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Israeli left-wing activist denied access to lawyer, to be held for another week A gag order bars publishing any identifying information about the activist, who was arrested at Ben Gurion Airport a day earlier.

PA: Israel preparing to force-feed Palestinian hunger striker

***** extremely excellent on multiple levels. Must watch. 2 billion sentence loving animals we kill every week, we murder every week. The matrix

***** video. The life of Palestinian children.

***** With almost no exceptions religious institutions are social, business, clubs with a thin veneer of religiosity, to paraphrase and expand Dr. King's idea. This article was a huge awakening for me. How blind I have been.

***** With almost no exceptions religious institutions are social, business, clubs with a thin veneer of religiosity, to paraphrase and expand Dr. King's idea. This article was a huge awakening for me. How blind I have been.


Catholic Archbishop Blames Disobedient Wives For Domestic Violence

Revolt Network Foments New Brand of Jewish Terror in Israel

Muslim Woman & Jewish Man Booted from Trump Rally for Silent Protest Against Islamophobia

Israel Cuts Gas Supplies To The Gaza Strip In Midst Of Winter

***** racism and religious hypocrisy on my birthright trip to Israel

***** "We live under an apartheid regime," read the headline in Le Monde's interview with Israeli author Ronit Matalon. ... These knife attacks are just the beginning." "As an intellectual, I ask myself questions," she continued. Calling the occupation a "terminally ill patient," Matalon wondered "how all of this did not happen sooner."

Ben Gurion detention guard tells humanitarian worker she is being deported for ‘trying to change Israel and make it free of racism’

Dozens of faculty members have joined the Open Hillel Academic Council, calling on Hillel International to hear out voices that are critical of the Jewish State.

How A Blind Palestinian Journalist Is Sharing The Stories Of Jerusalem

What would happen if a Palestinian desecrated the Israeli Holocaust Memorial?Israeli fanatics storm Joseph Tomb, trigger clashes

***** Lying for the Lord: The Fundamentalist Christian Minister as B.S. Artist


***** Wow. Just wow. Video: Muslim women kicked out of Trump rally speaks out

***** Dozens protest in support of Israeli conscientious objector Tair Kaminer is expected to be sentenced to a month in military jail for refusing to enlist in the IDF. Kaminer: ‘Military jail frightens me less than the our society losing its humanity.’

Israel's laws are discriminatory and racist

***** pic. Your help is welcome. Suggestions, recommendations? The final version of this will be my new every waking second uniform on shirt, jacket, etc. Please share with me any strong comments you have. Thank you. I am NOT meaning for this.......

**** Your help is welcome. Suggestions, recommendations? The final version of this will be my new every waking second uniform on shirt, jacket, etc. Please share with me any strong comments you have. Thank you. I am NOT meaning for this to be cute, pretty, catchy.... I am meaning for it to be the best expression of the essential truths of human sanity, humanity, Joy and Salvation from this deadly 2016 world as lived and taught by Jesus and the other great laborers of love throughout history, that I have yet learned to see and express, & I think it's getting pretty close. This has come to me in pieces, in the middle of the night, over the last few days. I am deeply moved and grateful.


Noam Chomsky: Can Civilization Survive Capitalism? Could a functioning democracy make a difference?

***** How I'll spend my eight hundred million dollars from my Powerball winning ticket: Two nights ago I was awake much of the night.......

***** How I'll spend my eight hundred million dollars from my Powerball winning ticket:

Two nights ago I was awake much of the night thinking what I would do, excuse me, what I will do, with the eight hundred million dollars. It was 100% clear to me throughout this mental evaluation that I have zero interest in even $1 for myself. (I have food, a sleeping bag, a waterproof sleeping bag cover, and enough money for guaranteed Internet. And enough money for signage for my activist work in DC. I need nothing else. Resources do not help me serve be on that.) There are so many thousands of things on my passionate desire list above even $1 for any ridiculous personal expenditure. If my winnings were 30 trillion I might then have a dollars left over for me. But with upholstery  800 million dollars  there wouldn't barely be a dollar left over for me.  So much needed, so little time.  So many people suffering, so little time. Seriously.

In summary, more detail below, my strategy for the 8 hundred million is to see if it would enable, even all of it, to enable Bernie Sanders and or Obama to stand for the full and immediate human rights of Palestine, the rollback, redirection, of the federal budget from war making and the expansion of the Empire of the elites to peace building foreign and domestic; more likely, and this would be 95% of the 800 million, supporting the few true activists already living in full solidarity serving the following populations, Palestinians, current victims of US colonialism in Iraq and Syria and elsewhere, to serve the population that was and is robbed to fund white America... the African Americans, serving the population that was exterminated in genocide for America to  clear the land for whites ... the Native Americans. Oh,  and our Hispanic brothers and sisters  who's countries and livelihoods we have and continue to systematically rape, Rob, and destroy through our colonialism, our white supremacist colonialism. Finally, there are individuals in my personal life that seem to be substantially good people that in our hideous, cold, dead, heartless, Godless, anti-Christ, Satanic, broken culture lack the basic needs for basic life, several sisters that I've come to know, several African American men, most or all of the men have done time in prison, who still have a spark of goodness and have been so deprived systematically of decent resources, so abused, so victimized, so neglected. Oh, and a few people that have just been tenaciously kind to me and my work over the years, I'm thinking in particular of the manager and his staff at a local coffee shop.

Number 1. I will approach Bernie Sanders and if I find that with 800 million dollars he will feel free to, out of his own passion and conviction, fully support full human rights for Palestinians, now, as a central priority, and similarly if he is there by able and desirous of standing unequivocally for the major redirection of ungodly military funds toward global peacemaking and domestic human rights and development, &, if he is totally committed to the fact that the president is basically powerless unless the citizenry is active 24/7 during their campaign and plans with a credible approach to make that clear during his campaign and to leading and organizing accordingly as president, if he checks out on those three issues then he will have as much of the 800 million as he needs, up to, and including, all of it. If he checks out on those three issues then he is the last and only Hail Mary pass that creation has. The last. The only. And you would be worth every penny I had to increase the odds. But not unless he checks out on all three. If he did not he is a 0 hope to America or to creation.

Number two, and of this I am less convicted, I will similarly approach President Obama and understand if in some ways that I can't yet understand I can free him up on all of these three issues by donating some or all of the money according to his vision, then I would be totally delighted to do so, up to and including every last cent.

Number 3. If the two items above do not delete all of the funds, and sadly, I suspect that none of the funds would wind up going there, then all of the funds with a few tiny exceptions will go toward the global least of these especially the groups I mentioned above. 

My strategy is simple, to find the gold star charities that are already serving, through proven, selfless, courageous, dedicated service in solidarity with the neediest on earth in the groups that I mentioned. They are fairly easily located I found through such things as the Charity Navigator website. I would envision, not that it would be easy, I would envision year by year trying to increase their budget by about 30 to 50% to accelerate their own efforts and to ask them to do on a smaller scale with some of the money what I am doing with them, to find those that they can see that are already doing heroic work in solidarity with the neediest whose work might be amplified with some additional funds.

And finally, I know 10 or so individuals in my life in categories I mentioned about to whom life has been so unjust. I believe that it is right for everyone to have a roof over their head, basic food, decent environment, decent access to education and culture. Something like two times the federal poverty level. For the 10 individuals I'm thinking of I would set up some very modest trust fund that could move them significantly, if not all the way, in that direction.

Oh, yesterday afternoon I bought my one and only ticket, ( spoiler alert) but it is the winning ticket, so I did not need to buy a second, which I would not have, on any account. But seeing as it is the winning ticket....

***** Jesus: Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit, Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.

***** Jesus:  Hear me! The 'Hand of God' is Conscience, Wisdom, empathy, Heart, Soul, Spirit' Loving, Serving, Solidarity. Your 'capitalism' explicitly and zealously and Religiously commands you to surrender to that Other's 'Hand,' Greed, Mammon, Flesh, Head, Deceit, Lies, Hostility, Exploitation, Destruction, Alienation, Self-centeredness, Division, Systems, Institutions. And this is finally destroying you. As I warned it would.

***** Tempting others brings with it consequences. Nothing doesn't have consequences. If I flaunt, or carelessly, unintentionally tempt, others with something that they desperately desire, and I am attacked, robbed, violated, as I am on a fairly regular basis... I bear some responsibility. Sisters, I am thinking of you, the way you dress and act very often, but I am also thinking of me. I have.........

***** Tempting others brings with it consequences. Nothing doesn't have consequences. If I flaunt, or carelessly, unintentionally tempt, others with something that they desperately desire, and I am attacked, robbed, violated, as I am on a fairly regular basis... I bear some responsibility. Sisters, I am thinking of you, the way you dress and act very often, but I am also thinking of me. I have an expensive solar vehicle and I am constantly being taught, by being violated, that I am tempting others in ways I need not do, and stop doing. I'm too selfish to deny my responsibility and therefore my ability to reduce the likelihood of victimization. Until my sisters begin doing the same they may not bring victimization on themselves but they are bringing victimization on their sisters.

Syrian refugees pepper sprayed outside Vancouver welcome event. Up to 30 people treated for exposure, police searching for man on bicycle wearing white hoodie

After Tel Aviv attack, Israel’s Palestinians tarred as ‘criminals’

WATCH: 3D modeling helps visualize Palestinian right of return


***** vid. Israeli mob searching taxis at night, if you're a Jew, you pass, if you're an Arab they kill you.

****Meet "Sledgehammer Shannon," the Lawyer Who Is Uber’s Worst Nightmare | Mother Jones..... Brava! Shannon, Elizabeth Warren, are presidential caliber human beings. Hillary Clinton absolutely is not. Can't you see the difference?

Latin America most dangerous place for human rights activists Almost half of activists killed were linked to defence of indigenous people’s, says group

New York bill would create official blacklist of Israel boycott supporters

New York bill would create official blacklist of Israel boycott supporters

'Anonymous' releases video threatening city of Sacramento for terrorizing the homeless

You are here Killings of Palestinians in West Bank hit 10-year high


Israeli Gestapo execute 3 Palestinian youths

***** vid. Israeli Jews and Arabs kissing. ***** profoundly wonderful on multiple levels. Please watch. Please share.

***** profoundly wonderful on multiple levels. Please watch. Please share.

***** Brilliant... propaganda piece. More Western media war on the truth. Whitewashing Israeli, British, American aggression on Palestine, on Muslims, on Arabs. Netanyahu's war on the truth.

***** Video. Jewish man shouts: don't use the Holocaust to steal Palestinian land

***** You know how horrified I am at the lack of true activism. The continuing exception that I see are the largely Jewish activists becoming more and more courageous for Palestine. Really breathtaking Humanity, discipline, academic rigor, justice, righteousness, willingness to pay the price.... Biblical.

You know how horrified I am at the lack of true activism. The continuing exception that I see are the largely Jewish activists becoming more and more courageous for Palestine. Really breathtaking Humanity, discipline, academic rigor, justice, righteousness, willingness to pay the price.... Biblical.

***** How Britain, Zionism, helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

***** Hooray! 50 professors emerge to officially support Open Hillel, American Jewish students working to get out from under the thumb of the Zionist thugs, the Zionist thought police

Ban on political group in Israel leaves Gaza orphans destitute

I'm so sorry that they were slaughtered. But this is so cultish.

***** Louis Tse didn’t always live out of his car. Nine months ago, he forfeited his Westwood apartment to fund a shelter for those who are not homeless by choice. Tse said he is using his rent money to help create a student-run shelter for people aged 18 to 24. The shelter will be located in a local church a few blocks from campus.

NJ High Schooler Called To The Principal's Office "For Being Anti-Israel" On Twitter


Just 3% of housing units allocated on Israeli state land are in Arab municipalities

Florida becomes 5th state to pass anti-BDS resolution Florida follows the lead of Tennessee, passes resolution condemning the anti-Israel BDS movement.

Israeli rights groups warn of Palestinian hunger-striker's poor health Detainee suspected by Israel of incitement and held without trial or proper legal representation, has refused food for over 40 days.

Israeli authorities demolish mosque in unrecognized Bedouin village

Had it been titular Jews booted from a plane New York Times would have had front-page coverage, instead of no coverage, no mention, at all. 2 Arab-Israelis booted from Greek plane after Jewish passengers cry ‘terrorists’

***** If you want to spot a true Christian, look for the one in a million that is being crucified by the church.

Ya'alon approves expansion of Gush Etzion settlement

Fishing boat destroyed off Gaza coast in Israeli shelling


Entrepreneurs don’t have a special gene for risk—they come from families with money

Israel’s Human Rights Activists Aren’t Traitors

Israeli Arabs removed from flight at demand of Jewish passengers The Israeli Arabs constituted a security risk, said Jewish passengers, who prevented the flight from taking off by standing in the aisles.

Saudi and Israeli denials of human rights atrocities carry different weight in the ‘NYT’

Why the Islamic State Is the Minor Leagues of Terror The fate of our Earth and putting threats into perspective for 2016

The American Empire: Murder Inc. The reality of empire rarely reaches the American public.

The new normal in Israel, Violence, racism, fear and no political horizon: that is what Israel’s leadership has to offer.


Ha'aretz. The great betrayal: American Jews stay silent as Israeli democracy withers The existential danger facing the Middle East’s only Jewish and democratic state may not be Iran, but Israel itself.

Obama pushing thousands of new regulations in Year 8

Saudi further oppression of Shias ‘very likely’

***** This is the first and only insightful look at the future that I have seen. Must read. The end of capitalism has begun.

***** Every liberal’s favorite billionaire is actually cut-throat, not cuddly

UN monitor on Palestine quits over Israel’s entry denial

Oil drives our Israel policy: New government documents reveal a very different history of America and the Middle East


Donald Trump cites Israel’s illegal separation wall to justify banning Muslims

AJ Muste, "If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or con­sequences as they practice the way of war and as Communists work for Communism, clearly non-violence will not work."

"If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or con­sequences as they practice the way of war and as Communists work for Communism, clearly non-violence will not work."

I think that the human caused evils of the world are infections. And those infections awaken antibodies, good people that devote their lives to fighting the infection. The question in 2016, and I'm afraid it's not much of a question, is, are there enough antibodies that will come alive fast enough, and devote their lives completely enough? It seems clear to me that the answer is No. But the answer will become clear with each passing day.

I think that the human caused evils of the world are infections. And those infections awaken antibodies, good people that devote their lives to fighting the infection. The question in 2016, and I'm afraid it's not much of a question, is, are there enough antibodies that will come alive fast enough, and devote their lives completely enough? It seems clear to me that the answer is No. But the answer will become clear with each passing day.


Syrian refugees find a safe haven in Amish country

A woman's brave crusade. Suffragette

To a law officer I have been blessed to know for years; concerning the possibility of police brutality and violence in America today: Our conversation......

To a law officer I have been blessed to know for years; concerning the possibility of police brutality and violence in America today:

Our conversation yesterday got me thinking. And it helped me understand something about myself, maybe for the first time.

I have known about myself that I am a fiercely loyal individual. I'll pay a personal price that most people can't imagine to fulfill my duties within a group with which I am affiliated, and/or responsible to.

But I have never been able to stop there. My ultimate loyalty is never to the group, or even individual, with which I am affiliated or to whom I am responsible. My ultimate loyalty has always been, will always be, to the whole, all of humanity, all of creation. This is not something I sought out. I think I got it from my father. Wherever I got it it has always been part of me.

It has always made me an outsider. And has always made me distrusted, and alien to others.

It is a quality about myself that I deeply value. I think it is what others might call ultimate loyalty to God.  I see it as a central quality in those throughout history I revere, Jesus, Martin Luther King jr., Gandhi....

I find this lacking in almost all of my sisters and brothers.

I refused to become a licensed psychologist because I came to see that psychologists are ultimately loyal to themselves, to the group, and not to their clients.

I think this is a central failing in what calls itself the church.

I don't see an institution today, maybe with the exception of Nursing, that isn't plagued by this.

But few places is it as dangerous as in and among men and women in uniform who carry weapons of death. And with few exceptions I see their ultimate loyalty to their group, not to those who they have a duty to serve.

Look around you, at the 2016 world ... and where it is headed. Unless and until things are profoundly turned around, no one with a shred of humanity, compassion, empathy... should bring new children into the world.

Look around you, at the 2016 world ... and where it is headed. Unless and until things are profoundly turned around, no one with a shred of humanity, compassion, empathy... should bring new children into the world.

Israel one of world’s most unpopular countries and it’s getting worse: BBC survey


I can't wish you happy new year because I've always found such manmade constructs so, well, manmade...........

I can't wish you happy new year because I've always found such manmade constructs so, well, manmade...unnatural,  so foreign, artificial... alien... ungodly.  My very Dna finds such things repugnant.  Oh, I know how to find such things pleasurable, if I try real hard.  But I find it so inferior to just trying to live in full solidarity with all.... Creation... Nature... not the little fragments we shatter Nature... Creation... into.  Ungodly.

Health ministry: 2015 was the most difficult year for Gaza patients

New York Times’ Jodi Rudoren whitewashes Israeli minister’s call for genocide

Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?

Young Palestinian patriot cut down by Israeli bullet

Palestinian liberation is “key matter of our time,” say Black leaders

How Vermont is Banning Unused Food From Landfills and Giving It to the Hungry

Obama wiretapped a cunning and dishonest foreign leader, for the sake of world peace

Labeling Jews: Left-wing NGOs, wear a yellow star in the Knesset

Texas GOP Lawmaker: ‘Rape Is Nonexistent In Marriage, Take What You Want’

Rubio Outraged by Spying on Israel’s Government, OK with Mass Surveillance of Americans

Caetano Veloso Loves Israel, but Won’t Be Going Back

Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for 'threatening Jewish identity'


Hillary Clinton is more right wing than you think: For progressives, a vote for her over Bernie Sanders is a waste

I owe it to my neediest brothers and sisters to face reality not some wishful fantasy. Indulging in wishful fantasy is for me to betray them. That, I will not do.

I owe it to my neediest brothers and sisters to face reality not some wishful fantasy. Indulging in wishful fantasy is for me to betray them. That, I will not do.

Video. Israeli Gestapo firing stun grenades, tear gas, at Palestinian children leaving their winter exams.

Sexbots, laundroids and killer drones: The robot revolution got real in 2015

Israeli forces have killed 142 Palestinians, and injured 15,620, since October 1

***** Without love, it is nothing. I believe this is factually true. If you consider for a moment that it is true, look around you, and see how much in our world is, nothing. Look at the history of our Western civilization, and see, that it is nothing.

***** Without love, it is nothing. I believe this is factually true. If you consider for a moment that it is true, look around you, and see how much in our world is, nothing. Look at the history of our Western civilization, and see, that it is nothing.


IOA confiscates 500 dunums in southern Nablus

478 Palestinian facilities demolished in 2015

Palestinian orphans in Nablus protest closure of charity supporting them

Last night was horrible, terrible. An avalanche of nightmares, dreams, images.. anxiety, inferiority , failure, accurate memories... how......

Last night was horrible, terrible.  An avalanche of nightmares, dreams, images.. anxiety, inferiority , failure, accurate memories...  how alien I have always been, what a fool I have always been seen as, so inadequate, so profoundly socially inept, in this Western culture. Agonizing. Debilitating. Only through force of will did I climb out of bed quite sure I would have to return shortly curled up in a fetal position, to try and work my way out of it. After I was up, after an hour or two, I received the gift of a different perspective. My perspective shifted from the scorn, ridicule, contempt... that the world has for me. It shifted to what I imagined the Creator thinks of me and what I do. It shifted to what I imagine Jesus thinks of me and what I do. And then I felt sane again.