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SPDF Day 52: extremely disturbing. All talk, no substance. Israel-Palestine Policy Is Out Of Touch With Reality

Millennials worldwide show broad support of Edward Snowden – poll

Norman Finkelstein has cited evidence that anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are correlated with violent Israeli assaults like last summer's Gaza war.

SPDF Day 52: video: “Death to the Arabs” march forces its way through occupied Jerusalem

SPDF Day 52: West Bank outposts: An entire system of dispossession At the core of Israel’s settlement outpost system lies the systemic violation of Palestinian human rights.

SPDF Day 52: Man hanged himself from tree in front of hundreds of people who had gathered in capital to protest against land reforms.

SPDF Day. 52: Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children Israel’s security forces have been accused by a United Nations monitoring group of torturing and tormenting Palestinian children


***** A puppy from Heaven. vid. 5 min

***** SPDF Day 51: BOOK REVISION #5 - Stop Palestines Death Fast

nd. SPDF Day 51: Musing: Those who leave when their counties are in distress, or for 'better opportunities' - Europe for Early America, Europe for South Africa, Palestine for America, Cuba for America - are these the most Godless, Self-Centered, Affloholic, Sociopathic?

nd. SPDF Day 51: Musing:  Those who leave when their counties are in distress, or for 'better opportunities' - Europe for Early America, Europe for South Africa, Palestine for America, Cuba for America - are these the most Godless, Self-Centered, Affloholic, Sociopathic?

SPDF Day 51: Noam Chomsky: Every Word in the Phrase ‘Free Trade Agreement’ Is False

***** SPDF Day 51: PROFOUNDLY TROUBLING - FURTHER INDICATION THE PALESTINE DIASPORA IS WORTHLESS - The moral hypocrisy of American Muslims for Palestine on the Armenian Genocide

The moral hypocrisy of American Muslims for Palestine on the Armenian Genocide - See more at:

***** SPDF Day 51: Noam Chomsky at UMass Boston: "The Neoliberal Class-war Assault, and Resistance"

***** SPDF Day 51: STOP. WATCH. 3 MIN. Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media in US to Nazi, Weimar Germany. 2009

SPDF Day 51: Israeli Terrorist attacks Palestinian worker,7340,L-4649290,00.html

***** SPDF Day 51: [THE SAINT IS UNRECOGNIZED IN HIS HOME TOWN. AMERIKA IS DOOMED.] Edward Snowden Unpopular at Home, A Hero Abroad, Poll Finds The whistleblower is viewed negatively by 64 percent of Americans familiar with him, results say.

SPDF Day 51: New York Times Egypt Sentences an American to Life New York Times He has been on hunger strike for more than a year to protest his detention. American officials warned in a letter to his family that the hunger strike “is a ...

***** SPDF Day 51: 100 people go on hunger strike on Downing Street to commemorate the Armenian Genocide

Guantánamo’s 9-year hunger striker asks to go home

***** SPDF Day 51: The question of punishing illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territory was considered separately in Europe and Israel last week, with only superficial differences in the conclusions reached. Israel’s near half-century occupation is in no immediate danger, either at home or abroad.



If YOU don't share this... IT WILL NOT BE SEEN.

NOTICE:  Among the reasons for some long pauses in this vlog is waiting for morning rush hour buses and traffic flows to pass when the light turns green, to reduce the difficulty of hearing me over their noise....  
ALSO, some corrections and clarifications are made in the transcription below. I recommend that as you watch/listen to the vlog that you read the transcript.
Transcript:  The missing ingredient in this Death Fast, several weeks ago I made an all important post, The Law of Social Change, which is the Law of Suffering,which is  the Law of Paying the Price of the Change. There are only two ways of bringing about massive social change: threatening to take the life of others as the price of them not changing, or, offering the price of ones own life, lives, to mobilize the onlookers to join the press for the appropriate change; the righteous change.  Examples of the latter are Tahrir Square 3 years ago, the March on the Dharasana Salt Works many decades ago; the march in Selma.... Paying and or absolutely offering ones life, lives, for a righteous, just, humane, social change.

It may be that the missing ingredient in this Death Fast is the element that must be there for such a nonviolent (unviolent) action to work. And that missing ingredient, that ingredient is, an untapped humanity - first among a vanguard, and then secondly among the masses. 

Khaled Mohamed Saeed.jpg
So, basically, the way Tahrir Square worked, a friend of many of the small cadre of young leaders in Egypt, Khaled Mohamed Saeed, expressed himself in a way that predictably caused the security forces to torture him to death, and a photo of his destroyed face and destroyed body surfaced, and among those who saw it was a young Google executive for the Middle East, Wael Ghonim, who had been clandestinely maintaining a widely followed FB page, and he posted this photo; more importantly, he was hugely mobilized by the picture of his friend, and the fact of what had been done to his friend; he posted the photo at extreme risk to himself and further mobilized his social media skills to expose this picture, to expose what it represented, and to lay out an opportunity by which people could do what was never done, come  into the street and protest.  And it happened by the thousands, and then 10's of thousands, and maybe 100 thousand, and they stayed in Tahrir Square.

So the fact of this tells us that in Egypt at the time there was a latent, a huge latent, hidden, reservoir of humanity, first among the small cadre of people like Wael Ghonim, and as this horror that was done to their friend, this extraordinary injustice, tapped and released and hidden humanity in this small cadre, that set up a chain reaction where their humanity, their putting their lives out there, tapped the latent humanity in an infinitely larger pool of onlookers and then finally, those 10's of thousands in Tahrir Square, and then that unleashed the humanity of millions and millions of onlookers around the world.  Far and away the greatest humanity was that of the young man that stood up before anyone else, and was brutally murdered for it. The second largest pool of humanity (on a per person basis), though small in number of people, was the cadre of Wael and and handful of others.  The next larger pool was the 10's of thousands that went to Tahrir Square, and the next larger pool, that is smaller than the prior ones per person, was the millions.  But in each case, in each pool of potential resource, was a latent humanity, a latent, untapped, capacity for loving.

For this Death Fast, each of the last 51 days is teaching me that there is no such latent pool(s) anymore in the US.  There is every indication there is NOT the equivalent of Wael Ghonim and his small cadre of leaders. There is every indication of this, that is, there is no indication to the contrary.  All indications are that what could have been that cadre, the vanguard of the so called Free Palestine movement, would have shown, some affinity, some recognition, some understanding, some curiosity about this Death Fast, and all indications are that it is quite the opposite - they want not to see it, they want to be protected from it, they want to not be drawn in such a direction, they want to be opposed to it, they want to be horrified by it, all by way of denial and self-protection. 

Similarly with the Palestinian Diaspora and with the Palestinian leadership itself. 

Of course there is another possible explanation (other explanations) for what I am saying - that they don't know, or that I'm too strange with tattoos on my face, or that I've been too deliberately marginalize by those who have come before this campaign that have wanted to be certain that the standards by which I live do not become standards that pulled on them, and have gone to significant lengths to discredit, dismiss, disparage... me and my work. 

But my sense is that is not the case; that is not the way that latent humanity works, it is not easily fooled, it is not distracted by tattoos, it recognizes sincerity, it recognizes courage.

As I stated in a hugely important video log the other day, which included the beginnings of the thoughts I've just shared, whereas I'm down to only a 30%, sadly, a 30% chance of being able to pay the full price of my life in this Death Fast, because there is no one there to receive the payment, it is not time for me to stop my; my body says that it is, but I have not yet expressed as fully as I need to my horror, my outrage, the price want to pay... I want to pay as much of the price as possible of the Freedom of Palestine, of the Freedom of the Palestinians.  Don't you?

And I've not yet done that, this being day 51.  Beyond my control my body could terminate itself now, organ failure, whatever.  But tragically, due to this element that appears to be missing, any latent humanity left in this sickest of all societies, at best it is looking like a 30% chance that I'll be able to take this its final conclusion, the full payment of my life, now. 

Creator willing there are several more weeks that I'll be able to continue this.  And I keep watching and learning and learning and recalculating every waking second, but my current outlook, my current assessment,  is what I just shared.

I don't want to die.  I want live.  There's much I want to be able to do in this Fight for Palestine.  And if Palestine were freed, which is virtually certain it will NOT, NEVER (before they are all destroyed), be, but if it were, there are 100 other fights, 1000 other fights, that I want to live to fight.  But that's way down the list.  I want to pay, now, as much of the price as I possibly can to Free Palestine, and as best and as constructively as I can do it, that is what I shall do.


SPDF Day 50: Israel Deported Them. Then ISIS Cut Off Their Heads.

***** SPDF Day 50: (Aug 2014) Holocaust survivors and their descendants accuse Israel of ‘genocide’

SPPDF Day 50: Jimmy Carter has been turned down flat by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin on his invitation to meet with those officials during his forthcoming visit to Israel.

***** SPDF Day 50: All but complete is the slow motion coup d'etat by the corporate state in America. chris Hedges

ICE Director Visits Texas Detention Center Amid Allegations Of Mistreatment Huffington Post Cruz said she took part in a hunger strike launched by detainees as Easter approached. Some 78 women signed their names to an open letter ...

Hunger strike at migrant detention centre

SPDF Day 50: throughout history, and through today, the role of the intellectuals is to play court jester, supporting the needs of the rulers, obscuring the needs of the needy. Noam Chomsky

***** SPDF Day 50: must watch. 15. minutes. Noam Chomsky. Weaponization of American media as government propaganda. Desecration of international law by us.


SPDF Day 49: More than 500 Palestinian minors held in Israeli jails

nd. SPDF Day 49: Movement, walking... requires deliberate effort and willpower. Deeply weak.

SPDF Day 49: Movement, walking... requires deliberate effort and willpower.  Deeply weak.

SPDF Day 49: Video 7 min: Israel strangles a Palestinian village

Study: US-Led War on Terror Has Taken at Least 1.3 Million Lives Globally

US, Israel seek to destroy Middle East: Analyst

SPDD Day 49: US of Israel salivating for US return to Mideast: Analyst

SPDF Day 49: Leaked emails reveal Hollywood execs at work for Israel

Netanyahu Outrageously Compares Iran to Nazis During WW II

Holocaust survivor Bell at Pitt: “It’s hard for me to criticize Israel, but I feel that Israeli policies are wrong [and] self-defeating in many ways,” Bell said.

SPDF Day 49: Noam Chomsky: US is world's biggest terrorist

Noam Chomsky on the crisis engulfing the West.

SPDF Day 49: Noam Chomsky, a historian, linguist and a prominent commentator on political affairs in the United States and the world, lashed Friday against media organizations in the U.S., describing them as mouthpieces for the government and their allies.

Inmate a half-month into hunger strike

Hunger strike kills CCTV plan for women’s prison

SPDF Day 49: American Fascists, Chris Hedges on The Hour (CBC)

SPDF Day 49: For the Conference on the Israel Lobby: Press Blackout at the Press Club by Ralph Nader

SPDF Day 49: African Heritage delegation backs global resistance to Israel’s “21st century colonialism”

SPDF Day 49: Germany Seeks Compensation for $57M Holocaust Fraud


***** vid. 10 min. MUST WATCH. Personal conversation between President Obama and David Simon, The Wire, DISFUNCTIONAL BLACK INCARCERATION SYSTEM

SPDF Day 48: Reply to today's MUST WATCH video log - "James, I urge those who are your friends where you live to talk to you about this. It eliminates your ability to be part of the long road to the change you dream of......

FB Comment on my earlier today, MUST WATCH video log:  "I urge those who are your friends where you live to talk to you about this. It eliminates your ability to be part of the long road to the change you dream of......."

My reply:  "I must be honest.  I have history, scholarship, psychology... on my side.  I am grossly unimpressed by comments like yours, I find them insulting, that totally dismiss what I've written, and just blather opinion.  Palestine will die until we get serious, and give our personal opinions the near total disreagard they deserve, and hold ourselves to the standards of fact, history, psychology, social change.... "

SPDF Day 48: Leaving White House after 9.10.5 hours today, 13 hours yesterday....

nd. SPDF Day 48:  Leaving White House after 9.10.5 hours today, 13 hours yesterday....

Rain tomorrow so laundry and other tasks, Library of Congress.

Congress in session Tues - Thurs... so intending to be there from early to late.

Massively fatigued this morning.  Eyesight continuing to deteriorate.

Hugely sick last night.


If YOU do not SHARE this... it WILL NOT BE SEEN.
Note, as with everything I do in my life I strive to make literally every second count as best as I can.  My point here is that as with all of these video logs I strive to offer you a visual record, at strategic times, of my efforts, and to provide a transcription of the video log at the same time.  So I'm doing double or triple duty which may make this sound a bit stilted.  I'm both trying to speak so that the voice to speech transcription is very accurate, and I am trying to remember to physically punctuate using my keyboard at the same time.  Now for this video log which is clearly among the most important that I have ever provided to you.

Is this death fast so hard to understand? 

Can you never recall a  time or times in your life when you wanted to give something with every fiber of your being?  Maybe to give something that was of immense or near total value?  Some gift that you wanted for your loved one?  A house, education, for your child?  I can certainly recall, and I cringe at the thought, of many times in my life where I would give almost anything, did give almost anything, for something as trivial as
a fancy new car.  Allow me to take the example of that a bit farther.  Is it so hard to imagine that one would want something like a fancy new car so badly that they work, and hoard, and collect almost all of their money, almost their entire wealth, and once they collected all, can't we imagine that they would literally race to the dealership amidst a rumor that the car was on ration and that there were only a few models left,
you're yearning, yearning, to be able to give that total ultimate price so that they could get what they want... that car... NOW?  Can't we imagine them feeling crushed, to arrive at the dealership to find either that the dealership was closed for the day and that they couldn't make the payment they wanted to make, or that the last model had been sold and would not be available for a long time, and so they could not paty that ultimatae price as they so yearned to do?  Is that so hard to imagine?

Well, I want something so badly that I would gladly pay the ultimate price for it as near as I can tell.  I want the 68 year terrorization, extermination, ethnic cleansing, torture, humiliation, starvation, murder...  Of the Palestinian part of my family to stop.  As near as I can tell I would, I will, gladly give my life if I believe it can save the life of even one Palestinian; be it their physical life, or more importantly their psychological, spiritual, emotional life.  Is that so hard to understand?

I began this Stop Palestines Death Fast SPDF on the day that Satanyahu, I mean Netanyahu, was in DC to demonstrate that he and his Zionist crime syndicate continued to have total control of virtually every sociopath, which is 100% of them, in the U.S. Senate, and every sociopath, which is virtually 100% of them, in the U.S. house.  It was such an obviously Satanic time, such a consummately dark time, that my sense, my extremely clear sense, was that unlike my brothers and sisters fighting such unfolding Armageddon's as global warming, the immediacy, the tangibility, the intense horror, of this 68 year small scale Holocaust being visited by the United States whites, and the Israeli whites, on the colored Arab population of Palestine, had associated with it people that were sufficiently alive to be shown, after I died of starvation I presumed, from my witness, that yes, indeed, the Palestinian people, even one Palestinian Life, is of course worth our own lives, in a heartbeat, with great passion, with great joy!

This was so clear to me.  It was clear to me from the incredible, unbelievable, heroism and humanity of the Palestinians alive today in Palestine, in the occupied territories.  They have been heroicly, humanely, fighting this vicious, sadistic, colonial occupation, and are fighting it today.  It was clear to me from the heroism that I can barely imagine, of the Jews in Israel, and the Jews in the United States, that more and more are risking in losing their family ties, their community ties, presumably their jobs and careers, to fight for the human rights of the Palestinians.

All of this made me shore that the missing piece of the puzzle, the law of social change, which may be my most important post of all time written several weeks ago, that the historical law of social change, that social change only comes when righteous people give or at least totally offer, the ultimate price in sufficient numbers, is the missing piece of this puzzle.

It was clear to me that this would not be seen in my lifetime assuming at the start that I would die in somewhere between 50 to 70 days.  That we were too blind, too selfish, to see it before I died.  But there's this thing called the Internet, there's my website,  most easily found at (a relay site),  with a record I intended to keep, and that I have kept, which could possibly be the key to what they were missing, and that I would also likely, I felt near certainly, save at least one Palestinian Life within the next 20 years.  So with all that I was gratefully, joyfully, sure that I would be able to get to the store in time to pay my ultimate price.

Every day of the last 48 days on the Death Fast has told me that I am incorrect in those assumptions.  I've had the privilege of meeting a dozen or so members, the most recent being 15 minutes ago, of the Palestinian Diaspora.  To a person it is inconceivable, virtually inconceivable, that they would give their life to save their fellow Palestinians in Palestine.  They are that corrupted by our western society.  I'm not slandering them.  I'm not condemning them.  I'm stating my academic, scholarly, view from the perspective of my masters degree work  psychology, and vast study, every day, beyond that.

Similarly, the other group in which I had great faith, was the group I referred to earlier, the Jews in the United States that are displaying heroism that I can only dream of in my earlier years, the American Jews in such groups as Jewish Voice for Peace, and Open Hillel, If Not Now When,...  and others, that are paying a substantial price psychologically and materially to fight for Palestine.

But I'm finding they have the same disease as every other activist group in the country on any issue I can see, with the exception of of very few of the most heroic anti ecocide groups, particularly from among the indigenous Americans.  They cannot see, they refuse to see, they work diligently to deny... that
A. They are absolutely and totally failing to stop the slow motion genocide of the Palestinians within the next 1000 years, and
B.  That the only way to bring about that change is the only way that has ever worked in history, and that is offering and sometimes paying the ultimate price of one's life for in this case of life, and the full human rights, of the Palestinians.

So sadly, tragically, I am no longer at near 100% probability of the privilege, the joy, of taking this death fast to its final conclusion of, my preference, my strong preference, death by starvation on Capitol Hill here in Washington, DC; or the more likely termination of my life, my remaining years either in prison or institutionalized, a fate infinitely worse than death for someone like me.  I'm no longer at a near certainty of that happening.  I'd say that my best guess is only a 30% chance of that happening.

The 70% chance is that within the next 2, 3, 4 weeks, if mother nature, the creator, my metabolism... doesn't end my life for me without my choice, which of course now on day 48 is increasingly likely, that if the choice is mine, then, as I find that my body is reaching the very very very end, the likelihood is 70% that I will choose to end this death fast, and continue to fight as I am at this moment, with these pitiful signs, educating the thousands that come to the White House Park, from all over the country, from all over the world in these spring, summer, and full months.

Yes, it would be much safer if I stopped the death fast now.  I'm quite certain that nothing of the sort will happen.  I am my most suffering family.  We are dying.  I have not yet begun to state the measure of my horror, of my opposition, of the depth of my opposition, of my yearning to pay any and every price I can to make this horror stop.  I have not begun to make that statement.  That will require more weeks.  And the risk of unintended death on my part is a trivial price to pay for the privilege, the honor, the loving, of completing that statement as best I can.

SPDF Day 48: UN says Israel, not Iran, North Korea or Syria worst violator of human rights

SPDF Day 48: The exposure of the Western world’s surveillance networks has heightened the feeling that democratic institutions aren’t functioning as they should, that, like it or not, we are living in the twilight period of democracy itself

***** Christian America is an invention: Big business, right-wing politics and the religious lie that still divides us The idea of "one nation under God" is a modern one -- and does not date back to the Founding Fathers

Must must must read: Clinton, Warren and the Trans-Pacific Partnership



“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert Einstein

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert Einstein

SPDF Day 47: Human Rights Watch - Israel exploiting, poisoning, Paleestian CHILD Farm Workers

***** SPDF Day 47: STOP. WATCH THIS. vid. 5 min. Omer Goldman, daughter of the former deputy head of Mossad, and who is still considered as one of the most powerful men in the Israeli security system, refuses to serve in the IDF. Omer visited a Palestinian town in the West Bank without her father's permission, where she, along with other Palestinians (her supposed enemies), were fired upon by Israeli soldiers (her supposed allies).

SPDF Day 47: Noam Chomsky - Neoliberalism, the Assault on the Common Good. Class Warfare by another name.

vid. 5 min. EMT - in dozens of cases almost none fear their imminent death. Peace and acceptance.

SPDF Day 47: pic. White House since 8:30am... till 7pm? Tomorrow also, Creator Willing.

***** SPDF Day 47: vid. 4 min. Free Palestine Music Video

SPDF Day 47: ‘Everything Hillary Clinton will do will always be for Israel’

‘Everything Hillary Clinton will do will always be for Israel’ — Saban warns the Republicans - See more at:

Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders

Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders


Jimmy Carter: Religion is the Cause of Horrific Abuse of Girls and Women All Over the World

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Politicians Denying Science Is ‘Beginning Of The End Of An Informed Democracy’

***** Castaway prisoners giving life salvation, redemption, castaway dog. Video. 4 minutes.

SPDF Day 47: “I live in a constant state of depression. I think of us as turd miners. I put on my helmet, I go and mine turds, hopefully I don’t get turd lung disease.”

Religious Fanaticism is a Huge Factor in Americans’ Support for Israel

Arrested Delhi University professor goes on hunger strike in Nagpur jail against medical neglect

LANDI KOTAL: The elders of Khogakhel tribe have started a hunger strike in protest against the political administration of Landikotal for allegedly arresting a teenage boy and detaining him against the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR).

SPDF Day 47: Israeli army encloses 7,000 Palestinians in West Bank village IDF openly tells the 7,000 residents of Hizma that they are being collectively punished for the stone-throwing of a few Palestinians

***** How Corporate America Invented Christian America Inside one reverend’s big business-backed 1940s crusade to make the country conservative again. By KEVIN M. KRUSE

SPDF Day 47: “In the global scene we are racing towards a precipice which we are determined to fall over which will sharply reduce the prospects for decent survival.”


READ THIS. READ IT NOW. The Ivy League’s favorite war criminal: Why the atrocities of Henry Kissinger should be mandatory reading In an appearance at Yale last week, the Nixon official's horrific record was casually glossed over.

MUST MUST MUST READ - The New York Times “basically rewrites whatever the Kiev authorities say”: Stephen F. Cohen on the U.S./Russia/Ukraine history the media won’t tell you There's an alternative story of Russian relations we're not hearing. Historian Stephen Cohen tells it here

ESPN suspends reporter after insult video

SPDF Day 46: Youngest Palestinian prisoner describes devastating detention experience

SPPDF Day 46: Israel “directly targeted” children in drone strikes on Gaza, says rights group

‘Israel is racist and apartheid state’: Green Party candidate faces backlash

SPDF Day 46: Episcopal group urges divestment in protest over Israeli occupation

France just passed a bill to legalize Edward Snowden-style whistleblowing

SPDF Day 46: vid. 1min. Israel has tortured more than 10,000 Palestinian children, psychologically, and usually physically as well. nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

SPDF Day 46: Jewish and Palestinian women are segregated in Israeli maternity wards — Chomsky

***** SPDF Day 46:  pic. The only purpose of my life is, was, and will ever be, to serve my global neediest. And you?....

SPDF Day 46:  The only purpose of my life is, was, and will ever be, to serve my global neediest. And you?

SPDF Day 46: Supreme Court rules: Israel can confiscate Palestinian property in Jerusalem


Hell. Clinton, Netanyhu's wh*re - Clinton weighs loyalty to Obama with distinctions on Israel issues

SPDF Day 45: Prostitutes, Whores for Israel - every one - ... 75 Senators Want to Punish Palestine Before It Can Accuse Israel of War Crimes

SPDF Day 45: Capital Hill since 7:30am till 5pm today...

SPDF Day 45:  Capital Hill since 7:30am till 5pm today, and similarly yesterday, Wed, and Monday. Rained out Tues. Rain tomorrow, will do errands and work online indoors, plus congress is off until Tuesday. Creator willing will be at the White House Saturday and Sunday, and probably back at Netanyahu's Propaganda Radio on Monday.

How a Washington state teacher is bringing Palestine into high school classrooms

How a Washington state teacher is bringing Palestine into high school classrooms - See more at:

SPDF Day 45: List of Israel massive assassinations thru the decades

SPDF Day 45: Israel’s anti-boycott law will hit Palestinians hardest, rights groups warn

SPDF Day 45: Thousands of Palestinian homes threatened with demolition

***** Stop Palestines Death Fast SPDF Day 45: My FB Page, my Blog, my Life... for the one in a million, only for the one in a million, that literally can't live with the status quo of terrorizing Palestines, Ecocide, Fascistization of America. I'm incomprehensible, a waste of time, to everyone else.

Stop Palestines Death Fast SPDF Day 45:  My FB Page, my Blog, my Life... for the one in a million, only for the one in a million, that literally can't live with the status quo of terrorizing Palestines, Ecocide, Fascistization of America.  I'm incomprehensible, a waste of time, to everyone else. 

vid. 1 min. Girl stands up for Muslim couple against bullying

On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel demolished the homes of Palestinian citizens of Israel 15 minutes from Tel Aviv

On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel demolished the homes of Palestinian citizens of Israel 15 minutes from Tel Aviv - See more at:

SPDF Day 45: Israel distributes demolition notices in Silwan, al-Khalil

vid. 2 min. Stranger shows girl with autism kindness