From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


Day 33. .vlog. My destination you ask. Politcians out of the fossil fuel graft business

Day 33. vlog. Pt 2 Yummy Buffet

Day 33. vlog. Emptying his wallet, the elderly farmer said, 'God bless you.'

Day 33. vlog. 'You are like God,' said Angel, the 9 yr old cashier at Yummy Buffet

Day 32. vlog.Saving the Titanic... providing Lifeboats

***** vlog. Day 35. reverence for life, is the quintessential hallmark of human sanity, humanity, mental health. Schweitzer was exactly correct.

Professor Leibowitz: there are Judeo Nazis. Israel embodies the darkness of a state.

Day 32. vlog. Being Christian is my religion


America’s Jewish establishment is out of touch with U.S. Jews

nd. Insanely we view ourselves as primarily material beings rather than spiritual.

Insanely we view ourselves as primarily material beings rather than spiritual.

‘NYT’ misrepresents Iran’s prediction about ‘Zionist regime’ to mean ‘Israel’

EU-US trade deal mustn’t stifle calls for Israel boycott, say unions

2 in 5 American Children Spend at Least a Year in Poverty, Report Says

Top U.S. priority should be fighting inequality, say Harvard alums

Priest offers Mass daily at destroyed West Bank olive orchards


Day 35. Ashland to Quantico. 69 mi. Barely barely barely barely survived metropolitan Fredericksburg

Shared route From (38.5790622,-77.3093027) to Walmart Supercenter via VA-2 S. 7 hr 48 min (76 mi) 1. Head southwest 2. Turn right toward Wayside Dr 3. Turn left toward Wayside Dr 4. Turn right onto Wayside Dr 5. Turn left onto U.S. 1 N 6. Turn left onto Old Stage Coach Rd 7. Turn left onto U.S. 1 N 8. Turn left onto Williamstown Dr 9. Turn right onto Old Triangle Rd 10. Turn right onto Fuller Heights Rd Continued... To see this route visit

Day 35. nd. The further I get from civilization the more I encounter civilized human beings.

nd. The further I get from civilization the more I encounter civilized human beings.


After Mass Hunger Strikes & Lawsuits, Prisoners Force California to Scale Back Solitary Confinement

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I came not to bring peace but a fire. And oh how I wish it were raging.

I came not to bring peace but a fire. And oh how I wish it were raging.

God bless Booker! Debacle for the Israel lobby: Booker jilts Boteach, and Netanyahu sinks AIPAC

I'll admit it. With so many children, with so many people, in desperate need, I find our focus on non-human creatures like cats and dogs obscene. This is not easy for me to say. It is not easy for me to feel. But it is the truth.


***** Day 30. Ride for creation resumes. 5 days to Washington DC for medical tests.....

***** Day 30. Ride for creation resumes. 5 days to Washington DC for medical tests.....
The vehicle is as ready as it will ever be and it seems to be very ready.
As a driver I am as ready as I need to be, quite ready.
I have much to learn but I have learned an enormous amount in the last 29 days. Most importantly that this is a campaign to light a fire. It is the same campaign that Jesus began 2000 years ago. I may be doing it well. I may be doing it poorly. But I see that it is exactly what I'm called to do.
I've learned a tremendous amount as to how to do this journey, from the limits of the vehicle, to how to go beyond the limits of the vehicle, how to fully harness the Sun, I have optimized the vehicle, the manufacturer has optimize the vehicle, I am learning to be much more independent in problem solving and maintenance, my skills for route planning and route optimization continue to grow.
My sense of where to find living souls, those one in a million, is growing.
Today was really the culmination of the manufacturers efforts and mine to complete the foundation for the expansion of this campaign. I've spent several days, the last several days in Home Depot parking lots finalizing the solar trailer design and implementation, weatherproofing and wind proofing the vehicle and its contents. It seems to be very ship shape. Yes, many problems will arise in the future but the strong foundation is laid.
Hours were spent today by me contemplating where next. My first thoughts were the holiday crowds at Virginia Beach or Myrtle Beach. Both are about 2 days too far to make sense at this point in time. Meandering through the small and large towns between Durham and Washington DC over the next four or 7 days it seems to me the most productive next step. Doing so will lend me back in DC in time for medical appointments and the resumption by the Congress criminals. I envision having el fusion on Capitol Hill for one or two days maybe 3. They are not worth more than that.
My major cancer scan and consult with my oncologist is about 3 weeks out. I may be allowed to sleep in the shelter that I was in before I left Washington. That will be helpful but if I need to sleep in parks or surrounding towns that would be okay too. I envision while waiting the several weeks for my final cancer evaluation to travel maybe up into Amish country.
I expect I will learn a lot in coming weeks and months about where to find the few souls that have the potential to ignite. I suspect that each day will be my best attempt to physically place myself on those routes and in those towns or areas where those souls are most likely to be. My sense of the hallmark of the souls is profound humility, a sense of awe and wonder at creation that is very deep not shallow and self-serving. A deep and healthy sense of troubling at the precipice that humanity has brought everything to.

Benjamin Netanyahu Threatens To Allow Shooting Of Palestinian Stone Throwers

Alice Walker disinvited from University of Michigan over ‘Israel comments’


***** Day 26? Very important. 'You don't have to do that ma'am,' I said. 'I have to support a Godloving man doing Godly work,' said the middleclass white lady.......

***** Very important. 'You don't have to do that ma'am,' I said. 'I have to support a Godloving man doing Godly work,' said the middleclass white lady my age standing with her daughter in the IHop parking lot as she handed me a donation after reading my tattoos and hearing about the mission. Strange and wonderful for me to finally realize: I am hunting for people of the Godly spirit, of Creator's spirit. This is so unexpected. This is so absolutely correct. I was blind before. Now I see. It is all about the Spirit. Everything depends upon the Spirit. It will make little difference. Sodom was destroyed because there were not five people of Creator's Spirit. Now it is repeating itself on a planetary scale. But at least I know what I am looking for now. -- Sent from Fast notepad


UN: Gaza could be 'uninhabitable' by 2020 if trends continue

California to drastically reduce use of solitary confinement

**** Help us those of Profoundest Solidarity, you are our only hope........ This is a gigantic breakthrough for me. This........

***** Help us those of Profoundest  Solidarity, you are our only hope........

This is a gigantic breakthrough for me. This is a gigantic breakthrough for me.

I've been blind as to who can help us, and now I begin to see.

It is not the Liberals. It is not the activists. It is not the economic elite. It is not be materially powerful. It is not be academically elite. It is not be socially established. It is not the over privileged. It is not the privileged. It is not those who are certain. It is not those who are sure. It is not those you are busy acquiring and enjoying stuff.

For the future of creation only blessed are the meek, the hungry, the peacemakers, the merciful, the hungry ... those of Profoundest Solidarity, Profoundest Empathy, Living Spirit, Living Soul... Who feel the deep disturbance, the tremor in the force, are profoundly disturbed... And therefore can be ignited.


Is this disturbing video Israel's Eric Garner moment?

Palestine Overwhelmed by Illegal American Immigrants

Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings.....

Cruelly, ignorantly, we raise children as though they are physical beings when they are essentially spiritual beings. We raise them to be ignorant of what is important and obsessed with what is not.

Pope Francis Blesses a Lesbian, Her Family, and Her Writing For Kids

Poverty can affect brain size, study finds

Kentucky has more than 30,000 homeless students


Day 22. To many I am making Creator, Loving, manifest at more than one or two people per day. Well, actually........

To many I am making Creator, Loving, manifest at more than one or two people per day.  for each of these it seems clear to me that it is their first such encounter with actual manifestation  in a long long long time, if ever before. Well, actually, to tens, dozens, hundreds per day I am making creator, loving, paying the price... manifest. To one or more per day they are experiencing that significantly at some level. For some it is powerfully rekindling what is inside them. For the others who are among the significantly touch it attracts them and upsets them as it causes them to experience that what is latent in them, that they see in my behavior and being, they have allowed to be dormant or forced to be dormant and that makes them uncomfortable. Creator only knows what the consequence of the encounter of these people will be with me.

The very religion, the true and absolute religion of the over-privileged, of the non poor, is over privilege. Being......

The very religion, the true and absolute religion of the over-privileged, of the non poor, is over privilege. Being, remaining, achieving over-privilege is the religion. Occasional hobbies among the many hobbies is being kind and good.

In most Americans I find nothing, zero, zilch, nada... where the Spirit used to be. Absolutely......

In most Americans I find nothing, zero, zilch, nada... where the Spirit used to be. Absolutely this is the case with the over privileged intellectually, socially, materially among whom I was born and raised, with whom I have almost always lived among and worked among.. It continues to seem to me that it is less so among the non over-privileged. The exception proves the rule. If the shoe does not fit, do not wear it.

I am much more afraid of the soullessness of the Liberals than the ignorance of the uneducated masses. At the deep level of the Spirit........

I am much more afraid of the soullessness of the Liberals than the ignorance of the uneducated masses. At the deep level of the Spirit the uneducated masses know there is something terribly wrong. The educated, therefore of the elite, I truly and honestly find little by way of soul in them to be deeply disturbed. In their heads they understand there is a problem. But it is only in the soul that they could become motivated to be agents of change and I see no soul within them. The exception proves the rule. If the shoe does not fit, do not wear it.

When the love of loving overtakes the love of everything else the world will know peace. Not one second before.

When the love of loving overtakes the love of everything else the world will know peace. Not one second before.

"People die by degrees: high school degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctoral degree...." Ashley Montague

"People die by degrees: high school degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctoral degree...." Ashley Montague

Israeli minister says soldiers should have fired on unarmed women protesters in occupied West Bank

I trust in Creator only in this way. I trust not that, never that, Creator will.......

I trust in Creator only in this way. I trust not that, never that, Creator will take some action for or against me or anyone. I trust Creator the way I trust a compass. Creator is the  force of creation. The compassion, empathy, sense of goodness, sense of decency, sense of conscience, sense of humanity... born within us all is what I experience as the part of Creator within me, the part of me that is able to sense Creator, sense the direction of Creator, and in that sense, to sense Creator's Will for me, role for me. Just as I try and align myself with the road I am riding on, just as I try and align myself with the rules of gravity as I am riding on my tricycle, just in that way I find that joy is in the direction, and only in the direction, of living creators will for me. In that sense  I profoundly, totally, ultimately, happily  paying any price to do so... trust the creator.



Day 18. Tomorrow Durham Creator willing. Another 80 mile day today

I rode with MapMyRide! Distance: 75.30mi, time: 08:06:14, pace: 6:27min/mi, speed: 9.29mi/h.


Day 16: When turned my back the biker gang... I'm tired. 7.5-8 hours peddling

Day 16:  When turned my back the biker gang...

I'm tired.  7.5-8 hours peddling, with brief stops.  80 miles from Ocean City to within 30 miles of the Chesapeake Tunnel Bridge to Virginia Beach.  Didn't leave till 11am, so I could parade ELFusion before the new oC crowd.  Could have done all 110 miles today, had I left at 7am, but what's the point?  I don't know how much of tomorrow will be spent aranging logistics to get over the bridge tunnel... if that is even possible. 

very good sun today.  Often a tail wind, and drag from the vehicles wizzing do insanely close.

The entire ride is pretty sparsely populated.  Technically not a highway, the rout I am on is highway speed.  Some of the time there is an adequate shoulder for me to ride on.  Some of the time there is none.  Dicy! It seems that the bright turn signals on ELFusion are working to alert traffic racing up behind me... well, at least something has me alive so far... and I think that is it... I blink them in rapid succession l r l r l r... and I think it warns folks to get in the left lane. So far.....

Until about 4pm I averaged 13 mph or so, when the sun was strong, and dropped to about 10.5 from then on... peddling moderately all the way.

I don't do the less traveled bike routes because, A, the purpose of this crusade is to generate stirrings of the heart, and head which means being seen, and B, the bike routes tend to be heavily wooded, which isn't real useful for a solar fusion vehicle. 

I get my directions from google maps to whom I lie and say I am a car that wants no highway or tolls.

Oh, one of my programs said I climbed about 700 feet, which is quite bit of work.

I stop every 10 miles to check my battery level, tho thanks to some donations, I expect to leave Durham with a proper gauge.  But for now I use a multimeter and estimate, and it requires stopping.  I can't afford to run out of charge, and more importantly, I work to live within the confines of the solar fusion power I draw as I ride.  Again, the meter several days from now will be an enormous help given how I am pushing this vehicle wayyyyyyyyyyy beyond what anyone has even thought of pushing it. 

So at about mile 60 I was wayyyyyyy down the road, middle of nowhere, but there was a gas station so I pulled in so as to be off the highway when checking the charge level.

As usual, folks gathered and wanted to know what it is all about.

After the first group departed... the bikers came. They seemed nice ehough, and I told them what I had to say.

But when I turned my  back to put my hydration pouch in the backpack in my elf, they had taken a collection and handed me some money, so I could eat.  "You don't need to do that," I said.  They looked like they needed it more tham me.  "Thank you for what you are doing for us all."  And they left with a huge roar of their machines.  Those with means, so different, almost always.  Spiritually dead.


***** ELFusion repair complete (I think). Extra Battery arrived. 35-50 hour trip begins Sat at Noon....

I've been testing the repaired ELFusion axle for hours, seems to be ship shape, AND, 15-30% more efficient that I'd thought!  It may be that the broken axle not only sounded like war going on, but was a huge drag on the vehicle, reducing speed and or distance by 15-30%!!!!  Maybe not, but I think so, and I'll know more over the next few days. 

Day 15. I think I am having the most hilarious, news. As you know the axle in this vehicle was broken....

I think I am having the most hilarious, news. As you know the axle in this vehicle was broken. The reason I knew was because it sounded like a cement mixer with boulders in it when I rode. But what I seem to be discovering now that it is replaced with the new part, another symptom, which I did not know, it seems that it was robbing 20 to 30 percent of my speed. This is a highly efficient vehicle but weighs 160 pounds. And I was respectful, but a bit distressed, that I only seemed to be able to maintain about 7 miles an hour, six to seven miles an hour, when I was only peddling. It seemef to me that was a little bit slow. But I assumed, oh well, that is a characteristic of this vehicle. Based on my last hours worth of testing, it was a function of the broken axle! I think, flat ground, low wind conditions I can maintain about nine miles an hour. Just peddling. That might not impress you, or any cyclist, but it is a 20 to 30 percent increase over what I thought I had! This is wonderful, surprise. So, on my 325 miles ride Durham North Carolina, instead of a 50 hour ride, maybe it is only a 35 to 40 hour ride. Lol.  Tonight I think it's prudent to continue with an hour or more testing to be sure that things are ship shape before I head off into where there are little or no civilized locations for tens and tens of miles. Things seem to be ship shape and if they remain this way I expect to depart by 11 tomorrow morning. It has been extremely productive for my activist goals to parade solar power on display riding the boardwalk from 7 in the morning until 11 in the morning when the boardwalk closes to bicycles. On the theory that there is a mass population change as one group leaves on Friday and another mass group arrives on Friday night, I expect to expose this vehicle to the new group until 11 tomorrow morning and then to depart for Durham North Carolina.


These are among the most easily digestible of the scholarly sources I've found on the Israel Palestine situation.  

If you find them NOT scholarly, defame me. 

If you find them scholarly, Truthful, Objective, Honest... study them and  get in the way of this US-citizen caused Holocaust.

***** White House Free Palestine Vigil 
~~~ The (Israeli) General's Son 
~~~ If Americans Knew 
~~~ Peace, Propaganda, Promised Land 
~~~ Israeli Myths and Propaganda 
~~~ Israel and Palestine 
~~~ Princeton's Dr. Falk: Winning the Legitimacy War 
~~~ Desmond Tutu: Israel - Liberate Yourselves 
~~~ The Gatekeepers 
~~~ Bishop Tutu: IT IS APARTHEID 
~~~ Ha'aretz: Israeli teens, Racist and Proud 
~~~ Young Jews Against Occupation 
~~~ 327 Holocaust Condemn Elie Weizel, Israel, for Gaza Massacre, Demand Boycott 
~~~ Dr. Meyer, Holocaust Survivor, "Israel like the Nazis." 
~~~ "Loving, you're filled with Hate?!?!" 
~~~ NYMag: Cornell West and the Obama-Blaming Left 
~~~ Jews Against Genocide letter to Chief Rabbis of the World. 
~~~ Israel's Death Grip on US Politics ~~~ CLASIC ZIONI PROPAGANDA SCRIPS 
~~~ Rabbi Siegman - Slaughtering of Innocents 
~~~ The Price of US Ignorance of the SCHOLARSHIP 
~~~ Life in Palestine 
~~~ The Zionist Story 
~~~ vid. Palestine, [The Middle East], and US Policy. Scholar, Intellectual Edward Said 
~~~ The Iron Wall. 'MUST Watch,' Pr. Carter 
~~~ Oxford U: IS ISLAM VIOLENT? 
~~~ Yale's, Oxford's, Harvard's Rashid Khalidi... US HAS NEVER, EVER, BEEN AN HONEST BROKER... 
~~~ Russel Tribunal on Palestine 
~~~ Press Club DC: Reassessing US Israel 
~~~ IF YOU'VE A SHRED OF HUMANITY... WATCH THIS...Jewish Israeli Professor Nurit Peled: Gaza concentration Camp 
~~~ vid. Netanyahu: "America is easily moved' 
~~~ Richard Siegel - "In Palestine" 
~~~ ISM: Internationsl Solidarity Movement 
~~~ Christian Peacemaker Teams 

Day 15. If I do my job well, they will want to kill me......

I expect to be riding thru Fundamentalist christian, Zionist Cult (today's KKK' land as soon as tomorrow... on my way to Durham NC for work on EFFusion.  If I am doing my job well of embodying the Truth of the penultimate savaging of the Palestinian people by we white supremicists... they will want to kill me.  Yes, I could shut up, not go....  LOL.  Yes, that is right, I cannot turn....

Malala Aced Her High School Exams

Malala Aced Her High School Exams

***** Day 15....'but by giving at such an relative extreme, I am paying the price that among other things is Apparently sufficient to stir the souls of some of my fellow creatures.......' ( note to a major supporter of my efforts to serve Creation).....

Your action, that financial deposit, is Gigantic wind under the wings of my Attempts to serve Creation.  

Last night I slept in a closed down shell gas station parking lot, In what I think was a sufficiently shaded area from the street lamps. Lol. I'll never know to what degree I am good at selecting spots that are fairly invisible and to what degree people are merciful and simply let me try and catch a little sleep. Mostly the former I think but somewhat the latter. 

I know that in some cases it is simply kindness and even support, And even solidarity. For example, I am virtually certain from the kind, knowing, smiles from the young, tall, blonde haired male store manager at a local Royal Farms, just across the causeway inland on route 50, from Ocean City, that he knowingly, and happily, allowed me to sleep in their parking lot several days ago, Choosing to neither call the police nor to ask me to leave, nor even to disturb my fitful sleep. 

I think it is true that by every objective measure I am giving virtually every breath, every effort, every resource, Every fiber of my being... To try and better the outlook for Creation. I am to be envied if this is true. I am to be envied in any case for the quality of life I experience every breath as a result of making the attempt. 

But I am also noting that by living at that extreme, although given the war of mass destruction being waged on all of Creation now by  our criminal apathy, Cowardice, selfishness, should be the norm, but by giving at such an relative extreme, I am paying the price that among other things is Apparently sufficient to stir the souls of some of my fellow creatures. This is gratifying for me. It is not enough. But it is gratifying.  And it is an afirming of the path that Creator, Creation, has me walking.  and it a firms the obvious... We only get what we pay for. We only get change when we or others or both pay for it. 
This is what liberals strive with every breath to deny. This is why they are the major instruments of the extermination of all creation.

I highly recommend it. No, not the exact Form and manifestation, but the absolute paying the price of one's life for a better outlook for Creation.

I highly recommend it.  I will Joyfully give my last breath in my Pitiful attempt to lead others to the same personal salvation, the only possible collective salvation, The only possible personal salvation from a life other than one that is experienced as Heaven.

Due to your kind, ready, willing, selfless support of these efforts... As early as today and as late as early next week I will begin the 40 to 50 hour journey (By choice, I will peddle the entire distance doing about 25 percent of the work and letting that great fusion reactor in the sky do 75 percent of the work. My pitiful little part increases my speed and distance by maybe 10, 15, or 20%, gives me exercise, and gives me the gratification of giving all that I have to give) to Durham North Carolina for the preparation of this vehicle for the arduous, Continent wide, journey that has already begun.



Day 14. Okay, here's the deal. I remain marooned in Ocean City Maryland

Okay, here's the deal. I remain marooned in Ocean City Maryland expecting a part to fix the broken rear axle Friday morning for a Friday installation or at the latest Saturday, I hope. Though it could be delayed until Monday. On Monday at the latest I expect to depart on the 325 mile journey 2 Organic transit to do what is necessary to restore the elf to pre theft Joyride trauma in Washington DC, prior to my full cross-country journey. It looks like I am about $700 short, or one-third short, of what is needed to be done at Organic transit. I will make the journey anyway, I expect,  because two-thirds of the work is better than none. But the remaining one third is definitely not frills. And it will be wonderful if funds come forward that permit some or all of that remaining third to be done.

If you would like to contribute please let me know the amount so that I can do final planning.


***** Day 13, general update

Day 13, general update. I remain in Ocean City Maryland, marooned by a broken axle on the rear wheel of the elf. Thankfully, the elf has remained functional but it would be unwise for me to travel from here, where I have cultivated a relationship with a very nice and able bicycle mechanic, until I secure a replacement part from the manufacturer. I suspect that in no time in my last 8 years of human rights activism have I had a more productive 10 days or so. The campaign I am waging is deeply touching people every day. Ocean City is not a small area and yet every day someone will come up to me and say, oh, I am so glad to see you, I saw your vehicle several days ago, & I so much wanted to find out what this is all about. Or something to that effect. Spiritually, and intellectually, these have been easily the most productive days that I have had in many many years. I think part of it is this community in Ocean City. Nice, simple, honest, hardworking people. I expect before long to be in more of a Bible Belt situation and the hostility that I may receive both on climate change and on Palestine could literally be life threatening. A risk that I do not hesitate to take. It continues that I have no money for food, no money for lodging, so that I can husband what resources I have and/or that I receive for further investments in the elf which I am using as an extremely long distance vehicle, unlike anyone else on at the moment. Anyone whose spirit resonates with this campaign and wishes to see it go forward and would like to make a donation, now, literally today, would be a good time to let me know. I need to make a monumental decision today, Wednesday. -- Sent from Fast notepad


***** vlog. I weep at her, their, humble kindness and support.......

***** What was Jesus purpose? Was it to make us Christians? Was it to make us Loving?....My study, my experience......

What was Jesus purpose? Was it to make us Christians? Was it to make us Loving?....
My study, my experience, my living... Tell me that there is no question. Jesus purpose was to make us loving, unconditionally loving, Universal family, by whatever name, by whatever creed, or by no name, or by no Creed at all.
I see almost no instances, virtually no instances, where Christians, Christian groups, denominations, or the most well meaning of individuals... Get this right. To that extent Christianity becomes a trap, maybe the last great, maybe the ultimate... Trap... That keeps people from achieving what Jesus died to give us... A life that is Loving incarnate.
Imagine that I ran a coffee shop that was largely free. And what I advertised was the skills of Michael Jordan, I praised, I honored, I offered... The skills of Michael Jordan.
Well, what could be wrong with that?
Imagine that what you experienced in the coffee shop was the most rigorous mental and physical regimen, disciplines, practices... That reasonably and logically might move one toward having and using the skills of Michael Jordan? That would be pretty reasonable and legitimate, correct?
Now imagine another alternative. Imagine that in this coffee shop you found the most pleasant, the most sincere, the most honest... People.  And in their sincerity, in their honesty... What they were offering was... Say these words, hold these beliefs, join this group... And you will have, we are offering you, we are giving you... The skills of Michael Jordan. Aside from their honesty, truthfulness, sincerity... Would u not consider this insane? Would u not consider that by whatever mistake, error, being misled, confusion,... Would you not consider that they were offering you some fraud? Some absurdity? Some nonsense? Trivial magic? The skills of Michael Jordan can only be approached through the most rigorous, dedicated, arduous, committed, devoted... every breath practice, in truth, in honesty, in brutal honesty.
We are told that Jesus said, & I believe that he probably did, that the Sabbath is made for man, not man made for the Sabbath. This was shocking and appalling to the scribes and Pharisees. But of course, Jesus was correct. Creator is Loving in incarnate. The purpose of Sabbath and other practices is to return us to being with Creator, to incarnation Creator... loving. And yet the scribes and Pharisees had perverted Sabbath into being the goal itself. Jesus said, absolutely not!
Where is the Christian that loves God, that loves Jesus, that loves Loving... So much that they will live this truth? Christianity is not made for us. Christianity, the degree to which Jesus was involved in creating it, is not made for our comfort, for us to feel superior, for us to enjoy a club, for us to offer the club to others. If there is a valid purpose of Christianity, and that is a big if, if there is a valid purpose to Christianity, it is to make us more loving. The degree to which Christianity was made by true followers of Jesus, Christianity was made for man to become more loving, not for man to become Christian. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Will a Christian, will Christians, ever get it right? Will any denomination? Will any religion? Will any individual? Does anyone love Creator, does anyone love creation, does anyone love Loving... enough to do this?

vlog day 9. god bless you, said the woman as she expectedly handed me a donation. He just did, I replied in joy.

Palestinian lawyer on hunger strike over Israeli detention policy falls into coma

I was “part of a terror organization,” says Israeli pilot turned activist


Day number 8. Anonymous commented on my blog, you need to get more sleep, you know. My reply: By far the most difficult part is being so tired. To be unwelcome everywhere at all times....

Day number 8. Anonymous commented on my blog, you need to get more sleep, you know. My reply:  By far the most difficult part is being so tired. To be unwelcome everywhere at all times is immensely stressful and taxing on the system. I am not complaining. I am adjusting. I think that being unwelcome and being tired is probably central to what I am being called to do. I didn't realize that's what I was being called to do but I am very clear that it is. No, being tired and unwelcome is not my goal but it is a byproduct of my goal which is to travel the country trying to wake people up to the needless murder of our children's future.

It is nice to hear from you

"Homelessness never left town because somebody gave it a ticket," Tars says. "The only way to end homelessness is to make sure everybody has access to affordable, decent housing."

Youth Sue Obama Administration For Allowing Climate Change, Violating Constitutional Rights


vlog. Day 5. These two solar panels seem shockingly effective in overcast

vlog. Day 4 cont

vlog. Day 4. Sleeping with the dead. No. Really.

Day 4. Iccarus cont

vlog. Day 4. Iccarus, flying too close to the sun....

vlog. Day 3. Impossibly weak and fatigued. Well...

Day 5. 1st great solar day... sailed, surfed... the fusion far

vlog. Day 5. My life, my blog - Intersection of Jesus, God, Good...etc and Jay...

Day 7: 1st of what I expect to be many encounters with police... If you look comfortable and vulnerable... you are a target...

Day 7: 1st of what I expect to be many encounters with police... If you look comfortable and vulnerable... you are a target...

Make no mistake, this was a very nice young officer.  Truly.  Nice young man, smart, professional, human, decent.

...And, doing what those of means, who ultimately pay his salary want, keep those without means... out of the way.  And, to his credit, he did that as reluctantly and sparingly as he could.

My bad.  I should have realized I was being too comfortable... two hours on the edge of a low traffic sidewalk working on computer, gathering late afternoon fusion energy, air-drying, out of view, my rotting feet.

Had I been more alert, not sure what I'd have done differently... moved after an hour probably.

Lesson learned. 

Maryland does NOT LIKE BIKES!  Maybe it is the same with all states, but surely rural Maryland.  OK in elitest, liberal communities, maybe.

Familiarity, in this sick society. does in deed, breed contempt.

In Jesus' day, too.

Day 7. Blessed are the poor for they are wealthy in their heart, their spirit, often times.

Today was fairly typical of the encounters I have had with people. Today I spent doing errands after spending the morning on the sidewalk, boardwalk, at Ocean City, which closes to bike traffic at 11 a.m. After that I did errands one of which was to get supplies at Home Depot. I found great interest in EL fusion by the customers at Home Depot in Washington DC and found the same thing today here in Ocean City Maryland. There were four significant encounters: an assistant store manager who I asked advice on extending my trailer for a third solar panel, the second encounter with a retired professional man I would judge, the third with a young professional man I would judge, and the fourth with an African American man, the first three encounters were white males, the fourth with an African American man about my age who in conversation among other things revealed that he had been an addict and homeless. Of the four individuals my guess is that money is particularly tight with only the fourth individual. the encounters were the same dialog from me in all instances including my expressing the urgency I feel by telling each individual that everything I had to spend was in the elf, no money for lodging, no money for food. in all four cases the response was not inappropriate from the individuals. but can you guess which individual from the heart obviously, instantly reached in his wallet and wanted me to have some money? Yes, it was only the fourth man. one could see the wheels of reason, prudence, caution, societal norms,... Turning in the heads of the first three. in all four cases there was an obvious understanding and respect for what they were being told and what they were witnessing. But only in the fourth case was there other than a profound lack of spiritual understanding. Blessed are the poor in material things because often they have a wealth of spiritual understanding that those with means do not have.

Day 7. Uh oh. My feet are rotting.....

My pattern so far is to spend from 10 p.m. until I can't stand the pain anymore about 1 a.m. sitting up in El fusion on the theory that that won't be too scary for any passersby or two antagonistic to the police. Between 1 p.m. and 5:15 a.m. I have been quickly putting my self inflating pad on the ground laying down with a fleece blanket and a pillow beside the elf. I make the transition quickly so as not draw attention to myself and this has involved leaving my boots on for days on end. a scratching feeling and pronounced odor drew my attention this afternoon a problem. My feet are rotting. I feel comfortable in quickly brushing my teeth and using a washcloth in a convenience store restroom but as yet I have encountered no facilities for bathing  beyond that.


***** Day two ride for creation... Kafka Twilight Zone. This was nearly insane. At 6 in the mornin the very kind senior young police officer at the major Maryland Transportation Authority station informed me that I had been misinformed, we do not transport bicycles of any size over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.....

Check out my 36.3 mi Ride on Strava:

***** Day two ride for creation... Kafka Twilight Zone. This was nearly insane. At 6 in the mornin the very kind senior young police officer at the major Maryland Transportation Authority station informed me that I had been misinformed, we do not transport bicycles of any size over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. By his answer it was clear he had never heard of such a thing. I was not despondent.  It takes a pretty severe body blow for me even to notice. But I noticed. It surely was a sobering thought that the other side of the Chesapeake was 20 minutes away by car and I needed to instead go 4 days north and south around the bay.  as I reported earlier Google Maps absolutely says that there is no alternative to going all the way around the bay for a bike rider. I wish I could report that I was at that point clever, hopeful, resourceful or some other positive characteristic. I was none of those. I simply realized that I was facing an additional 4 days to get to Ocean City Maryland unless I found a way. I totally assumed that the officer was correct. I simply calculated that it was worth sitting down with the Internet before getting on with my inevitable additional 4 days. . Well, there is a way,  So well hidden, so invisible, that fewer than three dozen people find it in any year according to the owner.. Kent Island transport. I called them. He was very vague and rushed. 15 minutes later as I was sitting on the curb this fella presents himself, I'm Steve, your bike is bigger than I thought. I'll be back. Half an hour later he was back with a large pickup truck. He and I hoisted el Fusion into the back of the truck and also the trailer and 20 minutes later I was across the bridge. So bizarre. Twilight Zone. For your enjoyment, please, think about this.

Maryland laws apparently prevent bicycles from traveling on state roads because they cannot keep up with traffic. In parts of the state they very carefully maintain bike lanes. But on the route from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge they assume that few if any people will know of this transport company so they provide neither bike lanes nor many routes for bicycles. When I lied to Google and said I was already on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake it gave me a bike route. 15 minutes into the ride I lost the GPS signal. Whether it is because T Mobile did not have a tower in the area or because my tablet lost the signal I don't know. But for 3 hours I sat in the equivalent of a large Wawa and could not figure out how to get from where I was toward Ocean City Maryland on a bike legal route and route 50 is a major highway that I was right by and it is terrifying for a cyclist. I finally thought to restart my tablet, did so, and I had the GPS back. You have heard stories about people being trapped in an airport for decades because they lost their passport. This is what it felt like for me. It was extremely bizarre. None of the people in the store during those three hours that I asked believed there was a legal way I could get from where I was toward Ocean City, and this includes a very nice sheriff who came in. he suggested that I watch for a state police person to come into the store as he said they do, and when after 3 hours I had not seen one I was about to try and get one on the phone but had the last minute thought of restarting my tablet. Well, GPS was back, google gave me a bike route, & I was on my way. 

Last night I pedaled until I couldn't pedal anymore. That was about 10 o'clock in the middle of the endless beautiful Maryland farm land between the Chesapeake and the Atlantic. I was on a highly traveled route as everyone from Washington was going to the shore. But by 10 o'clock things were slowing a little bit. I was looking for a place where I could sit and sleep, or even lay down on my question next to health fusion, and saw nothing.  So bizer. twilight  zone. New paragraph

Finally I saw some flashing lights announcing construction ahead but immediately past the lights there was no construction so that was my spot. I SAT up and slept for an hour. My legs screaming in discomfort awakened me, I put my sleep mat down away from the road but exactly next to El fusion and slept quite peacefully, except for legs in pain, until 5:30 when my alarm awakened me and I was on my way.

There has been very little, virtually no, sunshine on the trip up through this day two. No Fusion from the sky to me recharge.   I traveled only about 36 miles that whole day.

Something occurred to me that really amazed me. What occurred to me is that the work of saving humanity, at which I will fail, but but which I will attempt with my last breath, has nothing to do with the speed we are told is necessary for high achievement in this sickest of all cultures of ours. Here I am, several advanced degrees, decades of experience and practice of moving much faster than anyone else  intellectually, emotionally, physically... Here I am averaging 10 miles per hour, traffic racing past me at highway speed inches from me, realizing, that neither I, nor anyone, could be much more effective than I am. The point I realized is that changing the spirit of humanity, which is the only way we can save creation, has nothing to do with physical speed and may be inversely proportional. the work of changing the spirit must be done with great speed, immediacy, urgency, passion... Now... But that the fastest route to that may be the equivalent of the original Wright brothers plane, moving at a glacial pace through Maryland and Delaware farm country.

el Fusion and I without direct effort are eliciting deep, passionate, meaningful, relevant encounters with people that are drawn to the spectacle in a very deep way. These are extremely productive days for me. They are extremely affirming of the path that Creator has me on. and, of course, possibly thousands of people driving slow or fast past el fusion and they are also having substantial encounters with another way of being that is sustainable and not destructive of the planet. I am amazed and delighted with the productivity of this campaign.

A fellow about my age, he said he lives on a boat on Kent Island, approached me in that large Wawa parking lot as I was working on the elf while batteries charged inside. I answered his questions about the elf, explained, as I I always do, that although the elf is a wonderful vehicle I need it as much as I need a bullet in the head.  I explained that for me I would much rather be sitting in the Library of Congress reading, but that is not what is needed of me. I further explained as I usually do on this trip that everything I have to spend is tied up in the elf, no money left for food, no money left for lodging, that I expect to fail but I refuse not to try with my last breath. moments later we were inside and he was ordering me a sandwich, a cookie, and one of those health food drinks. He was clearly taken with what I was doing, inspired, and wanted to contribute. I gladly accepted.   I usually am having 1 2 or 3 such encounters per day.