From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


Day 1: So sad, so joyful....

So sad, so joyful.... I am so profoundly sad with what we are doing to Earth in every regard. There is kindness, as I describe below. Tragically, so far, it is way too little, way too late. It never occurred to me to stop in Annapolis. I lied and told Google Maps that I wanted to go to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. I had to lie because if I told it I was going to Ocean City Maryland it knows that bicycles are not allowed on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge what it would have done is sent me 100 miles south or a hundred miles north around the bay. What I hope I know that Google Maps does not know is that the police take cyclists across the bridge putting the cycle on the trailer. Even a cycle as large as hell fusion. I was told this by the one friendly bike shop in DC I have found quite to my shocked as I found nothing on the internet about this please service. Tomorrow morning I expect to find out if bike shop was correct or not. 32 miles into my trip from Washington today I noticed Annapolis. It was total clouds most of the trip, and even if it had not been, this final half of the trip was through beautiful forest and the shade would have prevented much of the fusion energy from the sky exciting the solar panels. So I decided to come to Annapolis to hopefully find an affordable coffee shop and for the price of coffee plug in for couple of hours as I ran one of the batteries dry yesterday afternoon and today. Asking several people if they knew the city and the first two or three and to be tourists as clueless as I I found a local couple sitting on a bench looking for a bus and they directed me to what turns out to be the coffee shop I was looking for I'm sitting across the street from it now. The young man at the counter said sure to me charging my batteries in the shop even though I would be sitting outside with the elf. I was told that the meter maids are pretty aggressive in this town. I showed him a picture of the elf and near immediately he said you accept donations to which I replied yes. Here is 2 dollars. I gratefully accepted. I asked him if at closing time they ever had expired food that could be purchased at a good price. He did not mind the question and said maybe. An hour later I went back to check with every and said, now that I have $2 for breakfast, you know where one can get a good breakfast at a good price here in town. He said here! I looked at the wall and the cheapest breakfast sandwich I saw was $5. I don't remember why he said what he did but he said hold on a moment, return with free bagels in his hands, and said what kind of breakfast baked bagel do you want me to make you right now. I said, no, you are doing too much. He insisted. When I gratefully took the breakfast sandwich I gave the $2 to the tip jar. He early happy about that but I insisted. Such kindness. When I first arrived even before I went in the coffee shop the street space that I saw was two doors down from the coffee shop in front of an upscale restaurant. I parked there and two young servers were standing outside, I ask them if I was likely to get in trouble. They said that the meter maids were pretty aggressive. The angelic young lady of the two ask about El fusion I explained to her elfusion and the journey. I said, please don't mind me saying this, but if one of your customers leaves some food scraps I have no money for food or lodging and that would be quite helpful to this journey. She did not mind me asking. I explained that another shop was letting me charge my batteries and that I would be around for another couple of hours. An hour later, I had stepped away from El fusion, and when I return there was a large container of fish and chips on the seat. Such kindness. Almost no one I have spoken to thinks that the police will take l-theanine across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Actually, no one thinks they will. I expect to go there tonight anyway to what appears to be the point where they block cyclists from going over, sleeping in or around the elf, I hope, and learning in the morning weather another hundred miles added to my drive or not. For breakfast I'll be having the sandwich that kind young man made for me. -- Sent from Fast notepad

See map. El fusions ride for creation has begun.

I rode with MapMyRide! Distance: 36.02mi, time: 04:25:42, pace: 7:23min/mi, speed: 8.13mi/h.


He who would save his life shall lose it. He who would lose his life for the sake of the Gospel, the good news, shall gain it, as is my experience, every breath.

He who would save his life shall lose it. He who would lose his life for the sake of the Gospel, the good news, shall gain it, as is my experience, every breath.

Creator willing the trailer and solar panel and ELFusion will be assembled and fused tomorrow morning.....

Creator willing the trailer and solar panel and ELFusion will be assembled and fused tomorrow morning. Final supplies should arrive tomorrow afternoon. I expect to sleep with ELFusion and trailer in a park here in DC tomorrow night, to collect the final things from the shelter, sign out, and get an early start toward the Atlantic shores. I fantasize that I will do the 14 hour ride in 2 days and roughly 14 hours. Of course it could be multiples of that. Have no idea of what ELFusion can do, what I can do, what the demands are. A little bit of excitement comes with the fact that bicycles are prohibited on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Yet I am informed that the police dependably will put a vehicle even as large as mine on a trailer and take it across for $4. If not, that adds 8 10 15 hours to the trip forcing me to go way north around the bay or way south around the Bay.


I find near all of the left's comments about President Obama shallow, cheap, cowardly.......

I find near all of the left's comments about President Obama shallow, cheap, cowardly. I think they should strive to do better. Is it really anyone's calling to devote their lives to being in judgment of others? Seems to me our harshest judgment should be reserved for ourselves. I have never once seen that from the left, except from St. Chris Hedges. -- Sent from Fast notepad

** As the young Jewish man attacked me yesterday for the first time in my life that I recall I........

***** As the young Jewish man attacked me yesterday for the first time in my life that I recall I found and exercised the choice simply to be the presence of goodness, humanity, solidarity, decency, humanity... Was it a successful thing to do, was it a wise thing to do, was it an effective thing to do? I don't know. But I think so. I think it was more appropriate, more powerful, more hopeful than any other way of responding I could have chosen. By doing so I did not feed the hatred in this poor twisted young man. I did not provide him other than an example of humanity, solidarity, decency by my behavior. With my choice,  not for effect , but because it was the most constructive response I could think of for  both of us, I essentially  paused, non responded ,  waited ...  for the  constructive spirit in this young man which I presume exists.  Of course, he left long before that might have happened.  But that  waiting  which was my choice  could act on them,  may act on him, in slow motion over  any amount of time.  I don't think it will be without effect within him. Thereby I gave him a greater potential to change in the future than any other way I could have responded based on my prior experience. I suspect this will not be the last time that I choose such a response. It could well become my norm. Over the last three years or so there has been extremely fleeting insights where I thought I was catching a glimpse how to take a significant and maybe profound leap as an agent for positive change. Yesterday, unbidden, the way the growth of a new leaf is un bidden by the tree, may have been the growth I was previously glimpsing.


***** What every day teaches me, no credit to me, almost none can see or comprehend. So sad. Heaven IS devoting every breath to the Global Neediest, and leaving 10000000% of everything else to Creator. Maybe you live. Maybe you die. Makes no difference. It is Heaven.

***** What every day teaches me, no credit to me, almost none can see or comprehend.  So sad.  Heaven IS devoting every breath to the Global Neediest, and leaving 10000000% of everything else to Creator.  Maybe you live. Maybe you die.  Makes no difference. It is Heaven.

***** LONG OVERDUE UPDATE: ELFusion was found 7 hours after it was stolen... By a very....

If you have not, read this post before reading further:  
Post begun several weeks ago...

ELFusion was found 7 hours after it was stolen at 6pm Friday, Judiciary Square, bright sunlight... 2 weeks ago as I went 10 min, 2 blocks, on foot delivering food to the homeless... By a very kind and compassionate police officer. He tried to call with the good news (sort of, it was substantially trashed, all belongings gone...) me at 1 in the morning and several times after but I hardly ever use cell phone so my cell phone practices are non-existent. The phone was off.

8 in the morning or so began the process of getting it out of police lock up by 4 in the afternoon. $2200 dollars in damage but not structural, it is driveable. As you might see from the picture on the blog it now has extensive graphics that covers much of a cosmeticDamage.

The young man will do years in prison for grand theft.

 (Praying you enlarge, and ponder deeply, all the graphics here.  My DNA developed, honed, built... over a lifetime.)

 It was insured ($28/mo) but the insurance I find out afterwards does not apply because it was not locked. I will seek legal counsel to see if that is valid as I was not warned. I presume that if a car is stolen and the insurance applies whether the car was locked or not.  (Some  lawyers counseled me to file a claim which I began tonight.)

All the contents were gone most importantly my computer and battery equipment.  Gone forever.

After all these many years of activism an anonymous donor, tho of limited means, has emerged with virtually complete trust and passionate support for me, for my service to humanity and given how profoundly frugal I am I will have a refurbished lowest end Dell to (weakly, barely...) replace the computer early next week, a lower cost backpack and similar or lower cost versions of what was stolen.  Everything replaced, and the bare necessities for the trip... everything except food, lodging, a place to park and sleep till the next day, a place to shower occasionally and do laundary....

Yes, it is easy to dismiss me as careless, irresponsible, stupid....  If you think about it honestly you will realize that: 1. I have chosen to be on the front lines of the world's greatest cancers, on the most crucial battlefields... so by definition at every moment I am at mortal risk; and 2. unlike any level of bicycle or any level of car both of which can instantly disapear upon being stolen, blending in with other bicycles for other cars, it is impossible for the elf to not give people whiplash as they crane their heads to see this vehicle they have never seen before. My miscalculation in leaving it for 10 minutes while I delivered a bag of soon to expire food from an oh so kind bakery to the shelter two blocks away was that anyone would happily do two years in prison for a brief Joyride. This is the level of desperation that we, we nice citizens, the level of desperation that we have produced through our slathering of resources on ourselves rather than spending it on our neediest brothers and sisters as every other species of life would do.

I do not fault myself for that miscalculation. I will fault myself if I make that miscalculation again which I do not expect to do. And it only re-doubles my determination to be my pitiful little part of trying to make the world a less neglected, less abused, less destroyed, less raped and plundered, less exploited, less robbed place.

Yes, miscalculation #1 is that there ARE folks SO TORMENTED BY YOUR GODLESS/HEARTLESS culture... they'd gladly do years in prison for a 2 hour joyride.

2 other miscalculations:
#2.  That such a tormented creature could count on dozens, even hundreds of onlookers... not caring enough to step forward;

3.  That the Elf was mine, and that therefore, like my own life, I could gladly lose it in the service of Humanity.  Huh?  What I realized afterward is NOT mine, nor is my Life, nor any other belongings, funds.... They are the girl's, picture at top of this blog, and thousands like her, and the elepahnts, rhinos, orcas, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics... poor.... It is theirs.  I'm just the steward.  YES, I KNEW THIS, I KNOW THIS, I LIVE THIS.  But this brought a greater clarity, and maybe, had I thought of it, I'd have been slightly more careful of THEIR belongings.  Not sure. We'll see.

The next body blow came 2 days ago when, after several near all nighters I completed the ELFusion graphics and arranged for a firm to apply the graphics, made a 50 percent down payment and then the full payment.... arrived on Capitol Hill, having done a months worth of due diligence with the Capitol Hill police...  to be sure that the elf would be allowed on the hill.... only to have a crestfallen officer arrive just after I did and say, 'oops, the lawyers just informed us that you cannot have the Elf on Capitol Hill.'

A sledgehammer to my head would have been less disrupting to me. I was very respectful but very honest with the officers I spoke with ... being sure they understood that I had gone to every length that a citizen should go to and that I would not have spent the $5500 dollars, everything I have been able to save, on the elf until I heard from capital Capitol Hill police that it would be allowed.

The sergeant I was speaking with was as they almost all are (here in DC - Cap Hill Police, Sec Svc, Park Police...) a very decent human being. & I finally said, 'officer, I think you all should go to bat for me. I am not asking you to do so. I am saying out of respect, I did everything a citizen should do, this is not my fault, but I am paying the price, I think you all should go to bat for me.' And bless his heart... he went to bat....

The bottom line is that together we arranged for me to get a permit so that I can be on Capitol Hill.

When one lives a profoundly virtuous life for the sake of it, a principled life for the sake of it, the decency and principle still alive in a few of our brothers and sisters responds, rises, is resurrected, reinforced, and important work can sometimes be completed.

Beginning Monday, creator willing, I will be on the hill each of the four days (I was) that Congress is still in session before their much deserved 6 weeks away at their pig trough, no disrespect to the pigs.

The horror with the Cap Hill Police?  Ooops, you can't be here... (after a months due dilligence with them before I purchased!!!).. well, same thing with Secret Service... you can't have it even near the White House.  Same deal, I treated them and it with profound respect... and we worked out an arrangement.  To the credit of these decent folks.  To the credit of years of devoted True Activism by me, Paying the Price for what I want... observed by these folks, EARNING their respect, regard... and ultimately, these Sec Svc officers went to bat for me, as well, and it is now resolved.

Wednesday, creator willing, I follow DC to the Atlantic Shore (them on vacation, me every breath advocating for Human Rights). Them in posh houses.  Me along the roadside, back allys, jail, wherever... taking the Elf where it is under their noses, and the noses of we brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, grandmothers... that so far don't give  a F*** about the young ones enough to stop the fossil fuel insanity, slaughter of Palestine (and EVERYONE'S Human Rights), US rape of our sis and bros of color... the poor or the world.

Yes, I'll fail miserably, but I'll not fail to try.

Creator willing, if I survive (I'll only eat if folks step up with food or money there for).  My supporter and I have paid for the Elf stuff but nothing left for food.. unless some Angels step up. And if they don't....  I've been ready for years to go Home.  Not my concern. I've done, I do, I'll continue to do my part for Creation... until I'm taken Home... and then I GO WILLINGLY, HAPPILY, JOYFULLY.

If I survive August on the coast, I expect to return to DC for medical tests... and to depart on a tour of up to all 50 states.

Note: the felons who Run the shelter I am in? The virtually total african-americans staff who has every understandable reason to detest, wish to torment, wish to torture, wish to terrorize... A criminally overprivileged white guy and more broadly my race? With barely a request from me they are breaking all of the rules and allowing my stuff to remain for a month, the rule is two days, and allowing me to return.


YES, NEAR CERTAINLY WE WON'T EITHER... but we could.  There are 300 million of us. We could save them without breaking a sweat.  Not one, not me, but just a handfull of us being properly  deranged....

Time for me to do what I've been called to do for 15 years now, but only now see how to do... carry a Cross, the Cross of Self Ransom, Payed-for-Redemption, Loving... Serving from the Soul in Solidarity... across the country.

No one has ever done, nor thought of doing... what I'm about to... have an ELFusion as a home base... sleeping alongside (or inside during storms); living off the fusion reactor in the sky for elec cross country... dragging a 2nd solar panel for distance... eating off the Loving of Angels (GLADLY including dumpster diving if I get some direction, handouts, left-overs, food-kitchens), home cooked meals... or gladly going Home early...

I've never been more Joyful.  I've never been more at Peace.  My Life up until now has been nothing but preparation.

Mine is to make the attempt with every breath.

If some Angels don't step up now to help, I'll die.  That will be just fine.

But that's not up to me either way.

I'll do my part, as long as my heart gives me the next beat.

Share this with everyone you know that might want to use the paypal button ( start_loving at yahoo dot com) to fuel Loving (pka James). He'll not eat, nor last long, otherwise.  He and his supporter will handle everything else, everything but... Loving's fuel (food), and of course, Creator provides the Sun, that infinite, free Fusion Reactor... for Elf, in addition to what body fat Angels give me to contribute to the ride.

....If an every single waking breath devoted passionate Servant of neediest Creation is not worth his food... Oh, I am sooooooooo ready to go Home.

pic. You're insane unless deeply, profoundly, disturbed in this 2015 psychotic, self destroying world.

pic. 'Loving' is my name, tho I'll respond to 'James McGinley' for those who can't honor my wishes.


Donate at PayPal to email
Start_Loving at yahoo dot com


One who has been dear to me: 'How are you? Where are you???' My reply...

You are sooo funny. *=)) rolling on the floor

 I've jumped in wayyyyyyyy over my head. Every cent is pretty much gone, even food money, into the elf, see pic... click... enlarge. By mid next week I'll have a trailer with a second solar panel and I'll be headed to the MD shore... where DC goes for August. I'll sleep god knows where, in fields, allies, jails? I'll eat god knows what... all the $ are now in the elf.

It is my hail mary pass for creation, Palestine, we poor.... HUMANITY.... to wake the f*ck up and stop putting bullets in the heads of our kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids... which is EXACTLY WHAT WE DO EVERY TIME EVERY TIME EVERY TIME.... WE BURN OIL, COAL, NATURAL GAS. IT IS MURDER. AND THERE IS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... EXCUSE.

 My every second, skill, and attention is in trying to finalize the implementation, hence lack of update for days now. Probably by Sunday I'll have uploaded a much longer post I've been working on.

If some Angels don't stand up for this campaign... well, the elf will have all the sun, and my body fat, it needs, but I'll run out of body fat pretty soon. Well, not much of that. I'm 155. Haven't been that since mid 20's. I don't care what happens to me. This is a great campaign. I'm so blessed to have it. What will be will be.

Was on capital hill with it this week. First time I've sensed that the snakes were deeply and profoundly disturbed by my actions, like, 'Oh f***. How are we going to keep lying that we don't have the technology to harness that infinite fusion reactor in the sky... with the technology all but stuffed up our asses inches from where we slither???

Yes, I'll fail, but I'll not fail to try.

Watch the blog for a much bigger update hopefully soon.


***** By orders of magnitude the group I have most enjoyed living among are the several hundred outcast, poor, abused, systemically neglected, cast off, near all of color... Homeless men that I live with. Never before

***** By orders of magnitude the group I have most enjoyed living among are the several hundred outcast, poor, abused, systemically neglected, cast off, near all of color... Homeless men that I live with. Never before have I felt so at home with a group, so much akin with the group as this, never so much have I felt that I was with family since my dad died decades ago. The middle and upper class groups that I had been associated with all of my years prior from my earliest memories felt like foreigners to me, aliens, of a different species. Not so these homeless man I live with. Being with them has been and inexpressible privilege, joy, respite....



***** pic. ELF.usion: A new, powerful weapon against fossil fuels... for a Future for all Creation, a Free Palestine, Global Solidarity.....

ELF.usion I call it for reason's you'll understand if you enlarge the pic at the right.
ELF for short.
Billed with some honesty as the world's most efficient vehicle:
* Run off the stored energy from the free, infinite capacity, nuclear Fusion reactor in the sky that we call the sun which is generated when the 100 watt solar panel on the roof receives that sun. 

*  Run off my body fat, me a 3 year cancer survivor, who needs exercise, and craves consuming as little of Creation's resources as I can.

*  Pedal at any instant, use the electricity at any instant, in exactly the proportions you wish... either, or or both.

It is a joy to use. In DC I can go faster than any car... traffic and lights.

The motor is deliberately speed restricted to under 20 mph so in all 50 states it is legally a 'bike'... no license, registration, etc, etc....

But I got it entirely to promote the causes you see on the graphic, in and around DC, and maybe soon, up and down the mid-Atlantic coast, and soon, maybe all 50 states.
Question:  Email me -, leave a comment, or mesg me at my FB page StartLoving1.

Organic Transit web site (mfgr of the Elf, Durham NC):


***** I was cursed with being born materially wealthy and continued materially wealthy until about 15 years ago when I deliberately chose.....

***** I was cursed with being born materially wealthy and continued materially wealthy until about 15 years ago when I deliberately chose the path of material poverty - solidarity with the neediest in my global family,brotherhood Loving, Chrisylikeness, Waging Loving, Truth Force .... I wouldn't go back for anything in the world. I finally left the life of abject poverty of the Spirit for one of infinite wealth of the Spirit. Every second of my life now I am laughing all the way to the bank. I pity, I deeply pity with every cell in my body, the all but one in a million fools that are yearning for, are seeking, material well being, thereby murdering, trashing, destroying, abandoning, fleeing... their solidarity with all of humanity, with all of creation leaving their one and only true family behind. They are eating sand.

***** I was cursed with being born materially wealthy and continued materially wealthy until about 15 years ago when I deliberately chose the path of material poverty - solidarity with the neediest in my global family,brotherhood Loving, Chrisylikeness, Waging Loving, Truth Force .... I wouldn't go back for anything in the world. I finally left the life of abject poverty of the Spirit for one of infinite wealth of the Spirit. Every second of my life now I am laughing all the way to the bank. I pity, I deeply pity with every cell in my body, the all but one in a million fools that are yearning for, are seeking, material well being, thereby murdering, trashing, destroying, abandoning, fleeing... their solidarity with all of humanity, with all of creation leaving their one and only true family behind. They are eating sand. Article.......


***** "This James is a flake, con man, or worse," said the person on FB (different words), upon learning of all my belongings, incl computer, being robbed. My reply: 'What I am guilty of is departing from today's liberals who cower......

***** "This James is a flake, con man, or worse," said the person on FB (different words), upon learning of all my belongings, incl computer, being robbed.  My reply:  'What I am guilty of is departing from today's liberals who cower, whine, complain, and throw spit-balls at the Empire from the safety of the sidelines and their computers.  I am guilty of leaving them, in disgust, and going to, working at, living on the front of the battle of empire devouring us all.  OF THAT I STAND CONVICTED. I AM DISGUSTED BY THIS COMMENT. F'ING COWARD. 'Oh  look, that stupid soldier got shot.  His own fault for being on the battlefield!!!'  I'm not leaving, not till they carry me off stone cold. (Those who the shoe does not fit, should not wear it.  The exception(s) PROVE that what I've said is the rule.)


EVERYTHING STOLEN LAST EVENING. EVERYTHING: I had moments before moved everything out of the homeless shelter for my new life on the streets........

EVERYTHING STOLEN LAST EVENING.  EVERYTHING:  I had moments before moved everything out of the homeless shelter for my new life on the streets... Every possession I have in the world, including my computer, and the new 1 day old weapon for Palestine, Stopping Ecocide, and advocating for our Global Neediest... This Elf scheduled for full Advocacy Graphics on Tuesday...  was STOLEN 6pm yesterday... broad daylight, Judiciary for 10 minutes I was donating food to the homeless shelter guys. All they did not get is some winter clothing and what I am wearing.


A fellow on Facebook sent me an article that's encouraging people to accept their circumstances and to do good where they are . My reply: I passionately want my circumstances to be where I can serve better. The primary circumstance I keep trying to change.......

A fellow on Facebook sent me an article that's encouraging people to accept their circumstances and to do good where they are . My reply: I passionately want my circumstances to be where I can serve better. The primary circumstance I keep trying to change, and I'm having some limited success, the primary circumstance I try to change is me, what I am, Who I am, what level of wisdom I have, what level of compassion and humanity.... But with even greater passion I not only accept my circumstances, my conditions, I hold myself to the utmost responsibility to do what I can with what resources I have in the instant. Decades ago in business a very senior individual in the organization, a grudging admirer of mine, said, I have never seen anyone like you: you have one foot riveted in the clouds, that place where you want things to be much better, and you have the other foot riveted on the ground, implementing with every ounce of strength what can be implemented now, this instant. I think he was right then. I think it remains true today. I highly recommend it. Yes the tension is excruciating, but the joy and peace of heart are  infinitely greater.

***** Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In 11 Images

Snowden leak: Israeli commandos killed Syrian general at dinner party


***** My greatest lifelong failing maybe doing good, investing in good. 63 years of experience......n

***** My greatest lifelong failing maybe doing good, investing in good. 63 years of experience now tells me this was exactly the wrong thing for me to do, for anyone to do, for any of us to have done or to do now. It is absolutely too little, too late. Somehow, good is different than lived solidarity with the global neediest in creation. Someday maybe I will understand why this is so but it is unmistakable to my eyes that it is so. This notion has been with me for a number of weeks now and with this clarity I quite easily discern the difference and can act accordingly. My number one goal is to invest my life and any resources that I have in those living such solidarity with global neediest. I see almost none. I see none with sufficient clarity to do so. Why? I have only had these new eyes for weeks now. But for years I have been looking in the correct direction and even with these new eyes there is no one that I can see doing it, living in full solidarity, every breath. Well, of course I may see some but I can't recognize it with the little information that I have. Nevertheless, this is the work and this is the work that I am quite sure I will try and do. I do see that, no credit to me, my life,  my DNA, has brought me to the point where all I want to do, and all that I do do, is live in such solidarity so I am at peace with investing what little resources I have in my low resource requirements work and saving any additional resources for such time as I see the opportunity I most want, the ability to invest in those living in such solidarity.

***** Absolute, total, lived solidarity with the neediest... Is the best, proper, correct definition of Loving. Loving has been my central value to the extreme for all of my 63 years and with scholarly devotion for the last 15 years and yet what I have just written is only now coming clear to me. If only I had known. There is no Loving that is not absolute solidarity with the neediest, only different forms of lusting, as well intended as they may be.

***** Absolute, total, lived solidarity with the neediest... Is the best, proper, correct definition of Loving. Loving has been my central value to the extreme for all of my 63 years and with  scholarly devotion for the last 15 years and yet what I have just written is only now coming clear to me. If only I had known. There is no Loving that is not absolute solidarity with the neediest, only different forms of lusting, as well intended as they may be.

The only real failure is to not try what needs to be tried, to fail to attempt what needs to be attempted.

The only real failure is to try what needs to be tried, to fail to attempt what needs to be attempted.

A group of scientists has become infinitely more knowledgeable as to new species of life, newly found species of life, in the depths of the ocean, having plunged to never before reached, very dangerous depths that no one had yet explored. And so it is with me. Only when I leap to terrifying new spiritual and academic depths that I have never before had the courage or wisdom to dive into does my clarity, knowledge, understanding... increase. And how desperately I need these things to increase as I have been a total failure and precipitating meaningful social change thus far.

A group of scientists has become infinitely more knowledgeable as to new species of life, newly found species of life, in the depths of the ocean, having plunged to never before reached, very dangerous depths that no one had yet explored. And so it is with me. Only when I leap to terrifying new spiritual and academic depths that I have never before had the courage or wisdom to dive into does my clarity, knowledge, understanding... increase.  And how desperately I need these things to increase as I have been a total failure and precipitating meaningful social change thus far.

PSYCHO-STATE ISRAEL...FOR REAL. Israeli parents show pictures of their children with signs they have made calling for the execution of terrorists.

20 million face starving to death due to US backed bombing of Yemen

Seen on Facebook: if you ever feel really stupid remember that there are people that believe that two Penguins walked all the way from the Antarctic to the Middle East to get on a boat.

Seen on Facebook: if you ever feel really stupid remember that there are people that believe that two Penguins  walked all the way from the Antarctic to the Middle East to get on a boat.

***** Cancer, the most feared of killers, is simply a cell that has lost its compassion for, its solidarity with, the greater body.

***** Cancer, the most feared of killers, is simply a cell that has lost its absolute compassion for, its solidarity with, the greater body.

pic. I see the most hideous ugliness of the Spirit everywhere that I see material wealth. Yes, especially the wealth of the middle class intellectual elite liberals... the true foot soldiers, enablers, of those destroying creation... the 'dead force' as Chris Hedges calls them.

Nonviolent resistance in Palestine: steadfastness, creativity and hope

‘This Ends Now': Boston-area SJPs call for BDS in response to Israel’s obstruction of Freedom Flotilla


The most widely read, most beloved, most instrumental author to the American Revolution died friendless: Thomas....

The most widely read, most beloved, most instrumental author to the American Revolution died friendless: Thomas Paine, yes, that, Thomas Paine . Now, bring to your mind the magnitude of what he did that became the country known as America. Realize, that America never would have become without Thomas Paine. he was far and away the most widely read author pre revolution in the United States. Think about that. Now think about this: he died virtually friendless. 6 people came to his funeral and three of them were black as I recalled. Why? Because he was against the status quo of rule by the elites. For him the so-called American Revolution was simply I change from a British ruling elite to a domestic ruling elite. The masses remained subjugated. Blacks remained subjugated. Women regain remained subjugated... All by way of plan and intention from the ruling elites. Thomas Paine's very being was against this. This was known. So within moments of the Revolutionary War being won he became pariah, persona non grata, unwelcome, friendless. This is my understanding from an article I posted yesterday from the penultimate scholar Chris Hedges entitled, 'In extreme times liberals are a dead [ absolutely useless ]force.'

***** Sons of man have nowhere to lay their head. Loving without living in absolute solidarity is not Loving. That which is not Loving is exactly that which is at war against Creator, Creation.

Sons of man have nowhere to lay their head.  Loving without living in absolute solidarity is not Loving. That which is not Loving is exactly that which is at war against Creator, Creation.

nd. I am my global family. We are dying. We are profoundly unsafe. I am working with every atom of my being to make me (my glogal neediest, all of us) more safe.

I am my global family. We are dying. We are profoundly unsafe.   I am working with every atom of my being to make me (my glogal neediest, all of us) more safe.

***** nd. Why would I want to live in the luxury of a homeless shelter, let alone a rent-subsidized efficiency by the White House... when billions of my family could never in 1000 years dream of such luxury? (I abhor the idea. Moving back onto the DC streets by this weekend, intensifying my fight for our neediest Family.) "The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse to have what [billions] cannot [have]." Gandhi. Indeed. "A son of man has nowhere to rest his head." In fact.

***** nd.  Why would I want to live in the luxury of a homeless shelter, let alone a rent-subsidized efficiency by the White House... when billions of my family could never in 1000 years dream of such luxury?  (I abhor the idea. Moving back onto the DC streets by this weekend, intensifying my fight for our neediest Family.)  "The golden rule is to steadfastly refuse to have what [billions] cannot [have]."  Gandhi.  Indeed.  "A son of man has nowhere to rest his head."  In fact.

***** I hold contempt for the feeling of loving. I revere totally and absolutely Loving as a way of Being... being Christian, Christlike, Serving the Neediest from the Soul in Solidarity... by whatever words, or no words at all.

I hold contempt for the feeling of loving. I revere totally and absolutely Loving as a way of Being... being Christian, Christlike, Serving the Neediest from the Soul in Solidarity... by whatever words, or no words at all.

***** HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR: "Call the Zionists what they are: NAZI CRIMINALS....If we want to stay real human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed.

***** HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR:  "We must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals....If we want to stay real human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals,” Meyer said. The hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews,” he observed.

In last interview, Auschwitz survivor urged Palestinians “not to give up their fight”



Blessed Are the Poor: Pope Francis Visits Paraguay Slum

***** Episcopal Bishops Did Not Reject Divestment from Israel

Protesters against coal-fired power plant stage hunger strike

Paramedical staffers are on a hunger strike nationwide in protest against the outsourcing and privatisation of health services and demanded filling up of positions that are lying vacant for a long time.

Hunger strike planned to demand water

***** Pope Francis’ Speech on the Poor and Indigenous Peoples

***** VIDEO: Chris Hedges: In Extreme Times, ‘Liberals Are a Dead Force’

Bloomberg Business: 6. The Climate Is Still Screwed The shift to renewables is happening shockingly fast, but not fast enough to prevent perilous levels of global warming. About $8 trillion, or two thirds of the world's spending on new power capacity over the next 25 years, will go toward renewables. Still, without additional policy action by governments, global carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector will continue to rise until 2029 and will remain 13 percent higher than today's pollution levels in 2040.

Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In 11 Images


Cut the working week to a maximum of 20 hours, urge top economists

After settlers attack Palestinian family on road to Bethlehem, wife suffers miscarriage and husband is arrested

***** Until this Bernie Sanders shows up I will fight the new Bernie Sanders with all of my ability. If this old Bernie Sanders shows up I will fight for him with everything I've got..... Bernie Sanders in 1988 declares Israel's actions reprehensible

***** VLOG. One microscopic step for humankind, one giant step in my personal attempts to serve humanity...... (click link for vlog and transcscript.)...

One microscopic step for humankind, one giant step in my personal attempts to serve humanity.

A few of you know that for months now I have been contemplating a radical escalation in my attempts to serve, a radical escalation in my personal commitment, a substantial escalation in personal risk my person and physical wellbeing.

Well, in the last month or so I have been working diligently to see if I could stabilize my body, and strengthen it enough, to move out of the shelter, far to traditional and comfortable a refuge, back into the streets where by every argument I would be consuming much less resources.  And if I could determine that my body was strong enough then I needed to see if I could make arrangements that would provide me a modicum of material support, particularly the availability of my computer gear, and my advocacy gear, my posters, what I sit on, etc.

And then finally could I secure the financing, the Financial Resources, the donations required for what I had in mind.

What I had in mind is a self en closed, solar powered vehicle called the Elf from Organic Transit, a small company out of Durham North Carolina.  A company that I visited a week ago yesterday traveling on Megabus, where I spent maybe 5 hours asking questions and pondering all the ramifications very deeply.

Yesterday, was the culmination.

A complete stranger emerged with 1/3 funds required, and the longest, lifelong supporter of my work for humanity (the only one) came forth with the other 2/3.  No one else to did.  But it was exactly Just enough.

So yesterday the seller of this Elf solar bike and I reached a verbal agreement, and roughly next Thursday or Friday by travel 30 miles from DC, to pick up the Elf, and drive it back to DC, a rather long virgin voyage for me, but this is not the time for timidity.

There are four aspects to my advocacy here in DC: full human rights for all Palestinians including the millions of refugees who have been brutally and mercilessly driven from their land against all law against all morality; the end of greenhouse gases from our burning of fossil fuels through the promotion of renewable energy; decency, respect and huma ity for the poorest among us including the poorest among us here in United States including the homeless; and a new way of being which is vastly less resource consumptive and vastly more contributory of our resources and varied being to the well being of humanity, and all creation.  What I will be attempting to my satisfaction is the fulfillment of my best possible attempt to serve all four of those objectives more powerfully, much more powerfully, then I have been able to serve as far.

Within a month, much sooner if I am able, the Elf will include graphics promoting full human rights for Palestine, renewable energy, and LIVE FULL SOLIDARITY... START LOVING.  The fact of my life, living on the streets at a projected cost of 100 to several $100 per month, will be the exemplification and promotion of an infinitely more joyful alternative to the life that I have lived even up until now, a life of ungodly resource squandering on my person and the few people associated with the closely.  Sinful.  Unsustainable.  Suicidal for the species and for all creation.

Yes, I'll now be at substantial physical risk sleeping on the streets.  This is unchartered territory.  I will be easy prey including for rogue police who want to head off such a radical and potentially threatening form of homelessness.  I'll be easy pickings for the Zionists who would love to see me tortured and go away.

My only concern with such issues is that I not throw away my body and therefore my ability to do my work so I think in detail of how to secure the Elf, though rarely if ever will it be out of my site, how to make it slightly less attractive to bash my head in as I'm sleeping, or to vandalize the Elf.

The biggest point of sadness is that it is too wide to fit between the security pylons that ring the White House where I'm sitting at this moment.  Sometimes I will park it about two blocks away, and I've already discussed this with the secret service who are quite intrigued with the idea what I'm doing I think.  I'll park it in a high visibility area where someone wanting to vandalize or steal would think twice, and I'll walk here with just the gear that I have with me now.  Other times when I would have come to the White House on weekends I will park and sit with my posters in the Elf at the very top of the park on K street where there is a significant drive by and were many of the tourists enter the park.  It might be that the Elf and the signage on the Elf will be a significant draw.  I'm concerned this might not be the case but it's worth a try.  And if almost all the time that I've been coming to the White House I now go down on the mall, most likely down by the Washington monument, and or near the (1st) Holocaust museum, I think that what I lose by being here in the park is gained by the much heightened statement that the Elf and it's signage and will make.

And when Congress is in session I expect that for the foreseeable future that will remain my top priority, being on Independence Avenue outside of their office buildings were they slither to and fro to the capital to do their token voting, their bidding for their corporate financial masters.  And again my advocacy will be amped up in all respects by the presence of the Elf parked by where I will be sitting with my signs.

It is a miracle that that stranger emerged out of nowhere to cover a third of this project.  It is a miracle that my sole, lifelong supporter stepped forward and had the resources at their disposal;  truly, for anyone that knows the situation, a totally unexpected Marichal.  But it happened.

nd. I have made no more important progress in my life than moving from listening to someone's words before I watch their deeds. To do otherwise....

is to encourage hypocrites, the group that Jesus most reviled, encouraging others to do the same.  I can't think of a message that Jesus lived and spoke of more centrally, urgently, than how deadly hypocrisy, lip service, is to an individual soul, and to the Holy Spirit in those around such people.  Your lips say Lord Lord, but your hearts are far from me.

I really think we need to stop killing sentient things for our eating Entertainment .

I really think we need to stop killing sentient things for our eating Entertainment .

If you are afraid of Shariah law you should be terrified of these lunatics, fundamentalist, authoritarian fascists..... Jesus camp for adults seeks to impose zio-cult-christianity on all Americans.... Huckabee

This Bill O'Reilly piece on homeless people might be the worst Fox News segment ever

***** Wow, wow, wow. Where there is smoke there is fire!!! There are still Jews in Israel, people of immense justice and righteousness. Bless their souls! Real live Jews! Israeli Teachers Union denies supporting West Bank settlements boycott

Hamas working to stabilise ceasefire and lift siege

New York Times is nothing but a Zionist propaganda sheet. New York Times, you make no mention of the hundreds and hundreds of Palestinians extra judicially imprisoned in prison, many many many of them young children. You are disgusting New York Times. You are traitors to humanity and traitors to the Jewish religion of justice and righteousness.

Paul Krugman on the inconceivable success of Obamacare: But this wasn’t supposed to happen — and therefore, given the epistemology of the modern American right, it didn’t. Failure was inevitable, success inconceivable, and therefore failure must have happened.

***** IF YOU ONLY READ ONE ARTICLE THIS DECADE..... Greece’s solidarity movement: ‘it’s a whole new model – and it’s working’

Palestinian Found Hanged near Gaza-Israeli Border

***** Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not 'a magician with a magic wand'

Leader of Christian Zionists Named Head of Campus Anti-BDS Group

How Solar Power Is Learning To Share: The Rapid Growth Of Community Solar Gardens

Coalition of Churches Calls on Obama to End Israeli “Occupation”

Israeli women launch fast for peace on Gaza war anniversary

I srael Locks down Hunger Striking Prisoner in Solitary Confinement


*****Breathtaking! Must read! Astonishing! Glenn Greenwald interviewing Max Blumenthal!!!

***** Jenny Horne's tearful Confederate flag speech shakes S. Carolina statehouse

***** The hallmark of the stupid is that they do not know what they do not know and couldn't care less...which is why they do not know... And why they will never know.

The hallmark of the stupid is that they do not know what they do not know and couldn't care less...which is why they do not know... And why they will never know.

***** Robert Reich People seem to forget that the Greek debt crisis -- which is becoming a European and even possibly a world economic crisis – grew out of a deal with Goldman Sachs, engineered by Goldman’s Lloyd Blankfein.......

Robert Reich
People seem to forget that the Greek debt crisis -- which is becoming a European and even possibly a world economic crisis – grew out of a deal with Goldman Sachs, engineered by Goldman’s Lloyd Blankfein. Several years ago, Blankfein and his Goldman team helped Greece hide the true extent of its debt -- and in the process almost doubled it. When the first debt deal was struck in 2001, Greece owed about 600 million euros ($793 million) more than the 2.8 billion euros it had borrowed. Goldman then cooked up an off-the-books derivative for Greece that disguised the shortfall but increased the government’s losses to 5.1 billion euros. In 2005, the deal was restructured and the 5.1 billion euro debt was locked in. After that, Goldman and the rest of Wall Street pulled the global economy to its knees – whacking Greece even harder.

Undoubtedly, Greece suffers from years of corruption and tax avoidance by its wealthy. But Goldman Sachs isn't exactly innocent. It padded its profits by catastrophically leveraging up the global economy with secret, off-balance-sheet debt deals. Did any of its executives ever go to jail? Of course not. They all got fat bonuses and promotions. Blankfein, now CEO, raked in $24 million in 2014 alone. Meanwhile, the people of Greece struggle to buy medicine and food.


KKK Was Terrorizing America Decades Before Islamic State Appeared

'Born a hero': Community mourns young BLACK man who died trying to save drowning victim

‘Possibility exists’ for Snowden to return to U.S.; FBI chief issues warning about encryption

Zionist, genocidal, w**** (no offense to sex workers). Hel Clinton asks media barren Saban how to fight BDS

St., doctor, Mads Gilbert: I call it an attack, or an onslaught, not a conflict....

I'm trying to work out having an Elf as the home-base for my now 8 (or so) years of activism for humanity here in DC. I think I've healed enough from the cancer to have the physical strength to make this my full time base of operations. My Soul says I need to amp-up, radicalize, my work... and I think this can be an instrumental piece of the puzzle, of my advocacy, my Lived Solidarity... for Palestine, Earth, the Homeless and Destitute. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE THAT WISHES TO CONTRIBUTE FINANCIALLY TO THIS PROJECT SO IT CAN HAPPEN (big or small)... LET ME KNOW.

I'm trying to work out having an Elf as the home-base for my now 8 (or so) years of activism for humanity here in DC. I think I've healed enough from the cancer to have the physical strength to make this my full time base of operations. My Soul says I need to amp-up, radicalize, my work... and I think this can be an instrumental piece of the puzzle, of my advocacy, my Lived Solidarity... for Palestine, Earth, the Homeless and Destitute. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE THAT WISHES TO CONTRIBUTE FINANCIALLY TO THIS PROJECT SO IT CAN HAPPEN (big or small)... LET ME KNOW.