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London School of Economics. LSE chills Palestinian students’ speech on ‘intifada’ under pressure from Israel lobby

The ghettoization of Israel's 'mixed cities' The banality of the ghetto: The term ‘ghetto’ migrated from Europe’s Jewish communities to Israel’s ethnically mixed towns — both as an idea and an institution for controlling the Palestinians who remained in Israel after 1948.

Most Americans see Muslims like any other group after California shooting - poll

Muslims and Christians are more alike than different. See detail here

***** If Muslims are not people of peace then explain to me, why after decades of terrorism and torture at the hands of the West, there are not attacks on Westerners every second of every day? If they were Christians, or Israeli Jews, they would be doing many hundreds of times that. That is the fact. That is the history.

If Muslims are not people of peace then explain to me, why after decades of terrorism and torture at the hands of the West, there are not attacks on Westerners every second of every day? If they were Christians, or Israeli Jews, they would be doing many hundreds of times that. That is the fact. That is the history.

The denunciation of the rebel is a matter of self-preservation for the liberal class. For once the callous heart of the corporate state is exposed, so is the callous heart of its liberal apologists. And the rebel, who has few friends, is the constant target of the liberal establishment. Chris Hedges, death of the liberal class

The denunciation of the rebel is a matter of self-preservation for the liberal class. For once the callous heart of the corporate state is exposed, so is the callous heart of its liberal apologists. And the rebel, who has few friends, is the constant target of the liberal establishment.

San Bernardino Shooter Was Teased About Beard, Family Lawyers Say


***** Wwwwooowww. These Pranksters Read Bible Passages to People, Telling Them It Was the Qur’an; They Were Shocked

A survey conducted in the US has revealed that 37 percent of Americans support sanctions against Israel as a response to settlement-building. Of those, 27 percent support economic sanctions and 10 percent are in favor of even harsher measures. Among Democratic voters the proportion is even higher, with half supporting sanctions.,7340,L-4734987,00.html

The Palestinians Fleeing Syria Are Among the Most Vulnerable Refugees Their special legal status leaves them stateless, even after decades of exile, and without the same rights as other refugees.

***** Noam Chomsky: We have to be careful about what we call "terrorist organizations." Anti-Nazi partisans used terror. So did George Washington's army, so much so that a large part of the population fled in fear of his terror - not to speak of the [Indigenous community], for whom he was "the town destroyer." It's hard to find a national liberation movement that hasn't used terror. Hezbollah and Hamas were formed in response to Israeli occupation and aggression

We have to be careful about what we call "terrorist organizations." Anti-Nazi partisans used terror. So did George Washington's army, so much so that a large part of the population fled in fear of his terror - not to speak of the [Indigenous community], for whom he was "the town destroyer." It's hard to find a national liberation movement that hasn't used terror. Hezbollah and Hamas were formed in response to Israeli occupation and aggression

***** Police officers are being tutored by Israel on how to employ the tactics that have brought death and serious injury to huge numbers of Palestinians in the past few months. Officers from 15 US police agencies recently traveled to the Middle East for lessons from their Israeli counterparts. For 10 days in late November, police officers from New York, Miami, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department, the Drug Enforcement Agency and US Customs and Border Protection observed the daily operations of the Jerusalem police, the Israeli Border Police and the Shin Bet secret service, all of which play a vital role in administering Israel’s system of control over Palestinians. The training junket was hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a neoconservative think tank that claims to have organized Israeli training sessions for some 9,500 law enforcement officials since 2004 through its Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP).

Alarming research finds humans are using up far more of Earth’s water than previously thought

IOF kidnaps 14 West Bankers in dawn raids

The richest 10 percent of people produce half of the planet’s individual-consumption-based fossil fuel emissions, while the poorest 50 percent — about 3.5 billion people — contribute only 10 percent. Yet those same 3.5 billion people are “living overwhelmingly in the countries most vulnerable to climate change,” according to the report.


The ugly Islamophobia in the media coverage of the San Bernardino shooting

The ugly Islamophobia in the media coverage of the San Bernardino shooting

***** Jesus was a human. He gave us none of the outs that we give ourselves. He was an absolutist and he.......

***** Jesus was a human. He gave us none of the outs that we give ourselves. He was an absolutist and he told us to be the same. Love as I have loved. Do unto others all that you would have them do unto you. Pick up your cross. The good shepherd lays down her life for the sheep. As you do unto the least of these you do unto me. He gave us not one excuse, not one out, not one bit of leeway. Any more than in loving us he might have said, hey, it is okay if you usually do not eat poison, deadly poison, but it is ok if sometimes you do. Selfishness is poison. He told us that in every way possible. We don't like the answer so we deny deny deny deny deny deny.  I never thought, & I still don't think, it was ever about forgiveness, being better than, being worse than..... I think it was always about joy or suffering. And I think he was trying to tell us that selfishness, although it seems like a good idea, is deadly, slow acting, poison. Of course, I might be wrong. But every day, every study, every experience... tells me that this is correct.

John Pilger on Paris, ISIS and Media Propaganda

***** utterly magnificent. Absolute must read. Israeli and U.S. state oppression are deeply interconnected. Tear gas used against protesters in Ferguson is the same used daily on Palestinians. Israeli police proudly train U.S. police in population control tactics, and vice versa. State-sanctioned killings and systemic racism play out in our city, as well as in occupied Palestine.

***** Pic. Live a full and total solidarity with the world's neediest.

I have come to believe that this is what Jesus lived and taught and that by violating it for 2000 years we have brought on ourselves near certain and total destruction of all that is good in the world. This gets clearer to me with every passing moment. The best of us convinces our self that it is okay to live with greater resources allocated to ourselves than to our neediest sisters and brothers. I believe that Jesus said, and lived, no.

Your thoughts? If Jesus were alive today, he and his immediate disciples, they would be A. Homeless and poor, B. Middle class, C. Upper class economically? Please respond. Would they live in full solidarity with the world's neediest, or not?

Your thoughts? If Jesus were alive today, he and his immediate disciples, they would be A. Homeless and poor, B. Middle class, C. Upper class economically? Please respond. Would they live in full solidarity with the world's neediest, or not?

Israeli invaders threaten to burn Palestinian family of 11 alive

The New York Post has no shame: The ugly truth about its outrageous “Muslim Killers” cover

Syed Farooq Is an American: Let’s Stop the Muslim vs. Christian Debate and Take a Look at Ourselves His terrible deed does not spring from an unknowable foreign culture. It is violence endemic to the United States.

From Jabotinsky to Netanyahu: How the Israeli right got its might A new book tells the story of how Zionism's outsiders became its power elite.

Top Israel advocate uses San Bernardino killings to attack Islam

Top Israel advocate uses San Bernardino killings to attack Islam

No mention in the US mainstream press. This is not an oversight, this is murder. Over 1,000 Israeli troops raid Jerusalem refugee camp to demolish home

FBI Report Highlighted White Supremacist ‘Infiltration’ of Nation’s Police Forces


Chris Hedges, Wages of Rebellion: Our terror is delivered daily to the wretched of the earth with industrial weapons. But to us, it is invisible. We do not stand over the decapitated and eviscerated bodies left behind on city and village streets by our missiles, drones, and fighter jets. We do not......

Chris Hedges, Wages of Rebellion:  Our terror is delivered daily to the wretched of the earth with industrial weapons. But to us, it is invisible. We do not stand over the decapitated and eviscerated bodies left behind on city and village streets by our missiles, drones, and fighter jets. We do not listen to the wails and shrieks of parents embracing the shattered bodies of their children. We do not see the survivors of air attacks bury their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters. We are not conscious of the long night of collective humiliation, repression, and powerlessness that characterizes existence in Israel’s occupied territories, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We do not see the boiling anger that war and injustice turn into a cauldron of hate over time. We are not aware of the very natural lust for revenge against those who carry out or symbolize this oppression. We see only the final pyrotechnics of terror, the shocking moment when the rage erupts into an inchoate fury and the murder of innocents. And willfully uninformed, we do not understand our own complicity. We self-righteously condemn the killers as subhuman savages who deserve more of the violence that created them. This is a recipe for endless terror.

Why these shootings? Because we over-privileged liberals have allowed the economy for our less privileged white brothers and sisters to be destroyed so the only power they feel that they have, the only way they can compete, the only way they think they can win, is with guns. And who can say that they are incorrect?

Why these shootings? Because we over-privileged liberals have allowed the economy for our less privileged white brothers and sisters to be destroyed so the only power they feel that they have, the only way they can compete, the only way they think they can win, is with guns. And who can say that they are incorrect?

Israel fans flames as Palestinian death toll soars

Nightmares in Jalazone: Families deal with trauma following Israeli torture

Pediatric and intensive care patients injured as Israeli military fires tear gas into Jerusalem hospital

Renegade Police in Rural Alabama Accused of Mass False Arrests of Hundreds of Black Youths

Jerusalemite forced to demolish part of his home by the Israeli Gestapo

Three Israeli suspects in arson attack released

Israeli troops raid Shu’fat, cordon off homes of slain Palestinians


US ends phone data collection exposed by Edward Snowden

Israel to approve the largest settlement project in al-Buraq plaza

Politico has an article up about Republican candidates trying to win the support of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington this week, and the article never mentions Israel. Jewish conservatives are just another flavor of conservatives. But the fact is that the RJC and just about everyone named in the article cares primarily about Israel. So who’s fooling who?

Realistically, good people, for the thousands of years we've lived in such impossibly large groups, have lived as though it was unreasonable for goodness to prevail . I think we need to stop living so reasonably. I think we need to live as though now evil is no longer acceptable. I don't know what that means for me. I hope I have the wisdom and courage to live accordingly.

Realistically, good people, for the thousands of years we've lived in such impossibly large groups, have lived as though it was unreasonable for goodness to prevail . I think we need to stop living so reasonably. I think we need to live as though now evil is no longer acceptable. I don't know what that means for me. I hope I have the wisdom and courage to live accordingly.

Israelis – Not Muslims – Cheered in Jersey City on 9/11

Israel tightens restrictions on Gaza Palestinians seeking medical treatment

***** I think that kindness, charity, are criminal, self-serving, cowardly luxuries from the over-privileged like me behind which we hide from our moral duty of lived solidarity with the global neediest. I am sorry for this lifelong error of mine.

***** I think that kindness, charity, are criminal, self-serving, cowardly luxuries from the over-privileged like me behind which we hide from our moral duty of lived solidarity with the global neediest. I am sorry for this lifelong error of mine.

***** The Dancing Israelis: Trump was right about 9/11 but they weren’t Muslims

San Jose State University becomes first California State University to pass student government BDS resolution

Documentary. Defamation. The psychotic brainwashing of Israeli children

Pope Francis: 'Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters'

Defying the 'Shock Doctrine' in Paris as Thousands March Despite Protest Ban

***** animated video. Israeli Apartheid wall.

Over 900 Palestinians kidnapped by Israel in November

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed a 15-year-old Palestinian girl in cold-blood on Tuesday morning.

***** You only receive your life when you give it away for those who desperately need it.

***** You only receive your life when you give it away for those who desperately need it.


"This morning, Nov. 30, 2015, Civil Administration and military personnel arrived at al-Hadidiya in the northern Jordan Valley and confiscated ten tents donated to residents by the ICRC and the local council, after the Israeli authorities demolished their homes last week," the group said. "The families are without shelter at the moment." Four of the tents served as housing for the 19 Palestinian villagers, including six children, while a further six were reserved in case of future demolitions.

Francis: World close to suicide over climate change

VIDEO: Footage of man who threw petrol bomb into Finsbury Park Mosque

Muslim cab driver who shot Thanksgiving Day Pittsburgh

Medical update: really good news. As I reported earlier I'm scheduled for cataract surgery .......

Medical update: really good news. As I reported earlier I'm scheduled for cataract surgery on the 17th of this month, a 30 minute outpatient procedure. But the scheduling was tentative because the cataract that the opthamologist could see in my left eye was not large enough, with any certainty, to explain all of the vision loss. Hence, she was concerned that retinal damage might be much of the issue and that cataract surgery would be of insufficient help.

I have just concluded a visit to the retina specialist to whom she referred me. He seems very competent. and he seemed very sure that my retina is barely compromised at all for someone my age and does not explain the vision loss, and therefore he is very optimistic that the cataract surgery will give me very functional, near excellent, vision for as many years as the rest of my body holds together.

This is a far more optimistic outlook than I felt I had about a month ago.

Poll: Fewer Americans see climate change as a serious threat

UN needs to correct its mistake regarding partition of Palestine

***** he moral bankruptcy of our elites, especially members of our self-identified liberal class, have shattered this equilibrium.

You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists

2 Palestinian brothers stabbed by Israeli fanatic

Pope Francis Calls Christmas This Year 'A Charade': 'The Whole World Is At War'

Graduate assistant accused of assaulting teenager over hijab


Why the Paris climate deal is meaningless If you actually care about global warming, you should be rooting against an agreement.

Homeland Security Chairman: Planned Parenthood Shooting Not ‘Terrorism,’ Merely A ‘Tragedy’

according to the Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International (TI), our country comes in only 17th in the least-corrupt sweepstakes, trailing European and Scandinavian countries as well as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In fact, TI considers us on a par with Caribbean island nations like Barbados and the Bahamas. In the U.S., TI says, “from fraud and embezzlement charges to the failure to uphold ethical standards, there are multiple cases of corruption at the federal, state and local level.”

Pro-Palestine Student Activists Face Backlash on U.S. Campuses

Colorado Springs: a playground for pro-life, pro-gun evangelical Christians

Threatening Letters Sent To Mosques From New Terrorist Group ‘The Christian State’

In America, the Ku Klux Klan is well-known for over a century of gruesome crimes against African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and others — all while ascribing to what they say is a Christian theology. But recent decades have also given rise to several “Christian Identity” groups, loose organizations united by a hateful understanding of faith whose members spout scripture while engaging in horrifying acts of violence.

new york times, newsweek, regularly, pathologically lie for Israel.

Your contributions to climate change are a form of terror.

Charity kills. Solidarity offers life. Film Review: ‘Poverty Inc

Stanford graduate hauled off plane 'for being Muslim'

Some of America’s first settlers turned to cannibalism, ‘powdered wife’ to survive, scientists say

WATCH: Frenzied pastor shouts ‘n*gger f*ggots’ at ‘Love not Hate’ protesters outside his NY church

Corruption Is as Bad in the US as in Developing Countries

Dutch welcome: Pig heads left at migrants' camp entrance in Netherlands (GRAPHIC)

After Planned Parenthood attack, no calls to close churches or register Evangelicals


Video. Homeless man sacrifices his life to save a woman from attacker

***** god damned Americans. Killing fields. 10,000 Palestinians injured since October 1

Syriza's U-turn on Israel is now complete

White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study

US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

***** Israeli Gestapo terrorizing children on the way to school. Christian peace maker teams period video

US journalists nothing more than ‘courtiers to the powerful’

This week will be the last time anyone alive experiences a CO2 level below 400 ppm.

Paris climate activists put under house arrest using emergency laws French police arrest activists for flouting ban on organising protests during climate talks next week

Drone terror: Welcome to the barbarism of ‘civilisation’

“Sorry we killed your family”: We are the terrorists in the Middle East, and our compliant media will never tell the truth

Israeli rights group urges Netanyahu to stop extrajudicial killings of Palestinians

Living full solidarity with the global neediest, the Palestinians, is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Living full solidarity with the global neediest, the Palestinians, is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Psalm 23King James Version (KJV) 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh......

Psalm 23King James Version (KJV)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

***** I see absolutely no hope for humanity. I see nothing but doom. Elysium. Hunger Games. The Matrix. The only individual salvation from this is to live as a force for good no matter what; in absolute, water, breath by breath, lived solidarity with the global neediest. In this is the only joy, the only peace, the only humanity, the only kindness to others.

***** I see absolutely no hope for humanity. I see nothing but doom. Elysium. Hunger Games. The Matrix. The only individual salvation from this is to live as a force for good no matter what; in absolute, water, breath by breath, lived solidarity with the global neediest. In this is the only joy, the only peace, the only humanity, the only kindness to others.

82 Palestinians Shot and Injured Across oPt on Friday

***** Chris Hedges. States of Terror

IOF opens fire at Palestinian fishermen, farmers in Gaza