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***** Must must read!!! War Is Realizing the Israelizing of the World

To my shock......

To my shock I may accept the apartment that is available to me. It is a very difficult decision for me, but I have done great due diligence and if it holds that with the apartment I can serve not only me but at least regularly a dear friend with special needs, and possibly the occasional zero risk zero maintenance homeless person or true activist, then as early as the end of this week I may commit to a one year lease. I also feel, if it holds that in all likelihood I can help others directly with this apartment, then I also perceive that my second issue which is homelessness, poverty, gentrification, can be better advocated for by me if I am a person with an apartment, a normal resident of the city who was long homeless himself, as opposed to continuing as a homeless person. This is not a decision about which I am happy, or unhappy. My only desire in life is to be as helpful to the neediest with each breath, with each penny, as I possibly can be. And what I have just outlined appears to be how things are sorting out.

The thought of spending hundreds of dollars a month on me that I have not been spending is sheer agony for me. I need billions billions of dollars, quite literally, for my human family that is suffering so badly. Now with few exceptions I eat for free. One hot meal per day that I turn into two meals per day, a small supper and a cold larger meal in the afternoon. And I spend about $4 a day on coffee or an orange or a banana in some combination to morally justify using a restroom in a restaurant while I am on all day post in the free Palestine vigil at various strategic locations around Washington DC 7 days per week. Thus I am free so far to joy fully donate every penny to those who serve the needy and Palestine, those who work productively for human rights for Palestine, in support of Syrian refugees, Doctors Without Borders, etc. I am horrified by the idea of diverting even a penny from those.

If I accept the apartment it will be entirely unfurnished, literally, but for a mattress on the floor, and possibly a small refrigerator. I intend to harness the excess electricity I generate with this vehicle from the Sun for most or all of my indoor energy needs by carrying a battery to and fro. I envision beans and rice as my staple meal which is not too much different than what I have gotten in the shelter, and at sometimes I will eat at the homeless food truck and make monthly donations to the operator of that truck so that I am NOT a burden on them. So then I also minimize costs. 

if this transpires, and there are a few big if's which have to do with whether or not I'll be allowed to have frequent guests, if this transpires I anticipate very substantially ramping up my advocacy for the poor, homeless, disenfranchised here in Washington. I have no illusion I'll be able to make any significant difference. But if the apartment materializes then I feel myself moving substantially to add that advocacy alongside the advocacy for Palestine. I'm not certain why within me having the apartment is so strongly linked with that move, but I feel that it is.

The degree to which we don't live out the love inside of us is the degree to which we truly suffer. And there are those who have shown us that, the truth is, there is no price too great to pay to love fully. I experience my recent decades has learning to follow their example. It is heaven. It looks like hell, but it is heaven. Those lifestyles that look like heaven, are hell.

The degree to which we don't live out the love inside of us is the degree to which we truly suffer. And there are those who have shown us that, the truth is, there is no price too great to pay to love fully. I experience my recent decades has learning to follow their example. It is heaven. It looks like hell, but it is heaven. Those lifestyles that look like heaven, are hell.


Maybe there is a God. Thank you. Justice Antonin Scalia, Who Led a Conservative Renaissance on the Supreme Court, Is Dead at 79

***** Hillary: No We Can't!

The ‘Clinton Bubble’: How Clinton Democrats Fostered the 2008 Economic Crisis

John Lewis just revealed himself as a selfserving, grandstanding, selfcentered fraud, as I have seen him to be for years now. "When you use your history as a hero of the Movement to disparage others because you never personally knew them, it is a slap in the face to all those people who fought hard and never made it into the history books or into Congress. It is a slap in the face to people like my grandmother."


!!!!! ***** video. I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend. Bernie Sanders

Regarding Bernie, Hillary, and the rest. To my friend who started storm is coming, who I still respect: There are 6 captains on the Titanic. Four......

To my friend who started  storm is coming, who I still respect: There are 6 captains on the Titanic. Four of them demand that the ship go faster in the same direction. One of them, a lady, of very questionable sincerity, says that maybe, possibly, under certain circumstances, don't look at my crossed fingers, I might want the ship to turn a little bit and to slow down a little bit, but you know, that really isn't possible we have to be real. And one of them, and old man with white hair but full of fire says that the ship is going too fast that it has to turn or it will hit the iceberg, that we will all have to stand together to overcome the forces that want to go straight and fast, and you say, folks we have to stand together and no matter what, vote for him or the lady? F*** you.


No credit to me, for years now, I pretty much live as though Creator is watching me every moment. I pretty much live accordingly. And it is so superior to.......

No credit to me, for years now, I pretty much live as though Creator is watching me every moment. I pretty much live accordingly. And it is so superior to all the other ways I've tried, so infinitely joyful, interesting, enriching, absorbing, challenging. One of the major ways, if not the major way, that we defend ourselves from a radically moral life, is the device, good. Being good. We use that name to turn the joy of radical virtue into the endured suffering of taking one's bitter medicine because it is good for us. That which is the joyful path is the radically virtuous path, the extremely virtuous path. And we have a trillion reasons that we've created for ourselves to not see it. Oh well. Thanks for hearing me. Hugs I will fail in trying to have radical virtue proliferate. But I will not fail to try. It is the hope. It is the only practical hope.


***** NY’s Public Theater cancels Palestinian production, ‘The Siege,’ it agreed to stage in May

"For anyone who wants to diminish murder and mayhem and terrorism around the world, and to protect the earth and everything in it from the ravages of capitalist greed – getting the United States off the neoliberal-neoconservative track that it has been on since at least the late 1970s should be Priority Number One. This means that the first order of business now is defeating Hillary Clinton....„

Video. Watch. Israel's policy of breaking the bones of Palestinians. Watch. You are funding this with your taxes. You are supporting this with your silence.


Netanyahu Goes Full Trump: Surround Israel With Barrier ‘To Defend Ourselves Against Wild Beasts’ GettyImages-51037982

I voted for this Fascist snake twice: Bill Clinton gutted welfare and criminalized the poor, all while funneling more money into the carceral state.

Jewish theologian and philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “In a free society, some are guilty but all are responsible.”

Jewish theologian and philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “In a free society, some are guilty but all are responsible.”

Bernie Sanders is the future of the Democratic Party

What Clinton said in her paid speeches Recalled one attendee: 'She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director.'

***** How Pope Francis shakes up what it means to be ‘pro-life’


***** ‘Barbarism by an educated and cultured people’ — Dawayima massacre was worse than Deir Yassin

Help requested: if you know who is playing in this year's Super Bowl, please make absolutely certain, not to tell me. Yes, I am not kidding. I always hated our worship of this type of competition, from my earliest memory. It is absolutely how we prepare our children and ourselves for colonial wars, and justifying the wars of economy that we participate in against each other, thinking that it is virtue. I hate it.

Help requested: if you know who is playing in this year's Super Bowl, please make absolutely certain, not to tell me. Yes, I am not kidding. I always hated our worship of this type of competition, from my earliest memory. It is absolutely how we prepare our children and ourselves for colonial wars, and justifying the wars of economy that we participate in against each other, thinking that it is virtue. I hate it.

***** I was kindly asked if I knew of any Muslim Americans who distance themselves from so-called Islamic terrorists and I replied:  By a factor of 100, or 1000, or 10,000 Muslims are the victim of so-called Muslim terrorists. Frankly, I question the decency of Muslims in America who publicly decry so-called Muslim terrorists. Had......

***** I was kindly asked if I knew of any Muslim Americans who distance themselves from so-called Islamic terrorists and I replied:  By a factor of 100, or 1000, or 10,000 Muslims are the victim of so-called Muslim terrorists. Frankly, I question the decency of Muslims in America who publicly decry so-called Muslim terrorists. Had I been alive in the time of slavery, or more particularly the time of Jim Crow, I would have decried the blacks who spoke out in favor of the white oppressors and against the black people struggling for their basic human rights. We Americans have slaughtered millions of Muslims in the last 50 to 100 years. Between us and the French and the British we have colonized, disrupted, terrorized, carved up the Muslim Middle East so that we could divide, conquer, oppress, and rape their resources. We have bombed advanced civilizations of Iraq back to the Stone Age, and Yemen, Libya, Lebanon and Palestine. I have trouble respecting a Muslim that speaks against resistance to this colonial oppression. But there are many. America and Britain have absolutely created Muslim terrorists. Without dispute Britain and America funded and armed the Taliban, a brutal, KKK version of Islam, as a proxy army against Russia in Afghanistan. Beginning in the 18 hundreds Britain, followed happily by America, funded the small KKK like Muslim sect now called Wahabi, that the vast majority of Muslims around the world they are not Muslims at all. Decade after decade after decade through today America and Britain fund them, now, as their proxy army against the government in lran.  All that I have just stated is very clear, my point being, that each and any point that I have just made can be quickly determined to be lie or fact by anyone with an interest to do so. And I have not spoken about how Britain and America have tormented, humiliated, desecrated the Muslims in the Middle East by thwarting the government that they seek to establish and installing instead of oppressive puppet regimes who screw their people, skim off oil revenues for themselves, but pass on the bulk of their people's wealth to western corporations. If Islam were not profoundly profoundly profoundly a religion of peace I can't explain why 1.5 billion Muslims in the world aren't at perpetual war against we Western barbarians.

***** 2010. This Saint, this Jew, is risking his life everyday in Palestine, Israel, to tell us the truth. Must read. Is Gideon Levy the most hated man in Israel or just the most heroic?

***** Some of us crave social power, social significance, the way a crack addict craves the drug, and or fears the lack of these things the way some people are terrified of torture and death.......

***** Some of us crave social power, social significance, the way a crack addict craves the drug, and or fears the lack of these things the way some people are terrified of torture and death.

Now Democrats, you educationally intellectually emotionally advantaged... what is it that you still don't understand about white male Republican's bullying, guns, hatred of human rights, women's rights, and minorities?

Till they recognize a better way to achieve social power, social significance, or a preferable substitute for these, they are not going to change their ways.  They prefer death over feeling weak (preferably your death... but even their own.)

How Hillary Clinton sold out working women and never apologized


WATCH: Israelis and Palestinians join hands to say no to occupation

***** To paraphrase the newsroom, you know why the right hates you lefties? Because you fail to pay the price to achieve your platitudes so goddamn always.

***** To paraphrase the newsroom, you know why the right hates you lefties? Because you fail to pay the price to achieve your platitudes so goddamn always.

Oscar swag bag includes ten-day VIP trip to Israel worth $55,000

Israeli demoKKKracy: Israeli forces close down village of 25,000 following deadly attack by three teen boys

Israeli demoKKKracy: Tel Aviv housecleaning service advertises higher rates for European help than Africans

I love this man Bernie Sanders. I am grateful for his life. I will vote for no one unless and until.....

I love this man Bernie Sanders. I am grateful for his life. I will vote for no one unless and until Bernie comes out squarely against the 69 year genocide we white Europeans have been waging on Palestine. Genocide is supposed to be the uncrossable red line for all of us.

"James, you yourself are a gift of love it's true, you are Love. No beginning and no end. Love eternal," my facebook friend said. "Your kind words bring tears to my eyes. If what you say is at all true.......

Your kind words bring tears to my eyes. If what you say is at all true about me, well, that is the only thing I want to be, it is the only thing I try to be, out of the most intense, enlightened, greed, with my every breath.

***** We are taught that sexual relations are the heart of a life worth living, in this sickkkkkk culture. I lived that theory for most of my decades. I wish I had every second wasted in that pursuit back. I wish that.....

***** We are taught that sexual relations are the heart of a life worth living, in this sickkkkkk culture. I lived that theory for most of my decades. I wish I had every second wasted in that pursuit back. I wish that the circuitry and hormones that I have had never been part of me. I have pushed all of that totally and completely and actively out of my consciousness, out of my daily life. My life is so much richer, filled with such infinitely more gratifying things, as a consequence.  We don't choose rape, being raped, war, evil, anger, hatred, exploitation, inequality.... We choose selfishness and the results are these things.


Vid . ***** Bernie Sanders, upon being asked why as a 20 year old student at University of Chicago he was arrested trying to desegregate Chicago Housing: all I can say Anderson, if I have resented injustice, and fought injustice, my entire life.

***** Regarding the recent death of an Israeli at the hands of a Palestinian, an Israeli soldier I'm told, but I view that nearly all of the Israelis are actively responsible so either way: I think I have as much compassion as most people, and.......

***** Regarding the recent death of an Israeli at the hands of a Palestinian, an Israeli soldier I'm told, but I view that nearly all of the Israelis are actively responsible so either way:   I think I have as much compassion as most people, and some would say that, actually, it has been said, that I have a tragic case of runaway compassion. Somewhere in the recesses of my compassion I can feel sorry for the soldiers of Germany that exterminated Jews and were killed themselves. Theoretically, I'm sure I can. Theoretically, I'm sure I can find the compassion to feel sorry for people in the South African Secret Service that tortured and murdered native Africans and were killed themselves. But that's a theoretical proposition that I could do that. My concern is with the vast preponderance of the victims, and in this case it's the Palestinians. I'm perfectly willing to be hated for this flaw. I do not hate myself for this flaw, I think it is sanity.


***** !!!!! Hooray! Parody New York Times ‘supplement’ criticizing paper’s coverage of Israel/Palestine distributed on streets of NYC

Smokers in Italy Hit With New Fines to Protect the Young

Inequality is the central value of America, no? Is not competition, that is, establishong who is the most dominant, the most superior... Central to what we believe in? Yes, Satanic.

Inequality is the central value of America, no? Is not competition, that is, establishong who is the most dominant, the most superior... Central to what we believe in? Yes, Satanic.

To my friend that Sanders is giving hope: I understand, but for me, genocide is a red line. Unless and until Sanders comes out centrally and unequivocally to stop the US genocide of Palestine I frankly don't give a f*** about America or humanity. Unless and until......

To my friend that Sanders is giving hope: I understand, but for me, genocide is a red line. Unless and until Sanders comes out centrally and unequivocally to stop the US genocide of Palestine I frankly don't give a f*** about America or humanity. Unless and until that happens America is already Dead and I say let it decompose as fast as possible. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. But if, as I'm sure he will not, if and when he comes out unequivocally against the genocide of Palestine I, in all likelihood, will devote every penny and every breath and to the campaign he is waging.

The film offers an answer almost immediately: a religious fundamentalist driven by messianic ideology who believes Jews have the exclusive right to the West Bank and may use all manner of subterfuge, violence and law breaking to fulfill the divine imperative of settling the Holy Land.

Tom Cotton's New Law Would Allow A Product Made In Gaza To Be Labeled 'Made in Israel'

Wow. In the eyes of most Israelis, democracy consists of two Jews arguing over the fate of a Palestinian.


Hunger-striking Palestinian journalist can no longer speak

***** Haaretz. Almost all West Bank land deals for illegal settlements forged, investigation finds From straw men to cash-stuffed suitcases, new investigation reveals that 14 out 15 acquisitions by right wing Amana of West Bank lands from Palestinians were forged.

The Clintons' Cynical Race Game: No One Will Say It, but the Clintons' Rise Was Premised on Repudiating Black Voters Here's what Bill and Hillary mean to me: Sister Souljah, welfare reform, Ricky Ray Rector and the crime bill.

***** Housing in DC for James work. Wanna help?

You may know that I have been joyful in the clarity of turning down the housing that is available for me because by a factor of infinity I would rather buy one more sleeping bag for one of my children, for 1 more minute of Doctors Without Borders healing one of them, in Palestine than have a roof over my head for one year. But contrary to popular opinion I am NOT an extremist, not a zealot. I am a very practical person. I know what I want far clearer than most people, and I am pragmatically determined to achieve it as best I can.

I do not deny that reducing the likelihood of my untimely demise, or, illhealth is better for my Palestinian family than otherwise. A third of my 2x poverty retirement income going to a roof over my head is inconceivable, but half of that he is something I would have to consider. Among the reasons I am detested by the activist community in DC is because just as dr. King came to see that the church was a fraud, that is what I see among my activist brothers and sisters in DC. They are a social club with a thin veneer of religiosity. And probably that horrific void has a lot to do with why Thomas couldn't stand to be in the world anymore. But to my understanding of it Thomas had one, 1, kindred spirit and she soon became a kindred spirit to me for the same reason. I'm always at war, I don't socialize, and this beloved lesbian turrets sister of mine has a wonderful life of her own, but she saw me on post yesterday and took me to a simple vegan meal. She wants to help me have a roof over my head. She seems to be offering an offer that I can't refuse. Offsetting some of what I would pay for a place by making donations to Palestine each month that I otherwise wouldn't be able to make, and that she otherwise would not be making. She might rise up, and pull out, but she might not.

If you know of any one, or people, that would be interested in helping to make this happen, now would be a good time to let me know. If you know of any people that would like to make small donations each month to charities for Palestine that I would identify that I otherwise would be donating to now would be a good time to let me know.

.... These are some of the Palestine related donations. There are some domestic donations that I make as well.

use of restroom facilities in Dc daily
food (friutes, veggies , rice, legumes...)
elf insurance
vigil essentials
Healthcare incidentals
Electronic Intifada
International Solidarity movement
Christian peace maker teams
Palestine children's relief fund PCRF
MAP medical aid for Palestine
breaking the silence
students for justice Palestine
Syrian relief
Church World Service
United Palestinian appeal
Southern Poverty Law Center
Sea Shepherd
common dreams
(Palestine) Welfare Association
open Hillel
US campaign to end the occupation of Palestine

***** oh my god, through tears, what a magnificent soul. Just died. ", a 95 year old Sabra (native born Israeli Jew), who has plowed its fields, planted trees, built a house and fathered sons, grandsons and great-grandsons, and also shed his blood in the battle for the founding of the State of Israel, Declare herewith that I renounce my belief in the Zionism which has failed, that I shall not be loyal to the Jewish fascist state and its mad visions, that........

Hooray! Israeli Academics Face Growing Boycott Pressures

Don’t Shoot the Messenger, Israel


"There is no limit to our cruelty. We have no humanity." Netanyahu to Hamas: Israel will strike with 'greater force' than 2014 war if attacked from tunnels

Israeli scum. Demands grow on Israel to release circus teacher for disabled children

***** The foundation, the very foundation, of privilege is blissful ignorance of the human suffering they......

***** The foundation, the very foundation, of privilege is blissful ignorance of the human suffering they flood upon the world; and the mass murder, torture, deprivation, theft, plunder... that the privileged incessantly wage is largely to maintain their own blissful ignorance. This is an important new insight for me.  For this reason there is nothing they won't do to destroy the truth, and those who discover and speak it, and/or live it.

Extremely insightful article I'm listening to on alternate, why is David Brooks so very afraid. Brooks is a New York Times writer.


***** WOW. 'A nation that is in a civil war cannot publish a civics textbook. It’s ridiculous. In the United States in the mid-19th century, the North and the South would have been incapable of agreeing on a civics textbook. One side thought it was acceptable to enslave millions of Africans, the other side fervently believed that slavery must end.....' Haaretz. Israel is in a civil war, not a war of brothers The history of Jewish sovereignty is being repeated before our eyes. Two states have grown back, the State of Israel and the State of Judea. Uri Misgav

Jewish West Bank settlers are as smug as white South Africans in 1980

No, Barack. You are absolutely wrong. Until we are all Palestinians, until we are all Muslims, we are none of us Jews...Obama’s powerful condemnation of anti-Semitism: ‘We are all Jews’..

**** David Axelrod on PBS about Obama, and Israel. A much more correct and revealing title to this article would be, 'Obama identifies with the intellectual elite, privileged, well intended, ivory tower... segment of the Jewish community, from Chicago, and he and his team remain honestly and criminally blind to the Jewish and Christian Zionist cults.' Profoundly profoundly profoundly enlightening about Obama and Palestine and Israel. Assuming........

***** David Axelrod on PBS about Obama, and Israel. A much more correct and revealing title to this article would be,  'Obama  identifies with the intellectual elite,  privileged,  well intended,  ivory tower... segment of the Jewish community, from Chicago, and he and his team remain honestly and criminally blind to the Jewish and Christian Zionist cults.' Profoundly profoundly profoundly enlightening about Obama and Palestine and Israel. Assuming that Axelrod is speaking honestly, & I believe this to be the case, this makes it clear that Obama, his team including Axelrod, were and are profoundly blind to the evils of the Zionist cults and mafia. This is not really hard to believe or to understand. And this is not in the slightest what Axelrod says, but it is so evident from this huge blind spot in what he says, in him, as representative of the key Jewish advisors that Obama has. Obama and his team where from the Chicago Jewish community, &, the Ivy League Jewish community. That is a pretty godly, idealistic, well intended group. They are also very ivory tower, very removed from reality, and idealistic to a fault. One of the only times I ever saw Obama blindsided was in the first month of his administration with a top security candidate he proposed getting slammed back down his throat by AIPAC. He, his advisors, totally didn't see it coming. This also points to a parallel blindness that he and the administration had, and have. In the Ivy League World, the world of elite, removed, idealists, Obama has been able to be a bridge builder, but had never been confronted with the KKK, Zionist, Cults or anything like them. Neither Obama or his team has ever come to grips with this.

168 Italian academics call for boycott of Israeli universities

Bill and his family were my 2nd family in high school. I'm so desperately, desperately, sad at their, and Sheila's, immense loss, and Bill's cruel, untimely passing. He is......

Bill and his family were my 2nd family in high school.  I'm so desperately, desperately, sad at their, and Sheila's, immense loss, and Bill's cruel, untimely passing. He is sorely missed. The very prettiest flowers are so often picked first. I can't find the words to express how uniquely and profoundly important Bill, his mom, his dad, and even his siblings, were and in their indelible footprints from so long ago are to my life. The love and kindness and acceptance they showed me was utterly unique in my childhood, except for my own parents, and I wonder if I could have survived high school, maybe literally, had they not been such angels in my life. I weep in amazement, wonder and awe at the thought.

We’re No. 16! Why Donald Trump’s boorish American exceptionalism is so wrong

***** I do think that there is a very significant chance that Obama is entering a new and final phase of much tougher movement in favor of Palestinian rights, now in his final year, and that the signal has already been given to the United Nations, France, the EU, etc.

***** I do think that there is a very significant chance that Obama is entering a new and final phase of much tougher movement in favor of Palestinian rights, now in his final year, and that the signal has already been given to the United Nations, France, the EU, etc.

***** A question for you: What is The supremely gratifying competition (and there is never never never... a winner)? This is Not a trick question. (I never knew till just tonight). Post your answers and then I'll post mine.

***** A question for you:  What is The supremely gratifying competition (and there is never never never... a winner)? This is Not a trick question. (I never knew till just tonight). Post your answers and then I'll post mine.

***** NYT: Nothing can excuse Israel’s relentless pursuit of the very occupation that undermines it.

Palestinian leaders also have a responsibility to curb that hate — to cease incitement, hold elections, overcome divisions and abandon their sterile retreat into victimhood. But nothing can excuse Israel’s relentless pursuit of the very occupation that undermines it.


Palestinian journalist to continue hunger strike despite risk of death

***** Haaretz: The dozens of Palestinian male and female youths who set out over the last few months to kill Israelis did not do so “because they’re Jews,” as Israel’s propaganda likes to portray it, with a (routinely) broad hint about the Holocaust and the persecution of Jews. They set out to stab or run people over by car because they’re conquerors. They set out to kill their conquerors. They chose violence as a means of resisting a more pernicious violence, that of the occupation.

Japan Condemns Israeli Settlement Activity

Sweden investigating Israeli death threats against its foreign minister

***** Obama bring down the house at the Israeli embassy last night. ***** Until a year ago Obama's greatest supporter, I now oppose him, as a tragic failure. But I will not believe until his last day in office that he won't oppose Israel's oppression of Palestinians. It is a fact that he plays a long game, a brilliant game, and I cannot be convinced that this is not the case for Palestinian human rights, full Palestinian human rights. If he does not turn around on that last day, or by that last day, I will condemn his performance for the rest of my life.


150 students go on hunger strike in Delhi to protest 'delay in justice'

***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Lo........

***** There are two basic ways of making a life for oneself: 1. Being lovable, adorable, desirable, pleasurable... for the purpose of consuming; 2. Loving, Serving, Sustaining, providing, building, creating, being creator, being giver and sustainer of life... so that others less fortunate have the basics of decent living to consume. The first is what we idolize in Western influenced culture. We idolize taking, having, consuming, taking pleasure, being consumption. The second we flee with all of our might, in terror, in horror, in ridicule, in disdain. The first is literally the cancerous lifestyle, unsustainable, terminal 2 the environment and all but the most powerful. The second is sustainability itself, the life process embraced, lived, made manifest. Jesus literally died to lead us to the second and away from the first, as have all the saints of every religion and no religion at all, of the one true religion, Loving. I never understood the revered work, The Great Gatsby, until these epiphanies came flooding to me through the night. I hope to learn to better understand and articulate this.

Florida mayors to Rubio: We’re going under, take climate change seriously

The Washington Post Just Published Probably the Most Inaccurate Op-Ed on Bernie's Campaign So Far The Post, owned by man worth $53.2 billion, really doesn't like Bernie Sanders.

JewSchool: Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Not A Liberal Zionist

***** To the point of almost unbearable isolation I scrupulously avoid inflicting the Life Path I follow upon anyone else. I follow the Path for the ultimate joy of it. I give my life to try and show the Path to others. But for many decades now, and increasingly, I pay an extreme personal price to avoid inflicting my path on anyone else.

***** To the point of almost unbearable isolation I scrupulously avoid inflicting the Life Path I follow upon anyone else. I follow the Path for the ultimate joy of it. I give my life to try and show the Path to others. But for many decades now, and increasingly, I pay an extreme personal price to avoid inflicting my path on anyone else.

***** Vid. 'Palestinian freedom fighters are the bravest of our men, are the bravest of men....' Dr. Rania Masri

Eight Hamas men missing after Gaza tunnel collapse

Everybody hates Israel, right? I mean it can't be that their behavior is beyond abhorrent, could it? Nah. Anti-semitism. Anti Semitism. Anti Semitism..... Confront the fanaticism and bigotry against Israel in the LGBTQ community

Rightwing Israeli group accused of McCarthyism over anti-artist campaign

Hamas urges U.N. to adopt practical measures to end Gaza tragedy

Hamas urges U.N. to adopt practical measures to end Gaza tragedy

***** Irish Bishop McAreavey calls Gaza ‘biggest open prison in the world’ on visit

***** Israel says (and what do YOU say?): 'The Elders’ advisory council are a who’s who of some of the most tenacious, anti-Israel public figures in the world today. The Elders’ anti-Israel statements and press releases condemning the Jewish state are a sad testament to this fact.' Jerusalem Post........

***** Israel says (and what do YOU say?): 'The Elders’ advisory council are a who’s who of some of the most tenacious, anti-Israel public figures in the world today. The Elders’ anti-Israel statements and press releases condemning the Jewish state are a sad testament to this fact.' Jerusalem Post

Topping the Elders’ list is former US president Jimmy Carter, a man dedicated to the disgustingly fraudulent and anti-Semitic proposition that Israel is an apartheid state. Carter’s defamatory fabrications about the Jewish state include not only the lie that Israel is like apartheid South Africa but also that “voices from Jerusalem dominate our media.” Last year he claimed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t interested in making peace but said of Hamas arch-terrorist Khaled Mashaal, “I don’t believe that he’s a terrorist. He’s strongly in favor of the peace process.”......

***** UN's Ban rejects Netanyahu's criticism: Count on me to speak up After causing storm in comments that Netanyahu said justify terror, UN says Ban stands by statement, with Ban adding that Palestinians watch as settlements 'expand and expand.'


Focus is everything. To my friends who focus on every conceivable injustice issue, : I will paraphrase the formative partner of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, who......

To my friends who focus on every conceivable injustice: I will paraphrase the formative partner of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, who harshly admonished Dorothy, early in her work, upon publication of her first newspaper edition of The Catholic Worker, 'whoever would serve everyone, serves no one.' She had put everything she had into that first paper, his words were crushing to her, she took them to heart, she never made the same mistake again. Focus is everything. Whoever stands for everything, stands for nothing.

***** Haaretz: Yes, Israel is executing Palestinians without trial

When ‘Made In Israel’ Is a Human Rights Abuse

***** Jewish Critics of Zionism and of Israel’s Treatment of the Palestinians

We are painfully aware of how many people masquerade as Christians that are the exact opposite of being christ-like. The same phenomenon exists in so-called peace activism. It is a great place for people to hide for selfish reasons.

We are painfully aware of how many people masquerade as Christians that are the exact opposite of being christ-like. The same phenomenon exists in so-called peace activism. It is a great place for people to hide for selfish reasons.

Bernie Sanders Got More Done in the Senate than Hillary Clinton

**** If the body's healing systems worked only at the brink of death, what would be the result? Death, right? Yet only at the very brink of utter disaster do we devote our lives to making peace... if even then. How the hell can..........

***** If the body's healing systems worked only at the brink of death, what would be the result? Death, right? Yet only at the very brink of utter disaster do we devote our lives to making peace... if even then. How the hell can we wonder at the results? War after war after plunder after atrocity..... and soon, annihilation. The health of the body is the result of every breath, every second, every instant constant mobilisation, devotion, dedication, commitment ... toward health and away from evil. And so is the only path to justice and peace on earth. How can we keep doing this to our children? How can we keep doing this to anyone's children? Yes, just watch us, one last time.  Denial is wonderful, no? Being cancer... is sooooooo pleasurable!

Vatican to Palestine: it is your fault. Learn to accept, enjoy, being raped. Problem solved. Vatican expresses hope for Israel/Palestine and Syria peace talks,_syria_peace_talks/1203999

9-year-old girl shot with live ammunition during Friday demonstrations in Kafr Qaddum

Israel arrests activist who called for protests against house demolitions on Facebook