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vlog. The policeman to me, "YOU, I WANT TO TALK WITH YOU..." Today as I was on Capital $$$ Hill walking to my Vigil for Palestine spot.....

Regarding President Obama and TPP... Obama deliberately threw the game.......

Regarding President Obama and TPP... Obama deliberately threw the game. : The following is important because intellectual honesty is a pre-requisite to the potential of being a positive force for good. Although TPP is one of the final straws causing me to replace my respect for Obama with contempt ... Intellectual honesty forces me to recognize the following:  virtually all that I have seen in the first 5 years of this man's presidency tells me that although it is possible he was never the profoundly good man that I had thought he was, what is more likely than that he was corrupt all along, or is corrupt now, is that he deliberately threw the TPP game. Yes, I cannot piece together all the reasons, but the obvious political blunders at his feet these recent months on TPP are grossly uncharacteristic of the political brilliance and profound competence he has demonstrated up until now. The most likely scenario is that he deliberately threw the TPP game and had planned to do so all along.

***** The central purpose of money is to separate us from the existential need of Solidarity with our fellow creatures. Hence money is the consummate evil, the consummate corruptor, by its very nature, the ultimately destructive cancer of all life.

***** The central purpose of money is to separate us from the existential need of Solidarity with our fellow creatures. Hence money is the consummate evil, the consummate corruptor, by its very nature, the ultimately destructive cancer of all life.

Wow wow wow wow wow. If this is legit, this could be a game changer. Video. Trailer. The Stanford Prison Experiment.

***** The very existence of Zionist Israel in every respect depends, ever since the instant it was conceived in the late 1800's, on the obliteration of Judeo/Christian ethics, the rule of Just Law, and all sane notions of human decency that have taken thousand of years to establish. This is obvious, historical record, now, plain as day, for everyone even remotely interested in verifiable Truth to see. (Oh, by the way, we have let them all but finish the job.)

***** The very existence of Zionist Israel in every respect depends, ever since the instant it was conceived in the late 1800's, on the obliteration of Judeo/Christian ethics, the rule of Just Law, and all sane notions of human decency that have taken thousand of years to establish. This is obvious, historical record, now, plain as day, for everyone even remotely interested in verifiable Truth to see.  (Oh, by the way, we have let them all but finish the job.)


I want legislation requiring the President of the United States, not some kid in Iowa, to personally pull the trigger on every drone kill. The kid can fly it, but the President, watching on the High Resolution monitor, has to Personally Fire the missile, or drop the bomb. Oh, and he/she has to watch the impact and results, high res. F'ing coward, f'ing murderer... Obama.

I want legislation requiring the President of the United States, not some kid in Iowa, to personally pull the trigger on every drone kill.  The kid can fly it, but the President, watching on the High Resolution monitor, has to Personally Fire the missile, or drop the bomb.  Oh, and he/she has to watch the impact and results, high res.  F'ing coward, f'ing murderer... Obama.

Don't be the coward I was. I devoted near 30 years to a partnership with the most blindingly talented person imaginable... and only after all that time faced that I couldn't think of a year, month, week,day, hour or minute..., literally, actually, truly... when that individual was devoted to me, my needs, my goals, my joy, my wellbeing........

Don't be the coward I was.  I devoted near 30 years to a partnership with the most blindingly talented person imaginable... and only after all that time faced that I couldn't think of a year, month, week,day,  hour or minute..., literally, actually, truly... when that individual was devoted to me, my needs, my goals, my joy, my wellbeing...  I DO think there was a moment, literally, here, and a moment there, over those decades.  I just can't think of even one, nor one year, month... second that I was not devoted to the same for this partner. My cowardly unwillingness to face the Truth was bad for this partner, and bad for me, and bad for what else I might have devoted myself to in service to the world's neediest.

The US government cavalierly, aggressively, moralistically demands the right of collateral damage in its various wars of corporate corporate conquest inside America and around the world . But they deny the right, the same right, to allowable collateral damage by Constitution defending courageous patriotic citizen whistleblowers like Snowden? I don't think that is democracy I don't think that is rule of law. duh

The US government cavalierly, aggressively, moralistically demands the right of collateral damage in its various wars of corporate corporate conquest inside America and around the world . But they deny the right, the same right, to allowable collateral damage by Constitution defending courageous patriotic citizen whistleblowers like Snowden? I don't think that is democracy I don't think that is rule of law. duh

Stop watching Hillary's lips and look at what she and Bill have done to the American people. Look. Look. Look. With their four hands they have done more to destroy, and transfer power and wealth to the elites, then Reagan Bush and Shrub combined.

Stop watching Hillary's lips and look at what she and Bill have done to the American people. Look. Look. Look. With their four hands they have done more to destroy, and transfer power and wealth to the elites, then Reagan Bush and Shrub combined.

History repeats itself 2015 fundamentalist Christian America is just like 1939 Germany before it. A census of Nazi Germany in May 1939......

History repeats itself

2015 fundamentalist Christian America is just like 1939 Germany before it.

A census of Nazi Germany in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era, and incorporating the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant (including non-denominational Christians), and 40% Catholic.

Video: Israeli soldiers violently attack unarmed Palestinian man


I am wearing a diaper. Ever since the...

I am wearing a diaper. Ever since the onset of cancer 3 years ago I have had a horribly unstable bowel. My choice is to stay indoors or to wear a diaper and fight for Palestine. Tuesday I forgot the diaper, had to walk across Washington on business and needed to spend 45 minutes in a Whole Foods restroom cleaning up.

The people that do not make negative posts, and or object to them, are in pathological denial how dire the future is in every aspect, primarily due exactly to that pathological denial.

The people that do not make negative posts, and or object to them, are in pathological denial how dire the future is in every aspect, primarily due exactly to that pathological denial.

The reason that virtually everyone that has ever gotten close to me, leaves, it's because......

The reason that virtually everyone that has ever gotten close to me, leaves, it's because after some time, a very long time often, they realize that I really am who I say I am. Sometimes it takes them a long time before they understand.  For the longest time people always find it inconceivable that I really who I say I am. Amazing.

Pic. Sisters from Palestine at the White House vigil for Palestine

***** From almost literally my earliest recollections I was a raging sexaholic, thinking it a virtue given the culture in which......

From almost literally my earliest recollections I was a raging sexaholic, thinking it a virtue given the culture in which I was raised, American, Disney, Hollywood, mass media, Wall Street suburb... Culture.  My culture, our culture, taught me this was virtue and I thought it was. Only by about 14 years ago could I finally see, and more importantly feel, experience, that I was living a grotesque-feeling addiction, addictive life, simply the life our sickest of all cultures teaches us is normal, healthy, desirable, exciting, good, appropriate.... I thought I was living a life of love. Primarily I was living a life of lust. I would trade any moment then for the life, the sexless life EXPERIENCE, that I have now. ANY OR ALL of my pitiful existance of lustings, then, for more moments of my life of Loving, now.

Does no one see how ugly, evil, corrupt , heinous, dangerous, degenerate, fascistic ... it is that the world's leaders grovel at the feet of the Zionist cult?

***** The price of facing and living the truth in this society is so total, materially, that virtually no one, probably including you, chooses to do it. Truth is God. God is truth. As Gandhi explicitly recognized. Consequently, neither any of us, or our all powerful culture, are living in alignment with Creator, doing the will of Creator, rather we live opposite. This is why all is coming to an end now.

***** The price of facing and living the truth in this society is so total, materially, that virtually no one, probably including you, chooses to do it. Truth is God. God is truth. As Gandhi explicitly recognized. Consequently, neither any of us, or our all powerful culture, are living in alignment  with Creator, doing the will of Creator, rather we live opposite. This is why all is coming to an end now.

Dire warning to those that think that the right-wing reactionary reversals we are seeing today.....

Dire warning to those that think that the right-wing reactionary reversals we are seeing today, like that mentioned below, those who think this is an aberration, please heed the following:  I too was clueless that we could go so radically backward. Look up United States reconstruction after the Civil War. His name escapes me at the moment, Columbia University I think, a professor that is a world noted authority on the subject. That is, if you are not as clueless on the subject as almost all of us are. I am learning recently that reconstruction was a breathtaking time radical social justice. And within 20 years the counter revolutionary forces had virtually completely reverse the good that had been done and that was intended. That is exactly what we see repeating itself now and the evil is just as likely to prevail now as it did then.

Stop Palestine death vigil White House, picture: those who are sure there's only one path to Creator no nothing of Creator.

Stop Palestine death vigil White House, picture: those who are sure there's only one path to Creator no nothing of Creator.



In 1987, a 74-year old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. There, he saw children working in the fields, because they were too poor to afford school fees........

In 1987, a 74-year old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. There, he saw children working in the fields, because they were too poor to afford school fees.

Bai returned to Tianjin and went back to work as a rickshaw puller, taking a modest accommodation next to the railway station. He waited for clients 24 hours a day, ate simple food and wore discarded second-hand clothes he found. He gave all of his hard-earned earnings to support children who could not afford education.

In 2001, he drove his rickshaw to Tianjin YaoHua Middle School, to deliver his last installment of money. Nearly 90 years old, he told the students that he couldn't work any more. All of the students and teachers were moved to tears.

In total, Bai had donated a total of 350,000 yuan to help more than 300 poor students continue with their studies. In 2005, Bai passed away leaving behind an inspiring legacy.

If a rickshaw-puller who wore used clothes and had no education can support 300 children to go to school, imagine what you and I can do with the resources we have to bring about positive change in our world!
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Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and their six kids fly ECONOMY on a trip from Paris

***** 100 Advices from Qura'n..... In my limited personal experience I have not met a kinder, more gentle, more humble, more godly people then the Muslims that I have met.

James Mcginley shared Ibrahim Muhammad Baba Kara's photo.
Just now ·

In my limited personal experience I have not met a kinder, more gentle, more humble, more godly people then the Muslims that I have met.
Ibrahim Muhammad Baba Kara
Yesterday at 12:31pm ·

100 Advices from Qura'n

1.Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)

2.Order righteousness to people only after
practicing it yourself(2:44)

3.Do not commit abuse on the earth (2:60)

4.Do not prevent people from mosques (2:114)

5.Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)

6.Do not break the promise (2:177)

7.Do not engage in bribery (2:188)

8.Fight only with those who fight you (2:190)

9.Keep the etiquettes of war (2:191)

10.Protect orphans (2:220)

11.Do not have sexual intercourse during
menstrual period (2:222)

12.Breast feed your children for two complete years (2:233)

13.Choose rulers by their merit (2:247)

14.No compulsion in religion (2:256)

15.Do not invalidate charity with reminders (2:264)

16.Help those in need by finding them (2:273)

17.Don’t consume interest (2:275)

18.Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time (2:280)

19.Write down the debt (2:282)

20.Keep the trust (2:283)

21.Do not spy and backbite (2:283)

22.Believe in all prophets (2:285)

23.Do not burden a person beyond his scope (2:286)

24.Do not become divided (3:103)

25.Restrain Anger (3:134)

26.Do not be rude in speech (3:159)

27.Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe (3:191)

28.Men and Women have equal rewards for their
deeds (3:195)

29.Wealth of the dead should be distributed among
his family members (4:7)

30.Women also have the right for inheritance (4:7)

31.Do not devour the property of orphans (4:10)

32.Do not marry those in your blood relation (4:23)

33.Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly

34.Family should be led by men (4:34)

35.Be good to others (4:36)

36.Do not be miserly (4:37) 37.Do not keep envy (4:54)

38.Judge with justice between people (4:58)

39.Do not kill each other (4:92)

40.Do not be an advocate for deceit (4:105)

41.Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)

42.Cooperate in righteousness (5:2)

43.Do not cooperate in sin and aggression (5:2)

44.Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are
prohibited (5:3)

45.Be just (5:8)

46.Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5:38)

47.Strive against sinful and unlawful acts (5:63)

48.Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)

49.Do not gamble (5:90)

50.Do not insult others’ deities (6:108)

51.’Having majority’ is not a criterion of truth

52.Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat people (6:152)

53.Do not be arrogant (7:13)

54.Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (7:31)

55.Wear good cloths during prayer times (7:31)

56.Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)

57.Do not turn back in battle (8:15)

58.protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)

59.Keep Purity (9:108)

60.Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)

61.Allah will forgive those who have done wrong out of ignorance (16:119)

62.Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good instruction (16:125)

63.No one will bear others’ sins (17:15)

64.Be dutiful to parents(17:23)

65.Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)

66.Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29)

67.Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)

68.Do not even approach unlawful sexual intercourse (17:32)

69.Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge (17:36)

70.Speak to people mildly (20:44)

71.Keep aloof from what is vain (23:3)

72.Do not enter others’ houses without seeking
permission (24:27)

73.Allah will provide security for those who believe only in Allah (24:55)

74.Do not enter parents’ private room without
asking permission (24:58)

75.Walk on earth in humility (25:63)

76.Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77)

77.Invoke not any other god along with Allah (28:88)

78.Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)

79.Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31:17)

80.Do not walk in insolence through the earth (31:18)

81.Lower your voice (31:19)

82.Women should not display their finery (33:33)

83.Allah forgives all sins (39:53)

84.Do not despair of the mercy of Allah (39:53)

85.Repel evil by good (41:34)

86.Decide on affairs by consultation (42:38)

87.Try for settlement between people (49:9)

88.Do not ridicule others (49:11)

89.Avoid suspicion (49:12)

90.Do not spy or backbite (49:12)

91.Most noble of you is the most righteous (49:13)

92.Honor guests (51:26)

93.Spend wealth in charity (57:7)

94.No Monasticism in religion (57:27)

95.Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah (58:11)

96.Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)

97.Save yourself from covetousness (64:16)

98.Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and Merciful (73:20)

99.Do not repel one who asks (93:10)

100.Encourage feeding poor (107:3)

Plz Share .... Surely, Allah Will Grant you The Reward For
Spreading Righteousness

Lol. Remember, no good deed will go unpunished. Anonymous. Do good deeds anyway, for the infinite joy of it.

Lol. Remember, no good deed will go unpunished. Anonymous. Do good deeds anyway, for the infinite joy of it.

*****!!!!! If you read only one article this month: The Big Lie at the Heart of the Myth of the Creation of Israel

Lol: this has been an extremely creatively productive morning for me - caffeine. First time I have afforded myself a cup of coffee in a long time.....

Lol: this has been an extremely creatively productive morning for me - caffeine. First time I have afforded myself a cup of coffee in a long time. It does not happen to be self indulgence. It is not a personal luxury, which I detest. There is a coffee shop that for years and years has been kind to the work that I do and I find it a joyful duty to once in a blue moon afford a cup of coffee in their shop.

I wish I had [more] people in my life that deeply and intensely Loved me exactly because of how sane I have become. Of course, it has been the opposite......

I wish I had [more] people in my life that deeply and intensely Loved me exactly because of how sane I have become. Of course, it has been the opposite. And I am 100 percent okay with that. It has been my active, deliberate, incessant choice to pursue sanity with all of my might, sensing clearly what it would cost me, as it has. I remake the same choice, greedily, with every breath.

Reminder: must sell magnificent Google Nexus 7 inch tablet [ 2013 is the current model, 16 gigabyte, like new]. Let anyone you know......

Reminder: must sell magnificent Google Nexus 7 inch tablet [ 2013 is the current model, 16 gigabyte, like new]. Let anyone you know who might need same from a trusted seller contact me, messaging, or start underscore Loving at  I'll accept $80 or more, half of what it would cost online. Shipping not included. Cases, to additional screen protectors. No additional charge. Of course, a larger donation would be accepted for my work, or, if you know of a heroic cause that needs this donated to them please let me know immediately.

***** OBAMA HAS COMPLETELY LOST MY TRUST, FAITH, AND RESPECT... WEAPONS AND COVER FOR ISRAEL'S CRIMES, TEPID OPPOSITION TO GLOBAL WARMING, DEMONIZATION OF SNOWDEN (ET AL), TPP, MURDER BY DRONE.... I don't hold him responsible for these situations. I hold him responsible for his lack of absolute opposition this late in his term.

***** OBAMA HAS COMPLETELY LOST MY TRUST, FAITH, AND RESPECT... WEAPONS AND COVER FOR ISRAEL'S CRIMES, TEPID OPPOSITION TO GLOBAL WARMING, DEMONIZATION OF SNOWDEN (ET AL), TPP, MURDER BY DRONE....  I don't hold him responsible for these situations.  I hold him responsible for his lack of absolute opposition this late in his term.

***** I want a world [tho I'll start with a US] that guarantees that which is Right for every human - decent, basic housing, food, water, respect, education, WORK... to everyone. Period. See Universal Declaration of Human Rights [That which is Right and Just - See Judaic values].

***** I want a world [tho I'll start with a US] that guarantees that which is Right for every human  - decent, basic housing, food, water, respect, education, WORK... to everyone. Period.  See Universal Declaration of Human Rights [That which is Right and Just - See Judaic values].

If there is anything impressive, worthy, good... regarding me it is to the degree I have become Nothing but a vessel for Loving, and that I may now be Full of it.

If there is anything impressive, worthy, good... regarding me it is to the degree I have become Nothing but a vessel for Loving, and that I may now be Full of it.

***** YOUR HELP PLEASE: tell me who you know, or can think of in history, or even well-known fictional characters, that are simply the embodiment of Pure Loving. Message me, leave a comment, and or email me at start underscore Loving at

***** YOUR HELP PLEASE: tell me who you know, or can think of in history, or even well-known fictional characters, that are simply the embodiment of Pure Loving. Message me, leave a comment, and or email me at start underscore Loving at

Gaza is a concentration camp, and it’s an American delusion not to recognize that — Weschler

***** As time goes by I lose the strength, energy, will and desire... to hold on to, to stand for, to put up with, anything but the Truth. No, not my truth, not your truth, but The Truth which when we are willing to pay the huge price for it, all of us have been equipped to search for outside and inside our selves and approximately know.

***** As time goes by I lose the strength, energy, will and desire... to hold on to, to stand for, to put up with, anything but the Truth. No, not my truth, not your truth, but The Truth which when we are willing to pay the huge price for it, all of us have been equipped to search for outside and inside our selves and approximately know.

***** pic. Every day teaches me more deeply: The only thing of value is Loving. All else is Deadly delusion and distraction.

***** You know nothing of Creator the instant you believe that you and your religion have the one true notion of Creator, and are the one true path to Creator. .... Kitchen that feeds 100,000 daily Free kitchen in India run at the Sikhs' holiest shrine produces 200,000 flat breads and 1.5 tonnes of lentil soup daily

Suddenly, more and more, I realized that almost all of us treat the truth before us as nothing more than a personal Rorschach test, to be lazily interpreted according to our whim.

Suddenly, more and more, I realized that almost all of us treat the truth before us as nothing more than a personal Rorschach test, to be lazily interpreted according to our whim.

Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler. Muhammad

I am a Jew and I insist it is not anti-semitic to criticise Israel for its Gaza crimes

"You're either a good soul or you're a mean spirit -- and this was obviously a mean spirited person," he said. .... Homeless man saves goose shot with nail gun in Glendale


Conservative whites defend what is culturally white and try to kill off everything else. Think....

Conservative whites defend what is culturally white and try to kill off everything else. Think of Christian fundamentalism, it is simply a vehicle for conservative white supremacy, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Thank Fox News, thank the Duggars.

Israel simply has no right to exist

Pic. White House, Saturday. Debilitated with medical treatments earlier this week. Strength has returned today. Hopefully tomorrow as well. It is an immense privilege to be fighting this current Holocaust. How tragic so few people are doing so. A huge loss for all concerned.

White House, Saturday. Debilitated with medical treatments earlier this week. Strength has returned today. Hopefully tomorrow as well. It is an immense privilege to be fighting this current Holocaust. How tragic so few people are doing so. A huge loss for all concerned.

***** Nearly everyone I have cared deeply for in my life has separated themselves from me now. I feel nothing but deep....

Nearly everyone I have cared deeply for in my life has separated themselves from me now. I feel nothing but deep happiness for their doing so. I thought I could do much good in their life. I was correct in theory, and entirely incorrect in practice.

You can be the water for a horse that is dying of thirst but you cannot make him drink.

I find it surprising that I feel so deeply glad for them all, separating themselves from me, but I do. They wasted so much time. There was so much useless grief.  No, it is not my fault. It is not their fault. Polar opposites may wish to join, but they are polar opposites and some force greater than themselves would be required to make that possible.

UN report condemns Israel as violator of children's rights over Gaza conflict

Combat Proven”: The Booming Business of War in Israel


***** Marriage, comments to a young friend. "Above everything else in the world I am....( click for details)...

***** Marriage, comments to a young friend.  "Above everything else in the world am I committed to partnership with this individual as my best possible way of serving the world? Is this what my prospective partner is about as well? " I think that this is pretty close to the species universal question to discern whether the prospective marriage is on the strong foundation or not. It is the intersection of all I've studied and learned from the greats throughout history and my own experiences and observations. Yes, there are few people I know who would agree. Lol. Oh well.

The word 'lust' applies to much more than sex. For nearly all westernized women their drive to marry is 99.99% lust for security, comfort, safety, house, social access, to be loved and cared for, and children for her own gratification. For nearly all westernized men they marry for lust for sex, and to be loved, that is, desired, lusted for, appreciated, served, helped. This is what our sickest of all cultures teaches us. How would we be different?

My point is not that this is bad. I am NOT disparaging. But lust is not the basis for a long term partnership. Lust is not the basis for sustained, lifelong, joy. That would be loving, something of which we no longer understand or appreciate by the time we are in our teams in this sick world. Lusting is about me, for me and my group. Loving is about the well being of others, particularly the neediest on earth.

We are literally created by our DNA for the sole purpose of advancing the well being of the species, which means the well being of the environment, to be good and to be a force for good in the world.

I would wish for the prospective spouse  to ask the question, 'Does this person have the level of integrity, unity with and devotion to humanity, to doing and being good for the world, that I see and admire in the few people throughout history?'

Finally, I think that this question could be profoundly helpful:   ' in essence I am hiring an intimate partner to be as close to me as my skin, or my soul, for the next possibly 60 years. Should I hire this person? Should this person hire me? 60 years from now are we likely to be thrilled with the decision we make today. If not, for this person who I care about, and for me who I care about I should not walk down this aisle, even if it means that I never walk down the aisle. If I am worth marrying by anyone, then I love myself and life enough to serve humanity by myself if that is the best thing to do. And I know that devotion to humanity is my reason for being here, and the only path of infinite joy for any of us. That's how we were created.

***** For immediate sale or donation: current manufacture 7 inch Google Nexus tablet, 16 gb, Like new. Case. Scrn protectors, Must sell. Best offer.... click for details...

***** For immediate sale or donation: current manufacture 7 inch Google Nexus tablet. Like new. Must sell. Best offer. Contact immediately. I have had this tablet for about a year. I got it because it has a much longer battery life than my laptop so when on duty, As I am this moment north side of the White House, all day long, I could be productive online all day long. I can no longer afford the wifi that this very powerful tablet requires. It has very high resolution so it gobbles up gigabytes almost as fast as does my laptop. The unlimited gigabytes that I have had from Sprint, Clear, is being discontinued, so this is no longer affordable. This is not a problem with the tablet but rather with my extreme usage requirements, using this to fight for humanity online from the time I awake until the moment I go to sleep. I provide a link below to this unit. It is a spectacular device. I hope you will think of anyone you know that might want such a device from a trustworthy individual, me, and have them message me or email me at start Loving at My work desperately needs the funds, but like everything in my life the only reason I need the funds is to contribute to humanity. So if you know of some extremely worthy cause where I could donate this at zero or reduced compensation to me financially, please do not hesitate to let me know that as well. Thank you.

***** ( I have rarely ever felt so identified) Loving & Understanding an Empath. Alex Myles Via Alex Myles on May 21, 2015.....


***** Those who believe in Heaven after this life never knew they could make this Life Heaven... (more)

***** Those who believe in Heaven after this life never knew they could make this Life Heaven, Personally, thru Radically Selflessly Totally Absolutely Serving Our Neediest; thereby missing the only Heaven that has ever existed, and depriving...  leading everyone they care for away from It too, toward the Hell that is  self-centeredness, instead.  Double tragedy.  Triple, really,  because their diverted energies might have made Earth Heaven for us all.


***** I can no longer see any objective reason to try and be good, to try and do good. By every objective measure..... more...

***** I can no longer see any objective reason to try and be good, to try and do good. By every objective measure not me or anyone else is going to help move the world in a better direction. We have so morally degenerated any massive change, any significant minor change, is objectively beyond hope. I would rather die then not try to be good, and to try and do good. This is so, for me, not because I believe in some life after this, or some sentient creator of us all. I adamantly believe in neither of those life destroying, all of creation destroying, fantasies. I simply crave the intrinsic gratification of attempting to be good, and attempting to do good. I believe that any of the joyful people throughout history, all of our moral icons throughout history, if they understood and had the benefit of today's science, psychology, and the wisdom of the ages, would etirely and profoundly agree with this position at which I have arrived regarding doing good for the ultimate, supreme, intrinsic joy of the attempt . If you love yourself, if there is anyone or anything on earth that you love, I implore you to consider deeply, from the standpoint of objective truth, that which I am saying, to do the same with your life, for yourself, and for anyone and everyone, any individual, that you might possibly have influence with.

Website targets pro-Palestinian students in effort to harm job prospects




***** My dad adored me above almost everyone. I wish he hadn't.....

***** My dad adored me above almost everyone. I wish he hadn't.....

My point isn't to dis my dad.  If I could select anyone in history to be my dad, it would be him.

My point is to learn from my experience of this near greatest of all people I've ever known of. 

He loved all of humanity, all of creation, unconditionally.

But he loved me nearly more than everything and everyone... and in that it was conditional love.

I wish he had loved me no more, and no less, than he loved every creature, all of creation.

I lost decades, my fault, on craving the supreme love he had for me.  There was never any joy in that, There could NEVER be Joy in that - conditional Loving.  Pleasure, yes. Lust, yes. Loving, no. Joy, no.

My life is now fully of his other side, Unconditional Loving - Immensely Painful with the pain of the world.  Infinitely Loving. Infinitely Joyful.  Every breath.

***** On FB: "James, what (to Stop Palestines Death) do you recommend?" My Reply: "Based on a simple, honest look at the history of change... ...."

Based on a simple, honest look at the history of change... key posts at the top right of this site (right hand column) are The path I see, and at the least, commensurate with the magnitude of personal price thousands us us would have to pay, or offer to pay, to stop this. Equivalent to the rice 10's of thousands in Tahrir Square offered; 1000's on a bridge in Selma offered; hundreds offered at the Dharasana Salt Works in India offered and payed.... Nothing is free. Everything has a price. EVERYTHING. Stopping the world's 4th nost powerful military backed by the world's MOST powerful military will take a huge price to stop. Anyone that takes the time to read carefully the posts I just mentioned, and THEN wishes to discuss, I'm available.

Besieged in Gaza from birth to death

The US has a Legal system.... It does not now in 2015, if it ever did, have a Justice system.

The US has a Legal system....  It does not now in 2015, if it ever did, have a Justice system.


***** SPDF Day 52-29: I was thinking today, it is more clear to me than ever that all is lost... Democracy, near all that is good, near all of Creation, Palestine, the American Soul... but everyone, anyone, can be Saved, in this Life... from the degenerating, disintegrating world around them... if they, when they, as they... forget their own life, and devote their every breath to the neediest in the world. This is Heaven, Salvation, and no one can deprive them of it... but themselves. More than ever before it is desperately important that we each strive for this Salvation... that we might increase by whatever miniscule amount... the likelihood that someone else too might find the Path.

*****  I was thinking today, it is more clear to me than ever that all is lost...  Democracy, near all that is good, near all of Creation, Palestine,  the American Soul... but everyone, anyone, can be Saved, in this  Life... from the degenerating, disintegrating world around them... if  they, when they, as they... forget their own life, and devote their  every breath to the neediest in the world.  This is Heaven, Salvation,  and no one can deprive them of it... but themselves.  More than ever  before it is desperately important that we each strive for this  Salvation... that we might increase by whatever miniscule amount...  the likelihood that someone else too might find the Path.


***** nd SPDF: Our Devotion to personal (and 'family') survival and pleasure... has finally doomed humankind, and all of creation. We've insanely embraced the way of 'cancer' over the way of Life. Our parents, the Creating generation, birthed the suicidal Consuming generation.

SPDF:  Our Devotion to personal (and 'family') survival and pleasure... has finally doomed humankind, and all of creation. We've insanely embraced the way of 'cancer' over the way of Life. Our parents, the Creating generation, birthed the suicidal Consuming generation.

***** SPDF: I am adult-long devoted to human-crucial success, and to obstruct attempts likely to end in disaster.

I can think of little, if anything, that more centrally defines who and what I am then my devotion to finding and dedicating myself to actions, strategies, tactics, campaigns...  That have the potential to win, to succeed, if pressed hard enough, committedly enough, forcefully enough, hard enough, by enough people....  And I am unwilling to either participate in, or in any way enable, actions that are unlikely to succeed regardless of how much resources and effort are invested.

This characteristic of mine has been true of me throughout my adulthood.  It was central to who and what I was in my college and advanced degree educational life.  It was centrally true of me during all of my business career.  And it has been true of me ever since., I suspect, I am quite sure, it will be true of me until I take my last breath or degenerate into a different being psychologically.

My constitution is such that I am only interested in, I am only able, to participate in things that I think are monumentally important to humanity and to creation, and I am then unable to not devote myself to seeing what would constitute success, what would constitute failure, and to devote myself to the former and to stand in the way of the latter.

I've often thought, over many years now, I've often shared over many years now, of the example of the Space Shuttle Challenger.  The space shuttle challenger blew up.  It has been quite well documented that the failure was due to a part, an o ring, and my understanding is that quite clearly an engineer, or several engineers, knew of the potential risk before the launch, before the explosion.  I don't know the details of that event beyond what I just said, but my life has been centered around somewhat life and death ventures so I know the territory quite well. 

I know how desperately a team like that Challenger launch team wanted to meet deadlines, meet goals, have a success.  I know the pressures on that engineer, or engineers, that had negative news, had bad news.  I don't know of any life and death heroics that that engineer, or those engineers, waged to attempt to stop that tragic flight.  They may have done so, but I'll guess they did not.

Either way, I'm not suggesting the problem was primarily theirs.  Near certainly the problem was systemic, enterprisewide, the wrong value on success, lack of value on avoiding disaster.

Throughout my adulthood my devotion has been to achieve both mission critical success and to avoid mission disaster, to avoid enabling the masses of people involved that were not devoted to both.

On enterprises I've had some substantial successful impact, and much failure.

But I have never failed to make the attempt regardless of personal cost to me.  And I suspect this will always be true of me.

pic. "Loving is unconditional, or, it is Hate-ful. No? Just look at History. Just look at the outcomes."

***** "Who wants to put on the posterboards, go out to the street corner, and rant?... There is not a politician on earth wants to tell his or her constituents, "We've probably already blown our chance to avoid substantial suffering, but if we work really hard and devote our lives to the cause, we can somewhat reduce the even worse suffering that awaits our grandchildren."

***** SPDF Day 52-24: Gideon Levy, Ha'aretz: "The two-state solution is dead (it was never born); the Palestinian state will not aris...."

The two-state solution is dead (it was never born); the Palestinian state will not arise; international law does not apply to Israel; the occupation will continue to crawl quickly to annexation, annexation will continue to crawl quickly toward an apartheid state; “Jewish” supersedes “democracy”, nationalism and racism will get the stamp of government approval, but they’re already here and have been for a long time.

***** MUST MUST WATCH. 55 MIN. A Conversation with Noam Chomsky on Palestine/Israel by Frank Barat. 2011

"The US military exists to force the Political Will of the US on other people by force of arms," Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff


“My concerns in my work derive from my life, from my personal experience … but I don’t use words, I use my body and my space in time.”

Anti-Nuke Nun and Fellow Peace Activists to be Released from Prison

"I am not a hero," Khalifa told Italian television TV2000. "God wants us to help everybody."

How killing children in Gaza helps Israel's arms industry sell weapons

***** Take note you of Organized Religion: Less and less can I remain 'silent' and 'respectful' of any Organized Religion. I did so......

***** Take note you of Organized Religion: Less and less can I remain 'silent' and 'respectful' of any Organized Religion. I did so on the basis that what others do in private is their business. But it is MY business when the collateral damage of their Fantasies slaughter my human family... and they all do. Your 'personal pleasure' from your Organized Religion Fantasy Games... does absolve my moral duty to stand in protection of your Collateral Damage. (This includes you of the 'Religions' of Atheism, Science, Education, 'Progress," Liberalism..

Pope welcomes Mahmoud Abbas ahead of treaty with Palestine

New York Times’ Jodi Rudoren whitewashes Israeli minister’s call for genocide


No Gaza, No Peace A lasting settlement in the Holy Land is still possible. But Israel must end the siege on Gaza first. By Jimmy Carter, Gro Harlem Brundtland May 14, 2015

The religious right’s No. 1 enemy: What Pope Francis’ recognition of Palestine really means

US beekeepers lost almost half their honeybees last year

***** pic. By no objective measure were we created to personallysurvive...

***** My Future Plans... TINY MOBILE 'HOME' FOR A HOMELESS ACTIVIST (as was Jesus before us) (If you want to help, let me know)

(Yes, a bit rambling, is the following.  Sorry.  I've mashed together a few prior correspondences.)

LOL... some interesting voice-typos I see below, too.  LOL. 'urine' in stead of 'yearn,' for example.

There is an electric bike manufactured out of Durham North Carolina that I have been aware of for at least a year and I am 90% sure that I need to try and get one right away.
For my activist work on Capitol Hill and in front of the White House it will garner positive attention with its complete self enclosure, the solar panel on the roof, very interesting design. And of course it promotes my secondary issue of stopping global warming. On it I can place simple signage in addition to my posters which will help promote free  Palestine and Universal Family....

Actually, my second issue is our treatment of the world's poor generally, and the poor and homeless in the United States specifically.  And really there is a second element of that, the lifestyles that we all aspire to, consuming hundreds, thousands, 10000 times our share of global resources, and by every objective measure making our selves less happy than countries like Scandinavia, Cuba, other countries that spend a tiny fraction of what we spend or aspire to spend... and have substantially greater joy, substantially greater quality of life.

With my homeless shelter closing a year from now and really no housing prospects for me (2-3 year wait for subsidized, affordable, housing in DC per the expert I worked with yesterday)  I yearn to get that Elf electric bike and make it my little mobile home. I further envision using it at times too take my activism, my lobbying, out on the road. in July the tourist trade is pretty dead in dc and of course, Congress is not in session. I mean in August. the months of December January February are so cold in DC that my outdoor activism does not have an audience. But with this little mobile home with which I could probably travel 50-200 miles a day I can go to where a more a live audience might be at such times.

Of course there are huge unknowns regarding my thoughts. Things that I can only found find out by doing and trying. But I have thought long and hard about this and really really really really (urine) yearn to give it a go. I think it could be a godsend for my work, my various activist issues. I can't think of any living arrangement that would begin to approach the  satisfaction, the gratification, impact, learning... leadership... that this would likely yield to me.

FYI, I won't know for days or a week or so, if I will proceed,  regarding the Elf electric bike (tiny tiny mobile home for a/we Homeless).  I would not decide whether to access my Soc Sec
and kill my 'gold card' health insurance, until then.  (IF you want to help, now would be a good time to let me know.)

it would be a VERY POWERFUL amping up of all my activism

A.  Loving Palestine while we allow the Zioni Holocaust to slaughter them (increased attention, including art-work re Palestine on the vehicle),

B.  Opposing Ecocide at least so someone in the future might know that at least one more person of the tiny, COMMITTED, handful loved them enough to try to interfere with it (an elec vehicle seen all around all-powerful DC), 

C.  Non-Fascist, Non-Capitalist, Non-Consumerist...Near-zero consumption / cost... near total Contribution-For-Free living (tiny house on wheels)... donating 100% of my life, as I do, for 9 years or so now...., (the REAL point, and commonality, of all my work - sustainable ethical Loving-as-

D.  Humanity for the Poor/Homeless (pushing the boundaries of consciousness by we over-privileged and pioneering a 'housing alternative' (legally and in practice).  
After two fairly senior social workers last week told me I would NOT lose my 'gold card, carte blance, DC Medicaid' by accessing my Social Security early... yesterday, I spoke with a 'medical insurance expert' who said that without question, I WOULD LOSE IT IMMEDIATELY.  (With cancer, more bowel obstructions, etc, in my future, hmmm, yes,this would be consequential. But in and of itself, it will NOT stop my plans if I can workout the rest. This is not the time for my Survival to take priority, but for Radical Service of those we Love).
On this and other issues I'm checking further, but I'm guessing this 'expert' yesterday told me correct.  I'm going to do this if I can work out therest, below, but, if I funding  materializes that does NOT require me to access Soc Sec early, well, that could be a life-saver  *=)) rolling on the floor  .  LOL.

Other issues I'm exploring include, that could be show-stoppers... (I'll know within a week or so as I chase each down):

*  Whether the police in High Security DC would, could, LEGALLY disallow my having it on Capitol Hill and or near the White House.  I'll be approaching the police in both areas with photos of the Elf and inquiring, not about their 'preferences,' but about the Law.  Most of the officers there are anywhere between 'good' and 'GREAT' folks, so I expect to get down to the facts before long.

*  Whether I'm correct regarding the 'legality' of sleeping in the bike as is my intention...

A.  Am I correct that it still is the law that except in high security areas it is 'legal' to sleep on the sidewalk (quite sure it is); 
B.  Am I correct that it is 'legal' in DC to sleep in a car (pretty sure, but not certain). I have identified a legal team for the homeless I'll see on Monday regarding these.

*  The Elf that I WANT is about $9000, but the one that can GET THE JOB DONE is about $7000 delivered.  The costs per month?  ZERO.  The costs per year? $20... replacement inner tubes...???  It is a bike by Fed Regulations!  No fee or license in DC. No insurance req (tho I WILL probably get that... maybe $300 per year (WAY LOWER THAN A CAR).  FUEL?  THE SUN DOES NOT BILL - 100WATT SOLAR ON THE ROOF!  (In bad weather can charge in a coffee shop from AC).

*  Legality of 'sleeping by the side of the road, or in rest stops...' when 'traveling.' In the coldest DC months no tourists stop to look at a demonstration and it is pretty cold to live outside... so I could see taking my work on the road, headed south... different town every day sort of thing.  Sure, down in the Fundamentalist South they'll want to literally kill me for being 'against ' 'Israel,' but, hey, someone(s) need to lance that festering Satanic sore.  (I'd not lose my DC Medicaid as long as I kept DC as my 'home;' yes, my DC Medicaid would not apply outside DC, but when I have a next 'emergency' bowel obstruction I think ER's have to treat emergencies, and then I could hobble back to DC for extended treatment, or, dying due to refused treatment would help my cause of Humanity for the Poor and Homeless, and that would be fine. ABSOLUTELY.

*   Etc. 


NOTICE: 051315... I anticipate slowing down my posts on Palestine or anything else. ... detail

NOTICE: 051315... I anticipate slowing down my posts on Palestine or anything else. Why? Have you radically re-arranged your life to get in the way of Palestines Death, Ecocide, Amerikan Fascism, mass worship of Consumption??? Sooooo, nothing is changing... except... we are ACCELERATING toward these chasms. Little that is new, to report. My reading and study are accelerating, but my reporting will decelerate, I expect. If everyone else is going to stay 'involved,' but not 'committed,' (think the chicken and the pig), I'm going to stay committed, unless I can figure out how to be MORE SO... so I'll devote less time to posting, and more time to studying and growing my own efforts.

US cited for police violence, racism in scathing UN review on human rights