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***** With great sadness and a heavy heart I have departed from engagement with the activities. The infinite ocean of inclusiveness and love that was tangible for the last 10 days with those magnificent, Godly, loving, 140 Marchers from all over the country, as far away as Guam, was replaced with objectification, generalization, hatred, bigotry, discrimination, violence, abuse this morning in the typical, appalling, hateful 2 hour Violence Training this morning.........

Everyone would have left and gone home if gays, trans, Hispanics, blacks, or any other liberal supported group was so objectified and dehumanized as was reflexively and self righteously done throughout the entirety of that 2 hour violence  training debacle to our men and women in uniform, our sisters and brothers in uniform, the police. With great sadness and a heavy heart I have departed from engagement with the activities. The infinite ocean of inclusiveness and love that was tangible for the last 10 days with those magnificent, Godly, loving, 140 Marchers from all over the country, as far away as Guam, was replaced with objectification, generalization, hatred, bigotry, discrimination, violence, abuse this morning in the typical, appalling, hateful 2 hour Violence Training that is always provided here in DC by the DC activist Club.  Same hateful,  arrogant,  elitist, supremacist, self righteous, self-serving, divisive, ignorant  lip-service liberal crap that I first saw 10 years ago upon arriving in DC. Everyone would have left and gone home if gays, trans, Hispanics, blacks, or any other liberal supported group was so objectified and dehumanized as was reflexively and self righteously done throughout the entirety of that 2 hour violence  training debacle to our men and women in uniform, our sisters and brothers in uniform, in the police. I don't do violence. I don't do abuse. I don't do dehumanization. And I don't do hipocricy. I will not participate in it. Gandhi rightly said it is as much a duty to not cooperate with violence as it is to avoid doing violence, and this 2-hour violence training was disgusting violence against the human Integrity of every one of our brothers and sisters in uniform, every bit as much as is the discrimination against any segment of our population with respect to their right to vote. Silence is complicity. The last 10 days march are the happiest days of my life. Never in my life have I remotely been associated with so many loving Souls at one time, in one place, in one group. I will forever be touched, and blessed by the experience. I do not leave those Souls. I leave the spirit of hatred, violence, abuse, discrimination, bigotry, rank evil that was formerly introduced into that much larger group. Be well friends. I'm with Gandhi. 'I consider myself a soldier, though a soldier of peace.' And, 'Give me a military person to fight alongside any day, don't give me any [liberal] cowards.'  How can these creatures conducting this training be so ignorant of the fact, so rigorously presented by Erica Chenoweth, in her copious research recently, that  nonviolence never works, until the men and women in uniform are converted to their side? Breathtaking, criminally negligent ignorance.


I was a Democrat. No longer a Democrat. They have redefined democracy to mean Neil liberal fascism. I am anti-democrat. I am independent, or Democratic Socialist. I loathe the Democratic party of 2016.

I was a Democrat. No longer a Democrat. They have redefined democracy to mean Neil liberal fascism. I am anti-democrat. I am independent, or Democratic Socialist. I loathe the Democratic party of 2016.


Starting around 3 a.m., by 7 a.m. I had completed 30 miles. I couldn't sleep. An adrenaline High. I think that I may have just crashed. I'm.....

Starting around 3 a.m., by 7 a.m. I had completed 30 miles. I couldn't sleep. An adrenaline High. I think that I may have just crashed. I'm in the process of eating a large breakfast and trying to stay awake. I don't know if the breakfast will refresh me or if there's a long nap and store now. The first 30 miles involved roughly a thousand foot climb up and down. There's two thousand feet up and down ahead of me now. 30 miles done, 55 miles to Westchester. So far, it looks like mid to late afternoon maybe a possibility. But how my body is continuing to function I don't understand.

Ps.  well, I well, I don't understand what's going on with my physiology. I could barely stay awake while eating breakfast but then I was alive again. I think riding this thing is very stimulating and apparently I go into fairly severe calorie deficit and stuffing with calories brings me back. That's my theory. Maybe I'll be asleep 5 minutes from now but my senses so I'll be able  to pedal for 2 pedal for quite a while.


***** 60 miles, north of Baltimore more tired than in many many many many years.........

It was a really really really good day. Eventful, a really really really really good day. I'm sitting at an equivalent of Wawa, Royal Farms. I am so exhausted that there are no words. I've been peddling for 6 hours straight which is. 5 to 5 and a half hours more than any day in the last 7 months, on two and a half hours sleep which is about seven and a half hours left then I get each night.. 60 miles, versus the 6 miles a day I've been averaging for many months now. I don't know how this was possible, other than this will that has got a hold of me to do anything in my power to give creation a future. LOL. How it was possible I don't know. But now that I've stopped, well there are no words for how totally and completely exhausted, spent, I am. I expect I'll try and hide over in a corner of the parking lot, throw down my sleeping bag in a blanket animat and hope not to be disturbed until 4 in the morning and then to head out for Westchester.. So who knows if I'll be able to move tomorrow or the next day or the next day. But there's a possibility that I could make Westchester by tomorrow afternoon late. I'm just north of Baltimore. Mercifully much of the ride was on bike pads which I had at least one inch of clearance left to get this large vehicle through. And much of it on traffic Laden High Speed roads. Tomorrow will be the same.
I lost five hours of travel with that broken chain, which turned out LOL, such a comedy I can be, was not broken at all. I had good reason to think that it was, but it wasn't. So the bike shop that I waited to open at 10 o'clock, profoundly nice guys, we had great conversations, help me get it back on the cogs, they enjoyed driving the vehicle, had not seen one.
Aside from this insane will that has me by the throat, today's progress, a third of it, can be laid at the feet of the 12 mile an hour Tailwind that I had and full sun all day long, which combined with this really clever solar trailer that I have rigged gave me enough solar energy with my physical energy.
By the way, various software packages I have to say that I burned some where around 2000 calories today, and between a 20 ounce hot chocolate and 5 bags of Easter candy that was on sale here I'm just heading back. I have not eaten anything all day long, well, I had a couple of chocolate Bagels.
An hour ago I received a very appropriate phone call from one of the organizers of We spoke about their plans and my plans and it looks like tremendous Synergy, the solar vehicle and myself will be very welcome it appears. I suspected, but you never know, when it comes to me. Actually, if it turns out I am welcome that will be a first in 15 years, except for Thomas.
PS, looks like sleeping here is not an option, there's a Walmart 4 Miles up the road, maybe I can make that. That's always worked out in the past, but so has this. No, there is not money for a hotel although Lord knows my body is aching for a tub of hot water. That's money our children in Palestine needed.
Pps. Anybody know if the bike trail that goes over the interstate Bridge from Philadelphia to Cherry Hill New Jersey, if that is wide enough for a 52 inch wide solar bicycle. Almost all bike trails are, but if they're not, they're not.
Ppps.   As I was literally summoning the impossibility of standing , and going to make final preparations for the half-hour, Four Mile trip to Walmart, please let me sleep there, I looked out the window, there was an African-American man my age, back to me, reading the side of the vehicle with the image of Jesus, which talks about serving the global neediest from the soul in solidarity for the infinite peace of heart and joy of it. Stood there for 30 seconds reading it carefully. And turning his gaze to the empty line of fuel pumps, no one in the parking lot, gave a passionate, energetic, definitive thumbs-up , no one watching, gave a thumbs up.  and then he walked across the parking lot and disappeared. 

Pppps .   outside I was flattening the solar panel which at 3pm i angled on the trailer West, doubling or tripling its output, that is so satisfying and so effective. A car pulled up next to my space, a fellow probably about my age, very thin, white guy, not many teeth left, car on its last legs, his female companion, wife maybe, inside comma wonder and awe at the ll vehicle. Wonder and awe,, something that is totally totally totally totally totally devoid in Washington DC and most metropolitan areas. Wonder and awe at the vehicle. we had a nice chat. As he was pulling away I said, do you think they'll let me sleep in the parking lot at Walmart? Oh sure he said. And then he thought, and said, listen, I live 2 blocks down that street, he pointed, just passed my house, the last one on the Block, is an industrial park field with tractor trailers. It is totally safe, totally peaceful. I don't even lock my house. You know, he said excitedly, that's the place where the railroad trailer car blew up not too long ago. He didn't see the humor in it, I laughed. That's where I'll go. I'll be there in 10 minutes, lying down next to the vehicle in 30 minutes, and hope that I have a body when I wake up to an alarm at 4 in the morning to resume this trip.

Pppppps . Heading to the industrial park I noticed a fellow comma probably a drug dealer, had been standing on an empty corner for the several hours since I had been there, interested in the vehicle, would have seen me turn. And going 2 blocks back and seeing the industrial park, one Factory in it works Around the Clock and although dark and quiet there was no exit. So three and a half miles later I'm at the Walmart planning to set up for a couple of hours till things close down and then maybe another 3 hours lying next to the vehicle once my legs wake me up. The legs had some life in them. Maybe part of it was a serious calorie deficit.

***** ***** The sanctuary church movement is on the rise again in California

***** Lol. I'm on the road. 6 in the morning my chain snapped. 4 miles out of town, territory I'm unfamiliar with. Inauspicious beginning. The whole idea of this two-week venture, DC to.....

***** Lol. I'm on the road. 6 in the morning my chain snapped. 4 miles out of town, territory I'm unfamiliar with. Inauspicious beginning. The whole idea of this two-week venture, DC to Philadelphia to depart Saturday on a 10-day March, democracy, back to DC for a week of Civil Disobedience including arrests, to get money out of politics, and to contribute energy toward the revolution that may be starting around the Sanders campaign that I fully support... the whole idea did not occur until midday yesterday. For a month or more I have been aware of democracy's plan  but discounted it at the time  as a distraction from  electing Sanders.  I now see it as contributing energy toward the Sanders related Revolution. And I have some fantasy on this slow March back to DC of doing constant phone banking. I'll have sufficient electricity and at walking speed I think I'll have the concentration to do it.  I'll also maybe encourage others to do the same and I'll have plenty of electricity to support others in the effort as well with their cell phones. I spent the afternoon at a bike shop among other things getting the long chain tightened. Other work done as well. The vehicle is running well. I suspect that given the weight of this vehicle that every 2,000 miles or so, and that's what I've put on since July, the chain needs to be replaced. I'm stopped at a Starbucks. In College Park Maryland. There is a bike shop 2 blocks away that opens at 10. I suspect that I'll spend some time in the Starbucks and some time snoozing in the vehicle. I got 3 hours sleep last night, my mind whirring, contemplating what I needed to pack and various aspects of the trip until well after 1 in the morning. I got up at 4 and was on the road by 5:30. My urgent email and Facebook message to the organizers of this thing to see if unexpectedly they object to the idea of my vehicle making the march, I have heard no reply which is a bit disconcerting but I'll press on anyway. Assuming that I can get this chain repaired or replaced.
Ps. I'm sitting in the Starbucks and a fellow a little younger than me comes over, were you on K Street in Washington yesterday? Before answering yes, he had his cell phone where I could see it showing me the picture he had taken of the vehicle yesterday.


***** signing off. Tomorrow morning I expect to begin a 3-day trip to Philadelphia for the 10 day March to a week of civil disobedience in Washington DC to get money out of politics. I expect to be cycling 8 to 10 hours a day so I expect to be far less active on the internet for two weeks.

***** signing off. Tomorrow morning I expect to begin a 3-day trip to Philadelphia for the 10 day March to a week of civil disobedience in Washington DC to get money out of politics. I expect to be cycling 8 to 10 hours a day so I expect to be far less active on the internet for two weeks.

***** '' The Cuba visit and the president’s pointed refusal to abort it for European problems is a hint of the president’s truest inclinations. He would rather be working in concert with people he respects than struggling against entitled opposition. He would rather be having fun. And he is a man of the left. He has heard the voices of Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders. He cares about racial justice. Expect to see more of this Barack Obama after his emancipation, next January 20. ''......

Help needed. Solar generators on car tops and or trailers......

I really want to see the following product line developed. My interest is not Financial, it has to do with saving the Earth from the fiery hell of global warming. 

My interest is far from idle. I have miniscule means, but if by some miracle talented individuals, particularly engineering, emerge, what little monthly income I have I would be interested in putting behind such an effort, along with what talents I have or could develop for internet fundraising.

The idea is to develop to the point of feasibility ' and to promote the idea of , solar trailers and solar car tops.  Did you know that 80% of residences that otherwise could use solar energy cannot do so because of the occupants being renters, or zoning, or other reasons?

You know of my solar trailer. What I am tantalized by is the possibility through a combination of things including clever folding mechanism, some sort of anchor to deal with wind issues, and even to track the Sun as it crosses the sky, to develop something that instead of being limited to about 100 Watts , could accommodate 2, 3, 400 watts (when stationary, and when wind conditions don't preclude doing so). I hope you can imagine the kind of thing I'm envisioning. Bicycles, electric bicycles, and cars be they electric cars or not, sit stationary for a long periods of the day. 

Right now I'm sitting with my vehicle stationary at K Street, lobbyist Row in Washington DC, with my panel angled toward the Sun , I reposition it every couple of hours to be directly at the sun, generating electricity that I will use tonight to power some of my appliances in my apartment. If I had two or three or four hundred Watts I could easily generate enough electricity to power everything in my apartment including refrigerator and small range.

If you ever think of any talented individuals, most particularly mechanical and or electrical engineering, that might want to do even exploratory discussions on the electrical, mechanical, financing or marketing aspects of this PLEASE let me know.

And no need to consider this idea proprietary to me. As I say, I am interested in seeing it developed, my interest is not personal or financial.


Susan Sarandon: Trump Might Be Better for America Than Hillary Clinton


It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Concede the Democratic Nomination to Bernie Sanders

The World Is Not Converting to Renewable Energy Fast Enough to Save It


***** A monumentally valuable gift for you. I received it weeks ago and I share it with you. All of us in Western culture are taught in a million ways white supremacy. For many of us, is.....

***** A monumentally valuable gift for you. I received it weeks ago and I share it with you.

All of us in Western culture are taught in a million ways white supremacy. For many of us, it is taught as so benign. It is taught so unintentionally. Making it all the more Insidious.

The gift I received was a sentence that caught my eye in some article, I have no recollection of the article itself. It was the notion that people of color are the color of Earth, the color of nature. By implication, white people, like me, are not the color of Earth, are not the color of nature. More the color of death, the color of bleached bones.

Quickly this is showing promise as a tool that I was never human enough to even realize I wanted or needed. When I think to do so this notion naturally and easily allows me to catch a glimpse of we white folks as not the superior, but the mutant, the deathly mutations that in point of fact we are. It is not people of color that are in the final stages of destroying Earth. It is we white ones.

No, it is not my desire to learn to hate myself, or to view white people as inferior. But I welcome this potential 2x4 to wack some of the notion of white Supremacy out of me that permeates my every pore.

''You make my world better, just knowing that you exist.'' Surely one of the nicest things that has ever been said to me.

''You make my world better, just knowing that you exist.'' Surely one of the nicest things that has ever been said to me.

Must read. Don't stop after the first paragraph or two. 'The Psychological Foundings Of Suicide Bombers: A Palestinian Approach.....

***** Having saved myself, yes, that's absolutely how experience it, I do what little I can to try and help others save themselves , and therefore, I am more determined about nothing than to avoid enabling the vast majority who fiercely pursue walking death.

***** Having saved myself, yes, that's absolutely how experience it, I do what little I can to try and help others save themselves , and therefore, I am more determined about nothing than to avoid enabling the vast majority who fiercely pursue walking death.

***** Chris Hedges. Everything he writes, every week, is must read. The most important intellectual alive today. ''Revenge is the psychological engine of war. Victims are the blood currency. Their corpses are used to sanctify acts of indiscriminant murder. Those defined as the enemy and targeted for slaughter are rendered inhuman. They are not worthy of empathy or justice. Pity and grief are felt exclusively for our own. We vow to eradicate a dehumanized mass that embodies absolute evil. The maimed and dead in Brussels or Paris and the maimed and dead in Raqqa or Sirte perpetuate the same dark lusts. We all are Islamic State.''.......

***** Chris Hedges. Everything he writes, every week, is must read. The most important intellectual alive today. ''Revenge is the psychological engine of war. Victims are the blood currency. Their corpses are used to sanctify acts of indiscriminant murder. Those defined as the enemy and targeted for slaughter are rendered inhuman. They are not worthy of empathy or justice. Pity and grief are felt exclusively for our own. We vow to eradicate a dehumanized mass that embodies absolute evil. The maimed and dead in Brussels or Paris and the maimed and dead in Raqqa or Sirte perpetuate the same dark lusts. We all are Islamic State.''.......


***** must must must read. F*** Clinton. ''This ideological change in the Party led to the Clinton-era 1990s policies that gutted our industrial base, ripped apart the social safety net (ending “the era of big government”), and financialized our economy.....''

***** must must must read. F*** Clinton.  ''This ideological change in the Party led to the Clinton-era 1990s policies that gutted our industrial base, ripped apart the social safety net (ending “the era of big government”), and financialized our economy.....''


***** Pls reply: If everyone went to college what percentage of those who went to college would have a job that either used their skills and or paid back for their education? My guess is about 1%. This education thing may be the nastiest scam ever. It is......

***** Pls reply: If everyone went to college what percentage of those who went to college would have a job that either used their skills and or paid back for their education? My guess is about 1%. This education thing may be the nastiest scam ever. It is a way to make the folks with a college education feel justified in their economic over privilege and at the same time keep those without an education believing that it is their fault that they don't have a decent, living wage , job, rather than the fault of those with education.

Remember how the people sent the bankers in Iceland to prison? Seems like we should be doing the same thing to GMOs Scientists, scientists who developed fracking, scientist.......

Remember how the people sent the bankers in Iceland to prison? Seems like we should be doing the same thing to GMOs Scientists, scientists who developed fracking, scientist who developed Deepwater Drilling, scientist who developed nuclear power, scientists developing the robots that are automating everyone's jobs.... And somehow the Liberals, almost all scientists are liberals, can't understand why white people whose livelihoods are being destroyed by their science, can't understand why they are pissed off. I suppose it was the same for the Liberals back in the 1930s in Germany. Of course those liberals just joined Hitler's regime and developed his weapons, developed as computers for cataloging the Jews for extermination comma Etc. And the Liberals can't understand why the non-intellectual elites get so pissed off. Incredible stupidity.


St Patrick's day. My friend just enlightened me. ''It is strange that in my family the potato famine was talked about often. The deliberate starvation of the Irish people. I learned nothing about it in American school. But hey people in America think St. Pats day is a wonderful thing. Yet not to my family........ '''

It is strange that in my family the potato famine was talked about often. The deliberate starvation of the Irish people.
I learned nothing about it in American school. But hey people in America think St. Pats day is a wonderful thing. Yet not to my family... He was a horror. The snakes he drove from Ireland.... Non Christians.... Gypsy, Druid, and other religious and native culture people's.  When I was little the teacher told us to wear green to celebrate and I told my family I had to do it... Lol I was sent in black clothing with a note... We do not celebrate this day as it is the celebration of a man who  was evil itself.
Strange they don't teach about the real story in schools...


***** Regarding Bernie and me: despite that I find him a godsend, last chance for us all, I am aware that my nervous system has kept me on the sidelines.......

***** Regarding Bernie and me:  despite that I find him a godsend, last chance for us all, I am aware that my nervous system has kept me on the sidelines, just sending on favorable posts, but not diving in with what little resources I have or time to support the campaign. I think I have just understood why. A combination of feeling that the odds were too low that he would win the nomination, and not being drawn into efforts to win an election, that that was not promising enough. Now that it appears extremely unlikely that he will win the nomination I suspect I will begin working substantially , including limited funds, toward the campaigning. Odd, right? The reason is that now I feel that any efforts are less about getting him elected, not that that wouldn't be wonderful, but more about building, and advancing, sowing the seeds for, doing the education for.. a movement. I don't think I can resist participating in, working in furtherance of, that. And yes, this is contrary to what I had earlier said, that I would not work to advance anyone, that had not taken an unequivocal stand against the genocide of Palestine. But as I wrote last week I have undergone a substantial shift in that I seem to be finally finally finally metabolising that the disintegration of society and Humanity has begun but that there are still current and future survivors to protect and help, even in Palestine, and surely Bernie is the way Superior option in that regard for Palestine than are any of the other candidates.


***** drop-in centers. The best way to reach homeless kids is rarely used

LA sued over seizure of homeless people's belongings


***** Witness. A one-in-a-million glimpse at what it is to be a human being. God bless his little soul.

***** People pushed absolutely to the wall can be the luckiest of us all because sometimes they find that they have nothing left but to act for pure morality, pure goodness, pure Justice itself, the ultimate aesthetic experience, the ultimate ecstasy. This is much what I experience in my life from moment to moment. And it is what I have always envied, always craved, without for the longest time knowing what it was.

***** People pushed absolutely to the wall can be the luckiest of us all because sometimes they find that they have nothing left but to act for pure morality, pure goodness, pure Justice itself, the ultimate aesthetic experience, the ultimate ecstasy. This is much what I experience in my life from moment to moment. And it is what I have always envied, always craved, without for the longest time knowing what it was.

***** Israeli soldier says it is his job to frighten 5-year-old Palestinians

Scientists can tell when your motives are truly altruistic, and when you’re secretly being selfish

Ontario to test guaranteed minimum income to ease poverty

***** WE PALESTINIANS WAKE UP EVERY DAY AND TEACH THE REST OF THE WORLD LIFE, SIR. The Palestinians are a breathtaking, impossibly, divinely Humane people. Maybe the most Humane people on Earth. Of course we are trying to exterminate them. They show the rest of us to be the Twisted cripples that we are.

WE PALESTINIANS WAKE UP EVERY DAY AND TEACH THE REST OF THE WORLD  LIFE, SIR. The Palestinians are a breathtaking, impossibly, divinely Humane people. Maybe the most Humane people on Earth. Of course we are trying to exterminate them. They show the rest of us to be the Twisted cripples that we are.

Neither Obama or Trump have created this disease unbridled ignorant hatred that we see sweeping across the country.. Between them they have simply caused it to come into the open. Now.......

Neither Obama or Trump have created this disease unbridled ignorant hatred that we see sweeping across the country.. Between them they have simply caused it to come into the open. Now we get to see if the antibodies, the people of goodwill, are strong enough, numerous enough, good enough, able enough to go beyond their lip service good intentions, to deal with it before it kills the body.


***** To reformulate slightly something that I've seen and admired on Facebook recently, and to encapsulate everything that I know and believe, if you want to be joyful and have less suffering in your life, devote.......

***** To reformulate slightly something that I've seen and admired on Facebook recently, and to encapsulate everything that I know and believe, if you want to be joyful and have less suffering in your life, devote your life to helping the neediest be more joyful, and have less suffering in their lives. That's what I live for well over a decade now and having tried everything else that Society has to offer that Path is the Holy Grail.

Although it may well appear the opposite, joyful is how I would categorize my every breath. Agonized but joyful. I envy no one on earth or in history their quality of life.

Although it may well appear the opposite, joyful is how I would categorize my every breath. Agonized but joyful. I envy no one on earth or in history their quality of life.

To the Liberals constantly disparaging, attacking, belittling, taunting the uneducated, ignorant Americans, stop it!!! Do you taunt.......

To the Liberals constantly disparaging, attacking, belittling, taunting the uneducated, ignorant Americans, stop it!!! Do you taunt people who are physically crippled? Not in public you don't. And you attacked those who do. The white, uninformed, uneducated people that you constantly disparage have been systematically and deliberately crippled intellectually and informationally by the rulers. They are in revolt against you and you deserve it. Figure out how to help them, how to make up for your years of neglect and bigotry, and stop attacking them.

***** Sanders is no better an individual in my view, and less capable by far, then President Obama. We saw how much difference it makes who the president is, very very little, unless.....

***** Sanders is no better an individual in my view, and less capable by far, then President Obama. We saw how much difference it makes who the president is, very very little, unless the citizenry remains militantly and totally committed on the stage every day along side of that individual for as long as they are in office. And we totally completely 100% failed to do this as Citizens for all eight years that President Obama was in office. One of the things I love about Sanders, and I did about Obama too, is they are very explicit about this. We ignored Obama in this obvious truth. If we elect Sanders, and we continue to ignore this obvious truth, on my god do we deserve what we get.

I don't think it's the money with Hilary, I think it's being a member of the club, finally. She was born outside the club of the financial Elites. And her pitiful little ego, she will do anything to anybody to remain in that club now. I think that's entirely what she is about. Pleasing the Masters. Remaining a member of the club.

I don't think it's the money with Hilary, I think it's being a member of the club, finally. She was born outside the club of the financial Elites. And her pitiful little ego, she will do anything to anybody to remain in that club now. I think that's entirely what she is about. Pleasing the Masters. Remaining a member of the club.

***** I seem to be undergoing a sea change........

I seem to be undergoing a sea change.

Shame on any who saw the error of my ways, or the oversight, and did not tell me.

Beginning October last year I shifted from 100% focus on renewable energy, to 0% focus on renewable energy, stopping global warming, on the basis that fighting to save a civilization, a species, Humanity, that is so Savage that they sit by while a genocide in Palestine goes into the year 70, well, my loyalty to that species was gone and I was not going to fight to save it.

More recently my admiration, my love, for Bernie Sanders, has probably been all too clear from my postings, but I've also been clear that I would not and could not vote for him unless and until he came out unequivocally against the genocide in Palestine.

Well, I seem to be undergoing a sea change. Here is what I mean. Since October of last year I have been fighting for the Palestinian part of my family to have basic human rights, despite the fact that I realized I was totally failing, that anyone fighting this is failing. All of the money and all the weapons in the world are on the side of the u.s. Israeli extermination land grab of Palestine. But I figured that my fighting was something I needed to do anyway, and I figured that in some way I might be slightly reducing the amount of suffering that these victims must endure.

The sea change is that I now see environmental work, and voting for Bernie Sanders in that same light. Yes, my loyalty to a species that perpetrates this Palestinian genocide is gone. But not my loyalty to the victims, that is not gone. My loyalty to the victims of our Criminal Savage Beastial use of fossil fuels is not gone. And the election of Bernie Sanders slows down the global warming machine and the other ways that the u.s. Empire corporate fascist machine tortures torments terrorizes and terminates the needy in this country, and Palestine, and around the world. Even any and all work if otherwise doomed to fail 2 attempt to get president Sanders elected has that benefit because it is education to the country and to the world of the type of world we should have.

Like I say, a sea change. Exactly how it will manifest I'm not sure but in my work, manifest, it will.


***** I have reached, and implemented, a final decision regarding my housing.Never in any way did.....

***** I have reached, and implemented, a final decision regarding my housing.
Never in any way did I attempt to drag out this process and it was to my total shock and amazement that day after day, week after week, month after month the housing system never was in a position to finalize the offer  they originally told me of back in November. Consequently, my decision to refuse the housing to stay in what I considered best lived solidarity with the least of these my sisters and brothers, I expected to be long executed and past in early December.
Only last week was the housing system in a position to do so at which point I stated my major outstanding question, could I liberally use this one bedroom apartment to help in particular my friend who has Ms? And by Wednesday of last week the answer came back, we regret to say, no that is not possible.
Well, that precipitated another couple of days of hemming and hawing on the part of my nervous system but within a couple of days I had, crystal clear, of course I will turn down the property so that every penny I have can continue to go to Palestine and other causes related to the abused poorest among us. Yes, my nervous system was clear, I have physical desires for a permanent place of my own, but those desires are just infinitely far down the list of my desires compared to my desires for A life of less horror and suffering for my children in Palestine and elsewhere.
But on Saturday I think it was in reviewing my second cause, beside Palestine, fighting against the war on the American poor, I was reviewing articles on gentrification and it hit me pretty hard that 1. Unless I accepted the property it could be fairly rapidly that I would be driven out of the city with the rest of the poor either through increased prices, criminalisation of the poor, and therefore imprisonment. If I thought this was the best way to serve I would do it in a heartbeat. But I think it is not the best way for me to serve, at least not at this point in time. The future could be different. 2. A second thought occurred to me for the first time, that this was not a lifetime decision, but a one year by one year venture. And finally, the clincher, 3. This would shift my vantage point and point of attack and that for a year that could be very useful to giving me new perspectives on my work and allowing me as a propertied resident of the city to work with various social, city, and civic organizations in ways that I am NOT allowed to as a homeless person. And after a year of getting my foot in the door as a propertied citizen, I been could return to homelessness but my foot is still in the door. Lol. This last one is a bit clandestine, which I rarely rarely allow myself, but in this case I am.
Yesterday I got the cashiers checks and secured the apartment, I'll take much of this week to transition out of the homeless shelter, but last night I slept on the floor of the apartment and now am doing laundry in the beautiful large laundry facility of this extremely nice building. A building, by the way, I'm happy to report, I am one of the only white faces. I wouldn't have it any other way.
This is in northeast DC in a rapidly gentrifying area, Brookland. I had not realized it was rapidly gentrifying but only this morning out for coffee it hit me in the face. Hugely, rapidly, gentrifying.     Today's vicious colonialism.
Already  my decision regarding the apartment is opening up a new perspective for me that there are a host of potential advantages to my being here this year, from accelerating my learning curve, to giving me a practical pragmatic foothold, in making some of my focus this particular community, maybe even this largely African American senior subsidized housing facility. Today, for example, for that reason, I may attend a meeting that I see for a community garden.
Or, I may skip that meeting for a1 o'clock meeting down at DC City Hall on Housing and gentrification.
I don't remember exactly but I think my apartment building, 635 Edgewood Street, 20017, apartment 525, it's about a two and a half three mile ride from the edge of the city itself, Union Station, on what appears to be a ridiculously safe, I rode it at 9 o'clock last night, bike path put in place exactly so that the previously lower middle class African American, undesirable, part of the city could be gentrified, colonized, taken over, by young white, elite, highly educated, over-privileged, urban professionals.
It will be interesting to see if I become just another white colonial over-privileged gentrifying cancer cell in the body of dc humanity, inhumanity, or if I become a healthy cell, an agent for a more humane process.
No, I expect to have virtually no impact, but it still will be true that I will be either a healthy cell, or, the only other option, a cancer cell. Of course, the only choice I see that has joy to it is to be of the type, healthy. But I live in the imperial city of hunger games, Dc, which is one massive temptation to become cancerous, self centered, self-serving, selfiish, detached, blissfully oblivious, to the needy that we trample through our selfishness. We don't intentionally trample the neediest. We choose selfishness and the result is the we trample the neediest, to depression, desperation, and death.
You know what occurred to me yesterday for the first time in my life? Probably 16/17 years ago as I was leaving the realm of being  intensive malignant colonial elitist cancer as an executive in high tech, in my intensive study I spent a lot of time studying Teresa of Calcutta because her books more than any other are filled with the word joy, literally, which I suspected, joy, was the true north of being a healthy human being. Everyday since, has proven that that was a correct perception. And further I was studying, and life every breath teaches me is correct, that joy is the fruit of loving,  and only the fruit of loving.
Well, it was in reading  a book written by Teresa of Calcutta that for the first time in my life I saw a word associated with a piece of Scripture that had always been sacred to me, ultimately sacred, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The word that I saw in the scripture for the very first time, in a book by Teresa, was the word all. Do unto others all, all, all, that you would have them do unto you. This was a lightning bolt to me. duh!!!! Do unto others all, all, all, all, all, all.....
So that was the translation of that scripture that I read in Teresa of Calcutta's book.
The revelation for me yesterday, after the last 17 years of studying and practicing militant Loving, what hit me for the very first time, lol, was that the definition of Loving is, do unto others all, all, ALL... that you would have them do unto you. Is there a more perfect, is there a definition as perfect, of Loving, than, do unto others all that you would have them do unto you?
Actually, I think there is. The quintessential definition of Loving requires inserting a gene slice from another part of Jesus DNA teaching, namely, least of these.
The perfect definition of Loving, as opposed to lusting which is near always what we mean by Loving, the perfect definition of Loving is: do unto the least of these all that you would have them do unto you. Hello! Am I the last one to make this connection??????


Friends, when people provide input on decisions I must make, such as my current Housing Choice, if I do not agree with or act in the direction of that input it.....

Friends, when people provide input on decisions I must make, such as my current Housing Choice, if I do not agree with or act in the direction of that input it does not mean I do not value it, or that I reject it, or that I dismiss it, or that I don't consider it. None of those virtually ever happens with me if someone gives thoughtful, honest input. If I do not comply or agree it is much more likely for reasons such as, I have embraced a value system that is totally contrary to the one that we have been carefully taught, for the best intended reasons, a value system that I embrace and that embraces me that is totally absolutely opposite and contrary to that which we university embrace in this now near dead rapidly dying culture, and a value system that is therefore all but incomprehensible to just about everyone but me. There could be other reasons but that's pretty much it.

If I accept the housing I think that....

If I accept the housing I think that it will enable me to attack things from a different angle and that is an experiment that might be worthwhile for a year. More than an experiment it may help me learn more quickly from a different perspective and achieve things that can benefit my work in the future. I feel very drawn to advocacy for my homeless and poor and abused brothers and sisters here in DC. See, the social services provided in DC tends to be a closed club that you cannot access, that is, you cannot assist with if you are among the homeless. They simply won't let you help. Which is pretty appalling in itself. But that's how it is. If I have housing I think it is possible that I can get a foot in the door, learn the strengths and weaknesses of the different groups and agencies as I can not do as a homeless person, and then a year from now quite possibly move back into homelessness but retain the access, leverage, and understanding I have to help those organizations do a better job than they could otherwise.


***** Students say pro-Israel group spreads hate at Columbia University

Gentrification in a Brooklyn Neighborhood Forces Residents to Move On

How Gentrification Is Forcing Californians Out Of Their Communities "The middle class is disappearing and it’s getting harder for the working poor to get by at all."

An Atlanta Neighborhood Tries To Redefine Gentrification

How to Get Rid of Your Landlord and Socialize American Housing, in 3 Easy Steps Homelessness, unaffordable urban real estate, devastating gentrification, and the housing bubble are all rooted in privatized housing.

If you are good with military corporate rule, fascism, vote Hillary. If you consider that the lost, the final loss, of everything decent in the world, vote Bernie or don't vote at all.

If you are good with military corporate rule, fascism, vote Hillary. If you consider that the lost, the final loss, of everything decent in the world, vote Bernie or don't vote at all.

***** I am next to certain that on Monday I will accept this apartment. Lol. Yesterday I was certain I would turn it down. One of the issues.........

I am next to certain that on Monday I will accept this apartment. Lol. Yesterday I was certain I would turn it down,  stay in the shelter for The months that it is expected to remain open this year, and then to move back onto the streets so that every penny of my meager retirement can continue to be donated to Palestine and related causes. I was informed earlier in the week after what I think was honest and fair consideration , by the managers of this subsidized housing unit that they regrettably cannot allow the liberal visitation by my friend, a vet with MS, who even several weeks a month does not want to be alone in her apartment up by Dupont Circle. So the one basis on which I wanted to accept the property, helping my friend and others, has been ruled out.

 One of the issues, the second and only issue that I have added alongside Palestine to my daily focus is justice for the poor. Gentrification is one of the areas of that focus. Articles I've reviewed this morning highlight to me the rampant pace at which gentrification is happening in major US cities driving out all but the wealthy. This particular property, of roughly 10 that could enable me to stay in DC if and when they become available, this particular property appears to be the lowest price and the only one that would provide secure parking for my vehicle. I have much more thinking to do this weekend but as it currently stands, to my shock, I am likely to accept the property. This has been a very very very very challenging decision. I want the property, for me, to address the personal fears that I have for my well being and safety. The wonderful clarity that had come to me yesterday was yes, I have that desire, I have that fear, it's just way down the list vs my fear for my children in Palestine, people in Syria, African Americans and Native Americans in this country, the poor in South America that we continue to victimize, plunder, rape, exploit.... What a gift it was to receive that clarity yesterday. That really took the apartment off of my radar. But the savage, brutal, cruel, inhuman, injust gentrification happening in the nation's cities brought the property back to me in a light I had never considered. This property may be my best chance of remaining to fight for justice in Washington DC if by chance I am given many years to do so. I had not thought of that. That may be the deciding factor.


***** MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT. ''Moral Foundations Theory was invented to compare different human cultures. But it can also explain our political landscape......'

Regarding Bernie: you can't save people that don't desperately want to be saved. 'I could have saved thousands more if I could have convinced them they were slaves. Harriet Tubman.

Regarding Bernie: you can't save people that don't desperately want to be saved. 'I could have saved thousands more if I could have convinced them they were slaves. Harriet Tubman.

***** WATCH: Samantha Bee Brilliantly Goes After Democrats Whose Apathy Allowed the Rise of The Donald "You built that," the late night host says.

Bernie will lose because there are infinitely too few people in America that have the courage or wisdom to face how dire the situation is. Indeed he tried to lead a revolution, but the revolution is not possible until people are living the total abject misery and instead we live our illusions, our denial.

Bernie will lose because there are infinitely too few people in America that have the courage or wisdom to face how dire the situation is. Indeed he tried to lead a revolution, but the revolution is not possible until people are living the total abject misery and instead we live our illusions, our denial.


***** You do understand the Trump mob, correct? For many years the white hate mob in Germany experienced themselves as winners. They had been........

***** You do understand the Trump mob, correct? For many years the white hate mob in Germany experienced themselves as winners. They had been starving for it and Hitler gave them that sense. What is it you don't understand about middle age and older white people in this country? Trump is telling them they are superior, winners, and that he will ring the game for them so that they will win materially as well.

***** Something that I've seen on Facebook several times recently. I'll paraphrase: 'If you want peace in your life, DEVOTE your life to TRYING to bring peace to others. Preferably, those in much more dire need than yourself.' But I have to survive! Lol. I beg......

***** Something that I've seen on Facebook several times recently. I'll paraphrase: 'If you want peace in your life, DEVOTE your life to TRYING to bring peace to others. Preferably, those in much more dire need than yourself.' But I have to survive! Lol. I beg to differ. We have to thrive. Survival is less important and probably will happen no matter what. If this is not correct, if this is not true, if this is not extremely likely to bring peace, then I know absolutely nothing, I have learned absolutely nothing from the wisest in history, & I have learned nothing from my own journey. And, of course, it is entirely possible that I have learned nothing. But it doesn't feel that way. I'm trying to share of the peace that surpasses all understanding.


***** ''You may recall that no less an authority than Martin Luther King Jr. himself said after being hit with a rock while marching for integration in Chicago, "I think the people from Mississippi ought to come to Chicago to learn how to hate." The choice of a young Bernie Sanders to align himself with CORE as a college student in early 1960s Chicago says an enormous amount about his character and courage, as well as his commitment to righting the wrongs of American society.''

***** ‘In every important way Israel has failed’– leading American Zionist says No mas

***** The True human rights activist is the ultimate 'starving artist.' Creating Human Right is Life itself for them... the ultimate Art, Life, form. Jesus, Gandhi, MLK Jr, Alice Paul .......

***** The True human rights activist is the ultimate 'starving artist.'  Creating Human Right is Life itself for them... the ultimate Art, Life, form.  Jesus, Gandhi,  MLK Jr, Alice Paul .......

***** 2016 is the final Revolution. Revolution Bern is the final chance for Life on earth. The choice will otherwise be tween the slower Fascist death.......

***** 2016 is the final Revolution. Revolution Bern is the final chance for Life on earth. The choice will otherwise be tween the slower Fascist death of all goodness, or faster, Hell or Trump respectively. Bernie is the last last last last chance for a decent America and earth. I suspect it is over drcades ago. I'll soon see.

***** I think it is time to prepare to leave AmeriKKKa.

***** I think it is time to prepare to leave AmeriKKKa.

***** After this election is over, Negroes and all their social and political relevance will be completely purged from mainstream media. These Corporate financed websites will shut down as well. The need for Negro opinion......

“After this election is over, Negroes and all their social and political relevance will be completely purged from mainstream media. These Corporate financed websites will shut down as well. The need for Negro opinion will end when Obama walks out the door,” said Black Agenda Report‘s Pascal Robert when asked about Harris-Perry’s departure.


5, 10, 15 times a day, sometimes, I find myself revolted at someone I see. And then I choose.......

5, 10, 15 times a day, sometimes, I find myself revolted at someone I see. And then I choose to catch myself and to remind myself what life has taught me, if I had their upbringing and internal circuitry I'd be doing the same thing. I might be wrong, but that's how I see it. I chose to have them kill the cancer in me, but it didn't occur to me to hate the cancer. In fact, I'm quite certain I must have caused the cancer through really faulty eating habits. I'm just sharing.

If you support Hillary, Hell, as I know her, let's unfriend each other. My love is unconditional, but my time and attention or not, and neither should yours be.

If you support Hillary, Hell, as I know her, let's unfriend each other. My love is unconditional, but my time and attention or not, and neither should yours be.

The World’s Carbon Budget Is Only Half as Big as Previously Thought


Francis: “To be a Christian means to do: to do the will of God. And on the last day — because all of us will have one! — that day what shall the Lord ask us? Will he say: ‘What you have said about me?’ No! He shall ask us about the things we did.”

***** Fight the soulless juggernaut: Big money, machine politics and the real issue separating Sanders and Clinton

***** Truly, in case you don't realize it, the psycho state Israel is literally at war on everything decent, everyone decent, every decency, and will gladly kill your f****** ass if they think it will help them one little bit. They are at war on....

***** Truly, in case you don't realize it, the psycho state Israel is literally at war on everything decent, everyone decent, every decency, and will gladly kill your f****** ass if they think it will help them one little bit. They are at war on the rest of the world. If you think I am exaggerating, mean in saying this, an antisemite in saying this, or anything other than truthful please unfriend me, now, would be a good time.

"Have faith," my friend said as I observed that the Titanic is going down. (In our society that almost always means have denial, have fantasy.) "What faith is that which I should have? Honesty......

"Have faith," my friend said as I observed that the Titanic is going down. (In our society that almost always means have denial, have fantasy.) "What faith is that which I should have? Honesty and realism is how I think I can best serve, how I can best inform the steps in my life. Faith that doing good will help the world, attempting good will help the world, will help the Titanic, will help those on the Titanic, even as it inevitably is going down. That faith, yes," I replied.


The Titanic, US, is going down. My nervous system is just screaming that to me today. It.......

The Titanic, US, is going down. My nervous system is just screaming that to me today. It  does stuff like that, my nervous system. And far more often than not it is correct. I foolishly allowed myself a rush of optimism in recent weeks with the apparent surge of sanity from young people in the country supporting Bernie Sanders. I do think that is a show of health. But it is so miniscule, such a drop, in the ocean of evil in this country and around the world. It is a sacred drop. I try to be part of that dropp. I expect to try to be a part of that drop, and to make it a tiny bit bigger, with my last breath. But it is a drop. Titanic, she is going down. I must try and refine my understanding and strategy to avoid causing people to think otherwise, and to continue having children as a result, for example, and I must try and refine my strategy for helping others see and enter that drop of goodness which is the only psychological salvation.

The Republicans are a fundamentalist insurgency waging war on America, on democracy, on decency. They are barbaric thugs that wish nothing but ultimate power and control. Why does the left talk about them violating rules, hypoc......

All is fair in love and war. The Republicans are a fundamentalist insurgency waging war on America, on democracy, on decency. They are barbaric thugs that wish nothing but ultimate power and control. Why does the left talk about them violating rules, hypocrisy, going contrary to what they said prior.... This is really ridiculous. This is so irrelevant to what is going on. They are a mob, a bunch of thugs, at war for power and control. And they are winning.


***** "I can't decide whether you are more white or more black." Yesterday my friend Paul said that to me. He is black. The shelter.....

***** "I can't decide whether you are more white or more black." Yesterday my friend Paul said that to me. He is black. The shelter in which I reside with several hundred other men is 95% black. It's something I just don't think about. It's one of the nicest things that's ever been said about me. I've also been called, by various people, at various times, the best Christian, the best Muslim, the best Buddhist, the best Jew... that they had ever seen. I like that too.


I will vote for Bernie, or no one: Given the choice between Titanic, America, going down slowly or rapidly I choose rapidly for me and everyone I care about. I will not.....

I will vote for Bernie, or no one: Given the choice between Titanic, America, going down slowly or rapidly I choose rapidly for me and everyone I care about. I will not vote for Hillary under any circumstances, for that reason. I also will not vote for Bernie unless and until he comes out squarely against the genocide being waged on Arab Muslims of color in Palestine for 70 years now by US, Israel. A country, & a candidate, that stands for genocide is already dead. I am here for the living, not for the dead.

Purveyors of Global Violence, US Continues to Lead World Arms Trade Topping the list of those on the receiving end of these deals are Middle East allies, including Saudi Arabia


I am Not Afraid of Muslims. I am afraid of Christians, I am afraid of many or most who call themselves Jews, I am afraid of......

I am Not Afraid of Muslims. I am afraid of Christians, I am afraid of many or most who call themselves Jews, I am afraid of all of the creatures in Congress, I am afraid of white males, I am afraid of the rich, I am afraid of capitalism , I am afraid of corporations,  I am afraid of fossil fuels, I'm afraid of Republicans, I am afraid of Democrats,  I am afraid of so-called activists with few exceptions, I am afraid of our men and women in uniform, though I didn't use to be. I am afraid of Obama, Hillary Clinton. I am afraid of America. I am Not Afraid of Bernie Sanders and those who seem to be supporting the agenda that he suggest for us.


Regarding Obama: For 6 years I would gladly have taken a bullet to save his life. Now I don't know that I would try and stop his bleeding. Palestine, TPP, backing.....

Regarding Obama:  For 6 years I would gladly have taken a bullet to save his life. Now I don't know that I would try and stop his bleeding. Palestine, TPP, backing Hillary, drone assassinations/murders on steroids, night raids on South American immigrants, persecution of Snowden and other heroic whistle blowers, Syrian and Yemen mass murder, increasing armaments to Israel, increasing armaments to Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....

86-day Palestinian hunger strike challenges Israeli detention policy

***** There came a time when if ever there had been the opportunity to save the Titanic, the time for that opportunity had objectively past. The task at hand is not to stop global warming. Yes, we have everything......

***** There came a time when if ever there had been the opportunity to save the Titanic, the time for that opportunity had objectively past. The task at hand is not to stop global warming. Yes, we have everything that we need to do so except for the one indispensable ingredient: enough sane, Loving, human beings to sacrifice their lives to do so. Other than that Mrs Lincoln, how was the play. So what remains is two things and they are related: to minimize the suffering of the survivors in this and succeeding generations, and to live as a human being should live regardless of the fact that the Titanic won't be saved. In doing this the greatest Spiritual, emotional, mercy is delivered, not only to oneself, but to any of the temporary survivors that see the example and embrace it for themselves.

Materially rich folks want their world, their city, their town, their block... to be without poor folks. I want my world, and.....

Materially rich folks want their world, their city, their town, their block... to be without poor folks. I want my world, and certainly my city, my town, my block.... to be without rich folks, or certainly with very few, if they behave themselves.

***** Those of us who are at all enlightened know reflexively, and somewhat practice, that in a personal relationship there is one thing, and one thing only that we can change, me, myself, ourself. We know.......

Those of us who are at all enlightened know reflexively, and somewhat practice, that in a personal relationship there is one thing, and one thing only that we can change, me, myself, ourself. We know almost instinctively and reflexively because we have heard it so often, that we cannot, cannot, cannot, change anyone else to achieve the change we want to see in that personal relationship. We can only change our self. But the left, the best intended, the most informed, rarely if ever carry that understanding into an arena where it is not a one on one personal relationship, but probably a situation involving many many many many people. But nothing changes with respect to the fact that the only thing that one can change is one self. I think my moment by moment reaction to the evils, the atrocities, that I spend all day studying around the world, first and foremost in Palestine, one way or another this is my reaction time and time and time again. I am horrified at the otherwise well-intended people that work to make President Obama change, the Republicans change, the deprived and frightened white people in this country change, Netanyahu change, the UN, the oil industry...change. They look to change anyone and everyone except the only person that they are in a position to change, themselves, and of course, that is the last person in the world that they intend to change.


***** Our nervous system is designed to be capable of different ways of being. These are all encompassing like operating systems, operating environments. They take constant work to build and maintain and therefore it is virtually impossible to maintain more than one or to switch from one to another. The notion of paradigm.......

***** Our nervous system is designed to be capable of different ways of being. These are all encompassing like operating systems, operating environments. They take constant work to build and maintain and therefore it is virtually impossible to maintain more than one or to switch from one to another. The notion of paradigm comes into play here. My early life experiences caused me to build the paradigm of oneness with creation, by whatever name, or no name at all. Not one in a million in our culture is caused to create this paradigm; rather most are discouraged from doing so by the extreme punishments for doing so. I was and AM, no credit to me, some combination of unable, and profoundly morally unwilling, to create and employ the paradigm of Group, nation, me.


Without exaggeration white so called Christians of European origin have been breathtakingly brilliant, excellent, perfect at locating, defiling, corrupting and destroying the most godly cultures that the earth has ever seen, the American Indigenous, the......

Without exaggeration white so called Christians of European origin have been breathtakingly brilliant, excellent, perfect at locating, defiling, corrupting and destroying the most godly cultures that the earth has ever seen, the American Indigenous, the African indigenous, and now the indigenous in Palestine and elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa. If there is a Satan we are it. We are it.

***** "No", I said. "I am NOT good. I am profoundly selfish. I simply know that it is me that US Israel is executing, massacring, murdering. It is my rights. It is my........

***** "No", I said. "I am NOT good. I am profoundly selfish. I simply know that it is me that US Israel is executing, massacring, murdering. It is my rights. It is my rule of law. It is my children. It is my body. It is me." Almost everyone around me here in Washington DC, here in the United States, we the authors of this Holocaust, almost all of us are blind to the truth, that it is we that are being murdered. Blind, as I was for most of my decades. But I'm less blind now. This I said to a young teacher on Sunday who was aghast at my committed Palestine activism. I am at all out war in resistance to the war being waged on me, in Palestine, by US Israel.


Congress draws a red line on the Green Line

Congress draws a red line on the Green Line


***** Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett just back from Syria. The media is lying to you.

Israeli court refuses to let dying hunger striker go

***** At the right time, at the right place, in the right way, over the proper duration the seed must die before new growth comes. We are destroying everything with our unending reasons to take care of ourselves first. It is a morbid, self centered, selfish, pathological insanity.

***** At the right time, at the right place, in the right way, over the proper duration the seed must die before new growth comes. We are destroying everything with our unending reasons to take care of ourselves first. It is a morbid, self centered, selfish, pathological insanity.

Endangered kids in Flint are just the tip of a vast, toxic iceberg.

***** By no stretch of the imagination did Obama save America. He may have turned the Titanic a tiny bit. He may have slowed the Titanic a tiny bit. Would anyone in history......

By no stretch of the imagination did Obama save America. He may have turned the Titanic a tiny bit. He may have slowed the Titanic a tiny bit. Would anyone in history have done a better job? I can't think of anyone, particularly if their skin was turned black before they took office in 2008. Was he ever the well intended man I thought he was? I don't know anymore. I don't know if I ever will. My best theory is that there is a small circle that controls the government machine. They keep themselves hidden until the President is elected. And then they reveal themselves and literally scare the s*** out of him. I can't see any other way to explain Obama.

***** James: The Sanders supporters are a fraud, if, as we did in 2008 and again in 2012, go home after the elections as though anything significant has been won. Chris Hedges: the Democratic Party is the old Republican Party rebranded. The Sanders campaign is a fraud, and can lead to nothing but disappointment. Hedges is sadly, correct, if he is telling us that the entire Democratic machine is against us before, during, and forever after any given election. Their loyalty is to the corporate fascist status quo. Chris Hedges, our consummate, our ultimate intellectual today. A disturbing article. Maybe it is just a cry for attention by Chris. Maybe it is a poorly worded attempt to wake us up. Maybe he is attempting to give Sanders an opportunity to step things up. Maybe he is right.

***** Hillary is a bureaucrat, NOT a leader. You know the difference, correct? She couldn't, she WOULDN'T, lead a group of preschoolers out of a burning building. She.......

Hillary is a bureaucrat, NOT a leader.  You know the difference, correct? She couldn't, she WOULDN'T, lead a group of preschoolers out of a burning building.  She would create policies , organize committees, phone political cronies,  pontificate to the press, blame others, raise election funds and make excuses why the children can't be saved, instead. All the while believing herself to be a great leader, and  deep inside knowing she is a total fraud, and terrified that others will see the truth, too.