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3 Palestinian teachers among the best 50 teachers in the world

Israeli Gestapo opens fire on Palestinians school bus, children wounded, traumatized, terrorized

Trump and Netanyahu to meet in Israel. Birds of a feather flock together.

Debunking the 3 D’s of Israeli hasbara – distortions, diversions and defamations

Beautiful female Muslim activists: I am tired of extremism being associated with Muslims when it is obviously associated with other groups even more so.

Video. Palestinian children being suffocated today by Israeli teargas in their school rooms.

***** Trump’s religion test for immigrants is standard practice in Israel

***** George Washington University GWU allows the flags to fly from dorm rooms, unless they are Palestinian. Palestinian pre med school threatened by administration for doing what countless other students do.

NY Jews Condemn Islamophobia and Racism

70 Palestinians injured in clashes in Bethlehem

Sweden: Palestinian Resistance not Terrorism

Israeli troops force Palestinian family off land during olive harvest

***** wow wow wow. The first time I've had a clue what is going on with Isis and the Middle East. Must read. November 17th, 2015. Falling into the ISIS strap. William R Polk.


***** Brookings conference on ‘future for Israelis and Palestinians’ featured zero Palestinians

Video. 3x imprisoned by Israeli Gestapo, 4th time Palestinian children travel to Arabs Got Talent to emotional and rave review.

These Muslims Just Raised $100,000 for San Bernardino Victims

American administration officials learned an important lesson from Israeli officials at Saban Forum this past weekend: As far as Israeli government is concerned, two-state solution is dead. Nonetheless, Americans will keep holding on to this formula, as it's easier than searching for other solutions.,7340,L-4735946,00.html

***** Why aren't we looking into the Saudi role in San Bernardino attack? Shooter Tashfeen Malik was radicalized in Saudi Arabia, her Pakistani family said

Can George Washington University Ban the Palestinian Flag? Advocates say the university violated the Civil Rights Act when it ordered a student to remove a Palestinian flag hanging outside his bedroom window.

Sign the petition: George Washington University criminalizing Palestinian student for flying flag while students from other countries freely do so

Egypt drowns 14 workman trying to feed their families.

Gaza children leaving school to make money for their families

British war veterans throw down medals in opposition to Britain bombing Syria . video

A horde of Jewish settlers on Tuesday morning opened fire at a Palestinian citizen in an attempt to kill him near Yatta town, south of al-Khalil city.

Hillary is dying Palestine to Hamas, a Zionist propaganda shill.

***** Fascism is all the rage in Europe, and it’s coming to America

Tortured Palestinian prisoner found in Israeli jail with 28 cigarette burns on hands, chest and back

Trump proposal to ban Muslims from US relies on debunked poll from pro-Israel think tank

I can scarcely think of a greater desecration of my teachings than the reduction of my teaching of every breath, every second, every day Brotherhood to a once per year, one-day orgy. Jesus

I can scarcely think of a greater desecration of my teachings than the reduction of my teaching of every breath, every second, every day Brotherhood to a once per year, one-day orgy. Jesus

Muslim Women At Texas Restaurant Subjected To Insults; Other Patrons Sit Silent

Palestinian woman detained by Israel over poem

Israel's Six Day War was Goliath dismembering David. In the wake of Israel’s seemingly miraculous triumph in the Six-Day War in 1967, the country’s victorious soldiers were lionized as heroes. But in private, even just one week after the conflict, many of them didn’t feel that way. One describes feeling sick to his stomach in battle and collapsing into a trench.

Koch brothers and others spending millions per year on hate against Muslims, it appears. Palestinian minor loses eye by Israeli gunfire

Palestinian minor loses eye by Israeli gunfire

British royals ‘won’t visit Israel till conflict solved’

Severed pig’s head thrown at Philadelphia mosque door

Israel escalates the terror of its night time raids on Palestinian families


Former ISIS Hostage Nicolas Hénin: Welcoming Refugees is the Best Strategy Against ISIS

Anonymous, a message to Hillary Clinton. Video.

For the first 4 of my six decades I was a sexaholic. I am guilty, not as the little boy in this article is guilty, but not dissimilar either. More so my culture was........

For the first 4 of my six decades I was a sexaholic. I am guilty, not as the little boy in this article is guilty, but not dissimilar either. More so my culture was guilty, is guilty. A culture awash in alcohol will have many alcohol deaths. Cultural awash in guns, that fetishizes guns, will have many gun deaths. A culture awash in sex, promulgated by both sexes, at all ages, will have much inhumanity, crimes against humanity, due to sex. I have yet to see any substantial effort by the male gender, or the female gender, to seriously face this issue. Males wants to blame females, females want to blame males, but I see no one wanting to take on the fact that a culture awash in, that fetishizes, sex, will be a wash in sex crimes.......

Hillary Clinton warns of possible ISIS gains in Palestine

Little Girl's Only Wish For Christmas Is To Save A Turkey's Life

***** Hatred of Israel was reported motive for CA attack, but US press ignores the story

Although I can't imagine ever killing anyone, I realize that every day there are fewer and fewer humanoids that if they were dying by the side of road, I would stop to help them. I feel only sadness in saying this, but I.......

Although I can't imagine ever killing anyone, I realize that every day there are fewer and fewer humanoids that if they were dying by the side of road, I would stop to help them. I feel only sadness in saying this, but I realize it is true. All but one in a million humanoids in 2015 are already dead, already spiritually dead, already spiritually death. And also infants, and toddlers, are the exception, but by the time they are two or three or four or five they near certainly will be spiritually dead in this culture. I live for the living, and those few who still have a spark of life that could come to full blaze. There are so few, any more. But there never were a fraction as many as I thought there were. I've spent my whole life resisting the notion that Jesus meant what he said, the gate is narrow and few will enter in. He saw, he had the courage to see early in his life, what I am only finding the courage and wisdom to see now.

Video, Israeli Zionis desecrating Palestinian mosque

Make a donation today to support The Electronic Intifada’s fearless reporting on Palestine in 2016.

***** seen on Facebook. New test: replace the word Muslims, with the word Jews, and ask yourself if you sound like a f****** Nazi?

***** seen on Facebook. New test: replace the word Muslims, with the word Jews, and ask yourself if you sound like a f****** Nazi?

Republican Threatens Refugees: “I’ll Shoot Them Myself” To “End Their Miserable Lives!”

Clinton condemns boycott efforts against Israel

Israeli forces shoot, critically injure elderly woman in Gaza

Fascist pig

Near Salfit, Palestinians try to save the last hill that is not yet occupied with a settlement

In Gaza, Kids With Cancer Have 'Virtually No Care.' One Group Hopes To Help

Israel’s cynical new strategy: Reframe Palestine debate as a religious battle, when it is really about civil rights

Israeli forces tear gas Hebron schools, raid medical center

Palestinian Performance Poet Speaks Powerful Truth to Power: 'We Teach Life, Sir', Rafeef Ziadah

IOF shoots Palestinian near Gaza borders

2 Israeli rockets slammed into blockaded Gaza

Is anyone else besides me deeply embarrassed and ashamed to be an American right now?

Is anyone else besides me deeply embarrassed and ashamed to be an American right now?

Israel, using torture and secret information jails Palestinian female MP, elected government official, human rights activist, feminist... For a year and a half.

***** video. 8 year old Palestinian girl journalist documenting Israeli terrorism.

Regarding immigration from Syria and the revolting argument that we should take care of our own first which, by the way, of course we do not and have no intention of doing: Yep, f*** Mary and Joseph. We need to take care of our own first. Oh, never mind, but we are the ones that destroyed their homes, their cities, their civilization, their economy.... Hehehehehe. Isn't being the Global colonial empire great?

Yep, f*** Mary and Joseph. We need to take care of our own first. Oh, never mind, but we are the ones that destroyed their homes, their cities, their civilization, their economy.... Hehehehehe. Isn't being the Global colonial empire great?

God damned Americans. Video. Israel exploding Palestinian homes in densely densely densely populated areas.

Muslim scholar Dalia Mogahed used Dylann Roof to make an important point

***** "James, please backup your bold statement that you find Muslims infinitely more Christlike than you find Christians to be." My reply: " I .........

***** "James, please backup your bold statement that you find Muslims infinitely more Christlike than you find Christians to be." My reply:  " I don't make "bold statements," that is, I do not make the mistake of minding the business of others, what they think. I sometimes share what I have come to understand. You said please, so I will take a moment and share some additional thoughts.  Until several years ago I never thought about Muslims, which means, that I took the Hollywood line, the media of line, which simply replaced what it did to Native Americans and about 60, 70, years ago started doing the same thing to Muslims, demonising them, making them subhuman targets. When I began researching, thinking, observing, and paying attention to my own personal encounters, I arrived in summary at what I shared above. Probably every day I personally encounter a new, for me, Muslim. Regarding this, and the other things I'll share here, I'll share what I understand to be Christ-like characteristics. You are welcome to agree or disagree. This is not a topic on which I intend to debate with you or anyone. Out of courtesy, I am simply replying to your question. In the Muslims I encounter I encounter profound modesty, and humility. Where I would expect to find Western Christian rage at being so savagely terrorized, raped, pillaged, exploited, humiliated, subjugated, raided, looted, destroyed... by the West these decades, I find deep generosity, hurt, peacefulness, acceptance, hurt and forgiveness. When I reflect on history it becomes much more striking to me. It is the Western so called Christians that perpetrated slavery in the Americas, that waged two world wars, that firebombed Dresden, and Tokyo, that delivered colonial terrorism to the Congo, to Vietnam, to Algiers, to Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Yemen, to India, that note to civilian cities in Japan unnecessarily.... It is the West that lives by the sword by any and every objective measure by many many many orders of magnitude. I could go on. Be well friend. One of my heroes is Gandhi and he arrived at the similar conclusion, I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."


***** My loyalty to the humanoid species is at an end. My loyalty to the one in a million that is alive, or capable of life, remains. I believe that Jesus arrived at the same point, the gate is narrow, but few will enter in. Many are called, but few are chosen.

***** My loyalty to the humanoid species is at an end. My loyalty to the one in a million that is alive, or capable of life, remains.  I believe that Jesus arrived at the same point, the gate is narrow, but few will enter in. Many are called, but few are chosen.

Muslims raise funds for families of California victims Collective of US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over last two days for relatives after San Bernardino massacre.

20 People Now Own As Much Wealth as Half of All Americans The US is caught in a vicious cycle, with rising political inequality driving an ever-rising concentration of wealth at the top. By Joshua Holland

France plans to close up to 160 mosques in response to Paris attacks

San Bernardino Killings Unleashing Right Wing Wave of Fear Mongering, Islamophobia and War Fever

Top Obama aide: US firmly opposed to BDS movement

***** U.N. voted to partition Palestine 68 years ago, in an unfair plan made even worse by Israel’s ethnic cleansing

***** Hillary Clinton has developed a reputation as one of the most right-wing Democrats on Israel/Palestine.

More than 100 immigration detainees are on a nationwide hunger strike

The only possible Savior is a mass, sustained, mobilization of millions and millions of American citizens who take to the streets and for as many years as it takes to not leave until the non violent revolution is complete. Yes, this isn't going to happen. Yes, it is a pipe dream. But yes, it is the only way.

The only possible Savior is a mass, sustained, mobilization of millions and millions of American citizens who take to the streets and for as many years as it takes to not leave until the non violent revolution is complete.  Yes, this isn't going to happen. Yes, it is a pipe dream. But yes, it is the only way.

Netanyahu responds to Kerry: Israel will not be a binational (democratic non-rcist, non-rogue, non-apartheid) state

Jewish settlers defile Aqsa Mosque amid calls for more break-ins

***** Not 40 living human beings could I think of this morning, as I awoke in the middle of the night pondering this. Creatures with a true spark of humanity, humaneness, the creator within.........

***** Not 40 living human beings could I think of this morning, as I awoke in the middle of the night pondering this. Creatures with a true spark of humanity, humaneness, the creator within.... The exception to this are children before the age of 3 and possibly two. I thought throughout my near here on earth, and those in the news alive today. Not 40 could I think of. The Matrix.  If I had more experience among the materially poor, the socially poor, the intellectually poor, I would think of more. There is an inverse relationship. We die spiritually in proportion to our over privilege.  Blessed are the poor.

1862 President Lincoln hung 38 Sioux Indians for protecting their land.

***** This is the single greatest indicator I can think of of how lost, corrupt, demonic, evil, satanic, godless, fascist, Antichrist... Amerikka has become, and why. More than 9000 law enforcement officers trained in Israel, so far. Link

***** This is the single greatest indicator I can think of of how lost, corrupt, demonic, evil, satanic, godless, fascist, Antichrist... Amerikka has become, and why. More than 9000 law enforcement officers trained in Israel, so far

Science confirms it: Your friends who find meaning in ‘pseudo-profound bullsh*t’ have lower IQs

2 Palestinians injured by Israeli gunfire, child loses left eye

IOF abuses Palestinians, storms their homes in al-Khalil

Dick Cheney's Bust Unveiled At The Capitol

Teens sleep outside to raise awareness, money for homeless initiative

Big gains expected for far-right as France votes in regional elections

Israel distributes demolition notices in Silwan

All but one in a million of us have learned, in our far too complex, far too large societies, to understand family as something that has to do with biology, and something that we can afford to limit to a small group of people like us.  The only large groups of exceptions that I see are the supposed terrorist populations throughout history, who.......

All but one in a million of us have learned, in our far too complex, far too large societies, to understand family as something that has to do with biology, and something that we can afford to limit to a small group of people like us. 

The only large groups of exceptions that I see are the supposed terrorist populations throughout history, who in fact, are the most godly among us who bear the brunt of our civilised, necessary, understandable, just protecting our loved ones... developed, civilized cultures incessant terrorism. I'm referring to the Hispanics, the Native Americans, the native Africans, the Palestinians, the Muslims... the truly compassionate peoples throughout history.

Giving away the Facebook fortune


If you have even a shred of respect or regard for the hatemonger Islamophobe Bill Maher please unfriend me right now. Right now. Right now. Thank you. Muslim fever goes viral: After Paris and San Bernardino, Islam-bashing is back and bigger than ever

Jerry Falwell jr., Liberty University President Urges Students To Carry Guns And ‘End Those Muslims’

Amsterdam abandons sister city agreement with Tel Aviv

Even with global warming 'propaganda,' Americans carpooling less, driving SUVs, George Will says

U.S. First Shields Its Torturers and War Criminals From Prosecution, Now Officially Honors Them Glenn Greenwald

Optimism, especially the naive optimism fed to us by the corporate state, engenders self-delusion and passivity and is the opposite of hope. Rebels who are self-aware, who are possessed of sublime madness, are also often plagued by a gnawing despair. When the movie producer Abby Mann, who wanted to film Martin Luther King’s life story, asked King facetiously, “How does the movie end?” King responded, “It ends with me getting killed.” As Mann recalled, “I looked at him. He was smiling, but he wasn’t joking.”36. Chris Hedges

Optimism, especially the naive optimism fed to us by the corporate state, engenders self-delusion and passivity and is the opposite of hope. Rebels who are self-aware, who are possessed of sublime madness, are also often plagued by a gnawing despair. When the movie producer Abby Mann, who wanted to film Martin Luther King’s life story, asked King facetiously, “How does the movie end?” King responded, “It ends with me getting killed.” As Mann recalled, “I looked at him. He was smiling, but he wasn’t joking.”36

Samantha Power, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, to address Haaretz conference in New York. Samantha Power is an epitome of evil, of corruption, the likes of which I can think of neither in history nor in literature. If you can think of her equal please let me know. To write the book on genocide, and then to be a primary agent of it, is beyond mind boggling. How one nervous system can do both things is beyond my comprehension, but there this evil creature is. Breathtaking. I'm referring of course to her book, the problem from hell, the definitive book on and against genocide, and of her action to be a primary agent of the American Israeli genocide of the Palestinians. Absolutely breathtaking.