From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


14 million people looked right past her. But a 7-year-old possessed an open eye and heart.

***** MUST WATCH. MUST THINK. MUST CHANGE. "The purpose of life is giving." 4 min



***** vid. SPDF Day 22:  THE SINGLE GREATEST EXPOSITION OF UNVIOLENT ACTION: "LETTER FROM THE BIRMINGHAM JAIL."  Read it once, twice, 10, 20 times, until it is written in your DNA.

"A Reading of The Letter From Birmingham Jail" – Before the Dream... There was a Letter... from Kirwan Institute on Vimeo.
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY a non-fiction film commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr.‘s famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” No longer will the Letter from Birmingham Jail be in the SHADOW of the "I Have a Dream" speech.

The film stars community leaders of Columbus, Ohio and educators and leaders of The Ohio State University. The Letter from Birmingham Jail is an open letter written on April 16, 1963, by Martin Luther King, Jr. The letter defends the strategy of nonviolent resistance to racial discrimination, arguing that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws. After an early setback, it enjoyed widespread publication and became a key text for the American civil rights movement of the early 1960s.



The film is approximately 56 minutes.

Displaced by Israel, Palestinians make homes in caves

***** After Obama-Netanyahu dustup, no changes so far in U.S. support for Israel at the United Nations

nd. SPDF Day 22: On Capital Hill since 10am...

nd.  SPDF Day 22: On Capital Hill since 10am. Likely to be here till 4pm or 7pm.  Losing much strenght, along with the ability to generate body heat.  The hike up Capital Hill, even with much of my stuff on hand truck, is getting much more difficult, and llllooooonnnngggg.

SPDF Day 22: Medical Update. This morning my doc said yesterday's bloodwork shows ...

SPDF Day 22:  Medical Update.  This morning my doc said yesterday's bloodwork shows ok except my potassium (hearts stop when it gets too low) is still too low, but it is better than last week, thanks to the potassium horse pills she started me on.  She's having me double the dose.  My blood pressure is dropping, 110 over 76, lowest I've ever had. So much fluid pools in my legs is probably a contributing factor.  My doc, she's ordering support hose for my lower legs thinking this may help supply the fluid back to the rest of my body.  Weight has dropped about a half pound per day, about what I would have expected, from 175 when I started down to 163 this morning, tho several pounds of that is fluid in my legs, so probably a little more than that.

***** SPDF Day 22: ***** Day 22: “Yes, ‘alive is better!!!!’ That is exactly the point. Every day for the last 20 or so one Palestinian every three days, EVERY THREE DAYS, has their life sadistically stolen from them...

SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 22: A near lifelong acquaintance who I love above all   others, upon learning of this death fast wrote:  "Understand your position, but I still feel alive is   better than not. xxoo"

My reply:  Yes, 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  That is exactly the point.   Every day for the last 20 or so one Palestinian  every three days, EVERY THREE DAYS, has  their life savagely taken by our US backed Israeli  goon squads.  Every two years or so our US funded,  armed, backed... Israeli goon squads go in and  'mow the lawn,' and 'remove the top soil,' that is  slaughter, as the most powerful military in the world,  a defenseless indigenous population of children,  women and men.  This last time it was 500 children,  1500 adults.  This next time, and everyone knows  it is coming with 18 months, could be 2,000, 20,000, 200,0000.  These Naziesque Israelis know no limits thanks  to the criminal enabling of we US CITIZENS these  last 68 years.   And much much much much worse.  7 million Palestinians have been deprived of Life by we enabling Americans for 68 years now... LIVING DEATH... in refugee camps, and worse, the open air, LITERAL PRISONS... of the West Bank and Gaza... ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS.  ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS. ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS....  LIVING DEATH.  ROBED OF LIFE BY WE WALKING DEAD AMERICANS.

AND IF ONE SURVEYS AND DEEPLY CONSIDERS the in-actions of the Obama Administration, the US Free Palestine 'activists,' the European Free Palestine 'activists,' the invisibility, distortion, lies... spewed by the US Zionist Controlled Media... regarding the otherwise HEROIC Resistance of the Palestinians... THERE IS CURRENTLY ZERO HOPE, ZERO HOPE, FOR EVEN ONE OF MY PALESTINIANS TO BE ALIVE.  ZERO.

That is unacceptable to me.  I can at least save one. I am sure of it.  One can be alive if I die. And that is enough for me.

Yes, 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  And from what I can see,  other than the International Solidarity Movement,  I may be the only person in the US that believes  in every cell in my body that 'alive IS better!!!!!!'  And with infinite Joy and Peace of Heart, EVERY BREATH, I'll give mine now that even just one of them may be 'alive,' sometime, in the next 20 years, who otherwise would not be.  I can't think of, I can't see, anything on earth I'd rather do, or have ever done, in my 63 years.  Why can't you see that?

And the Death Fast, as I've written elsewhere, is the ONLY WEAPON that can save all of creation, stopping ecocide that at this moment is 100% NOT being stopped in time, and to stop the currently unopposed take over by the Oligarchs, the Corporate Fascists, of America, rolling back American human rights to the 1800's... for centuries.... a dark ages.

Sixty percent of global drone exports come from Israel — new data

Israel 'spied on US-Iran nuclear talks and leaked details to Congress'


nd. Paul Tillich: "All institutions including the church are inherently demonic."

Paul Tillich:  "All institutions including the church are inherently demonic."


SPDF Day 21: My health is my Palestine Family, my flesh and blood. There health is mine...

From a FB contact: "James, I will worry about your health as much as I wish, this doesn't have to bother you at all, how are you doing"

My reply: "Hi.  I never try to control another person. Ever.  But I do control my time, as is my duty to G_d.  All I have to say about my health is here -    . My health is my Palestinian Family, my flesh and blood .Their health is mine.  I have none other, and right now, no one is saving them.  They and I are Dead." 

vid. Muslims are Terrorists. 3 min......... In my experience the most Godly small group on earth are the Jews (the Zionists are the antithesis). The most Godly Large group I've found are the Muslims (ISIS, Boko Haram, al Qaieda are the antithesis).

In my experience the most Godly small group on earth are the Jews (the Zionists are the antithesis).  The most Godly Large group I've found are the Muslims (ISIS, Boko Haram, al Qaieda are the antithesis).

EXCELLENT ANALYSIS: Is Netanyahu's Israel drifting toward disaster? Updated by Max Fisher


***** SPDF Day 21 vlog:  DEATH FAST IS THE ONLY WEAPON THAT CAN SAVE HUMANKIND.....   The difference between me (and the activists of the '60's) and virtually every other activist today is that I start with the question that none of them have the courage or humanity to ask.  That question is: what would it take to win?  What would it take to succeed?  That's it.  And how in god's name they can morally justify calling themselves activists or taking the time and resources for what they do is completely beyond me.  It is so morally bankrupt.

They do nothing important in their own personal lives that does not start with the question, what will it take to succeed?.  But when it comes to their dogooder activities for people really in need, they never find the courage, the morality, the humanity, to grant to these victims the benefit that they always granted to themselves and to those near to them, that question, what would it take?  What price would have to be paid?  What sacrificed would have to be made?.

When one asks that question with reference to stopping the slaughter of Palestinians while there are still Palestinians to save, or if one asks that question rather relative to stopping ecocide, or saving the last vestiges of any decent American government, any shred of democracy, before the police state makes doing so a process that would take decades or hundreds of years, there is one answer, and one answer only, that comes forth: death fast.

All three of the Armageddon's I just mentioned are so imminent that Marches, lobbying Congress, face book and social media campaigns, fund raising, periodic undignified rantings at Congress, rallies, and other such activities are categorically way too little way too late.  In a very important earlier post I spoke of the law of social change which is the law of paying the price.  Essentially, social change happens when a relatively small group of innocents pays such an enormous personal price, or risks doing so, that the masses of onlookers of goodwill cannot stand the pain, and mobilize and militantly demand of government representatives that these deaths be prevented by meeting the demands of this Vanguard.

Prior techniques of paying this price are no longer sufficiently effective in the United States because the system has rendered them relatively impotent.  The system has become expert at demonizing activists, infiltrating and discrediting them, causing them to be ignored by the media; businesses that could be boycotted are so gargantuan that attempts to do so are laughable rather than understood to be heroic.  Self immolation is not understood, it has never been understood in the United States although Dr. King understood it and it was seeing a Monk self immolate in Vietnam that caused him to speak against the war.  But such exceptions cannot be counted on.

One can argue about the number, but there is a number of citizens that if they were in a dignified, disciplined, serious, committed death fast, here on capitol hill fasting unto death until the U.S. government stopped enabling Israel and held them to standards of international law, thereby stopping the slaughter of Palestinians and restoring to the Palestinians their human rights to which they are due by every legal and human measure, there is a number, 500, of 1000, 10,000 in waves...  that would cause such an outcry of agony from millions of bystanders around the country and the world, that the house and the senate would be forced to meet their demands.

No one of any honesty or humanity or decency can dispute this.  They can argue how many.  It would matter the age and race.  500 white college students would count for 5000 old folks like me.  100 middle schoolers would kill for 500 college students.  And so on.

You don't have, and are not pursuing, anything that will work so basically your activism is self gratification, obscuring the fact that you do not have a solution, that you are not saving the Palestinians or democracy or stopping ecocide, so thereby you hide that fact because by acting you imply you do have a solution further keeping onlookers on the sidelines, lulling them into a deadly sense of security, and thereby murdering the very people and causes that you purport to stand for.

***** vid. Chris Hedges decline of American Empire

***** MUST READ. CO-ASSASIN OF RABIN AFTER 16 YRS IN PRISON: "“I have no problem with Palestinians. I understand their war. I would fight in the same way,” he said.

***** SPDF Day 21 MUST MUST MUST READ: "Paranoid Benjamin Netanyahu...

***** SPDF Day 21 MUST MUST MUST READ: "Paranoid Benjamin Netanyahu Prepares For His Last Stand" Max Blumenthal. "His last-minute desperate appeal to racism was an Israeli application of Alabama Governor George C. Wallace's political rule: "I will never be out-niggered again.""

***** Day 21: “If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or consequences as they practice the way of war… clearly non-violence will not work...”

***** SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 21:  From the all-time greatest book of essays on Unviolent Warfare.  "If men are not willing to practice the way of non-violence with the same kind of commitment and recklessness of cost or con­sequences as they practice the way of war and as Communists work for Communism, clearly non-violence will not work."  AJ Muste  (Set your adblock on your browser and find it here "Peace and Nonviolence, Ed Guinan."

This man lives alone in a radioactive town to care for abandoned animals. I really had no choice he said.

***** We still lie about slavery: Here’s the truth about how the American economy and power were built on forced migration and torture All these decades later, our history books are filled with myths and mistruths. It is time for a true reckoning Edward E. Baptist

"Long before ISIS and Al Quaida and even before Iran and its nuclear threat, there existed the occupation of Palestine. Israel uses these excuses as a way to keep deferring the inevitable. The right to self-determination and independence is an inalienable right. The issue of Palestine is not about religion, it's about land theft and ethnic cleansing." Via A Naser 'Time' magazine issue from 1980!/photo.php?fbid=895646307113770&id=100000052263972&set=a.362193967125676.94372.100000052263972

Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are… Conservative


Israel launches military drills near Gaza Strip

Meet Bibi’s New Tribulation-Courting, Jew-Converting, Demon-Exorcising American Allies

***** vid. must must must watch. Norman Finkelstein on Netanyahu's Election and Israel's

5 signs of that America is devolving into a plutocracy

Report: 30 children shot by Israel since the beginning of the year

Vid. An amazing story of a dying girl's wish and some incredible sportsmanship


***** Vox: Carbon intensity has to fall 6% each year if we want to stop global warming — We're only at 1%.... AS I'VE BEEN SCREAMING FOR YEARS

Settlers attack, wound six-year-old Palestinian girl

***** Bringing Gaza to Glasgow: Council spends £24 million on high tech spying kit from Israel

Vid. Bear rescues crow from drowning.

****** MUST READ. NOW. Robert Reich: In Our Horrifying Future, Very Few People Will Have Work or Make Money. Think you're safe because you're a professional? Think again.

vid. Geraldo on Fox: "Bibi told me to my face years ago he would never allow a Palestinian state."

vid. r Gabor Maté - Why Capitalism Makes Us Sick

vid. Little girl sees train for first time

vid. Mother cat walks through flames 5 times to save kittens from building fire in Brooklyn, NY.

Ha'aretz: Israel chooses the path to apartheid. It was once possible to argue that Israel's policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu's reelection, this is no longer the case.

Israel chooses the path to apartheid

It was once possible to argue that Israel's policies were not the same as apartheid because their stated goal, however imperfectly pursued, was to end the occupation. After Netanyahu's reelection, this is no longer the case.

nd. SPDF Day 19: "Americans always do the right thing, after they’ve exhausted every other option” But this time it will be too late...

SPDF Day 19:  "Americans always do the right thing, after they have exhausted every other option."  Churchill.  This time, all the Palestinians will be dead, first, as the Darfuries before them, and the million Iraqis, and the Rwandans.... But it's ok.  We Amerikan lip-service liberals 'tried,' oh well, and now, where shall we go for dinner to talk about our 'next' cause?

nd. "Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1952. My favorite quote of all time.

"Example is not the major thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1952. My favorite quote of all time.

SPDF Day 19: "The naked numbers may be deceptive… the fact is that the Israeli electorate is dominated by hypernationalist, pro-fascist figures...

"The naked numbers may be deceptive. What really counts is the fact that the Israeli electorate is still dominated by hypernationalist, in some cases proto-fascist, figures. It is in no way inclined to make peace. It has given a clear mandate for policies that preclude any possibility of moving toward a settlement with the Palestinians and that will further deepen Israel’s colonial venture in the Palestinian territories, probably irreversibly."

SPDF Day 19: My Last Book. The primary purpose of my blog posts (and book) are for after my demise, or whatever form the termination of my life takes now...

SPDF Day 19: The primary purpose of my blog posts is for after my demise from this Fast. I intend toward the end to incorporate them in book(let), "Stop Palestine's Death Fast."  Where my experience of the last 8-12 years as a dedicated unviolent warrior for peace, and for 40 years as an expert in leading and bringing about high stakes, near-immediate, transformative change, is distilled to Free Palestine, in my effort to do my little part of showing you the path you so far avoid seeing with all of your might... the COMMITTED, PAY THE PRICE, Universal IMMEDIATE Family Emergency response, that is the only path to Life, individually, and now, for not just the Palestinians, but all of Creation. My prior works are here:

SPDF Day 19: HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS…to face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples on which this campaign is based. ..

SPDF Day 19:  HAVE THE DECENCY, GUTS, as you continue to disparage, denigrate, denounce, discount, dispute, distance from, generally dis, and / or dismiss my efforts, at least face the mountains of theoretical, historical, practical, and experiential learning, writings, examples... on which it is based.  You will find all of my foundation at two sites:  1.  A. The articles are the ones I select every day as credible, substantial, and strategically important.  B.  The links in rows at the top are the most effective distillations of the scholarly studies, books, articles from the world's leading academics where one can quickly get a profound grasp of the situation.  C. The SPDF posts are my distillation of a lifetime of study and practice of leadership, nonviolence (unviolent warfare), strategic anaylisis and planning... specific to Palestine and what is needed NOW.  2.  There is a God-send site (NOTICE: SET YOUR ADBLOCK IN YOUR BROWSER, FIRST, TO AVOID THE PORN ADS.  The Pirate Bay dot se / Unviolentpeacemaker) created by some brave soul over the years that has virtually all of the great scholarship, models, media and practice on Unviolent Warfare (nonviolence), and Palestine / Israel.  I've read and incorporated the vast majority in to my being, and into my work.

nd. SPDF Day 19: On site White House 9am - 7pm (est) to Free Palestine.

SPDF Day 19:  On site White House 9am - 7pm (est) to Free Palestine.

***** SPDF Day 19 vlog. Between 2000 and 20,000, maybe 200,000, of we Palestinians will be slaughtered within the next year and a half...

SPDF Day 19.  Between 2000 and 20,000, maybe 200,000, of we Palestinians will be slaughtered within the next year and 1/2.  Everyone knows this.  As a Palestinian I hate you American and European Free Palestine activists more than I hate the Zionists.  You are using us for your moralistic orgy.

You can't possibly thank the writing another book is going to stop the most powerful military in the world, the Israeli U.S. military complex.  You can't possibly think that BDS is going to stop a population that entirely unlike South Africa, is totally psychotic, posttraumatic, siege mentality, has contempt for the rest of the world, and has been planning all along for the isolation that is now threatened.  You can't possibly think that a march, here, demonstration there, more articles in journals no one reads,  tantruming and whining in congressional sessions occasionally... will stop the Zionist Maffia... in literally 1000 years!


And you only have, WE only have, months to do it.  (I forgot, after the next wave of we Palestinians, then the next wave, then the last of us are exterminated... YOU GET TO GO HOME, FEELING SMUG, AND RIGHTEOUS, THAT YOU 'TRIED.'  YOU NEVER TRIED. YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED. YOU HAVE USED US, TO JERK OFF.)

And on top of that you can't think that your puny BDS which can only get a tiny segment of the Israeli economy, most of which is military and high tech you can't possibly think that that will be offset by the billions of Adelson and the other criminal American families with their billions that bankroll the Zionist mafia.

So your incessant books, book tours, talks to churches, talks at synagogues, emotional attempts to heal heal Hillel and Judaism, your BPS, your undignified ranting in Congressional Sessions or your taunts of AIPAC...  You can't possibly think that they're going to save even one Palestinian Life.

Yes, of course most of these (not the undignified ranting) can be part of a solution, the same way the woman's auxiliary can be part of a military, the USO can be part of the military campaign, the army can be part of a military campaign.

But without the insanely committed special forces, the outrageously risky marine forces, there is no campaign, there is no hope of victory.

You god damn liberals are using we Palestinians in your moralistic orgy.  And it's not neutral.  You create the illusion for otherwise good hearted people that the solution is on the way.  And with that illusion you keep them on the sidelines.  Oh well, I guess it's going to be OK.

Have the freaking decency to escalate - COMMIT, PUT YOUR LIFE LIMB AND TREASURE IN THE WAY OF THIS AND KEEP IT THERE UNTIL YOU WIN OR YOU DIE.  'EXAMPLE IS NOT THE MAJOR THING IN INFLUENCING PEOPLE. IT IS THE  ONLY THING.' Albert Schweitzer.  'PAY THE PRICE, THE AWEFUL, IMMENSE PRICE, IT WILL TAKE TO STOP THE WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL MAFFIA NOW, OR DIE TRYING.  THIS IS A HOLOCAUST.  THIS IS YOUR HOLOCAUST ON YOUR WATCH.  MAKE 'NEVER AGAIN' MEAN... NEVER AGAIN... OR DIE TRYING.  (The scale is smaller, but THIS IS THE HOLOCAUST ON YOUR WATCH. ACT LIKE IT!!!) Have the freaking decency to behave as though 2000 to 200,000 people are about to be slaughtered, YOUR people, YOUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY... because they are, or go home, and shut up, and stop creating the illusion that anything is in the works to save we Palestinians because currently nothing is.

Oh, and to my Palestinian brothers and sisters... STOP THE VIOLENCE.  STOP THROWING ROCKS.  USE YOUR BODIES TO CONFRONT THE VIOLENCE.  LET THEM KILL YOU.  PILE UP THE BODIES.  Every rock you throw, tho it is your right, keeps the all important world's confused, timid, but good-hearted bystanders of the world... ON THE SIDELINES.  Stop it.  Study MLK Jr.  Study Wael Gohnim. Study Tahrir Square. Go to (set your ad block on your browser first to block the porn ads) The Pirate Bay dot se / Unviolentpeacemaker  to the blessed site 'UNVIOLENTPEACEMAKER.'  Some loving soul has put virtually ALL of the greatest books on non-violence, Palestine, Ecocide... up there.  Buy the materials when you can, but READ.  STUDY.  LEARN.  Violence is suicide for us Palestinians.  SUICIDE.  We are going to die, many of us more, before an end can come.  We need to make every death count!!! AND THAT MEANS NON-VIOLENCE.  DEATH FAST.  LAUNCH VERSIONS OF THE MARCH ON THE SALT-WORKS, THE SALT MARCH.  STOP THE ROCKETS.  ALL THEY KILL IS INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!


Selected by Harvard as one of the greatest expressions of Justice. Quraan: “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted”.... article

vlog. SPDF Day 18: If this Death Fast is wrong the Martin Luther King Jr was wrong...

If the death fast is wrong then Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then the monks that self immolated inspiring the Kennedys and MLK Jr to levels of consideration and insight and action that they never otherwise would have achieved are wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then Malcom X was wrong.  If the death fast is wrong then the tens of thousands that marched to what they thought was nears certain death in Tahrir Square were wrong.

If the death fast is wrong, paying the full price of one's life for what one wants, is wrong, then you are wrong.  You are wrong because everything of immense value in your life you have paid dearly for, your house, your education, your car, your dearest relationships....

Death fast is nothing more than a concentrated way of paying one's life, and we pay our lives regularly, paying one's life in a concentrated way for something of inestimable value.  And if that is wrong then you are wrong.  If that is wrong then Jesus of Nazareth is wrong.

If that is right, and you don't, then you are wrong, you are betraying humanity, you are betraying your nieces and nephews, you are betraying seven million Palestinians, you are betraying millions of Palestinian children, you are betraying the United States, and you are betraying all of creation.

And if I flinch, and I have zero inclination of flinching, but if I flinch, then the betrayal is mine.  So far the Joy is mine.  The joy could be, and must become, yours, too, now.

vlog. SPDF Day 18: (Thought experiment). What MIGHT you and others have done in the late 1920’s or early 30’s to prevent Hitler, WWII, the Holocaust?...

vlog. SPDF Day 18: (Thought experiment). What MIGHT you and others have done in the late 1920's or early 1930's to prevent Hitler, WWII, the Holocaust?

Back in the late 1920s and early to mid 1930s what might you have done, you and people like you, differently, that might have prevented Hitler, prevented the extermination of six million eastern Europeans, gypsies, Catholics, and another six million Jews?  What might you have done that thereby would have headed off world war two?

The ultimate statement, the ultimate attention getter given the wiring of our nervous systems, is risking one's life for a cause, or giving one's life for a cause.  This is inarguable by anyone who is honest.

 I'm unaware of activists, so called activists, of that time, that did any such thing.  Whte Rose did later, to late; and Dietrich Bonoffer and a few others did, much later, much too late.

Presumably activest wrote memos, had meetings, had more meetings, had talks, wrote books, spoke to their friends....  All those things probably helped.  Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.  Tens of millions were slaughtered because no one stopped what was coming about, no one changed the future.

Would making a more heroic, more aggressive, more militant nonviolent attempt have been worth one person's life?  Wouldn't that have been worth the lives of 10,000 nonviolent warriors?  Of course it would.  That is without question.

The question is can you, can I, WILL you or I, become one of those people now?  We are at beyond the equivalent of the late 1920s early to mid 1930s Germany.   We're on the verge of unstoppable ecocide. We're on the verge of a another, probably much larger slaughter in Palestine, quite possibly a total final genocide.  We're on the verge of the extinguishing of United States democracy for many many many generations.  There's much more at stake than ever before.

If in this thought experiment you can imagine that in 19 late twenties early 1930s Germany you might have chosen to escalate beyond anything that was done, you need to apply that imagination to today.  And you need to do it now.  I'll do my part of trying to show us the way, but I can't do your part..

vlog. SPDF Day 18: Is there really no one besides a dearest loved one you would gladly give your life to save...?

vlog. SPDF Day 18:  Is there really no one besides a dearest loved one you would gladly give your life to save?  Well, then all is lost.

If you would give your life or anyone it would probably be for someone extremely close to you.  In our society this is normal, for the last 6000 years this is normal.  If normal continues your nieces and nephews, children and grandchildren, have no future other than a living material Hell.  I suppose this is unfair.  I suppose it is not kind.  But it is the fact.

Global warming is destroying earth and the final seconds to stop that are passing as we speak.   What American democracy there was is being replaced by some combination of oligarchy, fascism, and the last seconds to stave it off prior to an unstoppable dark ages of innumerable decades or centuries, the seconds left to stave off are passing now.

These are both immensely abstract issues from which we are distracted by a multitrillion dollar economy based on addiction to stuff, and the lies and illusions that go along with that.  This is why a freeing Palestine, finding that as I think I would, you too would gladly give your life for any of the seven million Palestinians that have been so tormented for going on 70 years now, this is why this is so instrumental to the first two problems that I mentioned.

The Terrorization of Palestine is the most concrete, most evil, most immense horror facing humanity today.  It requires less imagination to see the victims and to find the compassion within ourselves to happily trade our life for even one of theirs.  I don't know that such a thing as such mass mobilized compassion has happened before in history in the numbers that this will require.  It is not going to happen.  But unless it does there is no hope of stopping global warming or global police state.

If that mass heroic mobilization happened for Palestine there is a prayer, because an awakened heart doesn't stop when it has solved the problem at hand.  It looks around at the rest of its human family.  So in the army that mobilized to free Palestine before the next slaughter would be an army that would subsequently mobilize against those other two problems.  There is no other situation that can raise the army.

If not you, who?  If you don't become the change, who is going to?  No one, is the answer you should find the courage to face.

Is this a sad prospect.  I can't speak for you, but for me it is the most joyful prospect.  The prospect of giving my life to save even one Palestinian?  That's heaven.  The much more minuscule, but real prospect, that I could be part of the start of raising the army that could save all future for humankind?  Do I find that sad?  I feel it is what I was born for.  I feel it is what you were born four.  My learning and study tells me it is what we're all born for, but we have forgotten, we have been taught to forget by our ultimately sick culture.

vlog. SPDF Day 18: I am on Death Fast in protest of YOU...

vlog. SPDF Day 18:  I am on Death Fast in protest of YOU. (If the shoe does not fit, don't wear it.)

Until several days ago I had two primary targets for this death fast, and one secondary target.  The two primary targets were the activists associated with freeing Palestine, the so called activists, and other people of goodwill.  And that was number one.  Number two was congressman John Lewis as the only representative in the house or the senate that I think has enough conscience buried within him to be awakened and to take a leadership position for Palestine.  As I've said often I have no illusions that I'll make any difference beyond a saving the life of one Palestinian within the next 20 years by trading my life for theirs.  I remain certain that that will be achieved.

But I can have goals beyond that and I just stated that the two groups that I've been targeting this death fast at.

As a third individual in whom I had some hope of also rising to playing a major moral role, actually beyond hope, I was near certain of it.  Pr. Obama.  If the article that I re-published today on this blog by Peter Beinart is at all correct, and tragically, I'm fairly certain that it is, then I am finally seeing that today's president Obama is an enemy of mine, an enemy of Palestine, an enemy of humanity.  If Beinart's article is correct then the Obama of administrations response to Netanyahu's handing them license to force a solution on a silver platter, is to reject that platter in favor of further pandering to the Zionist elites.  It is horrifying.  It makes today a darker day than several days ago, or ever before, for me.  It makes today darker than when  Netanyahu was here.  But that's the way it appears now.

Prior to seeing this in addition to john Lewis I perceived that president Obama was the other, the single other person in Washington, whose moral stature and latant humanity and conscience needed to be my target, and the target of all of us, to inspire them to levels of heroic and courageous leadership.

Whereas I may have some little hope in John Lewis, there is no prayer for Palestine, zero, nada, nothing... without a privileged-white activism of the courage, recklessness, selflessness that maybe has only ever been seen before among the handful of whites that risked, and in some cases lost, their lives in the civil rights movement.  Though I've not spent time studying this specifically, I believe it is true that almost never in history has a population that is not the immediate victim, as these white people were not the immediate victim, almost never do such people willingly, aggressively, put their own lives at risk.  But in the sixties, from privileged, northern, and also southern whites, we saw exactly that.

Unless that reappears in huge numbers the Palestinians are lost.  Maybe the next slaughter in Gaza that everyone is expecting within the next year and 1/2 will only be the size of the last one.  Anyone who is honest realizes that it may be many many fold more.  Netanyahu and his minions are insane but they are not stupid.  They have gambled all along that the faster they exterminated, the faster they destroyed the rights of Palestinians, the more likely they were to get away with it.  And nothing has transpired on the U.S. or international stage that should change their view of that.

For me, keeping or losing my own life is just way way way way way down the list from taking even the most minuscule chance a staving off this next slaughter and bringing a just peace to the Palestinian people.  And that means that you, the American left, are our only hope, you catatonic, way in denial, liberals, you  do it if it's convenient and safe, popular, funded... Free Palestine activists.  You are the ones that have at least a cognitive understanding of the situation which means that you are the population that could mobilize the most quickly.

My death fast is for you.  It is to show you the direction of how to Free Palestine.  In the next 50 years BDS would not bring justice to Palestine.  It can play a minor role, the same way the army can play a role in a military conflict.  But without the special forces, without the Marines, going in first and putting their lives at the greatest risk, there really is no purpose for the army.  It is my understanding that this is fundamental military theory.

Similarly without the whites and blacks putting their lives on the line to show, to prove, to establish... the worth of black lives and black freedom all the other more timid, more cowardly, less aggressive activism would still be going on today with no significant results.

So this death fast is for you.  I don't expect you to notice.  I expect you to dismiss it, disparage it, distort it so it is not a threat to you, and cannot impact your heart.  But that's on you, that's not on me.  Me playing my part is on me, and by god, unless and until the situation changes, I will carry it through with all the joy and passion that I've ever had.

SPDF Day 18: Miko Peled - "More than the threat of war on Iran, Netanyahu’s re-election is a call for war on Palestinians everywhere....

More than the threat of war on Iran, Netanyahu’s re-election is a call for war on Palestinians everywhere. It is a call for war on human rights and international law. It is a mandate for the Israeli government to murder Palestinians. It gives Netanyahu license to continue Israel's seven-decade policy of racism and apartheid towards the people from whom they stole the land. It is also a call for people of conscience to impose boycotts and sanctions to divest and to isolation Israel. No more business as usual - it is time for outrage, for action, the type of action that brought down apartheid in South Africa. It is a call to finally allow Palestinians to have their country back.

vlog. SPDIF day 17: this death fast is for everyone I know and everyone I do not know. This death fast is against everyone I know, and everyone I don't know. (If the shoe does not fit, don't wear it.)

This death fast is for everyone I know , and for every one I do not know, born and to be born in the future.  I experience all of these as part of me.  I experienced all of these as part of my family.  That's just how it is with me.

And this death fast is a protest against everyone I know , and everyone I see involved in the so called free Palestine effort.  Against individuals?  Of course not.  Against grossly inadequate, cowardly, self serving behavior of nearly all the individuals involved?  Absolutely.

Every one of the people I'm describing may be doing exactly what history requires.  But to my trained eye none, with a certain exception of Diane Wilson (on other crucial issues), and the possible exception of very few others, with the near certain exception of the international solidarity movement activists in Palestine, with the near certainty exception of some other activists in Palestine.  With the fairly certain exception of much or most of Hamas, heroic, intelligent, informed freedom fighters.

But I just mentioned dozens of people on a planet with seven billion.  This death fast is a protest against the behavior of almost everyone, above the age of 12, on earth, particularly we over privileged in the United States .  We are behaving like the walking dead people that we are.  In willful, catatonic denial .  Fiddling while Rome burns.  Not lifting a finger so that our nieces and nephews, our children, our grandchildren, have a future remotely worth living in terms of democratic society , a planet habitable , other than the police state that is being developed in Palestine for export to the elites around the world. 

“Christian Zionism does not promote peace and totally ignores justice,” he added. “It brings the terminology of divine right into a modern conflict and tries to solve that modern conflict not by international law but by making claims on behalf of God — and how is that different from radical Islam which claims there’s a divine right to their actions?” ....To evangelicals, Zionism an increasingly tough sell

“Christian Zionism does not promote peace and totally ignores justice,” he added. “It brings the terminology of divine right into a modern conflict and tries to solve that modern conflict not by international law but by making claims on behalf of God — and how is that different from radical Islam which claims there’s a divine right to their actions?”

***** Obama, have I have really been wrong about you all along??? "President Obama is basically doing the bidding of all the big corporations," says Lori Wallach of Global Trade Watch. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is "a delivery mechanism for a broad corporate agenda." Vid. Dn!

America’s immoral exceptionalism: The lie we keep telling ourselves about foreign policy and democracy

Chris Hayes show likely to be terminated. Chris is far and away the most trustworthy newest personality on television. This speaks volumes about we Americans. We are not worth saving. But the Palestinians are.

***** SPDF Day 18: profoundly discouraging article. From the Obama administration...

***** SPDF Day 18: profoundly discouraging article. From the Obama administration we may expect more of the same. Looks like they expect, and will allow, the next Israeli extermination of Palestinians. And the next. And the next. And the next.   " Enraged by Netanyahu's rhetoric, White House officials believe Israeli-U.S. relations fundamentally changed "..... This was Pr. Obama's opening to impose a near-immediate UN resoution(s).  Instead, he and his staff are looking at his 'legacy,' setting the stage for some future president, to maybe, sometime, bring productive 'talks.'  There are no 'talks' between the gang rape mob and the girl... until force shows up and enforces law.  There are no 'talks' until the world community, and the US, FORCES Israel to obey the law. This article speaks a simple continuance of the last 68 years of genocidal US policy.  I am now almost certain that either I've misjudged Pr. Obama all along, or that finally, somehow, they've either literally cloned him into an evil twin, to scared the living sh*t out of him to do their (the world financial elites) will.  I can't explain his drone program, criminalizing Venezuella, criminalizing Ed Snowden, and now this cowardly, criminally missed opportunity re Palestine.  The author of this article is a brilliant, good young man, Peter Beinart.  I'll watch to see if he is wrong on this one, tho unless he is deliberately misleading, that is unlikely.  Today is now darker than even the day before yesterday.


"Both girls need medical attention as well as cosmetic surgery, but the shut borders with Egypt and Israel means that they can't travel to receive treatment in Turkey nor receive specialist doctors who are willing to travel to the besieged Gaza Strip." DETAIL

Both girls need medical attention as well as cosmetic surgery, but the shut borders with Egypt and Israel means that they can't travel to receive treatment in Turkey nor receive specialist doctors who are willing to travel to the besieged Gaza Strip.

pic. The problem is NOT people hating Jews. The problem IS Zionists being SUPREMELY HATEFUL.

The problem was NOT people hating Germans. The problem WAS Nazis being SUPREMELY HATEFUL.

The problem is NOT people hating Jews. The problem IS Zionists being SUPREMELY HATEFUL.

***** vid. 2 min. THE POWER OF LOVING (by whatever name)


SPDF Day 17: I expect to terminate this death fast within the next few days. I'm no expert on missiles but I know that some are equipped with an abort mechanism.  Anyone that launches a campaign of any sort and regardless of changing circumstances is unwilling to change their plans as a zealot, a madman.  This death vast was begun on the day, on the night before, Netanyahu was here in Washington enabling Congress to demonstrate its complete corruption, and his as well.  It was a time of complete darkness.  Utter hopelessness.  Absolute shamefullness among the cowardly inadequacy of the American Free Palestine activities. 

We American activists don't do what's needed.  We do what's convenient.  We do what feels good.  We do what attracts money, followers, accolades, while enabling us to continue on with our over privileged lifestyles.  The exceptions prove the rule. 

I think that may have changed now.  No, it has changed.  The question is how substantial is the change, and will it continue. 

I posted earlier today some discussion of my analysis of the situation.  At the core is the widely covered news that the Obama Administration may have been given enough license by this criminal Netanyahu and his criminal Israeli country to act aggressively to impose the international law of record, the 1967 borders and the right of return for the 3.5 million  Palestinian refugees.  I make not the slightest assumption that tomorrow's headlines might not reverse all this.  But I do make the assumption, it is my analysis, that A. it could be substantive, and B. It changes the clarity of the situation with in which I am on Death Fast.  Even the most infinitesimal candle in a room of absolutes darkness and be seen.  Well I could be that candle on the day, and on the days since, Netanyahu was here in town.  But for the moment the room is no longer nearly so dark with these obvious considerations on the part of the Obama Administration.

I suspect that I'll not reach a final conclusion for several days.  I'll continue to watch the news for clues as to whether this is substantive or illusory.  But within hours or days I think there is an excellent chance that the best way I can serve the part of my family that is Palestine is to terminate this death fast, regain strength, continue my online work, probably continue my vigil and work, and to watch for the next point of clarity as to how I can serve, which could well be, if the next absolute darkness appears even almost immediately, to launch another death fast.

As I wrote in an immensely important post the other day, I feel not the slightest hesitation to have my life terminate now, this instant, if it can save one Palestinian in the next 20 years.  But the clarity for that at the moment may have been lost, and there may now be new and better opportunities to serve even more.  I'll see.

I will, I AM giving my Life for Palestine, for the infinite Joy of it. The only variable  is how to best serve in doing that.  I'll continue to re-calculate breath, by breath, by breath.

European Delegation denied access to Gaza for the second time


 ***** SPDF Day 17 MUST READ.: My demand is nothing less than the immediate restoration and of full human rights, 100% human rights....

My demand is nothing less than the immediate restoration and of full human rights, 100% human rights, for the seven million Palestinians of my family who have been Tortured, and tormented, terrorized, dispossessed, humiliated, defiled, degraded... by the US and Israel for 68 years now.  More specifically I demand of my government that they obey the law, they stop supplying weapons to a terrorist state Israel, they stop providing funding to a terrorist state Israel, they stop obstructing in the UN almost all countries of the world in holding Israel to international law.  United States law forbids the providing of weapons to a country that uses those weapons for offensive purposes.  Israel is the quintessential example of that notwithstanding the tidal waves of Israeli lies and deceit, propaganda, to the contrary. 

My goal is not to die.  My goal is to bring about to some even minuscule measure this objective.  My goal is at minimum to save the life, to reduce by even one day, the torture and torment of one of those seven million Palestinians of my family over the next 20 years. And that I can do.

In an important post of several days ago I described the law of social change which is the law of sufficient suffering, sufficient paying the price for the change.  That is based on an extensive study of a history of change, particularly unviolent change, and is indisputably the way change happens. 

I cannot have the impact that millions of my brothers and sisters in the over privileged, colonial, terrorist, US could bring to bear by joining me and doing their part.  But I can do my part.  Mine can be one of the Lives, it will be one of the lives, on the scale of change, and when enough are added to the scale, the rest almost certainly to be Palestinian children and other inocent Palestinians, due to our collective apathy, inhumanity, cowardice on the left, in the scale will be tilted to Justice.

No, I do not expect this to happen before the last Palestinian is exterminated.  Netanyahu and his satanic minions are acting and speaking just as the Nazis did in the lead up to the extermination of the Jews.  They are absolutely the children, the psychological and philosophical and spiritual descendants, of Hitler and the Nazis.  That's not a condemnation per say.  It is a rather expected psychological fact.  Those who are abused frequently learn and adopt and practice the lifestyle of abusers.  Netanyhu and his sick, sociopathic, psychotic, post traumatic, siege mentality hoards are no exception.

I do not know what impact if any the news of today and the last several days will have on this death fast campaign.  It is possible that the game has changed dramatically now.  It has been and remains my belief that Pr. Obama is a profoundly good man and detests the human rights desecration of the Palestinians as much as I.  The great Edward Said was his professor.  Pr. Obama has just appointed his classmate from Harvard, Robert Malley, as his point man on this situation, to the fury of the Zionists.  Malley, a graduate of Yale, Harvard, Oxford, it seems unlikely to me that Pr. Obama would have appointed him to a meaningless post this month, or that Maley would have accepted. 

I consider Pr. Obama the greatest president this country has ever seen, consummately brilliant, profoundly serious, and I think it is entirely possible that he has been working to enable Netanyahu to accumulate enough rope for himself that he hang himself.  And it could be that Netanyahu did so in the final days of this past election. 

Also possible, I believe, is that Netanyahu could be in on it to some degree.  Not so much that I care, but this is quite possible.  Netanyahu could have enough sanity that he sees and cares that Israel is headed toward global pariah status in the world community for as long as Israel survives.  He could have enough sanity to see and care about this.  Im not betting on it, but it is possible.  And his calculation, possibly in consultation with the Obama administration, could have been, could be, that the only way to bring about a just resolution, given the insane Israeli and U.S.  Zionist right wing , was to maneuver such that Pr. Obama could get away with imposing it on Israel. 

***** This COULD change everything: "Malley argues that negotiations with the Palestinians today must include Hamas because the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is no longer considered the Palestinian people's sole legitimate representative....." detail

***** This COULD change everything:  "Malley argues that negotiations with the Palestinians today must include Hamas because the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is no longer considered the Palestinian people's sole legitimate representative....."

***** This COULD change everything: U.S. opens up to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, and Iran

***** This COULD change everything: Israel's shield no more? Officials say they are revisiting the U.S. stance in light of Netanyahu rolling back his support of a Palestinian state. Read more:

***** This COULD change everything: British deputy PM: If Netanyahu rejects two-state solution, U.K. will recognize Palestine If Netanyahu rules out a Palestinian state and expands West Bank settlements, 'the world, including the British parliament, would have no option, but to recognize a Palestinian state,' says Nick Clegg.

***** SPDF Day 17: This COULD change everything...

***** SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 17:  This COULD change everything: HA'ARETZ:  U.S. could back UN resolution on Palestine, White House official says Move to come in response to Netanyahu's two-state reversal, official tells NYT. Obama to pass responsibility for Israel ties to Kerry; 'President doesn’t want to waste his time,' says U.S. official.

More Desired than Our Owne Salvation: The Roots of Christian Zionism

nd. From FB: "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution."

nd. From FB:  "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution."

Joseph Stiglitz: We’ve been brainwashed It's no accident that Americans widely underestimate inequality. The rich prefer it that way

We’ve been brainwashed

It's no accident that Americans widely underestimate inequality. The rich prefer it that way

***** SPDF Day 17: This could change everything - US reportedly weighs recognizing a Palestinian state...

US reportedly weighs recognizing a Palestinian state according to '67 lines

The White House might also consider paring down the defense American diplomats give Israel at the UN 

***** vlog. Day 17 (Capital Hill): "Palestinians... "Cheap,' 'near worthless.' This is the price that the U.S. activists, so called activists, to Free Palestine, are establishing on Palestinian Life and Human Rights.

SPDF Stop palestine's death fast the 17 (Capital Hill): "Cheap,' 'near worthless.'  This is the price that the U.S. activists, so called activists, to Free Palestine, are establishing on Palestinian Life and Human Rights.  Near worthless.  No?  Have you forgotten what setting a price, setting a value, looks like?  The marchers in Selma set the price on the life and human rights of black Americans.  The Salt Marchers in India, the marchers on the Salt Works in India, set the price, set the value, on the life and rights of Indians.  The young Egyptians in Tahrir Square set the value of Egyptian freedom, and Egyptian rights.  The International Solidarity Movement workers in Israel are setting the price on Palestinian Life.  They're setting it very high.  Rachel Corrie is the clearest example but many many other young international's are setting the ultimate value on Palestinian Life.  But their work is obscured, hidden, not only by the Zionist terrorized U.S. Media, but it is diluted to nothingness by the infinitely larger price setters, the infinitely more visible U.S. so-called Free Palestine activists. 

Now some of these so called Free Palestine activists take my breath away with their humanity and courage.  Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky a few of the heroic actions of Jewish Voice for Peace.  The BDS activists on college campuses are light years beyond my humanity, or rather my inhumanity, when I was a self absorbed air head when I was in college.  But that doesn't change the fact that the price they all are setting on Palestinian Life is 'virtually worthless.'  The value they are setting on Palestinian Life is virtually nil.  No?  The price of black lives and black freedom back in the sixties set by college students was risking their lives and careers and education and reputation by leaving their campuses, leaving their towns, leaving their homes and going in droves, to work in what must have been terrifying back reaches of the south, and or to go to prison like Parchman Prison.  Some of them paid with their lives setting the life of black life, and black freedom, at the ultimate value, at the ultimate price, where it belongs.

These are facts.  They are historically indisputable facts.  Yes, today, neither on the right for the left do we value facts.  Especially among US liberals, especially amoung US liberal 'activists.'  We value opinion.  We value group consensus (you know, circle-jerking).  We don't value historical fact.  We fear historical fact because historical fact condemns our current cowardly inaction and demands that we act differently.


With Netanyahu's reelection, the peace process is over and the pressure process must begin

Noam Chomsky on the Roots of American Racism

More of Unbalanced, Clinically Mad Israeli War Monger. By Alan Hart,%20More%20of%20Unbalanced,%20Clinically%20Mad%20Israeli%20War%20Monger%20By%20Alan%20Hart.htm

***** SPDF Day 16: The single most Sacred writing I've ever seen. Rabbi Abraham Heschel...

***** SPDF Day 16: The single most Sacred writing I've ever seen.  More applicable today than when first published more than 70 years ago.  Rabbi Abraham Heschel - "The Meaning of this Hour."  Posted this years ago. Needs revisiting today.

***** SPDF Day 16: vid. Albanian Muslims would not turn over even one Jew to the Germans....

***** SPDF Day 16: vid. Albanian Muslims would not turn over even one Jew to the Germans.  'I'd rather have my son killed than turn over on Jew'

nd. SPDF Day 16: My God, My God, why have we forsaken thee?

nd. My God, My God, why have we forsaken thee?

vid. 3 min. Feeding Sea Lions

***** HA'ARETZ. Gideon Levy writes: Netanyahu Deserves the Israeli People, and They Deserve Him If after everything, the Israeli phoenix succeeded in rising from the ashes and getting reelected, something is truly broken, possibly beyond repair....."If after six years of nothing, if after six years of sowing fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, this is the nation's choice, then it is very ill indeed."

Gideon Levy writes "If after six years of nothing, if after six years of sowing fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, this is the nation's choice, then it is very ill indeed."

***** Ha'aretz: As an Israeli, I am ashamed that my prime minister is a racist....

***** SPDF Day 16: "Israel will become much more fanatic.....

***** SPDF Day 16: STOP. STOP AND READ THIS ENTIRE ARTICLE. NOW.  Israel will become much more fanatic and extremist than ever before with a lot less inhibitions. I am therefore worried about the Palestinians and wonder how much more of this they could possibly take and what they can expect in the next few months and years. Israel isolating itself is more dangerous for the Palestinians because world public opinion will no longer be a moderating factor on Israel’s behaviour. And believe it or not, it did have a moderating effect. What you have been seeing so far and what Palestinians have been experiencing is not yet the worst. Gaza gives you the idea of what Israel has in mind for all Palestinians. - See more at:

SPDF Day 16: CAUTION: I am on a mission. It is a mission I've been training for, preparing for, my entire life. I have little time left to finish my work.....

SPDF Day 16:  CAUTION:  I am on a mission. It is a mission I've been training for, preparing for, my entire life.  I have little time left to finish my work. I study, analyze, plan, replan, rethink... every day, using my lifetime of training, learning, expertise.  I am not perfect at what I do, but frankly, I see no one, no one, no one... involved in working to Free Palestine that understands the situation, needs, and required action as I do. That is neither to my credit, nor necessarily, to the discredit of others.  But it is part of my assessment of the situation.  I benefit from breathtaking minds every day.  My google alerts include some of the finest minds and souls I've ever seen - Max Blumenthal, Glen Greenwald, Jimmy Carter, Emira Hass, Norman Finkelstein, Chris Hedges, Gideon Levy, Robert Reich, Philip Weis, Noam Chomsky....  Many of these have devoted decades to bringing Justice to Palestines, and I have been devoted less than a year.  But, well, take today, for example, after the Satanyahu election.  Some of these are breathless with amazement at the results, at what it shows them about the true character of the Israeli psycho state, etc.....  I've been at this less than 9 months and they are only now seeing what I already saw clearly months ago??????  I couldn't be where I am without them, and others, but they do not have my background in analysis, visioning, ACHIEVING RESULTS, FAILURE-IS-NOT-AN-OPTION, leadership, implementation, 100% to the death solidarity with the needy.  No discredit to them. No credit to me. My point?  I seek better alternatives EVERY DAY, ANY MOMENT OF ANY DAY.  But I'm not playing, I'm a world class expert at what I do, and I have not one second to waste.  Anyone that comes my way that has an extremely well thought out, massively important comment, suggestion, addition, alternative... I'll be immensely interested and grateful.  Anyone that tries to use my time for drama, hysterics, attention to me (instead of Palestine), less than gold-standard, historically and theoretically solid alternatives, suggestions, corrections... will receive a stern, 'Good day to you,' from me.  Full Stop.  NONE OF US should have a second to waste, and I do not, and will not, whatever the price to me personally.  I'm willing to fail; I'm unwilling to not give this every nano-second of my best attention, time and effort till the end.

***** I think Israel’s pathological siege mentality will now become more pronounced and more evident to outsiders. - See more at:

I think Israel’s pathological siege mentality will now become more pronounced and more evident to outsiders. - See more at:

***** vid. Feeling the Hate in Tel Aviv. Max Blumenthal

***** MUST READ. On the re-election of Satanyahu: "Everything you have been told about the “Jewish democracy” by the Israel supporters: it is wrong. It may be Jewish, but it is no democracy, this is a white settler society where a fearful privileged group of Jews holds on to its power in ever-expanding colonies by reelecting a strong leader, now in his tenth year as premier, who will use threats and violence against the Palestinians...." detail

Everything you have been told about the “Jewish democracy” by the Israel supporters: it is wrong. It may be Jewish, but it is no democracy, this is a white settler society where a fearful privileged group of Jews holds on to its power in ever-expanding colonies by reelecting a strong leader, now in his tenth year as premier, who will use threats and violence against the Palestinians. - See more at:

***** vid. Feeling the Hate in Israel - Max Blumenthal

vid. "BLATANT LIAR IN CHIEF," OBAMA ADDS A NEW TITLE. PITIFUL. SO SAD. "State Department Announces New "Long-standing" Policy Against Backing Coups "

vid. DN!. After Netanyahu Wins Israel Vote with Racism & Vow of Permanent Occupation, How Will World Respond?

Transcript here:

SPDF Day 16: I'm glad Satanyahu won.

I'm glad Satanyahu won.  I'm glad how he won, by stating in words what his actions have vomited for his whole life - NO PALESTINIAN STATE, ARABS (uh, and EVERYONE ELSE, INCLUDING YOU) ARE DOG MEAT.  It couldn't be more clear now.  If we, IF WE ALL, don't stop this Satan, he and his filth, he and his evil, he and those like the job are going to come for the rights of everyone.  F'CK EVERYONE THAT DOESN'T STAND UP NOW TO STOP THIS SATANIC MONSTER, AND THE SATANIC MONSTER THAT JUST ELECTED HIM - ISRAEL.

Homeless At Saint Mary’s Cathedral Intentionally Drenched With Water While Sleeping

SPDF Day 16: Medical Update. My doc was alarmed by my bloodwork...

SPDF Day 16: Medical Update.  My doc was alarmed by my bloodwork the other day and called me in first thing this morning.  It has been only 16 days without food but my potassium has plunged and heart attack is not far behind, and I have another months work to do here on Capitol Hill so, although that would be an immensely merciful way for me to terminate this, much more pleasant than the options I face, the timing is not good  Bless her heart, she is trying twice a day potassium tablets on me and zantac to try and make the pain of it manageable, and if that doesn't do it, she'll do IV.  She wants me back Monday for more bloodwork and Tues to consult on the results.  She is truly and Angel. She is Truly an Angel.  A pretty young Georgetown Med grad that devotes her life to we homeless, and does her vacations healing folks in Haiti.

I guess low potassium is a pretty bad thing.  Three years ago on a hunger strike, day 17, they took me to the ER, large hospital, waiting room full, knife wounds, etc, they did a triage nurse thing, blood sample, I went back to my seat in the waiting room expecting to be an hour or so.  In seconds ahead of everyone they had me back in the ER shirt off, IV in,  fluids, potassium, working on me for 5 hours.


**** SPDF Stop Palestines Death Fast Day 16:  'My life counts nothing to me compared with the merest possibility of reducing by even one day, for even one of my 7 million Palestinians, their torment, torture, terrorization, degradation, dehumanization by we Americans and the Israelis these last 68 years.'  My soul has known this for years, and I follow my Soul, long before I understand what it is telling me, but as I was staggering to Capital Hill this morning after seeing my Doc, mercifully, this clarity came to my mind.  Clear as day. Clear as day.


***** SPDF Day 15: Chris Hedges, "How do we resist? How, if this descent is inevitable, as I believe it is, do we fight back?

***** SPDF Day 15: Chris Hedges, "How do we resist? How, if this descent is inevitable, as I believe it is, do we fight back? Why should we resist at all? Why not give in to cynicism and despair? Why not carve out as comfortable a niche as possible within the embrace of the corporate state and spend our lives attempting to satiate our private needs? The power elite, including most of those who graduate from our top universities, academics, politicians, the press and our liberal and intellectual classes, have sold out for personal comfort. Why not us?"......

This is how Fox News spreads hate: How right-wing media tells lies about Islam

The Pope says the Quran is a book of peace and that Islam is a peaceful religion