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Swing states love love love Joe Biden, non-candidate for president

***** Using deadly force — as a first resort

Israel, Using deadly force against Palestinians — as a first resort

***** It is the example of others lives that has moved my life back in the direction of.....

It is the example of others lives that has moved my life back in the direction of sanity, humanity, compassion, empathy, decency... the self into which we are all born. The lives of those like Eleanor Roosevelt, Malala, Teresa of Calcutta, Alice Paul, Dorothy Day, Gandhi, Martin Luther King jr.... It is only then that their words have helped me understand how to accomplish that move.  "Example is not the major thing in influencing people.  It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer

Seen on Facebook: Sympathy is easy because it comes from a position of power. Empathy requires getting down on your knees at eye level with the neediest and feeling their pain.

Sympathy is easy because it comes from a position of power. Empathy requires getting down on your knees at eye level with the neediest and feeling their pain.


!!!!! URGENT CALL TO ACTION... How Interfaith Activists Will Counter This Week's Anti-Muslim Rallies

On Sept. 23, 2015, at least 19 and possibly as many as 22 men in Administrative Detention at the Menard Correctional Center began a hunger strike ...

Environmentalists: The Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement Is A Disaster For Climate Change

South Carolina floods: climate change intensified conditions, scientists say

Sanders campaign apologizes for threatened arrest of pro-Palestine activists outside Boston rally

Owning Up to Failed 'War on Drugs,' DOJ To Release Wave of Nonviolent Offenders New guidelines will bring clemency to thousands of low-level offenders, but many more still 'trapped' in broken criminal justice system

Video: Palestinian artists answer Israel’s Gaza war propaganda

***** Israel: the arms supplier to the global elite's control of the rest of us. Be effing afraid.

Edward Snowden, I am ready to go to prison. "I have paid a price but I feel comfortable with the decisions that I have made. If I'm gone tomorrow, I'm happy with what I had. I feel blessed.

***** Tea Party Republicans Fit The Mayo Clinic’s Description of Sociopaths

I have a proposal... new law: For every 100 innocent civilians killed by our US taxpayer-funded American and Israeli military, one white American adult male, at random, gets executed immediately.

I have a proposal... new law: For every 100 innocent civilians killed by our US taxpayer-funded American  and Israeli military, one white American adult male, at random, gets executed immediately.

***** Must must must must read. The 2nd amendment is a gun control amendment. Read that again.

Doomsday Clock Puts Us 3 Minutes Away from Apocalypse

***** I caught a glimpse of something very significant this morning. It is an......

***** I caught a glimpse of something very significant this morning. It is an evolution of something I've written of in the last several weeks. In fact, I was in a building with many many other people that speak and live in a very rough manner. A microcosm, really, of our broader culture. A vision came to me, nothing mystical, a vision came to me where I could see alongside each and every individual, in my mind, a tiny shadow self, the spirit of the child they had been, the spirit of Loving, awe, wonder, Brotherhood, reverence for life. It was evident that that shadow person was displaced by the worldly person. That led me to see that the revolution, the only revolution that could save the future, the only revolution that has ever been available, is to lead successfully a rebellion, the overthrow of the worldly person by that displaced shadow which is the loving child. That is the army that needs to come into power. That is what I must try and learn to activate, empower, raise.

" you cannot call yourself an intellectual if all you use your intellectual gifts for is to find excuses not to do anything. Which, sadly, is what I think a lot of intellectuals do.”

Dissent on Israel Not Permitted at Bernie Sanders Event


Jeff helper Israel and the war against the world's people

Local Resistance Can Overthrow Our Political Masters

'Let the people of Israel enter the gates and kill Arabs'


H ow poverty affects children’s brains

Must read: "I think he is speaking to all of our consciences, and we all have to then search ourselves to see if there are ways that we can do better."

Israel 'playing with fire' on Temple Mount, Erdogan warns

VIDEO: Is Palestine the Exception to Free Speech Rights in the U.S.?

Must read! Before Milton Friedman was earning plaudits as an economic genius, he was a shill for the real estate industry and an early pioneer for big business propaganda known as libertarianism

Flash Floods, 'Once in 200 Years Rainfall Event' Loom in South Carolina

Oslo was from the very beginning a tool for Israeli expansionism — it's time to let go


Islamic Holocaust: Western wars have killed AT LEAST 4 million Muslims since 1990

***** I am a single issue voter on Palestine and you should be too. Holocaust anywhere is an invitation to Holocaust everywhere.

***** I am a single issue voter on Palestine and you should be too. Holocaust anywhere is an invitation to Holocaust everywhere.

War Against the People is a genuinely frightening book. At its heart, author Jeff Halper provides an exhaustive survey of Israel’s weapons technology.

‘NYT’ preaches to Palestinians about launching ‘intifadas’

‘NYT’ reporters parrot Israeli claims re cherry tomato

Netanyahu’s dreary and menacing UN speech provokes Internet mockery

'Unlike the Holocaust of Adolf Hitler against the Jews, the Jewish Government of Israel’s Holocaust against the Palestinian people is conducted under the presence of the UN and without any World war.'

Food Industry To Congress: We Need You To Act On Climate Change

Roger Waters to Jon Bon Jovi: “You stand shoulder to shoulder with the settler who burned the baby”

***** pic. I bring you Good News. You'll experience this life as heaven, tho materially it will be hell, if you......

I bring you Good News. You'll experience this life as heaven, tho materially it will be hell, if you live, every breath, these three commandments: 1. Love Creator (Loving), 2. Love your Brother (exactly everyone)... with your whole mind, your whole soul, your whole body, your whole spirit. 3. There is no number 3, 4, 1000.... The churches are lying to you. For 2000 years they have been lying to you. There is only 1 & 2.

Charles Pierce nailed it: The Vatican confirms Pope Francis was “ratf*cked” into meeting Kim Davis

Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, openly declares that Israel has no intention of handing any of the West Bank over to Palestinian control.

***** I'm pro life: Pro my idea of life, that I insist on imposing on yours. My ability......

I'm pro life: Pro my idea of life, that I insist on imposing  on yours. My ability to kill your life to protect mine. My ability to kill the lives of others to protect my life. My ability to imprison, terrorize, subjugate, subordinate, impose, force upon... to enforce my idea of how life should be. Yes, I am pro-life. My life. Screw yours.

***** These are the real terrorists, truly, actually, as a matter of fact: The freedom to terrorize is the freedom fought for by those who fight all sane gun regulation. The freedom to terrorise you.......

***** These are the real terrorists, truly, actually, as a matter of fact: The freedom to terrorize is the freedom fought for by those who fight all sane gun regulation. The freedom to terrorise you. Freedom from law. Freedom from lawful action. Freedom from collective responsibility. Freedom from a sane society. Freedom to kill you, your dearest ones... anyone, at any time, that they so choose.

***** There is no 'we must do something,' there is no 'we.' That 'we' is an excuse for each individual to....

There is no 'we must do something,' there is no 'we.' That 'we' is an excuse for each individual to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait... safely, meaninglessly, pitifully on the sidelines. There is only change when one I, then another I, and another I, and another and another and another... stands up and does not sit down until the change occurs or until they are killed.

***** warning, if you read this, read the entire thing. I find the zealous right to lifers to be.......

***** warning, if you read this, read the entire thing. I find the zealous right to lifers to be disgusting, degenerate, moral mutants. They have so little empathy, so little compassion, so little humanity that the farthest their hearts can expand is an unborn zygote. They reduce all that is important in the world to an unborn zygote. And I am concerned that even Pope Francis may fit in this category. This is not religious, it is, at best,  A  perverted fetish. I find equally deadly, and maybe more so, the masses of us who place little or no active value on that zygote, which indisputably is life. We too murderously violate the 'reverence for life' which is the centerpiece sanity and constructive living.


***** “As Mr. Netanyahu tells the world he wants to negotiate for two-states, he has built the largest illegal settlement enterprise seen in modern history, on the land of the State of Palestine, while his settlers continue to terrorize Palestinian civilians.”

***** FBI. Exposed: Pro-Israel Modern Day McCarthyites Going to Extremes to Slime Human Rights Activists As pro-Israel extremism reaches new depths with the notorious Canary Mission project, the FBI investigates growing threats against BDS activists.

Free speech for all on campus! Unless you’re criticizing Israel, that is

Despite cancer, Jimmy Carter plans Habitat trip to Nepal

Exclusive: Obama brushed off Reid's plea on Palestinian state. The Senate leader wanted the president to side with Israel by disavowing a U.N. resolution calling for a Palestinian state. It didn't happen.

Tea Party Republicans Fit The Mayo Clinic’s Description of Sociopaths

Of course Pope Francis met with Kim Davis. Jesus would have.

Israel land grab, one home at a time


Number of fish in the sea has dropped by nearly half since 1970, report says

Pro-Israel groups targeting Palestinian organizations in US, report finds

Report reveals 9 Israel lobby tactics to silence students

Israel approves Hebrew names for Arab streets in Jerusalem

Cancer update: brain scan revealed....

Cancer update: brain scan revealed....

What my beloved father must always have known...


No brain........

Full cat scan of the body revealed no cancer.

Blood tests reveal no cancer.

Brain scan reveals no cancer.

Neural opthamologist today says he too sees no problem to explain the rapid onset of apparent blindness in my left eye cept that the glasses that were created for me did not fulfill his prescription of two months ago.  They did not adhere to the specification  for my  astigmatism.  I returned to the glasses place with that information this afternoon and they said they would recreate the lenses for me over the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground

NBC: White Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study


Slavery Myths Debunked The Irish were slaves too; slaves had it better than Northern factory workers; black people fought for the Confederacy; and other lies, half-truths, and irrelevancies.

After 60 million years of extreme living, seabirds are crashing

Obama praises Secret Service

UK government: 700 Israeli attacks on Gaza since 2014 ceasefire

Why Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People

92% of biophysical scientists surveyed believe that human activity has contributed to global warming

Man Dies a Hero, Pushes His Wife to Safety and Out of Path of Oncoming Car

***** this can be big. This can be very very very very big. Navigation The Christian Post Michelle Obama Launches #62MillionGirls Campaign to End Poverty at Global Citizen Festival

***** Behind the Scenes with Pope Francis in America

***** I think our job to be hated for our Loving. Truly, I think that it is. To be deeply hated for our utter foolishness of Loving completely and unconditionally, and if we are not regularly hated that we probably aren't doing it right. Please consider: Somewhere......

***** I think our job to be hated for our Loving. Truly, I think that it is. To be deeply hated for our utter  foolishness of Loving completely and unconditionally, and if we are not regularly hated that we probably aren't doing it right. Please consider: Somewhere in the Francis visit coverage in the final days I heard martyr described as someone who is hated for their faith. I think it was Francis that I heard speaking of this and I view him as practicing the faith of Loving. And, along with other things I am learning, and experiencing personally, it brought to my mind that yes, in the near complete evil darkness that is 2015 earth, it is our job individually to be so radiantly Loving that we are hated for it and thereby might cause the hater, in expressing their hatred towards us, to be convicted by the shard of Loving that they were in their infancy, and that still resides within them as a distant memory. And in having that shard of Loving within them convict their evil spirit that rules almost all of us, therein lies the hope to return their sanity, decency...  humanity. I do think it is our job to be so Loving that we are hated by almost all. I hope to do a better job at this. Oh, without question, to do this, one must be willing to happily die for it. It occurs to me I will be more directly facing this as I travel through the southern states.

***** must read and share. Leading Israeli journalist says Israel is an Apartheid state


In Plains, crowds flock to see Jimmy Carter at peanut festival

***** I think our only real chance to help is to live such a profoundly moral life, every breath, that it empowers the good in others and convicts the evil in them.

***** I think our only real chance to help is to live such a profoundly moral life, every breath, that it empowers the good in others and convicts the evil in them.

***** I'll write again that the last several months I sense that I have made a huge leap in my understanding of the essentials. I detest dogma, this should be well known. I detest following words without understanding deeply the underlying meaning. For me, this is the norm in the Catholic Church which was my early background. I have found the notion of, seeing Jesus in everyone, revolting. It makes no sense to me, it has never been explained to me in any way that makes any sense. But if there is any sense to be made of such things, it came to me on my 35k journey among the less affluent, the less educated, the less advantaged .... What occurred to me first was that I was seeing in people for the first time in many many years, occasionally, a sense of awe, a sense of wonder at important things in life. This quickly brought me to the notion that as newborn infants, and in our first months of life, this awe, this wonder, this profound humility... Is central to our nature. I further then realized that we all have that experience. That, now, is what I understand to be the correct meaning of Holy Spirit, the divine within us. And I can now see that in virtually everyone that in earliest childhood, that holy spirit existed, and still potentially exists if it is brought back to memory, and most importantly, if it is brought to reign within us.

***** I'll write again that the last several months I sense that I have made a huge leap in my understanding of the essentials. I detest dogma, this should be well known. I detest following words without understanding deeply the underlying meaning. For me, this is the norm in the Catholic Church which was my early background. I have found the notion of, seeing Jesus in everyone, revolting. It makes no sense to me, it has never been explained to me in any way that makes any sense. But if there is any sense to be made of such things, it came to me on my 35k journey among the less affluent, the less educated, the less advantaged .... What occurred to me first was that I was seeing in people for the first time in many many years, occasionally, a sense of awe, a sense of wonder at important things in life. This quickly brought me to the notion that as newborn infants, and in our first months of life, this awe, this wonder, this profound humility... Is central to our nature. I further then realized that we all have that experience. That, now, is what I understand to be the correct meaning of Holy Spirit, the divine within us. And I can now see that in virtually everyone that in earliest childhood, that holy spirit existed, and still potentially exists if it is brought back to memory, and most importantly, if it is brought to reign within us.

"God is in everyone's life. Even if the life of a person has been a disaster, even if it is destroyed by vices, drugs or anything else_God is in this person's life." Francis

"God is in everyone's life. Even if the life of a person has been a disaster, even if it is destroyed by vices, drugs or anything else_God is in this person's life."

As I posted the other day: "If one has the answers to all the questions_that is the proof that God is not with him. It means that he is a false prophet using religion for himself. The great leaders of the people of God, like Moses, have always left room for doubt. You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble." Francis

As I posted the other day:  "If one has the answers to all the questions_that is the proof that God is not with him. It means that he is a false prophet using religion for himself. The great leaders of the people of God, like Moses, have always left room for doubt. You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble." Francis

Baby boomers ruined America: Why blaming millennials is misguided — and annoying

Shell pulls the plug on Arctic exploration


Chicago rabbi questions need for Jewish state

In letter, Clinton condemns Israel boycott movement

Palestinian journalist Nidal Abu Aker, held in administrative detention in Israeli jails without charge or trial and on hunger strike for 39 days, is refusing to drink water in protest of his continued solitary confinement.....

I wonder if John Boehner is displaying a moment of greatness rarely seen in our culture. I wonder if we are seeing from him self-sacrifice for a greater good.

I wonder if John Boehner is displaying a moment of greatness rarely seen in our culture. I wonder if we are seeing from him self-sacrifice for a greater good.

***** I don't recall ever feeling more hopeless than I do at the moment about the future for humankind and creation. During the 35 days on the road....

I don't recall ever feeling more hopeless than I do at the moment about the future for humankind and creation.  During the 35 days on the road I was forced to escape the many many hours a day looking at what is happening in the world, Palestine in particular, but Syria, United States, well, pretty much everywhere. In the last 3 weeks I have been able to devote many hours a day, as I have, looking at things square in the face.

Early on felt moments of elation with words from Francis on his current tour, but in the last several days I have seen him gravitating toward meaningless dogmatic doublespeak and there by diluting his earlier, crystal clear message, of living universal family.

Several days ago there was a physical attack on the vehicle where I store it at night stealing $200 worth of electronics that are useless to anyone but me. A grim reminder of what hideous creatures we've devolved to in this loveless, godless, lost... culture. Yes, this victimizer was undoubtedly poor, probably homeless. More deadly by far are the ultra wealthy vulturous creatures on Capitol Hill.

Yesterday I was subject to a withering verbal attack by a psycho in the shelter.

At the moment I can't think of a more sane, moral applicable tale than that of Don Quixote. The only hope is for personal salvation in this life from living the material and spiritual hell that is earth today. To do so by fighting the unwinnable fight, dreaming the impossible dream, fighting when the odds are impossible.... Yes, truly, with no hope of winning.

The Greatest Threat to Campus Free Speech is Coming From Dianne Feinstein and her Military-Contractor Husband


Nuclear Holocaust is the last of my concerns. At this point, truly, I would almost welcome a nuclear planet-wide annihilation. It is the torturous death by a million cuts that horrifies me.

Nuclear Holocaust is the last of my concerns. At this point, truly, I would almost welcome a nuclear planet-wide annihilation. It is the torturous death by a million cuts that horrifies me.

***** must read: September 11, 2001, had the unintended consequence of serving the breathtaking expansionist plans of the neoconservatives who dominated the Bush administration. Only a plausible enemy was lacking to make their execution possible. From the storehouse of the Western historical imagination, age-old images of a hostile Islam were retrieved. Islamic terrorists conjured up in a believable form for a frightened America the “threat to civilization” that every empire requires to justify its own violent acts of domination.

President Jimmy Carter: 'I Was The Only White Child In The Neighborhood'

U.S. Doublespeak on Palestine

Jeremy Corbyn moves to a more humble office because his grand leader's one is too big

The Piercing Cry of Child Poverty in Economically Rich but Spiritually Poor America


**** Those who do not live, moment by moment, in humility... have no knowledge of or feeling for or relationship with Creator, notwithstanding whatever we might think. Creator is the stuff of overwhelming awe where humility is the only possible response.

**** Those who do not live, moment by moment, in humility... have no knowledge of or feeling for or relationship with Creator, notwithstanding whatever we might think. Creator is the stuff of overwhelming awe where humility is the only possible response.

12 Lakota Virtues, Essential to balance and happiness. (VIDEO)

Striking Warehouse Staff Call On Amazon For Better Pay And Conditions

Must watch: I think that was the message that Francis was trying to share, a politics that’s rooted in seeing in a new way, in which we see each other as brothers and sisters, and children of one God, and not as opposed to each other.

Warning to any who associate with me on Facebook or anywhere else: For any professional person in the United States, any person of standing or means, or anyone associated with such people, criticizing Israel, or, being friends with those who do, is grounds for your personal and political destruction, and if that isn't sufficient, the destruction of those with whom you associate.

Warning to any who associate with me on Facebook or anywhere else: For any professional person in the United States, any person of standing or means, or anyone associated with such people, criticizing Israel, or, being friends with those who do, is grounds for your personal and political destruction, and if that isn't sufficient, the destruction of those with whom you associate.

Israel’s assaults on Palestinian education amount to genocide

Obama Administration Set To Take Away Money From Cities That Criminalize Homelessness

***** Sometimes when you are in a dark place you think you've been buried but you have actually been planted. Seen on Facebook

Sometimes when you are in a dark place you think you've been buried but you have actually been planted. Seen on Facebook