me for many hours is that in going to Triple doses of Imodium for control of my cancer related diarrhea may have a psychological side effect. I have not researched that. I have not gone to Triple doses likely but with 1/3 less colon than I was born with and being on the road all the time I have needed to go to Triple doses to try and get things under control. I don't know if that will work. And no longer having any medical support, no doctor, don't have access to the stronger medications that are available.

Plague: Infects, consumes, takes over, destroys massive populations. White Christians. Jesus is used to cloak consummate evil.

Plague: Infects, consumes, takes over, destroys massive populations. White Christians. Jesus is used to cloak consummate evil.

The racist worldview of Arthur Balfour. Link


Interesting perspective. I find their sense of entitlement disgusting. This from the long time resident of Berkeley, about the elites. She is homeless.

Interesting perspective. I find their sense of entitlement disgusting. This from the long time resident of Berkeley, about the elites. She is homeless.

James? A sad case of runaway compassion. This the wife......

James? A sad case of runaway compassion. This the wife...... of a co-executive in the dc-based company I worked with commented regarding the hunger strike I was on to stop the genocide in Darfur. 2007. Another person, who has known me longer than anyone, in the 1980s and 90s perceived me as terribly insecure. The following I've not thought of or grasped until just this moment. Why? I don't know. It just hit me. My dad is the most wonderful Soul I've ever known, the most important intellect, the greatest person I've known. He was a nationally recognized and respected, great teacher of music, but more importantly, of people. His love for me was infinite and I still can't figure out why he didn't have me killed for being such a criminally underperforming lazy self-absorbed child. I'm serious. He loved me deeply. I think he must have seen some goodness that was there. He had tremendous mood swings. Mostly to do with disappointment in himself but sometimes disappointment regarding me. He rarely if ever put those disappointments to words. This left me with the theoretical choice of blowing off his moods, which was totally impossible for someone that I so revered, or trying to milk understanding out of the most fleeting facial expression, the one or two words uttered, any tiny clue as to what was going on in that great man. It was Agony for me. It was excruciating for me. For days on end I would try and figure out what's going on. But no credit to me, maybe it was his intent, but it made me an astute listener, and astute Observer at learner. In fact, way way way way way way Beyond most people. No credit to me. But when I care about something I am an intense listener, an intense Observer. The rat has 100 or 1,000 or more times to sensitivity in their nose that we do. In the few things I care about I have those powers of observation. When I look at any good I have brought to life, to the world, it stems from these powers that were developed in this way. No credit to me. And these Powers enabled a New Jersey boy who really went skiing to become a world-class skier, acutely aching for the mountain to teach him how to ski. And a very substantial Windsurfer who rarely got to go. And some of the turned around failing business situations that everyone else saw was hopeless. And someone that started Living the unimaginable nightmare of global warming many years before even the experts. And now riding the potential of living likely on Mother Earth, and moving across the country in a similar way.


Brando refused the Oscar defending Native American Rights. Hero.

Portland Will Allow Overnight RV Camping and Tiny Homes on Private Property. Article

Speaking about israel-palestine is really pretty simple. We need to put our faith in responsibly seeing the truth as clearly as possible and speaking the truth is clearly as possible. And we need to accept that not one in a million people want to know the truth. To those who do it is enough to clearly distinguish between the zionists, the equivalent of the KKK, and the Jews, the ones heroically fighting for justice for Palestine. It's really pretty simple. We just need to accept that almost no one wants to know the truth.

Speaking about israel-palestine is really pretty simple. We need to put our faith in responsibly seeing the truth as clearly as possible and speaking the truth is clearly as possible. And we need to accept that not one in a million people want to know the truth. To those who do it is enough to clearly distinguish between the zionists, the equivalent of the KKK, and the Jews, the ones heroically fighting for justice for Palestine. It's really pretty simple. We just need to accept that almost no one wants to know the truth.

It has been said that we know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

It has been said that we know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Solar ebike Harvester micro RV vehicle. 17 technical videos.

Women cannot preempt sexual assault. Another dangerously dishonest particle. Link

Will there ever be honest discussion of this issue? Will there ever be an honest attempt to improve things? Almost certainly not. How dishonest to frame this as an all-or-nothing thing. Nothing it's all or nothing. It's all a matter of probability. Women make up half the population on this planet. To suggest that their behavior has no impact on men is Criminal. It is causing rape.

If a water skier lets go the tow rope they almost immediately sink. The most dire needs of creation is my tow rope. Nothing less can keep me from drowning.

If a water skier lets go the tow rope they almost immediately sink. The most dire needs of creation is my tow rope. Nothing less can keep me from drowning.

To a friend. I feel the same way about myself, the tiniest tiniest Speck of nothing. But I'm unwilling to not do with that Speck of nothing everything I possibly can to create a better world.

To a friend. I feel the same way about myself, the tiniest tiniest Speck of nothing. But I'm unwilling to not do with that Speck of nothing everything I possibly can to create a better world.

Full effort is full success. Gandhi. Absolutely totally completely true. Full effort is the only thing we can control. And few of us try although most of us convince ourselves we have.

Full effort is full success. Gandhi. Absolutely totally completely true. Full effort is the only thing we can control. And few of us try although most of us convince ourselves we have.

Your life is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.

Your life is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing.

Common dreams. Half of all Americans live at or near poverty.


Thank you for coming to Berkeley. We needed to see you. Mostly nondescript kind white men said outside the little service station in this crowded Berkeley California. To my surprise, and maybe to my discredit, Berkeley seems to be the second most Humane town that I have encountered in this last 11 thousand miles. Grants Pass being the most human but I think I've seen. I have no idea why.

Thank you for coming to Berkeley. We needed to see you. Misty nondescript kind white men said outside the little service station in this crowded Berkeley California. To my surprise, and maybe to my discredit, Berkeley seems to be the second most Humane town that I have encountered in this last 11 thousand miles. Grants Pass being the most human but I think I've seen. I have no idea why.

I'm just so exhausted. This Mission has really pushed me to the Limit. I have no Reserves.

I'm just so exhausted. This Mission has really pushed me to the Limit. I have no Reserves.

Somehow the journey gets harder. I'm not complaining. I'm blessed to have this Mission. But it gets harder. The degree of difficulty does not go down, it just keeps going up. Land is so.....

Somehow the journey gets harder. I'm not complaining. I'm blessed to have this Mission. But it gets harder. The degree of difficulty does not go down, it just keeps going up. Land is so..... scarce here that stores like Starbucks close up there wall sockets. gas stations close up their wall sockets. fast food places close up their wall sockets. And in these days that have shorter sun and so many Hills it is not possible to go all day on just What the sun provide some of these days.  and with Berkeley being the possible exception, the rest stops and Walmart's where it was legal to stay for the night are no more. and with all this goes I'm much more acutely awareness that we don't care about people in this Society, we care about their money, and if they don't have it, and they don't spend it, they are unwelcome. and I'm physically tired. I am emotionally and spiritually tired. the time I would be devoting to my emotional health and connection to creation has gone by the wayside largely To the moment by moment demands of this mission. Again, no complaints. Just a status update. although no one in my network other than one surfaced any housing for me in this part of the country, through my efforts I have uncovered several down in Silicon Valley that if they hold will provide a landing place and a base of operations for Three or four days of this vehicle being legally visible.  as I am stretched to the breaking point I suspect that those in proximity to me have felt that stress and largely Departed. Those who have not, your friendship is a great blessing.


Or late to baby chicks out of 30000 survive. The rest starved. Link

It would be an honor to have you stay at my home, the individual, the cyclist, in Silicon Valley wrote to me tonight. I have been exploring every Avenue I can, especially a cycling Support Network, to try and secure legal places for the bicycle at night beginning mid next week. He has a business trip that may prevent but he clearly genuinely wants to help support this mission. This, one of maybe 30 contacts. Two others have shown some interest. I suspect the combination of scarcity of parking and political cowardice are the reasons. It's quite a concern that I may well wind up in the clutches of the police without that being my goal.

It would be an honor to have you stay at my home, the individual, the cyclist, in Silicon Valley wrote to me tonight. I have been exploring every Avenue I can, especially a cycling Support Network, to try and secure legal places for the bicycle at night beginning mid next week. He has a business trip that may prevent but he clearly genuinely wants to help support this mission. This, one of maybe 30 contacts. Two others have shown some interest. I suspect the combination of scarcity of parking and political cowardice are the reasons. It's quite a concern that I may well wind up in the clutches of the police without that being my goal.

If the heart does not rage at Injustice, it is not loving. But the reverse is not necessarily true. Life is teaching me this. Rage has risen within me, with my permission, much in recent weeks as some of you have noticed me Express. And to some degree it has displaced my loving. And one problem with that, maybe the biggest problem with that, but one problem with that is, Joy comes from loving, not raging. With this awareness I hope to bring things back into a better balance.

If the heart does not rage at Injustice, it is not loving. But the reverse is not necessarily true. Life is teaching me this. Rage has risen within me, with my permission, much in recent weeks as some of you have noticed me Express. And to some degree it has displaced my loving. And one problem with that, maybe the biggest problem with that, but one problem with that is, Joy comes from loving, not raging. With this awareness I hope to bring things back into a better balance.

Those who are against protest, simple. The status quo works for them.

Those who are against protest, simple. The status quo works for them.

Ecocide is a problem for the Trump mob how? It wipes out some of us and weakens the rest.

Ecocide is a problem for the Trump mob how? It wipes out some of us and weakens the rest.

We don't make the fires or hurricanes. We make them Armageddon.

We don't make the fires or hurricanes. We make them Armageddon.


The big, very old locomotive engine was pulling just to Freight cars in this 80 mile long desolate stretch alongside California Interstate 5 north of Sacramento. Noticing it at the last moment chugging so slowly in the opposite direction to me on the opposite side of this Tulane Highway I waved my hand. The Horn of the train honked immediately. We both enjoyed that I'm sure.

The big, very old locomotive engine was pulling just to Freight cars in this 80 mile long desolate stretch alongside California Interstate 5 north of Sacramento. Noticing it at the last moment chugging so slowly in the opposite direction to me on the opposite side of this Tulane Highway I waved my hand. The Horn of the train honked immediately. We both enjoyed that I'm sure.

I infinitely choose the deep sadness of being alive in this hellish world we have created, instead of the alternative, a happy existence, living death, of blissful ignorance and denial. Our culture exists in tirely on making the opposite choice of mine.

I infinitely choose the deep sadness of being alive in this hellish world we have created, instead of the alternative, a happy existence, living death, of blissful ignorance and denial. Our culture exists in tirely on making the opposite choice of mine.