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Customer’s Actions After Noticing Waiter’s Bad Teeth Left People Speechless

10-Year-Old Hangs from Moving Vehicle, Saves Sister from Convicted Sex Offender

Bearing witness in Gaza, Kristof can’t see the bigger picture...... Not can't see, won't see. This whore is the worst of the worst. He made a tidy living off the slow death in Darfur and now he's doing the same for Gaza. There is a special place in hell for this creature.

Nd. IEF: Israeli Extermination Forces, goon squads

Nd. IEF: Israeli Extermination Forces, goon squads
posted from Bloggeroid

Civil Rights Pioneer Diane Nash: I Refused to March With George Bush During Selma Anniversary

Sexual violence against women a 'global epidemic,' study finds

Obama declares Venezuela a national security threatWashington targets seven officials with sanctions as US president signs executive order calling Caracas security threat... Obama, you effing scumbag hypocrite. You finally lost me. Were you always a corporate w**** or did they finally get you?
posted from Bloggeroid


Song Premiere: Gaza, 'Not With All The Hope In The World'

aris university shuts down Israeli apartheid event featuring Max Blumenthal

Gaza sisters turn heritage into a source of living

Nd. Obama shut your mouth about Selma, voting rights, civil rights, human rights. . Until you stand squarely to stop the extermination of Palestine you have zero moral standing, 0 moral credibility, you are a disgrace, a hypocrite, a traitor to humanity, a traitor to human rights, a traitor to your race, and a complete failure.

Nd. Obama shut your mouth about Selma, voting rights, civil rights, human rights. . Until you stand squarely to stop the extermination of Palestine you have zero moral standing, 0 moral credibility, you are a disgrace, a hypocrite, a traitor to humanity, a traitor to human rights, a traitor to your race, and a complete failure.
posted from Bloggeroid

University of Oklahoma Boots Sigma Alpha Epsilon After Racist Chant Video

Woman complains about Transgender Woman in her gym, and her problem is rectified

***** Netanyahu: I will never give land to Palestinians

This Kitten Waited For This Sick Puppy To Come Home From The Vet. What He Did Next Made My Day.

Robert Reich: Here's a piece I just did on why big American corporations really aren't American at all -- and can't be counted on to boost the competitiveness of America.

The French cartoonist Zeon was arrested Tuesday morning … by four police officers of the Brigade of Repression of Delinquency People (BRDP).

Leaked 'Palestine Papers' Underscore 'Painful' Difficulty Of Peace Process

'Palestine Papers,' Day Two: Leaders 'Gave Up Fight Over Refugees

Can Pope Francis prevent the world from descending into holy war?

The German Silence on Israel, and Its Cost


Irish Senator: I was called a Nazi and threatened with rape for supporting Palestine

Senator: I was called a Nazi and threatened with rape for supporting Palestine

Israel kills fisherman and reduces Gaza's fishing space by 2 miles: Union

Israel kills fisherman and reduces Gaza's fishing space by 2 miles: Union

Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons

Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons

Paris university shuts down Israeli apartheid event featuring Max Blumenthal

Paris university shuts down Israeli apartheid event featuring Max Blumenthal

A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.” ~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”

~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Iranian Jews to Israel: Our National Idenitity is Not for Sale

Iranian Jews to Israel: Our National Identity is Not for Sale

***** · John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby...... "For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in 1967, the centrepiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been its relationship with Israel. The combination of unwavering support for Israel and the related effort to spread ‘democracy’ throughout the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardised not only US security but that of much of the rest of the world. This situation has no equal in American political history. Why has the US been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to advance the interests of another state? One might assume that the bond between the two countries was based on shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, but neither explanation can account for the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the US provides. Instead, the thrust of US policy in the region derives almost entirely from domestic politics, and especially the activities of the ‘Israel Lobby’. Other special-interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what the national interest would suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that US interests and those of the other country – in this case, Israel – are essentially identical."

LRB · John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt · The Israel Lobby


For the past several decades, and especially since the Six-Day War in
1967, the centrepiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been its
relationship with Israel. The combination of unwavering support for
Israel and the related effort to spread ‘democracy’ throughout the
region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardised not only US
security but that of much of the rest of the world. This situation has
no equal in American political history. Why has the US been willing to
set aside its own security and that of many of its allies in order to
advance the interests of another state? One might assume that the bond
between the two countries was based on shared strategic interests or
compelling moral imperatives, but neither explanation can account for
the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the US

Instead, the thrust of US policy in the region derives almost
entirely from domestic politics, and especially the activities of the
‘Israel Lobby’. Other special-interest groups have managed to skew
foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what
the national interest would suggest, while simultaneously convincing
Americans that US interests and those of the other country – in this
case, Israel – are essentially identical."

Senior female surgeon urges trainees to stay silent on sex abuse in hospitals

vid. Sadie doesn't want her brother to grow up (ORIGINAL)

Ex-Mossad chief calls Netanyahu's Congress speech 'bulls---'

Evangelicals & ISIS Feel Fine About the End of the World

***** Folk music legend Pete Seeger endorses boycott of Israel

Settler-run ‘tourist attraction’ teaches guests how to shoot Palestinians

Why I break the silence

Former Mossad Chief: Netanyahu Lied to Congress

Netanyahu govt more 'frightening' than all Israel enemies, ex-Mossad chief tells crowds

Statement from UC faculty on divestment from Israel

SPDF Day 6: I think a trip to the ER may be necessary.

SPDF Day 6: I think a trip to the ER may be necessary. This is the third day I'm too sick to get out of bed. This is a first. I've done a dozen or so severe hunger strikes and never anything like this sickness. Three hours ago I all but passes out with nausia when in the bathroom. Now I am sitting up and feeling a bit better. Maybe my body is stabilizing. We'll see. I think my blood chem must be all messed up and maybe the ER could stabilize that. I need to hang around at least until Congress gets back next Mon.

PS: That's odd, it seems I never posted of the ER visit.  Blood work was fine, they judged me dehydrated and gave me two liters of saline. Maybe made me feel a little better. They wanted to give me a liter of glucose but to their credit they respected my wishes on the Death Fast.  


Americans are turning away from organized religion in record numbers

Obama Says He Didn’t Know Hillary Clinton Was Using Private Email Address

Tens of thousands in Tel Aviv demand the ouster of Satanyahu..... An estimated 60,000 Israelis participated in a rally calling to oust Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister. Read more here: A former Mossad chief and an ex-general both used "apartheid" in their speeches as an example of where the country is headed.

vid. Baby Elephant Doesn't Want to Cross the Road

UC Irvine Students Ban American Flag, Say It's Not "Inclusive"

***** nd. SPDF Day 5: bed ridden for the second day.

* nd. SPDF Day 5: bed ridden for the second day. Nausia, back pain, extreme weakness. Stop Palestine death fast.
posted from Bloggeroid

Illegal Settlers call for killing, expelling Palestinians

***** the Israeli goon squads murder 1 Palestinian child every 4 days. video. Entirely because Americans fund it, arm it, obstruct in the UN, and allow it.

Samantha power to speak at the Barnard commencement......... She took the book on genocide which says that only those hope an immense personal price even slow them down. She then proceeded to make a tidy living doing nothing of the sort, using the Darfur genocide to feather her nest. and now she represents the United States in perpetrating the genocide of the Palestinians. is there a more morally degenerate, reprehensible creature on earth?

Gaza's farmers on front lines of perpetual war Farmers along border areas say their situation has worsened since the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza

***** nd. Fish may be small, fish may be huge, but they are all fish. What America and Israel are doing to Palestine is a Holocaust and anyone who says different is Satan's spawn.

* nd. Fish may be small, fish may be huge, but they are all fish. What America and Israel are doing to Palestine is a Holocaust and anyone who says different is Satan's spawn.

posted from Bloggeroid

***** nd. America, you are not Christian. You have never been Christian. you are anti Christian. You slaughtered tens of millions to steal their land for yourselves. You have never made reparations. You in slaved tens of millions to do your work for you. you still deprive their children every time you can get away with it. You have never made reparations. You live by the sword. you have 1000 military bases around the world to oppress the poor and steal their resources. You fund, arm, and protect, the Holocaust of the Palestinians. You were born by the sword, live by the sword, you will die by the sword if you do not repent. Oh? You did not do this you say? Silence, apathy, not doing what is necessary to stop it, is complicity. You are anti Christ.

* nd. America, you are not Christian. You have never been Christian. you are anti Christian. You slaughtered tens of millions to steal their land for yourselves. You have never made reparations. You in slaved tens of millions to do your work for you. you still deprive their children every time you can get away with it. You have never made reparations. You live by the sword. you have 1000 military bases around the world to oppress the poor and steal their resources. You fund, arm, and protect, the Holocaust of the Palestinians. You were born by the sword, live by the sword, you will die by the sword if you do not repent. Oh? You did not do this you say? Silence, apathy, not doing what is necessary to stop it, is complicity. You are anti Christ.

posted from Bloggeroid

A boy stole stuff for his mom, and it paid off for the shopkeeper in the end.

***** must see, must watch.....Path to Gaza | International Activist | Women for Palestine

Black Lives Matter Protesters Interrupt Obama In Selma

***** nd. Regarding palestinian throwing and any other acts of ressistance: They have the legal and moral right to do this. It is suicide. It is stupidity. Radical nonviolence, massively escalated, headed by death fast here and broad is the only hope.

* Regarding palestinian throwing and any other acts of ressistance: They have the legal and moral right to do this. It is suicide. It is stupidity. Radical nonviolence, massively escalated, headed by death fast here and broad is the only hope.

posted from Bloggeroid

Obama's speech in Selma...... Shut the F up Obama. Until you stand for Palestine no matter what the personal cost you are a hypocrite and you have betrayed America and all of humanity.

Muslim man shot dead while taking pictures of his first snowfall after fleeing to America to escape the horrors of ISIS

5 peer reviewed articles that show that conservatives as a group are stupid

Yes, black America fears the police. Here’s why

Christian chaplain fired for preaching compassion and love over violence of American Sniper

Don Young Suggests Wolves Could Help Get Rid Of Homeless People

Fox With Head Stuck In Jar Gets Saved

****** Veteran US journalist slams Israeli propaganda

The key lobbying group is the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), whose strategists have long known that they need to work with the wider US public in their purpose of heightening support for Israel. These strategists are aware that the most important element in this target constituency is "Christian Zionism", a phenomenon little recognised among western European politicians.

Letters: ‘Chasing the Scream’

​We saved Jews 3 times, Netanyahu should revise history lessons – Iranian FM RT “We're not about the annihilation of Jews,” Zarif stressed, reminding the channel that 20,000 Jews reside in Iran “in peace” and even have their own

Greenwald said that the biggest media organisations fail to hold people in power to account, as the most influential journalists occupy the same socioeconomic circles as the powerful. "There's too much of a cultural and intellectual closeness into the same precincts they're supposed to be exercising oversight over," he said.

How an American Billionaire Stands in the Way of Mideast Peace Sheldon Adelson is the Daddy Warbucks of Israel, and Benjamin Netanyahu is yet another of his beneficiaries.

This teacher's anti-bullying message is a touchingly honest look at the importance of friendship.

Nd. Hey, there is a mob raping my girl. I know, I'll start a petition to stop them! The Israeli goon squads are in year 68 of the terrorization, murder, rape and plunder of our Palestine family. I know, let's have a march some time this year!... The left is f'ing disgusting and their chickens are coming home to roost.

Hey, there is a mob raping my girl. I know, I'll start a petition to stop them! The Israeli goon squads are in year 68 of the terrorization, murder, rape and plunder of our Palestine family. I know, let's have a march some time this year!... The left is f'ing disgusting and their chickens are coming home to roost.

posted from Bloggeroid

Jewish, Arab women protest on both sides of Israeli checkpoint Ahead of International Women’s Day, Israeli and Palestinian women demonstrate against the occupation. Israeli security forces use tear gas to break up the protest.

Report: Arab women paid higher than men Friday, 06 March 2015 12:23

***** SPPDF Day 5: too sick to get out of bed again today. Got all dressed, all packed up, ready to hike the 17 blocks to the White House when the nausia and debilitating fatigue of starvation sickness took over. I pray that this passes

SPPDF Day 5: too sick to get out of bed again today. Got all dressed, all packed up, ready to hike the 17 blocks to the White House when the nausia and debilitating fatigue of starvation sickness took over. I pray that this passes

posted from Bloggeroid

'Selma is now' says Obama ahead of visit to highlight abusive justice system


***** Uh, I'm pretty anti-Nazi, anti-KKK, ANTI-ZIONI, anti-ISIS, anti-SA Apartheid, anti-Slaveholder. The problem with this is what?

***** Uh, I'm pretty anti-Nazi, anti-KKK, ANTI-ZIONI, anti-ISIS, anti-SA Apartheid, anti-Slaveholder. The problem with this is what?

'NYT' reports 'surge of hostile sentiment against Jews' nationwide -- on what basis?...... The New York Times joins in an effort to smear the BDS movement by saying that there's a "surge of hostile sentiment against Jews" on campuses nationwide, without offering any evidence of such anti-Semitism.

'NYT' reports 'surge of hostile sentiment against Jews' nationwide -- on what basis?

The New York Times joins in an effort to smear the BDS movement by
saying that there's a "surge of hostile sentiment against Jews" on
campuses nationwide, without offering any evidence of such

Norway calls for opening of Gaza crossings, reconstructing of Gaza - The Palestinian Information Center

Norway calls for opening of Gaza crossings, reconstructing of Gaza - The Palestinian Information Center

With New Mayor, Washington Still Facing Homeless ‘Crisis’ One Year After Girl’s Disappearance

With New Mayor, Washington Still Facing Homeless ‘Crisis’ One Year After Girl’s Disappearance

How an Israeli Veteran Put Down His Gun, and Found His Voice

How an Israeli Veteran Put Down His Gun, and Found His Voice



How an Israeli Veteran Put Down His Gun, and Found His Voice

How an Israeli Veteran Put Down His Gun, and Found His Voice

Netanyahu's consciousness-raising.... "The Netanyahu speech continues to raise Americans' consciousness, as Bill Moyers says Congress is under the thumb of a foreign power, Jim Fallows addresses the historical "hysteria" of the speech, and MJ Rosenberg says the PM's attempt to nullify our Iran talks legitimized questions of dual loyalty.

Netanyahu's consciousness-raising

The Netanyahu speech continues to raise Americans' consciousness, as
Bill Moyers says Congress is under the thumb of a foreign power, Jim
Fallows addresses the historical "hysteria" of the speech, and MJ
Rosenberg says the PM's attempt to nullify our Iran talks legitimized
questions of dual loyalty.

Daniel Ellsberg: Petraeus Case Shows Hypocrisy of Whistleblower Crackdown

Daniel Ellsberg: Petraeus Case Shows Hypocrisy of Whistleblower Crackdown

The world would be an infinitely more just, more moral, more sane, more joyful, more Godly place if the Native Americans had slaughtered each and every colonizing European Savage that came to their shores. Similarly if the Native Palestinians had slaughtered every Zionist that had come to their shores.

The world would be an infinitely more just, more moral, more sane, more joyful, more Godly place if the Native Americans had slaughtered each and every colonizing European Savage that came to their shores.  Similarly if the Native Palestinians had slaughtered every Zionist that had come to their shores. 


MUST WATCH: You won't believe what George Galloway calls Katie Hopkins!

Israeli Settlers Torch Cars, Spray-Paint Racist Slogans In West Bank

Israeli Settlers Torch Cars, Spray-Paint Racist Slogans In West Bank

Branded cigarette packages are up in smoke despite industry's efforts.... GOD BLESS JOHN OLIVER.

Branded cigarette packages are up in smoke despite industry's efforts

Netanyahu's Ugly Israel - The People's Voice Netanyahu's Ugly Israel The People's Voice At the same time, his goon squads terrorize Palestinians daily. ... indentured servitude, ethnic cleansing and slow-motion genocide. ... Israel continues numerous terror tactics against Palestinians no just society would tolerate.

Netanyahu's Ugly Israel

***** SPDF Day 4: Severe Starvation Sickness. "Mr. James, do you need an ambulance?...

SPDF Day 4: Severe Starvation Sickness. "Mr. James, do you need an ambulance? Do you need me to buy some medications for you?"  It was dear dear dear man that his been city corner in the cube where I have my bunk.  I must look like hell, and he'd seen I'd been unable to get out of bed for 18 hours.  I'm Praying this is the same sickness I've had on the many hunger strikes I've conducted before.  Near as I can figure in the first 4-8 days the body is switching from consuming, well, me, fat, brain....  I don't recall ever being this sick before, this debilitated.  I can't tell any of these guys what is going on with me cuz I think it could weird out the staff and they'd have to put me out.  That would make it much much much much harder, on the streets.  I'm guessing that will happen as I waste away but the later the easier. So I said, 'Mr. RJ, I'm ok.  I'm very sick but I'll be ok, and it is not contagious."  "I don't care if it is contagious, I just want you to feel better."  It was clear that he meant it.  We threw this profoundly gentle African American man in prison for years for a petty theft.  The wrong people are in Prison, the victims, not we victimizers. Oh my, my typing accuracy has gone to hell.  That doesn't usually happen until much much later.  I've never gone on Fast without so many body parts they've taken for the cancer.  All the others were training, practice, education... for this final one.  I'm very grateful.

vid. Sometimes Those Who Have Less Give More

“I lost a hand. I didn’t lose a hook”: Inside the crippling decline of workers’ compensation

Ferguson shows how a police force can turn into a plundering ‘collection agency’

Prominent Islamic Scholar Refutes Claims of ISIS’s Links to Islam

Prominent Islamic Scholar Refutes Claims of ISIS’s Links to Islam

Founding Fathers: We Are Not a Christian Nation

Founding Fathers: We Are Not a Christian Nation

Activists: New NBC series 'Dig' whitewashes Israeli colonization of East Jerusalem

Activists: New NBC series 'Dig' whitewashes Israeli colonization of East Jerusalem

Primary school gives children homework referring to Palestinians 'terrorists'

Primary school gives children homework referring to Palestinians 'terrorists'

BBC journalist Jeremy Bowen under fire for accusing Israeli PM of ‘playing the Holocaust card’

BBC journalist Jeremy Bowen under fire for accusing Israeli PM of ‘playing the Holocaust card’

Israel's message to the Palestinians: Submit, leave or die

Israel's message to the Palestinians: Submit, leave or die

Netanyahu speech was 'very dark day for American democracy' -- Matthews

Netanyahu speech was 'very dark day for American democracy' -- Matthews