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I had a criminally over privileged upbringing, as continued most of my adulthood. In my youth I did nothing besides watch television. I read almost nothing. But I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank and what I value in myself today, and in my life as I live it now, might not be there had I not read that book. Unlike my Zionist sisters and brothers that took the lesson, never again to us, the lesson seared into my soul forever I took from it was, never again to anyone.

I had a criminally over privileged upbringing, as continued most of my adulthood. In my youth I did nothing besides watch television. I read almost nothing. But I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank and what I value in myself today, and in my life as I live it now, might not be there had I not read that book. Unlike my Zionist sisters and brothers that took the lesson, never again to us, the lesson seared into my soul forever I took from it was, never again to anyone.


***** EFLV (exploring for Life voyage): The theory that I'm operating under explicitly, is one that I have implicitly held Central for my entire adulthood, the need for, and the need from me to be,  catalytic change. My sense is that.......

The theory that I'm operating under explicitly, is one that I have implicitly held Central for my entire adulthood, the need for, and the need from me to be,  catalytic change. My sense is that catalytic change is the most dramatic, transformative, powerful available in nature. A miniscule amount of an element is introduced into a system, the right type of element, and the right type of system and the entire Mass transforms almost instantaneously. This notion was Central to Leo Tolstoy’s ideas expressed in his book, the kingdom of God is within you, that was read by Young Gandhi in England that caused Gandhi to totally change the course of his life,  180 degrees. Tolstoy I was that kind of catalyst for Gandhi, and Gandhi became that sort of catalyst for India and the world for a brief period in time.

That I am explicitly pursuing this strategy in no way is a statement that I think I'll succeed. Quite the opposite. Few people in history have succeeded at this although few have tried. But I pursue it of necessity and I think you should consider doing the same. Unless some small element, some minuscule elements, evolve and emerge quickly that cause a massive immediate catalytic Global transformation.... the game's over.

***** Your help needed: Exploring for Life in America, part one, South to Florida and back. Late August through late November. The free Palestine, wagers of loving, solar bike car and me..........

***** Your help needed: Exploring for Life in America, part one, South to Florida and back. Late August through late November. The free Palestine,  wagers of loving, solar bike car and me.

(There is much to do in the next several weeks before my departure so this rough crude correspondence will have to do.)
I think it likely that after my next cancer exam Sept 1 I'm Going In Search of Life. I don't share this lightly. Life is that of Amazement, Wonder,  awe. I find none of it in Washington DC. Virtually none.  Do you see it in DC?  Do you see it around you Where You Are? I find little to none of it among we advantaged anywhere where the gods of data, infotainment, Dogma, affiliation, fear, competition, Comfort, safety, wealth, greed, self-centeredness,  reasonableness, practicality, responsibility... displace them,  Wonder awe amazement, that uniquely  and always are the ever present features of the God, Creator. Wonder, awe, amazement, Inseparable from if not the same thing as the penultimate moral concept from Albert Schweitzer, reverence for life.

I don't know that those with the potential for, or the being of, Wonder and awe and amazement, exist elsewhere in the country ( Beyond most children below the age of two, and among all members of other lifeforms ) but I feel that the most important task on earth for me, for us all… all hope depends on, finding and or kindling these.

I think that if I can find them, encounter the potential, possibly Kindle that potential, it is through undertaking and undergoing and enduring trips like this. Time for part one.

Some of this happened on the 6 week 800 mile Journey last August September over to Ocean City Maryland, Virginia Beach, Durham North Carolina and back to DC. In rest stops, on country roads, at grocery stores, at fast food cheap food stops….

What about my ongoing work in Washington on policy, politics, Civic planning, working through churches,  activist on behalf of the homeless and or poor in this region?

Spirit is everything. It is not that groups I've been working with are bad or useless per se, but in this last decade and throughout my lifetime I find no spirit in these, not yet, anyway. Not since  dr. King  was assassinated  back in the sixties. Groups and organizations and activities like these are instead of spirit in charge. No magic comes from these. Magic happens, Revolution happens, in the spirit of Wonder and amazement and awe. In my prior quarter Century successful business life and in my life-long studies I find no exceptions.

Magic, the spirit of life as we've all but never seen it in our lifetimes, is all that will save us. A new ocean of it, a global infection of it.

I'm quite sure that in September and October I need to go on the first leg of a search, down to the southern tip of Florida in back on the byways and back roads, cities and campuses, churches, synagogues,  Mosques ...

What? Too risky. Too difficult for a 65 year old. Too dangerous. Too exhausting. To impractical. Stay in your nice safe apartment in DC and continue your work there uninterrupted… . All life on Earth, all goodness, all decency is in the final moments where Extinction can be avoided. The only hope is to start a fire of spirit, Humanity, decency starting with Wonder and amazement. I came to bring a fire, and oh how I wish it were raging. Jesus. Me too.

The theory that I'm operating under explicitly, is one that I have implicitly held Central for my entire adulthood, the need for, and the need from me to be,  catalytic change. My sense is that catalytic change is the most dramatic, transformative, powerful available in nature. A miniscule amount of an element is introduced into a system, the right type of element, and the right type of system and the entire Mass transforms almost instantaneously. This notion was Central to Leo Tolstoy’s ideas expressed in his book, the kingdom of God is within you, that was read by Young Gandhi in England that caused Gandhi to totally change the course of his life,  180 degrees. Tolstoy was that kind of catalyst for Gandhi, and Gandhi became that sort of catalyst for India and the world for a brief period in time.

That I am explicitly pursuing this strategy in no way is a statement that I think I'll succeed. Quite the opposite. Few people in history have succeeded at this although few have tried. But I pursue it of necessity and I think you should consider doing the same. Unless some small element, some minuscule elements, evolve and emerge quickly that cause a massive immediate catalytic Global transformation.... the game's over.  Understanding how Central this is is necessary to understanding when Gandhi says, Be the Change you wish to see in the world. Be the catalyst.

Your help is needed. There are currently no resources for lodging along the way,  and only partially for food, and I'll need about 3800 calories a day,  I pedal 100% of the time and I anticipate 6 to 8 hours per day of that. In the Six-week trip last August September of 800 miles there also was no money for lodging, and little for food. Walmart parking lot every night was my lodging. That again is my plan A, but it is pretty rough psychologically and physically to do every night with no brakes. Unsolicited donations along the way when Wonder awe and amazement were kindled and or encountered provided barely enough food.

Who do you know? What organizations be they church, mosque, synagogue, Civic organization, activist groups,  friends, family,  business,  Facebook,  other social networks,  schools... could you tap into that might want to provide a garage floor for a night, an or a brief shower, opportunity for laundry, a spot in the backyard for in a church synagogue or mosque corner... where I could go unconscious for a night, a day or two to recover…,  and or a meal?

I'll be honest, my expectations that anyone will help with this, take action based on this communiqué, are zero. Zero.  This is what my experience tells me. I'll proceed regardless. My ability to complete it, physical well-being, psychological well-being,  safety (storm season is by then upon us) will be far less if no one steps up this time.

I will do my part. I can't control whether others do theirs and my only business in that regard is to make the opportunity known,  and with this communiqué I am feeling that Duty.

Feel free to share this. My contact information is start underscore loving at, Facebook startloving1, 202-749-2158. I have zero time for idle questions or tire kicking. I only have time for those who find that they have a fire for this journey to take place, already know that they are going to help, and simply want to briefly explore the best way to do so.

So, what I am quite sure we can all count on as long as I last is that I'll be peddling about 60 miles a day south as far as I can get with the ability to return by mid to late November before the weather turns too bad. Unless some of you step up and through your networks come up with alternatives… each night I'll be in Walmart parking lot and each day consuming far too few calories. Oh, and I’ll stink to high heaven and be filthy. Or,  one of you, some of you, line up one, two, three... folks, organizations, institutions, friends, family... Along the way that when I am in their area would like to help. Would love to help. Needs to help. Has to help. Is on fire to help.

But if not,  not in Creator's eyes I won't be filthy,  bedraggled, weak.... And not in Creation’s eyes I won't be filthy. And not in the eyes of our sisters and brothers who are suffering or on the verge of being crushed by our Mass, cultural, pathological, suicidal, Ecocidal, and all but now irreversible inaction and cowardice and self-protection and selfishness and timidity, and indecisiveness, and prudence, and ‘responsibilities’, and denial, and delay, and procrastination and excuses....

Whether or not you help doesn't matter to me. I'm just being honest. This isn't about me. Whether or not you help is about the mission, it's energy, it's ability to continue, it's ability to persist, it's ability to survive, its potential to contribute. Its ability to discover and or kindle life.

There is not and may never be a route map. It will be an interactive process. Spirit number one, and if and when people step up with a place where I can throw down for the night in a garage or whatever then they and their location will become part of the planning process. They're very spiritual, very organic, very pragmatic. So if anyone says, hey, I'm south of DC in Florida or between comma if you're in my area you're welcome to a corner of the garage, then they become a pin on my map and stay on my radar screen.

If this plan holds September through November will get me to Florida and back. If there are Parts two, three, four... as I suspect there are then all of the states may be in the cards. Right now what's needed is people tapping their networks as creatively as possible for part 1.



Neocons pushed America into Iraq War for the benefit of Israel.

Human rights catalysts work for the homeless and or poor in my family. Two articles I've written, recently published, and a third in which I was heavily quoted

Manic depression? Metamorphosis? Both I suspect. Inseparable I suspect. Tho I can't cite the studies off hand I think there's a high correlation......

Manic depression? Metamorphosis? Both I suspect. Inseparable I suspect. 

Tho I can't cite the studies off hand I think there's a high correlation between the highly creative, high contributors, and some form of manic depression. I don't think it's much different than how I was as a world-class skier. You give your last drop of self to the downhill run, then you sit totally spent on the chair lift for a long time. Then repeat, repeat, repeat... gradually but surely becoming stronger, more competent, even more filled with joy and pain. 

This morning here at the DNC after receiving a lovely smile and loving comment from a young Palestinian woman, and then thinking for the very first time to order some Palestinian fair trade olive oil bringing me in closer personal contact with the part of my family I've been so devoted to for so long now, I'm overwhelmed with emotion. Sobbing. 

So much accumulated grief.

Partly exhaustion. For the last 2 days my mind has been unwilling to shut down,  little to no sleep, an Unstoppable torrent of thoughts... a yearning and now detailed planning to undertake a cross-country trip to try and encounter and ignite Souls able to rekindle human spirit should any there still be, a Cascade of breakthroughs regarding the free Palestine solar vehicle on issues I've been pondering enhancements I've been looking to along a myriad of dimensions, major major breakthroughs in my understanding of the physics and mechanics of this solar vehicle as to how much energy it takes from me the Sun climbing descents energy generation and output...  absolute explosion of and leaps in understanding. 

This after after weeks of high productivity coupled with despondency over the world and the utterly disgusting DNC et cetera. The journey continues. James


To a young friend deciding to pay all to the revolution: ☺ I am afraid I may never have the wisdom to counsel any individual beside myself. But........

To a young friend deciding to pay all to the revolution: ☺ I am afraid I may never have the wisdom to counsel any individual beside myself. But I constantly drive myself to understand collectively where our opportunities are. That tens of millions of us have not quit our jobs and planted Our Lives squarely in the way of the destruction of all creation, of all that is good, is clinical mass suicidal insanity. If every breath you hold yourself to the standard of being unconditional tough loving incarnate, I am so glad for you and anyone that finds that path. It is the only sanity. It is the only hope although I really see no hope, but I fight anyway, because that's the kind of person I want to be, and that's the kind of life I want to experience. James

I think the powers-that-be have concluded some time ago that the masses of us are going to drown, they.......

I think the powers-that-be have concluded some time ago that the masses of us are going to drown, they are Feathering their nests, securing their offshore islands and gated communities. I think it is that clear to them,  as clear as day. I can understand the insanity no other way.


***** To a young activist worthy of the name, musing over several outlets she is considering now: Not that you asked, but I think it is more important how we do, than what we do. The only true Revolution is the Absolute, Total, every breath, embodiment of the spirit........

***** To a young activist worthy of the name,  musing over several outlets she is considering now: Not that you asked, but I think it is more important how we do, than what we do. The only true Revolution is the Absolute, Total, every breath, embodiment of the spirit of unconditional loving by whatever words or none at all. I find almost none of that anywhere including in Progressive actions whose ideas I support but whose spirit I do not. Bernie has the spirit, I see it in few of his supporters.  Those on the 10 day March from Philly to DC had the spirit, and then lost it almost immediately upon arrival.  That spirit is all hope. There is no hope besides that spirit. Everything we detest is symptom of the spirit of unconditional loving, serving from the soul in solidarity, being missing. James


More on my Presidential election quandary: recently I concluded that we humans have lived the illusion that our selfishness somehow......

More on my Presidential election quandary: recently I concluded that we humans have lived the illusion that our selfishness somehow gets absorbed in a world of great tolerance and flexibility. My conclusion was that that is as incorrect as to say that one's heart has lots of latitude on when to beat, how fast, when to stop beating.... This delusion has brought the body of humanity and all creation to death's door. I see a vote for Hillary or a vote for Trump to be a vote for this delusion on steroids. Or, do I view a vote for Hillary as a vote against the more malignant Trump , buying us a little bit more time? I don't know how this will play out for me.

August priorities for James. Issues: 1. Interfere with the American Israeli extermination of Palestinians. 2. Stand for the Human rights of Americans who are black, especially in Washington DC where I reside. (Although.....

August priorities for James.


1. Interfere with the American Israeli extermination of Palestinians.

2. Stand for the Human rights of Americans who are black, especially in Washington DC where I reside. (Although this has been, is, and will always be a major priority of mine, I'm disappointed to find that rarely can I stand with organized actions as I find them little more than Tantrums which can only hurt the cause.)

3. Maintain currency on strategic Global issues.

Expectations of James for August:

1. Research and outline the housing,  income and job situation and Prospects for Americans who are black and or poor in the Washington DC region,  to inform my ongoing advocacy work and possibly to inform the work of others.

1b. Provide written input on Washington's Consolidated plan.

2. Keep visible the violation of Palestinian human rights around Washington DC primarily by positioning the free Palestine vehicle in the public eye in strategic locations, and secondarily by a low level of republishing informed articles and such..

3. Maintain and upgrade the free Palestine vehicle.

4. Re-establish personally living fully in solidarity with the global neediest. Improve my ability to maintain longer work hours and reduce physical and psychological fatigue.

5. Basic but substantially reduced currency in strategic Global moral issues utilizing Facebook, Google Alert, and blogger.

***** After all these years I think I figured out how to offer a way that I don't waste people's time. For those who find a deep Envy for the quality of life of a Martin Luther King jr., a Gandhi, Malala, Jesus..., and yearn for such a quality of life for themselves and those who they love, I think I have ideas and example to offer. For those who do not feel such deep Envy for the quality of life of the likes of these I think I have nothing of value to share.

***** After all these years I think I figured out how to offer a way that I don't waste people's time. For those who find a deep Envy for the quality of life of a Martin Luther King jr., a Gandhi, Malala,  Jesus..., and yearn for such a quality of life for themselves and those who they love, I think I have ideas and example to offer. For those who do not feel such deep Envy for the quality of life of the likes of these I think I have nothing of value to share.


A confession and a warning: I no longer live in solidarity with the global neediest. For years I have been, in my soul, and to a large degree in material reality. I realized today that in recent weeks........

A confession and a warning: I no longer live in solidarity with the global neediest. For years I have been, in my soul, and to a large degree in material reality. I realized today that in recent weeks that has stopped being true for me spiritually, and to a degree in material reality. What caused me to be alert to this realization is the psychic pain that I have been in for the last week. I have felt depressed and adrift. Without bearings, without points of reference. Deliberately living each breath in solidarity with my neediest sisters and brothers has been my point of reference, my mooring, my bearings for years now. Feelings of guilt are in no way associated with this, nowhere in me. I'm doing the best I know from moment to moment. Because I walk my path alone, not in community, what I do is a metal high-wire act although it is one that generally I am unconsciously competent at and unaware of the extreme difficulty of staying on The Wire. Recent external opportunities and factors have caused me to lose my focus and fall off the wire. The pain of that has gotten my attention and caused me to wake up. Can I get back on The Wire? I hope so. We'll see. This was my third long trip on the free Palestine vehicle. This was my third and fourth long trip on the elf, the third going up last Thursday a week ago and the 4th coming back the last two days. Going up and coming back for the first time I stayed in the lowest cost possible Motel. The other times to conserve what limited dollars I have for donations to the global neediest I stayed in Walmart or Home Depot parking lots. I was aware of this new Choice, unsettled about it, but I went with it. In no way at the time did I understand it as a manifestation of having left full saladarity lived with the neediest. Again, guilt plays no role in this for me. Greed for total peace of heart, meaning, sense of moral clarity, Joy, is what I'm concerned with. The Quest for comfort crowded out these Within Me. Will be interesting to see what happens now. James


### The ice that I skate on seems to be even much thinner than I had realized. For the last 2 weeks I have radically moved from my routine here in DC to exhausting travel involved with the Philadelphia Convention and then return. In the process I gained a horrifying close.......

### The ice that I skate on seems to be even much thinner than I had realized. For the last 2 weeks I have radically moved from my routine here in DC to exhausting travel involved with the Philadelphia Convention and then return. In the process I gained a horrifying close encounter with the fear, loathing, hatred among older whites for any easy target, Muslims, blacks. It really knocked me off my pins. I'm okay. But my horror at the world is even so much deeper than I had realized. I skate very close to Absolute despair. It is fortunate for me that I can see it. Therefore I can deal with it. My task is to fully return my energies to the work I can do and I anticipate that happening quickly.


Hillary and Donald are two fatal poisons. They are both egomaniacs. All they want is power. If they realize that enough of us will not vote for them.........

Hillary and Donald are two fatal poisons. They are both egomaniacs. All they want is power. If they realize that enough of us will not vote for them maybe one of them will have a conversion away from being poison in time for the election. I will not choose either of the poisons. If one of them totally reconstitutes that's a different matter.

### " you have arrived!" If you have ever let Google guide your trip with voice prompts you know what I'm referring to. So far, I'm easily amused, I laugh..........

### " you have arrived!" If you have ever let Google guide your trip with voice prompts you know what I'm referring to. So far, I'm easily amused, I laugh every time. As I pull up to this flea-bitten Motel, you have arrived, as though I've just driven up to the Trump Towers. Hysterical. Yes, indeed, I have arrived. I'm getting smarter, less stupid, about the free Palestine vehicle. More expert in terms of managing my speed for efficiency and Aesthetics and stamina. I'm finally getting quite good at it which is satisfying. Also good at managing my panels. There's really quite a lot to it. I have two panels. If one is in the shade either from my caution Flags or because the vehicle is shadowing it on the trailer from the Sun it drops the other panel to the same level all the way down to zero. But if I detatch that panel that's in the shades and I no longer lose the panel in the Sun. Boring I know but I find it quite interesting and satisfying to optimize the vehicle. I had a rude surprise, a battery failed much earlier than I thought it would to zero power. I later discovered to my satisfaction that it was in fact a broken cable which I have at least temporarily repaired. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock the graphics place in Columbia Maryland will replace the solar signage on the left hand side of the vehicle with the loving is Jesus religion, wagers of loving the only Revolutionaries, motif that is my primary offering to the world. And then barring any disasters back to DC by tomorrow night. Listened to dozens of articles on my way here today. And will spend several hours now stocking up on more articles to listen to in the six hours or so of travel that I have left. Aside from quite a bit of solar power despite the clouds, my fuel was about a gallon of chocolate milk and a gallon of sweet tea. Dinner will probably be some similar combination. Being tired and with goals to meet in terms of time my patience was pretty low with a, is it pedal-powered, does it have a motor, how fast does it go, does it have doors????? I'm not proud of it but my patience was pretty short. The world is on fire and all we have is meaningless questions. It surprises me, and I think it is something quite new, it surprises me the number of folks that say, good job for free Palestine. When I get comments it's that. Virtually no negative comments. Two years ago it would have been quite different. Midday beautiful gaggle of kids in a family we're getting out of their vehicle as I pulled up in the space next to it at a convenience store to get some chocolate milk. They were so appropriately thrilled with the vehicle the dad had on his yarmulke as did one or two of the older young boys. It seems unlikely that they did not notice the freeze Palestine on my hat and on the vehicle. I certainly didn't direct attention to it and they didn't bring it up. They parents were relaxed and the kids just enjoyed the heck out of the vehicle and of course I enjoyed finding their enthusiasm. Inside I mention to the mom who was quite tiny herself what a beautiful family she had such a life children. She said, alive, what a perfect word. Thank you. Early this morning in the Magnificent Brandywine Valley back roads, an hour and a half after I departed, before the sun had really risen in the sky, my first battery died on schedule. I pulled in at the top of an opulent driveway to change the battery. Within moments of fella in shorts and a t-shirt came out from his yard across the road, hi, what a wonderful vehicle, can I ask you about it. I stifled my inclination to say, bud, I've got a 90 Mile Drive ahead of me, and smiled sincerely and warmly and we spoke for probably half an hour. He's a scientist probably at Dupont or someplace. Made it known quickly that he's Jewish after seeing the free Palestine signage which he was very happy with. Said, boy the Holocaust really screwed up the Jews. I immediately corrected him, some Jews, and others it has brought out their incredible godliness. He readily agreed. We spoke for some time and he was very interested in My Views. He made it clear that his relatives are Jewish and his stance for Palestinian human rights has cost him significantly for which he has no regrets. James

I've been a dead weight the last 4 days. I don't know if it was exhaustion, depression over the candidates, and Sanders being criminally eliminated, a combination.... Could be just the horror of the world situation and Outlook.

I've been a dead weight the last 4 days.  I don't know if it was exhaustion, depression over the candidates,  and Sanders being criminally eliminated, a combination.... Could be just the horror of the world situation and Outlook.


I believe that it is the last moments when we can turn from the Dark Side. That's why I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton no matter what, I'm quite sure. And certainly not Donald Trump. I will vote for Jill Stein I'm quite sure. If enough of us do likewise may be enough of the Democrats will come over to the Force and leave the dark side. If not, that is not my responsibility. My job is to align with the force, and yours too.

I believe that it is the last moments when we can turn from the Dark Side. That's why I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton no matter what, I'm quite sure. And certainly not Donald Trump. I will vote for Jill Stein I'm quite sure. If enough of us do likewise may be enough of the Democrats will come over to the Force and leave the dark side. If not, that is not my responsibility. My job is to align with the force, and yours too.


We're drowning in hate dear. The Liberals are every bit as hateful as are Trump and his supporters. They just hate a different group. And they are much less sophisticated at hiding it. They........

We're drowning in hate dear. The Liberals are every bit as hateful as are Trump and his supporters. They just hate a different group. And they are much less sophisticated at hiding it. They use Force, they just don't carry the guns themselves, they hide behind the Army and the police. It is not the Trump supporters that are destroying all life on Earth, and developing the technology without which America could be trampling all the poor around the world. Objectively the liberals do infinitely more damage.


America has never been a country of morals and ethics. Not the left, not the right. I'm not........

America has never been a country of morals and ethics. Not the left, not the right. I'm not being mean, I'm just speaking the truth now that I get past the illusion. We have always been of, by, and for the most ruthless and the rest be damned. The Trump supporters are no better or worse than the rest of  with few exceptions. The Liberals beat up on the right with their education, hiding behind the so-called legal system,  the right with physical Force. Violence,  coercion , force, either way. Trump is just a way for the right to get physical Force. The left hides behind the police. How else did Wall Street pull off that Heist in 2009, How else did Obama and his gang get away with it without being murdered?


### Had an absolutely horrible experience yesterday. Attended a gigantic meeting at Washington National Cathedral, on the topic of what the white church needs to do for black lives matter. There were hundreds........

### Had an absolutely horrible experience yesterday. Attended a gigantic meeting at  Washington National Cathedral, on the topic of what the white church needs to do for black lives matter. There were hundreds of people there including many clergy who had been invited. Everyone loved it, I walked out after 45 minutes being unable to stand it. The five people on stage were just revolting examples of white  privilege even though two of them were of color. They will do whatever it takes for justice for people of color as long as it doesn't cost them one dime, one bit of personal risk, one second of their time, one drop of sweat .  Their words were of solidarity, their behavior was a complete and utter divorce. It was a horror. It was a nightmare. They were droids, they were zombies.


***** Why we have never, probably will never, eliminate White (or any) Privilege: nearly all of those who have privilege, nearly all of we who have privilege, want peace and Justice in the world, want the best for our underprivileged sisters and brothers. We are simply unwilling to personally pay the price for that. If I have.......

Why we have never, probably will never, eliminate White (or any) Privilege: nearly  all of those who have privilege, nearly all of we who have privilege,  want peace and Justice in the world, want the best for our  underprivileged sisters and brothers.  We are simply unwilling to personally pay the price for that. If I have a loaf of bread because I stole the resources for it from my neighbor I have incited violence in the world in two ways by having that loaf of bread. 1. I have stolen what is his. 2. I have what he needs for himself and his family in truth or at least psychologically. Had it been done to me I would be incited to rage and violence, and so would you be. Even if in no way did I physically steal the resources from my neighbor that still leaves the incitement that my hoarding what he needs for himself and his family for a decent life rightly incites, rage and violence. White Privilege, all privilege, is, equals, superior material power. Superior economic power. Those in power, we in power, all of us that have resources that billions of people on Earth do not have, we are those of privilege. It is not the 1% in America, or the .1%, as we try and convince ourselves.  It is at least the top 20-50%  or more of us in America  that are grotesquely over privileged. It is we that are making certain that the Earth becomes more and more violent. All of us that have  the resources that billions on Earth are craving  are the rich young man that Jesus spoke of.  And we turn from his example  and lie to ourselves for 2000 years now that he did not mean that we,  each and every one of us, were to give all that we had,  all that we have, to the poor, so that we all were materially equal, exactly as we would expect every group of well brought-up toddlers to be. But we  refused to heed Jesus Direction,  to be like a toddler. Are you okay with that? Is your privilege worth the price to you of a world in Unstoppable violence and death spiral? Not me. Used to be, no more. Injustice, no peace. More than a chance, a rule of nature. Injustice, no peace. Injustice, no peace. Injustice, no peace.

When I was a child Hornets built a nest in the slide in our backyard. They never bothered me until I went poking them, assaulting them, with........

When I was a child Hornets built a nest in the slide in our backyard. They never bothered me until I went poking them, assaulting them, with a broom one day. They stung the hell out of me. I have never faulted the Hornets for that. I thought they were invading my property. The reverse was true. Our house adjoined a many Hundred Acre Nature Preserve. I was the invader. I was the colonizer. I built my life on the privilege that I took from them.

### To those of us confronted by our sisters and brothers in uniform: We have a 100x greater Duty incite, to encourage, to applaud any decent, to express appreciation for any humane, dignified behavior on their part, then we do to antiviolently place our selves in the way of any bad behavior. Morally, there........

### To those of us confronted by our sisters and brothers in uniform: We have a 100x greater Duty incite, to encourage, to applaud any decent,  to express appreciation for any humane,  dignified behavior on their part, then we do to antiviolently place our selves in the way of any bad behavior. Morally, there is nothing they can do that stops them being our beloved sister or brother actively in our soul, unless and until we become the violence,  ignorance and hatred that we purport to stand against. Strategically, anti violent struggle throughout history, as rigorously studied by Erica Chenoweth, does not succeed until the people in uniform come on to the side of the revolutionaries. For the sake of all creation now, think. Is our priority on throwing a righteous tantrum, or on maybe securing a slightly better future for everything?


Sorry conservatives, new research from Harvard shows a profound amount of racism by police…not less of it

??? I don't know if everybody feels this way, or if I'm the only one. My suspicion is the latter. In any case, Jesus, and people like him, Gandhi, King... Those are the people I wanted to be like when I grew up. They're still......

??? I don't know if everybody feels this way, or if I'm the only one. My suspicion is the latter. In any case, Jesus, and people like him, Gandhi, King... Those are the people I wanted to be like when I grew up. They're still the people I want to be like. It has nothing to do with whether anyone would know. I don't care if anyone knows that I like fresh blueberries, I just like them. People like Jesus, King, Gandhi, my biological father, those are the kind of people I always wanted to become. That remains the case. There's no other kind of person I want to be. I don't know why. But that's how it's always been for me. It seems that that's profoundly odd.

It seems to me the Millennials have had it. It seems to me they realize that voting for b*******, can't eliminate a future of more b*******.

It seems to me the Millennials have had it. It seems to me they realize that voting for b*******, can't eliminate a future of more b*******.

Somebody please clue me in. I mean, why the hell would non Highly Educated whites (substantially employable at decent wages) not, I repeat, not, want Trump? He's a straight-out fascist. He's a white supremacist. He.....

Somebody please clue me in. I mean, why the hell would non Highly Educated whites (substantially employable at decent wages)  not,  I repeat, not, want Trump? He's a straight-out fascist. He's a white supremacist. He addresses them like they are the most important, whereas the Liberals have made it clear they are the least important for decades now, they think he will change the game to give them power. He will. What's not to understand?

***** None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use


Sunday’s police riot in Baton Rouge: Anti-brutality protests met with brutality

### "As recently as two years ago, Wiesel called Israel’s attacks on Gaza, which killed hundreds of children, entirely the fault of Hamas, who were practising “child sacrifice” and “barbarism.” His inevitably lofty moral justifications for these actions rang ... dubiously... It’s interesting that pro-Israel (or at least not anti-Israel) critics of Israel, such as American Jews Peter Beinart or Max Blumenthal, didn’t hesitate to critique........

### "As recently as two years ago, Wiesel called Israel’s attacks on Gaza, which killed hundreds of children, entirely the fault of Hamas, who were practising “child sacrifice” and “barbarism.” His inevitably lofty moral justifications for these actions rang ... dubiously... It’s interesting that pro-Israel (or at least not anti-Israel) critics of Israel, such as American Jews Peter Beinart or Max Blumenthal, didn’t hesitate to critique Wiesel even moments after his death. They objected to his refusal to raise questions about anything done by Israel’s governments (“I must identify with whatever Israel does — even with her errors”) and about his full-throated support for U.S. wars endorsed by Israel against Iraq or Libya, and his opposition to a U.S. peace with Iran."

### In case you would like to understand how I am investing my life these days. This rough submission at this link, rather lengthy, has been turned into a two-part article in an........

### In case you would like to understand how I am investing my life these days. This rough submission at this link, rather lengthy, has been turned into a two-part article in an extremely admirable local publication called Streetsense which is a vehicle for raising issues of the poor and homeless in the DC region and providing ethical source of income for the homeless who sell the papers after buying them at a hefty discount.


### My current sense is I will work for and vote for Jill Stein. I have thought it a virtue to compromise for the greater good, my entire life. I have to face that this is similar to compromising with a less virulent form of cancer. I need to stand with health. I need to stand with goodness and virtue. Don't you too?

### my current sense is I will work for and vote for Jill Stein. I have thought it a virtue to compromise for the greater good, my entire life. I have to face that this is similar to compromising with a less virulent form of cancer. I need to stand with health. I need to stand with goodness and virtue. Don't you too?


Revolutions do not succeed until the men and women in uniform join the revolutionaries. We deserve the suicide we are headed toward if we ignore that.

Revolutions do not succeed until the men and women in uniform join the revolutionaries. We deserve the suicide we are headed toward if we ignore that.

### Part of an article I submitted to a local paper: 2008 was just a mere symptom, the tip of the iceberg, to a much more immense problem that began in the eighties if not before. For 30 plus years now America, by every objective measure, has become a country that supports the dreams and needs of a smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller elite group. Our region, our City, our country is no longer for all of us, just for the few, and fewer every month. We.......

### Part of an article I submitted to a local paper:  2008 was just a mere symptom, the tip of the iceberg, to a much more immense problem that began in the eighties if not before. For 30 plus years now America, by every objective measure, has become a country that supports the dreams and needs of a smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller elite group.

Our region, our City, our country is no longer for all of us, just for the few, and fewer every month. We in the DC region have little if any time left to decide if we are going to let that stand or if we are going to immediately, aggressively, make our region with liberty and justice for all of our sisters and brothers, not just the fewer and fewer. All.

Baton Rouge, Minneapolis, and Dallas brought a terrifying Clarity to me Sunday, and to many many leading thinkers as well I see from their articles on Monday, that we have all but become a country that by policy, politics, economy and policing is a country of, by, and for the 20%, and functioning to pacify, control, defend against and contain the 80% of us. “Miniature police States,” Chris Hedges said many of our cities have become. When we allow ever dwindling living wage jobs, dwindling affordable housing, and dwindling environmental decency what else could they be or become?

I think this is by design of the wealthiest Among Us who lack the compassion to care for the majority,  just for themselves and the few around them. But more than that I think it is due to the triplets of racism,  materialism, and militarism Dr. King warned us 50 years ago were already destroying us. He said our “thing oriented Society” would not last. We have not repented, we have accelerated.

Whatever the cause, neither America nor our region are for many of us anymore but for an ever and ever smaller elite few.

Washington DC is the heart of our country. If we stand with courage and compassion and face this now, we might still be in time for the rest of the country to follow our lead.

Will we in Washington DC and the region any longer accept an America that is no longer of, by, and for all of the people? Will we individually and collectively find and live the Revolutionary courage to make it what it should be and to turn from, the ultimate disaster we are otherwise headed to?

***** Chris Hedges, the politics of Terror. ### I'm realizing this morning that things are probably decades more advanced than I had realized. For the poor and folks of color the cities are already mini police States. I just hadn't seen it that clearly. Chris Hedges today. The mega wealthy have been building their Elysiums for a long time.

Greenspan admits Iraq was about oil, as deaths put at 1.2m


How the World Fell Out of Love with ObamaIn countries key to the president’s legacy, people express profound disappointment in a man from whom they expected great things.

Knocked out. My strength and stamina are so much better than they were several years ago. I couldn't believe that, as the doctors said, eventually my body would recover, but it seems to have done so. It still ...

### Knocked out. My strength and stamina are so much better than they were several years ago. I couldn't believe that, as the doctors said, eventually my body would recover, but it seems to have done so. It still has limits and it looks like three or four days in a row all day in near hundred degree effective heat pedaling a 200 pound bicycle plus me is one such limit. 15 plus hours sleeping so far today in a cool room. I can't complain but I sure detest losing the time from work.

Criminalizing the hustle: Policing poor people’s survival strategies from Eric Garner to Alton Sterling

''The disappearance of jobs has sparked political anger, feeding opioid addiction, alcoholism and early death, and, among the commentariat, fomented bewildered discussion about the state of white working class people. But the disappearance of work hit black people first and hardest, decimating industries at the very moments when African-Americans, after centuries of marginalization, had only just got their foot in the door.

In the Baton Rouge area, says Spence, the minority male unemployment rate in 2014 was 2.7 times higher than for whites.....

The contemporary era of policing and mass incarceration emerged precisely to confront black people with limited or no access to formal work. As the sociologist Loïc Wacquant puts it, “in the wake of the race riots of the 1960s, the police, courts, and prison have been deployed to contain the urban dislocations wrought by economic deregulation and the implosion of the ghetto as ethnoracial container, and to impose the discipline of insecure employment at the bottom of the polarizing class structure.”''


When I allow the pain of my own concerns to become the focus of my attention then my life is more painful than joyful. When I overcome that and redirect ......

When I allow the pain of my own concerns to become the focus of my attention then my life is more painful than joyful. When I overcome that and redirect my focus to the pain of others then my joy outweighs My Pain by far. They are always both there but the proportions, the joy hugely outweighs any concern I have for my pain. That's the magic of loving.  ''I have learned the paradox that when I love until it hurts, there is no more hurt, there is only more love.'' Teresa of Calcutta

***** It was only about a year ago I came across a thought that had never occurred to me. People of color are the color of Earth, natural. People like me without color of the freaks, the color of death, bones.

It was only about a year ago I came across a thought that had never occurred to me. People of color are the color of Earth, natural. People like me without color of the freaks, the color of death, bones.

Striking Photos Of WWII Refugees Escaping to Safety In Syria


### F*** you mainstream media. Hell has no place hot enough for you. You are the real murders of Palestine. You are committing the genocide. You tell nothing but Israeli propaganda. 2000 Palestinians, the largest group children, destroyed by one ton bombs, vaporized, the mainstream media yawns if they mention anything. A 50 to 70 year terrorist occupation, no mention. No inclusion in the story. One Israeli killed, Front Page News. You bloody bastards. Article.

### There's really only one obstacle to Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. We as a culture quite broadly want every Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. Every Justice except for the only one that matters, economic Justice, because economic Justice requires the redistribution of wealth, and the best Among Us are unwilling to have more than a penny or two Avail wealth go to those in need. I'm not condemning us. Although I think we are condemning ourselves.

### There's really only one obstacle to Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. The obstacle is not greedy corporations. The obstacle is not the government. We as a culture quite broadly want every Justice for our homeless sisters and brothers. Every Justice except for the only one that matters, economic Justice, because economic Justice requires the redistribution of wealth, and the best Among Us are unwilling to have more than a penny or two of our wealth go to those in need, let alone the substantial if not massively distribution that conscience, that Humanity, that heart requires. I'm not condemning us. Although I think we are condemning ourselves. Personally my life is devoted to restructuring this value system Within Myself, and I recognize that in doing so I fashion of my life my only possibility for so influencing others in the same direction. And I do so not for any Noble goal. I do so because there in lies the only life of joy and true meaning. I do what I do for the ultimate greed of it.

### Is the AWOL faith community in Philadelphia on the Democratic payroll? My reply: They are not on the Democratic payroll. I spent a year, including my first Hunger Strike, to try to get them to cross the line from talking about helping the children in Chester Pennsylvania, to actually doing it. It's not about the Democrats. It's about the American disease of worshipping money, viewing money as life itself, Above All Else. They care about the poor, they are just........

### Is the AWOL faith community in Philadelphia on the Democratic payroll? My reply:  They are not on the Democratic payroll. I spent a year, including my first Hunger Strike, to try to get them to cross the line from talking about helping the children in Chester Pennsylvania, to actually doing it. It's not about the Democrats. It's about the American disease of worshipping money, viewing money as life itself, Above All Else. They care about the poor, they are just unwilling to allow anything that will cause Financial Justice for the poor because that will cause them to pay a personal price and they're unwilling to do that. They'll allow anyone and everyone else to suffer and die before they'll allow that. We will allow everyone else to suffer and die before we will allow that, paying the personal price for economic Justice for the poor. It is a liberal disease and a conservative disease. It is not about the political parties, they just manifest in different ways. And it's not just Martin Luther King that we haven't seen since the late sixties, it is large groups of people with the same level of sanity, Humanity, that fought alongside of him. All that died a long long time ago. That's the problem.

To a friend younger than I: Maybe you think I'm getting too philosophical, but my understanding of cancer is, not that it's a cell that decided to attack the body, but a cell that simply decided to stop devoting every second of its existence to the well-being of the body. It grows like crazy, robs all the cells around it of what they need to exist, and the body dies. My Generation, the Boomers, embraced cancer as.......

To a friend younger than I:  Maybe you think I'm getting too philosophical, but my understanding of cancer is, not that it's a cell that decided to attack the body, but a cell that simply decided to stop devoting every second of its existence to the well-being of the body. It grows like crazy, robs all the cells around it of what they need to exist, and the body dies. My Generation, the Boomers, embraced cancer as the ultimate Way of being. Selfishness as love, the ultimate perversion. You young folks are the recipients of five thousand or so years of humanoids in too-complex societies that has brought the human species and all species to the doorstep of death. Like cancer cells we were blind to the fact that we were killing the body, but unlike cancer cells, we were willfully blind.  Denial, our ultimate achievement. For the intoxications of it I did my part of bringing us to death's door. For the joy of it I'm trying to move us away from that door. Sorry. So sorry.


‘I was wrong in my presumption that Israel desired peace’ – US ambassador Chas Freeman

Pic. If one chooses to win, to be on The Winning Side, they will choose the status quo. By every objective measure the status quo will prevail and destroy everything. If one chooses joy, to be aligned with the forces of life, to have a life that feels like that, they will choose anti-violence, the......

If one chooses to win, to be on The Winning Side, they will choose the status quo. By every objective measure the status quo will prevail and destroy everything. If one chooses joy, to be aligned with the forces of life, to have a life that feels like that, they will choose anti-violence, the losing side, the side of tough loving, no matter what. I wish it were other than that, but that's how it is. Those are the choices.


### I think they are called Traitors? I think they are called foreign agents? Spys? The zionists in this country, Christian and Jewish, though.......

### I think they are called Traitors? I think they are called foreign agents?  Spys? The zionists in this country, Christian and Jewish, though they profess to be American citizens their loyalty is not to America, it is to the Zionist state of Israel. They do all within their power which is mighty to subvert the interests of the United States for Israel. Am I the only one that thinks this is a problem? Is this not treason?

### A friend asked me... The Israeli apartheid state is one of your core issues, and I was wondering if you might be able to recommend any pertinent literature on the subject?........ 😃 correction, human rights is my only issue, and therefore the u.s. Israel decimation of Palestinian human rights, a genocide executed by my country, the world's sole superpower, is my top agenda item and with respect I believe it is the top agenda item of every individual on Earth that has retained a large portion of their soul. Indeed, genocide is rightly the red line for every such person. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan pappe is the definitive work on the subject. Like everyone who speaks for Israel he has paid an immense price for..........

### A friend asked me... The Israeli apartheid state is one of your core issues, and I was wondering if you might be able to recommend  any pertinent literature on the subject?........

😃 correction, human rights is my only issue, and therefore the u.s. Israel decimation of Palestinian human rights, a genocide executed by my country, the world's sole superpower, is my top agenda item and with respect I believe it is the top agenda item of every individual on Earth that has retained a large portion of their soul. Indeed, genocide is rightly the red line for every such person.

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Ilan pappe is the definitive work on the subject. Like everyone who speaks for Israel he has paid an immense price for speaking the truth and in his case being self-exiled from Israel to secure a position in teaching in England. As with the others I mentioned below there are our long talks by him on YouTube that are an excellent way of getting up to speed.

As I usually say to those that ask me to direct them to sources on this viciously disputed topic, I recommend that they review the sources that I provide and the first thing they should ask themselves, well, James said that his view is based on scholarly sources, are the sources he is pointing to me to scholarly? I recommend that same question to you. For myself, I don't have the time or interest to build my activism in life on quicksand, on trash from the left, or trash from the right. I'm interested in the truth, and I'll pay near any personal price to find it and then stand on it.

Miko Peled is an Israeli whose father was a famous General in the '67 and '47 Colonial assaults, rapes, plunders, lootings of Palestine. His book, The General's son, is immensely credible and you will easily find numerous hour-long Talks by him on YouTube as he wages a Truth campaign around the country.

If Americans knew, Alison Weir. She has been a truth Warrior since the early 2000s. Her book by that title is a fairly fast read. Roughly half of it is scholarly citations as I recall. And as with Miko, on YouTube you can and should find roughly our long talks as she goes around the country.

Mondoweiss and electronic intifada are absolutely rigorous, truth based, very scholarly, high integrity data sources daily for what's going on.

An age of fools, William Cook. I came across this long synopsis of this book only last week. Had I come across it several years ago before I go so deep into the scholarly inquiry of what the hell was going on between Israel and Palestine, I probably would have quickly discarded it as not believable, not credible, not fact-based. But instead I read it last week and from the perspective of years of rigorous study I found it the most truthful, courageous, important summary of what's going on and has been going on that I can think of. I'm glad I have the years of study to be able to spot the several areas that I still think are questionable in this article. But 98% of it is absolute truth.

I stopped adding to the following page a year or so ago because the story just doesn't change, it just keeps getting more Savage, more brutal, more cruel , more damning of we Americans that fund it and allow it, and longer. These were the sources that I had built my understanding on which was sufficiently strong that my last Hunger Strike , 52 days, requiring Georgetown University Hospital 8 days to enable me to survive it at the end, was built by that time on sources including these. And

I am heartbroken by and therefore scathing of the cruel mockery that United States activism has made of the term peace activist for all the decades since Martin Luther King was assassinated. There are some exceptions, and they thereby prove the rule. The glaring exception that I see, the large and growing exception that I see, are the Jews in the United States and Israel that fight with their very lives, their careers, their intellect, their souls, their time, their money, their deep morality, relentlessly for human rights for Palestine. If one ever wondered whether campaigning for human rights for Palestine is anti-Semitic one only need to look at the work of Jewish voice for peace, breaking the silence, if not now, students for justice in Palestine, open Hillel....

Oh, and Haaretz, the paper of Record in Israel of all places! They are for Israel what the New York Times is supposed to be in the United States, the paper of National Record. But the New York Times is the most disgusting, blood-drenched, propaganda arm of Netanyahu's Israeli Nazi Genocide machine.

The UK Guardian also is quite consistently truthful.

99% of the UK and u.s. press act as propaganda arms for Israel, largely because they know that their careers will be assassinated on the spot should they Mumble the truth. The history is clear. Regardless of how senior a reporter may be, within a week or two of mentioning the truth their career is destroyed, they are made an example of, and no one else Ventures there. The same has been done to the US House and Senate. Our American value system is such that we will assassinate other people's children to protect the financial interests of our own.

### My American friends, please look in the mirror. I stand in amazement and gratitude at those who have been fighting so long for animal rights. I certainly was not. I review and often share their work as I see it come by on my Facebook feed and I am fed by their compassion. But yesterday I also begin feeling a rage. I felt........

### My American friends, please look in the mirror. I stand in amazement and gratitude at those who have been fighting so long for animal rights. I certainly was not. I review and often share their work as I see it come by on my Facebook feed and I am fed by their compassion. But yesterday I also begin feeling a rage. I felt a rage at a picture of someone in a foreign land posing with a shark they had dragged out of the water for a selfie apparently causing the death of the shark. A horrible Act. But I could not convince myself that those appalled at this picture don't include a large percentage that just finished a steak dinner, a bacon and egg breakfast, and a burger for lunch. Included a large percentage that have never put themselves In Harm's Way to stop The Butchery of roughly 4 Palestinians per week by American dollars, bombs, and political support. Americans, if we want to be appalled we don't need to look at someone from a foreign land on a foreign Beach. We Slaughter about 15 million of our fellow creatures for our entertainment and enjoyment, per day. Just look in the mirror.


### Yes, I am usually so scathing , so critical , so pessimistic about the future. Yes. But I think I am seeing a level of Citizen work that I certainly have not seen in fifty years or more. Millions.......

### Yes, I am usually so scathing , so critical , so pessimistic about the future. Yes. But I think I am seeing a level of Citizen work that I certainly have not seen in fifty years or more. Millions of citizens here and abroad turning attention away from selfish short-term pleasures to matters of Greater importance to the collective. This is important at least for themselves and for those around them. Joy is in the attempt to reduce the world's suffering. The individuals devoting more of their lives to this task become a demonstration of the path to those around them.

Show me a group that is completely devoted to serving the least of these and I'll show you my church.

Show me a group that is completely devoted to serving the least of these and I'll show you my church.


### I think the house action on gun control was a cynical ploy to drum up votes for establishment Democrats in November. There from 5:30 this morning it .......

### I think the house action on gun control was a cynical ploy to drum up votes for establishment Democrats in November. There from 5:30 this morning it took me until 2 o'clock this afternoon to come to this conclusion but I see it as nearly inescapable. There was nothing about strategy after today. And when they came to talk to us outside the house throughout the morning and at the closure they were far too likely to stress how important it was to vote for Democrats in November, especially Hillary. They do not have a strategy for getting gun control legislation. They see a strategy for establishment Democrats winning in November especially Hillary. F*** them all. These are the same bastards that with few exceptions, with John Lewis at the head of them, happy to sacrifice Palestinian children of color on the altar of establishment democracy winning elections. F*** them all.


### This MUSLIM saved 70 people in Orlando shootings. His name is Imran Yousuf

### We ate meat and meat and meat and meat and meat and meat and meat and meat. At some level my mom loved animals. If she had........

### We ate meat and meat and meat and meat and meat and meat and meat and meat. At some level my mom loved animals. If she had to choose between wrecking the car and killing us all, or hitting a squirrel in the road, she would do the former. And yet she cooked and served us lamb and beef and pork and on and on and on. Everyone did it. We are such f****** Savages.


### As it stands Jill Stein will get my vote. I don't vote gender, I vote Humanity, seriousness of purpose, courage to face and stand for the real issues of humanity. I think everyone should.

### As it stands Jill Stein will get my vote. I don't vote gender, I vote Humanity, seriousness of purpose, courage to face and stand for the real issues of humanity. I think everyone should.


Status report. Spent the last hour-and-a-half meeting with a stellar Washington DC advocate for the homeless. We laid the groundwork for........

Status report. Spent the last hour-and-a-half meeting with a stellar Washington DC advocate for the homeless. We laid the groundwork for what I think can be an important collaboration going forward. Had it not been for that meeting been planned I would have stayed in bed all day and am heading back to bed now. It's not that I feel so awful I just feel so weak. Doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. I hope to be less active online today so that I can devote myself to preparing for advocacy meeting with DC government officials on Tuesday regarding planning to move homeless into housing wage jobs.


***** I question the morality, decency, sanity of anyone that would bring a child into this 2016 World. In defence of such people I have to say that our prevailing Societal myths are so intense, so University ascribed to that it is difficult, nearly impossible, to see the matrix for what it is. God help the children that are brought into this world. For goodness sake adopt, be foster parents, but don't be so cruel as to conceive new children.

***** I question the morality, decency, sanity of anyone that would bring a child into this 2016 World.  In defence of such people I have to say that our prevailing Societal myths are so intense, so University ascribed to that it is difficult, nearly impossible, to see the matrix for what it is. God help the children that are brought into this world. For goodness sake adopt, be foster parents, but don't be so cruel as to conceive new children.

### in Desperate attempts to stop global warming I have gone literally to death's door, happy to go through if it would help, on 50 day plus water only hunger strike numerous times. I can no longer understand why I did that. I see nothing........

### in Desperate attempts to stop global warming I have gone literally to death's door, happy to go through if it would help, on 50 day plus water only hunger strike numerous times. I can no longer understand why I did that. I see nothing in humanity as a whole worth saving, not now, not through the last five thousand years. A few individuals? Yes. I don't have an allegiance to cancer. I don't have an allegiance to the plague. I would not have an allegiance to the Borg or the crystalline entity from Star Trek. I do not have an allegiance to the human race outside of the small Aboriginal tribes for which we were designed, and the handful of individuals that each generation somehow retain their Humanity in the viciously deadly cultures that we humans in large masses develop and promulgate. And I have a loyalty that will never die to do what I can to lessen the suffering of the most abused, neglected, persecuted such as  are Palestinian family  and our sisters and brothers  in the underclass here in the DC region. We are the weapons of mass destruction. God save the universe if we escape Earth.

***** really important Facebook dialogue here regarding gun control.

If you are on Facebook hopefully you can see this.

***** If I have to choose between which is more dangerous, 1. Scientists that deny, that are blind to, that are not in awe of, that there is a force of creation behind everything, and 2. So-called religious folks that deny science, I'll go with number one. By every......

If I have to choose between which is more dangerous, 1. Scientists that deny, that are blind to, that are not in awe of, that there is a force of creation behind everything, and 2. So-called religious folks that deny science, I'll go with number one. By every objective measure it is number one that is necessary and sufficient for all life on Earth to be destroyed. Without number 1 there is no fracking, no deep sea Drilling, no nuclear weapons, no Advanced Weaponry of any sort, no global warming, no massive Wall Street Trading, no Global destruction of the environment.... Yes, they both concern the hell out of me. But objectively, the Liberals, the scientists, are in the final stages of destroying Earth. Not the religious lunatics.

***** regarding what activism is appropriate or not appropriate for the DNC in Philadelphia. really important Facebook dialogue. If you are on Facebook you should be able to see it here I think......

### A little-known, and immensely important intellect of the 20th century, was Ashley Montagu. Immensely deep and Broad scholarship and intellect, Spirit, Humanity. He said, 'the world is not dying from the lack of love, it is dying from the presence of tribal love.' I know of more no more important truth than that. Jesus world........

### A little-known, and immensely important intellect of the 20th century, was Ashley Montagu. Immensely deep and Broad scholarship and intellect, Spirit, Humanity. He said, 'the world is not dying from the lack of love, it is dying from the presence of tribal love.' I know of more no more important truth than that. Jesus world was full of conditional, tribal, loving for me and mine. He gave his life to save us from that, to move us from tribal love to Universal family, unconditional love, submission to the service of Creator's family, every creature in creation. Me too. Everything else is self-inflicted Doom now.

Regarding guns for personal protection:  My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I........

Regarding guns for personal protection:  My biological dad was the most intensely and unfailingly loving individual that I have ever encountered on this Earth. Everything of value in myself I attribute to him being in my life as an example. Among the ways that he lived his love for us was to work literally 7 days a week 365 days a year at his lucrative profession of teaching piano to wealthy people and teachers from around the country who came to learn his methods. He worked himself to the Bone so that we could have an incredibly expensive idyllic house in a wealthy Northern New Jersey New York suburb , on the end of a cul-de-sac adjoining a massive Nature Preserve. But among other things it made us immensely vulnerable. It would have been a very attractive robbery Target and we could all have been murdered in our beds with the robber escaping never to be found. My dad was a person of little words. He was a person of immense Deeds. I don't remember any particular discussion other than when I was very young I became aware, I think he told me maybe he even showed me, that he had purchased a handgun which he put in the bedside table to protect us. And my recollection is that almost immediately he told me and showed me that he had gotten rid of the handgun because he considered having it a greater Danger than not having it. Obviously I've never forgotten that. In our desperately sick culture we think that life is pulse. Life is not pulse. It may in rare instances be enabled by pulse but life is not pulse. This was demonstrated, this was known and lived by all the people throughout history that are rightly Revere.


***** Oddly enough I identify more as a Jew, with Jews, than than any other group I can think of at the moment. Intellectually driven, of immense conscience, almost unable to not follow conscience. The group I next most identify with are Muslims. Modest, humble, nearly unable to not be generous. Least with the billion + terrorist group, pathologically supremacist, cancerously acquisitive and domineering and raping and plundering... Christians.

***** Oddly enough I identify more as a Jew, with Jews, than than any other group I can think of at the moment. Intellectually driven, of immense conscience, almost unable to not follow conscience. The group I next most identify with are Muslims. Modest, humble,  nearly unable to not be generous. Least with the billion + terrorist group, pathologically supremacist, cancerously acquisitive and domineering and raping and plundering, psychotically delusional, willfully out of touch with reality , murderously selfish... Christians. I identify with Jesus. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was never a Christian. Jesus would never have been a Christian.

***** I think I fairly dramatically evolved last night. I'm not sure how it will manifest in my life but I believe that it will. I thought that my loyalty to the human species died a year or so ago, but it seems not. I think that happened last night. I can't even.........

***** I think I fairly dramatically evolved last night. I'm not sure how it will manifest in my life but I believe that it will. I thought that my loyalty to the human species died a year or so ago, but it seems not. I think that happened last night. I can't even understand how I was so blind as to ever feel that loyalty. To individual humans? Yes. To the species? Am I loyal to cancer? Am I loyal to the plague? Would I be loyal to the crystalline entity from Star Trek? I am definitely loyal to the subspecies of human, loving, a miniscule tribe scattered around Earth. Minuscule. I am loyal to all nonhuman species but certainly not with the ferocity that I was to the human species. I am loyal to the universe enough to be opposed to the human species escaping out into it to wreak the same destruction that it has to Earth. How does it feel? Certainly more sane. More clear. More enlightened. More at peace. More clear.


***** It is near impossible in my mind that Bernie can arrange things such that I can trust Hillary as president. I'd rather see the whole American experiment melt down and start again.

It is near impossible in my mind that Bernie can arrange things such that I can trust Hillary as president. I'd rather see the whole American experiment melt down and start again.

### must read Washington Post article on President Obama as consoler in Chief.....### He has lost my respect as a great historical leader. Too many Horrors executed at his hand, too many Horrors left unblocked by his voice and or body. But I continue to Revere aspects of his Humanity such as described in this article here. There is greatness in his soul. And yes, although very unlikely, it is possible that he is faced with circumstances that explain and make impossible to avoid the horrible crimes that I hold him responsible for. I may never know.

### He has lost my respect as a great historical leader. Too many Horrors executed at his hand, too many Horrors left unblocked by his voice and or body. But I continue to Revere aspects of his Humanity such as described in this article here. There is greatness in his soul. And yes, although very unlikely, it is possible that he is faced with circumstances that explain and make impossible to avoid the horrible crimes that I hold him responsible for. I may never know.


### Extraordinary moral stature. The great change agents, the Agents of positive change, throughout history are of an extraordinary moral stature. Indisputable, right? How.........

### Extraordinary moral stature. The great change agents, the Agents of positive change, throughout history are of an extraordinary moral stature. Indisputable, right? How many activists since the assassination of Martin Luther King don't totally reject measuring themselves, let alone being measured by others, against that same yardstick? Practically all, they incinerate anyone that dares go there. Moral stature is everything to the true would-be Catalyst for moral change. And it doesn't even make it into the discussion, into the consideration, into the planning these last fifty years in America. Everything but. This is why there's no hope.

*****  Eureka! The missing proof that justice is a necessary but entirely insufficient anti violent goal: throughout my life I have wanted Justice to be a sufficient goal. 15 years ago I was.........

*****  Eureka! The missing proof that justice is a necessary but entirely insufficient anti violent goal:

Throughout my life I have wanted Justice to be a sufficient goal. 15 years ago I was told by someone that didn't like me so much, an African American  female pastor in a prestigious completely White Main Line Philadelphia Church, ''James, you love Justice more than anyone I have ever met.'' ''No,'' I respectfully replied. ''Thank you, and I can't explain just why, I know what you're referring to in me, but that isn't it. I think what you're seeing is that I may love living beings, all of creation, more than anyone that you have ever met.'' I couldn't explain why better than that. I couldn't explain why to myself, but I knew it deep in my spirit.

Several years ago in an extremely deep study of the theological scholar Dominic Crossan on the historical Jesus I almost became persuaded he was correct, when he asserted, as later has also done Harvard African American Scholar Cornel West, that Justice is loving made publicly manifest. Subsequently I realized that that is sometimes true but not necessarily true. Think of those that wield Justice, True Justice out of hatred, out of blind self-righteousness, arrogance, evil. Think of Inspector Javert in Les Mis. 

But that was not sufficient proof that justice is an insufficient goal of the anti-violent warrior.

The proof, not the proof to you, the proof to me, just clicked into place as I pedaled this 200 lb ELFusion vehicle from the Washington Monument to my abode 3 miles away. In the 90-degree heat, dehydrated, mostly uphill and with a debilitating chest cold in its third day.

Several pieces clicked into place.

1. Gandhi said that physical force is a superior choice in the case where one's wife is being raped and the only way that the husband can stop the rape is with physical Force. Gandhi cited this example many times. What clicked into place is that he never said that physical Force was justified in protecting oneself, and he always behaved as though it absolutely was not. This may be an oversight but I think not. Why would that be?

2. Gandhi was not about his own life, ultimately he was not about the life or even the Dignity of the wife being raped, nor of the husband. He was about achieving an infinitely larger good, a prevailing Justice for All of humanity, indeed for all of creation. In being about winning that greater good it is necessary to tap into the ultimate power in the universe which he described as Soul Force, truth Force, the love of a mother for her child. He cited the love of a mother for her child as the ultimate power that he tried to tap into. He never said the love of a mother for justice. He never said the love of a mother for herself. Why? Because neither of them are as powerful a moral Force for the engagement of the mass of passive onlookers as the love of a mother for her child, which involves self-sacrifice.

3. That shows the third proof which you can prove to yourself I suspect. Ask yourself which moves you more, the mother protecting herself, or the mother sacrificing her life for her child? I did not ask if you were unmoved by the mother trying to protect herself. Of course you are, of course you should be as am I. But which moves you more? The Mother Out of Love sacrificing or risking her life for her child! The Ultimate Force in the universe that the anti-violent, loving, nonviolent Warrior devotes their very being to embodying for the joy of it, because they can't do otherwise, tapping into is that Force which can only be activated in the onlookers, you in the question I asked you a moment ago, can only be tapped into in the onlookers when they witness someone offering or giving their life for a cause Beyond and greater than themselves equivalent to a greater good for another or a greater good for others. The Selma Marchers were putting their body In Harm's Way for their children, for their race, for their brothers and sisters.  The Freedom Riders, Alice Paul and her sisters,  the tens of thousands of Egyptians in Tahrir square, Malala, the school children in Soweto. And finally, number

4.  The anti-violent Warrior  the loving Warrior,  cannot tap into the ultimate power within them self  for justice, neither Justice for everyone, or just just for their self.  We don't work that way. We're not built that way. It's a function of our DNA.  Justice is a motivating force. It is not as motivating a force  as the heart connected to the well-being of another(s)  and thereby being engaged to protect the life or the Dignity of the other.  'Man hath no greater love than to lay down his life for his brother.' The ultimate need, the ultimate motivating force, of the healthy human being is meaning,  the potentially great meaning to the life of another. The definitive work on this is Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for meaning.  Whether one  got out of the death camp alive in Nazi Germany he observed was not a function of how healthy and strong the individual was coming in. It was a function of how desperately important  the inhabitant perceived it to be that they survive  so that they could get out to help someone else,  the wife,  or in the case of Frankel,  a much larger Community by publishing his psychological treatise.

The ultimate motivation that mother nature gave us was not  the desire for self-preservation, or for justice, even for justice  for the larger group.  It is to protect the very lives and dignity  of others.  Yes, she gave us the desire for justice, and the drsire to protect oneself. But if that's all she gave us, we essentially socially dependent species from the very beginning, then we would not have survived through the Millenia.  She gave us the ultimate motivation  of caring more about the group then about our own lives.  This is the only Force sufficient  to enable the anti violent Warrior  to go as far and as deep with as much courage and selflessness as an Alice Paul, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali,  and the others that we Revere have to go. This is a huge step for me.

In part I departed from the Democracy spring action a month ago because I sensed it was only about Justice. I do love justice, immensely, but I knew even then Justice is not enough. It's too little too late. Part of my long hesitation to get involved in support of what Bernie Sanders was doing was because although my soul realized that he was going for a much greater good for and all of creation , many most or near all of his followers were simply pursuing Justice and in large part Justice for themselves. I'm not opposed to that per se. I don't deny their right to do so. But I knew deep in my soul it was too little too late.

Now I have the proof I was looking for. The pursuit of justice as an end goal now is way too little way too late. These are the final nanosecond on the clock and they are ticking down.

### Devoting every penny you can possibly spare, every moment you can possibly spare, to supporting the campaign that Bernie Sanders is prosecuting is the best possible investment you can make for planet Earth at the moment.

### Devoting every penny you can possibly spare, every moment you can possibly spare, to supporting the campaign that Bernie Sanders is prosecuting is the best possible investment you can make for planet Earth at the moment.

***** Gallup poll. Americans most dissatisfied with state of the country since Carter

Article. The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees writes to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declaring its support for BDS and asking to be included in the list of boycott-supporting organizations the state of New York will be creating following the governor's executive order.....'..

***** Father of victim of Tel Aviv attack says Israel responsible for driving Palestinians to despair.

***** I fear Hillary much more than I fear Trump. Hillary is the figurehead of the neocon neoliberal zombie horde that has been destroying Earth since Reagan and massively accelerated by Clinton Bill. Trump is a lone........

***** I fear Hillary much more than I fear Trump. Hillary is the figurehead of the neocon neoliberal zombie horde that has been destroying Earth since Reagan and massively accelerated by Clinton Bill. Trump is a lone clown and Hillary's horde can neither control him nor buy him so they will fight him and that may tremendously blunt what other evil he could do. Yes, he would do massive damage. But infinitely less than Hillary's Huns that have a 30-year running start. And, the only folks with enough education to stop the impending horror if they elect Hillary are already under her spell and there goes the next four years. I fear Hillary much more than Trump. I cannot imagine any circumstance under which I will vote for that vile creature Hillary. I'll be influenced by what Burnie does but my guess is I will either write in Bernie or I will vote Trump.

***** Violence: violating what is right, violating the rights of others. It is absolutely not as simple as whether physical force is used. Treating the police as a group rather than individual human beings under all circumstances is violating their right to be treated as a human being. Shooting someone about to kill a toddler because that was the only way to stop them is not violence. That does not violate the rights of the would-be Killer.

***** Violence: violating what is right, violating the rights of others. It is absolutely not as simple as whether physical force is used. Treating the police as a group rather than individual human beings under all circumstances is violating their right to be treated as a human being. Shooting someone about to kill a toddler because that was the only way to stop them is not violence. That does not violate the rights of the would-be Killer.


### Not Human Rights, activists, but rather human rights catalysts. I don't care about words so much but I do care about Concepts. Although I have paid a high price in the........

### Not Human Rights, activists, but rather human rights catalysts. I don't care about words so much but I do care about Concepts. Although I have paid a high price in the last decade-and-a-half for fighting against the dilution and perversion of the word and concept 'activists,' like quite a few such words I think it was Ill chosen to begin with. Catalyst strikes me as a much truer capture of what Gandhi and those alongside him were and did , and Martin Luther King and those alongside of him, the tens of thousands of young people in Tahrir square, Malala, Alice Paul and the hundreds that fought alongside her, the Freedom Riders, SNCC.... They made of themselves such an extremely different thing, such a new extraordinarily moral thing , even though relatively miniscule in number versus their country and world population, exactly as a catalyst does they caused a hugely disproportionate change through the large population. They didn't try to manipulate. They didn't try to control. They didn't try to force... other than themselves, over whom they exercised huge self-control, discipline, molding themselves into something so radically pure, radically pure anti-violence, radically courageous loving, that the infinitely larger numbers could not avoid being changed by them. In nature as I understand it there is little if anything so relatively powerful as the catalyst, minute qualities of an element that fundamentally change an infinitely larger whole. Those who I have envied and admired throughout history, those who I try to be worthy of following, because of their unique effectiveness, I understand to be catalysts. They fashioned themselves into catalysts at enormous personal cost. This is what I strive to be and what I wish for others to strive to be. Human rights catalysts. Yes, Catalysts can be totally ineffective. They can become what is needed but if the nature of the mass surrounding them is impervious to reacting, incapable of reacting, protected from reacting... the Catalyst has no effect. But where I see profound progress in human morality throughout history it has been such a catalytic reaction that brought it about. I see no other chance. I see no other hope. I see no other way. Well, I see an infinite variety of ways that require a much lower price on the part of the would-be change agent that hold the promise of doing nothing but killing what little time is left for all decent future. Yes, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.'

### IF YOU HAVE NOT YET, must read now. Spirit is everything. The True activist is the one possessed by a selfless heroic nearly impossibly moral spirit. Such a spirit does not rest until it has a deep moral factual understanding of the situation, the evil and the need, and the scrupulously moral basis for action, and then it cannot remain still but is propelled into heroic action. The specific..... article, New Waves of climate insurgents.

### IF YOU HAVE NOT YET, must read now. Spirit is everything. The True activist is the one possessed by a selfless heroic nearly impossibly moral spirit. Such a spirit does not rest until it has a deep moral factual understanding of the situation, the evil and the need, and the scrupulously moral basis for action, and then it cannot remain still but is propelled into heroic action. The specific and general thoughtfulness of this article and these activists and their work is very rare and very relevant and very able to be copied by those who wish to become serious advocates for change.


### I would say that in my learning, experience, practice, observation, the true activist devotes their every breath to attempting to pay as much as possible of the price NOW, whatever price, including the ultimate price, for a better world... for others. I can think of.......

### I would say that in my learning, experience, practice, observation, the true activist devotes their every breath to attempting to pay as much as possible of the price NOW, whatever price, including the ultimate price, for a better world... for others. I can think of no exceptions. This is what they showed with their choices without hesitation. This is what they prepared and prepared and prepared and prepared... to do. Gandhi's words on the subject, 'I'm talking about the love of a mother for her child.' Anyone that is seriously interested in this topic that has not watched the PBS documentary, Freedom Riders, has really disabled themselves.

***** Though I've long stated he's our greatest intellectual, Chris Hedges, I've also long been concerned that something wasn't right. He's no revolutionary, I think. He's just one more Champion for violence. Just one more Champion for inverting who is oppressed and who does the oppressing. Who imposes, and who does the imposing. The world he wants is not the world I want.

***** Though I've long stated he's our greatest intellectual, Chris Hedges, I've also long been concerned that something wasn't right. He's no revolutionary, I think. He's just one more Champion for violence. Just one more Champion for inverting who is oppressed and who does the oppressing. Who imposes, and who does the imposing. The world he wants is not the world I want.

***** How the f*** is it that it takes a lifetime to become an effective surgeon, years to become an effective nurse, years or a lifetime to become an effective artist, years to become an effective Soldier or police person, years to become an effective gymnast or skier or a surfer... But two hours, or just a momentary self-declaration, to become an activist? 'Act' the change.......

***** How the f*** is it that it takes a lifetime to become an effective surgeon, years to become an effective nurse, years or a lifetime to become an effective artist, years to become an effective Soldier or police person, years to become an effective gymnast or skier or a surfer... But two hours, or just a momentary self-declaration, to become an activist?

'Act' the change you want to see?
'Pretend' the change you want to see?
'Occasionally use' the change you want to see?
'Mimic' the change you wish to see?
'Put on' the change you wish to see?...

(BECOME, and) BE the change you wish to see in the world... Truth-force... Soul Force... Anti-violence... Loving.

Gandhi devoted a lifetime to trying to be, trying to become, the change he wished to see in the world, the embodiment of Truth Force, the embodiment of (TOUGH) Loving, the embodiment of Soul Force. In the end he said he had just barely scratched the surface. Was he a fool? Did he have no idea of what was involved? Was he lying? One would think so if one looks at nearly all of the so-called activists since King's assassination who think it is something that they learn in two hour training, or a decision that they make, a self-declaration, or that it is as simple as not using physical violence, and then they're all set... they're activists, just like King, just like Gandhi, and the thousands alongside them that would pay any price even death rather than violate that spirit. Magic!!! So, it turns out there is a free lunch! Would it not be so nice if Muhammad Ali had not had to devote his life to becoming the greatest at both boxing and anti-violence? Would it not be nice if the Freedom Riders, if dr. King and those fighting alongside of him, had not had to go through rigorous rigorous rigorous, in King's case, lifelong training, to become that change, to become the embodiment of non-violence, to become the embodiment of loving, anti-violence?

How the f*** is it that it takes a lifetime to become an effective surgeon, years to become an effective nurse, years to become an effective gymnast or skier or a surfer... But two hours, or just a momentary self-declaration, to become an activist?

Ah, the magic of self-delusion. Sadly, Now such self-delusion is planetary suicide. Does anyone love the future enough to wake up in time? If not you, who? If not here, where? If not now, when?

### So, Hedges, you are down with violating the rights of others to peacefully Assemble? Just what kind of world is it that your proposed violence will give us? The answer is, just one different group imposing their will on others. Violence by whatever name is violence. I don't want your world. I'm so disappointed in you. Have you become what you hate? '' shutdown the Democratic National Convention.''

... I admit to being conflicted on my comment above. But I stand by it. I think it is insane that the young people of this country don't come to Washington DC and so fill every street corner that the city ceases to function until it implements Marshall Plan level policy to stop global warming, for example. But to shut down, shut down, a meeting of fellow citizens, no matter how corrupt, no matter how revolting? How is this not inviting citizens that disagree with my policies to shutdown my peaceful meeting? I am opposed to the Democratic party just as I am opposed to the Nazi party. But if I violate their rights then I am violating my rights, and more importantly, I am violating the rights that I am bound to protect with my life for all species. Hate begets hate. Violence begets violence. There is only one set of rights, that which applies to us all. An attack on what is Right for any creature is an attack on what is Right for every one of us. Violence, violating the rights of others to get what one wants, that's the world we have. I don't want more of it.

Fb reply:  James, I think you are misinterpreting this. He is not calling for violence. These homeless and impoverished people were denied the right to peacefully assemble. That is a Constitutional right denied in the city where the Constitution was written! Nowhere does he promote violence. You interpret "shut down" as a violent expression. I disagree. If someone is murdering someone else, and you try to stop them, are you violating their rights??

James: Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Please be sure you have read what I just added to my comment immediately above this one. Not that it will persuade you differently. I don't write to persuade. I write to share what I am persuaded of. Yes, I am absolutely responding to the wording shut it down. The DNC is a citizen group. It is different than a governmental group in my view, Morally. It is different than a corporate group, morally. And the nature of the assembly, no matter how much I may detest it with every fiber of my being,, I do not have the right to shut it down nor does anyone else. To demonstrate against it? Absolutely. I would say there is a duty to demonstrate against it. Language matters. The headline is shut it down. Yes, I absolutely respond to that as should anyone.

Friend: Please see my comment below and also consider that lobbyists have a huge hand in putting the DNC together. It will be run by bankers and lobbyists. This is much more a corporate assembly than a citizens assembly. The whole "people side" of it is a sham, theater for the controlled masses. To stand in support of such a gathering is to support war lords and those who impoverish our inner cities. Just my opinion...

James: Which part of my wording, duty to protest, is unclear? Again, I hope you seriously consider what I've said. I have considered what you have shared. I think you are not seeing the distinction between violence and nonviolence. I think Hedges article provides an important opportunity to see that whatever one does one should accept in return. So, if you are fine with the state or fellow citizens shutting down your meetings then you should feel fine with Hedges language to shut down the DNC. Otherwise, not so much. And then there's the matter of incitement. Are you okay with the violence against the Trump demonstrators in California? I suspect not. Are you okay with language that would incite such violence? I suspect not. This is not a time for amateurish, thoughtless, self-indulgent, acting out, Behavior. No, I am not accusing you or Hedges of that. I am cautioning against it. I've shared what I have to share. Be well

James:  I think we have a shared what we have to share on this. Be well

Friend 2:  James, thank you for posting this article. I will be on the South side of city hall, as close to Honksla and Chris as possible. I AM NOT going to Philly to solely support brother Bernie Sanders, although I will participate in many activities "permitted" in FDR park. I do not want to get arrested the first day, but if I have to I will. I will go to Philly with peace in my heart, revolution in my soul and a very practical approach to what the FBI, Homeland Security and their patsies the Philadelphia police force have in mind for those of us that will be Heard and not Herded. I grew up in South Philly and coming home in more ways than one. I hope to see you there as I know your convictions are even deeper than mine.

James: I appreciate your thoughtful and constructive words. On those days I will be fighting, every breath, for an anti-violent, loving world, of that we can both be certain. Whether I will be in Philly or not depends on whether on those days I view the that is my best means of serving creation. Yes, Sanders is a wonderful human being, a godsend. My donation of virtually all of my meager savings this month to his campaign was not to him, but to the revolution he is trying to lead. He would be the first to agree, is the first to agree, that he is not the revolution. He is the spirit of the Revolution I believe, and those who embody that Spirit are also of the revolution. It is that spirit that my life is devoted to embody with my every breath in whatever Direction, in whatever form, I think can best serve creation.