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***** Our, sick, pathological, ecocidal, mania religion of winning, being a winner, was instrumental throughout my life in keeping me from being a decent, responsible, humane human being. I didn't.........

***** Our, sick, pathological, ecocidal, mania religion of winning, being a winner, was instrumental throughout my life in keeping me from being a decent, responsible, humane human being. I didn't realize it. I don't know that it's a plot. But it is such an Insidious way of framing the task of Being Human in terms of consumption, domination, exploitation, Conquest. Insidious. I hope you wake up before I did. Central to the Life Choices of all those throughout history that I Revere was somehow rejecting this insane notion. It has taken me a lifetime to learn that the joyful path, the Humane, sane path is to work in almost the opposite direction. No, the purpose isn't to fail, but the purpose is to do what's right and in a culture, a world, as near absolute death as is 2016 Earth, to select the path of trying to do what is right, trying to do what is needed by our neediest sisters and brothers, is to select the near certainly losing path. I shall select this near certainly losing path for the rest of my days for the otherwise unattainable joy and peace of Heart and Hope of it.


The only Power, the only Power, the only Power... we have to make the world truly better is moral power, the power of our example, what Gandhi called Soul Force. Everything else is an illusion, and kills what little time we may have left. Hugs

The only Power, the only Power, the only Power... we have to make the world truly better is moral power, the power of our example, what Gandhi called Soul Force. Everything else is an illusion, and kills what little time we may have left. Hugs


### No credit to me, I didn't understand what I was doing, but since the beginning my nervous system has fought being made something else than my human nature by our culture. And for.....

### No credit to me, I didn't understand what I was doing, but since the beginning my nervous system has fought being made something else than my human nature by our culture. And for the last 15 years I have worked endlessly to try and rip out whatever wiring had made it inside me from our sick culture. Despite all that, when I saw the following photo the other day it just hit me square between the eyes. Like a revelation.

Us power depends on war, is threatened by peace.

Us power depends on war, is threatened by peace.

***** Revolution Is Possible when very large masses of people literally can't live with the status quo any longer, even if they don't recognize that fact within themselves. I don't see that in the world's Center of Empire, America, today. Things are going to have to get a lot worse.

Revolution Is Possible when very large masses of people literally can't live with the status quo any longer, even if they don't recognize that fact within themselves. I don't see that in the world's Center of Empire, America, today. Things are going to have to get a lot worse.


Every successful nonviolent revolution of which I am aware has chosen to understand that not the men and women in uniform but the system behind them was their enemy and therefore there point of attack. I see none of the wisdom of those prior efforts, only the childish impulse to hate and blame the nearest possible object. The result will be catastrophic.

Every successful nonviolent revolution of which I am aware has chosen to understand that not the men and women in uniform but the system behind them was their enemy and therefore there point of attack. I see none of the wisdom of those prior efforts, only the childish impulse to hate and blame the nearest possible object. The result will be catastrophic.

Nobody is serious about stopping global warming, or stopping corporate fascism, that is not approaching near zero in personal consumption and ownership.

Nobody is serious about stopping global warming, or stopping corporate fascism, that is not approaching near zero in personal consumption and ownership.

Silencing America as It Prepares for War by John Pilger


We can't truly love ourselves until we love the neediest more than ourselves.

We can't truly love ourselves until we love the neediest more than ourselves.

### Everything I value in myself came from my dad. Most......

### Everything I value in myself came from my dad. Most amazing person, most Godly, most loving, I've ever encountered personally. Incredible blessing to me. Immense over-privilege mine, and responsibility. Just the other day I was wondering what he would think if he saw me now. Lol. The last he knew me he was in his two-million-dollar house which he had created for us, not for himself, in one of the wealthiest towns in the world. He was born into poverty. Material property. I think he would be very surprised to see me, but I think he would smile, shake his head, and not be displeased. Yeah, I can hear a warm laugh. He's been physically gone from me for about 30 years now. He and my mom were both on their second marriage and had me very late in life. Some apples fall close to the tree, some fall very far away as did my two female siblings.

### Not until tens of thousands of us would gladly die for a better future for all species will there be real hope of the real Revolution... anti-violence.

### Not until tens of thousands of us would gladly die for a better future for all species will there be real hope of the real Revolution... anti-violence.

***** This is who I am inside, all the time, every day, every hour, about Palestine about environmental destruction, about so much Injustice. This is who I am. This is where I live.


As soon as the zionists prove that they have stopped molesting their nieces and nephews, I will prove that I am not anti-Semitic.

As soon as the zionists prove that they have stopped molesting their nieces and nephews, I will prove that I am not anti-Semitic.

***** James, how would you suggest we... Fill in the blank... Free Palestine, stop global warming, stop fascism in America...? My reply: If I want a Mercedes, new, from a showroom, it really doesn't matter whether I go in with dollar bills, the checkbook, a............

***** James,  how would you suggest we...  Fill in the blank...  Free Palestine,  stop global warming,  stop fascism in America...?  My reply: If I want a Mercedes, new, from a showroom, it really doesn't matter whether I go in with dollar bills, the checkbook, a credit card, a bank check... Etcetera. What matters is the amount. And, oh by the way, if I instead of the amount I go in with lip service, conversation, begging, demanding, taunting, demonstrating, tantruming, Facebook posting, article writing, meeting, 2 hour demonstration... They might tolerate it for a few moments and then they rightfully are going to get me arrested, and no onlooker will object. Lip service, words... wanting... whining, demanding... does not achieve anything worthwhile, though it does give you the total Destruction of one's credibility, moral potential, respect in the eyes of onlookers , worthiness in the eyes of onlookers. Contrary to the criminally insane dictum of my boomer generation, there is no free lunch! When enough of us heroically, lovingly, courageously, selflessly, seriously... pay enough of our own personal lives to be the price of freeing Palestine it will happen. Lip service doesn't help, in fact, it disperses our energy, gives us the delusion that we're making any difference, and totally destroys our credibility in the eyes of potential joiners. An individual, then individuals, then tens of thousands of individuals devoted their very being to get rid of Mubarak and finally it was enough. The same in the American Civil Rights Movement. The same in getting rid of South African apartheid. It is not how we pay the price. It is that we pay the price. I cannot pay the price of anyone else, but I can, or cannot, pay the entire price of my own life.


### THIS... is what activism looks like. I am and will continue to be extremely harsh, scathing, in calling out, occasionally, what passes for activism that in fact is activism in name only. Hypocrisy does not... ' 23 young Jews arrested in America for protesting Israel's occupation of Palestine''

### THIS... is what activism looks like. I am and will continue to be extremely harsh, scathing, in calling out, occasionally, what passes for activism that in fact is activism in name only. Hypocrisy does not require that the hypocrite see their own hypocrisy. In fact,  hypocrisy, the child of denial, is always acting the part, not BEING the part, without self acknowledging that fact. If it was with acknowledging that fact it would be lying, deceit, deception, not hypocrisy. Why scathing, why extremely harsh? Because unless this gets fixed the future is existential hell for all future generations starting with disadvantaged current Generations. How the f*** should I be? What the f*** does loving do in the face of impending horror Beyond any ever seen for the human species, for all species? To do less would be unloving which I refuse to be. To my eyes, the actions described in the following article begin to be the epitome of what activism worthy the name is: Disciplined, respectable, scrupulous respectability, truly Brave, deeply selfless , making manifest the deepest longings of the heart, truly heroic, deeply courageous in truth, well thought-out but not show not theatrics not a media ploy,  absolutely centered  on others who are in extreme need,  0 self-centered, injecting self exactly in the way of the impending harm, completely within one's rights, never violating the rights of others physically morally or otherwise including the right  of every creature in every circumstance to be treated as a human being regardless of how horrible ones Behavior may be, personally paying the price versus the violence of attempting to get another to pay the price, profoundly well informed, reverential, unfailingly serious, unmistakeably dignified. Non-hostile. Anti-violence. Anti-violent. Am I talking about acquiescence?  Am I talking about tolerating violent acts toward others?  By the police for example ?  Anti-violence is never these things.  Cowardice is the one unforgivable sin according to Gandhi ,  not the use of even deadly physical Force as we love to delude ourselves.  Gandhi demanded physical Force  to protect the weak  if the person who could intervene was incapable of anti-violence.  Are the people in this article wimps? I think the key to understanding the difference between a violent action and anti violent action is to imagine oneself in the presence of ones tremendously be loved just gone insane uncle about to bludgeon his infant child. Might you use violence to stop this? Might you be incredibly harsh to stop this? Of course! Do you hate your uncle or project hatred toward your uncle in intervening? Of course not! See the police as your uncle in a fit of insanity. See the 1% as your uncle in a fit of insanity, because they are. And nonviolence training worth the name is exactly about learning how to do this, not the violence crap that passes for non-violence training today. Watch the documentary, Freedom Riders, actual footage beautifully portrays what non violence training looks like in truth. If the organizations, if not now, Jewish voice for peace, breaking the silence, open Hillel, Christian Peacemaker teams... are not on your daily news scan please put them there. Our sisters and brothers who are the true Jews, the descendants of the ancient Israeli prophetic ethical system, are the one true repository of activism-in-deed that I continually see in 2014, 2015, 2016. Wagers of loving. The anti-violence. The only anti-violence.


***** Creator fills my heart with joy every moment that I bear the pain of creation and work to lessen that pain. James

Creator fills my heart with joy every moment that I bear the pain of creation and work to lessen that pain. James

This is my third major stop for the day, posted in front of CNN by Union Station for the walk by potential of the free Palestine signage. Working on my computer on the internet. During the morning hours......

This is my third major stop for the day, posted in front of CNN by Union Station for the walk by potential of the free Palestine signage. Working on my computer on the internet. During the morning hours the vehicle was posted in front of the moral Abomination called NPR, netanyahu's propagandists and rapists. Moral scum. Killing Palestinian children  in return for their cushy prestigious jobs. Just after lunch was a 2 hour meeting at the large DC government office building on New York Avenue focusing on shelter performance particularly during hypothermia season this past year. It is part of something called ICH , interagency coalition to end homelessness. For the last 2 months I have been attending many of their meetings and with few exceptions and extremely impressed at the seriousness of the effort to prophetically reduce homelessness in Washington DC by 2020 with substantial Milestones of progress in the interim. I am throwing myself in the deep end to try and learn as much as possible as quickly as possible while at the same time trying to avoid slow slowing others down. Said hello to the director of the effort today and told her I am coachable, that I need to be told if my questions are slowing things down and abruptly interrupted me and said, quite the opposite, I'm very glad that you're a part of this and I have much to learn from you. I think she was being honest. Oh, I also stopped at the Sanders headquarters and told them in response to their email of yesterday that I seem to have permission from the management of my apartment complex 2 house a delegate should they need the space, received Clarity from them as to how I can donate nearly all of my current savings to Sanders and not to folks further down his ticket no discredit them but he is the one that has taken the moral High Ground now, and also got some small needed hardware for El Fusion vehicle. James


***** To my friends who would be violent, including discriminatory , toward the police, the Republicans, or anyone: I think I understand your frustration, I think I understand some factual justification , I even acknowledge that theoretically it could produce short-term results. Very very......

To my friends who would be violent, including discriminatory , toward the police, the Republicans, or anyone: I think I understand your frustration, I think I understand some factual justification , I even acknowledge that theoretically it could produce short-term results. Very very short-term, and very certain long-term... it will unleash the forces of hell that are the world Awash in weaponry. I just don't want that world. Hate, violence, begets hate , violence. I just don't want more hate , more violence, of people. Hatred of Injustice? Absolutely! Hatred of Cruelty? No one has more of that than I. But hatred, violence, of, or hatred, violence, toward, any individual or group? I just don't want that world. Hate begets hate. I don't want it in me. I don't want to create more of it around me. Do what you will, I'll not join you. I'll continue in my pitiful little efforts to be loving, anti-violent, and therefore to Mark the path of loving, anti-violence, which is tough in this 2016 world or it is not loving, it is harsh in this world of 2016 or it is not loving, I will continue to try and be and to Mark that path of anti-violence... as futile, as ridiculous , as idiotic, has laughable... as that may be..., well, as that is. James

The political, cultural and judicial system in a capitalist state is centered around the protection of property rights. And, as Adam Smith pointed out, when civil government “is instituted for the security of property, [it] is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” The capitalist system is gamed from the start.'' Chris Hedges. See article.....

***** The selfishness, the cruelty, of someone bringing a child into this 2016 World hell is just beyond me. When Gandhi couldn't fix things, when Jesus could not, when Martin Luther King could not, when The Godly one in a million that has always existed could not, why would I not see that the human species is a failed species? Shame on me.

***** The selfishness, the cruelty, of someone bringing a child into this 2016 World hell is just beyond me. When Gandhi couldn't fix things, when Jesus could not, when Martin Luther King could not, when The Godly one in a million that has always existed could not, why would I not see that the human species is a failed species? Shame on me.


***** My only loyalty, my entire loyalty, is to loving, in whatever species, and in whatever individual or group, I see it. This is why my loyalty is not to the human species, not any longer with.....

### My only loyalty, my entire loyalty, is to loving, in whatever species, and in whatever individual or group, I see it. This is why my loyalty is not to the human species, not any longer with what I see now that the carefully culture crafted illusions sewn into my eyes since birth have been substantially removed. This is why I have not jumped on board the Sanders campaign. He is a very loving individual, his supporters, my sisters and brothers all, with few exceptions, are not. They want more Justice for themselves. I don't begrudge them that. But that's not what loving does. His supporters are not nearly as deprived or abused, with few exceptions, as the billions on Earth who have been the victim of our Collective American excesses. My point is not to denigrate anyone. My point is to share my understanding of why to my surprise I am not jumping onboard the Sanders campaign, and other aspects of me that I find surprising but persistent. Phyllis Ann Salomone Collins Shodo Spring Kathy Green Dave Schwenk

***** I am alone, isolated, fighting alone, ( and every breath filled with joy and peace ) because 15 years ago I did what terrifies Americans, what terrifies westerners, what terrifies we over-privileged, what terrifies liberals, what terrifies activist-inos... more than anything else in the world. I gave up. I surrendered. I refused to......

***** I am alone, isolated, fighting alone, ( and every breath filled with joy and peace ) because 15 years ago I did what terrifies Americans, what terrifies westerners, what terrifies we over-privileged, what terrifies liberals, what terrifies activist-inos... more than anything else in the world. I gave up. I surrendered. I refused to fight anymore... I refused any longer to fight my heart. I refused any longer to fight my conscience. They had been nagging at me my entire disgustingly over privileged life. I at long last caved, I gave in. I found within me a vow that I have adhered to ever since. I didn't make a vow,  as I find doing such things terribly counterproductive. I found the vow in my heart and I surrender to it for the greedy Joy of it. That vow that I found there and surrender to was that I would give my life to my human and nonhuman family on Earth as best I could with every breath. That I would never again prostitute myself to the values, machines, organizations, systems of Our Sick culture for one second, not for 1 cent, regardless of the personal consequences, that I would give my life and not divert one second to earning a life for myself. If my sisters and brothers were happy to let me expire, that wasn't my business, that wasn't my concern, and I would not  divert a second to that. And with never a second thought because of the overwhelming peace and joy of that path, and because of the singular hope that that path gives, I have never looked back, only forward to the absolute joy and peace and hope of that decision, that direction, of that path. That is,  I finally said yes to what we westerners have been taught to avoid with our last breath, I said yes to heart in charge ( not to be confused with self-indulgent sentimentality ) and thereby I allowed the material world that I had been taught to Crave as a Westerner to totally disintegrate, to totally turn against me because of the path that I walk. Again, never for one breath have I looked back because of the overwhelming joy and peace, every breath, and extreme pain of the suffering world that is my fuel, of that path. I gave into truth Force. I gave in to soulforce. I surrendered to my heart. I have worked assiduously to keep my heart in charge ever since and with very very very few moments of error, I have succeeded. It is heaven, the heaven that has always been written of, and the heaven not one in a million find. But it is the heaven that every true activist lives in by whatever words, or no words at all. The one in a Million. Obviously I use every neuron in my head, infinitely more than most. Obviously I find physical strength despite my stage 4 cancer and age that many people can't imagine. That's what the heart in charge does. I use my head. I use my flesh. More particularly my heart, that I deliberately and scrupulously keep in charge, uses  both my head and my flesh to the fullest. But I never make the mistake of letting them,  my head or flesh, be in charge, only my heart, with no credit to me. Finally, after 45 years of having my head and flesh in charge, I surrendered, I gave up, to my heart, my soul, my conscience. My heart has been my loving, immensely harsh, unimaginably wise master ever since. And so I am physically alone, and certainly will remain physically alone, and relatively materially impoverished, as a consequence, a price that I pay every day without a shred of regret, for the greedy, infinite,  joy and peace of Heart of it.

### Jane Goodall is correct, there is still much worth saving, but that does not include the human species, although it does include a few individual humans.

### Jane Goodall is correct, there is still much worth saving, but that does not include the human species, although it does include a few individual humans.


***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpl......

***** Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason for denial, not the primary reason. Avoiding unpleasantness is not the reason that we limit how much ugliness we are willing to see on Facebook, how much unpleasantness we allow to become Central in so-called activism or in the nature of the so-called activism we have been willing to practice these last forty years or so. The primary function of denial is not to avoid unpleasantness, it is to avoid becoming loving, it is to avoid Gandhi's Truth Force, to avoid what happens when Awful Truth makes it past our denial system and hits our heart. It activates our heart, it hijacks our nervous system, and turns us near irresistibly into Insanely Humane (INSHE) Warrior antiviolent Servants of righteousness, Servants of what is Right, Servants of what our human family most needs of us, what all of our fellow life forms need of us. God forbid.... So, as the central one of our many contributions to the extermination of all life on Earth, we f****** baby boomers, our central contribution has been the activism-ino-ism of the last 40 years which is so careful to be sure that we conduct ourselves in a way that it is attractive, it is fun, it is Pleasant, it is something that people want to do, to 'join' ( a social club with a thin veneer of activism )... thereby scrupulously and absolutely avoiding bringing online truth Force, the heart, soul Force, loving... the only force in the universe that could overcome the largest mercenary force that Earth has ever seen. Brilliant. Murder.


The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism........

The pursuit of justice is a wonderful breeding ground, a wonderful excuse, for hatred among those doing the pursuit toward whoever their targets are. The arrogance, hatred, hypocrisy in current 2016 so-called activism is throwing this in my face as I so wish it was not. Without love, it is hatred. If anyone is being dehumanized, discriminated against against, victimized, it is not loving, just more of the same old hatred. Not Revolution. More of the same. Just an attempted change in who is doing the oppressing and who is oppressed.

***** Climate activists taunting the police, my sisters and brothers all. I want that world of your hatred and taunts toward the police, even less than I want the world of climate change. I'd.......

Climate activists taunting the police, my sisters and brothers all. I want that world of your hatred, nastiness, immaturity, Tantrums, Self righteousness, hipocricy, over privilege, and taunts toward the police, even less than I want the world of climate change. I'd rather see we humans go extinct as we are doing, and as we will continue to do if this is the best activism you can find to do, and let the rest of the species get a chance to live without us. This, despite the fact that there are few people alive that have offered and paid a higher personal price to stop global warming than I.

I'm quite sure that 9 months from now I will be moving out of this apartment either onto the streets or back into a homeless shelter. This has been a terrific expenditure , the rent I pay every......

I'm quite sure that 9 months from now I will be moving out of this apartment either onto the streets or back into a homeless shelter. This has been a terrific expenditure , the rent I pay every month, to give me a firm footing to launch into my advocacy for the underclass in Washington DC which is taking roughly half of my time now. As I knew, there were nonprofits that would not work with me constructively as a homeless person, that allow me to gain entry now to get a foothold as someone with an address. But when this lease is up, which I cannot break without forfeiting the monies due during the 12 months , I will move out on the basis that I have less right given my lifelong disgusting over privileged, that I have less right to this property than do thousands of people on waiting lists in this city. And on the basis that I want and need the money that goes into the rent every month for more for my sisters, brothers, children around the world and in DC far more than I need it for me.

I make any and every penny that I have scream as I pinch it. Every penny that I spend on me is a penny that I do not have to spend on those far needier than I. My current food situation , vegan now that.......

I make any and every penny that I have scream as I pinch it. Every penny that I spend on me is a penny that I do not have to spend on those far needier than I. My current food situation , vegan now that I control what I eat, is 95% vegan. Thank goodness, as I have wanted to be since my college days. Expense wise, I consume almost entirely the expiring food from a profoundly kind coffee shop... pasta, lentils, chickpeas, occasionally a healthy salad. They ask nothing in return. They never have. But I Delight in giving the staff a tip that I think they find fairly large every couple of months. Beyond that for fruit and vegetables I make modest expenditures two places. Farmers markets, I greatly Delight in the supporting their work. And coffee shops and restaurants where I use the restroom when I am doing my work in this vehicle around Washington DC. Whether or not they would ask I do not like taking resources where I don't make a contribution so I will buy typically a couple of oranges or a couple of bananas or cooked vegetables for a couple of dollars.


I am all work and no play. I'm as much fun as a root canal. I make it my business to live my life in the imagined presence of the most persecuted people on earth and I thereby act accordingly. I look ridiculous, unkind......

I am all work and no play. I'm as much fun as a root canal. I make it my business to live my life in the imagined presence of the most persecuted people on earth and I thereby act accordingly. I look ridiculous, unkind, unpleasant, unkempt because no one sees the jury in front of whom I live my life, or the Raging Battlefield on which I live.

***** It's a curious thing with activists in the last 40 years. Somehow they gleefully embrace the notion that, whatever I feel like doing is better than nothing. I like the idea so it will work. The opposite of SNCC. The opposite of Martin Lu.....

***** It's a curious thing with activists in the last 40 years. Somehow they gleefully embrace the notion that, whatever I feel like doing is better than nothing. I like the idea so it will work. The opposite of SNCC. The opposite of Martin Luther King jr. and those that worked with him. The opposite of Saul Alinsky. The opposite of Gandhi. Very much the stuff of the neocons. Very much the stuff of the conservatives. Very much the stuff of Wall Street, the hedge fund managers. Very much the stuff of the religious fundamentalists. Very much the stuff of Mission Control that sent up the space shuttle Challenger. Very much the stuff of the Pentagon. Hey, it seems right to us, let's do it, it's better than nothing. No discipline, no academic or theoretical rigor, no historical grounding, no humility, no self-restraint, no solemnity, no Soul, no dignity, no paying-the-price.... Hey, I'm an old guy. It really doesn't matter a lot to me personally. I just hate to see you younger ones pissing away what little chance you had.


***** To a young Jedi: Young people can achieve what older folks cannot. If four older women had been killed in a black church bombing in the sixties it might not really have been noticed. But it was four young black girls and......

To a young Jedi: Young people can achieve what older folks cannot. If four older women had been killed in a black church bombing in the sixties it might not really have been noticed. But it was four young black girls and even this near dead hearted Nation couldn't bear the pain without some response. If Malala had been 50 years old ..... If the tens of thousands in Tahrir square  had been my age instead of your age.... Soweto..... If only you young ones could realize the power, especially you over privileged white American children, that you have to the extent that with dignity, discipline, restraint, self respect, reverence for life... you pay, or offer to pay, with your lives, which does not necessarily involve dying, but that you truly offer to pay with your lives for the future that you want for creation. This seems so unjust, but it is what life does. This seems so unjust, but it is exactly what every uniolet Warrior  that we Revere has done.  There is no other way.  It can take many forms, but there is no other way and never will be.  Everything has a price.  Violence seeks to exact that price from the other.  Non violence  is determined to pay, and or offer, that price themselves. Only cancer and violence does not. Violence in the pursuit of justice is still violence, cancer.

I just don't seem to have it in me to work for justice. Sanders, and those working with him, do, but I just don't find it in me. I have it in me to.....

I just don't seem to have it in me to work for justice. Sanders, and those working with him, do, but I just don't find it in me. I have it in me to work, every breath, for loving, but for me, a just world, that is not loving, I just don't have it in me to work for, and I think it's an illusion, I don't think you can arrive at, and I certainly don't think you can maintain, a just world, that is not first, loving.  I don't have it in me to work for justice, first. If you work for loving you may get the healthy, vibrant, joyful, living, self perpetuating, lovely child ... Justice. If you work for Justice at best you will get a stillborn child. At least that's my understanding of how it has always worked and always will.

Does anyone have children... for the CHILD'S Joy? Adults have children thinking about themselves, as I perceive it. How unspeakably selfish. 'Oh, I just think we have created such an incredibly wonderful, bright, joyful, future, in the year 2016, that I just really really really want to bring children into the future. It will be so wonderful for them!!!' WTF???????

Does anyone have children... for the CHILD'S Joy? Adults have children thinking about themselves, as I perceive it. How unspeakably selfish. 'Oh, I just think we have created such an incredibly wonderful, bright, joyful, future, in the year 2016, that I just really really really want to bring children into the future. It will be so wonderful for them!!!' WTF???????


Video. Man. Steve Cutts

On being vegan vs. Consuming animal products, part of an ongoing dialogue with a friend: This article just came up on my listening list........

On being vegan vs. Consuming animal products, part of an ongoing dialogue with a friend: This article just came up on my listening list and I went through it pretty thoroughly. Seems like something that you would have, might have, recommended so I share with you my comments. They are not my comments to you. They are my thoughts about the article. I share those thoughts with you.. I've always appreciated, but just in the last year deeply appreciated how absolutely correct I think that Albert Schweitzer was in his assertion that the ultimate human value is, reverence for life. Various people I see on Facebook occasionally refer to the soul of a creature. I don't remember who has made these references, and they have done it in passing it appears to me. But it was useful to me that they did because it captures much how I feel. I relate to what seems to me to be the soul in a dog, a horse, the bat, the dolphin, a jellyfish, worm, and Ant.... I really revere such Souls, Spirits, life... yes, Revere. Hence, I like to see those Souls persist as opposed to being extinguished. I like them to be joyful as opposed to suffering. As I've said, if a mosquito is biting me, if a bed bug is going to bite me I may well kill it. I'm comfortable with boundaries. Not that I should be, but I am. If it turns out that for me to be highly functional I need to eat some level of animal products causing the pain and or death of those animals, I will do it so that I can serve what I think is a larger good. I think that my attitude is similar not only to Scweitzer, but Einstein, Gandhi, and many, most, people that I Revere throughout history. People that I respect prefer that other Souls don't need to suffer. My point in all this is that in my attempt to make every second count I am very conscious of whether a potential Source or an actual source that I am considering has a bias or is simply trying to get at absolute truth. This is especially important in an area that is complex because I look for sources that effectively can save me a whole lot of homework but to do that they need to be very intentionally objective and unbiased. I suspect that there is much useful information in the article above. I also suspect that there is much bias, an author who prefers eating creatures, for the flavor I suspect, secondarily maybe for some health value, and is pretty interested in defending his position. That is his right but it makes him less helpful to me than otherwise. So basically I am unpersuaded by the article. It is my understanding that for an animal to create protein from plants requires a relatively huge amount of resource, land, water, intake of plant material, and that if a human being intelligently consumes plant material they can create their own protein at a relatively small fraction of those resources. On that basis I find the article overall extremely unconvincing. Yes, I absolutely have a biase. I have a bias against making other creatures suffer or die. Except to the degree necessary for basic survival. So I leave the article pretty much where I started, I sense that little or no animal protein is necessary to the healthy human functioning except in rare instances. I am not sure that that is correct. I remain interested to learn otherwise should I be wrong.

***** Mothers Day 2016: In 2016, democracy disintegrating, life on Earth itself disintegrating probably unstoppably, the mother who loves her child the most is the mother who does not bring another child onto this Earth unless and until a livable future is secured. The loving mother in 2016 is she who adopts, not she who gives birth. Hate me if you will, I'd rather be hated for speaking the truth than have the suffering of future children on my conscience and on my heart.

### Mothers Day 2016: In 2016, democracy disintegrating, life on Earth itself disintegrating probably unstoppably, the mother who loves her child the most is the mother who does not bring another child onto this Earth unless and until a livable future is secured. The loving mother in 2016 is she who adopts, not she who gives birth. Hate me if you will, I'd rather be hated for speaking the truth than have the suffering of future children on my conscience and on my heart.

***** I am not an unkind person. I took no joy in watching my cancer be killed, but I was an aggressive party to it. I take no joy per se in the American dream imploding, but.......

***** I am not an unkind person. I took no joy in watching my cancer be killed, but I was an aggressive party to it. I take no joy per se in the American dream imploding, but with respect to the survival of species including human I am glad to see it happenning. I'll continue to do what I can to help us find the wisdom, the sanity, to take charge of the implosion to minimize the otherwise horrible collateral damage. And I'll do what I can personally, and I'll promote as aggressively as I can, that we starve the bloody monster to death just as quickly as we can, just as quickly as Mother Nature demands... yesterday... two centuries ago.


***** You are welcome to hate me for this if you like. Almost always what we mean by love, 99.99% of the time in this sickest of all societies, is lust, be it lust for a Coca Cola, a sex partner, a house.......

### You are welcome to hate me for this if you like. Almost always what we mean by love, 99.99% of the time in this sickest of all societies, is lust, be it lust for a Coca Cola, a sex partner, a house, a vacation, a burger.... Love is me about the other person and their joy and absence of pain. Lust is about me and mine feeling pleasure. 99% of the people that read the picture below will be thinking about lust, though they are sure it is love, as was I, sadly, for most of my decades I was well taught. In no way am I saying which is superior, tho in my experience one is absolutely Superior. Pursuing our lusts is pursuing pleasure. Pursuing love is pursuing joy and our own self sacrifice, and the joy and reduction and suffering of those who need it the most. They are the opposite human emotions. The result of one is constructive creation, the result of the other is war and destruction. The results of 1 is endless cycles of craving and satisfaction craving and satisfaction. The result of the other is complete ever-present Joy, complete ever-present personal suffering, and complete ever-present piece of heart...


I'm pretty much vegan now: I had the right inclinations....

I'm pretty much vegan now: I had the right inclinations from my earliest days but I was overcome by the brainwashing of our culture, and then by the woman I married ( my fault, not hers ). Beginning about 20 years ago I rarely chose to eat any creature that had to die so that I ate. And beginning last month I am now pretty much in charge of my diet except for expired food that I retrieve from a kindly store. If I am offered animal products that otherwise would be thrown out I consume them as an act of respect. Otherwise, pretty much never. For the joy of it. For the joyful solidarity of it. ( and it now I know to get regular vitamin B12 supplements. )

***** My fellow progressives, Sanders supporters, opponents of ecocide: regardless of what else they say or do, none of us that consumes more than our fair share of global resources is an opponent of ecocide, but rather a fierce agent thereof. No one; but rather the most disgusting and leathal of hypocrites. The law of morality and.......

***** My fellow progressives, Sanders supporters, opponents of ecocide: regardless of what else they say or do,  none of us that consumes more than our fair share of global resources is an opponent of  ecocide, but rather a fierce agent thereof. No one; but rather the most disgusting and leathal of hypocrites. The law of morality and the law of ecology finally now reject the delusion that they are two different things. Oh, we are able to continue in our delusion, our hypocrisy, but not without causing the final cataclysm to run its course. Gandhi understood the Golden Rule to be, ' steadfastly refuse to have what billions cannot have.' True Revolution, now, is all that will save us. The revolution is not , more Justice for we, all of us, grotesquely overprivileged Americans, which by every global standard we are. The revolution is Justice for the least of these our Global sisters and brothers. You, I, have a simple test. Are we truly, actually, really, in truth, living at or near the Golden Rule as stated by Gandhi, which is the measure of our Brotherhood, our solidarity, or sanity, our decency, our worthiness, our loving, or not? Are we consuming more than our absolute need, as measured by our neediest sisters and brothers on Earth? Are we consuming more than our share, as measured by our neediest sisters and brothers on Earth? Those of us that continue to live our grotesque hypocrisy richly deserve the cataclysm that will befall our children. Our children, and our Global neediest sisters and brothers, however, do not. Only living full solidarity with the global media is the revolution. That is the only Revolution that has ever been possible, and the only one yet to be tried.

***** Update regarding my system, nervous system, crash: A. .....

***** Update regarding my system, nervous system, crash: A. confession is good for the soul, and my long post of yesterday regarding my system, nervous system, crash I think was cathartic. Thanks to my friends for being with me.  2. Having enough vitamin B12 is really important, and as a new, pretty much vegan, I need shots or supplements or both for that and was not getting them. 3. And most importantly, Without love it is nothing. If not explicitly devoted to loving, I wish to not be alive. Except when explicitly channeling the loving that is in all of us, I wish not to be in this grotesque hellish world that we have created. I think what my nervous system was telling me is that if not loving, it is not the revolution, no matter how tempting, Sanders campaign, it is too little too late, squandering the tiny little bit of time we have left. No, I am not arguing against Sanders, he is a godsend, and I think, a loving man. But the movement is not loving, not nearly enough, anyway. It is about globally grotesquely over privileged Millennials wanting more Justice for themselves. No, that is not bad, per se. It is not enough. The clarity that seems to have come to me yesterday in deep meditation is that my life needs to rededicate to loving, being loving (in action), and thereby demonstrating the path of loving, with each breath. The jury in front of whom I need to live my life is the people of today and the future that demand nothing less of me than marking the path of loving, desperate for me, pleading for me, for all of us, to find and mark this, the only, way out of the Darkness, the only way to turn from the abyss. It is the path of individual salvation for everyone who walks it... joy, peace of heart , regardless of external circumstances. It is the only potential salvation for any Shred of decency on Earth now or in the future. It is not exclusive of what Sanders and the campaign are trying to do. But as correctly stated in 1 Corinthians 13, without love it is nothing. It is a clashing cymbal. It is finally and absolutely too late for clashing cymbals. LOL, incidentally, last night I seemed to resolve the slow unuseability of my phone, tablet, as well. We'll see.

I put up this site which is almost The Complete Book of essays compiled by Ed Guinan on nonviolence, almost 10 years ago, as I saw it then and now to be the greatest collection on nonviolent action that I have ever seen. And this essay at this link is the greatest essay on nonviolence that I've ever seen. I hope that you consider it deeply, and share it as you think best...

I put up this site which is almost The Complete Book of essays compiled by Ed Guinan on nonviolence, almost 10 years ago, as I saw it then and now to be the greatest collection on nonviolent action that I have ever seen. And this essay at this link is the greatest essay on nonviolence that I've ever seen. I hope that you consider it deeply, and share it as you think best...

***** Ilan Pappe: Israel Is the Last Remaining, Active Settler-Colonialist Project Ilan Pappe discusses Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders and the post-Zionist movement. BY Eli Massey


Hillary supporters, you think that Sanders supporters are risking that a republican will win the election. It is you that are risking a republican winning the presidency. You need to withdraw your support from Hillary and convince her to pull out of the race. Yes, I have never been more serious. No, I don't expect you to do it. But don't say you haven't been told.

Hillary supporters, you think that Sanders supporters are risking that a republican will win the election. It is you that are risking a republican winning the presidency. You need to withdraw your support from Hillary and convince her to pull out of the race. Yes, I have never been more serious. No, I don't expect you to do it. But don't say you haven't been told.

***** Doctors Without Borders Pulls Out Of World Humanitarian Summit, Says It No Longer Has Hope

***** System troubles. Resetting, restarting, my nervous system: Did you ever have to reset your phone, or computer? To solve a problem? I suspect you have. I'm going through that with my phone tablet right now because the speed is almost unusable. It is taking quite a few times. For the last several weeks I've been trying to reset my nervous system. So far......

***** System troubles. Resetting, restarting, my nervous system: Did you ever have to reset your phone, or computer? To solve a problem? I suspect you have. I'm going through that with my phone tablet right now because the speed is almost unusable. It is taking quite a few times. For the last several weeks I've been trying to reset my nervous system. So far I don't have the sequence right. As with resetting my phone sometimes it takes finding out what doesn't work before the right sequence is found. This is not a new Phenomenon with me and my nervous system. It's been true throughout my entire life, particularly my adulthood. Sometimes in the last few weeks I thought I found the problem and reset, only to find out that not so. Some of it may have been a blood imbalance but I think most of it is I've been thrown off balance by many things in our world recently, and it is taking me awhile to find my balance, my point of focus, my reason for being, my reason for living, the strength to fight, how I am to fight. I suspect it will happen sooner or later. It is upsetting to me to not be at full fighting strength , but part of the fight is being honest with myself and those traveling with me. Please understand if you can. My current theory is that Many Adventures in the past month or so has taken me away from a laser-like focus on my source of life, an empathic Unity with the children in Palestine , empathic Unity with the poor in Washington DC, and or, devoting my life here exclusively to the one in a million Wagers of loving. I am not feeling the acute connection that I have in the past, many distractions, many dilutions. I expect to try and devote as many hours or days as is needed in the hopes of reconnecting, rebooting, my nervous system. Again, please try and be as understanding as you can as I attempt to bring my system fully back online.


Today is the first day in several weeks that I have felt roughly my old normal, which is ready to work. I don't know.......

Today is the first day in several weeks that I have felt roughly my old normal, which is ready to work. I don't know if my nervous system has finally worked things through, or if it was something like a vitamin B12 deficiency. I did get a shot yesterday. I'll be interested to see what the blood work I initiated today has to say. It is continually curious to me that the side of me that admires Bernie Sanders and wants to jump in is continually shot down by the side of me that says no. Too little. Too late. Not the revolution. As anyone can see I continue to put up mildly encouraging posts regarding Sanders for whom I have a high regard. But the only Revolution I'm interested in is a revolution of total solidarity lived with the neediest, loving. And as positive as I see the Sanders campaign being it is a campaign about more Justice for we already over privileged Americans. It's not that I think that is bad, but it is not the revolution I'm waging. At least, this is the best I can figure so far why my body is not climbing into that Sanders fight. Here I sit on K Street with the free Palestine vehicle.

I think the lesson that I'm being taught is what I have long suspected but I'm seeing more clearly, the fight for justice is not the same as the fight for loving. And the only thing that seems to be able to get me out of bed is the fight for loving. Quite perplexing to me. But I think that's what's going on with me. I am not trying to argue that anyone should agree with my point of view. It is too unclear to me to do so.

... It is that at this point in history I think that the only thing that is sustainable is a revolution of total loving , as unlikely as of course that is. But it's the only thing that is sustainable. Everything less is straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. So I fight, but I fight The Impossible fight for loving, not for slightly delayed Armageddon. This is really really surprising to me, but that's what I think my nervous system is telling me, doing. I keep watching it. I keep questioning. I keep listening. I keep challenging.

At the risk of sounding ridiculous, the solution to climate change is horribly simple. We westerners and those consuming at our level need to stop consuming, and to devote our resources and lives to repairing the billions of lives around the globe that we have destroyed and or put in catastrophic Jeopardy. That's what would happen the degree to which we returned to become loving creatures, as are our Aboriginal sisters and brothers, and most human beings below the age of 2. Nothing else will save our species or the others. Ridiculous, yes. True? Absolutely. Everything else is delusion and delay delay.

At the risk of sounding ridiculous, the solution to climate change is horribly simple. We westerners and those consuming at our level need to stop consuming, and to devote our resources and lives to repairing the billions of lives around the globe that we have destroyed and or put in catastrophic Jeopardy. That's what would happen the degree to which we returned to become loving creatures, as are our Aboriginal sisters and brothers, and most human beings below the age of 2. Nothing else will save our species or the others. Ridiculous, yes. True? Absolutely. Everything else is delusion and delay delay.


Axioms for Organizers by Fred Ross, Sr. 1989 Every Day – Organizing isn’t a job done once and done with. If organizers don’t renew their efforts every day of their lives, then only the grasping and greedy people remain active. Doing It “For” People –If you think.....

Axioms for Organizers by Fred Ross, Sr. 1989
Every Day –

Organizing isn’t a job done once and done with. If organizers don’t renew their efforts every day of their lives, then only the grasping and greedy people remain active.

Doing It “For” People –If you think you can do it for people, you've stopped
understanding what it means to be an organizer.

Lead By Pushing –An organizer is a leader who does not lead but gets behind the people and pushes.

Duty of Organizer – The duty of the organizer is to provide people with the opportunity to work for what they believe in.

Follow-up –90% of organizing is follow-up.

Never Give Up –Good organizers never give up –they get the opposition to do that.

Urgency –A good organizer must be able to charge an issue with a supreme sense of urgency.

“From The Heart”–How can you move others unless you are moved yourself?

Little Things –

If you are able to achieve anything big in life, it’s because you paid attention
to the “little” things.

Half-Assed Job –In any kind of work if you do a half-assed job at least you get some of the work done; in organizing you don’t get anything done.

People –It’s the way people are  that counts, not the way you’d like them to be.

Short-Cuts –Short-cuts usually end in detours, which lead to dead ends.

Organizing Is –Organizing is providing people with the opportunity to become aware of their own capabilities and potential.

Hope –To inspire hope, you have to have hope yourself.

Winning Hearts & Minds –to win the hearts and minds of people, forget the dry facts and statistics; tell them the stories that won you to the cause.

Questions –When you are tempted to make a statement, ask a question.

Temporary Organizer – An organizer tries to turn each person she meets into a temporary organizer.

Ask #1 – Don’t tell the people – ask them.

Build New – Don’t try and rebuild a dead organization; start over and build a new one.

(Cesar Chavez)
Organizing or Manipulating? – If you are moving people to act through truth and for truth, as you understand it, then you are organizing them. If you are moving them to act through deception, then you are manipulating them.

Do It Now #1 – If there is something to be done, do it now.

Do It Now #2 – If you wait until you have all the time, people and resources to go ahead, you may still never get there because you did not fill the interval with the action needed to get you there.

Winning & Losing People – it's easy to win people – and twice as easy to lose them.

Losers – Losers are loaded with alibis.

Maybe – maybe is a double, triple, no.

Messages #1 – Rare is the delivered message.

People Power – People power must be visible.

Reminding – Reminding is the essence of organizing.

Organize – The only way to organize is to organize, not sit around and jaw about it.

Burn-Out – organizers don't burn out. They just give up and cease being organizers.

Presssure – it's not the quantity of pressure we exert that counts, it's the quality.

Willpower #1 – There is no substitute for willpower in an organizer.

Ask #2 – Usually those who can spare a little time for the cause are actually ready to give it all if only someone would ask them.

Concentration – When you are pushing a big drive or issue, you stay on it to the total
exclusion of everything else – until it is done.

Live Wires – when you find, live wires, put them to work immediately. Find something they can do – any little thing – get them ready and starting to do more, or you will lose them for the cause.

All the Way – When you do something – do it all the way!

Leadership – you don't develop leaders. You push people into action by refusing to do it yourself. You are then providing them the opportunity to become aware
of their own capabilities.

Willpower #2 – An organizer has to want to win badly enough to succeed.

Volunteers – Never get so hungry for volunteers that you do their work for them instead of insisting they do it themselves.

Hardest Choice – The hardest choice is usually the correct one.

Vacations – Injustice never takes a vacation.

Monotony – the way to break monotony is with motion and emotion.

Appreciation #1 – Appreciation has an exceedingly short memory so strike while the iron is hot.

Appreciation #2 – People are infinitely more appreciative of what they do for you than what you do for them. (Cesar Chavez)

Respect Yourself – don't let them kick you around. You have to live and organized in such a way that you can respect yourself and be treated with respect by others.

Put People To Work – Don't talk at people – put them to work.

The Disrupter – The disrupter is the lowest form of organizational life.

Be Ready – A good organizer delegates responsibility but is always ready to jump in and do the job himself if necessary. (Saul Alinsky 1947)

Social Arsonist – A good organizer is a social arsonist who goes around setting people on fire.

Messages #2 – There is nothing less likely to be delivered than a message.

Reaching People – if you can't reach people at home during ordinary hours, you've got to go after them during extra-ordinary hours, to the outer edge of your tenacity and forbearance.

Brick By Brick – it isn't too hard to organize if you take it granule by granule, Brick by Brick.

Fast Talkers – Look out for the fast talkers.

Details – The measure of a good organizer is the amount of attention she pays to the most minute details.

Helping People – organizers must grow Beyond helping people too, egging them on.

A Time For Silence – There is a time for sound and a time for silence and a good organizer needs to be able to differentiate between the two.

Finding That Person – to keep an organization alive you've got to find that person who has to do something about it.

The Incidentals – The incidentals make up the fundamentals.

***** I love from my heart everyone. I enjoy many many many people. I like very very very very very few. Only just now am my realizing that distinction. How different my life would have been if I saw the difference between who I enjoy and who I like.

***** I love from my heart everyone. I enjoy many many many people. I like very very very very very few. Only just now am my realizing that distinction. How different my life would have been if I saw the difference between who I enjoy and who I like.


If all of those highly trained, very well intended, professional advocates for the homeless were combined into one human being it would still lack a spine...... .The meeting at City Hall that I participated in this week, the three-hour lobbying event to end chronic homelessness in DC, was very well organized I felt. It took me a day or two.......

If all of those highly trained, very well intended, professional advocates for the homeless were combined into one human being it would still lack a spine...... .The meeting at City Hall that I participated in this week, the three-hour lobbying event to end chronic homelessness in DC, was very well organized I felt. It took me a day or two to realize that although the organisers are very capable, if they were all combined into one human being it still would not have a spine, from what I saw. They are totally not oriented to going to the mat. They may play a role, but going to the mat for the homeless is not a role that they're currently going to play. Way above  achieving results they Place access, being viewed favorably for future hiring positions, not upsetting their funders.... Results is on the list but it is way below a lot of other stuff. It is really important that we be aware of that.

To a friend that I just unfriended:. Friend, I have warm feelings toward you. I do not indulge, go with, follow, my warm feelings toward anyone. I am not here to be a friend with anyone. I am here to.......

To a friend that I just unfriended:. Friend, I have warm feelings toward you. I do not indulge, go with, follow, my warm feelings toward anyone. I am not here to be a friend with anyone. I am here to be a friend to those who are suffering the most on this planet. I never allow myself the luxury of making an idle comment, a casual comment, only slightly thought through comment. At least it is extremely rare. Maybe to a fault I am extremely deliberate, thorough, thoughtful, research-based, fact based, intellectually based, emotionally based, academically based. Why? Because that is all I find Hope in standing on, in me or others. I have no quarrel with others who live their lives in other ways. That's not my business. But it is absolutely my business how to manage my time and that includes managing my various web sites. If anyone is silly enough to find me an authoritative source , which has nothing to do with me always being agreeable to, or correct, or absolutely correct... but for those silly enough to find me an authoritative Source I welcome their presence. In significant part I live for their presence, and I benefit from their comments more than they know. They conduct themselves accordingly speaking with respect and deep thought before they comment. It is not important to me whether they agree or disagree, only that they are thoughtful, as in, thinking deeply thoroughly factually and honestly. Your way of being is much more normal than mine, and much more casual. As I've tried to indicate to you over the years I do not have time for that from me,  you or anyone. This is why I have again unfriended you. My feelings for you are positive. But I don't have time for anyone's casual opinions, non deep, non authoritative, starting with mine. If I don't have time for it from me I surely don't have time for it from anyone else. Your friend forever, no matter what, James


***** The revolution is those who are offering the very price of their lives for a more Humane world. The status quo is everything less than that. The chicken is involved, the pig is committed. I see.......

***** The revolution is those who are offering the very price of their lives for a more Humane world. The status quo is everything less than that. The chicken is involved, the pig is committed. I see almost no commitment. Those who are involved but not committed simply don't understand where we are in history, what is it stake, and what it will take. They are straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic. I have no time or interest in that. And I have no time to work with those.

***** Suddenly I feel profoundly less alone. I consider Norman Finkelstein the most important nonviolent Warrior in the last 30 or 40 years , certainly the most heroic, qualified, determined, capable.... And here he is at the top of his powers totally and completely marginalized, an outsider, rendered a non-participant by this sickest of all cultures, this most disgusting shadow of a left liberal movement. Yes, suddenly I feel much less alone. ''Norman Finkelstein on Sanders, the first intifada, BDS, and ten years of unemployment.''

The cowardice and inaction of liberals for the last 30 years or more has left the police as the s*** sweepers. Ours is the shame. The police are The Fall Guys for the Liberals criminal inaction and when it comes to the clintons, criminal actions.

The cowardice and inaction of liberals for the last 30 years or more has left the police as the s*** sweepers. Ours is the shame. The police are The Fall Guys for the Liberals criminal inaction and when it comes to the clintons, criminal actions.


***** To a friend that is quite horrified at we who will write in Bernie no matter what: With all due respect friend, you seem to fail to grasp what the post below says, what my position is, what the position of such people is. Of course.......

***** To a friend  that is quite horrified at we who will  write in Bernie no matter what: With all due respect friend, you seem to fail to grasp what the post below says, what my position is, what the position of such people is. Of course it is your right to disagree but what I'm saying is your comments indicate you don't understand what our position is. This is probably the last time I will attempt to make it clear. If someone offers to kill my child with arsenic or a gun I would reject both of them with my very life. I stand in the way of that. Hillary is not a Democrat she is at best a moderate Republican. The Democratic party is dead, a festering cancerous corpse,  thanks to Bill and Hillary the last time we gave them a chance. Beyond that, I just don't understand what you don't understand about the post below. It is very clear. You are entirely welcome to disagree. But to not grasp what is being said is really amazing to me. It is a moral duty to not cooperate with evil, and Hillary is rank evil, fascism, materialism, corporatism, thwarting the Democratic process, corruption corruption corruption corruption corruption corruption cancer cancer cancer cancer. I am not going to vote for cancer. I'm willing to die but not at my own hands. Those of us who will not vote for Clinton in doing so are voting for a rejection of the system in favor of something new. Futile? In the short term yes. It is the start of an attempted Revolution. Neville Chamberlain thought there was an easy way out. It wasn't there. The last regime in Germany before Hitler thought there was an easy way out. There wasn't. You say that passing on a vote for Hillary, not voting for Hillary, is to vote for a reversal of whatever advances under Obama... for whatever set of reasons including the cowardice of democrat citizens, he has done little more than straighten the deck chairs on the Titanic. And that's best case. One final thing, do you realize that you are part of the 10%? Most of us taking the position that we are regarding  Bernie and against Hillary no matter what, are part of the 90%. Do you understand that? You in your lifetime are OK financially and will be ok financially. The 90% of us have already been locked on the lower decks of the sinking Titanic and are already starting to drown. And you want us to vote for another Captain to continue the status quo? And you don't understand why we reject that at all costs? Be well friend. I have nothing more to say to you on this.


Study: At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israeli coffers

***** What is the revolution? It is not the overthrow of the current regime or system. For that to be the end we continue to let the system dictate the terms. The only true Revolution is to leave the current system, to abandoned, to ignore, the current regime, the oligarchs, the fascists, the corporations, the materialism. Gandhi was........

***** What is the revolution? It is not the overthrow of the current regime or system. For that to be the end we continue to let the system dictate the terms. The only true Revolution is to leave the current system, to abandoned, to ignore, the current regime, the oligarchs, the fascists, the corporations, the materialism. Gandhi was profoundly and absolutely right, Earth has ''enough to satisfy everyone's need, but not everyone's greed.'' And he said rightly and profoundly and absolutely true, ''The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse what [billions] cannot have.'' To leave this current economy and to enter a different economy, the Economy of the principles and practices of the healthy biological family , service because it is needed , goods because they are needed. Is this not the revolution that Gandhi and those who followed him at the time waged? It is. Is this not the revolution that Jesus waged too? It is. There is none other. Everything else, everything less, everything other than this is simply a movement to change who exploits and who is exploded. By every objective measure every form of our materialistic value system is in the final stages of destroying everything decent, all decent life on planet Earth, and therefore destroying Itself by destroying its host. It is itself unsustainable. Our lives in this sickest of all cultures are fundamentally serving me and mine, wishing no ill to others, but placing them as somehow outside of our immediate family. This is cancer. This is death. It is killing. It will kill, until it is replaced. This is why despite my deep love and affection and respect for Sanders I am not jumping on the campaign. It is not the revolution. And everything that is not the revolution is too little too late, squandering the one resource we have almost nothing left of of, time. No one except for me can prevent me from waging the revolution, abandoning the current system to every degree I am able, and entering the new economy of pure Brotherhood regardless of the personal consequences to me and mine. To do so is insane. Thank creator, I found that Insanity about 15 years ago and I find no desire to abandon it, rather only to learn to enter it more deeply, seriously, passionately, intelligently, selflessly. For the infinite joy, peace of heart, and singular hope that it is, regardless of how apparently futile.

***** This is the immortality I know to be true, the only one. It is a blessing, and a curse. This is why it is so desperately important that we learn to live lives that are constructive of good for all creation. Our being will live on doing good, or doing bad, for.......

***** This is the immortality I know to be true, the only one. It is a blessing, and a curse. This is why it is so desperately important that we learn to live lives that are constructive of good for all creation. Our being will live on doing good, or doing bad, for as long as there are those who remember. '' This is how our minds may actually live on after death
A psychologist explains how memory gives the dead a second life. ''

***** As I wrote the other day I feel like I've taken yet another huge step in the direction of understanding that the Empire is unstoppably disintegrating, hence the world we have known is disintegrating. And that is truly a blessing. The suffering will be.......

***** As I wrote the other day I feel like I've taken yet another huge step in the direction of understanding that the Empire is unstoppably disintegrating, hence the world we have known is disintegrating. And that is truly a blessing. The suffering will be such as the world has not yet seen but it is absolutely necessary. The only thing I'm pretty sure of is that we will be less crushing on creation as it unfolds. Whether a better Humanity emerges on the other side I don't know. Whether enough Humanity awakens sooner and non-violently takes charge of deliberately dismantling the Empire that is crushing everything remains to be seen, profoundly unlikely, but oh that would be building a better future. One thing for sure is that those of us who are loving will learn more everyday about how to be living with as little destruction created by ourselves as possible. There is much joy in that. This increasing Clarity is very helpful step for me. But it still leaves me to adjust to how then I am to be loving to the world. I'm working on it. I feel that it is moving me back in the direction of devoting my life to the one in a million of my sisters and brothers that are profoundly and quite purely simply agents of loving, Insanely Humane (INSHE) Warriors. Wagers of Loving. They are the healthy cells and helping them grow and infect others is maybe the only positive thing that I see to do. And trying to be one of them. Loving is quite literally the only thing that I value. And such people invariably devote their very being to getting in the way of the harm being done to the most powerless, the most innocent, the most victimized, the most abused... The Palestinians and others. That's where my family is. That is where I find them. In the way of the greatest harm. That is the only place that I feel at home.


***** All 64 of my years have taught me that Heaven is in embracing our inescapable greed and recognizing that our only choice is between pleasure and joy, and this is what we have been missing all these centuries and that this is what Jesus was on to and tried to point us toward. If I am incorrect in this then everything I've stood on that has seemed like Heaven itself for me all.......

***** All 64 of my years have taught me that Heaven is in embracing our inescapable greed and recognizing that our only choice is between pleasure and joy, and this is what we have been missing all these centuries and that this is what Jesus was on to and tried to point us toward. If I am incorrect in this then everything I've stood on that has seemed like Heaven itself for me all these last 15 years is mistaken. I don't see how that can be. I'm okay with it if I've been mistaken, but I just don't see how that can be. It explains everything that all the great souls in history including and especially that of Jesus have been living and dying to show us. If what I am saying is in fact correct, then I am not to be admired, but to be profoundly envied, zero credit to me.  You know, I think the bottom line is this,  if Jesus life is the most enviable life there ever was then what I'm saying is correct, and this is how I felt about his life from the very beginning, I envied the way I thought his life must feel, to love the world so much....  If his life was just the most admirable, then I am absolutely incorrect. James. ( Pleasure is what our nervous system rewards us with when it thinks we are satisfying me and mine. Joy is what our nervous system rewards us with when it thinks we are attempting some huge good for the neediest. ) ( This is a paraphrase of a wonderful conversation I was privileged to have with a great young social worker, of a Jesuit background, here in the city recently. )

***** This is horrible. This is wrong. I'd likely do the same in year 68 of being terrorized, tortured, terminated, exterminated. And Israel, America, would have damn sure done infinitely worse infinitely sooner. 'Palestinian bus bombing targets civilians....' For Gandhi the unforgivable sin was to not protect one's loved ones by whatever means necessary.


***** What I feel most certain of is that cataclysmic change as Earth has never seen before is upon us. Most centrally it is the disintegration of the corporate economic Elite ( we the 10% White colonialist ) Empire of insane materialism Crashing Down as Mother Earth refuses to support it any longer. As Mother Earth refuses.........

***** What I feel most certain of is that cataclysmic change as Earth has never seen before is upon us. Most centrally it is the disintegration of the corporate economic Elite ( we the 10% White colonialist ) Empire of insane materialism Crashing Down as Mother Earth refuses to support it any longer. As Mother Earth refuses to Shield us from our own self-destruction. At the moment I am repulsed by my inclination to try and Stave off this disintegration , repulsed  because the notion of such an attempt is disgustingly futile, and because it would be to interfere with a necessary good, the dismantling of the empire that is destroying everything. But I am drawn to the notion that by way of metaphor I think of as the Jedi that we know from the movies. Individuals who had learned to become powerful channels of the force, loving, Wagers of Loving , that somehow were instrumental in allowing some measure of decency to continued among creatures. I am drawn to try and be such a Jedi, a warrior, an Insanely Humane Warrior , an INSHE Warrior and thereby, and through additional effort, to try and encourage and Foster others to do the same. What I know remains unclear within me is to what degree such Warriors can help work the miracle of humans taking the initiative in this matter of dismantling the Empire. This would be a miracle, an incredible Mercy, the potential birth of Heaven on Earth , and the only merciful way out. I see not a shadow of this happening. But I recognize it as the only major hope.


Jewish anti-occupation activists arrested blocking ADL offices during Passover protest

Man Puts Dream Boat Aside, Plans to Pay for Kindergartners’ College Education Instead

***** STOP. READ. PASS ON. Edelman had always resented Israel's claim on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising as a symbol of Jewish liberation. Now he said this belonged to the Palestinians. NOW.

**** If nonviolence is a tactic, as near all of today's practitioners Proclaim, then it is not nonviolence. It is violence, manipulation, the attempt to get others to pay the price for what one wants. Nonviolence is loving, paying the price with one's own life.........

***** If nonviolence is a tactic, as near all of today's practitioners Proclaim, then it is not nonviolence. It is violence, manipulation, the attempt to get others to pay the price for what one wants. Nonviolence is loving, paying the price with one's own life for what one wants; it is not a tactic but a way of being, the way of non-cancerous life itself , the strategy of non-cancerous life itself. This is what we do for our children, largely, is it not? This is what we do when we want a house, or a car, or food? We don't go and try and cheat someone out of what is theirs. We don't go and try and force one to give it to us. We pay with the price of our lives, with the work of our lives, our bodies, and we seek to get what we want in that way, except in our worst moments, which may be Legion as we are taught in the sickest of all cultures. Non-violence better termed anti-violence, or better still, Loving) says that in matters of what is right and wrong, Justice, larger concerns of the human good, that we will go about securing those in the same way, paying the price with our own lives, not in the slightest trying to force others to pay for what we want. Nonviolence understood this way is The revolution, there is none other other, and it almost never has been tried. There is no other Revolution. Everything else is simply an attempt to reverse the roles of who is doing the violence and who is receiving it.

***** Why am I so actually, physically, immobilized, paralyzed, these last 3 days? Why can't I move on with full support of the campaign Sanders, Spirit Sanders, Revolution Sanders? My body and soul are in such tormented limbo. This is far from the first time I have gone through such total limbo. There......

***** Why am I so actually, physically, immobilized, paralyzed, these last 3 days? Why can't I move on with full support of the campaign Sanders, Spirit Sanders, Revolution Sanders? My body and soul are in such tormented limbo.

This is far from the first time I have gone through such total limbo. There have been periods throughout my life when I could not yet align my nervous system and its needs with the outside world. I lacked the clarity of vision and understanding. And my nature is such that I am physically unable to move forward without that clear unifying clarity as to what the world needs me to attempt, and with that Clarity I cannot be stopped, except by a bullet. I think we all have that needed, but few are as debilitated as I when I lack the clarity. This has been true since my earliest memories.

Because of this severe characteristic I have learned not to fight with this, but rather to submit to the process of regaining Clarity, understanding, purpose, mission , as I am doing now.

It is an unsettling time. It is somewhat frightening. I never know if I'll emerge on the other side. Though so far, I always have. It must be very frightening for the caterpillar to enter the Cocoon having no idea except that it is disintegrating into nothingness , no idea what is on the other side.

I think what my nervous system has known is wrong even with the Great Justice campaign Sanders, is that Justice for the 10%, and we Americans are the 10% , is not enough to live for. Is not enough to fight for. It is only for the 90%, or the bottom 10%,  that life is worth fighting for.

I think my nervous system is facing that the American dream , heaven for me and mine, is death itself, is cancer, is killing everything, is Antichrist, is ungodly. No, I don't understand this in such intellectual terms but I use such intellectual terms to try and grasp what my nervous system is telling me which is much more Elemental.

When pressed very very hard Gandhi said that the force he was devoted to tapping into was, the love of a mother for her child. He did not say justice. He did not suggest that what the love of a mother equates to for her child is justice. That may be a piece, that may be a tiny piece, but it is not what the mother is concerned with. The mother wants a reduction of suffering for her child, and the increase in joy. Justice has some relationship to that but it is too distant. Justice does not equate to the love of a mother for her child, the force that I have worked to take over Within Me entirely for the joy of it,  the reign of my heart over me, the reign of my soul over me.

My body has been able to go out into the miserable, Hellish, Godless, Loveless world we have created for the love of the least of these.  It is telling me it is unable to do so  for justice for we  Americans, the world's 10%, which the man Sanders, good, Godly, righteous, just, honest is trying to lead us toward.

Nor is it even enough, so far, maybe this will change,  to lead us away from the huge increase in the speed with which the future tidal Wave of suffering descends upon the world as it will with the election of anyone besides Sanders.

Does it know, is it trying to tell me, my nervous system, that the impending tidal wave of accelerated suffering is unavoidable? Unavoidable because the American Empire must and will end. Mother nature in the form of environmental cataclysm is authoring it. Not to belittle Sanders, he is a miracle, but Sanders is not leading us to disassemble American Empire.

I don't know how much longer my nervous system will be wrestling with all this.  It has been having its way with me for  days now or even longer. Frequently I have thought I was out of the paralysis, moving on, only to find moments later I was not. This is a very difficult juncture for me to get past. It is also a very necessary thing for me to work through, for all of us to work through.

***** The key that I see, found by all the great enviable Souls throughout history, is rooting ones being in the task of reducing the suffering, and increasing the joy, of the neediest people. This saves one from a life of destructive addiction to pleasures, joylessness, mental masturbation.

***** The key that I see, found by all the great enviable Souls throughout history, is rooting ones being in the task of reducing the suffering, and increasing the joy, of the neediest people. This saves one from a life of destructive addiction to pleasures, joylessness, mental masturbation.


For the first time I'm seeing the rich, the 10%, as our mortal enemies.

For the first time I'm seeing the rich, the 10%, as our mortal enemies.

My nervous system, my body, kept me in bed for the last 2 days. I did not feel ill. Every time I tried to get .......

My nervous system, my body, kept me in bed for the last 2 days. I did not feel ill. Every time I tried to get out of bed, which was every 2 hours or so, my body said no, get back in bed. I think of the caterpillar, butterfly, cycle. It's much like much like that for me. The last month has been very stimulating, very different, democracy spring March for 10 days, two days impossible journey of cycling to get to Philadelphia in time , being publicly ridiculed in front of 450 people by the DC activist Club, being blocked by democracy spring from their Facebook page , Bernie's defeat in New York City, shockingly bad treatment at the hands of Bernie organizers , many stimulating meetings that I am now attending in the evening, a ridiculously high energy burn and output for me for the last four weeks or so.... tonight, I feel alive again for the first time in several days. Will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. What I hope it brings is the physical and spiritual energy to be on the phone much of the day for Spirit Bernie. We'll see.


***** I was wrong. This is so hard. I'm sorry. I'm having such trouble finding the path. My nervous system has been devoted for near all of my adult decades to the total turnaround of dire situations, 1st in Industry, and more recently relative to The Human Condition. Yet for years.......

***** I was wrong. This is so hard. I'm sorry. I'm having such trouble finding the path. My nervous system has been devoted for near all of my adult decades to the total turnaround of dire situations, 1st in Industry, and more recently relative to The Human Condition. Yet for years it has been inescapably clear to me that we are too far gone nationally, internationally, globally, ecologically to avoid near total catastrophe. And yet having seen this, having written of it, having for brief spurts lived it, my nervous system keeps spring back to its old measure of turning everything around for the better. Hence my horrible waffling recently on diving into Revolution Sanders, pulling out, diving in, pulling out..... I'm doing the best I can and it is not good enough at finding and Walking the right path for me. I wrote most recently of my horrible encounters with the Sanders Campaign which discouraged me from jumping in totally, or even at all, as I had expected to do. And yet now I expect to be jumping in totally. What has changed? Even days ago I was jumping in with the notion that Revolution Sanders was a significant promise. At least for the moment, my nervous system seems to have accepted that Revolution Sanders is not of significant promise because we Americans are just too selfish even those drawn to Revolution Sanders. But hearkening, yet again, for the moment at least, argh, to what Jane Goodall wrote recently, there is still much worth fighting for. Spirit Sanders I can get behind. He's a very good man. And whatever I can do to drave Spirit Sanders wherever it might go advances every cause of rescue that I am devoted to, Palestine, affordable housing, just wages, decent employment.... maybe I can sustain this footing for more than a few hours. Maybe not. I'll continue to do my best. But I expect to spend much of the rest of the day on the phone for campaign Sanders and shortly to donate what funds I can.


***** gigantically useful article.. 'Netanyahu responds to Leahy with a strange string of lies. The prime minister shoots off a sharply worded letter to a senior American senator who dared question Israel’s human rights record. That Netanyahu thinks anyone reading it will do anything but howl is worrying sign about his judgement.'

***** I find that wonder and awe are the ultimate Hallmarks of Life, as odd as that may seem. I find virtually no wonder and awe among the humanoids here in Washington DC, my.......

***** I find that wonder and awe are the ultimate Hallmarks of Life, as odd as that may seem. I find virtually no wonder and awe among the humanoids here in Washington DC, my sisters and brothers all. Certainly not among the intellectually, academically, over privileged. I wish I were kidding. I wish I were being cynical. And I find very little of it among my fellow humans here in the United States.

***** I think Sanders is a great and godly man. I was all in for revolution Sanders until something was smashed in my face. 'Without love, it is nothing.' Corinthians 13, or something. I just don't find it, in the campaign......

***** I think Sanders is a great and godly man. I was all in for revolution Sanders until something was smashed in my face. 'Without love, it is nothing.' Corinthians 13, or something. I just don't find it, in the campaign, in the supporters, in America. And I find the scripture absolutely true in my experience. Sanders has love. I find little of it in his campaign. A thirst for justice? Yes. Love? I don't see it. Just an anecdote, but did you know that according to a recent credible study that Millennials want Democratic socialism, they want Democratic socialism until they get their own job. Then, not so much. Indeed, without love, it is nothing. Therefore I don't support it. I'm very sad about this. It is certainly neither what I hoped or expected to find. LOL, yes, of course, in the other campaigns I find even infinitely less of it. But Zero, from 0, is still zero.

***** Staggeringly important.. ''Mocked and forgotten: who will speak for the American white working class?''

***** must read must read must read.. The occupation of the American mind, documented


A Muslim Man Was Ensnared in a Terror Plot by the NYPD—He Just Attempted Suicide

***** The Israeli Right's historic ties to European fascism The ruling Likud party welcomed to Israel members of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party, whose founders were high-ranking officials in the Third Reich. But the Israeli Right’s ties to fascist movements stretches back as far as the 1920s.

Video: Israelis feel the love for Donald Trump

***** The World Is Not Converting to Renewable Energy Fast Enough to Save It


***** I think we need Armageddon, Global chemo, for any healthy cells to emerge alive. I don't like this thought. I did not seek this thought. I have worked to deny this thought. It is crashing down upon me. I was within moments.....

***** I think we need Armageddon, Global chemo, for any healthy cells to emerge alive. I don't like this thought. I did not seek this thought. I have worked to deny this thought. It is crashing down upon me. I was within moments of diving in with every second, and my every last cent, into the Sanders campaign. Strike one was the most extraordinary young lady from Philadelphia, brilliant, passionate, exploding with energy... that has had nothing but bad experience with the Sanders campaign organizers. Strike two was my 1 hour on a Sanders campaign new volunteers conference call at 9:30 night before last. I will never know if those conducting the call were actually computer droids. They were these insanely Pleasant, happy, vivacious, empty administrators. Strike three was going into the campaign office for Sanders in Washington DC and being greeted by an icy dead stare and voice from the Washington DC volunteer coordinator who made it explicit that I was interrupting her conference call simply by entering the office and she had absolutely no time for me. What fun if she knew that I had just transferred $2,000 into an account for a donation. Strike four was my experience with democracy spring. The most wonderful collection of people, not the least Disturbed at, vehemently denying of, the Discrimination shown the police in the two hour so-called nonviolence training, which was exactly violence training against the police, sanctioned, smug, sanctimonious , supremacist discrimination against our brothers and sisters in uniform. I'm sure that everyone wishes that taking a couple of aspirins would eradicate cancer cells from the body. But at least with current technology it took me months of near totally debilitating chemo including wearing a poison pump 2 days every two weeks to kill the stuff. I think it's going to take some number of years or Decades of a Trump or Cruz or Hillary Clinton in office, and a planet in unmistakable spiritual and physical hell, before even the best of my sisters and brothers realizes that the true Revolution is absolute lived solidarity, total 100% Brotherhood with everyone, especially our enemies, no matter the personal price to me and mine.


***** From Israeli jail, ‘nonviolent’ bid to ‘free Palestine’ takes shape. ***** *****

11 Bonhoeffer Quotes to Remember a Pastor Who Resisted Evil Unto Death

***** Nonviolence is a profoundly inadequate word for what it attempts to designate... Antiviolence, loving.....

***** Nonviolence is a profoundly inadequate word for what it attempts to designate. Unviolence is a word I coined years ago to try and better express. Just in recent days I've come to see that anti-violence is the much more correct word. Violence and anti-violence, loving, are the only two options. All forms of action for change are a form of one or the other of these.

Rolling nightmare of suicide attempts has First Nations declaring an emergency