From any post click the photo across the page top to see the entire blog.


***** WOW. WOW. WOW. If you are even a little as brainwashed as I've been, watch this in full, ESPECIALLY starting min 19 on...... After Words: Heather Cox Richardson

After Words: Heather Cox Richardson

WOW.  WOW. WOW. If you are even a little as brainwashed as I've been, watch this in full, ESPECIALLY starting min 19 on.

In Israel, Jewish Divorce Is Only Granted By Husband's Permission

In Israel, Jewish Divorce Is Only Granted By Husband's Permission

Israeli security veterans speak out against Netanyahu speech...... “When the Israeli prime minister argues that his speech will stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, he is not only misleading Israel — he is strengthening Iran,” Amnon Reshef, former head of the army’s armored corps, said at a news conference Sunday.

Israeli security veterans speak out against Netanyahu speech

“When the Israeli prime minister argues that his speech will stop Iran
from obtaining nuclear weapons, he is not only misleading Israel — he is
strengthening Iran,” Amnon Reshef, former head of the army’s armored
corps, said at a news conference Sunday.

***** nd. In all my years I am just now for the first time seeing that the attack on the human rights of anyone is an attack on the human rights of everyone. I don't think there is anything clever in the seeing this. Little could be more objectively obvious. So why has it taken me so long? Because my culture, the western, U.S., White, male dominated culture, requires the embrace of hypocrisy, of delustion, on this point. In the way that Orwell spoke of down meaning up and up meaning down my culture depends upon the human rights of everyone meaning the human rights of the over privileged. And one growing up in an ocean of lies as I did finds it difficult to see the most obvious truth. Jesus, or some of the writers for him, saw this clearly. As you do unto the 'least of these' you do unto me - the foreigner, the enemy, the prisoner, the sick, the weak.... In mass we have not followed the likes of Jesus we have sprinted in the opposing direction and exactly as when cells in the body chronically that neglect their instructions the body begins to die of cancer rapidly. Whoever would trade safety for liberty will have neither is a paraphrase of one of the founding fathers . America, our chickens are coming home to roost.

In all my years I am just now for the first time seeing that the attack on the human rights of anyone is an attack on the human rights of everyone.  I don't think there is anything clever in the seeing this.  Little could be more objectively obvious.  So why has it taken me so long?  Because my culture, the western, U.S., White, male dominated culture, requires the embrace of hypocrisy, of delusion, on this point.  In the way that Orwell spoke of down meaning up and up meaning down my culture depends upon the human rights of everyone meaning the human rights of the over privileged.  And one growing up in an ocean of lies as I did finds it difficult to see the most obvious truth.  Jesus, or some of the writers for him, saw this clearly.  As you do unto the 'least of these' you do unto me - the foreigner, the enemy, the prisoner, the sick, the weak....  In mass we have not followed the likes of Jesus we have sprinted in the opposing direction and exactly as when cells in the body chronically that neglect their instructions the body begins to die of cancer rapidly. Whoever would trade safety for liberty will have neither is a paraphrase of one of the founding fathers .  America, our chickens are coming home to roost. 

***** The Real Ruler of Israel: Sheldon Adelson by URI AVNERY

Former US secretary: Netanyahu speech ‘poisoning’ ties Robert Reich, who headed Department of Labor under Clinton, says Tuesday’s Congress address pitting Jews against Israel

Obama, you are finally losing my trust and respect...... effrey Sterling didn’t hurt anyone, yet he is facing up to 100 years behind bars for nothing more than being a whistleblower. President Barack Obama has repeatedly promised to protect whistleblowers from prosecution and punishment, even though he has used the Espionage Act more than all previous administrations. Those pledges apparently only apply to those who out corruption in private industries, rather than within federal law enforcement and international intelligence circles

19-Year-old Gang Rape Victim to Receive 200 Lashes and 6 Months in Jail in Saudi Arabia

***** profound lee profound lee important article. It’s worse than Scott Walker and Ted Cruz: Secrets of conservatives’ decades-long war on truth The right knows that facts and reason have a liberal bent. That's why their decades-long strategy is to lie

***** It’s not about nukes, it’s about the US shifting the power balance — Parsi

UK doctors shocked by Israeli barbarism in Gaza that kills and dismembers children


There are 30 million people living in modern-day slavery throughout the world. Surely, a 10-year-old girl couldn't help them all. But Vivienne wanted to do something, so she set a starting goal of helping to free 500 children, which, according to her father, would cost about $100,000.

Israel used “disappearance” of soldier as pretext for killing spree — rights group

They are not the hell your whales.

Coming home from kindergarten to discover Israel demolished your home Authorities this week demolished homes in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Saawa – for the fourth time

Muslim girl sings ‘Star Spangled Banner’ as Oklahoma anti-Islamic protesters scream insults

This SCOTUS destroyed America: How Citizens United is ruining more than our elections

***** A (Muslim) Facebook Sister: "I wanted to learn from you, how do you manage sitting there day after day, (on Capitol Hill or the White House to Free Palestine) this is what I wanted to know." My reply: "Sister, (you know the following better than I, but still, it is my answer). Your question brings to mind, among other things, a brief passage from Dr. King's Autobiography.... (details)

A (Muslim) Facebook Sister:  "I wanted to learn from you, how do you manage sitting there day after day, (on Capitol Hill or the White House to Free Palestine) this is what I wanted to know."   My reply:  "Sister,  (you know the following better than I, but still, it is my answer).  Your question brings to mind, among other things, a brief passage from Dr. King's Autobiography I was listening to yesterday as I returned from being on Capitol Hill all day.  He was mentioning what is central to my life now, these last 13 years or so, and to my answer to your question.  He said something like, 'I believe, and I believed, that what self-centered men can impose, other-centered men can throw off.'  Now when I heard this I thought two things, 1. Dr. King, who I adore, and revere, no sir, you are wrong.  It is too little, to late. The evil people, the self-centered people are going to 'win' by destroying everything and everyone that is decent, and then themselves.  But 2. I thought, yes sir, you've just described the only two ways we humans can Be, self-centered  or other-centered.  Dr. King may be wrong, I may be wrong, but my answer to you sister is, I have chosen to pay any and every personal price to keep the world's most suffering people at the very 'center' of my being, every breath. I make it my top priority to notice when my attention is drifting elswhere and through meditation, prayer, focus... I re-direct my full attention to the world's neediest, the Palestinians.  That's it. The rest is our Creator-given nervious system design doing what it does when it deeply 'sees' others suffering.  When the center of our being is the suffering of others, it mobilizes us to respond. - empathy does that.  And it harnesses the head to figure the best moment by moment response to best help, to best serve.  For me, with my skills, abilities, talents, location, language and LIMITATIONS... it is, when my body allows, and weather allows, to do my online study, advocacy, writing... out in DC with posters people have helped me purchase that advocate for Palestine.  I'm desperate to know how to do more, but so far, this is the best I can see.  And also, I think by your question you are deliberately showing me kind encouragement, and I appreciate that. (hugs)"

From a “beautiful young man” to Jihadi John – What happened?...... After the identity of the infamous ISIS executioner, Mohammed Emwazi aka “Jihadi John” was revealed on Thursday, questions have been raised about the British security services’ role in radicalising him. Dilly Hussain explains why the MI5’s misdoings must be challenged.

From a “beautiful young man” to Jihadi John – What happened?

Eric Foner on Reconstruction and its Legacy

Eric Foner on Reconstruction and its Legacy

They are not the hell your whales.

Nd. All of those who support Bernie Sanders support the slaughter of Palestinian children.

All of those who support Bernie Sanders support the slaughter of Palestinian children.

posted from Bloggeroid

liberal Moscow has struggled to wrap its head around something that seemed like it simply couldn’t happen, until it did.

Nd. Dear Rudy Giuliani, I do not love your America, I hate it. Your America is elitism, division, white supremacy, rape and plunder of the world's resources, rape and plunder of the world's poor, worship of stuff over worship of people's well-being, worship of power over worship of love, worship of leisure over worship of service, worship of lust over love, lies illusion and deception over truth. Satan over God. . Your america is the american dream. .your america is the american dream. . I hate it. With every fiber of my being, I hate your america. So does Jesus. So does God. .My America that I love is the America of the lies I was taught in Elementary School, the lies our politicians speak, the lies of the propaganda called news: liberty and justice for all, give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to be free, democracy, justice, civil rights, human rights, Christian. My America never existed except in the hearts and minds of a very very very few people. My america that I love is the lies we tell our children and ouselves. I'll give my life for that america. I'll continue to give my life to create that america. I will do so knowing that I will completely fail.

Dear Rudy Giuliani, I do not love your America, I hate it. Your America is elitism, division, white supremacy, rape and plunder of the world's resources, rape and plunder of the world's poor, worship of stuff over worship of people's well-being, worship of power over worship of love, worship of leisure over worship of service, worship of lust over love, lies illusion and deception over truth. Satan over God. . Your america is the american dream. .your america is the american dream. . I hate it. With every fiber of my being, I hate your america. So does Jesus. So does God.

.My America that I love is the America of the lies I was taught in Elementary School, the lies our politicians speak, the lies of the propaganda called news: liberty and justice for all, give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to be free, democracy, justice, civil rights, human rights, Christian. My America never existed except in the hearts and minds of a very very very few people. My america that I love is the lies we tell our children and ouselves. I'll give my life for that america. I'll continue to give my life to create that america. I will do so knowing that I will completely fail.

posted from Bloggeroid

Jim Carrey on Spirituality and Overcoming Depression

More than a third of the population in Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Latvia and Hungary are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, according to a new report. In half of the EU's 28 member states, at least one in three children live in poverty

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq...... The people you are allowing to control your world are living a fantasy

posted from Bloggeroid

Magnificent mushrooms. Save the pictures because we are destroying roughly 100 species per day.

***** READ THIS. The return of the 19th century.

In winter Israel cuts off electricity to thousands of West Bank Palestinians

800,000 truckloads are required to meet Gaza’s current housing needs created by destruction during repeated Israeli attacks and population growth during eight years of siege. Oxfam says that less than 0.25 percent of this figure entered Gaza between November 2014 and January 2015.

nd. I am feeling horrible about the massive hours I am spending every day trying to understand the world barely well enough to function responsibly within it. I do not think the problem is entirely or even mostly my own. Rather, what I think it is revealing to me is: 1. That what purports to be a news media today is nothing of the sort, quite he opposite, by consequence of operating in a delusional culture, a consumer culture, and increasingly a malevolent ruling class; 2. Lies and illusions gush at ever higher rates at us from industry and the government burying the truth under mountains of sludge; 3. Our culture, our white, Euro American culture is based on 600 years of barbarity and continuing, and up until 15 years ago my education was those centuries of lies; so necessarily it is taking massive time to even begin to climb out past those lies to see the truth - taking almost all of my time.

I am feeling horrible about the massive hours I am spending every day trying to understand the world barely well enough to function responsibly within it.  I do not think the problem is entirely or even mostly my own.  Rather, what I think it is revealing to me is: 1.  That what purports to be a news media today is nothing of the sort, quite he opposite, by consequence of operating in a delusional culture, a consumer culture, and increasingly a malevolent ruling class; 2.  Lies and illusions gush at ever higher rates at us from industry and the government burying the truth under mountains of sludge; 3.  Our culture, our white, Euro American culture is based on 600 years of barbarity and continuing, and up until 15 years ago my education was those centuries of lies; so necessarily it is taking massive time to even begin to climb out past those lies to see the truth - taking almost all of my time.

nd. Friends, I am not interested in my own opinion, so, no offense, I am not interested in your, on the world's great issues, which is all my life is concerned with. I am interested in facts, or as close as we can get thereto.

Friends, I am not interested in my own opinion, so, no offense, I am not interested in your, on the world's great issues, which is all my life is concerned with. I am interested in facts, or as close as we can get thereto.

nd. :-( No White House Free Palestine Vigil today - the 2/3 of my large intestine still left did not feel right this morning... and given the extreme cold, and such, I felt it unwise to take the risk of an accident. So cold I think there would be little traffic in front of the White House, and of those few, fewer that would stop, look and think, let alone talk. Next Vigil projected for Monday on Capitol Hill the day prior to Satanyahu's seditious talk to congress.

nd.  :-(  No White House Free Palestine Vigil today - the 2/3 of my large intestine still left did not feel right this morning... and given the extreme cold, and such, I felt it unwise to take the risk of an accident.  So cold I think there would be little traffic in front of the White House, and of those few, fewer that would stop, look and think, let alone talk.  Next Vigil projected for Monday on Capitol Hill the day prior to Satanyahu's seditious talk to congress.

"The Invention Of Israel" by Shlomo Sand

"The Invention Of Israel" by Shlomo Sand


American blogger hacked to death in Bangladesh....... !?@!@$LKJ@????? WHERE THE HELL ARE THE US NEWS STORIES ON THIS??!!?!?

American blogger hacked to death in Bangladesh

nd. Free Palestine vigil resumed. No lack of health could keep me from capitol hill two out of three of the last days before Netanyahu comes to fan the flames of civil war here in America to enable him to continue his terror campaign on Palestine. In spite of the bitter cold going down another 10 degrees tomorrow I hope to be on the north side of the White House tomorrow and possibly Sunday, returning to capitol hill Monday for as many days during the week has my body will allow.

Free Palestine vigil resumed.  No lack of health could keep me from capitol hill two out of three of the last days before Netanyahu comes to fan the flames of civil war here in America to enable him to continue his terror campaign on Palestine.  In spite of the bitter cold going down another 10 degrees tomorrow I hope to be on the north side of the White House tomorrow and possibly Sunday, returning to capitol hill Monday for as many days during the week has my body will allow.

City Destroys Homeless Man’s Encampment And Belongings Without Warning

City Destroys Homeless Man’s Encampment And Belongings Without Warning

'Gestapo' tactics at US police 'black site' ring alarm from Chicago to Washington

'Gestapo' tactics at US police 'black site' ring alarm from Chicago to Washington

Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza - Opinion ..... ***** "Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza Israel is heading to the next violent eruption with the Palestinians as though it is some sort of natural disaster that can't be avoided."

Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza - Opinion

*****  "Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza
Israel is heading to the next violent eruption with the Palestinians as though it is some sort of natural disaster that can't be avoided." 

***** August 2014 ............... OPINION: Why the Israel lobby’s grip on US politics may be waning | Al Jazeera America

OPINION: Why the Israel lobby’s grip on US politics may be waning | Al Jazeera America

Louisiana Man Got Life in Prison for Selling $20 of Pot

Louisiana Man Got Life in Prison for Selling $20 of Pot

***** Nov 2014..... Netanyahu Is a National Security Risk—And Washington Knows It - IPS

Netanyahu Is a National Security Risk—And Washington Knows It - IPS

Senate Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu to America

Senate Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu to America

UN Security Council powers may lose veto on genocide votes

UN Security Council powers may lose veto on genocide votes

Scandinavian countries condemn Israel's disproportionate violence, sends millions to aid Palestinians......................."Denmark, Finland and Norway are backing the Palestinian people in Gaza with substantial medical aid. As the first two countries in the world to have an official diplomatic Palestinian representative, Denmark and Finland followed the EU position of condemning Israeli attacks on innocent Gazans."

Scandinavian countries condemn Israel's disproportionate violence, sends millions to aid Palestinians

"Denmark, Finland and Norway are backing the Palestinian people in Gaza with substantial medical aid. As the first two countries in the world to have an official diplomatic Palestinian representative, Denmark and Finland followed the EU position of condemning Israeli attacks on innocent Gazans."

Lost limbs and shattered lives: the British doctors on the frontline in Gaza

Lost limbs and shattered lives: the British doctors on the frontline in Gaza

Jewish Defense League thugs found guilty of assault at Palestine event in London

Jewish Defense League thugs found guilty of assault at Palestine event in London

Netanyahu, Hamas, the Murders in France, and the Stoking of Islamophobia

A Texas sports broadcaster's confession makes a powerful statement about racism

offensive when, after 9/11, some Americans would bemoan that terrorism had finally breached U.S. borders. "That is ignoring and trivializing -- if not just summarily dismissing -- all the people, especially the peoples of color in this country, who were lynched in this country; who had their homes bombed in this country; who were victims of race riots," he said

KKK Was Terrorizing America Decades Before Islamic State Appeared

Film by street artist Banksy highlights plight of Gaza

Finding Gaza Unbearable, Artist Creates Her Own World in One Room

Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, asked the international community to put Israel and its leaders on the terror list. The request was voiced after state-backed Jewish settlers set fire to a mosque and a church in the West Bank over two consecutive days

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Iran Exaggerations Now Clear for All To See

Records show a 19-year-old accused of killing a Las Vegas mother in a neighborhood gunbattle suffered a severe head injury at the hands of his father when he was a 7-week-old infant.

The Right’s Fear of Education: What I Learned As a (Former) Conservative Military Man

Saudi-Funded French Weapons Sent To Lebanon To Destroy Hezbollah

“Castrate them!” “Burn them!” “Bullet in the head!”: Facebook Israelis react to photo of Palestinian kids

Book review: how Israeli school textbooks teach kids to hate

Pope Francis arranges for homeless man to be buried in the Vatican

US-Bangladesh blogger Avijit Roy hacked to death....... Aside from Israel's plan to take over the entire Middle East who is benefiting from this?


“It’s ugly, it’s vicious, it’s brutal”: Cornel West on Israel in Palestine — and why Gaza is “the hood on steroids”............."One can no longer say one is a serious progressive, let alone committed to moral integrity, without lifting one’s voice to call for an end to the Occupation of the Palestinian people. We have got to make that more and more a central part of our action."

“It’s ugly, it’s vicious, it’s brutal”: Cornel West on Israel in Palestine — and why Gaza is “the hood on steroids”

"One can no longer say one is a serious progressive, let alone committed to moral integrity, without lifting one’s voice to call for an end to the Occupation of the Palestinian people. We have got to make that more and more a central part of our action."

Netanyahu is a maniac says Norman Finkelstein (Video)

Netanyahu is a maniac says Norman Finkelstein (Video)

Method and Madness: Norman Finkelstein: 9781939293718: Books

Method and Madness: Norman Finkelstein: 9781939293718: Books

Noam Chomsky on Syria, China, Capitalism, and Ferguson | #GRITtv ▪

Noam Chomsky on Syria, China, Capitalism, and Ferguson | #GRITtv ▪

Jewish Voice For Peace Endorses BDS · Jewschool........ ***** EXCELLENT ARTICLE - MATURE, CORRECT, INFORMED VIEW. PLS READ.

Jewish Voice For Peace Endorses BDS · Jewschool

Why the rise of fascism is again the issue........ "On July 3, 1979, the White House secretly authorised $500 million in arms and logistics to support tribal "fundamentalist" groups known as the mujaheddin. The aim was the overthrow of Afghanistan's first secular, reformist government. In August 1979, the US embassy in Kabul reported that "the United States' larger interests... would be served by the demise of [the PDPA government], despite whatever setbacks this might mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan." The italics are mine."

Why the rise of fascism is again the issue

"On July 3, 1979, the White House secretly authorised $500 million in arms and logistics to support tribal "fundamentalist

groups known as the mujaheddin. The aim was the overthrow of
Afghanistan's first secular, reformist government. In August 1979, the
US embassy in Kabul reported that "the United States' larger
interests... would be served by the demise of [the PDPA government],
despite whatever setbacks this might mean for future social and economic
reforms in Afghanistan." The italics are mine."

***** vid. 30 sec. Zionist: All Arabs will be our slaves. IT WILL BE PERFECT.

nd. nd. If you were not born yet, would you want to be born into the 2015 world, with its dystopian future? Not me. No way in Hell. 1. Get out of Amerikka... go to Scandinavia if you are young. 2. DON'T HAVE CHILDREN. 3. DO WHAT YOU CAN RESPONSIBLY TO ENCOURAGE OTHERS THE MERCY OF ABSTAINING FROM HAVING CHILDREN, AS WELL.

nd.  nd.  If you were not born yet, would you want to be born into the 2015 world, with its dystopian future?  Not me.  No way in Hell.  1. Get out of Amerikka... go to Scandinavia if you are young. 2. DON'T HAVE CHILDREN. 3. DO WHAT YOU CAN RESPONSIBLY TO ENCOURAGE OTHERS THE MERCY OF ABSTAINING FROM HAVING CHILDREN, AS WELL.

pic. No matter what else, as long as you be good, you will attempt good, and there will be good in the world, and good will be possible.

Why the rise of fascism is again the issue.......... On July 3, 1979, the White House secretly authorised $500 million in arms and logistics to support tribal "fundamentalist" groups known as the mujaheddin. The aim was the overthrow of Afghanistan's first secular, reformist government. In August 1979, the US embassy in Kabul reported that "the United States' larger interests... would be served by the demise of [the PDPA government], despite whatever setbacks this might mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan." The italics are mine.

Why the rise of fascism is again the issue

Obama Calls Out America's Dismal Voter Turnout: 'Why Are You Staying Home?'......... A liberal citizen is watching the shovel in his front yard all day, 'SEE, THAT DAMN THING DOESN'T WORK! I'VE BEEN SITTING HERE WATCHING IT, ALL DAY LONG, AND IT HASN'T DUG ONE DARN THING!"

Obama Calls Out America's Dismal Voter Turnout: 'Why Are You Staying Home?'

Israel settlers torch W. Jerusalem Christian school - World Bulletin

Israel settlers torch W. Jerusalem Christian school - World Bulletin

Nat Turner (October 2, 1800 – November 11, 1831) was an African-American slave who led a slave rebellion of slaves and free blacks in Southampton County, Virginia on August 21, 1831 that resulted in 60 white deaths.

Why the right hates American history

Why the right hates American history

Oxfam: Rebuilding Gaza will take more than a century

Oxfam: Rebuilding Gaza will take more than a century


Poll: Majority Of Americans Opposed To 'Net Neutrality' Rules

I've never been more serious: IF YOU ARE YOUNG, AND IF YOU HAVE A YOUNG

Escape from Hasidism Deborah Feldman talks to Salon about her journey from hyper-repressed Jewish enclave to feminist single motherhood

Benjamin Netanyahu Has Been Lying to Americans For 20 Years

The Brief Life and Private Death of Alexandria Hill

Forensic expert says Israeli forces killing of 19-year-old Palestinian ‘similar to an execution

Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?


The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site'

The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site'

The real reasons Iran is so committed to its nuclear program

The real reasons Iran is so committed to its nuclear program

Palestinian 10-year-old girl injured in Israeli settler hit-and-run

Almost 50% of British Muslims believe they face discrimination because of their faith and that Britain is becoming less tolerant, while the same percentage feel prejudice against Islam makes it difficult being a Muslim in the UK, according to a BBC poll

One in three Germans say capitalism to blame for poverty, hunger

Suspected Israeli extremists have torched a Palestinian mosque in the West Bank and left Hebrew graffiti at the site.


Hawking chose aggression and warned that a nuclear war could end civilization and possibly the human race. We need to replace aggression with empathy, which "brings us together in a peaceful loving state,” he said.

Benjamin Netanyahu backers hint at consequences for Democrats who boycott speech

Benjamin Netanyahu backers hint at consequences for Democrats who boycott speech

***** vid. 2 min. World Hijab Day - Interview

What Would Malcolm X Think?...... "Malcolm would bemoan the lack of sustained, targeted activism. Yes, there are many people continuing the hard work that began after Ferguson. But far too many have moved on. Today when people speak about how we must fight racism, the “threat” feels empty. We have softened to the point of apathy, and everyone is so easily distracted from activism by pop culture and high-tech consumerism. How can we expect change when no one feels accountable to provide justice — including grand juries and district attorneys?"

What Would Malcolm X Think?

Malcolm would bemoan the lack of sustained, targeted activism. Yes, there are
many people continuing the hard work that began after Ferguson. But far
too many have moved on. Today when people speak about how we must fight
racism, the “threat” feels empty. We have softened to the point of
apathy, and everyone is so easily distracted from activism by pop
culture and high-tech consumerism. How can we expect change when no one
feels accountable to provide justice — including grand juries and
district attorneys?

50 Years After Murder, Malcolm X Remembered by Daughter Ilyasah Shabazz & Friend A. Peter Bailey

50 Years After Murder, Malcolm X Remembered by Daughter Ilyasah Shabazz & Friend A. Peter Bailey

As Netanyahu Tries to Stop U.S.-Iran Deal, Leaked Cables Show Israeli Spies Reject His Nuke Claims

As Netanyahu Tries to Stop U.S.-Iran Deal, Leaked Cables Show Israeli Spies Reject His Nuke Claims

Revolt at "Ritmo": Dire Conditions in For-Profit Texas Immigration Jail Spark Prisoner Uprising

Revolt at "Ritmo": Dire Conditions in For-Profit Texas Immigration Jail Spark Prisoner Uprising

The Disappeared: Police Detain Americans at Abuse-Laden 'Black Site'

The Disappeared: Police Detain Americans at Abuse-Laden 'Black Site'

***** pic. My Religion is Universal Family, that I will happily die for. Serving the Neediest, from the Soul, in Solidarity. Those whose Religion is the same, follow my Father. ALL others follow the Other One.

"Tomasi argued that there are many obstacles that keep poor people from purchasing drugs, but called out one issue as particularly devastating: the abuse of intellectual property laws by pharmaceutical companies."