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nd. MATTHEW CHAPTER 23 VS 29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. 33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? 34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: 35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. 36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. 37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. 39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

MATTHEW CHAPTER 23 VS 29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,

30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Iran President: World ‘Too Intelligent’ To Be Fooled By Netanyahu’s ‘War-Mongering’

Iran President: World ‘Too Intelligent’ To Be Fooled By Netanyahu’s ‘War-Mongering’

StWC Home . Gaza in ruins: how 'peace envoy' Tony Blair is blocking reconstruction

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews protest in NYC over Netanyahu's speech

Google Play removes Gaza game

“Merchants of Doubt”: Meet the sleazy spin doctors who will stop at nothing to obscure the truth

Israel is losing the debate - in more ways than one Ben White Friday, 06 March

Chomsky: Wealth and Privilege of White America Come From Exploitation of Brutal Slave Labor Camps That ‘Could Have Impressed the Nazis’

Peace or Palestinian surrender? An interview with Norman Finkelstein

S.F. plans to move entire homeless encampments into housing

SPDF Day 4: tragically, congress is not in session.

SPDF Day 4: tragically, congress is not in session. However, I am very ill today, I would have gone to the hill but it may have been a disaster physically. I will rest and work today online.
posted from Bloggeroid


vlog. SPDF Day 3: I intend to remain functional as long as my body has strength...

vlog (upload problems, will upload tomorrow).  SPDF Day 3: I intend to remain functional as long as my body has strength but I am not interested in prolonging this death fast.  I expect no impact or attention before I terminate, any impact I expect will happen months or years or many years afterwards.  It is patently obvious that death fast is the only weapon that we have in civil society of 2015 that can stop Palestine's death, can stop global warming, can stop the financial elite from continuing their totalitarian rule of us all.  I defy you to find any 'activists' in any of these movements that will tell you when their tactics, their strategies, will result in success.  These brothers and sisters of mine are cowards, they do not fight to win, they fight to feel good.  I don't fight to feel good.  I fight to win, willing to lose.  I expect to lose, but not because I am using the wrong tactics and strategy.  I am using the obviously correct tactics and strategy.  I expect to lose because there are no longer enough healthy people on earth to see that this is the correct strategy, death fast, in larger and larger numbers.  But I don't know that on this the most morally horrible issue, Palestines death, I don't know that there is no one that can learn from what I am doing.  It is so obviously correct, it is so obviously needed, it is so obviously the only answer, that it is worth a try.  What if the polio vaccine had been developed and no one chose to use it?  Should it not have been developed in that case?  Was it a waste of time?  Jonas Salk did his job.  I am doing my job.  With zero support I am demonstrating this weapon.  There may be someone on earth after I terminate that by my example senses the power of the weapon and is able to improve on and build on what I am doing.  To remain functional as long as my body can continue I am taking vitamins, potassium, magnesium, electrolytes, plenty of liquids.  I am not avoiding strenuous physical activity.  Today I want several miles to secure the new poster, the vitamins, electrolytes, and herbal tea.  Except when sickness from this fast, and the weather prevents me, I expect to be around DC with the posters.  I pray that tomorrow Congress is in session.  They are then off for a week.  In the little time I have left I expect to make every moment cannont that I can with the posters.  Weekends I expect to be back in front of the White House.  Next week and the days that Congress is not in session I expect, finely, to haunt the Washington Post and NVR with my presence.  Again, I expect to see no results from this in my lifetime.  But I know that if I execute what I've described it will be seen, it will create suffering that otherwise would depend on the death of an additional Palestinians child, and by doing what I am doing fine now that I am saving a Palestinian Life, not today, not tomorrow, not next year, but by putting my life on the scale as I am I am bringing near the day of the torture of Palestine will stop.

***** vlog. SPDF Day 3: I think that anyone that does not undertake a Stop Palestine's death fast now is clinically in denial, a fool...

I think that anyone that does not undertake a Stop Palestine's death fast now is clinically in denial, a fool, cowardly, uninformed, and a traitor to humanity, some combination of these things.  Sane human beings, and there are almost none left, stand up for the species including putting their lives on the line.  Insane, sociopathic, people do not.  Those who would not give their lives to save innocent children in Palestine are not fully alive people.  Additionally, Palestine is the ultimate moral debacle on earth.  It is slow motion genocide funded by the world's most advantaged, most over privileged population on earth.  It is the single occurrence on earth that could jolt large portions of the population back to their sanity and humanity.  There is every reason to believe that nothing short of death fast by some of we over privileged Americans will be sufficient to jolt people to their full sanity and humanity, and certainly not to do so before another 20 years or so of killing takes place in Palestine.

SPDF Day 3: A potential miracle!

A potential miracle!  It is possible that today's snow day means that Congress, which was not in session today although they were scheduled to be, will be in session tomorrow which they were not scheduled to be.  The reason that this could be a genuine miracle is because they are off next week and if they were not in session tomorrow them none of them will know of the Stop Palestine's Death Fast until they return the following week.  The function of this death fast is to awaken conscience to some degree, to create suffering toward a level of suffering that some of these congress people cannont accept, on top of the suffering of Palestinians.  Just like one soldier cannot win a battle of violence, one death faster cannot win an unviolent battle, but in both cases each soldier is part of the potential win.  But if the unviolent soldier is invisible then the soldier can play no role in arousing conscience, in arousing humanity, in arousing sanity.  Another part of the miracle was that staples remained open long enough, despite today's snow, to print the new poster which will announce the death fast and display how many days that it has lasted.  It is only after midnight that a congressional web site displays whether they will be in session, so until then this is conjecture.

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

Over 280 Palestinians Kidnapped by Israeli Forces in February - Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades

Over 280 Palestinians Kidnapped by Israeli Forces in February - Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades

Archbishop Tutu: The West Committed The Holocaust While Palestinians Pay Historic Price” - International Middle East Media Center

Archbishop Tutu: The West Committed The Holocaust While Palestinians Pay Historic Price” - International Middle East Media Center

In praise of Mr. Netanyahu’s political theater...........Jonathan Graubart and David Deutsch welcome Benjamin Netanyahu' address to cheering members of Congress because the spectacle laid bare the ugly reality of America’s bipartisan "special relationship" with Israel.

In praise of Mr. Netanyahu’s political theater

Christian Lawyer Proposes Bill to Execute Gay People With Bullets to the Head

Christian Lawyer Proposes Bill to Execute Gay People With Bullets to the Head

Muslim woman tells her story of Islamophobic and racial abuse on bus

Muslim woman tells her story of Islamophobic and racial abuse on bus

Pope Francis’s Homeless Guests ‘Are All Moving’ to St. Peter’s Square

Pope Francis’s Homeless Guests ‘Are All Moving’ to St. Peter’s Square

Princeton scientist penetrates the hype over Iran spread by Benjamin Netanyahu: Mulshine

Princeton scientist penetrates the hype over Iran spread by Benjamin Netanyahu: Mulshine

Two vehicles set fire to in village near Ramallah in suspected price tag attack

Two vehicles set fire to in village near Ramallah in suspected price tag attack

Gaza and Cairo feel winds of change blowing from Saudi Arabia - Middle East

Gaza and Cairo feel winds of change blowing from Saudi Arabia - Middle East


Ben Carson: Many prisoners go in straight, come out gay

Ben Carson: Many prisoners go in straight, come out gay

Viral Israeli air rage video casts light on ingrained anti-Arab racism

Viral Israeli air rage video casts light on ingrained anti-Arab racism

Ben Carson: 'I deeply regret' saying homosexuality is a choice

Ben Carson: 'I deeply regret' saying homosexuality is a choice

“Housing first” approach works for homeless, study says

“Housing first” approach works for homeless, study says

They thought they were going to the shelter. They walked into a five-star restaurant. Gasps!

They thought they were going to the shelter. They walked into a five-star restaurant. Gasps!

'They looked like Isis': masked raid led to 'kidnapping' at Chicago police site

'They looked like Isis': masked raid led to 'kidnapping' at Chicago police site

41 Incredible Photos That Show What Parenting Is Like In The Wilderness

41 Incredible Photos That Show What Parenting Is Like In The Wilderness

Thousands of mothers gather at Knesset to demand Israeli-Palestinian peace accord

Thousands of mothers gather at Knesset to demand Israeli-Palestinian peace accord

With God On Our Side Documentary)

With God On Our Side Documentary)

Zakaria: 'Netanyahu Has Been Talking About Iran's Imminent Nuclear Program For 25 Years'

Zakaria: 'Netanyahu Has Been Talking About Iran's Imminent Nuclear Program For 25 Years'

Love has no race or gender — and these dancing skeletons prove it

Love has no race or gender — and these dancing skeletons prove it

The pseudo-science of Alcoholics Anonymous: There’s a better way to treat addiction

The pseudo-science of Alcoholics Anonymous: There’s a better way to treat addiction

A Response to Netanyahu From Iran’s Ambassador to the U.N.

A Response to Netanyahu From Iran’s Ambassador to the U.N.

Israeli soldiers set attack dogs on teen -- 'Bite him' -- and rightwing politician cheers

Israeli soldiers set attack dogs on teen -- 'Bite him' -- and rightwing politician cheers

Rights group: Palestinian teen imprisoned by Israeli military court to deter student protest

***** Stewart: Bibi’s Congress Reception Was ‘Longest Blowjob a Jewish Man Has Ever Received’

Michelle Alexander: Ferguson Shows Why Criminal Justice System of "Racial Control" Should Be Undone


nd. MLK Jr rightly said, and I closely paraphrase, 'A person is not equipped to live until they know what they would die for.' That gets me, that has me in its grasp, and unless a lot of us go into its grasp, the future is beyond Hell on earth, on every front. I pray I have the courage of my convictions that I think I do, for me, for you.

MLK Jr rightly said, and I closely paraphrase, 'A person is not equipped to live until they know what they would die for.'  That gets me, that has me in its grasp, and unless a lot of us go into its grasp, the future is beyond Hell on earth, on every front. I pray I have the courage of my convictions that I think I do, for me, for you.

PressTV-Israel ruins acres of Palestine crops

PressTV-Israel ruins acres of Palestine crops

The Mystery of the Netanyahu Disaster, and a Possible Explanation...... Israel does not want to be considered by the United States as one power among many. It is focused on the issue of a nuclear Iran, but it knows that there is no certainty that Iran's nuclear facilities can be destroyed or that sanctions will cause the Iranians to abandon the nuclear program. What Israel fears is an entente between the United States and Iran and a system of relations in which U.S. support will not be automatic.

The Mystery of the Netanyahu Disaster, and a Possible Explanation

Israel does not want to be considered by the United States as one power
among many. It is focused on the issue of a nuclear Iran, but it knows
that there is no certainty that Iran's nuclear facilities can be
destroyed or that sanctions will cause the Iranians to abandon the
nuclear program. What Israel fears is an entente between the United
States and Iran and a system of relations in which U.S. support will not
be automatic.

pic. SPDF Day 1: Awake all night in great excitement with this campaign.

SPDF (Stop Palestines Death Fast) Day 1:  Awake all night in great excitement with this campaign.  Peaceful Vigil on Capital Hill the morning of Satanyahu's desecration of all that is good and decent.  Extremely fatigued this afternoon.  175 lbs in my skivies.  I expect to lose about half a pound per day.  The next two days should not be too bad, days 3-6 I usually feel very very sick.  My reason for this campaign is I think I can, at least in my own mind, save at least on of my Palestinian children by doing this.  I don't know that anyone will notice when I am still functional, but when I go terminal, physical death, brain damage, incarceration, institutionalization, whatever... 50-80 days from now... some months, years... after... someone might think, learn from what I've done, and go beyond.  Nothing is free.  Change comes when individuals pay the price. I am paying the price to save one child over the next 20 years.  Change comes when suffering is more than onlookers and perpetrators cannot, refuse to bear it any longer.  This is the equation.  There is some level of Palestinian suffering that the world cannot any longer bear. But why does it have to be Palestinian suffering?  Why can't it be mine, and other over-privileged westerners. Why Palestinians?  Why Palestinian children?  It does not have to be them. I can't cause much suffering, old, weird, funny looking guy.  But I can and will be physically on the Hill.  That is a big advantage. Sadly, the weather is horrible the two remaining days congress will be in session, and they are gone next week, so there will be zero visibility to them until the 14th when they return - I'll have a large poster counting the days.  This delay is very unfortunate, but there is no more time for delay.  The clock is ticking on the next 'mowing the lawn,' the next 'removing the topsoil,' and the next, and the next.

If Americans Knew - trailer

If Americans Knew - trailer

***** No, Netanyahu, Iran is not secretly planning to nuke Israel

In His Speech Before Congress - Netanyahu Dangerously Attacks President Obama's Foreign Negotiations

White House staffer Leah Katz-Hernandez is a pioneer on the reception desk

Gaza: This time it's different says Tariq Ali

Israel turns off power to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the dead of winter

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is addressing Congress on Tuesday, President Barack Obama will be in the Situation Room at the White House, talking to European leaders.

Here is a list of the Democrats who are planning to skip the speech and those who are planning to go.

Russians stand in line to mourn by coffin of slain Nemtsov

Hey Netanyahu: ‘Security’ Means Palestine, Too!

SPDF 1. Began midnight before Satanyahu's trechery in congress

I began at midnight last night.  This is day one Stop Palestines Death Fast. I am on capitol hill since 630 a_m this morning in anticipation of Satanyahu's 8:45 talk.

SPDF DAY 1: A note to my doc. (1st time I've ever had one on a fast)

SPDF DAY 1: nd.  A note 2 my beloved Doc:   I began the Stop Palestines Death Fast SPDF tonight.  Starting midnight I'm on electrolytes and vitimins until however this terminates in 50 to 80 days.  Please consider doing whatever bloodwork might make sense to benchmark me in the event I need some stabilizing along the way.  And if u want to psych eval me, that would be fine too.  As would be no and no, that would be ok 2.  I'll come in 1st thing thu unless I hear from u to the contrary. Today I'll b on cap hill 2 welcome Satanyahu.  Thanks. James


pic. Wonderful news. Looks like the rain/sleet/snow is holding off until 10am or so. Satanyahu talks to congress at about 8:45am. SO, I can be on the Hill, health and police (high security for Satanyahu) permitting, with the posters starting early!!!!

Wonderful news.  Looks like the rain/sleet/snow is holding off until 10am or so.  Satanyahu talks to congress at about 8:45am.  SO, I can be on the Hill, health and police (high security for Satanyahu) permitting, with the posters starting early!!!!

***** I think that the only way to avert the next slaughter in Palestine is to massively escalate the pressure on the US Congress / US Gov / White House..., to 1. Stop obstructing the UN, 2. Stop Funding Israel, 3. Hold Israel to International law. I think the time is now: A. The unprecidented 'split' Netanyahu has handed us in the Congress; B. We know the clock is ticking toward the next slaughter... NOW is the time to act. I am thinking seriously of beginning a death-fast on Capital Hill, 24/7, beginning in the next week or so. My target, the point of my effort, would be Congressman John Lewis, the only man that may still have a conscience, and the Black Man that SHOULD understand that the slaughter of Palestine IS A READ LINE THAT CANNOT BE CROSSED, and President Obama who wants to do the right thing more than I do but is facing impossible odds. Both of these men are great men, they are the only ones that can lead what needs to be done and I and we must do all in our power to inspire them to impossible levels of courage and leadership, now. As many of us as possible must pay, and at least offer, the ultimate price in order to remind them to do the same. There is no other way. There has never been any other way. There will never be any other way. If not now, when? . I'm not sure if I would be allowed to sleep in a chair on the Hill. I think so, but not sure. I might need logistical support to pull it off. It would be stronger if people joined, but that will not influence whether I begin, and finish, or not. I'm open to EQUIVALENT, OR SUPERIOR (more promising) ideas. A Death Fast is a Hunger Strike (Water Only) that is expected to go to death unless the demands are met. The current PROBABILITY IS THAT THE MASS KILLING IN PALESTINE, 1000'S, WILL TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE NEXT 2 YEARS. If, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 1000 of us offered our lives now, in the US, NOW... maybe we could reduce the slaughter by 1, 2, 4, 8... then. I THINK PEOPLE IN PALESTINE SHOULD JOIN. I HAVE NO CONTACTS. THERE. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH THOSE IN PALESTINE, IF YOU HAVE THE CONTACTS. I'm open to Ideas, Alternatives, Support, Comrades. Let me know. I am NOT open to A. Idle chatter, B. Hand wringing, C. Pointless planning. SHARE this with anyone you think should see it.

***** I think that the only way to avert the next slaughter in Palestine is to massively escalate the pressure on the US Congress / US Gov / White House..., to 1. Stop obstructing the UN, 2. Stop Funding Israel, 3. Hold Israel to International law. I think the time is now: A. The unprecidented 'split' Netanyahu has handed us in the Congress; B. We know the clock is ticking toward the next slaughter... NOW is the time to act. I am thinking seriously of beginning a death-fast on Capital Hill, 24/7, beginning in the next week or so. My target, the point of my effort, would be Congressman John Lewis, the only man that may still have a conscience, and the Black Man that SHOULD understand that the slaughter of Palestine IS A READ LINE THAT CANNOT BE CROSSED, and President Obama who wants to do the right thing more than I do but is facing impossible odds. Both of these men are great men, they are the only ones that can lead what needs to be done and I and we must do all in our power to inspire them to impossible levels of courage and leadership, now. As many of us as possible must pay, and at least offer, the ultimate price in order to remind them to do the same. There is no other way. There has never been any other way. There will never be any other way. If not now, when? . I'm not sure if I would be allowed to sleep in a chair on the Hill. I think so, but not sure. I might need logistical support to pull it off. It would be stronger if people joined, but that will not influence whether I begin, and finish, or not. I'm open to EQUIVALENT, OR SUPERIOR (more promising) ideas. A Death Fast is a Hunger Strike (Water Only) that is expected to go to death unless the demands are met. The current PROBABILITY IS THAT THE MASS KILLING IN PALESTINE, 1000'S, WILL TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE NEXT 2 YEARS. If, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 1000 of us offered our lives now, in the US, NOW... maybe we could reduce the slaughter by 1, 2, 4, 8... then. I THINK PEOPLE IN PALESTINE SHOULD JOIN. I HAVE NO CONTACTS. THERE. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH THOSE IN PALESTINE, IF YOU HAVE THE CONTACTS. I'm open to Ideas, Alternatives, Support, Comrades. Let me know. I am NOT open to A. Idle chatter, B. Hand wringing, C. Pointless planning. SHARE this with anyone you think should see it.

Obama goes on offensive ahead of Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Obama goes on offensive ahead of Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Lawyer Put Health Act in Peril by Pointing Out 4 Little Words..... What a shame, Truly, that we liberals don't murder people like these scum who are trying to murder thousands of poor each year..

Lawyer Put Health Act in Peril by Pointing Out 4 Little Words

What a shame, Truly, that we liberals don't murder people like these scum who are trying to murder thousands of poor each year..

The (not entirely new) Republican War on American History

The (not entirely new) Republican War on American History

How AP History became so controversial that Oklahoma is trying to ban it....... ""It feels to someone like me that the deck has been stacked," Hess says, arguing that the framework dwells on the negative consequences of free enterprise rather than its advantages, and that its treatment of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson is far more favorable than its treatment of Ronald Reagan. ".....

How AP History became so controversial that Oklahoma is trying to ban it

""It feels to someone like me that the deck has been stacked," Hess says, arguing that the framework dwells on the negative consequences of free enterprise rather than its advantages, and that its treatment of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson is far more favorable than its treatment of Ronald Reagan. ".....

Pic. Last week I begin to worry about the funds to keep my work online running out soon. Almost always the Creator totally ignores the needs of my work. This time, not. A sister, a facebook sister, out of the blue, came forward with almost a full month of WiFi. I've cut out every monthly expense in my life except for wifi. It takes $55 a month to keep me online at such places as Capitol Hill or the north side of the White House fighting to free Palestine. If you know anyone who would like to donate to this cause message me and I'll tell you how to access PayPal. God bless the sister that came forth today.

posted from Bloggeroid

Four Reasons Young Americans Should Burn Their Student Loan Papers

uess what the lead story is in the New York Times today? The top right column features a hatchet job on John Kerry. Titled, “Kerry Is Pushing for Agreement in Iran Nuclear Talks,” the article portrays Kerry as an overeager Don Quixote lulled into faith in Iran because his counterpart, Javad Zarif, went to the University of Denver and they walked along the Rhone in Geneva together. Some of reporter Michael Gordon’s character slurs:

***** Loving, here: this is why I'm devoting my self to do so much study: Ali’s deep concern is that organizations such as Black Lives Matter too often react to events and “don’t totally grasp that dealing with this problem of continuous state violence against the citizenry requires political movements.” He worries that Americans lack an understanding of their own history and that very few are literate in basic revolutionary theory, from Karl Marx to Rosa Luxemburg. This illiteracy, he said, means that opposition movements are often unable to effectively analyze the structures and mechanisms of capitalist power and cannot formulate a sophisticated political response.

AP: BDS gaining traction at US colleges

When the government took her from her family, it outsourced her safety to a for-profit corporation. Nine months later she was dead

10 things America must do to stop ruining the world......I did not have time to read this but with this title it is worth sharing regardless

***** must must must must read: Meanwhile, it has become clear that no regimen of inspection, no matter how penetrating and rigorous, could satisfy Netanyahu of an adequate Iranian compliance. What he asks is really the surrender of Iran's advanced technology: a surrender that would seal its consent to be a second-rate regional power, subordinate to the will of Israel.

Administration denies Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli warplanes

Texas lawmaker on his fifth marriage filed complaint against judge over same-sex marriage

Kerry warns Netanyahu against revealing Iran talks details

UNICEF: Israel violates international law in treatment of Palestinian children

West Bank settlers build Star of David out of rocks to prevent Palestinian farmers from using land

Paul Krugman: The point is that extreme inequality and the falling fortunes of America’s workers are a choice, not a destiny imposed by the gods of the market. And we can change that choice if we want to®ion=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region&_r=0&referrer=

Paul Krugman on the Real Meaning of the Walmart Wage Hike Don't believe the hype! Rampant inequality is a choice.

She wrote the definitive book on genocide. Samantha powers is the most degenerate, disgusting, perverted, evil sell out in my lifetime. There is a special place in hell for this bag of crap.

She wrote the definitive book on genocide. Samantha powers is the most degenerate, disgusting, perverted, evil sell out in my lifetime. There is a special place in hell for this bag of crap.

Pope Francis calls money the ‘devil’s dung’


This Woman Was A Prostitute For 38 Years, But One Restaurant Changed All That

This Woman Was A Prostitute For 38 Years, But One Restaurant Changed All That

nd. Unless I have major health issues when I awaken tomorrow, unlikely, I'll be on Capitol Hill most of the day to Free Palestine, the day before Satanyahu is there. I'll wear a diaper, seriously, if needed.

Unless I have major health issues when I awaken tomorrow, unlikely, I'll be on Capitol Hill most of the day to Free Palestine, the day before Satanyahu is there. I'll wear a diaper, seriously, if needed.

Total Mainstream Media Blackout of Chicago Secret 'Black Site' at Homan Square

Total Mainstream Media Blackout of Chicago Secret 'Black Site' at Homan Square

You’ll Be So Happy When This Baby Elephant Reunites with Her Mother!

You’ll Be So Happy When This Baby Elephant Reunites with Her Mother!

Israeli settlers increase their attacks on Palestinian Christian sites

Israeli settlers increase their attacks on Palestinian Christian sites

Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'

Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'

How I became a "self-hating Jew"

How I became a "self-hating Jew"

Meet America’s first drug dealer: Arnold Rothstein’s wild, real-life 1920s “Sopranos” story

Meet America’s first drug dealer: Arnold Rothstein’s wild, real-life 1920s “Sopranos” story

Meet America’s first drug dealer: Arnold Rothstein’s wild, real-life 1920s “Sopranos” story

Meet America’s first drug dealer: Arnold Rothstein’s wild, real-life 1920s “Sopranos” story

10-year-old Palestinian boy attacked and arrested for playing in the snow

10-year-old boy attacked and arrested for playing in the snow

Kansas Could Put Teachers In Prison For Assigning Books Prosecutors Don’t Like

Kansas Could Put Teachers In Prison For Assigning Books Prosecutors Don’t Like

Israeli soldiers have depraved “fun” making “Rachel Corrie pancakes”

Israeli soldiers have depraved “fun” making “Rachel Corrie pancakes”

Jimmy Kimmel got doctors to swear at cameras to convince people to get vaccinated

Jimmy Kimmel got doctors to swear at cameras to convince people to get vaccinated

Fidel Castro And The Cuban Role In Defeating Apartheid

Fidel Castro And The Cuban Role In Defeating Apartheid

***** Iron Wall (essay) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iron Wall (essay) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

***** !!!STOP!!! Read this. ... Who And What Is The Real Bibi Netanyahu? By Alan Hart

Who And What Is The Real Bibi Netanyahu? By Alan Hart

***** Breathtaking Humanity, Courage... Magnificent... JEWISH. .... .... Israeli divestment deserves full debate at University of Toledo, elsewhere

Israeli divestment deserves full debate at University of Toledo, elsewhere

***** MUST MUST MUST MUST READ EVERY WORD. ... Netanyahu's speech and the end of the Israel lobby

Netanyahu's speech and the end of the Israel lobby

Does Iran Really Pose an 'Existential' Threat?.......... Is Israel's situation comparable to that on the Korean peninsula—or, to use the more familiar parallel, to that of European Jews menaced by Hitler in 1938? It most emphatically is not, if you pay any attention to the underlying facts

Does Iran Really Pose an 'Existential' Threat?

Is Israel's situation comparable to that on the Korean peninsula—or, to use the more familiar parallel, to that of European Jews menaced by Hitler in 1938? It most emphatically is not, if you pay any attention to the underlying facts