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Standing Rock update: alert, this is not some news flash. It's something that I've been aware of a long time and I'm just now sharing. Never again would I attend a nationalistic, racist, event. Not to say.......

Standing Rock update: alert, this is not some news flash. It's something that I've been aware of a long time and I'm just now sharing.

Never again would I attend a nationalistic, racist, event. Not to say that all of the natives here are nationalistic or racist, some are absolutely opposed to that. But too many are and they are not called out. How is racism and nationalism the revolution? It is unconditional surrender to nationalism and racism, hierarchy no matter how much it is denied.

Dr. King said something like, I have a dream that one day people will be recognized by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, their nationality, their history of Oppression, ethnicity,  spiritual tradition,  etcetera etcetera etcetera.

I do not deny the right of people who have been oppressed to act that out in many ways.

What I do deny is that anything other than recognizing and valuing people by the content of their character, nothing less than that is any sort of revolution. And far too much of Standing Rock has been all about nationalism, race, Etc.

It is Revolution that is Dead on Arrival.

So is there no hope here? There is hope here. Why? Because many people here simply operate on the basis of character, kindness, loving, service, and it seems to be impossible for them to do anything other than this. This includes native and non-native people alike.

This small collection that operate in this way, they are whatever hope there may be, they are the evidence of what Revolution there can be. The only thing that can be called revolution, in truth. Universal family, Universal Brotherhood, Universal unconditional loving, by whatever name or none.

Oh, and what utter insanity, Madness, stupidity has been the efforts to make the Lakota way displacing of,  super ordinate over,  supremely respected versus, the spiritual Traditions that brought this amazing Rainbow Coalition of people together. How can there be such a stupidity where on the one hand the disparate spiritual Traditions, the Myriad spiritual Traditions that brought people here, That there would then be an effort to subordinate them under something different,  some other tradition? What could be more f****** stupid,  self-defeating, self-destructive, than that? If it is no a Dapl plot  they must be all the more delighted at us doing it to ourselves.

Our creator, Who Art in our deepest Soul, holy is your name. Thy kingdom comes as thy Loving is done on Earth as.....

Our creator, Who Art in our deepest Soul, holy is your name. Thy kingdom comes as thy Loving is done on Earth as we would do  if we had no earthly fear.  Give us all this day our daily bread, that is, our vision for this day of how to best serve our neediest on Earth. Lead us not into self-centeredness, but Deliver us into solidarity with the neediest. For loving is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Creator, the Deep Soul Within Me, is my shepherd, I shall not want. He make the......

Creator, the Deep Soul Within Me, is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures. He leadeth me beside the Still Waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake. Low,  though I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thow prepared a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anountest my head with oil. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Standing Rock update:  Evil laws, people, States, Nations, have no jurisdiction over me. Evil being inJustice, unloving, hatefulness. I will not........

Standing Rock update:  Evil laws, people, States, Nations, have no jurisdiction over me. Evil being inJustice, unloving, hatefulness. I will not cooperate with these. Non-cooperation with these is a duty to myself, to Creation, to those in The Possession of evil. My prayer fast from food will begin at noon on the 21st. the prayer fast is my petition of Creator within each of us  to restore loving, Justice, goodness, kindness , Universal family , to earth. It will be finished when I am restored to the land, tent, sleeping bag, cot, solar bicycle car and trailer that Creator justly,  lovingly,  gave me, here at Oceti,  or to the equivalent, elsewhere. James 'Wage Loving' McGinley


### Brilliant, courageous, necessary, profoundly helpful video.

Standing Rock update: I'm experiencing less sheer Terror for the last two days than the day or so prior. There are many times the last 15 years.......

Standing Rock update: I'm experiencing less sheer Terror for the last two days than the day or so prior. There are many times the last 15 years when I have been in terrifying situations but not nearly so terrifying is this. The prospect of five to ten years in a Savage military prison system.

Why less terrifying? Yes, the material situation becomes more terrifying each day. The police and military come closer, the 22nd comes closer, now they're blockading certain materials a harbinger of blockading food and water.

I have learned many ways of dealing with such Terror all of which has been failing me up until 2 days ago. But yesterday morning one that I have not used before popped into my mind. By the way, when I awaken is the most terrifying time. Whatever mental perspective had given me some peace of mind the day before is not there when I wake up in the morning. Just the sheer physical existential Terror.

What popped into my mind mercifully as it turns out yesterday morning was something that Gandhi asserted and lived, non-cooperation with evil is a duty, and the United States of America government at virtually all levels and forms is consummate evil.

I have no idea how long that thought will be helpful to me but it continues to be helpful.

This morning when I woke up I needed even more help and it occurred to me to do what I have often done in the past but not for a long time, to attempt to summon to the man Jesus, king, Gandhi, Mandela, and to try and imagine what they would think about me being here planning to stay until I am put in prison rather than to cooperate with Injustice.

Welcome to the club, is essentially what I experienced. It was not jovial, it was not congratulatory, it was very matter-of-fact but very clear, so far, anyway. And comforting. I'm surely clear that being with them Is more important to me than anything else I can think of including avoiding 5 to 10 years of torture.

The sense I get from the man Jesus is, where do you think I'd be? The implied answer being, standing at Standing Rock waiting to be crucified by the state. Yes, there were years when he avoided doing that but it finally came time to stand and let the state show what it was made of, pure evil. That's how it is looking for me.

An added benefit, an added help, came later. the focus of my life in recent years has been the children and people of Palestine, particularly Gaza, and their Moment by moment torment by the state machine. They have not been on my mind in recent months. I've been preoccupied with things here and with my own selfish Terror. But today I've been brought a little additional peace by realizing that much more than ever before I now stand with people like this, live in actual solidarity with these earlier victims of American state Terror. And that feels right to me. I'm sure you can imagine.

I have zero hope for any of us in the future. I have written this but it continues to be the fact, and that I can still function at all amazes me. But I can. I would never have known that standing with what my soul tells me is right with no hope of helping anyone by doing so, I would never have known that I could function on just that. It seems that I can.

Envy is what I feel so often when I notice someone my age dies in their sleep. How merciful that would be. No, not by my hands. Why? I don't know. But it is not my inclination. I expect I'll serve out my sentence willingly. The Green Mile.


Standing Rock update: the state is immoral resistance is Duty. Non-cooperation with evil is a duty. In creators eyes, the pure morality of my imagination, the land on.......

Standing Rock update: the state is immoral resistance is Duty. Non-cooperation with evil is a duty.

In creators eyes, the pure morality of my imagination, the land on which I am situated was given to human beings, two leggeds,  prior to any colonial forced creation among the Dakota tribe of a western notion of nationhood. Original Dakota Sioux individuals are standing here on this land and have declared those that stand with them sisters and brothers entitled to the to the same land as full sisters and brothers. Yes, this matters not. This Savage state will torment us like evil boys crushing so many bugs.  But I still may find that I'm unwilling to flee this hopeless, completely hopeless Showdown. that I will refuse to cooperate with the evil of the white Colonial settler Empire that has created such comfort and pleasure for me until recent years.

I whip saw between one moment leaving as quickly as possible and the next moment staying. What I have just written above has me staying, for the moment.

I believe that the choice to stay is virtually certain selection of years in Cruel, Savage, evil, satanic prison.

But for the moment I can hold on to the words above.

When the state is immoral resistance is Duty. Non-cooperation with evil is a duty.

This is a most agonizing, anxious, miserable time in my life. It is also probably the closest I have come to understanding what life feels like for billions of my underprivileged sisters and brothers who for decades have been victims of the state violence. I take little comfort in that but I acknowledge it none the less.

By the way, I have learned a new purpose that I am finding helpful, for prayer. Yes, still, I have no illusion that anyone hears the prayer. But when I pray for my expected persecutors, when I pray for those that do evil on purpose or by accident, I find that it creates a positive mental state for me. It is a way of Imagining the world that I want, behavior in that world that I want. And it helps me increase my understanding for and empathy for  those who are so bent on evil . In that it is no more than a psychological survival technique. But it may also prepare me mentally and spiritually as a better instrument for trying to help be a catalyst for others to bend toward good.

I have no hope for a better world. I lost that hope years ago. often I lose my footing and regain that hope but that is a mistake. The Titanic is going down, it hit the iceberg of near total amorality many decades or even centuries ago.

If there were hope in the world then staying here for a showdown, in creators eyes, between the forces of good and the forces of evil, those standing peacefully and prayerfully for a habitable future for our children, standing lovingly, a showdown between people doing that and people driven by Mammon, pure greed and hatred, such showdowns would be instrumental in creating a better future. But I see no hope in this. Not in 2017. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it it doesn't matter if it makes a sound. It makes no difference.

Earlier today I was momentarily held here by the realization that this is inclusive of people here in this camp that are among the most decent that I have ever encountered. for the moment it had me staying to stand with them. But I don't know what they stand for. We don't talk about it much. Each person has their own reasons.

Incidentally, for the first time in decades I find it difficult if not impossible to imagine a loving creator of us all. Partly, as I try to do so I encounter such a sense of disgust that Creator would have for humans which results in such active disinterest and dissociation that my imagination is unable to go further and find any available love in Creator, which I used to be able to do and have inform my walk. This makes things much more difficult.

I am terrified of the material future that awaits me. Terrified. With all of my Powers, all of my focus, developed over so many years, it takes all of my abilities to put one foot forward in front of the next. Dread does not begin to sum up and I feel about my personal future. I am not proud of this. But I admit it. And make no mistake this is so small, so petty, so selfish on my part. I can barely find the imagination to care about anyone but myself. I'm so sad about this. But so far it's the best I can do. These are very trying times.


Standing Rock update: this update has been long overdue.. These last ten or fifteen days have been among the most difficult that......

Standing Rock update: this update has been long overdue..

These last ten or fifteen days have been among the most difficult that I have had in many years. Something continues to physically sap my strength and it seems to have to do with my lungs. But even if I were fit,  the world is being revealed as such a hideous nightmare that it makes finding my footing very difficult.

It may be teaching me, it is teaching me, it may be teaching me important lessons that only such extraordinarily difficult times and conditions could do. We live here physically in a police state. Machinery of police violence deliberately encroaches on us closer and closer every day. We are not treated as Citizens by the state. We are treated as viruses. The state does not care about citizens it cares about money. Does anyone not see this?

Have I been wrong for so many years or is what I've been doing wrong for this particular time? What I'm questioning is this, has my way of being to place my body in the way of harm to the most vulnerable, has that been, or more importantly, does that for the future speak the best way for me to serve? Certainly I do not think that it has been either bad or a mistake and certainly not a terrible mistake. But is it the best way for me to serve? the good farmer may live on a floodplain and occasionally have to get in the way of the flood, but it is not the way of Being for the farmer to be in the way of the flood. It is the way of being of the good farmer To plant and tend good crops.  the only crop in which I have any interest or hope is loving in the world.

It appears that for those of us that decide to stay in this Camp until the 22nd we are offering our lives to jail and or prison. Is that the best way for me to serve? I expect more informed information and Analysis will be forthcoming in several days to make the decision a bit clearer for me.

I don't know if it's cowardice, fear, wisdom, fatigue, worry, self-absorption, insight... that has me leaning toward moving on rather than jail or prison. All those negative things constantly work on me. Maybe the positive things work on me as well, they probably do.

Several years ago as I recall, I may have been deep into a hunger strike, I asked a question of future children that I have asked many times, What do you most want from me,  from us? And all of a sudden instead of the usual answer, a habitable Earth, I heard a different answer. Give us more loving, in the future. Send us more loving. I know this to be the more correct answer and the more radical answer. It does not preclude fighting as I have been for a habitable Earth but it does not necessarily equate to doing that.

The most radical answer each second is to do that which might Spark the most loving in the future . of that I am certain.

That could mean that I should offer myself for prison on the 22nd. Right now that is not feeling like the way. as I have written recently for it to be clear that jail and prison is the best way to serve much more clarity in terms of strategy, facts on the ground, support, Would be necessary then is currently visible although that may come visible within the next few days.

Life here physically, materially, in this world that is in Hell Fire, is almost unbearable for me, but more than bearable each moment as I devote each moment to being love in the midst of this community as I do with each waking breath, hours of dishes, sleeping in the water shed tending fire so that the water does not freeze. assisting with Construction. Doing Duty in the compost toilet. Helping to clean up abandoned structures, refuse, Etc.

My beloved friend Joe, one of the most wonderful Souls I have ever met, a volcano of contribution,  an architect and designer and Builder, has a vision for an Earthship which for each person residing there literally starves the black snake to death. He with help from people like me has been trying to help it get a foothold in this region and so far Petty jealousies and lack of Vision on the part of others has prevented this. The dream does not die Within Me. I want to see it happen and will do what I can to help if I see a way of doing so.

I am profoundly and morbidly afraid of the material future that awaits me. I'm not proud of this. But I admit it.


All out war is being waged Upon Us, on all decency, on all decent people. If.....

All out war is being waged Upon Us, on all decency, on all decent people. If we are not at risk by being nonviolent combatants, periodic risk of death, periodic risk of prison, then we are complicit, we have already surrendered the future of our children without a fight.

In bed most of two days and my body still wants to go back there. So weak. Went........

In bed most of two days and my body still wants to go back there. So weak. Went to medic and the nurse says my lungs sound very clear, no indication of pneumonia. Received a second round of vitamins and some good calories. Food is more difficult each day to secure here.


Updated: this was yesterday: The reasons that I need to leave ocheti, that I need to leave sacred stone, that I need to leave this fight seem endless. They constantly assault my nervous system brutally, painfully, endlessly. In.......

Updated: this was yesterday:

The reasons that I need to leave ocheti, that I need to leave sacred stone, that I need to leave this fight seem endless. They constantly assault my nervous system brutally,  painfully, endlessly. In no particular order. At best at best at best there is a snowball's chance in hell that will have any impact now on the universe. There reached the point when the Titanic was going down and I believe that point was reached quite a long time ago for us and for America, and I have written of this in recent years. This Camp Prides itself on Unity. There is virtually no Unity. If there are 300 people left in the camp there are almost three hundred reasons why each individual is here and no one will admit this, no one will talk about it. Would you have your son or daughter operated on by a surgical team of 20 people where there was no Unity,  where all 20 had their own idea of what kind of operation it was let alone how to conduct themselves?? Would you expect the Pentagon to win a war or even a scrimmage if all of the people had different missions? Nearly 300 people left, in one camp? In a dozen camps. Again, no Unity. Some of the camps are identified by tribal name. Some of the camps are unidentified accidentally and some deliberately. Deliberately unidentified is the little click of arrogant youth that have been empowered by someone with money I presume to think that they are superior, smarter, more able than everyone else, that make plans, that are making plans, in secret, while swearing that no one is in charge that everyone is equal. oh and the many / age, hormones, physical strength... There is  much sick superiority , egoism, discrimination. I doubt that they understand the sickness they're involved with but it's cancer. Did I mention no leadership. I did not decry that there is no management, that is not what I mean by the word leadership. Leadership is the opposite of management. leadership is the ultimate role of service both in humility and in scope where it is the role of the leader to understand all of the above and to work the magic of knitting people and camps together so that there is Unity so that it is one group. There is virtually none of that nor is the problem acknowledged but rather it is buried. The ignorance of non-violent struggles in history is Breathtakingly overwhelming, only more breathtaking By The ignorance that it's important. Would you allow your daughter to be operated on by a surgical team that had not been to medical school and really didn't care what people that prior had succeeded in the operation knew or had practiced?   and knowing all this by virtue of being a lifelong student and practitioner of high-stakes nonviolent change,  that all this spells near certain Doom of any material positive outcomes,  do I not owe it to my beloved sisters and brothers here to walk away as a means of stating my concern so that they could act accordingly or at least be informed?  oh, and did I mention that all indications, all indications, all indications are that even our closest friends have already accepted That if Morton County and Trump's government come in to slaughter us that there is nothing they can or will do to stop it?

As of this moment there are two primary reasons why I am likely to stay:

A.  the man who I Revere above all, as did the Hindu man Gandhi, Jesus, we are told that Jesus said when speaking in the direction of who he experienced as his father, Creator, we're told that he said, of the few Souls you gave me I have not lost any. Never has this scripture struck me as significant until several days ago when it became very significant. Maybe I can help a little, Martin Luther King said a person is not equipped to live, is not living, unless they know that which they would gladly die for. a coal in the many fireplaces that keep us from freezing to death here in sub zero fahrenheit weather, a coal that is dark in a fireplace is certainly a coal, but it is not a live coal from which life can be derived or multiplied. There are dozens and maybe hundreds of live souls in this Camp, quite possibly more than are collected in any place on Earth right now. Yes my abilities are laughably pitiful but for the moment and for the last day or so I find it sustaining the idea that it is worth my life and everything I can do to try and protect those coals and keep them from going out in the chest even if The fascist regime physically snuffs out in life in prison or with bullets or both.

B.   my sense is that Oceti cannot Escape its role in human history As the origin point of any and all future fight, any and all future nonviolent battles. We have had the attention of the world. I suspect that how we individually exit, not to be confused with what material outcomes we achieve or do not achieve, but whether or not we effectively model standing for something more important to us than our own lives will have an impact on all efforts going on on the Earth today and in the future. I do not retract that I think that years ago the Titanic on which we all live past the point of no return, but I don't know that. And I suspect that not knowing that I will find the strength to with some gladness stand on my responsibility to be what infinitely small little part I can of a proper stand against insurmountable evil that the world needs to see and to copy.


Today I think differently. Today I think that what we owe the next seven generations is to leave Oceti.  The bright burning coals here, so rare, dozens or more, is something to celebrate, but it is reason to leave. We must find the courage to face that our courage, our willingness to gladly die for Mother Earth and for future Generations is not enough. The Litany of deficits in the first part of this post, we must leave and if we really love mother earth, if we really love Creator, if we really love the next Generations then we must dedicate ourselves to learning the lessons that let us fill these deficits. We need to study. We need to reflect. And first of all we need to admit our failures despite our best efforts so that we and others might learn. Or is the lesson of this Camp to be the glory is in the bright burning coals allowing themselves to be snuffed out for some Glory? I think we owe Creator, Mother Nature, the next seven generations, our sisters and brothers today more than this.


I don't know yet.


I believe that I love goodness, that I love loving, enough to suffer and die for it.

I believe that I love goodness, that I love loving, enough to suffer and die for it.

Trump is simply the obvious part of the war by the 1% now on the rest of this. Elysium is no longer a fantasy in the future. Hunger Games is no longer a.....

Trump is simply the obvious part of the war by the 1% now on the rest of this. Elysium is no longer a fantasy in the future. Hunger Games is no longer a fantasy in the future. Everyone that does not go down quietly either into the Matrix or into the cocentration camps will be destroyed in body. Our option besides being sheep is to refuse to have our spirit destroyed before its time. I hope, I suspect, that I will so refuse. The rumors spin around this camp. For all any of us know there will be a brutal sweep any moment and yet it could not take place for weeks, we don't know. We are down to a skeleton crew. People are working 20 and 30 hour days literally. Point being the choice is between leaving, curling up in balls of fear due to all the likelihood and rumors, or simply to serve as a decent human being,  Manning the compost toilets, washing dishes, cooking meals, splitting firewood, hauling firewood, keeping the water from freezing, cleaning up the camp so that the water is not polluted when the floods come, moving or preparing to move in anticipation of the flood..... Most of the people I see, the spiritual core, are making this latter choice,   simply to be an unarmed, undefended, under attack, decent human member of this small local community and of the community that comprises all creation. I believe that for those of spirit this is really the only choice,  for each of us here in the camp, for each of us on 2017 earth. There's no time left to hold onto self-preservation spiritually. What energy we have simply needs to go into being decent human beings moment-by-moment. Only creator taking Mercy in some unimaginable Miracle will Stave off our individual destruction. And I think the only sanity, the only joy, is in surrendering to that truth and even embracing it because it is truth. James

Who is psychotic? Trump or we tens of millions of Americans that live normal lives while he totally destroys our children's future?

Who is psychotic? Trump or we tens of millions of Americans that live normal lives while he totally destroys our children's future?

Depression is highly adaptive, which is why it is available to us as a species. If it doesn't kill you you grow, is true in my experience. At least temporarily, and......

Depression is highly adaptive, which is why it is available to us as a species. If it doesn't kill you you grow, is true in my experience. At least temporarily, and probably it will continue to lift, I am emerging from the darkness. Depression properly experienced is a massive slow down by the nervous system alerting the user that the information, assumptions, status on which one has been operating are subject to extreme question,  and may need radical revision. Depression attempts to force all this to be considered. Many weeks ago I reported that for the first time, well, the second or third time, in my lifetime I have not felt like a complete alien. That I was among many spiritual Jedi by whatever name here at Standing Rock. My role was to try and encourage their flame to grow even brighter. The vast majority of what appeared to me to be spiritual Jedi have left the camp for reasons that I think are understandable but not necessarily good. I had not adjusted my role. The answers that have come to me in these last several days as to what my role should be equate to moving from being kindling to help more wood Catch Fire to resigning myself to being a spark, a match, a coal that aspires to remain hot in the event that tinder or dry wood emerges sometime soon,  or in the distant future. This is a huge adjustment. But I am already making it. And as I said, the profound Darkness seems to be lifting.


I'm in a profoundly dark place. Psychologically. Spiritually. I find....

I'm in a profoundly dark place. Psychologically. Spiritually. I find almost no Spirit of loving left here Standing Rock. Already I have found almost none in the world. Such incredibly Dark Times. Been through this sort of personal darkness before. Each time I have made it through. I suspect I will this time. I never know how it will happen. I certainly do not know this time. I suspect it will have to do with attempting to be good, anyway. To be loving, anyway.


We are completely unarmed here. In that sense we are completely peaceful. The extent of the weapons used, and I disapprove of this, the extent of the weapons used has been taunting.....

We are completely unarmed here. In that sense we are completely peaceful. The extent of the weapons used, and I disapprove of this, the extent of the weapons used has been taunting and snowballs, and destroying razor wire on disputed,  stolen, land which is protecting an immoral pipeline that is part of the war on all creation. There are strong Rumours that we will be attacked tonight by Cowboys. And if not tonight soon. The local police have pubically bemoaned the fact that there are locals that they cannot control. There are locals that they inflame and will not control. Think Bull Connor during the Civil Rights Movement. The threat of this and the actuality are hugely racist against natives. I am not inclined to run from this. I may have finally lost my hope of saving the world, end of the world being safe too, forever. But I suspect I will never lose my will to stand against Injustice.


When I try to check in with Creator, when, in my imagination, I try to understand what Creator is thinking, what I get is that Creator is through with us as a species. We've had seven.......

When I try to check in with Creator, when, in my imagination, I try to understand what Creator is thinking, what I get is that Creator is through with us as a species. We've had seven thousand years and all we do is torture each other. All we do is hate. The exceptions prove the rule. Creator is done with us. Creator will not exterminate us. Creator will simply let us do it. Creator takes no joy in that. But Creator is tired. The experiment has failed.

I have used all of what little abilities I have to try and facilitate a world-changing stand at Standing Rock. I see conclusive evidence......

I have used all of what little abilities I have to try and facilitate a world-changing stand at Standing Rock. I see conclusive evidence that I have totally failed. I came here perfectly willing to die in the hopes that my contribution joined with others could be a spark to ignite the world. I see not the tiniest hope of that. No one's fault. Our culture simply does not produce the people that can do that. I plan to leave this disputed land as early as possible although that is substantially limited by my fragile vehicle that has hardly any range in the cold. If I had a car I would likely be gone tomorrow. With my vehicle it likely will take as long as a week.

Am I hearing Creator say to me, "Let It Go?"

Am I hearing Creator say to me, "Let It Go?"


There is only one revolutionary Act. It is rarely executed, rarely attempted, by an individual let alone a group. It can......

There is only one revolutionary Act. It is rarely executed, rarely attempted, by an individual let alone a group.  It can have an infinite variety of forms. The only revolutionary Act is to spend one's breath being as good as one's imagination, conscience, Soul, heart... and as examples throughout history, show us that we can be. Everything that is not that is more of the same and again can take an infinite variety of forms. If I imagine that there is an all-wise, all loving, creator of us all, as I do imagine, when I have the presence of mind to keep myself in the Gaze of that creator it very much helps me behave in the direction I have just described. And so far in even very trying times it gives me the psychological peace described in the twenty-third psalm,  and the joy that can only be described as psychological heaven despite whatever material Horrors May in fact be the environment. I suspect that almost all of the great creative religious Geniuses such as Jesus, Buddha, and others, were trying to help us find this way. That is, I think there is nothing original or clever in what I'm saying.  "Thy kingdom comes, as thy will is done, on Earth, as we would do in heaven."



My prayer, this International Day of Prayer for our water, for standing Rock: Creater, it seems to be your way to reveal yourself on pure blank things. You.....

My prayer, this International Day of Prayer for our water, for standing Rock:

Creater, it seems to be your way to reveal yourself on pure blank things. You revealed yourself in a pure blank Universe now filled with multitude. On a clear blank Earth now filled with multitude but diminished by our two-legged mass destruction. Your great artists who reveal you on pure blank canvases. You reveal yourself each year emerging through pure white snow in the spring and summer time.

For us two Leggeds, though it seems cruel to us, you gift some of your two-legged with the infinitely joyful privilege of becoming pure, of becoming innocent, of becoming cleansed, such that they can be again your canvas, but this time painted, tormented, destroyed, with the savagery, cruelty, insanity of some of we, most of we, two-leggeds so that our savagery can show itself that all of us might choose a different path.

You at certain times in history  have cleansed souls and brought them together on a bridge in Selma. You cleansed such soles and brought them to a square, tahrir Square, in Egypt. To a salt works in India .  You cleansed a soul Malala in Pakistan. You brought and cleansed Souls at Standing Rock and brought them into a river to let the horror of Empire clearly etch itself.

And it seems you so cleansed all these Souls that they understood themselves as Souls in a simple vessel and they were glad to offer their vessel as a canvas for the savagery of our society to paint itself that the perpetrators might see, that the billions of sleeping on Lookers might see in time to turn away from Armageddon for all future children.

Creator, if I am seeing clearly through your grace, then, if it is your will, make of each and every one of us that remain at Oceti, at sacred stone, at Rosebud, and each that you bring here, each and every one of us each and every breath, make of us that pure vessel for your spirit, that knows it is pure spirit, and that gladly offers its vessel, each and every one of us, every breath, to be used as that Canvas, even if painted with, prisoned, even if cruelly destroyed, gladly, that the next seven generations possibly have a planet that can provide a decent life, and that each and every child ever born on a broken planet or not, has the opportunity to see what You look like, because you are Love, you are Unarmed Truth, you are Unconditional Love, and each of us that fulfills this prayer becomes that prayer for a child in the first generation or the 7th generation or Beyond of being reminded of what you look like and are thereby given the opportunity to return to your loving Embrace, your infinitely joyful, infinitely peaceful Embrace,  here on Earth, regardless of what is materially in-store.

James, who lives only to be your servant, if even so poorly.

It seems to me that a bloody Civil War in the United States is almost inevitable and that Victory by those with the guns, the fascist hordes, my sisters.....

It seems to me that a bloody Civil War in the United States is almost inevitable and that Victory by those with the guns, the fascist hordes, my sisters and brothers all, is nearly inevitable. The only hope I see is if Creator sees fit to use some of us in the way discussed in the following prayer, at this link And unless that happens now and ignites what little Humanity is yet available in America to ignite, before it's scurries into self-protective caves, in the form of acquiescing to the machine as happened in Weimar Germany, unless that ignition, unless those people show themselves and are used as a blank pure canvas for the atrocities to begin to manifest, it will be too late, the one-sided Civil War will take place, and it best there will be hundreds or thousands of years of Darkness on Earth. At best.


Courage, kindness, or prudence? All three I'd say. And pragmatism and support of high output community members. Caught between threats from.....

Courage, kindness, or prudence? All three I'd say. And pragmatism and support of high output community members. Caught between threats from North Dakota oil Junkies and local Native Casino profit Junkies both eager to throw us in jail I have become concerned that I would be an extremely unpleasant cellmate without a shower in three months and laundry for my one change of clothes. Silly? Maybe. A tremendous expense but I've Justified it, being here at the local casino hotel for a night, by offering to 10 or so people the opportunity to come and take a shower and to an extremely high output, crucial, fellow Doer to spend the night. This individual is under tremendous stress, having sacrificed to the breaking point personally, and a third fellow will be sleeping here as well.

For 15 years or more I have devoted myself to, within my imagination, living each breath within the will of the creator. I believe that my next step......

For 15 years or more I have devoted myself to, within my imagination, living each breath within the will of the creator. I believe that my next step which I will attempt beginning now is to live not just within the will of creator, but, in my imagination, each moment, within the presence of creator. I don't know if this is possible. I don't know if it is productive. But I suspect that the answer to both is yes and will begin the attempt now.

Trump is an extraordinary gift to us, the gift that keeps on giving. Which.....

Trump is an extraordinary gift to us, the gift that keeps on giving. Which one now? He has given us the inarguable fact which has always existed, but he has given us the unvarnished fact, that the government cannot and will not save us. Only we as Breath by breath, generation after generation, fully active fully participating citizens can do that. No, we won't accept the gift. We don't love anything, including our children that much, but he gave us the gift none-the-less.

"If they want to shoot me that's totally fine with me."  This I found myself saying as I sat for several.......

"If they want to shoot me that's totally fine with me."  This I found myself saying as I sat for several moments in the herbal tent receiving heat from a fire prior to heading into a different unheated kitchen to do my 22nd hour of dishes this last four days. It's 15 degrees Fahrenheit, and getting a bit chilly. Chiller still tomorrow and then it begins warming up into the twenties again. Several folks in the herbal tent were discussing the story that dapple fired three rounds of live ammunition last night, one of them shattering a car window. I don't know if this is true. It's fine with me if it is, and I would be delighted if they shot me as I stand right now. They are brutal. They are Savage. They are destroying everything, all future, for the Next Generation let alone the next seven generations. The only force that can stop them are tens of millions of cowardly sideline sitters that begin to see atrocities visited on bodies like mine in time for them to wake up. Yes, they probably will not wake up. But that's the only way it would happen and I would be delighted to be one of the First atrocities. I'm a good man. I do nothing but love all of humanity all of creation as do many of the people here in the camp. What I wish to happen to me is what those in tahrir square wished would happen to them if necessary, what those on the bridge in Selma wished would happen to them to protect their progeny, if necessary, what those at the darshana saltworks expected would happen to them to give a future to their progeny. Why the f*** would anyone not want to do this? I know why not in my head but I totally don't know why not in my heart. The heart can never know why. Only the mind can fabricate the ridiculous distractions and excuses. The infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite excuses. As per this massively important post below I want a darshana saltworks March. I want thousands of us to announce a week prior that we are Marching to the drill pad, that we are taking equipment to destroy the equipment at the drill pad, that we are taking ladders or whatever to get through the moats that have been dug around the drill pad otherwise making it inaccessible. that we expect not to succeed in reaching the drill pad. that we expect in exercising our human and legal right to protect the commons of our children and grandchildren that we will be executed, maimed, or at best put in prison as terrorists for the rest of our days. And that we are fine with that. That we know that only by exercising our rights, our duty, as dignified parents, brothers, sisters, Aunts, Uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, can we enable the full savagery of the corporate Frankenstein monster machine to become evident so that the f****** cowardly happily confused onlookers on the sidelines wake up and see the machine headed directly for them in time to stand up and stop it. There is no other way. I don't want there to be another way. I am simply grateful to see the way and will do whatever I can to bring about what I have just discussed above. I hope that you read and watch and Ponder the following post and share it. And if you don't you bear the responsibility. I'll continue to do my part but I can't do yours.

Until we liberals hold ourselves to a higher standard than the standards we hold our opposition to we are rightly going to fail, we are rightly going to keep going down in f****** flames.

Until we liberals hold ourselves to a higher standard than the standards we hold our opposition to we are rightly going to fail, we are rightly going to keep going down in f****** flames.

I implore you to watch this, and the other clip that I just posted on my Facebook page. I don't know that this exemplifies what we should do. I know.......

I implore you to watch this, and the other clip that I just posted on my Facebook page. I don't know that this exemplifies what we should do. I know that it keeps replaying in my soul and mind as the type of thing we must do. We must become the canvas on which the savagery of the empire can be seen by the hundreds of Millions of willingly confused onLookers that they come off of the sidelines on to the right side. Our side. Now. We must be the small canvas on which the awaiting atrocities are painted so that others can see in time and give the next Generations some tiny bit of future worth living. If not now, when? If not here, where? If not us, who?

Trumps executive order authorizing the pipeline is yet another godsend. Will we take the opportunity? What.......

Trumps executive order authorizing the pipeline is yet another godsend. Will we take the opportunity? What opportunity? The opportunity to immediately, prayedfully, deeply, imagine how we escalate our fight here at standing rock in ways that fully comply with prayerfulness, peacefulness, courage, and surrender to the needs of the next 7 generations over our own.

Courageous violent revolutionaries of today in Washington DC, Standing Rock, and elsewhere {black bloc, instigators, inciters, taunters, vandals, destroyers, compulsive violators....} : just a question, if you're so f****** courageous then........

Courageous violent revolutionaries of today in Washington DC, Standing Rock, and elsewhere {black bloc,  instigators,  inciters,  taunters,  vandals,  destroyers,  compulsive violators....} : just a question, if you're so f****** courageous then why are you parasites on nonviolent action? Why so regularly do you leech off,  embed disinvited in,  the protests and actions and protections of non-violent people? Why do you so rarely confront the police by yourself?  In my day it was called hiding behind apron-strings. Is it not only those you claim to oppose that you wish to destroy, but nonviolent action itself,  and the nonviolent Warriors? You arrogant f****** assholes. You don't want change. You don't want Revolution. You don't care about the next seven generations. You want to get your rocks off. You want an adrenaline rush. You want to feel like Heroes when you're nothing but infantile, lazy, dishonest cowards. People are supposed to grow out of Tantrums by the time they are three years old. You have unconditionally surrendered. You have unconditionally surrendered. Your violence hands the keys to an infinite Arsenal, Keys that Trump and his gargoyle hordes are just aching to use to vaporize and or enslave us all. You are infiltrators. You may not work for dapple or you may. You may not work for the state, or you may. Whether or not you get a paycheck there you absolutely work for them. You are dishonest intellictual cowards. You laughably distort the history of non-violence to fit your yearning to act out like spoiled children. Badly behaved, badly brought up children. Would that the armies of the world had your intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, they would have given up on the first tests of gunpowder let alone nuclear weapons and the world would be at peace. They would drop one bomb, see that they had not won the war, and give up on using bombs like you have given up on nonviolence which has barely ever been tried throughout history. But alas at least those in the Army have the some intellectual honesty. Some courage. Some decency. If you want to go out in a blaze of glory and unconditionally surrender the future of the next seven generations, for decency sake go do it by yourself. Stop leeching off of the people with real courage,  dignity, compassion, respect, self-control, empathy, Humanity, loving. Those of you that strongly disagree with what I've just written I wonder if you will have the decency, compassion, courage,  intellectual honesty to tell me why. If I am wrong I wish to know so and I will loudly proclaim it if I am helped to see.


If there is a proper roll for prayer, and I think that there is, though almost never never never used, the proper role for prayer is to connect with one's soul, the......

If there is a proper roll for prayer, and I think that there is, though almost never never never used, the proper role for prayer is to connect with one's soul, the deepest wisest part of our nervous system that we cannot control but we can learn to listen to. This is the Seat of Wisdom. It is the only place in such dark times that we can reliably turn to for how to guide our own lives although the soul demands that we responsibly access all important available information.

Hello James how you doing today? I have been thinking about you after your last public post. I do worry that they may be more aggressive with the new president in office." My reply: <3 Please don't find me inconsiderate of your comment. I appreciate it. But.....

*Hello James how you doing today?  I have been thinking about you after your last public post.  I do worry that they may be more aggressive with the new president in office." My reply:  <3  Please don't find me inconsiderate of your comment. I appreciate it. But I suggest to us all in these desperate times we must finally learn that life happens only inside ourselves, the only life we will ever know is within our own psychology, and unless we learn to live there and embrace it, in constant Breath by breath communion with our souls, we will go crazy, we will find life a torture, and we will be worse than useless to the next seven generations. No credit to me I seem to have been taught this lesson and lived it for quite some years now, more intensely and certainly and joyfully every day. What is done to me physically is almost totally not a concern to me.  Except that unless I and others quickly become the atrocities that show my sleeping massive sisters and brothers the unthinkable savagery that awaits them if they don't stand up, what awaits their children if they don't stand up now, that frightens me. I was saying to a kind sister, my age, who I've only just met in camp several days ago, that in my opinion no one should be in this camp anymore that does not wish to become one of the atrocities that must mount quickly, clearly, and graphically if the mass of my criminally sleeping sisters and brothers are to awake in time. Please I hope no one worries about me. I pray that people learn from me to more intensely live their life in front of the next Center Seven Generations realizing there will not be seven more Generations unless we stand up now. By the way, as I've written this morning, I hear a sound  that I can only explain as renewed Drilling a mile or so away. But I don't know that for a fact. We have not been raided so far. I am certain that there are those in the corporate monster that are advocating actively for us to be made a brutal example so that no one else tries what we are trying. I do not know if those forces will prevail or not.


Miserable failures at life are the likes of Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela.... their failed, miserable, pitiful lives cut in half by deaths or prison. Paupers. Miserable failures. Unless.......

Miserable failures at life are the likes of Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela.... their failed, miserable, pitiful lives cut in half by deaths or prison. Paupers. Miserable failures. Unless quality of life is more important than quantity of life in which case they are the most enviable creatures that have ever walked the earth. Jesus spoke of this. He who would hold onto his life shall lose it. He who would lose his life for the sake of those in need shall gain it. Many of us here remaining at Standing Rock are in this way among the most enviable people on earth, or that have ever walked the Earth. Many of us here are the exact equivalent of the resistance in Hunger Games, The Rebel Alliance, Neo in The Matrix and those who fought alongside of him. Spiritual Jedi. Note, all but one of the Jedi were exterminated,  as I recall. We are among the few that have ever walked the Earth on two legs in the last 7000 years that are alive and have the joy of being alive. Martin Luther King said, a person is not equipped to live unless they know what they would die for. Many of us here that remain at Standing Rock know what we would die for,  basically, a decent future for the next seven generations.. Prudence tells me to sleep in my clothes with my boots on tonight. The rumors are stronger than ever that we are about to be swept by the feds. I will live in the face of what Creator wants, not the fear that those forces of greed and darkness want. I will sleep in my normal sleep attire tonight. It is not my business what the feds, dapl, the corporations do. It is my business what I do. And paying attention to my business,  which is to do Creation's business, is where life is to be found. Same for you. If there is to be a decent future for any of the next seven generations many of us will have to endure many, furious,  many. Nothing less has a prayer of waking up  the goddamn cowardly sleeping masses, my brothers and sisters all, in time. Let them begin.


I suggest to you that these days are so dark now that the only way to maintain your sanity is to learn to listen to your soul above everything else and to do what it tells you to do moment-by-moment Breath by breath.

I suggest to you that these days are so dark now that the only way to maintain your sanity is to learn to listen to your soul above everything else and to do what it tells you to do moment-by-moment Breath by breath.


To my young, brilliant, native brother here at Standing Rock: K., brother, James here. You may hate me for this. What kind of a brother would I be if......

To my young, brilliant, native brother here at Standing Rock: K., brother, James here. You may hate me for this. What kind of a brother would I be if I did not take such a risk with truth that I think is important to try and share? I may be many things but I am not a coward. Number one. By international law I recognise and support the right of an oppressed people, my native sisters and brothers are oppressed, I support international law which says that an oppressed people have the right to resist by any means available. 2. As a lifelong student and practitioner of nonviolent action I say that the actions on the bridge of the last several nights serve only one side, the opposition. Nonviolent resistance depends upon the armies of onlookers sitting safely on the sidelines finally seeing imagery, a picture, a truth, which is so black and white that they come on the side of those in the right. When this Camp was a prayerful Camp it provided that clear picture and they came onto our side in large numbers. The last two nights are at best totally unclear. Really,  it guarantees that such pictures will keep them on the sidelines if not joining the opposition. This is bad strategy. It is the right of my native sisters and brothers to do it. It is bad strategy. And it is not the stuff of a true Revolution for a better world. I believe that anyone that truly cares about the future and believes in the truth must watch at least this 15-minute video on the groundbreaking research never before attempted to compare of violent and nonviolent actions over the last hundred years, fifteen minute Ted talk. James


Powerful enough to defeat today's military, these weapons: dignity, extreme Humanity, selfless courage, unyielding.......

Powerful enough to defeat today's military, these weapons: dignity, extreme Humanity, selfless courage, unyielding kindness, Relentless decency , thoughtfulness, highest standards for the truth..... This is history. The same is true in the future. Almost all find these weapons far too costly to employ. That may be the Epitaph on the tombstone of creation. The most powerful weapons were too costly to employ. So thought the parents of future Generations.

If the fight is not entirely for human rights it is not a fight for human rights. It is a fight for something besides human rights.......

If the fight is not entirely for human rights it is not a fight for human rights. It is a fight for something besides human rights. It is not the revolution. It is too little too late. It is unconditional surrender. Time is on the side of final destruction. All they need to do is run out the clock. Loving, waging love, is the only Revolution. Everything else is waging tribal love, tribal referring to affiliation groups, not whether or not something is indigenous. A Great Soul and intellectual of the last century, Ashley Montague, said, we are dying not from the absence of love, but from the presence of tribal love. There was much love for all of creation, for ALL two-legged creatures, here at Standing Rock weeks ago. Is there any left here?


Standing Rock update. I stand with dignified Behavior. I stand with self-possessed Behavior. I stand.....

Standing Rock update. I stand with dignified Behavior. I stand with self-possessed Behavior. I stand with responsible thoughtful action and strategy. So I stand with 90% of the behavior that I see in this Camp day in and day out. Almost everyone I have met here from all walks of life came here prepared to die to protect Mother Earth, to protect future Generations, to protect human rights. That is pretty dignified. I do not stand with the behavior therefore that has been reported to me in the so-called actions today on the bridge and elsewhere. I do not deny the right of indigenous, Indian, people to do what they did. By international law the oppressed have a right to resist by any means available. But I do not stand with the behavior as it was reported to me today. Impulsive, acting out, self-indulgent, without strategy. It seems they do not understand the power of dignified, prayerful, Solmn, self-sacrificial, dignified Behavior which is what people do all day long in these incredibly harsh hostile conditions here. A media Bonanza was handed to Our Sick brothers and sisters in the fossil fuel owned government of North Dakota,  as near as I can tell. If I learn that today's actions were designed and authorized by the Indian leadership of this Camp I retract some of my opposition. Otherwise I can only think of my reading of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee which is story after Story of Indian tribes being slaughtered because of the unauthorized hot-headed behavior of a few infantile people..


I see not one in a million in today's America that cares about their children's future. Deeply, if I think deeply, I realize the question, then why should I care about their children?

I see not one in a million in today's America that cares about their children's future. Deeply, if I think deeply, I realize the question, then why should I care about their children?


"James, I like you the best because you have to humble yourself the most to fit in here." This from C. , a middle aged young person with a.......

"James, I like you the best because you have to humble yourself the most to fit in here." This from C. , a middle aged young person with a Charming little dog that always ignores me,  lol, with whom I've never really had a conversation but for many weeks we have enjoyed warmly saying hello to one another. I don't know what C. sees in me. I don't know what others see in me,  or what they think about me. I'm amazed when people make such statements. But they do rather regularly here.

"James, you are perfect." To this I erupted in an uncontrollable belly laugh. This to the young man......

"James, you are perfect." To this I erupted in an uncontrollable belly laugh. This to the young man who said this as he was sobbing in my arms this morning. He had just learned that within hours his sacred fire, and the other, would be extinguished and despite that this was for good reason from the Council of fires, the indigenous headsman, it was a devastating blow to this Godly good young man who for weeks had near single-handedly kept the fire going, an extraordinary heroic loving Act. I had a hunch and went to the fire and had the blessing of being there at the right time to help him deal with the grief. After moments of holding him and letting him grieve into my shoulder I shared some words that seemed to give him great comfort, especially my thought that despite how important the physical fire was, that he had given us a much more important fire that would never go out, it would always burn in my heart and others, the fire of his passionate dedication and loving contribution to the camp. "James, you are perfect," he said. I burst out in laughter. "I am nothing," I said. "I have simply learned to get out of the way of the heart. The Heart is what is perfect." A big hug he gave me at those words. What an incredible blessing, what an incredible privilege it is to be here right now.

"What is it that you don't understand about the fact that there are people on the hill up there that would love nothing better than to kill us all, and that.......

"What is it that you don't understand about the fact that there are people on the hill up there that would love nothing better than to kill us all, and that it is minus 8 degrees headed to -19 degrees tonight?"  This I just said to the 5 or so young people laughing joyfully banter about things in one of the mess Halls here in a grungy army tent on a straw floor with no Creature Comforts. I'm not sure that I know any of them or that any of them know me. They looked a little confused. So I continued, What is it that the larger culture doesn't understand about Joy being in the opposite direction of pleasure, safety, Creature Comforts? That Joy is in the direction of where people desperately need help?" They looked less confused.  I added, "I was simply trying to draw attention to your joy. I hope you don't mind." They expressed that they were deeply glad for my comments.

"My life is my message," said Gandhi. Me too.

"My life is my message," said Gandhi. Me too.


### James, you are so........

### James, you are so inspiring to us. James, you make me so happy when I see you. James, I am so glad that you have stayed in the camp and not left..... Almost every day people say stuff like that to me. Fortunately, people are very supportive and appreciative to each other in this camp. But it is genuine towards me and I know practically no one in my life that has ever felt that way toward me with almost no exceptions except for my father and God knows why that was.. This is only the second time or third time in my life that I have been with a group and not felt like a total and complete alien. A species that did not belong on planet Earth. (10 days of democracy spring last year being another.) Whereever I've been before almost no one wanted to talk about the things I wanted to talk about. Here people are already talking about, thinking about, exploring, living the things that I care about. This is the rebel alliance. I never thought I'd see it. I've always wanted to be among people with the same father, the same grandfather, the same Creator as I,  Loving, and long ago it became clear to me I would never see that. But now all day long I experience it.


Standing Rock update : the extreme darkness is lifting. My experience of this camp, and I think I was not alone, is that weeks ago , 10 days ago, tremendous Darkness had descended upon the camp. 10000 Souls, many.......

Standing Rock update :  the extreme darkness is lifting. My experience of this camp, and I think I was not alone, is that weeks ago , 10 days ago, tremendous Darkness had descended upon the camp. 10000 Souls, many of them very brightly burning spiritual Jedi, Departed and this was appropriate as the legal battle was initially won. Yet, tho appropriate, this departure of so many bright lights introduced a tremendous stress on the camp. Those Bright Lights many of them did tremendous amounts of work everyday to feed, heat, provide water for, construct for the others in the camp. That Workforce Departed. What was left for a while was a fairly corrupt power structure. Again, probably I was more acutely aware than most but I am not the only one that was aware. Slowly I learned the lesson to stop attempting to help by coming alongside those in power, and instead to avoid at all costs those with ego issues and to seek out the more lowly who were of good spirit and providing some level of help, and to see how I could support them. Surely my days are infinitely more joyful now, I am more productive personally, and those good souls and I are undoubtedly feeding and amplifying and encouraging one another. Decades ago I brought to one of the largest computer companies in the world a training system for salespeople the heart of which was the idea of not seeking those in official power but rather to seek those more lowly who were hugely influential but not of official power. Finally I am again avoiding that mistake. There are beautiful souls here that move me with great emotion. The young indigenous man from Florida who is here in the camp awaiting his trial 4 unviolently standing against theft of Native American land and resources and the destruction of their water. A beautiful soul. Earlier in his life he told me involved with a gang. Clearly saved now spiritually in part due to being introduced to Serious Sign Language in prison and now doing coursework to become an interpreter. his profound love and admiration for those without the gift of speech is very very deep and genuine. He must have a record. So the risk, the huge costs that this young person faces to fight for the future of us all must be enormous. But his spirit is so totally selfless, so light. A young mom who runs a kitchen, 1 of 8 or more in the camp, and probably my favorite. 2 absolutely adorable Kids approximately 3 and 5 years old. With her in the kitchen every moment. Infinite patience for them and us has this young woman. cooking simple healthy meals for us from 7 in the morning until 8 o'clock at night. College students, people normally employed in everyday life , who have in the face of existential species emergency, existential emergency for all creation, have said goodbye to their normal lives and work from sunup till sundown to help those in need in this community. The Dark Souls remain. I have removed myself from much ongoing visibility to their activities. but I have a hunch that this unofficial tribe of good Souls is growing in strength and number and thereby in some cases converting and in other cases obscuring these points of Darkness that were so strong only 10 days ago. And I know that my sun up till bedtime menial manual pitiful weak labor is one of those candles encouraging others. I get thanks and feedback every day. Recently I saw one of the folks who exhibited considerable darkness of Soul only 10 days ago or so, saw me on my daily rounds spanning the camp serving those in greatest need,  asked if we could talk,  said,  I appologize. We exchanged glad hugs. Daily I repeat and will repeat again here my favorite quotation, a quotation from Albert Schweitzer , example is not the major thing in influencing people, it's the only thing. we had our first serious Storm 2 days ago, 10 inches of snow, 40 mile-an-hour sustained winds, 10 degrees Fahrenheit, minus 40 degrees wind chill , gusts exceeding 60 miles an hour. clearly I have no conception of the strength of tents. How mine and hundreds of others survived that wind is beyond me. I suspect that this storm will be viewed as very very gentle within another month or so. many of our finest Jedi, some very mature, some very immature, are gathered in this space. By the way, since the storm the Verizon signal has not been available down in the camp, only on a small hill in this very cold weather where I currently sit. Hence my access to Internet is greatly curtailed for now. I can't know whether Verizon plans to repair the Tower or whether they have decided it is not worth maintaining it with a camp of only a thousand people.


### This is a big f****** deal. We have never loved our children. Not in my lifetime have we loved our children. Not in the last century did we Americans love our children. Have we ever in America loved our children? A moral tenant for......

### This is a big f****** deal. We have never loved our children. Not in my lifetime have we loved our children. Not in the last century did we Americans love our children. Have we ever in America loved our children? A moral tenant for me until recent months has been that at least the prior generation loved their children, meaning, they would gladly give their lives for them. This is not true. This is a lie. I have built much of my understanding on this life. Why do I say this? My parents generation that I have held up as the Paragon, the greatest generation, they fed us into the Vietnam War Machine. They demonized us for fighting the Vietnam War Machine. Why? Their own selfish interests. They would lose their jobs. They would lose their standing. They would lose their comforts. World War One. How were we so easily seduced? We fed our children by the millions into the killing machine. Why? We didn't love our children. We loved our jobs. We loved our status. We loved our illusions National Supremacy period did we ever love our children? We love the idea of our children. We love the idea of loving our children. We love how our children make us feel when they are very very young, and sometimes older. That is lust, that is not love. Yes there are one in a million, rare, exceptions, and by their very existence they prove the almost total rule. One of my last shreds of hope that we were a species worth saving has just gone down in flames. What are the implications for me and my missions, what are the implications for my behavior? I know what will not change for me, it will continue that for the greedy Joy of it I will continue to devote every breath in attempted alignment with Creator, and the attempt to  fight alongside creator for the world as it should be, not as it is, a world of needless suffering, and near total absence of joy,  near total absence of unconditional, Universal loving. This is simply who I want to be. Everything else is what I wish not to be any longer. And I know in doing this that there is the slightest chance that the one in a million today or ten Generations from now might receive the slightest bit of encouragement and/or inspiration from the pitiful example I attempt to give now, and that is enough. Had those one-in-a-million in prior Generations not done what they did that which I value in my life would not exist for me today. That's how it works. If somehow the numbers changed and instead of one in a million it was 2, 5, 10, 1000 then the course of history could change. That's the only way that history can change for the positive. That's the only Revolution and it looks like we will never try it.


Regarding Trump: as I've said, he's a godsend. Equally evil to Hilary, he is so much more grotesquely evil......

Regarding Trump: as I've said, he's a godsend. Equally evil to Hilary, he is so much more grotesquely evil in appearance, such unvarnished evil, that he will either be our last wake-up call to the goodness inside ourselves to throw he and his satanic minions away where they can't hurt us, hopefully to convert some back to sanity, or we just have finally totally proven that we are not an Adaptive species and it is time for us to go for the safety of all of the rest of creation on Earth and in the universe.


If in the human species there is so little good that we do not rise up unviolently and stop Trump ism, that we do not rise up un violently and stop global warming, if we do not rise......

If in the human species there is so little good that we do not rise up unviolently and stop Trump ism, that we do not rise up un violently and stop global warming,  if we do not rise up un violently and stop us Empire, then it is time for our species to end and for the universe to be protected from us. Life taught me this by 5 years ago or so.  I find young person after young person after young person, these young Jedi, here in the camp, that are of the same mind before I speak the words.


Is it time for an immediate deliberate aggressive brain drain from America? It may be. Yes, if all......

Is it time for an immediate deliberate aggressive brain drain from America? It may be. Yes, if all decent people leave and go to civilized countries then it leaves the nuclear keys in the hands of Barbarians. But if they blow us all up is that really so horrible? Not to me. Will we live our lives being held hostage by these Savages? Not I.  I expect I'll stay and fight from within. But many can fight this by taking their social emotional and intellectual Capital abroad. That too can be an effective step to protect the future.


The hope of Standing Rock is the many Divine Souls that have been called here from all over the world. The weakness of Standing Rock is the absence of all leadership of..........

The hope of Standing Rock is the many Divine Souls that have been called here from all over the world. The weakness of Standing Rock is the absence of all leadership of competence and devoted decent intent. The rare exceptions prove the prevailing overwhelmingly prevailing rule.. Oh, there are dozens and dozens that assert themselves as leaders. Some are sort of trying. Most are various layers of drunk on their position of power and keeping and enjoying that power rather than devoting themselves to winning the war so their motives and the impact of their efforts is commensurately dangerous, damaging, damaged , deflating , deadly. The incompetence is fully understandable. No training, no experience, no track record, no centrally excellent leadership to learn from. Well, that's not true. No excellent indigenous leadership to learn from and because the dozens and dozens of appointed leaders operate primarily out of ego they are thereby prevented from learning from those who know better,  and especially to learn from their own mistakes which they are because of ego unwilling to even acknowledge. Rather they resent them, those non-indigenous that could help them,  they Target them, denigrate them,  and also the indigenous who don't go along with them. No different than the corporations they revile. Again, totally understandable. Totally deadly. But there is a collection of divine Souls here, mostly non-indigenous. And something may come of them staying and fighting and intermixing and energizing and educating one another for as long as they are together. Those strong Souls are strengthening the brightness of each other's flames and that certainly counts for something. I had forgotten that the Jedi were led by consummate evil and it wound up in their destruction. This has been true of most non violent revolutions or promising social revolutions throughout history that the top was rotten and initial successes turned into festering death. And there is growing concern that the indigenous leadership are selling out to the government betraying the reason that thousands of people have come here. Time will tell.


Standing Rock update: this is the largest collection of healthy Souls that I have ever personally witnessed. It is a substantial collection of evil, corrupt, destructive Souls as well. Although......

Standing Rock update: this is the largest collection of healthy Souls that I have ever personally witnessed. It is a substantial collection of evil, corrupt, destructive Souls as well. Although I did not anticipate this, I realize it could hardly have been otherwise. Being good does not require intentionality nor does being evil. I consider neither to be a compliment nor slander. I consider it a very crucial, the most crucial, responsibility of discernment,  first, within ourself, but then responsibly among our companions. And which collection of souls stands the strongest will determine of what impact or none for the good this stand at Standing Rock turns out to be. And of course, in every one of us, the spirit of good and the spirit of evil exists. So too the effectiveness of Standing Rock for good or for evil depends upon within each of us causing the good to burn so bright that it all but extinguishes the evil, and thereby helping that fire of good rage and win out within those around us. I think the Outlook is very dim but it is the fight most worth fighting that I see on Earth right now. Here at Standing Rock. But also everywhere.


Read this. James, a very well intended kind friend wrote, you think that you are all being set up for a Slaughter at Standing Rock, so that you are an example to anyone that.....

Read this. James, a very well intended kind friend wrote, you think that you are all being set up for a Slaughter at Standing Rock,  so that you are an example to anyone that would make the mistake of considering nonviolent resistance in the future. Keep your thoughts positive. There's no way they can do that to you all. My reply:  I know you intend well, as do I. Please let's both remember that. No one that is not here with their life In Harm's Way has the right to offer optimistic thoughts to anyone that is here. No one has the right to judge that this is not a life-and-death situation that is not here. What, they say to themselves after 1 or 10 or hundreds of us are hurt or maimed or destroyed for Life legally or dead... , oh goodness it was worse than I thought, I didn't know? Well, if I had known I would have.... That is immoral,   unrighteous, and in most cases sheer cowardice. No. No one not here has the right to minimize the risk.

A note to a dear girl that has been in my life for more than forty years:  This will be short because my battery is dying. last night was arrival at Standing Rock after 2 months of traveling. 7 o'clock......

A note to a dear girl that has been in my life for more than forty years:  This will be short because my battery is dying. last night was arrival at Standing Rock after 2 months of traveling. 7 o'clock in the rain in the dark on the verge of hypothermia. after sweating from pedaling all day. Exhausted. a kind young man helped me into the refugee camp, LOL, and moments later I was in a sleeping bag under 4 blankets. One of my key garments is a hooded sweatshirt and when I awoke this morning it was wet with sweat. a snowstorm hit over the night with fairly high winds. I've been carrying a waterproof army bag with some warm undergarments in anticipation of this cold weather and haven't checked it in months. It was a problem but that hooded sweatshirt was wet because it is key to my warmth. I expected there was nothing in that army bag that would be helpful to me. I laughed a belly laugh when I opened it and saw this red fleece jacket that you sent me. it is just the warmth that I needed. I think we are being set up for a Slaughter here so that anyone in future years that thinks about nonviolent resistance will know not to do it. This could be goodbye. James


### Stop. Read this,  EVERY WORD. Ponder this deeply. Share this. Soldiers going to make a stand at Standing Rock.

### Stop. Read this,  EVERY WORD. Ponder this deeply. Share this.

Gandhi,  " I consider myself a soldier, though a soldier of peace.... Give me a military person to fight alongside any day, don't give me any cowards." From the article:  “We’ll have those people who will recognize that they’re not willing to take a bullet, and those who recognize that they are,” says Wood. “It’s okay if some of them step back, but Wes and I have no intention of doing so.”


If I were the global fascist power Elites I would not allow Trump to become president, I would make sure that Hillary became president. Electoral......

If I were the global fascist power Elites I would not allow Trump to become president, I would make sure that Hillary became president. Electoral College, vote recount, whatever. They can do what they like. Why? Because Trump might just be enough to wake up the sleeping masses in time. Probably not, but it's possible. Hillary would get them to the same place, global domination, Global fascism, and there's no chance that the sleeping giant would awake.

Note to self: it is imperative that you move Beyond your inclination to protect the innocent of this moment. It is too late for that. The only hope is to be a tiny part of the Cure of the.......

Note to self: it is imperative that you move Beyond your inclination to protect the innocent of this moment. It is too late for that. The only hope is to be a tiny part of the Cure of the massive empathy deficit disorder that is destroying everything, massive empathy deficit disorder. This will be hard for you. It must not be impossible. Everything depends upon it. Decent lives for millions of us us, for billions of us, are already lost. That can't be stopped. What might be stopped is the loss of decent life for everyone now and in the future. everything depends upon curing the massive empathy deficit disorder. We must resist the temptation to save each other. We must focus on being sacrificed to make the disease, the massive empathy deficit disorder, visible,  and thereby curable. Remember.

Dear friends, I have been writing about the impending 4th Reich for years. I've been writing about the impending, the unfolding, the near inevitable ecological and economic Armageddon, for years. If you doubt any of this please look at my blog. My point? I am.......

Dear friends, I have been writing about the impending 4th Reich for years. I've been writing about the impending, the unfolding, the near inevitable ecological and economic Armageddon, for years. If you doubt any of this please look at my blog. I have been living accordingly,  waging my life against these disasters is best  I could figure out,  for 15 years now. I've devoted to making of my life asbestos solution I could, devoted study learning practice failure trial learning.... Look at my blog, look at my life. My point? I am an extremist. I think that anyone that is alive in their soul today is either an extremist or an extremist wanna be. An extremist of loving,  has called for and exemplified by dr. King. Looking to use their own body as constructively as they can to purchase a livable future for all future creation, though not for themselves. My life, my work, my Facebook page, my blog, my time, my any resource, is for those who also are extremists for love, or who desperately and seriously want to be and are becoming. Others are welcome to observe my work but any comments or demands on my time will be less and less and less and less and less welcome here. And any criticism of my extremism including my harshness? Including my calling out the timid cowardice of my sisters and brothers on the left? Are entirely unwelcome as of now. Please understand this. I will never be Unaware of criticisms outside me or Within Myself on such matters. I don't have time for further Dialogue on this. Your brother forever, no matter what, James


I am an extremist, and I call for extremism. Everyone that isn't comfortable with that, for God sake, unfriend or unfollow me now. Why should we antagonize each other? Your brother, forever, no matter what. was dr. King wrong? He said we are all extremists, the......

I am an extremist, and I call for extremism. Everyone that isn't comfortable with that, for God sake, unfriend or unfollow me now. Why should we antagonize each other? Your brother, forever, no matter what. was dr. King wrong? He said we are all extremists, the only question is, are we extremists For Love or extremists for hate? And yet the left with almost no exceptions is pathologically terrified of extremism. What f****** Madness. Extreme danger is going to be met by what?

The Magnificent human beings are the ones who will be the first to be exterminated now. And these will be the lucky ones in many ways and they will consider themselves so. They will leave only the Living Dead behind.

The Magnificent human beings are the ones who will be the first to be exterminated now.  And these will be the lucky ones in many ways and they will consider themselves so.  They will leave only the Living Dead behind.

***** The only important question for you Today, in the age of trump, and the age of Hillary Clinton, in the age of the totally corporate Democratic Party, in the age of the right-wing sweeping government in America and Europe, is, which side are you on? Oh, you can't answer the question with words, even in your own mind. You.........

The only important question for you Today, in the age of trump, and the age of Hillary Clinton, in the age of the totally corporate Democratic Party, in the age of the right-wing sweeping government in America and Europe, is, which side are you on? Oh, you can't answer the question with words, even in your own mind. You have to look at your hour by hour Behavior. Where are you spending your money? Where are you spending each minute of the day? Where are you devoting your passion? Are you at extreme personal risk because you are getting in the way? If the answer is to get in the way of the destruction of all that is decent, then you have chosen the side of good. If that is not the answer, then you have chosen the side of evil.


Mr. Trump is betting on the stupidity, ignorance, self-centeredness, smallness of heart, bigotry, fearfulness, inhumanity of Americans, and the cowardice of the ones who are not so hard-hearted. It looks like he's made the right bet.

Mr. Trump is betting on the stupidity, ignorance,  self-centeredness, smallness of heart, bigotry, fearfulness, inhumanity of Americans, and the cowardice of the ones who are not so hard-hearted. It looks like he's made the right bet.

Did you ever see the movie An Officer and a Gentleman? That's what my God is like, officer Foley. A Relentless Taskmaster, a real son of a b****, who......

Did you ever see the movie An Officer and a Gentleman? That's what my God is like, officer Foley. A Relentless Taskmaster, a real son of a b****, who is brutal on me to try and keep me alive (Soul,  not body) in a satanic, Evil, hateful world, by pushing me, by equipping me, to go into the battle to try and help the least of these my sisters and brothers. I don't know if I find anyone else Experiencing God, conscience, the divine within, heart, soul, the same way. Maybe I'm wrong about God. But that's my God, it's taken me a long time to find that God, and I don't want any other. It is pure hell, and Pure Heaven, pure Agony, and pure joy. The Peace of heart that surpasses all understanding.

If you are not yet risking your life, limb, and treasure, for the future of creation, you are not yet living. Paraphrase of Martin Luther King jr., with Liberties taken.

If you are not yet risking your life, limb, and treasure, for the future of creation, you are not yet living. Paraphrase of Martin Luther King jr., with Liberties taken.

'I can't leave my normal life right now because of my responsibilities to my family.' You have to leave your normal life right now exactly because of your responsibility is to your families.

'I can't leave my normal life right now because of my responsibilities to my family.' You have to leave your normal life right now exactly because of your responsibility is to your families.

With almost no exceptions churches, synagogues, are death camps for the soul, Heart, conscience, empathy, solidarity. I don't yet know about mosques.

With almost no exceptions churches, synagogues, are death camps for the soul, Heart, conscience, empathy, solidarity. I don't yet know about mosques.

***** MEDD (2). I am beginning to Pray Again. No, I will never believe in a being that can hear those prayers, some super being. I'm sure I will never believe that. All evidence.....

MEDD (2). I am beginning to Pray Again. No, I will never believe in a being that can hear those prayers, some super being. I'm sure I will never believe that. All evidence to the contrary. But nor is math existent in nature, nor language , nor technology and I gladly use those. They are all products of imagination. This specific prayer that I am beginning to practice is to speak in my mind and even vocalizing with an all loving father, or mother, that I can imagine. An all-knowing mother or father. Why am I beginning to practice this,  again? Because dialogue and or writing, is necessary to sanity and learning and growth. And this pretty well requires speaking to someone, knowledgeable, that cares,  and hears. Yes, but why prayer? Why to an imaginary figure? Because there are so few sane caring people available to dialogue with. Used properly, which almost always prayer is not, but used properly, it is a way of connecting more deeply with conscience, soul, heart , creation. And because I am preparing for what I anticipate which is to more and more be in the presence of sisters and brothers suffering from massive empathy deficit disorder, MEDD, hatred, fear, rage , violence, lies, deceit, ignorance, disinformation, on the road, and conversations, at Standing Rock, in prison, in court. I will need all of the tools at my disposal to maintain my sanity. I do not know how my current thinking will play out, but I believe that on the tombstone of all of creation being destroyed by we humans will be the words massive empathy deficit disorder,  MEDD,  unless some of us stand up and use our bodies to cure it in time. This is the disease that true revolutionaries treat and cure in their sisters and brothers that have that disease. The man Jesus showed us the way. To allow one's body to be used to make manifest the evil, the hatred, the inhumanity that infests one's sisters and brothers that they might see it and repent, and be healed, and have their empathy re-awakened, exercised and restored there by. First making of ourselves as pure and white and blank a canvas as possible, and then putting it and keeping it directly in  the way of the harm that is being delivered on the Innocents. We really have three choices, only 3. Kill them, or heal them, or be killed by them. I'm willing to be killed by them, and more and more I expect it, at least life in prison for non-violent opposition. I am unwilling to kill them because then I become them and there's only more killing and that future. I am unwilling to go down without fighting to cure them, my sisters and brothers all, and only too much me in my earlier life.

MEDD. To a dear sister that beautifully answered my question, where is the joy in shooting a beautiful deer, my reply : The economics, I get. I have no......

MEDD. To a dear sister that beautifully answered my question, where is the joy in shooting a beautiful deer, my reply : The economics, I get.  I have no question of that. I am glad that sisters and brothers in such need have that available. I think you have beautifully expressed much of what is going on, the unity with nature that is involved in the hunt even when a creature is not secured. Thank you. I think the Tombstone on Humanity, on Earth that humanity is destroying, will read something like massive empathy deficit disorder,  MEDD. There was a time when I was a teenager that a friend and I went out one day with shotguns and slaughtered dozens of birds. It was thrilling. It was inhumane. It was subhuman. I cringed in pain at the thought of my grotesque and Humanity. I would never do that again. But regarding hunting, it really isn't so much different regarding working in the healthcare industry, working in the defense industry, serving food to people that work there, working in Wall Street, working in government, being a lawyer, laying pipe for the fossil fuel industry , selling crap at Walmart.... We are all killing. When we pay taxes we are paying for the murder of non-white people all around the world. The movie Powder.


My father's generation, the greatest Generation: I have to risk everything because of my responsibilities. I have to risk everything because of my family and my children. My generation: I can't risk anything because of....

My father's generation, the greatest Generation: I have to risk everything because of my responsibilities. I have to risk everything because of my family and my children. My generation: I can't risk anything because of  my responsibilities. I can't risk anything because of my children. What the f***. Gandhi called it cowardice. My father's generation and earlier Generations called it hiding behind Apron Strings. We don't f****** love our children and grandchildren anymore.


Which is worse, having cancer or having cancer and not knowing that you do until it's too late to cure it? We should be thankful for Trump. It is not........

Which is worse, having cancer or having cancer and not knowing that you do until it's too late to cure it? We should be thankful for Trump. It is not too late to cure the cancer of hatred. What do we care enough to do so? Probably not. But we can't say we didn't know in time. The cancer is not from. The cancer is not our sisters and brothers who voted for Trump. The cancer is the hatred practiced by the Democratic Party Kama by the Republican Party, by liberal apathy, by conservative hatred and discrimination.


***** Friends, I owe it to us all, I owe it to the Future, to be really clear. I consider my harshness out of extreme tough love, a virtue. My virtue? A virtue. I'm at War. I am at all out War for.......

Friends, I owe it to us all, I owe it to the Future, to be really clear. I consider my harshness out of extreme tough love, a virtue. My virtue? A virtue. I'm at War. I am at all out War for the future of all creation. How would you expect a warrior, me, or anyone, to be? What kind of intensity? What kind of dedication? What kind of devotion? What kind of Demands on them self? What kind of seriousness of purpose, Focus? What kind of personal risk? What kind of personal pain? A soldier in the midst of a firefight, you do not expect harshness of such an individual? Would you not question , Wonder at, have doubts about, a soldier in the midst of a firefight that was unwilling, and never seen to be, extremely profoundly harsh even toward beloved fellow soldiers? I sure the f*** would. I consider myself a soldier though a soldier of peace,  as did Gandhi before me. I say again, until we see millions of soldiers, soldiers, soldiers, soldiers ... of Peace there is not a f****** shred of Hope. Millions, millions, millions, millions.... I can't be Millions. But I will be one. If you are not or cannot become one who Embraces what I'm saying you probably should detach from me for your own peace of mind and so that we use each other's time well and do not misuse it.


***** The central questions of life are, right now, where does Creation need me to be, what right now does Creation need me to attempt? Only those who every breath live those questions, make of their life an answer to those questions, have the ultimate human experience of feeling Alive.

The central questions of life are,  right now,  where does Creation need me to be,  what right now does Creation need me to attempt? Only those who every breath live those questions,  make of their life an answer to those questions,  have the ultimate human experience of feeling Alive.



Are you a Christian? You love America? Ru for Palestine and against Israel? Unbelievably hideous , dishonest......

Are you a Christian? You love America? Ru for Palestine and against Israel? Unbelievably hideous , dishonest, ignorant, hateful questions. Are you a Christian? What does that mean? Do you hate gays or give your life to protect them? Do you hate undocumented immigrants or give your life to protect them? Do you hate transgendered people or give your life to protect them? Do demonize the poor or give your life to protect them? Do you hate Muslims or give your life to protect them? Do you love America? See the above. Are you against Israel and for Palestine? Are you for your wife's side of the family or your own? Do you love your sons and hate your daughters or do you love your daughters and hate your sons? Am I a Christian? My religion is trying to be like Christ, trying to be completely loving. Do I love America? I love what I was taught in kindergarten. I hate the way we behave in the world today. I am for the human rights of everyone, Israelis, Palestinians, whites, blacks, Christians, Muslims, liberals, conservatives, etc etc etc.

BIAS, against any individual or group is discrimination, bigotry , Racist,  elitist, evil, unacceptable, dehumanizing, sin. No honest, no........

BIAS, against any individual or group is discrimination, bigotry , Racist,  elitist, evil, unacceptable, dehumanizing, sin,  anti-Christ. No honest, no sane, individual can believe or assert that America, that the u.s. people, that law enforcement, the government, is not biased against exactly those who Jesus Championed, exactly those who Jesus elevated, exactly those who were the Center of Jesus family. The disadvantaged,  the minorities, poor, the different, the marginalized, the weak, the unreligious, the unpopular, those of a different faith, the non-conformist.... That one received such negative bias, or the group that receive such negative bias, not for an instant does it justifying or forgive bias against in return. Love those who persecute you. Do good to those who persecute you. They will know you by how you love. I don't know about your father, but my Father loves every individual exactly the same , and experiences immense pain with even a disrespectful,  harmful,  unkind word thought or uttered toward one of His children. Okay, he loves those who experience bias against them, more. As you do unto the least of these, the least of these my Family, every creature, you do unto me.

Dear friends, notice: I see this very very infrequently among my small circle, but those few that Express themselves, that experience themselves, as quote against the other side, unquote it's time for this to stop or for us to unfriend each other. I have hope in, and........

Dear friends, notice: I see this very very infrequently among my small circle, but those few that Express themselves, that experience themselves, as quote against the other side, unquote it's time for this to stop or for us to unfriend each other. I have hope in, and I only have time to affiliate with, those who are for every creature unconditionally, and against every Injustice unconditionally. No exceptions.  Never against another creature, including another human being. Never. Never. Never against another group, not for any breath, ever. Against Injustice? With all our might. Against bigotry? With all our might. Against oppression, violence? With every fiber of our being. Never ever us against them. Don't do it, or we need to stop wasting each other's time. Militants,  passionately, VA, forcefully, relentlessly , unequivocally for the dignity, sanity, rights, good, fundamental needs of every creature, especially every human being, or we need to stop wasting each other's time. No exceptions. No exceptions for even a moment. It's too little too late for that. Whenever you see me doing it please call me out.


Bigotry and racism, even the slightest hint of bigotry and racism is precisely, exactly, completely, totally the perfect thing to do if one wants to be anti Christ. The exact center and the Heart of his.......

Bigotry and racism, even the slightest hint of bigotry and racism is precisely, exactly, completely, totally the perfect thing to do if one wants to be anti Christ. The exact center and the Heart of his ministry was embracing those that others had made Outcast, the Sinners, the sick, the weak, the poor,  the neglected and abused,  the unbelievers, the criminals,  the government, those shamed and Damned by the religious of the day. How much more unforgivable,  sinful, today when we have known of his example for two thousand years. Unforgivable. Soul killing. Desecration of Christ when done by those that claim to follow him.  "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." "There would be no more Hindus if Christians would practice their faith." Gandhi. "I think the greatest obstacle to people becoming Christian is those who preach the gospel and do not follow it." Teresa of Calcutta  "We need to preach the gospel, every day, all day long, and occasionally, use words, to do so." Francis of Assisi

***** I have never been so wealthy, because these last four weeks , from trying to do good, I was poor and helpless. My first five decades I.........

I have never been so wealthy, because these last four weeks , from trying to do good, I was poor and helpless. My first five decades I had material wealth that makes me cringe with regret. These last four weeks I have had the wealth of community such as I never imagined I would live to see. Part of it is lds. I could never share their origin beliefs in my soul. Not possible for me. Nor would I want to. But as my teacher Jesus said, they will know you by how you love, and these folks love. They are denomination was seems to be producing loving people such as I have never hoped to see. Part of it is living among those who have not embraced our cultural ways , our worship of material wealth. Here in this part of the country the true economy is profoundly different,  deep opposite. In my Northern sophisticated life the first, second, third, fourth lines of defense are money. Here in the country South Part I have been in those lines of Defence are neighbors,  friends,  strangers who you know and don't know. These folks are so much more Rich than we poor over privileged Northerners. So much more wealthy. And, hear this, we Northerners endure our economy for the pitiful Pleasures it gives us. The economy down here that I have witnessed is intrinsically joyful. Infinitely more than we Northerners, there is intrinsic worth and what these folks do. Growing stuff. Feeding folks. Helping folks. Serving folks. Building Community with folks. Flow is a concept that every video game programmer knows. Mahalo csikszentmihalyi University of Chicago found that the human being is the most gratified when it is totally absorbed in the challenge, Pursuits, for which she or he has adequate skill, like a video game, but those whose whole life is like that AR living a life that makes a difference to their neighbors, a positive difference. The most joyful population he and his researchers found in the world was a farming community off-grid, out of all communication, in the northern Italian Alps. That's what I've been in these last 4 weeks. Tens or hundreds of years ahead of us. Perfect? Oh my goodness no. The only thing that shouts louder than their protests that they are not racist or bigoted as their racism and bigotry. That must change. For their very Souls that must change. But they are way ahead of us sophisticated Northerners. Their economy is infinitely more Rich, more sustainable , more Godly. Part of the ugliness that they do evidence, may be a large part, is out of the fear of the ever more powerful Northern Elite crushing all that is Good, Godly,  Christlike ,  that they have. It is understandable that they would act out hateful,  in horror and Terror.  had I not been poor, vulnerable, helpless because I was trying to help others, I would never have encountered this. What a Divine gift. What a divine blessing. I will be infinitely wealthier because of this, forever.

Thanks to my brother Wayne Critsky for sharing this scripture with me. "Found this in the Bible. But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, pro.........

Thanks to my brother Wayne Critsky for sharing this scripture with me. "Found this in the Bible.
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone."


LDS. No offense to anyone, I have long believed.......

LDS.  No offense to anyone, I have long believed that God, and Good, are the same thing. Exactly,  completely,  no exception,  nothing added. I Maybe the last in the world to have thought this, or among the first. If you know of others that think the same, particularly any scholarship, I certainly would like to know. I'm more convinced of it all the time. God is good, and we hate good. In this sick culture, we hate good. But not the LDS folks that I continue to meet, they do not seem to hate good, but rather they seem to love it. I can't see the strings attached. I can't see them. Yesterday I asked the extremely able and kind man who contacted me out of the blue, alerted by his North Carolina LDS brother to my needs, I asked him how my North Carolina brother found him. Well, I guess he just searched through our directory. Today I went to the 9 o'clock service, and I'm so glad I did. What a collection of kind loving Godly Souls I believe I saw. Who's the president of this LDS branch? My brother Steve who without a hint helped me all day yesterday. water, absolute, complete humility. From what I see so far the denomination could with even greater Clarity, I'm not suggesting this, I'm trying to share an Insight, the denomination could call themselves The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus. And thereby they would identify themselves clearly as the Brothers and Sisters to people in need that they seem to be. They don't seem to have sermons, and they don't seem to have a preacher. They are each the preachers, in the same way that each Marine in a Marine base is a Marine. What a novel idea. Of the two major speakers today, the man spoke of one of the primary works of their Church, monthly in home teaching. This role is something they speak of quite often it seems, as I heard it spoken of at their televised National Conference 2 weeks ago. What they continue to hammer home is that it is not simply teaching, or preaching, and in fact it may contain little or any of that depending upon the situation. The example he gave was of a teacher, I don't remember if he was the one or not, and the teacher is just any congregation member currently holding that roll, a teacher going to conduct the monthly visit to a trailer, they entered the trailer, and they saw there was no furniture. And they realized that their role that day was to secure furniture for these folks. The same man, a bit younger than me, bespoke that he had converted to LDS. He said as I recall, that as a new convert, it so happened that his Field of Corn had blown flat. It was now winter time and it was an impossible job to clear his 9 Acres of all of this corn. He described how in a previous denomination they had work parties. He explained that he was favored with one of those and was very appreciative of the four people that showed up to help. He was told by his new LDS congregation that they were going to come on Saturday in work party. He was very grateful and he prepared for the four people that would show up. The 40 people were able to complete 1/3 of the nine acres in one day. Yes, 40 people showed up. 40. 4 0. The bishop of the congregation, the head guy, no one in the entire denomination in the world is paid although a few receive a cost-of-living support if it would be impossible for them to cover all of their own expenses, the bishop had and executed an idea of bringing in a large combine and the rest of the nine acres was cleared. Dr. Martin Luther King said, a church is the place people go out from from. Although I am against almost all military force, and almost all of the disgusting military force that the United States employs to rape and plunder people around the world, I am a deep admirer of the courage displayed by many men and women in uniform which is why I wear military attire proudly. For decades now I have believed that a place worthy the name of church is a place where people go to become equipped and trained to deploy on missions,  and now my 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th major LDS encounter this last month with no strings attached, but if they're there they will make themselves clear to me because I'm hyper sensitive to that. I don't think that's going to happen. I see humility, desire to change and become an Ever greater force for good, honesty, kindness. A desire to Everyday to become a greater source of good individually and collectively. Really really simple. I am certain no one is trying to deceive me. I am fairly certain that they have not deceived themselves. I am so extraordinary happy with what I'm seeing.