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"At a time when millions of Americans cannot afford to purchase the prescription drugs they require, we need a leader at the FDA who is prepared to stand up to the drug companies," Sanders said on Tuesday. “Dr. Califf’s extensive ties to the pharmaceutical industry give me no reason to believe that he would make the FDA work for ordinary Americans, rather than just the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies." Sanders

***** Tipping Point Yes, Actually, Global Warming Probably Helped Supersize This Weekend's Blizzard

***** Global warming devours lake twice the size of Los Angeles

Robert Reich: Detailed policy proposals are as relevant to the election of 2016 as is that gaseous planet beyond Pluto. They don’t have a chance of making it, as things are now.

Robert Reich: Paul Krugman just doesn’t get it

***** Haaretz newspaper reported that 50,000 Palestinian homes are threatened with demolition in 1948 Occupied Palestine. The houses will be razed in case of the implementation of the recommendations made by a special committee founded in February 10, 2015, to penalize Palestinians for unlicensed construction.


Warren reminds us that 'politically impractical' is just code for 'wealthy donors don't like it.'

***** Robert Reich: "The upcoming election isn’t about detailed policy proposals. It’s about power – whether those who have it will keep it, or whether average Americans will get some as well.”

Saudi Arabia Is Killing Civilians With US Bombs

Chomsky: “I frankly think that in our system of mainly bought elections he doesn’t have much of a chance, but if he were elected I think he would — of the current candidates — I think he’d be the one who would have, from my point of view, the best policies.”

Video: What Israeli apartheid?


***** This isn’t a choice between ‘Jewish or democratic’ — the only question is whether Israel can still become a true democracy.

' I believe in you,' my friend said. I replied, 'Well, although in society's terms I am more insane every day, everyday I believe more in me, too. What a nice thing to say.'

' I believe in you,' my friend said. I replied, 'Well, although in society's terms I am more insane every day, everyday I believe more in me, too. What a nice thing to say.'

Uncle Tomobama: Obama to make rare appearance at Israeli embassy for Holocaust ceremony

Hamas not ramping up for war, ready for one if provoked

In the Jewish state, equality for Arabs is impossible by definition

UN tells Israel to let in nuclear inspectors As nuclear peace talks are cancelled, overwhelming vote by general assembly calls for Israel to join nonproliferation treaty


Notice: the cold is taking its toll on my online productivity. Out in the frigid temperatures from early morning until evening it is proving too much to use my hands as frequently as I would like. Hence the posting of israeli-american atrocities on Palestine are reduced, and horrifically the incidents are not reduced.

Notice: the cold is taking its toll on my online productivity. Out in the frigid temperatures from early morning until evening it is proving too much to use my hands as frequently as I would like. Hence the posting of israeli-american atrocities on Palestine are reduced, and horrifically the incidents are not reduced.

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called for establishing a Palestinian state within the pre-1967-war borders amid efforts by Beijing to assert its economic and political clout in the Middle East.

University of South Florida students pass Israel divestment resolution

***** Robert Reich: Democrats done nothing to change the vicious cycle of wealth and power that has rigged the economy for the benefit of those at the top, and undermined the working class. In some respects, Democrats have been complicit in it.

Muslim shot protecting Christians on bus attacked in Kenya dies

Larry Summers, Zionists Israel agent.

It's Time to Make the Minimum Wage a Living Wage

Israel stole $80,000 Palestinian books and manuscripts

***** Johanna Neumann, Holocaust Survivor, Tells Story Of Being Saved By A Muslim Family In Albania

***** The flap demonstrates an important sociological trend: American Jews, even mainstream ones indoctrinated to love Israel, are breaking more and more publicly with the Jewish state. The Netanyahu government is proving to be embarrassing to American Jews; they do not want to be associated with rightwing apartheid policies.

The flap demonstrates an important sociological trend: American Jews, even mainstream ones indoctrinated to love Israel, are breaking more and more publicly with the Jewish state. The Netanyahu government is proving to be embarrassing to American Jews; they do not want to be associated with rightwing apartheid policies.

The shrinking margin of freedom for Palestinian citizens of Israel Israel/Palestine

Stephen Hawking Warns Humanity: Leave Earth Before the Ruling Class Destroys It

I expect to die without friends, and without any notice. Not much different than how I have lived. This does not concern me. That there is less suffering in the world, that is all that concerns me.

I expect to die without friends, and without any notice. Not much different than how I have lived. This does not concern me. That there is less suffering in the world, that is all that concerns me.

Head of atheist organization's Jerusalem home vandalized in apparent Jewish hate crime


Israeli restrictions and escalating violence threaten to turn Jerusalem’s Muslim Quarter into a ghost town

Benjamin Netanyahu Is Still Trying to Derail the Iran Nuclear Deal (Videos) Posted on Jan 20, 2016

Pope Francis: Weeping for other people's pain does not only mean sharing in their sufferings, but also........

Weeping for other people's pain does not only mean sharing in their sufferings, but also and above all realizing that our own actions are a cause of injustice and inequality. Once we realize this, we become more fully human, since responsibility for our brothers and sisters is an essential part of our common humanity. Do not be afraid to open your minds and hearts to the poor. In this way, you will give free rein to your... talents, and discover the happiness of a full life.

Israel must immediately halt planned relocation of Palestinian Bedouin, say UN officials

Israel to announce major land appropriation in Jordan Valley Government to declare 370 acres near West Bank settlement south of Jericho as state land in largest such seizure since 2014

Palestine: Jewish Settlers Torch 100 of World's Oldest Olive Trees

***** MUST READ. Chris Hedges The American Empire: Murder Inc.


***** John Wayne was a raging racist. His daughter says he'd be 'standing right here' with Trump

Hillary's Hypocrisy: Clinging to Obama After Her Racist Dog Whistles in 2008

Inside GILEE, the US-Israel law enforcement training program seeking to redefine terrorism

Poll: 46% of Israeli Jews don't think Arabs should have equal rights

Human Rights Watch: and all business with Israeli settlement companies.


As Federal Government Launches New Deportation Raids, Churches Vow To Take In Immigrants by Jack Jenkins

***** Watch MLK Jr. Explain How Government Handouts Created the White Middle Class (VIDEO)

I have spent virtually my entire life profoundly alone. Although in the proximity of others....

I have spent virtually my entire life profoundly alone. Although in the proximity of others, where I live psychologically is profoundly different from almost everyone else in our culture. For the first third, or even half, of my decades I figured there was something very inadequate about me that caused this. For the next 3rd, two, of my decades I accepted that it had to do with some undeserved goodness in me but the pain of the solitude drove me to try and do the impossible, to merge where I was with where other people are. It is not possible neither in physics or in psychology. By now my solitude is as familiar to me as a beautiful sunrise, the pure smile of a young child, the honesty of a squirrel. There are still moments, like now, when I so wish that I did not live so psychologically alone. But then I kind of laugh. I don't know that Lewis and Clark were at all admirable people, but they certainly set out into essentially unknown territory in search of some truth, and surely they had no illusion that solitude would not be a price of their journey. Through no choice or credit on my part I am built to seek and to live the truth that other people seek to deny with their entire strength because of the cost and pain associated with such truth. By definition such a person is seeking solitude, traveling toward perpetual, unending, never to end... solitude, in the way that Lewis and Clark were, for a time, though in neither case was solitude the goal. Lol. Dorothy Day wrote a book entitled, the long loneliness. I don't think I have read it, & I wonder if this is what she had in mind.

***** 62 people own as much wealth as half the world's population

21-year-old Palestinian ‘executed’ at checkpoint; Israelis say he tried to stab a soldier

Zionist Israeli Extremists vandalize Jerusalem church with Hebrew threats: ‘Death to heathen Christians’

***** Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Our Nation was Born in Genocide

Over the years, epidemiologists have estimated that exposure to diesel emissions was linked nationally to 125,000 cancer cases and 21,000 pre-mature deaths annually. That’s more people than are killed annually by drunk driving or murdered by guns.


Vid. Israeli Gestapo males manhandling Palestinian girl

***** Hillary Clinton: Israel first

A NEWBRIDGE woman has completed a six day hunger strike which she hopes will lead to Ireland becoming more aware that it needs to do more to stop climate change. Deirdre Lane announced her fast on Vincent Browne’s Peoples Debate from Newbridge which was broadcast on TV3 last Wednesday night.

Sunday Profile: Providing homeless with a sense of worth

Video. Israeli settlers telling Palestinians that if they learn to behave, they will be his slaves, otherwise, killed.


***** video. Israeli settler putting pig intestines on Palestinian they had murdered

***** A Muslim couple, from Iran, approached me today where I was on post from early morning till evening at the George Washington University Whole Foods Market with the free Palestine vehicle, we talked, and they said, you are such a good man. I replied, I am the consummately selfish man. The part of me that is Palestinile is in agony. I simply am trying to make the agony, my agony, stop. I think it was at that point that my Muslim sister began to cry.

A Muslim couple, from Iran, approached me today where I was on post from early morning till evening at the George Washington University Whole Foods Market with the free Palestine vehicle, we talked, and they said, you are such a good man. I replied, I am the consummately selfish man. The part of me that is Palestinile is in agony. I simply am trying to make the agony, my agony, stop. I think it was at that point that my Muslim sister began to cry.

***** 2014. Israelis on Facebook wish death for Holocaust survivors against 'Protective Edge'

No room for occupation in Israel's civics curriculum Students who open up the Education Ministry’s new civics textbook won’t find a word about military rule or discrimination against 20 percent of the population. There’s a reason for that.

Imprisoned Palestinian journalist on day 52 of hunger strike

***** video. Newsroom: why today's Republicans are the American Taliban

***** 14 year old Palestinian girl who confronts the Israeli army. Video. My dream is to become a lawyer to protect my family, or a football player if Palestine is liberated.

***** The humanity, decency, compassion, understanding, intelligence... with which the Muslim community is responding to western white supremacist hatred, violence, murder, colonialism, exploitation, genocide... is the most Christlike.......

***** The humanity, decency, compassion, understanding, intelligence... with which the Muslim community is responding to western white supremacist hatred, violence, murder, colonialism, exploitation, genocide... is the most Christlike thing I can recall seeing in my life from a group. The only thing second to this that I can think of is the response of the true Jews ( adherence to the justice and righteousness of the Prophets) to the Zionist imperialism, genocide of the Palestinians, that they are facing with incredible courage, decency, discipline, paying the price, academic rigor....


***** five star Cafe in Lebanon is free to refugees and others in need. Video

***** Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew.... The only thing that we can know is that we are all children of God... I believe in Love. Pope Francis

Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew.... The only thing that we can know is that we are all children of God... I believe in Love. Pope Francis

********* hooray hooray hooray! I believe in love. Watch. Share. Pope Francis video. I believe in love.

***** Israeli hunting season: kill the Arab. Kill the Muslim. God damn America. God damn we Americans.

Israelis, Palestinians march together against the occupation The new monthly march is held along a major settler highway, ensuring that Israeli settlers see Jews and Palestinians working together to nonviolently end the occupation.

***** Australian documentary. Israeli quarter of Palestinian children. Full length. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

***** video. Live footage. Israeli Gestapo hunting Palestinians for fun. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. God Bless America for funding, arming, and politically blocking justice for Israel and Palestine. God bless america. God bless the American citizens that sit by and let this be done with their money, their weapons, their government. Justice will be served in the end. If only to their children.

Israel's Arabs Face Backlash After Tel Aviv Shooting

Israel wants maximum suffering in Gaza: Analyst

Alan Rickman’s Gaza play censored by theater staging David Bowie’s “Lazarus”

***** video. Democracy, and the only 'democracy' in the Middle East. Others call it apartheid, colonial terrorism, mafia, mobster ism....


***** Video, audio: Israeli sniper praised for shooting Palestinian protestors

***** PBS’s Frontline abandons diversity and ethics when it comes to Israel

Bernie Sanders for President With integrity and principle, the Vermont senator is calling Americans to a political revolution

Alan Rickman, 'Harry Potter' Actor Who Staged Pro-Palestinian Play, Dies at 69

***** young woman refuses to enter Israeli military, at extreme personal cost. This is a wager of loving, the one in a million, the only true revolutionaries, the only possible revolution.

This is a wager of loving, the one in a million, the only true revolutionaries, the only possible revolution.

Methodist divestment highlights Israel’s place in the world

***** Gaza faces harsh winter after Israel cuts gas supply

***** unless they are Palestinians, and they are all Islamic extremist terrorists! Debbie Wasserman Schultz says, as a Jew, it is incumbent upon me to stand with Muslims.

***** Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children

Tikkun Magazine Applauds the United Methodist Church Boycott of Israeli Banks which are Funding the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank

Obama's cringe-worthy line claiming Middle East conflicts "date back millennia"

Sweden Connects Israel To Paris Terror Attacks, Relates Treatment Of Palestinians To Violent Extremism


***** woman saves 8000 girls, so far, from sex trafficking

Woman saves 8000 girls, so far, from sex trafficking.

Israel: 4 charged in 'lynching' of Eritrean migrant mistaken for terrorist

New York Times: U.S. Church Puts 5 Banks From Israel on a Blacklist

Israeli soldiers have shot dead three Palestinians, including an alleged knife-wielding assailant, in the West Bank amid continuing violence that shows no sign of easing. Nathan Frandino reports. TRANSCRIPT +

4 Palestinians, Including a Journalist, Kidnapped from West Bank

United Methodist Church pension fund rules 5 top Israeli banks off-limits for investment

***** creation will be infinitely better off when we are gone. Mother Fox nursing abandon baby bear cubs.